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Cruising with a 2 yrd old-bad idea?


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Actually, I think you can let a 2 year old in the pools, but only if they are fully potty trained. No swim diapers allowed (even in the kiddie pool). Did I just open up a whole other can of worms? :rolleyes:

I wonder who determines if they are fully potty trained or not?

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I think that2 is too young- she wont remember and all you will remember is what you missed.

On one of our cruises a big extended family with a 2 yr old was right behind us in the dining room- I dont think the mother ever finished a meal-she was at least considerate and took the screaming kid out. Funny. she was the only one who did- all the other adults sat and ate....her dining room "experience" certainly didnt happen.

Shows you will prob miss too.

Young children get cranky in ports.

So if you are prepared to spend a lot of time in your cabin...go for it.

And it's true about the swim diapers- they are not allowed.

I just think you might want to consider taking a child so young.

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I was a little surprised at the OPs comment about plans to "put the 2 year old in Camp Carnival". On the other hand Mr. Pete good for you taking your child and not "putting" her in Camp Carnival. Take your child, enjoy your cruise, but don't inflict him/her on me or mine. I did my time, raised my kids and yours may be "cute as the dickens", but I don't really want to share a dinner table with them. It's hard work to be around kids and I'm on vacation. JMO ;)

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and I'm sure he would feel the love oozing from you if he read this.....:cool:
I guess we can agree that we will never agree on this issue.


As a matter of fact I spoil him rotten - often - and he loves to be with me just as much as I love to be with him, but it doesn't mean I don't just becuase I don't want to be at the dinner table with him.


Very well said Bunkie!

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Mr. Pete:

Like you our sons began cruising at young ages (5 and 8) and nor did we put them in Camp Carnival (personal choice - nothing against it (CEPT THE BOYS WERE HORRIFIED AT THE THOUGHT) ,and we (DH and I) throughly enjoyed every minute we spent onboard with them. Now that they are older you can ask them what some of their fondest family moment memories are- and they'll always throw in "our cruises". These are family moments I would not change for anything. I applaud Carnival for making their cruiseline family friendly. If DH and I had wanted a vacation sans kids, we could have easily taken a vacation that promotes adults only......we choose not to, but to take a vacation that WELCOMES kids. We had the choice to go where kids are welcomed and did, just as others have the choice to go where kids are prohibited.


My thoughts exactly! I sailed without my children on one cruise and MISSED THEM so much that I refused to travel without them. I did wait till they were old enough to remember (7&10), and they LOVED IT! We never left them in Camp Carnival. It was our choice, but I brought them to spend time with them and we enjoyed seeing them on their first big vacation. They are very well-behaved, but I also believe it was because my DH and I didn't let them run all over, but did things together as a family.


To the OP: You would miss your child too much for you NOT to take with, but it will be lots of work for you..... but when aren't kids lots of work! lol. Enjoy your cruise and fun with the family. :)

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Ok, I went off a little here -


This whole topic......LMAO..........There are plenty of places that are adult only and cudos for them. Having a husband who works at night, there is no possible way that I could leave my daughter at home - that being said


How can I say that you would love sitting next to my son - well because it's true LOL. I have had complete and utter stangers come up to me time and time again to tell me how wonderful my son is. Don't get me wrong - he and I (like any mother/son) have our moments (and I know he isn't perfect), but he has never ever raised his voice, cursed, stormed out of a room or thrown a fit. He is well educated, reads the newspaper and watches the news (like many of you adults). He is always reading and loves to share that passion to those that love it too. My son is very well behaved, mellow and just a nice kid to be around and that I am proud of.


Those of you who keep saying "save your money, because she (my 2 yr old) won't remember it" that is fine for you, but I will remember it - the good the bad and the ugly. I remember all the trips I have taken with my kids and knowing that time is short, I would like to expose them to all that I can - while I can - which leads me to another comment........


Don't you think if the kids start traveling young that may be how they grow up and maybe, just possibly, they learn the proper ettiquette and behavior required of them and those children who run around like mad men are the ones who had not former "training" (exposure exposure exposure)


And for all your parents with grown kids - COME ON - you know as well as the rest of us, you had to get up and leave a table in a resturant a time or two - it's life.


I have no plans on going to bed at 7 or 8 pm while on the cruise - that is 6pm my time - and I won't be changing my daughter's schedule so someone doesn't have to sit with her at dinner - which leads to me to yet another point ....


there is much discussion over tipping the matre-de (sp?), if you don't want to sit with my family - tip him and move to another table - I won't be offended and I am sure most other parents wouldn't.. To be honest I am sure my 11 yr old would rather sit with another family than with a retired couple - so I guess the age bias works in both directions


I guess this is a HOT topic - but to each their own - I hope everyone gets the cruise experience they want and deserve

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Guest Time2gocruzn

VES, you are doing the right thing. You will have the vacation of a lifetime. I personally (unlike others here) like to give people the benefit of the doubt, and you sound like a wonderful parent. You don't need anyone lecturing you on how to parent your children on a cruise ship, and it always appals me how that seems to happen in threads similar to this one. We are cruising w/ our 21 mth old, 4 year old, gma and gpa. I have been met with some of this same negitivity about children on this board. Do not let it deter you. Thousand of families with children cruise everyday, and have the time of their lives, and I'm sure you will too. Of course when you are a parent, there are things you may miss out on, (ex: late night shows) but personally I would rather miss out on things like this, than have my children miss out on an entire vacation. Plus there are many things you WILL be able to enjoy, like seeing new and beautiful places thru your childrens eyes. It is just amazing to me when a person posts about cruising w/ children, it is always the anti children people who seem to show up, over and over and over again. I have no interest in an all adults cruise, and you would never see me posting in a thread about adult cruising, preaching about how I think kids should be on a cruise, yet it happens the other way around frequently here. :rolleyes: Here is the link to the Cruise Critic Family Cruising board. There is a wealth of information there about cruising w/ children: http://boards.cruisecritic.com/forumdisplay.php?f=49


Happy cruising, take LOTS of pictures. :)

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Don't you think if the kids start traveling young that may be how they grow up and maybe, just possibly, they learn the proper ettiquette and behavior required of them and those children who run around like mad men are the ones who had not former "training" (exposure exposure exposure)

Not exactly... hey, if your children are angels, they should not bother anyone... and they will probably put you at a table with another family, so there won't be a problem there... I don't care how angelic the little dolls are, I prefer not to share a fine dining experience with them, that is of course my option, and typically they will not sit people without children with a family w/children....so either way, enjoy your cruise!!!

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I don't care how angelic the little dolls are, I prefer not to share a fine dining experience with them, that is of course my option,

The last "fine dinning" experience I had, I don't recall the waiters singing HOT HOT HOT...............

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The last "fine dinning" experience I had, I don't recall the waiters singing HOT HOT HOT...............

Well then that is a shame!!! They do that on Carnival in the main dining room!! You should check it out! But don't wear your jeans :D

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Or you can do like my Niece does... lets the 11 year old take care of the 2 year old while she does her thing.


Don't discount the idea that a rich old Coot might tip the Matier 'D to move a noisy kid and his family to another table.


Funny thing about children, they manage to grow up with, or without, supervision. The supervised ones grow up to be better persons.

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Several years ago, we went on a cruise with our daughter/husband/and their 2 year old daughter. We took granddaughter with us on all excursions - at that age she is free and she loved them. We went to a zoo, the beach, and things that we knew we'd like, but things she's also like. She ate in the main dining room with us every night and it was great. The wait staff and matre' d's treated her like she was a little princess. Wait staff from other tables were constantly coming over and singing with her, playing with her, etc. There was always a plate of watermellon waiting for her - because we told them the first night that it was her favorite. The only time she spent in the kids camp was when we went to the evening shows. Otherwise she was with us - and - she did not "bite" anybodies ankles!!!!! If people don't want to be bothered with children - they should definitely choose another cruise line. There are many out there that are filled with old, stuffy people, with no children in sight. Personally, we prefer the cruises where children are there. We are going again in January and she is 8 years old now. She is really looking forward to it. They have already bought 6 pretty dresses for the dining room - she can't wait to wear them. Have a blast.

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[quote name='GoinCruisin']Well then that is a shame!!! They do that on Carnival in the main dining room!! You should check it out! But don't wear your jeans :D[/QUOTE]
my point exactly......if that's what you consider fine dinning.....oh n/m:cool:
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It is considered fine dining when you are on a Carnival ship... it is THEIR fine dining establishment... regardless of what anyone feels (and no, I don't consider it up there with a fine dining establishment on land) they should respect it.... I have been to poor countries in "restaurants" they considered fine, and of course it was not what i was used to, but I had enough respect, that I acted as if it WAS indeed a fine dining experience... when in rome....
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Op's comments continue to intrigue me...she said her son (who she mentioned is 11) does not "raise his voice or curse at her or storm out of the room" and something about "having a fit". Strange IMHO that she would think that is a sign of good breeding. I have a son who is 35 and would never do that to me, and the fact that he has lived to be 35 proves it! :confused:
I never left the table with an unruly child because before we went to a restaurant we thought well about how our children would handle it. The word "babysitter" was in our vocabulary when it came to dine in a "nice restaurant".
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Not family oriented? You've got to be kidding, - how many adult vacation destinations have a water slide in an adult only venue? Not to mention Camp Carnival for kids? 24 hour Pizza and Ice-cream etc etc.. plus servers who cater and enjoy children?

As for taking a two year old, I'd rather be a mom with her on a cruise than at home - I'm doing it anyway, why not on a cruise?

Tef & Others who are interested: Bon Voyage, Adults only cruise with Celebrity on the Mercury this Dec. 27-Jan. 7, 2005. It's a Mexican Riviera cruise. You can also call Windstar Cruise Line or Radisson. Happy sailing.

This topic infuriates me! I'm so pi**ed off reading some of these responses here and on other posts. Talk about prejudice! Who gave these adults the right to think that they are so much more special and welcome than children?

Some of their behavior on cruises is so much more offensive & rude than a child could ever be! I've witnessed it first hand! Some of you cherish your fine dining experience, I've seen these same people be rude and downright ugly towards our servers who have to take it, talk about shameful behavior! Now that's behaving badly! Making noise at dinner hardly equals this kind of injustice toward a fellow human being. At least a child may not know better, but adults should!

And, yes, fyi, I constantly monitor my children so as not to offend these poor sensitive adults! But I do that our of respect for others everywhere I go.

Most of the time, the cost is the same for children as adults - they are not getting a free ride and you can bet they don't eat nearly as much as I've seen some adults put down, they share rooms with adults so they are not taking your 'cabins'. If parents didn't bring their kids, you can know the adults would pay higher fares. Cruises make big money off families. We might be helping you keep your costs down!

What ever made people think they have the right to tell someone they
shouldn't cruise on 'their' ship or not to bring a child ?? I have a question for these adults. What's stopping you from telling all of us that you don't want thin people, nor obese people, elderly people, smokers, gamblers, drinkers, nor anyone else acting or thinking differently from you sharing your vacation?? These are the people who need an isolated cabin in the mountains - not the two year old! A little compassion & understanding would be so wonderful.

Carnival Cruise Lines = Fun Ships - not stuffy, grumpy, intolerant prejudice 'adult' only ships.

For these children intolerant adults I recommend an all inclusive adults only resort with people who only think, talk, act & look like you do, then you'll enjoy your perfect vacation -

Spawn of Satan ankle biters?? :mad: how nice.
This pic is from Carnival -
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[quote name='VentureMan_2000']Are there any Men out there that can't travel without their children? Just curious.[QUOTE]

Not only will my DH not vacation without our kids - regardless of the type of vacation - but he won't let his company send him out on trips because he misses them too much. Earlier this year he had to go out of town to visit a dying uncle and he was miserable without us.

So no, it's not just a "woman's issue". There are plenty of dads out there who love their kids and want to be with them. It's not that shocking of a concept, really.
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Take a breath... I believe everyone stated in their posts that it was THEIR opinion... everyone has one and is entitled to one. There are bad kids and there are bad adults, granted. I believe everyone that has posted negatively has posted so towards the children that are unsupervised and misbehaving... the parents that forget they are parents and let their kids run wild all over the ship (plenty of them)... The parents that allow the kids to grab something from the buffet and put it back (and sometimes take a bite first!!!)... yes, these children make vacations miserable for ANYONE, even those WITH children. A child tripped a man last year (not paying attention, running around screaming) and the parent yelled at the MAN for getting in the kids way... these are the children I would rather not cruise with. The same thing goes for adults, it is a respect issue... and the parents that care not to instill respect into their children are completely to blame. I love children and don't mind being on a ship with them... but prefer not to be around the lunatic children out there... and I also prefer to have dinner with adults just as I am sure children would rather have other children around... it's compromise... but just because someone thinks a cruise is not for a baby, that does not make them evil....
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a couple of years ago i cruised with my 4 uncles and their families. the youngest of us kids was my two-year-old cousin. she had a great time! it was definitely a family vacation though. i would suggest looking over the activities in camp carnival and choosing only the ones your child is interested in. that way you can be pretty sure he'll have a good time. include your child in family activities (like in ports, esp. beaches). cruising is a great family vacation and it's a great for any age. my cousin still remembers our cruise and as long as you keep it a family vacation i don't think you'll have any regrets. have fun!
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[QUOTE]How can I say that you would love sitting next to my son - well because it's true LOL.[/QUOTE]Yeah....Right. Just because a parent thinks their child is adorable DOESN'T mean we all do.

[QUOTE]but he has never ever raised his voice, cursed, stormed out of a room or thrown a fit.[/QUOTE]I don't see your point - you must be so proud. This would have been instant death for me.:rolleyes:

[QUOTE]Don't you think if the kids start traveling young that may be how they grow up and maybe, just possibly, they learn the proper ettiquette and behavior required of them and those children who run around like mad men are the ones who had not former "training" (exposure exposure exposure)[/QUOTE]No this starts a HOME.

[QUOTE]Not family oriented? You've got to be kidding, - how many adult vacation destinations have a water slide in an adult only venue?[/QUOTE]Ummmm....Hedonism?

[QUOTE]This topic infuriates me! I'm so pi**ed off reading some of these responses here and on other posts. Talk about prejudice!

Most of the time, the cost is the same for children as adults[/QUOTE]BooHoo. Not predjudice at all. WE ALL work hard for the vacation that we want. Non-smokers don't want to be offended by smoke the same as "we" that feel that a cruise is no place for a child. We just don't want to have to deal with snot nosed little brats is all. If your child is well mannered so be it. If not....well, if the shoe fits.....:rolleyes:


[QUOTE]For the children intolerant adults I recommend an all inclusive adults only resort with people who only think, talk, act & look like you do, then you'll enjoy your perfect vacation -

Spawn of Satan ankle biters?? :mad: how nice.[QUOTE]

That is so naive to think people that don't think a cruise is a place for children are "intolerant". Child intolerant? No. Child intolerant on a cruise? YES.

Isn't it though?!:D

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All of you "no kids on a cruise people" had better get used to it. With scores of ships coming into the market over the next decade, lines are going to have to market to everyone to fill them up - Adults, parents, kids, teens, grandma, drinkers, smokers, non-smokers, gamblers..... I even have a feeling that some of the more "adult" lines will have to head that way as well in order to fill up their ships.
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Okay, here's what I don't understand, and I don't mean to be snarky at all - for those of you who don't feel children belong on a cruise, why do you sail on Carnival? They are marketing themselves to families - specifically families with young children as they start Camp Carnival at age 2. I could understand your feelings better if you were complaining about one of the cruise lines that caters more towards adults/couples only, but for the life of me I just don't get why you rant and rave about kids on a cruise line that's geared towards families.

The other thing that I find so offensive is the language you use when describing children. You have made your feelings very clear, but to use such horrible descriptions is just over the top. As usual, you are entitled to your opinions, but I have to say, the nastiness and vehemence in your posts just make your comments pointless to me.
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