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Caribbean Princess Review April 2007


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Caribbean Princess

April 1st-8th , 2007

Eastern Caribbean Itinerary



I’ll start off by saying this was our first cruise. We booked everything through Princess website after looking around at prices but since it was spring break airfare was crazy and it was cheaper to book air with the cruise through Princess. We flew out the morning of the cruise. Northwest flight departed around 8am arrived at FLL around 10:30. We also bought the transfers through Princess so there was an agent standing by baggage claim directing us to the bus. In the future I think we’ll just take a taxi instead to avoid having to wait awhile for the bus to fill up. Once the bus was full it was a short drive to the pier, we were dropped off and the bus driver took care of offloading the luggage and getting it in the cages. We headed up to the line, which at 11am wasn’t too long maybe 100 or so people in front of us and were handed the “I promise I’m not sick” form to fill out. The ship was cleared for boarding at 12:15 and once we started moving it went very quick. We found the line for Caribe deck, got our cards and turned in our paperwork, went through the embarking photo and we were in our room by 12:30. I tried taking a pic of Princess’ area where they hand out cruise cards but was told pics weren’t allowed inside this area and was pointed toward the sign that stated this as well (which I had seen, just didn’t think they were actually watching for it, :rolleyes: .) We threw our carry-ons on the bed and checked out the room. We found it to be very accommodating. The bed was setup as a queen configuration as we requested. The bathroom is small but there is storage everywhere so it’s not cluttered. The shower is small as well but tall so most people shouldn’t have an issue with it. My wife and I aren’t big people so others may have a different opinion, she’s 5’1” 105 and I’m 5’9” 175 and we both fit fine, it was roomier by ourselves though ;) . We then wiped down the entire room with anti-bacterial wipes (habit) top to bottom anything we would be touching for the next week, present company excluded lol. After the room was sanitized (don’t forget the phone, tv and remote, door/drawer knobs, safe knob, etc.) we went out to explore our new found home for the next seven days. To say the ship was big is an understatement, it’s huge! We wandered around for about an hour looking at all the different areas and then made our way up to the Horizon Court to have lunch. As everyone else says, if you go hungry on the ship your doing something wrong, lol. There wasn’t a lot of people onboard yet so we had no problem getting a table by the window overlooking the harbor. We took in a great view while eating and then headed back to the room to see if our luggage had arrived yet but it hadn’t. We unpacked our carry-ons and then met our wonderful room steward Mariana from Romania. She gave us a rundown on her and the ship and how to get in touch if we needed anything. Then about the time we were getting ready to walk out we got a knock and opened the door to find our luggage sitting there, it was just a little after 2pm now. We hurriedly unpacked and found plenty of space and storage for everything. The empty luggage fit fine under the bed and kept it out of our way for the week. We headed back out to explore some more and then eventually back up to the lido deck for the sailaway party. The lido deck on the CB is impressive to say the least, with three open levels there was no excuse to not have a good view or spot to hang out. We enjoyed sailaway from the third level that’s above the jogging track, ordered our drinks and waved at the locals as we set sail out of the harbor. It’s neat seeing the people in their yards and on their balconies waving their flags and seeing you off. We had a blast at sailaway and met a lot of people, one couple in particular that we ended up hanging out with quite a bit throughout the trip. If you don’t make new friends on a cruise then something is terribly wrong. We partied up top for a few hours then hit the buffet again for dinner. We had a great dinner and a short walk then the day caught up with us and we headed for bed. I had requested an eggcrate upon meeting Mariana the first time and she had already put it on and made up the bed for us when we got back to the room. We turned in early and called it a day.

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We were told there were close to 1000 kids onboard but it didn’t seem like it. We’re a younger couple (31 and 29) with kids (left them at home) and didn’t have any problems with the kids while onboard. We did notice there was a small group of four or five kids that were “a little unruly” that we kept seeing around the ship but aside from them the kids all seemed well behaved. We enjoyed a lot of the onboard activities while at sea, participated in the “Battle of the Sexes” game at the pool (unfortunately we let the women win :p ) We missed getting in on “Survivor” but watched all three rounds, had fun watching them battle it out. The grand prize was over $1000 of jewelry and gifts! We always had lunch in the buffet and the only complaint I have is the layout up there, it’s crazy! There are two entrances to each and then you end up meeting in the middle and have to work around everyone, then work your way back out to the tables and wander around to find a seat which when busy can be a royal pain but if you go back outside there were usually tables to found by the pools. We had anytime seating and never had to wait on a table. The only night we chose not to share a table was our anniversary and we were seated with no wait as well. We tried both Palm and Coral dining rooms and thought the service was better in the Palm but it is in the back of the ship away from the masses more so that may explain it. The service was just ok in both until the last night where we ended up meeting by far our favorite waiters on the ship. I HIGHLY recommend finding a table in KARN’s section in the Palm Dining room. Karn and his assistant Pat are both from Pataya, Thailand and were absolutely wonderful! We truly wished we would have found them the first night. We let the Maitre D’ know the job they were doing and he gave them both his own “Bravo” when they returned. We almost missed out on Sabatini’s due to our own stupidity. We made reservations for Wednesday thinking that was our Anniversary night when in fact it was Tuesday night, once we realized we had the wrong day it was booked up already. I highly recommend making reservations as soon as you board, they had a booth out in front of the restaurant when we boarded taking reservations. Now back to our dilemma we couldn’t get in on Tuesday so we changed it to Friday, Tuesday night rolls around and we realize (late thinking again) that Friday is lobster night in the dining room and we don’t want to miss that. So we call again (I’d like to thank the concierge for putting up with us by the way) to change back to Wednesday but it had already filled up again! So bummed out we cancelled them altogether because the other days were port days and the only times they had were early and we didn’t want to have to rush back from port for dinner. As luck would have it we made another wonderful friend onboard, LUIGI :) an Ass’t. Cruise Director. Luigi is an awesome person if you get the chance to meet him. Aside from being a nice guy he can speak four different languages (ask him about a fifth, lol) and has been all over the world.

If you bump into him please tell him Brian and Carrie say Hi! He asked us how Sabatini’s was and we explained all the trouble we had caused ourself , he said he’d see what he could do and left right then. The next day after breakfast we came back to the room to find a note slipped under the door confirming our reservation for that evening! Thank You Luigi!!:) Sabatini’s was excellent, be prepared for A LOT of food. It just keeps coming! Hamit from Turkey was our head waiter and Alberto from Mexico was his assistant and they were excellent as well. The food was great and we tried a lot of new things that we never had before. Luigi came by to make sure we made it and were enjoying ourselves, we then met the other person responsible for getting us a seat. Nikolai , from Romania as well is one of the managers at Sabatini’s and helped hook us up. We put in a “made the difference” card for him as well. If anyone stands out during your trip please fill out one of these cards for them. It helps them out as far as promotions, shore leave, etc. and only takes a second of your time.


CC Meet & Greet


Thanks to Diane and the others from our roll call who put together the cruise critic meeting. We had it Monday the first sea day at 3:30 at Outriggers at the aft pool. It was great getting to put faces with names. We made a lot of new friends and hope to share a boat with you again! It was funny to see the patter for Tuesday and see a cruise critic meeting scheduled again, don’t know what happened but we swung by but didn’t see anyone so we assumed Princess was just doing this on their own and didn’t know about or meeting Monday, but it was a nice gesture.

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St. Martin


I honestly could have skipped this port and done an extra day at St. Thomas or Princess Cays. We caught a taxi over to Orient Beach and had a nice conversation with Jodi our taxi driver along the way. We make it a point to try and talk to people and be outgoing, it’s incredible the amount one can learn from a short conversation with a new person. Anyway, during the drive from the dock to Orient we went past some very rundown areas and I was wondering in my mind what the beach was going to look like after seeing this. There were abandoned cars, junk all along the roads. It wasn’t at all what I had pictured. I’m sure the island tours went through some lovely areas but not the ride to the beach. We got to Orient Beach early and walked away from the nudist resort to the other end to check out the rest of the beach but ended up coming back to where we started and setup camp. We picked up chairs for $7 each with an umbrella and two tickets to …….drumroll……the bathroom! Yup if you don’t have a ticket, it’ll cost you .50 to use one. We were just on the other side of the rock pile from the nudist colony so we had several folks walking by “la naturale” throughout the day which didn’t bother us but just a heads up to those with children. We saw several embarrassed parents rushing to hide their kids eyes lol. The comments we heard escaping some of the kids mouths were great too “Mommy, his p***s is hanging out” lol gotta love kids. The only nice place to snorkel is across the way at Pinel Island and it’ll cost $5 one way to get there which is pricey considering it’s only a couple football fields away. A friend of ours did find a $10 bill when he was snorkeling just off the beach. There was a “flea market this way” sign next to one of the bars so on one of our .50 bathroom trips we went and checked it out. There were good deals to be had but you have to haggle with them, there was a little booth with $1 Coronas also. Beers were $3 in the places right on the beach so go behind them and find the cheaper ones. We were in between the jet skis and the rock pile so just behind there. We had asked Jodi to pick us up at 1pm and sure enough she was there waiting on us! We headed back into town and asked her where to eat. She recommended a local place called “Chesterfield’s” it is along the walk between Front St. and the security gate just off the dock. The food was excellent and the view was great overlooking the harbor. They have the best bartender on the island (he had the plaque and gold medal to prove it, lol) too. We wandered down to Front St. after eating and did some shopping, again haggle over everything to get a good deal. We were approached a couple times by locals offering drugs, we decided we’d head back to the ship after that. I know it happens everywhere but it’s sad that it does and definitely not something we’re into so that was another strike in our minds against St. Martin. We’ll check out the other side of the island next time we go.


St. Thomas


As most know, Princess now docks at Crown Bay. I know some people are unhappy with Princess for this choice and some have even said they will be switching cruise lines because of it. I think Princess made a wise choice, they are thinking about the future and I applaud them for that. Crown Bay doesn’t have the mass shopping that downtown does but there are stores open and the buildings are new and will soon be filled with shops and it doesn’t have the crowd that Havensight does which was nice. The view from the boat at Crown Bay was excellent, check the links below for some pics. It is quiet and clean and if you want to go to town there are plenty of taxi’s waiting to take you for $4 pp. We caught the taxi to Red Hook which was an adventure in itself. I thought the drivers on St. Martin were bad, I think St. Thomas has them beat! It was a good 15 minute trip to Red Hook up and down some crazy winding hills. We were just praying the brakes didn’t go out, lol. Think Nascar in the Smoky Mountains and that would give you a good idea, lol.

After we got to Red Hook we caught the ferry to Cruz Bay on St. John then took a taxi to Trunk Bay. So it was $10 to get to Red Hook, then $5 one way for the ferry to Cruz Bay then another $8 for the taxi to Trunk Bay then $4 to actually get into to Trunk Bay. So $27 per person to go from Crown Bay to Trunk Bay for those planning ahead. Trunk bay was beautiful, we rented snorkel gear for around $15 a person I believe and they have a limited number of lockers as well at the same stand. It was only $3 per locker for the entire day so we grabbed one to put our valuables in. They give you a lock with a key on a stretchy bracelet so you don’t lose it. The snorkeling was nice, better if you stayed to the right side of the little island where the snorkel trail is. It did get crowded by the time we left around 2pm. On the return trip we decided it would be easier to just take the ferry all the way from Cruz Bay to Havensight. It was only $12 each and took about 45 minutes but the scenery is beautiful. Remember when I said they drive a little crazy in St. Thomas? Well apparently it’s not just cars! When we were pulling into the dock at Havensight (this is a big double decker boat with 150 or more passengers) we were up top in the open air section next to the railing at the back of the boat , and noticed we were heading towards another small (about ¼ the size of ours) charter boat, it kept getting closer and closer until BAM!!! Yup we side-swiped the boat at about 15mph and then proceeded to drag the rest of our lengthy boat along the side of it! Some nicely dressed crewmembers from the other boat had this “What the h*** just happened” look on their faces. So the ferry ride back had it’s excitement as well, lol. I have a longtime friend who is a longtime friend of a jewelry store owner in St. Thomas and said if we would be in the area to stop by. We grabbed a drink at R&J’s Latte right across from the ferry and then made our way down to Grand Jewelers to meet some more new people. We were greeted by the man we were looking for and had a great conversation and ended up picking up a ring for the wife since it was our 10 year anniversary. I recommend knowing what your looking for and how much it is in the states. We got an excellent deal on the ring and was confirmed after getting back home and having it appraised. We headed back to the main drag to do some shopping and picked up some stuff for the kids and luckily while checking out the lady asked us if we were on a boat, when we answered yes she said “ You got to go mon! “ we checked our watch and it was 5pm, oops so we headed outside and grabbed a taxi which turned out to be a dispatcher that works at the Crown Bay gate in the morning, a short ride back to Crown Bay and we were back onboard at 5:15 with the ship leaving at 5:30, whewwww! A little closer than I’d have liked, pay attention to the time.

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We caught all the shows we could squeeze n while onboard. Piano Man was good as was Fernandez the hypnotist. We saw him twice and the first show was better we thought. He does an adult show later in the week that wasn’t as funny IMO. Comedian Tom Briscoe was good, we missed Steve Moris and everyone said he was hilarious. We caught Bert Stratton three times and liked him in Crooners better than the bigger Explorer’s Lounge. I guess it just seemed a little more personable with the smaller room. Tim Donovan was the Cruise Director and was great, from hosting numerous activities to starring in London Pub Night which was excellent. Get there early to get a seat, it was directly after the Champagne Waterfall and we ended up standing to watch which ended up getting the wife volunteered for a part in the show (balloons were involved, you’ll just have to see it, lol). The dancing lessons were fun too, along with the trivia contests and other onboard activities. I’m sure most know by now that this is the sailing that had the noro outbreak. The last count we heard before getting off from an actual crewmember was 100 or so people had contracted it. We never got sick but we did get a nice scare when we opened our door to go to dinner one night and found the hazmat team in the room across the hall hosing it down in their full E.T. getup with masks, suits, biohazard bags, etc. We always carry hand sanitizer with us anyway so we continued our normal habits which we already avoided handrails, used our elbows to push elevator buttons and timed door openings to our advantage, etc. Parents please keep an eye on your kids in the buffet! Prevention is key, we saw numerous kids reaching for food bare-handed, licking their fingers then picking up tongs, etc. Parents are guilty as well especially walking past hand sanitizers, they’re there for a reason people! We also used the stairs as much as possible both for exercise and to avoid cramped areas with people and germs.


Princess Cays


Another beautiful stop! It was a great ending to a great trip. We got there early and grabbed a couple chairs under one of the tiki roofs which are a precious commodity when it’s really hot out. The water was crystal clear and warmer than Trunk Bay. The snorkeling here was the best we experienced in any of the ports. If your facing the Island head to the far left to Davey Jones Locker to rent your gear and then past the little cottages and down the steps. Watch out for all the hermit crabs in the sand, there is about a 30ft. opening in the Coral Rock here to get into the water and was the best place we found for snorkeling. It’s away from the crowds and we saw some gorgeous fish, a big lobster, octopus and the wife saw a small jelly fish and froze while it cruised past, lol. I got lucky and found a bag of fish food floating in the water as I was putting my fins on. The fish will swarm you if you have food, so if you aren’t comfortable in that situation don’t feed them, lol. We took a break to go eat and the food was again really good. It was just BBQ and Brats and Burgers but it was good. There was pasta salad and beans and cookies and other side dishes as well. There are buffets at both ends of the beach so it doesn’t get too crowded. There are also huge fruit stands at each end and the fresh fruit was wonderful. If you head behind the shops that are directly next to the tenders there is a little security gate you can show your cruise card at and go through to an open air market for much cheaper shopping than you’ll find at the beach front. We did some more shopping and then headed back to do some more snorkeling and finish up the day. I forgot to mention snorkel gear was $22 a person for mask,fins,vest and has to be turned in a half hour before the last tender leaves I believe. The only downside to Princess Cays is that you can’t use your soda card here! We don’t drink soda so it had no effect on us but those that do be warned. There are ice water stations all over the place though and there are people constantly walking around taking drink orders like on the ship. It’s a shame this is a short day stay 9am-3pm, we could’ve stayed much longer and not been bored. Also be prepared for a long line to get into the tenders to head back. The line stretched well past halfway down the beach by 2pm. The last tender was to leave at 3pm but due to rough water it was after 3:30. They do have 5 or so tenders going during return trips to the ship so it doesn’t take forever.


Final Night


We spent the last night there at the Crooner’s bar talking to a couple from Scotland who had us almost in tears. Orlando is one of the bar tenders there and makes some excellent drinks aside from mistakenly asking the Scotsman if he wanted a Guiness, that started a friendly exchange I won’t soon forget. We took one last lap around the ship and said goodnight, sad to be going home in the morning. We had an 11:30am flight home so we were one of the first groups off. Disembarking was quick, the only drawback is luggage

pickup after your off the ship, crazy is an understatement. They group your luggage by your colored tag and line it up in a dozen or so lines with a foot in between each line. I recommend you pick out the most agile member of your group and send them in alone, there is constant motion trying to work your way through the crowd with a piece of luggage, it looks like a general admission concert with everyone packed into a small area. I realize that this is how it has to be done with all the passengers they have, just be patient with it. It is also a good idea to make your luggage stand out so you can grab and go. Once our color was called we were off and had our luggage 20 minutes later. Again we had to wait for the bus to fill before we headed to the airport. We were at the airport by a little after 9 only to have our flight delayed an hour or so. So we made more friends that had been on ours or a different cruise and compared notes in the meantime. We arrived home to freezing rain and 30 degree temps, I’m officially depressed now, lol.

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This was officially the best vacation we have ever taken and are already planning our next cruise, hopefully before the Caribbean Princess heads to NYC. I’m sorry for being long-winded but I actually just touched on the experience we had. I learned cruising is what you make it. Go with the intention of having a blast and meeting new people and make the effort to talk to as many folks as you can and expand yourself. The food will help out with this part a lot lol. Although neither my wife or I gained any weight ourselves it’s easily possible. Please take this review with a grain of salt, everyone has different opinions and ours may very well not be the same as yours. Enjoy YOUR vacation, don’t try and make it like someone elses. Only you know what you really like and dislike. If you have any questions I’d be happy to answer them to the best of my ability, a lot of members here helped us before our cruise and we are grateful and would love to help other people out in return. Take care and hope to see you on a boat one day.


Brian and Carrie




Link to CB patters



Crown Bay Pics





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Brian and Carrie - Let me be the first to thank you for such a great review. It made me feel like I was back on the CB, especially during sailaway watching all the FLL residents wave good-bye to you. That was a special way to start the cruise. Thanks for spending the time to post your wonderful review. You sound like the kind of travellers we all would like to travel with. Kellie in Texas

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Great review! Sounds like you had a wonderful 10th anniversary trip. We sailed the CB last fall and are going again in September, doing the Eastern route this time. We loved the ship and wanted to sail on her again before she heads to New York.


Thanks for scanning the patters, I am going to go print them off.

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After reading your wonderful review, we can't wait to get on the ship in January! Sounds like you had a blast!


If I read you correctly, the ship does not dock at the normal place (by all of the tourist shops and the little bar with the grass roof (where the cable car goes up the hill?)? Is it closer to the "downtown" area? I can't picture it...we have been there on numerous occasions.


Chris & Jim

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Great review. I guess I forgot that you were a first time cruiser. You forgot to make mention of our 5AM wake-up call on Friday night....those darn "gremlins in the wizardry". :)


Brenda and I hope our paths cross yours at sea again sometime.

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We then wiped down the entire room with anti-bacterial wipes (habit) top to bottom anything we would be touching for the next week, present company excluded lol. After the room was sanitized (don’t forget the phone, tv and remote, door/drawer knobs, safe knob, etc.) .



A sanitised, safe knob is definately the way to go if you're going to shower together.





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Great review. I guess I forgot that you were a first time cruiser. You forgot to make mention of our 5AM wake-up call on Friday night....those darn "gremlins in the wizardry". :)


Brenda and I hope our paths cross yours at sea again sometime.



It was great meeting you and the family as well. I don't know how I forgot about the 5am wake up call on Friday. Nothing like a deafening emergency broadcast tone to scare the he** out of you in the middle of the night :eek:


Thanks everyone else for the comments. We truly had a wonderful trip even with a bump here and there. Our grandparents are wanting to take their first cruise now, so we're trying to work another one out soon!


I forgot to mention a couple things even with that long-winded review.


MUTS was cool but we never made it through an entire show as there was simply too much to do besides movies.


Casino- we made our donation Monday night. I am an avid Texas Hold Em' player and gave the new electronic system a try. It's interesting and faster than with a human dealer but be forewarned fellow gamblers that the house rakes 10% of EACH pot! That's over twice as much as Vegas! So we didn't go back, it was also quite smoky and we quit 10yrs ago :)


William Kent was our Captain and took a second to stop and say Hi when we saw him on the way back from the Captain's Circle meeting (which we can attend next time now, woohoo :) )

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A sanitised, safe knob is definately the way to go if you're going to shower together.








Did you need a translator?


Actually, happyscot will be happy to know my ancestors are from Scotland. My first relative to come over was Walter Lambe in 1812. That's why we enjoyed sitting and mostly listening to them the last night. I actually set the camera on the bar and just hit record and let it go while we were talking, it was too funny :) He was in full Clan Kilt on formal night as well (boy that'll be the next big debate "Is it ok to just wear my kilt on formal night?" :p ) He looked very regal to say the least and I would've been happy to have shared a table with them.

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Brian & Carrie:

Thank you -- has nice info on Ports too.

Please also post the entire review in the CC Review Section so it can serve as a good reference. /Sultan


I certainly will. I'll add in the couple things I left out and post it up. :)

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Actually, happyscot will be happy to know my ancestors are from Scotland. My first relative to come over was Walter Lambe in 1812. That's why we enjoyed sitting and mostly listening to them the last night. I actually set the camera on the bar and just hit record and let it go while we were talking, it was too funny :) He was in full Clan Kilt on formal night as well (boy that'll be the next big debate "Is it ok to just wear my kilt on formal night?" :p ) He looked very regal to say the least and I would've been happy to have shared a table with them.



Have Scottish citizenship.


They would have welcomed sharing a table with you, because most Scots can't eat a whole one.







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Brian and Carrie,


That was one of the best reviews I have ever read - GREAT job!


You were so sweet to mention my name. Our get-together was terrific and it was great to meet both of you and put the faces with the names. I enjoyed making the name tags and proudly displaying the fact that we are CRUISE CRITICS!


I'm so glad that your first cruise was such a positive experience - you nailed it in your review - ENJOY your vacation! :) More folks should have your attitudes! We had a fabulous time and the Caribbean Princess remains our favorite ship!


Have fun planning your next sailing!

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Brian and/or Carrie,


Your pictures are awesome. We took the same shot at the port in St. Thomas and the quality is no where near the supurb quality of yours.


QUESTION: during the cruise my camera became the victim of a spilled Budweiser ..... a sad death to one of my favorite cameras. :( With that said, I'm now in the market for a new digital camera. What make and model did you use?


Thanks and again, your review was great! :)

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