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Fashion pet peeves

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I love playing 'fashion police' keep it to myself and enjoy the people watching. Different strokes........you know. I think my top pet peeves are those holiday sweaters.........only wear them if you are a nursery school teacher, and then wear them only to school. Also dressing age appropiate, or not dressing age appropiate.........it gets tricky with us women, doesn't it? But please ignore the shoes, I''ve had multiple foot surgeries, must wear orthotics, Just try and find shoes for your daughter's wedding that will accomidate orthotics,,,,,,,,it took me almost a year. and of course was a flat. The truth is I'm happpy to be able to walk at all. Next option is to break most of the bones in both feet and change the angles and "hope" that helps.........no thanks. So if you see me on the ship all dolled up looking cute with shoes that don't really go with the outfit, be kind. Life is hard enough. I really do the best I can.:rolleyes:

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A few years back, my DH and I took DD to her college orientation/picnic. We were running late and he got to the car, I got to the car, and DD had left in her own car. I jumped it to find we were both in denim shorts and a teal tee shirt (his had a collar), with sneakers. I said, "opps we are in the same colors, and he said "so what? wanna go change?" and I said no cause we were late.......Of course 10 years later, my DD still brings up the time her parents dressed up in matching outfits to take her to her college and meet her profs. I shall never live it down. We also have never done it again. LOL!

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What are some of your fashion pet peeves? One of mine that I have seen on all of my cruises are those ugly, "rugged" type looking walking/hiking velcro sandals that I saw were worn by men AND women! Now I'm sure they're comfortable and all, and I'm not trying to sound all snobby, but I just want to know why ladies especially can't find an equally comfortable sandal that LOOKS GOOD? And as for me, I'd rather be a little uncomfortable and cute anyway than wear those manly looking things on my feet!

Hey Misssnoopygirl,

Okay, here is a quick comment about the girls wearing the ugly shoes. I have a very large foot, size 11.5, but not many brands make those, so I have to wear 12's. The next time you are looking for shoes, look for some cute 12's---you wont find them. I have to order all my shoes online, so I have to buy a little on the less expensive side becase I have to pay for shipping as well. I do have a pair of Nike sandles that have the strap around the toes and ankles, and they are not glamourous at all, but they are so comfy and great to wear to the beach since they are water proof and great to wear while snorkeling so you don't have to mess with socks and shoes. I would also like to say that I wear my Nike running shoes every day. Again, I can't find many cute shoes that are comfy so I am all about the gym shoes every day. I hope this helps with explaining why some girls wear the ugly shoes - we are not blessed with cute feet sizes!

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My nephew is 15 years old and wears a size 17!!


Here's one I remember from my childhood...a men's powder blue leisure suit with white bucks! Kinda like cousin Eddie on the "Christmas Vacation" movie with Chevy Chase...




Hey Misssnoopygirl,

Okay, here is a quick comment about the girls wearing the ugly shoes. I have a very large foot, size 11.5, but not many brands make those, so I have to wear 12's. The next time you are looking for shoes, look for some cute 12's---you wont find them. I have to order all my shoes online, so I have to buy a little on the less expensive side becase I have to pay for shipping as well. I do have a pair of Nike sandles that have the strap around the toes and ankles, and they are not glamourous at all, but they are so comfy and great to wear to the beach since they are water proof and great to wear while snorkeling so you don't have to mess with socks and shoes. I would also like to say that I wear my Nike running shoes every day. Again, I can't find many cute shoes that are comfy so I am all about the gym shoes every day. I hope this helps with explaining why some girls wear the ugly shoes - we are not blessed with cute feet sizes!

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Hi Jane,:) themed sweaters? Well I guess I have been

in the nerd category then:eek:

I like some sweaters that are seasonal......or nautical.....

depends on the pattern. Not "In your face" but I have worn

varied themed items.


Unless you are an Kindergarden or 1st Grade teacher you can ditch these sweaters/sweatshirts/t-shirts. The fashion statement I really can't stand is when they add the SOCKS to MATCH:eek: . Socks with christmas trees, pumpkins, green shamrocks, red hearts. (I confess I did wear these sometimes, when I was a volunteer at the elementary school.:p I can't even envisions someone wearing them on a cruise.:D )

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I do a lot of work with young children as patients, (old veterans on some days as well) so I wear cute socks (i.e, with pigs, cats, etc.) when I wear my pantsuits to work...a real "warm up" when meeting new patients and they see these socks sticking out from a feminine pant suit!



Unless you are an Kindergarden or 1st Grade teacher you can ditch these sweaters/sweatshirts/t-shirts. The fashion statement I really can't stand is when they add the SOCKS to MATCH:eek: . Socks with christmas trees, pumpkins, green shamrocks, red hearts. (I confess I did wear these sometimes, when I was a volunteer at the elementary school.:p I can't even envisions someone wearing them on a cruise.:D )
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I just wanted to post a rely to the fashion police out there. I think one of the most wonderful thing about our world is that we are all different. Not every tree and flower matches but they all have a purpose. I love people who are individual and do as they please and don't worry about what people think. People come from different area of the country or the world and that is a good thing. What they maybe use to is not necessarily what we are use to. I kinda have to laugh because some of these incident described on this board are things I see some fashion models wear. I never try to be judgemental because I never know who is judging what I am wearing. Life is too short to be judgemental. If you want to make fun of other people and what they do or wear beware and expect the same. I know this is in fun (or I sure hope so). I dress to please myself and my husband. No one else matters. I have never met anyone who dresses to fit a perfect body. Just remember fashion is designed because someone took a chance and was different. I hope I have not angered anyone because I just wanted to put in a different view point. Now to say what I don't understand is why someone would wear dirty clothes several days in a row.

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I agree with Jimi. To each his own. Some of these opinions I agree with, some I am even guilty of. :eek: But, I am not the fashion police and what others are wearing will never have any bearing on whether or not I enjoy my cruise.

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Hi Jane,:) themed sweaters? Well I guess I have been

in the nerd category then:eek:

I like some sweaters that are seasonal......or nautical.....

depends on the pattern. Not "In your face" but I have worn

varied themed items.


Lois, some people look nice in them-but some overdo it and are ALWAYS wearing a themed sweather. Okay if you want to wear one for a holiday-but not all the time.


I don't care much for them-it is like wearing teeshirts with writing on them-I have never cared for them-especially if it says something like Nike on it-you paid money for a tee shirt to give that company advertizing. I feel-they should give it to you free and pay you a salary to wear the tee shirt as you are giving them advertizing for their brand.

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Just booked the Voyager. Time to break out those speedos you all love so much!


Hey I prefer speedos to 6 inches of butt crack showing on the poor fellow whose swimming trunks would not stay up over his beer belly-Speedos would have been an improvement on him!

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Jimi, jcw2462,


Lighten up! :)


This is annonymous fashion board and the topics here run the gamut from serious to silly.


No one here is saying that a person wearing a pumpkin sweater, Santa socks or seeing a couple in matching outfits is going to ruin their cruise or should be barred from boarding the ship. I'm also certain that none of us here would go up to a stranger or say to their table mate, "hey, why are you wearing that ridiculous looking fill in the blank?"


This thread can serve as an eye-opener, is the right place to rant, or make us laugh. It's the appropriate place to express ourselves and exchange thoughts about what other people wear. If you don't have any Fashion Pet Peeves or feel we're all flowers in the garden and one with the universe, that's great, don't join in. But please don't throw a wet blanket because it's not your cup of tea. ;)


Back to our regularly scheduled program......


How 'bout those "Mom jeans"? I haven't been on a cruise lately or in the 'burbs and they've never been too popular here in the city so I'm not up to date, but have they died YET???? (I hope so!)






Who could forget the Fashion Felony 101 thread??? :D

I soooo agree with you about tee shirts w/ advertising!

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Of course this stuff is silly, I smile at most of the posts! Gotta mention my brother who - at my wedding in 1975- wore a white with brown windowpane check (yes) leisure suit. The top was safari inspired with multiple pockets and quite short, the pants were the ever present bell bottoms. We were quite shocked at his outfit, being a bit chunky as he was. What a laugh those photos give us today!!!! Gotta love 'when hippies go bad'.

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Those mesh-like slip on flats with a little sparkle became popular a few years ago..you could buy them at Walgreens for like 5.00...they are sorta like a slipper style..I've seen people who wear those with dressy type clothes. tacky! (unless of course, you MUST wear them out of medical necessity)


I've seen older ladies, too, wear knee-high stockings with skirts but you could see the tops peeking out.

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Those mesh-like slip on flats with a little sparkle became popular a few years ago..you could buy them at Walgreens for like 5.00...they are sorta like a slipper style..I've seen people who wear those with dressy type clothes. tacky! (unless of course, you MUST wear them out of medical necessity)


You're so right! When they WERE popular, they were cute house-slippers, or okay to run to the supermarket. I had a pair that I brought on airplanes for long flights, but I've recently thown them out as now they're too out of style to even use for that purpose! LOL!!! (They've recently been replaced by an adorable pair of leopard printed satin flats which I'll be wearing on the plane next month to Paris!)


I've seen older ladies, too, wear knee-high stockings with skirts but you could see the tops peeking out.


Oh no....say it ain't so!

I haven't seen that faux pas in over 10 years!!! UGH!!! :eek:

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I have no need to lighten up. I was not trying to step on anyones toes. But a board is for all opinions. I expressed mine as nicely as possible. Sometimes even if funny it can destroy a persons image of themselves. I learned this a along time ago. I work with handicap people and I see what happens to their families when people make fun of those less fortunate than us. I have seen capable people passed over for promotions due to how they dress. All because of one person opinion of how a person should dress. I seen less capable people promoted because they are very considered more in fashion. I actually tried to console a young lady who was in this position. It broke my heart. She was more qualified than the other person and had been there twice as long. Lets laugh at ourselves and make fun of ourselves instead of others. Sometimes those things hurt. My mistake was expressing my opinion I guess, but I thought I lived in America, the land of the free. That means all can express their opinions whether it is likeable or not. I think they have that right. It is an individual thing. People think what they want. I just prefer to try to be kind. I am not always but I try to be.

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I'm sorry that you've missed the point of my post.

And the fact that you're bringing up people with disabilities being made fun of really shows that you're not even in the ballpark of understanding my post.

You're getting your knickers in a twist because you think we don't want your opinion. Sure we do.....it's a Fashion Pet Peeve thread so feel free to jump in with your Fashion Peeves. But puleeze don't start trying to guilt us into feeling like we're cruel by bringing up people with disabilities. Most of the people on this board are some of the nicest and most compassionate people around and have really supported one another through some awful times as well as simple fashion frustrations.



Okay - basic forum etiquette in ANY forum, whether it's a fashion forum or a StarWars forum is that when the OP asks a question or poses a topic and the reader either doesn't know the answer or has no opinion, you simply don't answer.


For example: OP asks - I'm going on a Celebrity Cruise, do they have Veuve Cliquot Champagne to sale in the dining room?

Appropriate Answers from Forum Members: YES, NO and any qualifiying statements such as "they did/didn't last year" etc.



Other example: OP asks - Is the water skiing excursion on Carnival a good one?

Appropriate Answers: YES, NO and any qualifying statements that support those opinions.



You see where I'm going here?


Fashion Pet Peeves has NOTHING to do with disabilities, handicaps or about those who aren't the prettiest rose in the dozen. It's about what people choose to wear or not to wear and we can all make ourselves look better if we choose to. I've yet to see a person who HAS to wear black socks with white sandals, Santa sweaters or have their butt-crack showing because of a disability. And if someone got passed up for a promotion to an executive position because they wore a Beer tee shirt, a too short mini-skirt to the office or had their thong showing (or whatever) then perhaps they should be reading some fashion "don't" columns.

What we wear says alot about us. It's a nice fantasy to think it doesn't, but it's a fantasy and we all have to live in the real world.


Again, no one suggesting that we confront people about their clothing so no one is looking to destroy anyone elses's image. If anything someone might read about something here and think "Uh-oh I wear that" and either they'll stop wearing it, or they'll decide they don't give a darn about what we think. It's their choice.


We're just having a good time here and there's nothing wrong with that.

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I'm kind of curious, you've got me thinking....


When you had to console the young lady who got passed over for a promotion because of the way she dressed, what did you say?

Did you:


A. Make the company out to be wrong and encourage her to continue dressing in a manner that keeps her unpromotable?




B. Encourage her to seek the advice of image/hair/make-up/wardrobe professionals who could possibility help her so that she doesn't get passed over the next time?


From the context of your post, it sounds like you would have gone with A. I would go with B.


Anyone else care to jump in? What would you do if someone you cared about got passed over for a promotion because they didn't dress the part of the position they were hoping to get?


I was always taught that to succeed in business, dress for the next position up the ladder.....the one I want....not the one I have.


Sorry this is OT, but I'm curious.



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I'm kind of curious, you've got me thinking....


When you had to console the young lady who got passed over for a promotion because of the way she dressed, what did you say?

Did you:


A. Make the company out to be wrong and encourage her to continue dressing in a manner that keeps her unpromotable?




B. Encourage her to seek the advice of image/hair/make-up/wardrobe professionals who could possibility help her so that she doesn't get passed over the next time?


From the context of your post, it sounds like you would have gone with A. I would go with B.


Anyone else care to jump in? What would you do if someone you cared about got passed over for a promotion because they didn't dress the part of the position they were hoping to get?


I was always taught that to succeed in business, dress for the next position up the ladder.....the one I want....not the one I have.


Sorry this is OT, but I'm curious.




As a manager who has helped to mentor and groom younger sales reps over the course of a decade, I have on several occasions had the opportunity to help women change/upgrade their image. From basic wardrobe changes to complete makeovers done over the course of a NYC weekend, it has been very rewarding to help other women, many of whom simply do not know any better, better themselves professionally by choosing better quality clothing, shoes, bags, etc., getting a "good" haircut, learning to appy makeup properly, etc.


I believe that to succeed in most professions, appearance does matter and that a talented person can be overlooked time and time again because their appearance is not what the coroporation chooses to present to the customers, competitors, etc.

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I'm kind of curious, you've got me thinking....


When you had to console the young lady who got passed over for a promotion because of the way she dressed, what did you say?

Did you:


A. Make the company out to be wrong and encourage her to continue dressing in a manner that keeps her unpromotable?




B. Encourage her to seek the advice of image/hair/make-up/wardrobe professionals who could possibility help her so that she doesn't get passed over the next time?


From the context of your post, it sounds like you would have gone with A. I would go with B.


Anyone else care to jump in? What would you do if someone you cared about got passed over for a promotion because they didn't dress the part of the position they were hoping to get?


I was always taught that to succeed in business, dress for the next position up the ladder.....the one I want....not the one I have.


Sorry this is OT, but I'm curious.




Hope you don't mind if I jump in. First I will tell you my fashion pet peeves.


People wearing sandals with socks

People wearing totally outdated clothing.....not talking about something from a couple years ago. I'm talking something from like 40 years ago where the clothing is totally out of style and has been for decades and yes I know someone who dresses like that. :(

People wearing clothing that is way too small for them so they are busting out of it.


Probably have a few more but I can't think of them at the moment.


Anyway, to answer your question about if someone I know get's passed over for a promotion because they didn't dress properly. Yes I would tell them in a very nice sort of way without hurting their feelings. You have to dress for success. Especially on interviews because since the person doesn't know you the only thing that they can see are first impressions and you really have to make it a good one. :)

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