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Celebrity Secrets they usually don't tell you about


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but they pay $21.75/gal for bottled water & they love it! Go figure.


Our filter in the basement by Teledyne Waterpik that connects to our fridge & we get all our drinking water from it is the best. I have garbage men filling up, I have letter carriers filling up & it is FREE to them! Just bring your bottle!!!


We have never had a problem with the drinking water provided in the silver pitcher provided by the cabin steward! Still can't bring myself to pay for water... Remember, Evian backwards spells naive! DH pointed out yesterday that Beer has now become cheaper than bottled water! Go figure!:rolleyes:
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Here's another tip some people don't seem to know about! If for any reason you want to be moved to Main or Late seating, on embarkation day, head to the restaurant and ask the to be moved.

On embarkation day we tried asking to be moved to Main seating on our March Mercury Cruise. We were told so sorry - there were over 100 people asking for main seating ahead of us. We tried the next day and the next with no luck.


On day 3, our cabin steward took pity on us. She told us to tell the alternative dining reservations people we wanted to make a reservation for the rest of the cruise at 6:00. We did that and 2 chairs "magically appeared" at the main seating. Funny thing was they assigned us to a table for 8 and no one else ever showed up at this table for the rest of the cruise.

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thank you very much for sharing the inf. on rccl stock. we have some also.

we were just on vos out of NJ for 9 days, we could haved used the credit then.

we are booked on the constellation for a transatlantic cruise for 15 days. 09/06.

we have sailed 9 times with rccl, 3 times with ncl and 2 with carnival, but we only have rccl stock, it would be nice if all the cruises lines were offering the same thing, nothing wrong with a bargain. thanks again

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thank you very much for sharing the inf. on rccl stock. we have some also.

we were just on vos out of NJ for 9 days, we could haved used the credit then.

we are booked on the constellation for a transatlantic cruise for 15 days. 09/06.

we have sailed 9 times with rccl, 3 times with ncl and 2 with carnival, but we only have rccl stock, it would be nice if all the cruises lines were offering the same thing, nothing wrong with a bargain. thanks again


Carnival offers the same deal to stockholders for any of their cruiselines, unless you are on a highly discounted cruise. The amount of the credit depends on the number of cruisedays. I have used it several times on HAL>

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Okay, I read through 14 pages of this thread and didn't see the answer to my question. So don't hate me if I missed it:rolleyes:


Does the Summit have a laundry bag with a one price for all the laundry in the bag? If so, does anyone know how large the bag is and how much it costs?

Doing a 14 day cruise in Sept. and don't want to have to pack clothes for all 14 days.:)

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Hey Getaway, How you doing! On X you are charged by the piece. The bags are paper and are used for Landry and Dry Cleaning. The cost varies by the piece. The bags and landry slips will be in your closet when you arrive. I think it was $3.50 to have one tux shirt to be laundered. Turn in today get it back tomorrow or add 15 percent for same day service( I think:confused: , but it’s close).~Rick

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Okay, I read through 14 pages of this thread and didn't see the answer to my question. So don't hate me if I missed it:rolleyes:


Does the Summit have a laundry bag with a one price for all the laundry in the bag? If so, does anyone know how large the bag is and how much it costs?

Doing a 14 day cruise in Sept. and don't want to have to pack clothes for all 14 days.:)

Nope -- all laundry is by the piece by type, as is the dry cleaning. Ask your room steward for as many bags as you need. Each will come with a slip so you can mark how many of each piece type -- just like in any hotel. I always split laundry, dry cleaning and press-only in separate bags so nobody gets confused as to what's what.


Piece prices follow (I'd swear I posted this somewhere in this thread):


Laundry Services






Dress $5.50.........Trousers $3.75


Skirt $2.75.........Shorts $2.50


Slacks $3.25........Sport Shirt $2.75


Blouse $3.25........Regular Shirt $2.75


Blazer $4.25........Formal Shirt $3.50


Sweater $2.75.......Under Shirt $1.00


Pajamas $3.25.......Under Shorts $1.00


Night Gown $3.25....T-Shirt $2.25


Slip $1.50..........Pajamas $3.50


Brassiere $1.50.....Handkerchief $0.75


Panties $1.00.......Sweater $2.75


Hosiery $1.00.......Socks $1.00


Handkerchief $0.75..Sweatshirt $2.50


Bathing Suit $1.75..Bathing Suit $1.75


Sports Shirt $2.75


Shorts $2.50


Socks $1.00


Sweatshirt $2.50



Dry-Cleaning & Pressing Services





Suit $7.00..........Suit $7.00


Dress $6.00.........Sport Jacket $5.50


Skirt $4.50.........Tuxedo Jacket $6.00


Blouse $3.75........Vest $3.50


Blazer $5.00........Shirt $3.50


Slacks $4.50........Trousers $4.00


Evening Gown $7.50..Tie $2.00


Silk Blouse $5.50...Sweater $3.50


Scarf $1.50



Pressing-Only Services




Suit $3.50..........Suit $3.50


Blazer $2.50........Sport Jacket $2.50


Slacks $2.25........Tuxedo Jacket $3.00


Skirt $2.50.........Trousers $2.25


Blouse $2.25........Sport Shirt $1.50


Shirt $1.75.........Regular Shirt $2.00


Dress $3.75.........Formal Shirt $2.50


Evening Gown $4.50..Vest $1.75


Silk Blouse $2.75

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Does the Summit have a laundry bag with a one price for all the laundry in the bag? If so, does anyone know how large the bag is and how much it costs?

Doing a 14 day cruise in Sept. and don't want to have to pack clothes for all 14 days.:)


1 point is awarded to HAL on this. The $30 I spent for the unlimited pressing package on my last cruise was the best $30 I ever spent.

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We get off with the last group. ..... I'm still waiting for someone to tell me why it is wrong to do this. I'm sure we are offending someone by doing this but it sure saves the hassle of the crowds.


Doesn't offend ME... but we must keep this idea away from the 'unwashed masses' who aren't savvy enuf to read these postings! If EVERYone starts waiting until the last group is called, THAT will turn out to be the long crowded line you're trying to avoid. Ah... the irony! So, sh-h-h-h-h!:cool: :cool:

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Re: Requesting food not listed on the menu card: I assume you're saying that CC (Concierge Class) was NOT necessary for success. We had CC on our last cruise and yes, we could write in what we wanted. We didn't think CC was worth the extra $$ and won't get it again, probably. I'm hoping you're saying that we can get eggs & bacon, omelettes, etc., for bkfast in an 'ordinary' class cabin by writing it on the door card? Right?

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...It still amazes me to see how many people have their waiters and cabin attendants jump thru extra hoops. One voice says that they all work too hard, another says that if you want it, just ask for it and they will be at you beck and call. We live the simple life at home and certainly wouldn't treat the staff on the ship as our personal servants.


I both agree :) and disagree:mad: . They work their asses off, but they are professionals. They may not be your personal servants, but they are servants: group servants if you will. What is important is your attitude toward them. I have the utmost respect for the table waiters and cabin staff. They work impossible hours and are talented, trained professionals... so I PAY them and TREAT them accordingly. We always order extra food, extra desserts, sprigs of mint for our iced tea, etc. and we always leave larger-than-recommended tips. Believe me, after the first dinner, they know that we admire and respect them. We don't demand, we ask politely... and we always let them know that it's no big deal if they can't satisfy any of our silly special requests. So, if you want it, ASK for it (don't demand it). Ask for TWO of it if you like! But show them the same respect and courtesy you'd give your DOCTOR... and pay/tip them well! Our best waiters seemed to consider our requests as a chance to "show off" how good they were and never acted as though they thought we were asking them to 'jump thru hoops'. You deserve the service... and they deserve the respect and money.:o And, yes, as others have suggested: be sure to write complimentary remarks about them on those last-day comment cards. We've also written RCCL/Celebrity emails to specifically mention to the 'home office' the staff members that we think excelled.

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The “Golden Rule” should apply always anyway. If you were doing that job how would like to treated by the guests. Seek out you ethnic background, learn a few words, and learn a wee bit about their county. You service will up a notch above the great service. I’m Croatian-Scottish - American and there a lot of Croats working X form waiters to Restaurant Mangers to Bar Managers. They are such great people. Also if you are not carefull you just might learn something.

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The “Golden Rule” should apply always anyway. If you were doing that job how would like to treated by the guests. Seek out you ethnic background, learn a few words, and learn a wee bit about their county. You service will up a notch above the great service. I’m Croatian-Scottish - American and there a lot of Croats working X form waiters to Restaurant Mangers to Bar Managers. They are such great people. Also if you are not carefull you just might learn something.


I'm a bit confused by your post. You would not know the ethnic background of your steward or waiter/tress until after you boarded, how would you learn that information after you are onboard? I apologize if that is a stupid question, but perhaps I am misunderstanding what you are saying.


I agree that your attitude towards people makes all the difference in the world. On our last cruise we had a delightful lady for our steward, we always said hello when we saw her, joked with her, and thanked her repeatedly for her kind actions, the night before we debarked. We said goodbye to her, she grabbed me and kissed me on the cheek. Very sweet lady. I try as much as possible to make their job easy and not make any requests that would be difficult for them to do. I know I personally couldn't do their jobs, it's a lot of hard work, long hours and not great pay. A little kindness goes a long way.

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As you say there is no way to know who you will get. However, you do know your background. I actively seek out the Scots and Croats on the crew and staff. My wife is Filipino and she makes friends with the

Filipinos. If we are lucky enough to have one for a cabin steward or waiter so much the better. I have learned a lot of Croatian and a lot about the costumes and country, the people. It’s so much better if you speak their language. We have made so many good friends on board that we visited our waiter in Croatia for a month last year. It was such a great time. We have even book a ship he was on just to have for our waiter again. I wrote a letter to the Restaurant Manager and asked for him before the cruise. It was a great 28 days.

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At dinner How many main course's i have? and how much dessert (assuming i am eating in the main dinning room) I am 21 years old, and i like to eat, and on carnival and royal carribian, they just keep bring it.


I've just lost 20 lbs in prep for my next cruise. I'll just say "I'll have the (appetizer 1) and the (appetizer 2), the (salad name), the (soup name), and both the (entre 1) and (entre 2). Or, on lobster night, "I'll have 2 orders of the lobster, please". Ditto dessert if you see two you like. I never double every course, but frequently double 2 of the courses (2 appetizers and 2 entres or desserts). On the first night, I usually ask "May I order both the (entre 1) and the (entre 2)?" as if I didn't already know. The waiter's answer, of course, is always "yes", but I'm never pushy about it. I figure it's a privilege to double-up orders, extra work for the waiter and deserving of extra tip money and a great deal of respect and politeness toward him/her for the superb job they do!! They're so kind, patient and talented at their craft!

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<(Note: Our own drinks tend to be items not available on ship like local beers.)>


If we take out the ship's items in the fridge and replace them with things we've brought from home or bought in port, the cabin steward always removes the ship's items from the cabin. However, when we have purchased vodka or liqueurs in Mexico, for example, we have to turn those over when we reboard the ship. I would think that when you purchase beer in a port, the same thing would happen. ???:confused:

RE: mini-bar items & fridge use.

On both our Mercury cruises, the steward left the mini-bar items but said we could put them up on the shelf above the fridge. Someone said they were charged just for 'touching' the items... what ship? What kind of fridge? We did have a fridge on another cruise line in which all the mini-bottles and sodas were in little vending machine-like slots and the door sticker warned that removing them would cause a charge on our bill!! If the fridge on your cruise is just an open space with loose cans and bottles in it, there is no way they could know if you "touched" them! We've had NO problems. We bring a little rum onboard in a nondescript bottle as well as a 12-pack or 2 of beer and a small 6-pack sized cooler. We bring beer onboard from the local ports, passing it through the x-ray machine... no problems, although we DO carry it onboard usually in a backpack so it's not conspicuous. We also bring sodas onboard at different ports. We've not had problems on the Mercury, Grandeur or Radiance. We don't flaunt it. I suppose they would confiscate an unopened bottle of liquor since there are possible 'duty' consequences if taken ashore in the US, but since the beer & sodas are for consumption onboard and will not go ashore with us in the USA, they'd have a hard time getting away with confiscating (holding for departure, that is) beer & sodas.

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You would not know the ethnic background of your steward or waiter/tress until after you boarded, how would you learn that information after you are onboard?


You'll see your cabin steward in the hall and your waiter many times each night. Just ask them! "What's your nationality?" "What's your home town?" Of course, you do not want delay them with involved conversation while they're working, but there are many chances to engage them in conversation: while waiting for the other tablemates to arrive, as you're leaving the diningroom. Many quick questions and short conversations can be very informative. On our first Mercury trip, our waiters were brothers, BOTH named 'Katut' (Ka-toot) from Bali. One of them was so proud and happy at our interest in their families and towns that he brought us picture postcards one night and insisted that we keep them. I expect excellent service and only engage them in conversation out of genuine interest... not a ploy to get better service. I've seen them give excellent service to guys were absolute jerks! They're professionals. I imagine that they don't get a lot of opportunity to talk about themselves, so like everyone I've ever known, they enjoy talking and we learn so much from them! Just be considerate of their busy activities and don't monopolize them.

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Thanks everyone for the tip about the investor's onboard credit. I purchased the stock last week and just received confirmation that we will get the credit on our cruise next week! This is a great thread!

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RE: mini-bar items & fridge use.

On both our Mercury cruises, the steward left the mini-bar items but said we could put them up on the shelf above the fridge.

We've tried that on the M-Class ships. Big problem. There's a triangular hole you might not notice in the back of that shelf of considerable size. I believe it's there to move the warm air from out behind the fridge. The soda and beer cans don't stand up in that space, too short ... and guess where they all wanted to roll -- and drop down behind the fridge!


Just a warning -- our experience on this is 100% consistent -- the fridges don't keep anything very cold.

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We have proof. An upgrade from inside guarantee to Verandah outside the elevator for a friend who posted how terrific Captain Club was. She named names, dates & times & the boss was reading, put 2 & 2 together & wrote the compliment with a copy of the post to investigate who the real person was & BINGO, she gets a phonecall, talks about the overcharge she received from her TA, and no one at "X" would assist with getting it lowered, and read the list of name, dates, times since they charged her credit card not the TA. So an upgrade to Verandah from low budget inside. FABULOUS!!!!


So when you post compliments, name names, dates, time of call, etc since the bosses are reading us. Complaints also since we can see our complaints posted were read & fixed!!! WE RULE!


So keep up the great work, and "X" will stay #1 with us as well as Conde Naste Traveler.

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We are sailing for the first time on Celebrity Mercury (22July) next week in a triple outside cabin. Man, an upgrade to a verandah would be to die for!!! Maybe someone wants to reasearch this and upgrade us?? Hehe.


:rolleyes: Babs and Eric Fletcher with :rolleyes: Dana Madrid (names included just in case someone is curious!!)


(researching should be easier this way)

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we are long time members of the captains club and love the coupon book that celebrity supplies. also the cocktail party that the captain throws for the members is to die for, never have i seen such a great party. although we pray for an upgrade each an every cruise, we have never received one and are always very happy with our inside guarantee. our next cruise is mercury 10/31/05 and this is the second year in a row we are on this mexican cruise. we have however, on our last HAL cruise been invited to the captain's table for dinner and my wife sat on the captains right and had a great conversation with him over dinner, hopefully one day we will receive an upgrade and/or a seat at the captains dinner table on X. let me know if anyone knows the secret to obtaining these wishes.

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