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Order of arrival of Queens in NYC on 13 Jan 2008


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Quite! It is not what is written, but what is read. And it is perhaps a tad courageous to divine the intentions of others......


I haven't got a clue what you are on about???? :confused:

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Of course all that you say is true.

And yes, I trash-talked the Manhattan pier, but from experience, not prejudice. I am speaking of those who trash Brooklyn without ever having experienced it, or giving it a chance. That's my real objection here. People who are put out by the move and are bound and determined to hate Brooklyn no matter what. Their loss of that cruise up or down the Hudson and the immutable irrepalceable "tradition" trumps other people's comfort, safety factors, and all else. It just seems like a bit of peevishness to me. Like a child pouting and nothing is going to talk them out of it. Those who state that they will miss the more traditional entrance into New York Harbor and the view of the Manhattan skyline are not the problems. It's those few vociferous folks who insist dramatically that their entire existance has been compromised by this change, along with their entirely Macchiavellian attitudes about QE2, Grills, Formalwear, Cruise vs crossing, Birtish vs. American, the speed of the ship, the color of the funnel, tips, food, drinks, smoking, the wearing of military medals, the kennels, and everything else under the sun leave me exasperated. Certain folks have iron-strong attitudes that scream out that any opinions other than their own is wrong, wrong, wrong, they have the only correct answers and snobbishly state to anyone who disagrees with them, that perhaps they should ask themselves if Cunard is the right line for them. As though they are the only arbiters of right and wrong, taste, ettiquette (the main tenet of which is to not embarass or humiliate others) "the Iron-clad Rules" style, tradition, marine safety design, decor (and decorum) and probably the color of the sky. Things get said in such a way that anyone having the audacity to disagree gets defensive and feels maligned. No wonder KenC is always throwing out (rude) fighting words. I have no doubt that he has no serious problem with the QE2, but certain people are so rigid and so prejudiced in one direction that one has to take the opposite tack just to establish some balance! I find myself doing that more and more often, and I really don't like being that way. I prefer to have the attitude that there are a lot of opinions, likes, and dislikes in this world, and there is plenty of room for those who disagree with me. I do not feel threatened by someone who genuinely loves the QE2- No more so than I would feel defensive by Penny's love for the QM2. Because she does not need to denigrate the QE2 in order to love the QM2, as it seems some folks seem to put across in the opposite direction. They spit out pronouncements about the QM2- how she is a pretender to the throne and does not deserve to be called a liner, etc. etc. Why is it not okay for people to like QM2, or not have to feel that it is a personal affront that Carnival Corporation made a deal with New York Port Authority for them to build a world class facility to their specifications in Brooklyn, in exchange for the promise to berth a few of their best ships there, thus improving costs, logistics, ease of provisioning the ship, etc. Why must a change in the brand of Marmalade on board ship be a rank insult to some? Why not say, Gee, I was disappointed they did not have my favorite on this trip, instead of rabidly spitting out that Carnival and the Americans are ruining things!

I guess this is what I am trying to say. Some people just seem to be raring for a fight, intolerant of any views other than their own, and just entirely too opinionated, to the extent that others react in a like, but opposite manner! In other words, become just as rigid in the opposite direction. I have no problem with formal dining. I revel in it. It is one of the reasons I cruise, and one of the reason I choose Cunard. However, I do not feel threatened if someone says, gee, I really hate having to dress for dinner, but I really love cruisng Cunard. The two are not mutually exclusive you know! And a person who does not like dressing for dinner should not be made to feel like a pariah, a criminal, a neanderthal with no taste who does not DESERVE to be on a Cunard ship!

I'm sorry to use your post and this thread to finallly spell out why I (and others) find myself increasingly becoming uptight, argumentative and oppositional. I like you Peter, and you usually state your opinions in a non-threatening and inclusive manner. You are informative, truly I have learned a lot from you. (And I like your cows- You know., Guernseys! I think they're "Cute!" And I drive past a herd of the girls every day!)

So I'm sorry I am getting defensive and argumentative. Yes, I would love to make that trek down the Hudson (and have!), but for me, the positives of Brooklyn's new terminal pretty much outweigh the negative of missing that fabulous and yes, traditional, sail down the Hudson. But I can somehow state my disappointment without indicting anyone else's opinion!

All some of us here are doing is giving back in like manner. I don't like myself being that way. It isn't the way I usually operate! And I think you have seen me deteriorate in that regard in the time I have been onboard here. I admit that. Somehow, I just let certain folks' narrow-mindedness and haughty attitudes drag me right down that path.


Part II:

I did allow as how I could not speak for differences for foreign residents arriving, as, of course, I am not one. I am not sure exactly what those differences might be. Could you elucidate for me? Is it a long line with immigration? Does it vary from one cruise or crossing to another? As I mentioned, in January everyone met with immigration prior to leaving the ship. I do not know if it is the norm or the exception. I'm not sure if sometimes this is done on board, sometimes in the terminal, or if there are actually two seperate procedures, one of clearing the ship and the other dealing with individuals. Can you possible tell me, just for my own edification. What does the foreign resident experience upon entering the US by cruise ship, and does it possibly vary (overall) from one voayge to the next? Does it vary based on the terminal (Manhattan vs Brooklyn) or are such things variable, according to the specifics of a particular trip, such as whether Custums and Immmigration got on the ship early or late?I'm just trying to get a handle on how we are treating our visitors, and what improvements are needed systemically, vs. individual incidents (Some of which, unfortunately, can't always be remedied, nor anticipated such as a shortage of personnel due to unplanned absences)


Part III:

Yes, I am certain it will be the Mary who docks at Brooklyn, It only makes sense, since she would need special permission for a deviation to Manhattan. While I think it likely and desireable that the three Queens do, indeed have that photo op in Manhattan, the logistics could be a nightmare for New York, the embarking passengers competing for services, those who must service the ships (such as loading in stores) the security people and so much more. Yes, I realize that "in the old days" they had many more in port at once, but I am sure they are no longer geared up for that load, in addition to which, things are done now at a much faster pace, and requirements are different. Ships in those days were also more of a form of transportation and not so much of a destination in and of themselves! Don't forget that the gathering of the three Queens in one place also poses unique security issues for someone wishing to make some sort of political statement on power, the war, or what-have-you. So my guess is she will dock in Brooklyn



who is sorry for once more droning on, but feels that what I have said here is important. I would love to see this board become less divisive and more welcoming of dissenting opinions at times.



And your point is??

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I haven't got a clue what you are on about???? :confused:


You say that others are ironic or sarcastic - and when it is suggested that you are too - you say 'no I'm not' - the point is that what people write may be different from what people read - and both you and Karie have imputed motives to others they may not agree with. Physician.....

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I think part of is a converted old one:D



Could be converted, but it is very nicely laid out, full carpeted... plenty of check in desks.. and a short walk to the ship. Decent loos too. Ever see the inside of one of the loos at the Manhattan location? Ewwwwwwwwwww.. yuck.

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Could be converted, but it is very nicely laid out, full carpeted... plenty of check in desks.. and a short walk to the ship. Decent loos too. Ever see the inside of one of the loos at the Manhattan location? Ewwwwwwwwwww.. yuck.


I've never pretended Manhattan departures are anything but dreadful.....but for us westbound crossers, who only ever arrive in Manhattan....Brooklyn arrivals are really not better - and with luggage collection before passport control - for international visitors worse. BTW if the Manhattan piers are so bad, why do Carnival/HAL/NCL keep using them.....?

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I've never pretended Manhattan departures are anything but dreadful.....but for us westbound crossers, who only ever arrive in Manhattan....Brooklyn arrivals are really not better - and with luggage collection before passport control - for international visitors worse. BTW if the Manhattan piers are so bad, why do Carnival/HAL/NCL keep using them.....?



That's what we've all been asking. However, I think because the immediate problem was with the QM2.. and the space hogger she is.... she has first preference in Red Hook. Also.. well at least thru Oct08, she's the most consistent ship in arrivals and departures. HAL and Carnival departures are more seasonal. And NCL... well...........it's NCL... another company.

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I remember that the Brooklyn PST was opened specially for QE2's one-day call last January.

As Carnival and NCL are in Manhattan, has anyone called in Brooklyn while the Queens were away?


Red Hook is also the summer home of the Crown Princess. The Grand Princess will be sailing from Red Hook on her fall sailings.. and P&O's Aurora is scheduled for a stop at Red Hook this year as well.

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As QE2 and QV are due to meet up with QM2 in USA waters prior to sailing into NYC on 13 Jan 2008, does anyone have thoughts on the order in which they will sail under the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge before all three berth, hopefully, in the Hudson? If so, will they enter the port by seniority, bearing in mind their individual schedules have QE2 and QV arriving at 07:00 and QM2 at 07:15am? What's your best guess, or do we have someone in the know?




My understanding is that the order of entry to the port will be QM2, then the Victoria, then QE2. The first shall be last, I guess.

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My understanding is that the order of entry to the port will be QM2, then the Victoria, then QE2. The first shall be last, I guess.


Makes sense - i) Flagship, ii) New Ship, iii) Other.



Or keeping the best until last?



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The QE2 will be doing double duty..... pushing the QV up the North River!

In many parts of the country, that's called "bump drafting", not "pushing"; but only if the QE2 eventually passes the QV, which should be easy.

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Are you watching NASCAR today? Talledega, baby! ;)


I don't keep up any more. Is Talladega today?

My father was invited to be one of the head scorers for the opening of the track, way back when. It is owned by the same person who owned Daytona, and the whole family worked as scorers at Daytona.



It didn't hurt, I suppose that we lived down the street from Bill France Junior!


It's kind of hard for me to watch now- Bittersweet, with Daddy having died last summer. Daytona was certainly incredible this year. What a finish!


So tell me. I have to know.

Is Ricky Bobby racing today? <G>



who supposes she should be rooting for the Cingular Car- Uh, Jeff Gordon, I think! (We changed drivers last year) No, Jeff Burton, now!

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I don't keep up any more. Is Talladega today?

My father was invited to be one of the head scorers for the opening of the track, way back when. It is owned by the same person who owned Daytona, and the whole family worked as scorers at Daytona.



It didn't hurt, I suppose that we lived down the street from Bill France Junior!


It's kind of hard for me to watch now- Bittersweet, with Daddy having died last summer. Daytona was certainly incredible this year. What a finish!


So tell me. I have to know.

Is Ricky Bobby racing today? <G>



who supposes she should be rooting for the Cingular Car- Uh, Jeff Gordon, I think! (We changed drivers last year) No, Jeff Burton, now!


Yes, the spring Talledega is on now. Ricky Bobby didn't qualify. <g>


I've found when a memory is bittersweet, you either go for it or wait until you feel better about it. Everyone moves at their own pace.


Jeff Burton was in a wreck earlier. He's my husband's favorite. Jeff Gordon=ick, gag! And Cingular and Jeff were together last year, yes. Now there is a big fight between ATT, who merged with Cingular, and NASCAR, as they're saying ATT doesn't count when Nextel grandfathered in Cingular. It's so stupid. Like it matters that much to anyone but the corporate hogs. The Helton hogs, mostly.


It was a lot more fun to watch way back when, Karie!

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Like it matters that much to anyone but the corporate hogs.

It was a lot more fun to watch way back when, Karie!


Yeah, I'm with you there!

Remember when you used to go to a concert at, for instance, Great Woods amphitheater (in Mansfield Mass) Now it's the Tweeter center. (Or the Verizon Amphitheater or the whatever) We used to have the Firecracker 400 on Fourth of July, Now it's the Pepsi Firecracker 400 or whatever. And the Tostitos Bowl, (which I think is apt! Now when is the ONION DIP bowl game being played?)

In CT, we ended up with one place being the Chevy something or another, and the other being the .... Uh... I dunno- Pontiac? something? It's so stupid!

And you used to be able to root for your favorite team. You knew all the players. They were "your guys" Now,they sell them (or the guys sell themselves) to the highest bidder! 9 million isn't enough. I want 10 million! How can you be loyal to a team any more. The move across the country, and trade players like..well, like baseball cards!


And speaking of baseball,: As American as baseball and apple pie? Well, let's see, there's the Cuban players, the Japanese players, the Dominican players...


Hmm Apple pie. I wonder if we have any fresh apples in teh kitchen...



Karie, who is NOT ADHD! ... much!

(Now taking off on a wild tangent!

Uh. What was the subject?)

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And speaking of baseball,: As American as baseball and apple pie? Well, let's see, there's the Cuban players, the Japanese players, the Dominican players...


CONGRATULATIONS! You win today's prize for taking a thread furthest off topic!:D (especially since the three Queens are French, Italian and Scottish!)

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CONGRATULATIONS! You win today's prize for taking a thread furthest off topic!:D (especially since the three Queens are French, Italian and Scottish!)


Funny you should say that! I actually had to go and look to see what message thread this started as. It's actually Paul's fault, as he mentioned bump-drafting. I mentioned NASCAR, where that sometimes is a tactic, and now we are questioning the "apple pie-ness" of American baseball.


Gosh I love thread drift. A zillion times more interesting. :p

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