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Any tips for a pregnant cruiser?


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We're booked on the Norwegian Majesty's Boston to Bermuda run in May. I just found out that I am pregnant, and will be around 13 weeks when we sail. It's a huge group of us ranging from age 2 (my daugher) to age 80, so I will have lots of help with my little one thank goodness! Anyways, I'm a little nervous about being sick while at sea, due to the pregnancy. Any advice?

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I went on a cruise when I was about 3 and 1/2 months pregnant. Unfortunatly, I was sick my entire pregnancy which did not help. The best advise I can say is take the ginger pills they really help. I also found some altoids that were ginger but I personally thought they tasted really bad so the pills were much easier for me to take. I did miss dinner the second night due to feeling and being severly sick but other then that I really enjoyed myself. After that first day when I was sick I asked our room stewart to keep fruit and crackers in there which was wonderful. I woke up and ate an apple or had crackers every morning and felt much much better. I also tended to take naps in the afternoons. It helped me to be either on my balcony or up on deck where I could feel the breeze. (I also went up dunns river falls while I was pregnant with no issues. In fact the climb actually felt really good)


Ds is now almost 10 months old and he will be taking his first cruise in Nov. I can't wait.



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Hey! I am pregnant also and in May I am going to cruise with Carnival Valor. The only difference between you and I is that I will be 27 weeks when cruising. My advice is to make sure that your doctor says that it is okay for you to cruise and to bring a doctor's note with you just in case anything may happen. My doctor asked why I couldn't go any earlier, but we had planned this cruise way before I was pregnant. I suffered from nausea and vomitting all the time, and if I was going on a cruise at 13 weeks, I don't know what I would do. But good luck!!!

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I was 22 weeks pregnant when I went on a cruise and also went with my then 2.5 year old. I wore the Sea-Band wristbands for sea sickness and I was fine throughout the seven day cruise. My doctor actually recommended it since I usually take Dramamine on the first couple days of any cruise. It also helped to take afternoon naps with my daughter. Congratulations and have fun.

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I was fourteen weeks pregnant when I was on my last cruise and had a wonderful :) time. I also wore the Sea-Bands (you can find them at most drugstores) on my wrists , and it was the first time in 7 + weeks that I didn't feel nauseated all day long. I put mine on about an hour before the plane ride. I had no problem on the flights, the cruise or any of the tender rides with an unsettled stomach. My doctor did suggest getting some crystalized ginger to have as a snack in case I did feel sick. At fourteen weeks which is the start of the second trimester, my energy was on the up-swing, so I didn't need to take any naps. I did notice I was not as tolerant of the sun and heat as I usually am, so I might recommend bringing a wide-brim hat and renting umbrellas if you're going to be hanging out on the beach.

I'm sure you'll have a great cruise. Have a virgin daquiri for me. :p

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Hey! I am pregnant also and in May I am going to cruise with Carnival Valor. The only difference between you and I is that I will be 27 weeks when cruising. My advice is to make sure that your doctor says that it is okay for you to cruise and to bring a doctor's note with you just in case anything may happen. My doctor asked why I couldn't go any earlier, but we had planned this cruise way before I was pregnant. I suffered from nausea and vomitting all the time, and if I was going on a cruise at 13 weeks, I don't know what I would do. But good luck!!!


This is from Carnival's Website:


Please be advised that guests who are 27 weeks or more into their pregnancy at the time of the voyage will not be permitted to sail because of the risk of premature labor.

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From Celebrity's website


Pregnancy Celebrity Cruises cannot accept guests who will have entered their third trimester of pregnancy (27th week) at the beginning or at any time during their cruise vacation.


Check with the cruise lines that you are considering if you are pregnant or plan to be pregnant because I believe all of the them have this stipulation.

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Be very careful in the sun! You will find that your skin reacts very differently when you are pregnant. I actually ended up in the infirmary because I developed a horrible rash that the Dr. diagnosed as a UV allergy (very common in pregnancy).


Definitely get a doctor's note stating how far along you are and that you are capable of cruising.

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Hey! I am pregnant also and in May I am going to cruise with Carnival Valor. The only difference between you and I is that I will be 27 weeks when cruising. My advice is to make sure that your doctor says that it is okay for you to cruise and to bring a doctor's note with you just in case anything may happen. My doctor asked why I couldn't go any earlier, but we had planned this cruise way before I was pregnant. I suffered from nausea and vomitting all the time, and if I was going on a cruise at 13 weeks, I don't know what I would do. But good luck!!!


You may want to check with your Carnival. I know many of the cruise lines changed their policies recently regarding pregnancy. Princess, for example, no longer accepts cruisers who are 22+ weeks.

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I am traveling on HAL on Sunday. When I booked, I informed them I would be 25 weeks at time of sailing and they booked the trip with no problem (I went through HAL, not a travel agent)... well, three weeks ago I called to confirm everything and to make sure they got my fax from my midwife stating my # of weeks pregnant and due date. The rep I spoke with stated that I was not able to cruise after 24 weeks... WHAT??? After speaking with a manager, three call backs, and six hours later... I found literature sent with our cruising documents that stated pregnant passengers must be 27 weeks or less upon cruise de-embarking... So after tears, yelling, etc (hey, its the hormones), we are all set up for cruising on Sunday.


Make sure you check with the cruise line and GET IT IN WRITING! Also, carry your medical records with you (I am a midwife so I knew this was mandatory)! Bring Sea Bands, anti-nausea meds, and headache meds.





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tjeanty, you really have to be certain that Carnival won't deny you boarding being that you will be beyond their rule for cruising. If you show up, and they ask to see your doctor's records, and they see you're beyond their date, they can say you're not medically fit to cruise. You see, cruise ships are not prepared to deliver babies and they feel any women beyond a certain point in pregnancy is too much a medical liability. I hope you're not disappointed, but the cruise lines have this for your protection.

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Hey! I am pregnant also and in May I am going to cruise with Carnival Valor. The only difference between you and I is that I will be 27 weeks when cruising. My advice is to make sure that your doctor says that it is okay for you to cruise and to bring a doctor's note with you just in case anything may happen. My doctor asked why I couldn't go any earlier, but we had planned this cruise way before I was pregnant. I suffered from nausea and vomitting all the time, and if I was going on a cruise at 13 weeks, I don't know what I would do. But good luck!!!


Yes, you will be denied boarding and your money will not be refunded. :eek:


As everyone here has posted, Carnival does not allow someone who has entered her 27th week. You better reschedule your cruise now before you lose the money.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was 13 weeks Pregnant when we went on the Carnival Valor at the end of January. I was just fine, besides the morning sickness I had throughout the 1st trimester. The only time I felt really sick was during dinner, but our table was in the very back of the ship where there was allot of motion!! We went with a big group of people also, My dh and I just skip dinner half the nights so I wouldnt feel sick. We just ate at other places that where open. So I would suggust mentioning to them not to put your table at the back of the ship for dinner. My doctor also prescribed me some motion sickness pills, which where nice to have. I only needed to take them a couple times though, but it was still nice to have just in case. our cabin was on the panorama deck (10th floor, highest deck w/cabins) which I was worried about since I kept reading theres allot more motion the higher the cabin. But we totally loved it idnt bother us at all. I slept so good with the rocking motion, havent slept that good in along time!! I sure miss the 24hrs pizza & Ice cream machine though,lol!!!

Good luck hope you have a wonderful Vacation, we all need one!!!

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When we cruised in 11/03, I had to fax a note from my doctor stating what week of pregnancy I would be on the sailing date (I think I was 22 weeks at sail date) when we booked. I brought this note along with me on the cruise, although no one ever asked to see it.


My only problem was that my sense of balance was off. I did not get sick, but I did find myself bumping into walls...but I did that on land, too. Two negative memories are 1) accidentally kicking an old lady in the pool while trying to stay afloat and 2) falling on someone's lap while quickly walking around the corner of the pool and "missing" my step.

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I was somewhere in my first trimester when I cruised in 2004. It was heavenly. Normally, I never get seasick, but on that trip there were two times when I had to leave and go lay down, but the best part was - I could simply do it! At home I work full time and had a 2 year old and I could never just take an hour off.


That was my only issue on the cruise. Otherwise it was wonderful. I enjoyed many mocktails - which are a lot cheaper than their siblings.

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I was around 5 months along and the only problem I had was with a temporary crown (they tend not to stay on because a pregnant woman's gums aren't too stable or something like that).


For most women, the second trisemester is the best time to travel. Usually you're past morning sickness (which, fortunately, I never had).

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I cruised at 22 (I think?) weeks on Princess to Alaska last summer. It was an excellent trip and I'd do it again. I was over my morning sckness by then and I never got sea sick. Everyone was very attentive and helpful.


I'm not sure I'd want to go somewhere very hot, though. I was SWELTERING through my entire pregnancy, and I don't think I could have stomached (literally) travelling somewhere hot and tropical. I probably would have ended up just sitting indoors most of the time, and that's not how I like to vacation...


Oh, and make sure your luggage has wheels - you don't want to have to lift anything too heavy.

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I was 5 months pregnant when I traveled on X. No one even questioned me when we embarked about being pregnant. I had overalls on so maybe they thought I was just chunky. I was really didn't have any problems with seasickness but I normally don't. The only thing that really bothered me was tendering. The tenders were really bumpy and I sometimes had some cramping after all that bouncing around. Seems like almost every port require tendering. And I tried on all my clothes the day before we left so that if I needed new clothes I could go emergency shopping. Wouldn't you know I really started showing 2 days into the cruise. Most nights I went to dinner with my dress half unzipped and a sweater covering it up.

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I cruised sometime in my first trimester (10 weeks? 11 weeks? something like that), and felt a little nauseous, but the Sea Bands and ginger chews really helped. One nice thing about being on a cruise then, though, is that there is always *some* food available that is nice and soothing. I ended up eating a lot of mashed potatoes, ice cream, and pasta. My husband loved it, as he ended up eating my lobster, filet mignon, etc. - LOL. I'm pretty sure it was just a first trimester issue as I went sailing around the Greek Islands in boats that were a lot more rickety in my second trimester and didn't feel sink at all.


On a side note, I do understand why the cruise lines have their pregnancy cut-off dates, but it really bugs me how early they are (and are getting earlier on some ships). Yes, they don't have the capacity to deliver a baby, but they also don't have the ability to effectively treat a stroke or heart attack, and there are no age or weight or blood pressure restrictions for people who might be more likely to have those! Grrr

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We're booked on the Norwegian Majesty's Boston to Bermuda run in May. I just found out that I am pregnant, and will be around 13 weeks when we sail. It's a huge group of us ranging from age 2 (my daugher) to age 80, so I will have lots of help with my little one thank goodness! Anyways, I'm a little nervous about being sick while at sea, due to the pregnancy. Any advice?


(assuming a 7 night cruise) Bring 2-3 gallons of bottled water onboard for your personal consumption.


You need to stay hydrated and probably dont want to drink the ships water.


It also helps if you bring some smaller water bottles, ones that you can refill, to carry around with you.


If anyone gives you grief just tell them that you are pregnant and need to stay hydrated.

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First of all Congratulations! I am also pregnant and we will be cruising in May as well, aboard the Carnival Victory. I will 17 weeks when we board. I too was concerned about cruising while pregnant, but I figured I handled Disney World when I was pregnant with my daughter, so I can surely handle a cruise! When I asked Carnival about any documents I need to bring along, the reservation guy said as long as I was less than 27 weeks, I didnt need to bring anything along, HOWEVER, I was at the very least going to bring along a letter from my dr stating how far along I was. After reading this thread, I'm going to have them copy my records from this pregnancy and bring those along instead. I sure don't need any issues while trying to board, and as this will be my 3rd baby, by 17 wks, I'm sure it will obvious I'm expecting.


I didn't think about the tenders being rough. I am fairly sure we'll have to tender in Grand Cayman. hmmmm....

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Congrats mommies!

I am cruising May 6 on Mariner of the Seas and will be 24 weeks on the cruise. I didnt even think to bring doctors notes and records with me great advice! We are also taking our 4 year old twins so it should be an adventure. I am no longer nasueated but still do throw up a few times a week (sorry!!!) hopefully Ill be ok on the cruise. I only do this in the morning after I wake up and then Im fine so Im thinking positive thoughts..


Great thread keep the ideas coming!

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tjeanty, you really have to be certain that Carnival won't deny you boarding being that you will be beyond their rule for cruising. If you show up, and they ask to see your doctor's records, and they see you're beyond their date, they can say you're not medically fit to cruise. You see, cruise ships are not prepared to deliver babies and they feel any women beyond a certain point in pregnancy is too much a medical liability. I hope you're not disappointed, but the cruise lines have this for your protection.


You can probably get your OB to write you a perscription that says that you are 26 weeks pregnant as long as he or she feels that taking a cruise is not a threat to the pregnancy. It's worth a shot to at least ask!

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