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Why or When should porters be tipped?

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Pat41 - Looks a little like Little Big Horn here.:D You're taking on two 1000+ posters. I read more than post, and it seems that tef43 tone always sounds that way. Sometimes people come across differently in text. As far as pulling posts, I just got one pulled the other day. It was similar to ones I've read in the past, but it did violate the rules. They were quick to zap and I agreed they were right to do it once I took the time to read the guidelines. I recommend chillin'. I haven't cared for most of the posts I've seen from tef43, but he has the right to have an opinion.
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So... the answer seems to be (regardless of distance or help provided):

1) Because, that is the way it has always been done (a tip is customary).

2) [b]Intimidation.[/b] They will throw your bags over the side of the pier if you don't! ([b]Clearly the biggest reason[/b])

3) It's not fair that they do the (well paid Union) job they are getting paid for, they deserve more!

4) Porters expect to be TIPped.

5) Doing the "right" or "nice" thing.

6) To hell with the cheap folks.

7) If you were only picked to work 2 or 3 days a week wouldn't you appreciate a tip?

8) Ft Lauderdale terminal had signs posted by the Port Authorities all over the place stating that tipping porters wasn't allowed. ([b]Wonder Why? [/b]Maybe they have rules against throwing luggage over the side of the pier)

9) Fear of others on this board calling you cheap or a tightwad.

10) Porters, who in my oppinion were bullies, would NOT load our bags onto the ship unless we paid them $2/bag. Just Tip $2/bag and be done with it. It's not worth all the touble.

11) Porters give some ugly looks after not getting a tip.

12) People have a problem not seeing why others are questioning when and why to TIP. Just let loose of the money whether it is deserved or not (see #1 above).

13) Carnival suggests $1 per bag for these porters (Yet, they explicitly state Carnival assumes no responsibility for Porters and your bags given to them. Interesting).

14) You have no alternative due to 9/11 as you can no longer carry on board your own luggage.

15) [color=#000000]Porter carried baggage a distance longer than you were willing to carry the luggage yourself to get to the check-in. (VentureMan's response to Tom-n-Cheryl)

16) I feel like I tip the porters so they don't screw me over; giving $$ to people to avoid retalliation ([b]see #2 above[/b]).

17) To not tip a Porter (due to #1 above) is to stiff the service personnel.

18) We had three bags, so, I gave the Porter $10. He literally picked up the bags turned around and placed them in this metal container. He did not even move his feet. He simply turned around. I could have done that much ([b]really earned his TIP![/b]).

19) Where tipping is apropriate... if Porters are very friendly and helpful then I give them them above the "recommended" tip.[/color]

20) Had 4 pieces luggage, the [color=#000000]porter came up and said "I'll make sure these get to the ship, and the price is $10" I was so mad that he DEMANDED $10 that I only gave him $6, for which he gave me a little chuckle like " I SAID TEN DOLLARS LADY!!!"[/color]

21)After giving the guy collecting tips in Port Canaveral $10 for our five bags, the guy behind me only had a $20. Imagine my surprise when the same [color=#000000]porter said he couldn't break the $20.[/color]

Any others?
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im sooo with u on this one!......it kills me how most people never think twice about this stuff....they just dish over the bucks and move on....i feel like a goober now for having always tipped these guys without putting more deep thought into it!.....though it has passed my mind many times, what a rippppoffff it is when i see them moving my luggage 5 feet into a steel cage for 5 buck tip..........ive always tipped $1 a bag without an incident....now if they demanded $2 per bag i think id have to be bustin some heads out thar....ha...jokie...................I dont think it is at all wrong to bring up this topic for discussion.........cause some of us agree with ya that its a bit ripppoffffish!.......same as the phone company guy charging a $99 service charge for doing 5 minutes work.....same as the plumber charging $79 to come change a washer in my faucet......on and on.....life is a scam...and then we die :)......where the he!! is the supposed happy ending?:)
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[font=Georgia][b]Oh well.........let me play[img]http://cdn-cf.aol.com/se/smi/0201d205d4/13[/img].......I'm a tipper[img]http://cdn-cf.aol.com/se/smi/0201d205d4/16[/img]........I think if I can tip a curbside guy at the airport to move my luggage a few feet and place on a belt that I can tip a porter to take it a few feet to a cage....I also tip many different people including "sometimes" a waiter on a ship even though I know that they already have 15% built in....I tip at least 20% on most things as it's easier math[img]http://cdn-cf.aol.com/se/smi/0201d205d4/04[/img]......I think with a good attitude you'll see it return.....or am I the only one that believes in the law of reciprocity?[img]http://cdn-cf.aol.com/se/smi/0201d205d4/05[/img][img]http://cdn-cf.aol.com/se/smi/0201d205d4/08[/img][/b][/font]
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I'm with you Randy. When we arrived at the New Orleans port they porters had to carry or row the luggage more than 20 feet. I have tipped in the past and will do so in the future.

Where I work there is such a thing as Incentive Award Point Program where someone can put in a award for someone who does a good job or does something above and beyond. It is in cash amounts from $5.00 on up. It is a way that we can let our peers know that they have done good and we appreciate them.
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I am sure you are tired of reading everyones responses to this, but...

Tipping $1 - 2 a bag will not affect your pocket book. If this tip can't be made then maybe you should not be cruising to begin with. Tipping is showing appreciation toward people that help you. Porters make sure your bag gets on the ship safely.

A normal cruise will run anywhere from $299 (cheapest) on up to several thousands of dollars per person. Please think in advance of all other charges on the cruise other than fare (parking, tips, gifts, casino, spa, etc). This list gets very lengthy. Tips are normally the smallest amount on the pie graph when placed next to some of the other charges. What really makes a cruise great? Being pampered by all of the people that work hard to make our cruise enjoyable.

Pay the man taking care of your luggage. This is just like buying beer and pizza for the friends who help you move into a new house.
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The question isn't if the tip can be made. The question is, "Why or when should Porters be tipped?"

[b][i]"Tipping is showing appreciation toward people that help you. Porters make sure your bag gets on the ship safely."
If a porter actually helps you carry you luggage a distance to the check-in, then clearly a TIP is due.

But what about a situation like #18 above (and #2, #016, #20 & #24 for that matter)?

In this case, the Porter did not provide a service. They have to accept the luggage at check-in... they get paid by the Port Authority to move the luggage from the check-in point to the ship. The ship personnel (Porters) move the luggage from the ship's loading area to your rooms.

IMHO, the Ship Porters are the folks that should be getting the tip. Clearly, the Porter in #18 above should receive nothing. And you know that TIPs given to a Porter will not be shared with the ship Porters (workers).
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Interestingly enough... I ALSO do tip the people who bring the luggage to my cabin, as I am usually in and out of the room quite a bit in the afternoon... frequently those people are not the "big guys" type who handle your luggage when you drop-off, they are usually younger, smaller, and many females too... they REALLY work... of course Carnival makes sure most of the crew WORK...

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Tom LMAO.....good point!:).......KODIAC.....the thing is...what if the friends coming over to help you move arent wanted?...what if you never asked them to come over to help?.....what if you'd prefer to do it yourself?.....if i had the CHOICE of being able to roll my luggage an extra 5 feet and throw them in the cage myself, ID DO IT......i dont care if it cost 5 bucks or 50 cents.....when im a senior ill be needing their services.......some of us actually dont find great joy in being pampered........my daddy always told me that pampering is for pansys:).........im just playin!.....but for real, i believe in the old school theory that people should get paid a fair wage based on what they be doing........so however that works out, im all for it:)
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No one likes to part with money for unasked for services but regardless:

[size=3][color=seagreen]Getting your bag safely onto the ship - $1.00 a Bag[/color][/size]
[size=3][color=seagreen]Relaxing in a lounge chair (with a cocktail) knowing it got there - [/color][/size]
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[quote name='robbyxoxo']Tom LMAO.....good point!:).......KODIAC.....the thing is...what if the friends coming over to help you move arent wanted?...what if you never asked them to come over to help?.....what if you'd prefer to do it yourself?.....

Robby face it. You ARE going to utilize the services of the cabin steward and you ARE going to tip they guys for helping with your bags, cuz if you don't DW will not be happy and as they say....."if they ain't happy.....no one's happy. Which also translates to no one's "gettin' any".
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#2 and #16 above seem to fit your scenerio. I'm sure that these may influence me as well. Not really worried about the tip, just asking an honest question, trying to honest views and responses.

Appears that an awful lot of folks TIP out of fear, not because the Porters are helpful. I've only been on 1 previous cruse and I still remember vividly how rude and up front the Porters were. That was 17 years ago.

The stories that folks have to tell are very interesting.

Keep them coming.
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I've never tipped out of fear, and I believe those that do are in a serious minority. I tip porters, PERIOD. As do most people. The porters at the airport actually move your bags maybe 1 foot further than the ones at the port, so it's okay to tip if they move you bag 6 feet, but not 5? :rolleyes: Tip if you want, it's not required, it's something nice that people do... We are talking a lousy dollar here! Don't do it if you don't want to! Geez! Nobody is going to throw your bags overboard, that is not saying they won't throw your bags down extra hard :D They are helping you in an effort to get your bags on the ship... Carnival does not have their own help and uses the Port Authority... would it be different if these were Carnival employees? Bottom line, when someone helps you with your luggage, you should tip... I bring 2 bags, that's $2... If this is going to break anyone, let me know.... we'll have a fundraiser.
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If a Porter speaks up tells you, "that will be $1 (or $2) per bag", are you giving him a TIP, or paying ransom?

The Porters at the airport never mention money. You pay them because it is customary. If you don't, they won't demand it. (just for the record, I would never do this). They won't say a word.

Speaking up and demanding a TIP is a bit rude in my book. Especially if you [i][b]have to[/b][/i] hand them your luggage at check-in.

Would you like to have your waiter/watress come up to you before dinner and ask you how much you were going to tip them, or tell you before they redered any service that they tell you, "That will be $20 for the two of you. You can pay me now!"?

Let's keep what a TIP is suppose to represent in perspective here. Not everyone wants to give their money away without merit, although it sounds like some do.
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Never had anyone ask for or demand a tip... I would imagine since CC represents about 2% of cruisers, and of those, there have been very few that have had it "demanded" that it probably does not happen as much as your list would make people think... :cool:
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This is a somewhat off topic scenario but talk about ransom on vacation!!

We rented a jeep in Puerto Vallarte ( big mistake ) and we were pulled over for a bogus alleged stop sign violation - They took our license and pretended to not speak English for about a half hour, when we told them we were on a cruise they told us they could still take us to prison because they said we wouldn't pay the ticket so they needed cash - I had my 5 and 10 year old with me scared to death. 45 minutes later, we were released ( all the while I was video taping the federales ) because DH kept insisting he had no cash - (it was in his sock ) but he kept showing them his empty wallet.

Regardless, another couple ended up paying $50.00 cash to get their license back -same exact spot - it was horrible and I will never, ever go back to Puerto Vallarte - yuck!:mad:

So, I guess a few bucks for baggage isn't too bad but you know - I don't like to pay enforced tips either and yeah, I guess I have the mentality on my cruise that I am on vacation and I don't sweat the small stuff, (which is what Carnival is well aware of and probably takes full advantage) so, Ventureman, you are right, I would much rather take the bags myself and forget the hassle about someone demanding money (this happened to me in San Diego) tips should be earned and passed out on the discretion of the tipper - not by a hand out expecting money.
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I would not tip someone who "demanded" it, rather I would report it... tips are not demanded, they are given as a courtesy for service or assistance... Never had one demanded yet... then again, I exude such a pleasant and cheerful attitude, they pretty much know that they will get a tip for helping me :D
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Interesting question!

Another way to look at it is what would be a fair hourly wage to be a Porter? $20/hr? $30/hr? $40/hr? $50/hr?

Not including what the port pays them to actually perform their job, you have to figure they are taking in an extra $6,000 in 4 or 5 hours work (2000 passengers * 2bags each * $1.5 per bag average). That's $1,200 per hour. How many porters, 10? that comes out to $120 per hour. $600 bucks in TIPs plus $100 from the Port for 5 hours work? That $140 an hour.

Let's not feel too sorry for the Porters. After all, the Porters doing the real work reside on the ship, not on the Docs.
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[quote name='VentureMan_2000']Suppose the best approach is to be dropped off as far away from the check-in as is pratical and have the Porter carry your luggage to the check-in for you. This way, you will know he is performing work earnest of a TIP. :D[/QUOTE]
Yep....that'll show him....You can WALK with him.....what a deal!:D
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