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Pride 3/2007 Passage to Portugal Crossing Travelogue


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The final two sea days have been calm but overcast and chilly. Thursday was the final formal night of the cruise and it was again a chef’s tasting menu and was very nice! Both Nigel and Marian’s final lectures were great and thoroughly enjoyed them as well as the pleasure of their company at dinner and daily on my Trivia team. There was also a question and answer session yesterday afternoon with both of them and it was nice to hear them answer questions pertinent to their expertise and experience.


In today’s final Trivia session for the second tournament, The Flames were the victors and each team member won a very nice metallic insulated cup for hot or cold liquids or soups — very nice! Congratulations to the winners! Note to Legendary crossing Trivia players: The Flames have won the Legend Nov. 2006 and Pride March 2007 crossing Trivia tournaments. We need to make a response to this!! The “Great Expectations Champions” languished in the lower third of the standings the entire second tournament, even though we and almost all the other teams got the Jeopardy-style bonus question right.


After Trivia, the entire Trivia contingent cascaded down the forward staircase en masse to the restaurant for the Galley Market Buffet lunch. This is always a special treat for me as I am amazed at the awesome spread the kitchen staff cranks out.


Did a few laps in the chilly afternoon air. For “The Last Supper” dinner I was seated at virtuoso violinist Beverly’s table. I had previously dined with half of my tablemates, so, we all had a grand time together and did not leave the restaurant until almost 10:15 pm. With the exception of The Club duo “Rebound,” the balance of the entertainment department had the night off.


My two bags are packed and out in the corridor for collection. Time to get some sleep before my long journey home.


On a Seabourn Yacht, life is good. :)

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Oh that part about putting your bags out in the corridor is so sad....I HATE that part...but enjoyed the rest of your journal...thanks Paul.


Proper Lady......I am quite sure we were thinking the exact same thoughts about a certain someone.....;)

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GrannyLorr - how nice to hear your "voice" again. Wondered where you were. Now that we know the Lorneross family is quite real, hope that the Seabourn met with his approval and that it was a positive experience for them. We are counting the few days until we leave for our cruise and are so excited - so much of the pleasure is in the anticipation of knowing your travel at least once you get on the ship - will not have any unpleasant surprises. Rene'

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Hey Paul! (PeaSea8ch) I hope you have settled back to life in CA without incident!


I wanted to congratulate you on your winning photo of Lanzarote in the latest edition of the Seabourn Herald - great job! :D The photo is amazing! It makes me wish I would have taken the camel riding excursion when I had been there.

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The journey home was uneventful thanks to your and Daniete's posts in another thread many moons ago, I was well prepared to navigate the Lisbon airport! However, when I returned to work yesterday, I felt like I was bindsided by a fast-moving freight train. Oh well, this is what I do so I can play at sea! :p


Thank you for your kind words about my photo contest entry. :) When I picked up the box full of held mail at the Post Office yesterday, I found in the pile an envelope from Seabourn that was the size and thickness of the new cruise brochure. I was stunned when it contained a cover letter from our very own "bgood" announcing my photo was included the attached Seabourn Herald! That magazine will be cherished forever! :D


As far as the camel riding excursion, those Lanzarote volcanoes have been there for over 250 years so they will be there when you return in the future. I have been interesetd in volcanoes since I was a boy and that excursion was one of the best shore tours I have ever taken. Matt, add this shore tour to your wish list and Lady Pride or Lady Legend will be most happy to take you there! ;)


Now, I have to generate my "I made it home" plus some additional Ponta Delgada information post for this travelogue. Then I will put my slideshow together and subsequently post the link to that.

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hi all we just got home safe and sound i am sick as a dog with a real bad head cold which i got on the fifth day of the crossing. the atlantic hotel was just ok they did not have the right room for us one bed only and no bathtub and when we tried to eat in the dining room they were booked so we ate in the bar at the airport in fort lauderdale there was no seabourn rep but i found a princess cruises rep and she told me because we came in two days early they would take us to our hotel seabourn never told us about that. that was the first hiccup. we bordrd the ship and went to the owners suite which is very nice but the windows were very dirty and never cleaned even after we asked we did not use the forward veranda that much because of the rough ocean and i mean ROUGH zero gravity up and down motion i have never experinced before in my life seabourn told us it was the best location on the ship we will never book that suite again it is number 04 torward the end of the cruise we hosted a cocktail party with 20 people in our suite we had a ball. i went to martha's easter party dressed as a bunny because martha wanted me to i loved it if anybody got a picture please post it. paul it was nice to met you at trivia. we were invite to dine at hosted tables every night for dinner we enjoyed the very much. the captain invited me up on the bridge at 4 am when we sailed into lisbon and i got to sit in his chair that was very nice of him and i will never forget it over all we had a grand time and we will sail on seabourn again in the very nere future we are infected with the seabourn virus the only cure is to sail again. glad to here thah some of you now know that i am real thank you all for a fun time i am crying as i am wrighting this post from lorne marc ross and jo anne ross my mom

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sorry to here about your changed date cruisenmatt i will send you an email in a few minutes. thank you rene we are talking about going on the new ship when it comes out but we are not shure wheather we should wait 6 months so they can work out the new bugs and let the crew settle in or jump on the first cruise any thoughts would be great.

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It's me again! Not to answer my own message, but to share the photo show I've made of the Pride Crossing with those of you who are interested.


We had a wonderful crossing (quite rocky in the beginning - I felt very sorry for a lot of people who were sick for days!). We met old friends, made new ones (some we hope to see in the future!), gained a few kilo's, had to say goodbye to a few crew/staff members, did an on board booking, laughed, cried (just once, when one of the kitchen crew introduced himself as Nelson from the Philippines) and talked a lot (especially me of course!). I broke a tooth, nearly lost my jewellery, had a few blisters, but was able to dance some nights away. I got a good sun tan, still have "rocky legs", but most of all.............


I can't wait to go back!


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I arrived back in West Texas yesterday afternoon after enjoying a few days in Lisboa with J.B. Alas, I'm on Lisbon time and still am suffering a sinus infection.......I can not take antibiotics so my Crossing was somewhat not the same ..... As the seas were mad :mad:

for several days I was very happy to have booked #122 (oh yes, I enjoyed the Poor people's deck!! ha ha So much more comfortable on a TA Crossing~~~plus good friends as neighbors)

To start our Crossing about 20 of us enjoyed a Pre-Crossing festive dinner in Ft. Laud on March 18th~~~a good time was had by all! Miss Pam C., hubby Ray, Wally and Vivian, (his lovely wife) Gary G., came from Blue Lagoon Dr and joined the Crossing Pride-ites. We appreciated their coming to "break bread" with us.

Captain J. Black's pajama morning social was a huge success! Even Queen A. came "decked out"~~~many clever costumes! And John decorated his Suite #124 to the Pirate 9's~~~~

Easter Bonnet Parade and contest was enjoyed by many~~~in the Club at 3 pm~~~cutest hats I've ever seen in my life! My friend J.R. from Alabama and I fashioned and made Cheffy Markus hat!

Talk about a scream???? We even veiled it......he was so proud and took it home to his fiancee'~~~when the "smoked cleared" the judges, Capt. Rikard, Hotman Guenther, Joe McCormack and Queen A. announced 1st place was a TIE! The winners were: Cheffy and Miss Pinkie. The next day at noon we strolled up to the Bridge and received our prize.......BLEW the ship's horn!!! Chef went first and played his tune well......I followed and blew once, liked it so much I blew again......maybe a 'lit too long. Folks at Trivia (among others aboard) thought the Pride was about to run over a freighter or a whale or sumptin'........Captain Rikard then came on the speaker and explained what/who was "horn happy!" Oh Lordy....."just Pinkie again, having fun and making a new Seabourn Crossing memory!"I left the Peter Cottontail costume aboard for Easter Sunday....and NO I'm not telling who will don it~~~~ a few Guests will probably be surprised when they see a white rabbit aboard the Pride ship!

It was a fantastic Crossing......enjoyed many good friends and hopefully made new ones. The Pride, again, proved "ONLY the Best!"

As I am still on the ship, swaying back and forth.......more later.

"Amigos Para Siempre" to all.

Martita B.

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Welcome Home Martha!! :D


You were missed here! I hope you recover from you sealegs and sinus infection post haste!


My apologies again on being a "no-show" at the "pre-crossing" dinner - I was stuck in San Juan! Sounds like I missed a wonderful time.


I'm looking forward to hearing more about the Pride Spring Crossing 2007!

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hi marja we enjoyed our cruise very much it was nice to meet you. hi martha we had a ball i enjoyed being your white bunny for the easter party i hope you enjoyed our cocktail party in our owner's suite 04 i miss you just thinking about the trip i hope you get well soon i have an infection also it was going around the pride when i was up on the bridge the crew was coughing a lot also so they had it to.

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So many Officer's, Staff and Crew to thank for a most successful Pride Crossing~~~ Captain Rikard was fantastic...so charming and so much fun! I love to hear him laugh!! I am impressed with our new young Chief Engineer, Neil (he wears big black earphones and told me to just call him "Mickey Mouse") Mike Price and Joe McCormack always remain the same ~~keeping the Pride running smoothly and always big smiles on their faces! Guenther, a grrrreat Hotman! Marcel Maitre'd always perfection (even though he was sick a few days) Chef Markus, one of Seabourn's 10 stars~~ and the good news, J.B., myself and a few of us went with our new Chef-in-training, Allen, to Ponta Delgada shopping for fish and Azores cheese. What a personable, comical Chef~~I predict Allan will soon be a Seabourn star too! Ursula, Ex. Housekeeper and Sher, were fabulous, along with Miss U.'s "stewardess chickens" (that's what she calls them--her 'lit chickens) My Stewardess, Nancy, was the best I have ever had ~~~and as some of you know, my Suite is a small warehouse of goodies, party decorations, costumes, etc. soooo it's a hard stateroom to keep half/way straight ~~~Ohhh Poor me!

The Purser's, as always, so very helpful and always there for us 24 hours each day.....especially Chief Purser, Stijn.

So many to thank, for once again, "A magical Atlantic Crossing!"

We appreciate and love each of you, as you are our Seabourn family!:p

Martita B.

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Mr. Blackie,

We missed you too! Many of us boarded wearing button/pins:

PAMS GANG ~~~I wore my button/pin: SEABOURN SCALAWAG

We had a terrific Crossing, even though the seas were very rough.

As I was in # 122 one morning the ship went so far over and into the sea I waved at King Neptune ~~he waved back and gave us a "thumps up!" ha ha ha I wasn't sea sick, nor a cold, just this dern sinus infection ~~it's about gone now, thank goodness!

I had my escargot a few evenings~~dee-licious! Hamburgers and french fries still the best in the world!

Happy trails and sails to you!:p


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One problem I had on my Legend cruise was a week before the cruise I came down with a Head and Chest cold. During my week on the Legend, I went through one and a half boxes of Kleenex. :( I reallllly wanted to see Rock the Boat and a couple other shows but after dinner my body said, it bedtime.


Hopefully on their new ships Seabourn will do like Silverseas and include a separate shower. The only time I do not like to use a tub/shower is when the ship is a rocking :p

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This point in the voyage always makes me feel happy and a little sad. Happy for the privilege and pleasure of being part of the Seabourn Experience and making new friends and spending time with current friends. A tinge sad leaving this wonderful environment as most of us have to come back down to sea level and do what it takes to return for another magical voyage on these wonderful yachts.


The Captain had us alongside the pier early so preparations could begin. Embarkation always goes quickly and smoothly on Seabourn. With a 11:05 am flight out of Lisbon, I was a little paranoid. I had been well briefed as what to expect at the Lisbon airport, I had checked in and printed my boarding passes for my flights the day before and arranged to be in the first disembarkation group.


When Helga announced that the ship had been cleared and those with independent arrangements could disembark at any time, I raced out of my suite with my carryon rollaboard, collected my passport, presented my ship’s ID card to the security officer who scanned me off the ship, and, before I could take a breath a waiter insisted on carrying my carryon down the gangway, a final onboard perk. I walked through customs and straight to a taxi who whisked me to the airport while, in decent English, was pointing out the sights to me enroute. Upon arrival to the airport I tipped him more than the customary amount and when he started to dig for change, I told him no, that he was a good tour guide. He smiled broadly and warmly at me, shook my hand and wished me safe travels home. His response to me made me wonder how well this taxi driver had been treated by tourists using his services.


Since I was flying west following the sun, I tried not to sleep on the flights home. Aside for a few cat-naps and dozing off a few times, I did not sleep on the flights. I arrived home late Saturday evening, went straight to bed and slept like a rock. Having done this I have had no effects from jet lag (probably because I wasn’t really on Lisbon time as I seemed to have difficulty adjusting to the time zone adjustments as we crossed the Atlantic).


This was my first cruise on the Pride. In spite of the rough seas the first 4 days, I had a wonderful time! After a couple of days, I felt like part of the family. My assessment of the overall cruise experience: 5-star outstanding! :D :D


Farewell Freeze Frames:




Journey’s End — The Pride Alongside, Tied Up, Engines Stop And Soon Disembarkation




Pa Gjensyn (Until We Meet Again) Pride White Castle


On a Seabourn Yacht, life is good. :)

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Enjoyed your photos! Fond memories of our disembarking in Lisboa.

Thank you for all your pictures and reviews. So well written.

J.B. and I also disembarked with just a "roll on"~~we stayed in Lisbon for a few days after the Crossing and certainly enjoyed not having heavy pieces of luggage ~~at the airport it was a mob scene and we were go grateful, again NO luggage. It's the only way to travel these days. Flyin' sure isn't what it used to be!:eek:

I hope you enjoyed the White Pride Castle Spring Crossing! Please join us again next March~~~the theme has been named! (so far, everybody approves and is most excited)

Happy Sails


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I hope you are over your sinus infection, regaining your land legs and getting back on West Texas time. I am glad you are posting!


Of course I enjoyed the White Pride Castle spring crossing! The best wait staff, chefs, stewardesses, crew, officers, entertainers, lecturers and passengers at sea! What more can I tell you? Yes, I booked the Pride spring 2008 crossing last April! In about a month I will be booking my airfare when the airlines load their fares and schedules into the airline reservation system 330 days before the flight. I have been successful obtaining decent one-way excursion business class airfares when I have used this method in the past.


Of course, numero uno on my packing list will be my fuchsia blazer and white slacks and appropriately colored accessories. Puhleezz do not tell me the theme will be “Adorably Apricot” or “Terrifically Turquoise!” Please email me the theme and any details you care to divulge. I promise to get permission from The Chief to lower “The Cone Of Silence” before I open and read your email! I may need significant lead-time to prepare for his event!


What is next on the horizon for you? A stint on the Spirit with Sir Captain Doctor Toenis T. Sorensen, Assn. Secretary of the United States Navy?


Blue Skies, Calm Seas and Gentle Breezes

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Didn't we have a fantastic Crossing~~~I never saw ALL of the guests so happy on a Crossing! It was indeed akin to a "family reunion!" Yes, a few sea sick~~and a few head colds (one suffering a sinus infection) but being seasoned Blue Water Sailor's, we sailed on without complaints! Smiles and sincere warm greetings each morning! Such hugs and kisses~~~~truly a magical group of Guests and a Seabourn Pride magical 12 days on the Atlantic Ocean!

O.K.~~~I never can/could keep a secret~~~I'm always telling my family what I'v giving them for Christmas at Thanksgiving! OH Lordy!:rolleyes:

J.B. came up with our March 17th 2008 Pride Crossing theme during this Crossing~~~!~! It will be: GLAD in PLAID

Wear a kilt~~~~I told the "Scots" aboard our Crossing~~they were very pleased with the theme~~as well as Officer Joe McCormack~~(he wears his kilt on formal nights) Might want to pick up PLAID pajamas for the morning champagne social!

Have a grrrreat day!:p


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