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Cruising with a 2 yrd old-bad idea?


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Well I guess it doesn't matter whether or not it is a good idea - she is going. I know Camp Carnival is supposed to be wonderful - the problem is most of the postings are from families with older kids (I have no doubt my 11 yr son will have fun). I am worried about being stuck in a cabin all week with a toddler, because I am afraid she is going to reek massive havoc on the ship. I do plan on putting her in the camp, but I can't leave her there all day.


Has anyone travled with such a young one? Any advice?

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My daughter was 11 when she went on her first cruise, so I can't speak for the Camp Carnival program for 2 year olds. I just wanted to forewarn you that some cc members think that children should not be allowed to cruise, so you may get negative responses to that effect. Don't let them deter you or try to talk you out of bringing the child on the cruise. Just pay attention to the responses from those that have actually sailed with children of that age.


Perhaps you can call Carnival and ask them to fax you a sample daily capers for the 2-5 year old camp carnival group. I know that they can do that because they faxed me one for the teenaged group. :)

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Get ready for some strong, divided opinions on this one. And not just from me.


Disclaimer: Personal opinion follows. YMMV


A few years ago, Las Vegas tried to reinvent itself as a "family" vacation destination. It didn't work. Personally, I consider cruise ships a similar venue. Kids do not belong there. Parents bring their kidlets along and then miraculously cease being parents, thinking of the cruise staff as a 24/7 babysitting service. The result is total chaos caused by unsupervised spawn of satan ankle-biters and the total lack of GUTS on the part of the cruise line employees to do a frickin' thing about unruly children and their irresponsible parents.


Celebrity offers occasional adults-only cruises on their ships. If the current situation aboard Carnival doesn't improve, that is where my future cruising dollars will be spent.

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Parents bring their kidlets along and then miraculously cease being parents, .....

Celebrity offers occasional adults-only cruises on their ships. If the current situation aboard Carnival doesn't improve, that is where my future cruising dollars will be spent.

You speaking for all parents? I'm a parent on board and off. I see unruly kids on board and off. There is nothing "Vegas like" about eating breakfast, swimming, touring, eating lunch, swimming, see a show, dinner, see a show, go for a stroll, go to bed, veg on balcony.


Please, Celebrity awaits you.

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Vesw, Camp Carnival does have a spot for 2 year olds and you can find a sample of activities on Carnival's website. I personally don't think cruising is for toddlers (you pay just as much and they won't remember it...), but, I know your grandmother is going with you, so I assume you don't have anyone at home to keep her, and you've already made full payment. Main problem I have seen with toddlers is at dinner in the dining room, but from your post yesterday, it sounds like you guys may not be doing the dining room? If you do decide to dine there, just remember your fellow diners and tablemates and if she gets fussy, try to take her out of the dining room... I can definitely see it being quite a handful taking a toddler on a cruise... and you certainly don't want to keep her in camp all day... hopefully you will find a balance and be able to enjoy the cruise.

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Ok, I must have mistated what I was trying to say - more like I must be crazy than is it a good idea.


I am the FIRST to agree that many parents leave the parenting up to whomever is around, but in my family that is not the case...


My son has been traveling since he was 9 days old (first air ride) and my daughter since she was 6 weeks (this will be her 4th flight). Anyone of you - like kids or not, would be honored to sit next to my son at dinner or on a flight. He is kind and polite and uses manners at all times (ok most times). He, like most kids his age, plays his gameboy (at appropriate times) and wears headphones to keep it from bothering the other people around him.


I have been to Vegas several times and agree - it is NOT a place for kids - you go there to gamble and that is it. I am going on a cruise to enjoy my family and the ports we will be visiting.


A cruise is a family destination and I had NEVER thought of it as for couple only. Going all the way back to the days of the Love Boat - they even promoted it as for families - so this is nothing new.


If some of you are so set on not being around kids - why not go to Couples where no kids are allowed?

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TEF : "spawn of satan ankle-biters "... LMAO


Frankly, I wish Carnival would offer some adults only cruises ... at least a few a year... now... are we talking 18+...21+... 25+.... my opinion would be a minimum of 21 - with 25 being even better ... with perhaps a cap of 85...LOL




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I totally agree. Bad parents and bad children are EVERYWHERE...not just cruise ship...cruising does not make good parents and good children all of the sudden forget who and what they are!


Having said that, I cruise with my children and ALL of mine including my 2 year old are going on our next one in Jan. My little son will be spending some time in Camp Carnival. That is what it is there for...to give the parents a break and let the kids play with other kids. He will not be staying there all of the time. We will spend time as a family as well but do not worry about it. Your 2 year old will have a wonderful time and now onboard they give you beepers to alert you if there is a problem. I would however not cruise during peak family cruising times so that the staff to child raito will be lower and your child will get more attention paid to him. And the staff really does seem to dote on small ones. Just use good judgement about how long to leave him there and also where to take him with you and such so that naps and meltdowns do not occur. There is nothing worse than to listen to a child raising cain and sreaming and having a fit and the parents acting like they are deaf and blind. But it is a wonderful vacation and do not let ANYONE talk you out of taking your little one with you.


Take care.

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You are absolutely correct - I am appauled by poor table manners and I am the first to get up and leave when my daughter is causing a commotion. I understand that others pay good money for their trip and I don't want to spoil anyone's vacation....


Yes, we are already paid in full and I wouldn't have cancelled anyway - I was just looking for those that had traveled and maybe some tips -


These boards have been extrememly helpful and I have been taking notes like crazy ...


***Any of those individuals who think cruising is not for kids - then you fork up some suggestions for a great-grandmother to do with her great-grandkids and has limited mobility.....yes we thought of many destinations, but when you aren't up to walking for the day - would you want to be trapped in a hotel room or would you rather be on a cruise where you can at least still be a part of the festivities?***************

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LOL Tom! You are a nut! We learned our lesson by cruising in July (won't do that again!), and hopefully this October will be much better, as well as next October. I ADORE children, I just personally don't think that a cruise is meant for toddlers, or kids under a certain age. If parents are responsible parents and keep their kids under control (under a watchful eye... it's the kids that go unsupervised that cause me trouble... and the parents that "pretend" they are supervising in the pool area, yet their children are running all over the place making it a miserable place to be)... I have no problem with children as long as they are well mannered. Problem seems to be, the "trouble" kids, the parents say "they are angels at home", but something brings out the demon on a ship... just be proactive and i am sure it will be fine. There are no Carnival cruises that are "adults only", if there were I can imagine it would be a very popular ship...


To me, Vegas is very similar to cruising... lots of shows, drinking, smoky areas, gambling, etc. While it is on a different level, there are many similarities. I would never go there just to gamble (if I had that kind of money, i would cruise more often! LOL!!!)



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I agree with GoinCruisin on several points. If you are a responsible parent, and don't let your kids misbehave in the dinning room or scream during the shows, and generally have taught them to behave themselves, then kids are OK. However, when people are trying to have a romantic cruise, runnning and screaming kids are not welcome. I can't tell you how many shows/weddings/movies/etc I've been to where crying children have disturbed other people's enjoyment. And I try to compliment the parents with well behaved kids.


From personal observation, parents who let their children misbehave get angry when someone else tells their kids not to run/scream, etc, but heaven forbide the little ones fall or get hurt! Legal threats all around!! It's also a good idea to make sure that if kids are not supposed to be someplace (like the adults only hot tub) that they respect those rules.


So, enjoy your cruise. Bring stuff to keep them entertained so you can enjoy yourself. If you are bringing you children up properly, it shouldn't be an issue.

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Personally, I consider cruise ships a similar venue. Kids do not belong there. Parents bring their kidlets along and then miraculously cease being parents, thinking of the cruise staff as a 24/7 babysitting service. The result is total chaos caused by unsupervised spawn of satan ankle-biters and the total lack of GUTS on the part of the cruise line employees to do a frickin' thing about unruly children and their irresponsible parents.

And let's not forget that if you try and "talk" to one of those children running amuk, be it on a cruise or anywhere else, the parent suddenly appears from nowhere and has some choice words to you for talking to THEIR child about their unruly behavior. I'm sorry but I side with the idea that cruises are for adults. Just MHO.

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Pete: I'll second that... a "good looking adult cruise..." sounds like it is time to charter a vessel!... (can we get some of the people who pose for the Carnival brochures and "beach resorts" TV ads to come along too??? --- as long as they check the attitudes at check-in!)




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Mine started with us when she was 2, and is now on her fourth cruise, with a fifth next May.


And we never put her in camp once. She may not remember, but YOU will.

Mr. Pete:

Like you our sons began cruising at young ages (5 and 8) and nor did we put them in Camp Carnival (personal choice - nothing against it (CEPT THE BOYS WERE HORRIFIED AT THE THOUGHT) ,and we (DH and I) throughly enjoyed every minute we spent onboard with them. Now that they are older you can ask them what some of their fondest family moment memories are- and they'll always throw in "our cruises". These are family moments I would not change for anything. I applaud Carnival for making their cruiseline family friendly. If DH and I had wanted a vacation sans kids, we could have easily taken a vacation that promotes adults only......we choose not to, but to take a vacation that WELCOMES kids. We had the choice to go where kids are welcomed and did, just as others have the choice to go where kids are prohibited.


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Ok, I must have mistated what I was trying to say - more like I must be crazy than is it a good idea.


My son has been traveling since he was 9 days old (first air ride) and my daughter since she was 6 weeks (this will be her 4th flight). Anyone of you - like kids or not, would be honored to sit next to my son at dinner or on a flight. He is kind and polite and uses manners at all times (ok most times). He, like most kids his age, plays his gameboy (at appropriate times) and wears headphones to keep it from bothering the other people around him.


I have been to Vegas several times and agree - it is NOT a place for kids - you go there to gamble and that is it. I am going on a cruise to enjoy my family and the ports we will be visiting.


A cruise is a family destination and I had NEVER thought of it as for couple only. Going all the way back to the days of the Love Boat - they even promoted it as for families - so this is nothing new.


If some of you are so set on not being around kids - why not go to Couples where no kids are allowed?


Yes, some will say that you are both crazy and it's not a good idea - me included.


Gee, when my youngest was born Mom and Daughter couldn't fly for 8 weeks?

Making the statement that anyone would be honored to sit with your kids at dinner....a little presumptuous don't you think? I love my nephew to pieces but can't stand to be at the table with him. What makes you think it would be any different.


No Vegas isn't a "family desitination". They don't call it "sin city" for nothing you know. Now they're even trying to get "gentlemens clubs" in the casinos. Maybe the cruise lines would do this so it would be less "family oriented".


If Great-Grandmother couldn't be mobile all day at say Disney World or Disney Land what would be the difference on a ship - in the Caribbean? How about a cabin in the mountains? That's a good family vacation.


Couples if I'm not mistaken is an all-inclusive and no one should have to pay rediculous prices just because they don't want to be around screaming kids.


To be honest you sound like you've figured out that it's going to be a vacation for everyone but you and now you're mad about it. Oh well.

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As long as you understand that if you take a trip with your children, the trip is for, and about, the children. It won't be about you.



Plan on hitting the hay about 7:30 or 8:00 with junior... just when the evening shows begin.


And don't forget, you can't let a 2 year old in any of the pools.


As well behaved that my children were at age 2, a hour plus long dinner was a bit much for them. Not only will you be frustrated with their behavior, everyone around you will be too. Their only 2... it's their job to want to run around and make you chase them.


Just a thought.

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This is about the most difficult question to answer on the whole board. I think well behaved kids add a lot to a cruise and wild kids really hurt a cruise. The reason so many people are against kids cruising is because there are so many of the later on most cruises. That being said I want to take my grandkids on a cruise very soon the are ages 7,9,12,15 and I think they would enjoy a short cruise. I think they might get boared on a week long cruise. I guess the question come down to What are you going to do on a cruise with a very young child. I think if you enjoy sitting by the kids pool and spending a lot of time in your cabin (naps) interuptions at dinner, missing a lot of the shows and this is the vacation you want then I say go for it. Please be respectful of the other passengers. expecially at Dinner and the shows. Ps 1 of the highlight for my wife and I on each cruise is to go to the Kids talent shows and I like watching kids playing in the pools and the slides I also do not like kids to be screeming at dinner or at the shows. I know from reading other posts in the past that I may get flamed from both points of view for this post but this is my opinion. Well behaved kids with good parents are great for a cruise. Wild kids with no parental supervision have no place on a cruise.

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And don't forget, you can't let a 2 year old in any of the pools.
Actually, I think you can let a 2 year old in the pools, but only if they are fully potty trained. No swim diapers allowed (even in the kiddie pool). Did I just open up a whole other can of worms? :rolleyes:
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Actually, I think you can let a 2 year old in the pools, but only if they are fully potty trained. No swim diapers allowed (even in the kiddie pool). Did I just open up a whole other can of worms? :rolleyes:



A fully potty trained kid at two?? You've got to be kidding.


Yes, you did.....:rolleyes:

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