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Journey Drydock


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"Seems like they told us what we wanted to hear in order to keep our reservations and not jump to another cruise line."


I doubt this is the case for at least one reason - economics. I don't know about you, but what I am paying for this cruise is a lot less than what the cruise is being sold for today. We got Zenith pricing for Journey accomodations and most of us got pretty major upgrades. I was actually expecting X to encourage people to cancel so they could resell the cabins at their higher market rate.

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But there's no place to retrofit this ship for a kids program without taking away adult space - what should go - the library? the spa? the gym? I don't think everyone has a true picture of how small this ship is. It's not like they can add space for an additional amenity. If a kids program is that important to you, then you really should consider another cruise/ship because there is no kids program and not many places they can hang out without disturbing that area's function (library,gym, etc.) Not alot of wide open spaces on this ship. I'm not anti-kid, I'm just trying to explain that Journey and Quest will not be very kid friendly due to their original design and lack of space for the addition of kid amenities. Those families that enjoy and require kids programs should reconsider sailing on the Journey or Quest. Happy Sailing!


Well, "they" most certainly could do what "they" did aboard MV Zenith -- that is, to remodel two adjacent standard staterooms into a children's center by removing the bulkhead between them and refurnishing the space for that use.


Actually, the better solution probably would have been to convert one of the specialty restaurants into a children's center, a youth center, and a teen center, and make the other specialty restaurant very upscale like the specialty restaurants aboard MV Century and the four ships of the Millennium class.


The kicker, though, is that the Bermuda itineraries are just a gap filler before MV Celebrity Journey and MV Celebrity Quest begin the real "Celebrity Expeditions" itinerareis. Celebrity does not expect the "Celebrity Expeditions" itineraries to attract very many families with children. I really do not expect MV Celebrity Journey to do Bermuda itineraries in 2008 and beyond.



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:( Bottom line with switching everyone from the Zenith to the Journey is that we were not give all the details. We were promised to have all ammenities as the Zenith. The cruise to Bermuda on the Zenith was a family cruise. Who else sails from NJ during the summer for 7 days??? We are now on a ship that we are being told that there are no kid programs. There will be alot of kids with nothing to do. Yes once we hit the island we are busy but at night it was great for them to mix with kids their own age and have their own things to do. Seems like they told us what we wanted to hear in order to keep our reservations and not jump to another cruise line.


You have a valid point. In view of the number of families with children of all ages who undoubedly had booked "Bermuda" cruises aboard MV Zenith before the company announced the ship swap, the line should provide counsellors and programs for the various age groups even though the ship does not have dedicted facilities for them. Failure to do so may constitute breach of contract since the representation that MV Zenith had such programs was material to your decision to book aboard that vessel.



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" i reserved two sky suites a couple of weeks ago for journey and the price was less than i expected."


I have three royal suites (6 people) for a 7 day Bermuda sail on Journey in July. I am paying $1700 per person because that is what I was to pay for my concierge class cabin on the Zenith. I would be interested to know how this compares to what you are paying. I would guessing that X is selling Royal Suites for this cruise at a little more than $1700 PP now.


My point is this: I believe that there may be some areas that X is providing less than what was contracted on the Zenith. But in many, many ways the value is much better due to the newer accomodations, higher crew to passenger ratio, butlers, etc.

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Actually, the better solution probably would have been to convert one of the specialty restaurants into a children's center, a youth center, and a teen center, and make the other specialty restaurant very upscale like the specialty restaurants aboard MV Century and the four ships of the Millennium class.


My guess is that you have never been on an R class ship. The two specialty restaurants are already much more upscale than either the Celebrity M class or the new Century. These are not kid ships and to remove one of the restaurants for a kids club would be a regrettable move.


As far as Carolyn's responce to my earlier post - I will refrain from further comment until I have seen first hand what they have remodeled. I must admit that my experience with the R class is with Oceania which is a more upscale experience than Celebrity is providing so my opinion may be tainted.

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It turns out that I took too many photos. And every photo requires a caption. Long story short -- it's taken awhile. But we'll launch it tomorrow (and then on Monday, May 7, check back for a "before and after" story where we offer lots of photos of the "after" portion. It will be the top item on our Today on Cruise Critic feature on the home page (and it will also be in our "shipyard snaps" section, under features). I'd say look for it after about 3 p.m.



Carolyn Spencer Brown


Cruise Critic

Is this up and where do we find it?
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Nah, that's never going to happen. But Oceania's not smoke-free either (though they're very restrictive)....


Never say never. Did you ever think you'd see successful smokefree Irish pubs, entirely smokefree major hotels in Europe, etc? ;-)


Seriously, though, if Celebrity wants to compete with Oceania, then the company does need to have similarly restrictive smoking policies on AT LEAST one of their two ships.


As I understand it, there is absolutley NO SMOKING permitted in staterooms, on private balconies, inside any public rooms (with exception of one enclosed lounge for smokers) and one designated place on deck for smoking.


Aside from that, OCEANIA is essentially smoke-free, right?

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I'll get to tour Celebrity Journey on Friday, May 4 but won't be sailing so I can't wait to read your report, Sheila.


One thing that's in my story but does belong here too. And that is that Celebrity's trying a whole new approach with this ship -- they've abandoned the philosophy that it should just be a smaller version of a Millennium-class vessel. It's a different experience and as a real fan of Oceania -- which they want to compete against with these smaller ships -- I'm intrigued.


So I'll definitely be staying tuned to y'all -- until I can get on board :) for a cruise and not just a tour.



How do you know all of this if you haven't been aboard? I would actually like to see Celebrity do something exceptional, but I just have to wonder?

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Never say never. Did you ever think you'd see successful smokefree Irish pubs, entirely smokefree major hotels in Europe, etc? ;-)


Seriously, though, if Celebrity wants to compete with Oceania, then the company does need to have similarly restrictive smoking policies on AT LEAST one of their two ships.


As I understand it, there is absolutley NO SMOKING permitted in staterooms, on private balconies, inside any public rooms (with exception of one enclosed lounge for smokers) and one designated place on deck for smoking.


Aside from that, OCEANIA is essentially smoke-free, right?

Yes, you are absolutely correct on this. They have one small area beside the pool bar ( 6 tables) and one area in one of the inside bars and I'm not sure what it's called. And no balconcy smoking or you are put of on the next stop

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I'll be patient...just excited about getting some good info. Really looking forward to your onboard tour on May 4th. Since she's sailing on the 5th, that will be very timely info. Thanks - looking forward to the pictures, too.

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I'll be patient...just excited about getting some good info. Really looking forward to your onboard tour on May 4th. Since she's sailing on the 5th, that will be very timely info. Thanks - looking forward to the pictures, too.



I agree, but don't bring in false pretense for eveyone here if it's not true. If you haven't seen the ship yet????

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Hi, I just got back from a day onboard in Freeport; the ship's gonna be magnificent. Our photo/video essay, "A Closer Look: Celebrity Journey" will launch either late today -- or early tomorrow. Check it out!


Note her statement was " from a day onboard"



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Hi, Maya. The information I'm sharing is info I got while onboard last Sunday while Celebrity Journey was in drydock in Freeport. While the ship was in the midst of its refurbishment efforts. So while I most emphatically was onboard -- and it's worthy of mention that Cruise Critic was the only media outlet allowed this access -- I have not yet cruised on the ship (no one has; it's not yet launched). So my reporting is based on what I'm seeing at this point....

Does that clarify?



Carolyn Spencer Brown


Cruise Critic

I'll get to tour Celebrity Journey on Friday, May 4 but won't be sailing so I can't wait to read your report, Sheila.


One thing that's in my story but does belong here too. And that is that Celebrity's trying a whole new approach with this ship -- they've abandoned the philosophy that it should just be a smaller version of a Millennium-class vessel. It's a different experience and as a real fan of Oceania -- which they want to compete against with these smaller ships -- I'm intrigued.


So I'll definitely be staying tuned to y'all -- until I can get on board :) for a cruise and not just a tour.




How do you know all of this if you haven't been aboard? I would actually like to see Celebrity do something exceptional, but I just have to wonder?

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Hi, Maya. The information I'm sharing is info I got while onboard last Sunday while Celebrity Journey was in drydock in Freeport. While the ship was in the midst of its refurbishment efforts. So while I most emphatically was onboard -- and it's worthy of mention that Cruise Critic was the only media outlet allowed this access -- I have not yet cruised on the ship (no one has; it's not yet launched). So my reporting is based on what I'm seeing at this point....


Does that clarify?





Carolyn Spencer Brown


Cruise Critic



Just one question.........Have you sailed Oceania to compare??(I think this a ligt. question at this point)

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I actually appreciate that you took the time to debate me on this whole subject. And I also love C.C. for this reaon, If C.C. wasn't here then none of us would ever get this info. But have you been on Oceania and can you compare? I especially want to know but i"m sure alot of others that read this board would also like to know.





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First of all I would like to thank cruise critic for all the info provided so far. It is more than I had hoped for and I truely can´t wait to see your photos and get to read more of your first hand information. Two thumbs up!!!! That´s why I think you are the best source for any cruise related information worldwide!

I also can´t believe how patient and polite you are with some of the readers here. Some people really behave very childish and /or snobby. No other board has so many "strange" comments... ;-)


With so many big cruise ships in place today, I think it is easy to find the right ship for every kind of traveller. Even if you want to stick to "your" cruise company it is quite easy, because most companies offer you a wide range of ship types and routings.

You can clearly see that cruise lines make the most money with mega ships 3500 passengers and up. That´s why I think one should really honor that Celebrity is trying something new with the Journey and the Quest. The cabins are not really that expensive on most routes and there are not too many ways to squeeze money out of the passengers on these ships in contrary to the big ones.

I personally think that is great. Looks like the emphasize on these ships lies on giving more service to the passenger and not only on money making.


No kids on board - :-))))! I love it. Sorry folks, no offense to families, but there are so many other ships out there for you, why complain that you cannot use these two? Your kids would hate it anyway, because they would be bored. So why bother?

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with only about a week left until it's maiden voyage, celebrity has not posted any new info about journey yet. i wonder when they will do this.


just because X has no dedicated children's programs doesn't mean that there will not be kids on board.

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And let me rundown my experiences on R class vessels. Two cruises on Renaissance (R1 and R2) during the time it operated. One on Swan Hellenic (sad to see them go -- it was wonderful). One on Tahitian Princess. Two on Oceania (Insignia and Nautica, both fantastic). I feel like there's more but that's what I'm coming up with at the moment....

I think I said it earlier -- but these are my favorite ships at sea. Absolute favorites.


Carolyn Spencer Brown


Cruise Critic


Hi, Maya. The information I'm sharing is info I got while onboard last Sunday while Celebrity Journey was in drydock in Freeport. While the ship was in the midst of its refurbishment efforts. So while I most emphatically was onboard -- and it's worthy of mention that Cruise Critic was the only media outlet allowed this access -- I have not yet cruised on the ship (no one has; it's not yet launched). So my reporting is based on what I'm seeing at this point....


Does that clarify?





Carolyn Spencer Brown


Cruise Critic



Just one question.........Have you sailed Oceania to compare??(I think this a ligt. question at this point)

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I think I said it earlier -- but these are my favorite ships at sea. Absolute favorites.




Carolyn Spencer Brown


Cruise Critic


They have become my favorite as well as Mrs. Tuckers whom you had the pleasure of "debating" with last evening. I had hoped Oceania would have gotten these two "R" ships instead of Celebrity to add to their fleet. I am anxious to hear/see your report of what Celebrity has done with them as you are very familiar with this class of ship.


Since Oceania did not get these two ships they have two new-builds planned/underway that are going to be in the 1200 passenger range and only time will tell if they will be able to maintain their level of service with these extra large (for them) ships.

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Thanks, Mike, for the nice words. And I'm in total agreement :)

I see you live in Germany. Know this is off topic but have you ever cruised on AIDA? If you have any insights...will you email me at editor@cruisecritic.com? If not, no worries.


Carolyn Spencer Brown


Cruise Critic



First of all I would like to thank cruise critic for all the info provided so far. It is more than I had hoped for and I truely can´t wait to see your photos and get to read more of your first hand information. Two thumbs up!!!! That´s why I think you are the best source for any cruise related information worldwide!

I also can´t believe how patient and polite you are with some of the readers here. Some people really behave very childish and /or snobby. No other board has so many "strange" comments... ;-)


With so many big cruise ships in place today, I think it is easy to find the right ship for every kind of traveller. Even if you want to stick to "your" cruise company it is quite easy, because most companies offer you a wide range of ship types and routings.

You can clearly see that cruise lines make the most money with mega ships 3500 passengers and up. That´s why I think one should really honor that Celebrity is trying something new with the Journey and the Quest. The cabins are not really that expensive on most routes and there are not too many ways to squeeze money out of the passengers on these ships in contrary to the big ones.

I personally think that is great. Looks like the emphasize on these ships lies on giving more service to the passenger and not only on money making.


No kids on board - :-))))! I love it. Sorry folks, no offense to families, but there are so many other ships out there for you, why complain that you cannot use these two? Your kids would hate it anyway, because they would be bored. So why bother?

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