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What's for dinner? The good, the bad & the ugly!


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Those little octopus things were exactly what came to mind when I saw this thread! I am pretty adventurous and always try at least one new thing every cruise. If I don't like it, I ask for something else. At lunch the dining room one day I ordered the antipasto starter. Even the waitress looked at me like I was crazy! Anyway, she brought it out and I cut a couple of legs off that little sucker and put them in my mouth. Absolutely the most disgusting thing I have ever tasted! I am warning everyone on this board to proceed with the octopus with EXTREME caution. I wouldn't recommend it to my worst enemy! LOL Oh, BTW the lobster, escargot, and the chateubriand are my FAVORITES!


Don't you know that Octopus is considered an aphrodisiac???!!!! [ snicker - now everyone will order it ]


I love to take one of the tentacles in my mouth and roll the suction cups around on my tongue. It's great practice for later on.......




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After reading all your posts it was hard for me to decide what to do. I couldn't decide, whether to laugh, cry & more. So I did atleast two of them. I laughed so hard that I cried. You two must be real food addicts & must have tried everything under the sun at some point!


With that in mind it almost amazes me that you two are both alive & not dead from some weird type of animal eating disorder. :D


I also thought that what amazed me was that you said the pizza was passable. I don't remember having pizza last time we cruised, but I do know now next week that I'll have to have some. Since you are from NY & me originally from NJ & just having visited there in December & having to have some northern style pizza I will definitly be trying some of it now! It is very hard to find real pizza like what is served in NJ & NY. Yankee Stadium dogs, yep I remember them too, not bad when your a kid! Hard to say what they would taste like now!


Hard to believe that about octopus, but I'll just have to take your word for it & try to find some other aphrodisiac.


Be nice about talking about people's pets!


The part of the old time advertisment would have been hysterical no doubt about that one! I got the biggest tickled from that I have to say!


13yr old daughter has had frogs legs & did say they tasted like chicken & I told her she was NUTS! Doesn't mean I don't love her any less!


Well less then a week to go! I am wonder what will be on the menu next Saturday night for our 1st cruise night! Anyone that cruised Inspiration lately if you know pass it on!


Looking forward to trying the soups...especially the cold, pasta, pizza, salmon, lobster & pbj in the room!


Be blessed, be a blessing!


PS....Hoping & prayin you won't croak...no frog pun intended of a gross animal related meal! Especially ESCARGOT!

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I wouldn't touch snails even if you paid me :confused: The shell alone would be too crunchy





Yummy! I love the snails, and I have to get them everytime we go cruising or at a restaurant. However, when I get the snails on a cruise, mine don't come in a shell. I would love to pry the little dear out of its "old" home though.:D I like mine plain, and yes you have to have around 20 or so to actually fill you up. My parents look at me in disgust when my sister and I order it. Mhmmm, I'm getting hungry just thinking about the snails, darn! We only have chicken.

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I wouldn't touch snails even if you paid me :confused: The shell alone would be too crunchy





I just think escargot.....AKA snails are great......My favorite thing to do is after I pluck the little buggers out of hte shells...is I swirl them around in my mouth til someone at the table gags.....:D

Then I ask if they want to try one while I have one dangling on the end of the fork under their nose.............:eek: :p


Oh yeh...by the way...the "Roasted Pumpkin Soup" ain't bad either.....Yum-yum there Fred.....LOL

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After reading all your posts it was hard for me to decide what to do. I couldn't decide, whether to laugh, cry & more. So I did atleast two of them. I laughed so hard that I cried. You two must be real food addicts & must have tried everything under the sun at some point!


With that in mind it almost amazes me that you two are both alive & not dead from some weird type of animal eating disorder. :D



Hard to believe that about octopus, but I'll just have to take your word for it & try to find some other aphrodisiac.




PS....Hoping & prayin you won't croak...no frog pun intended of a gross animal related meal! Especially ESCARGOT!



I don't understand the aversion to snails. They are in the same group of animals as clams, oysters, squingilli (squid), pulpo (octopus) and conch. That is to say, they are Mollusks.


On the other hand, lobsters, crabs and shrimp are in the same group of animals as cockroaches, spiders, ants, dung beetles, lice, termites, crickets and grasshoppers. They are arthropods.


So I ask: What is more disgusting? Hmmm?


BTW, they sell many of those insects that I listed above as edible critters at the American Museum of Natural History main giftshop. Some are covered with chocolate. YUM!!!


According to legend, the ancient Hebrews ate grasshoppers (locusts) while they wandered in the desert for forty years. They were the "manna from heaven". Grasshoppers btw, are considered to be kosher. No joke.


In general we will eat anything that moves. One thing I'm getting my courage up to try is the Durian fruit. Even Tony Bourdain couldn't get that down. It is supposed to taste incredible if one can get past the smell.


The absolute WORST thing I ever tasted was limburger cheese, the most exotic was "caribbean chicken" - iguana.



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Hey Fred....I'll take you up on that order! I love fish!


Anyone know if there was any good salmon on board? :D


We went on the Elation in November. I absolutely loved the Grilled Salmon. Very good flavor, not dry and it had some type of crunchy seasoning on top.

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I am a super picky eater.. mostly Steak, Chicken, Pasta, no veggies.. Will I be able to find anything to suit my "unique" likes/dislikes???? My husband is more the adventurer eater. He loves seafood etc so he'll be able to find all kinds of things to eat that he doesn't get a chance to at home, but me.. thats another story ;)

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I had the snails. They were OK but the butter and garlic was better than the snail.


I love all the soups but somtimes I never get past the soup section of the menu in the dining room. Once I ordered 1 starter and then 2 soups and then I was full.


I have always found buffet foods fine. On the cruise ships, I like the fact that I can order weird food and, if I hate it, can order something else.


I did not like the pizza very much but I am used to homemade.


I liked the deli. My Mom always ordered Reubens at home. So I tried one on the cruise ship. It was good but I am more of a ham and cheese person.


My least favourite dessert was the self serve soft ice cream. I love the parfaits and fruit tarts.


I also found the salads in the dining room very limited but the salads in the buffet had more selection.


Happy Eating:)



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Yummy! I love the snails, and I have to get them everytime we go cruising or at a restaurant. However, when I get the snails on a cruise, mine don't come in a shell. I would love to pry the little dear out of its "old" home though.:D I like mine plain, and yes you have to have around 20 or so to actually fill you up. My parents look at me in disgust when my sister and I order it. Mhmmm, I'm getting hungry just thinking about the snails, darn! We only have chicken.

yep, I love escargot also. the only time i get to eat it is on the ship....kind of reminds me of barbequed oysters.

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I always stick with a steak at dinner, never able to try anything new!:o Can't have my food touching on the plate, and always eat one thing at a time!:D Makes my husband crazy!:D Now he will try just about anything on the ship. Last time he had several bowls of the escargot soup, and I really thought I would be sick whle he was eating it!:eek: The one time we went to dinner and he ordered a whole lobster, they had to take it away, because I could not look at the thing with all those eyes and things. :D

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For the worst I would choose the burgers that any ship serves since they cook them to death for health safety and second are the boiled franks.

Last time on a Carnival ship there was a fellow from New Jersey who went behind the pizza area to show them how to really make a pizza. He owned an Italian reataurant. What a kick!

Overall we felt Carnivals food was equal to the higher priced lines. And I've had seafood salad on several ships w/squid, octopus, mussels and the tiny shrimp that almost always tasted good.

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Worst foods> Pizza, I am from New Haven where the best pizza in the world is made, so Carnivals doesnt even come close

Duck, yuck!

Had a steak on Victory that tasted like liver, but all the other times I had beef, it was really good

Lobster was just ok, not like us New Englanders are used to.

Best Foods> loved all the soups, the escargot was very good also, Had a really good Jambalaya , Most of the seafood dishes were really good, and they had ribs in the dining room for lunch that were to die for(really into ribs)

FAVE dessert? Grand Marnier Soufflee, yummy, and not too sweet

Room service, that Roast Beef and Brie sandwich, great for middle of the night munchies!;)


Hey neighbor!!!!!!!!!! I'm in Stratford :)


You are sooooooo right. The pizza on Carnival is pretty good, but its no Pepe's or Sally's or Modern or Zuppardi's.


Oh God I'm hungry now *LOL*

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Please explain that to me...my DD is the same way. One Christmas I bought her a Corelle partitioned plate as a joke, and it was her favorite gift!


Everyone's taste is so different...I had heard so much about the reuben's at the lido that I stood in line for one on the Victory...didn't even eat 1/2 of it. But. I agree, it is great to try things you normally wouldn't order at home.

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I always stick with a steak at dinner' date=' never able to try anything new!:o Can't have my food touching on the plate, and always eat one thing at a time!:D Makes my husband crazy!:D Now he will try just about anything on the ship. Last time he had several bowls of the escargot soup, and I really thought I would be sick whle he was eating it!:eek: The one time we went to dinner and he ordered a whole lobster, they had to take it away, because I could not look at the thing with all those eyes and things. :D[/quote']



Don't feel bad ,


I cannot stand anyone eating off of my plate. My DW, kids , I don't care "Stay out of my plate "


Like when you are in a restaurant and the food comes , one of them invariable sees what I have and says "That looks good " and grabs a piece.


You want some? I will be happy to put a little on your plate and you can enjoy it. Just "Stay out of my plate " *LOL*

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I just think escargot.....AKA snails are great......My favorite thing to do is after I pluck the little buggers out of hte shells...is I swirl them around in my mouth til someone at the table gags.....:D

Then I ask if they want to try one while I have one dangling on the end of the fork under their nose.............:eek: :p


Oh yeh...by the way...the "Roasted Pumpkin Soup" ain't bad either.....Yum-yum there Fred.....LOL


You and my son would get along great. Once he was eating octopus at a Chinese restaurant and stuck out his tongue at me. There were all these little suckers on the arm of the thing. I almost lost my cookies right there!Ewe! He thought it was just hysterical. He was about 25 at the time too! :(

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Escargot is the one thing I always look for on the menu. Also enjoy

the soups - especially the ones you don't see in most eating establishments, like the chilled soups.


If you aren't sure - try it. If you don't like it, order something else. Dinner

is the same price no matter what you eat.

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Please explain that to me...my DD is the same way. One Christmas I bought her a Corelle partitioned plate as a joke, and it was her favorite gift!


Everyone's taste is so different...I had heard so much about the reuben's at the lido that I stood in line for one on the Victory...didn't even eat 1/2 of it. But. I agree, it is great to try things you normally wouldn't order at home.


Have no idea! What really is bad, is when I order in a restaurant and have to tell them to make sure nothing is touching!:D Need everything in a seperate bowl! Such as veggies. And I certainly can't handle for my bread to get wet! UGH:eek: :D My poor husband, what he puts up with....

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DrewsWife, have you sought help with this OCD behavior? It certainly doesnt bother me, but, I would think if you could get over that, it would make your life, and hubbys, a little easier.

I for one, will try anything once, I have even eaten Moose Balls. (no, thats meatballs made with moose meat) Done get excited! ha ha...BTW, they were very good!

Oh well, to each his own, or as my father would say, "Sazeech is own":p

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Sure am tickled that I started this thread & just wanted to say I am glad that everyone seems to be enjoying it! I love all the stories, even the gross ones!


Keep um' coming! You guys have the attention of my tastebuds now for next week!


Be blessed, be a blessing! :p

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DrewsWife, have you sought help with this OCD behavior? It certainly doesnt bother me, but, I would think if you could get over that, it would make your life, and hubbys, a little easier.


I for one, will try anything once, I have even eaten Moose Balls. (no, thats meatballs made with moose meat) Done get excited! ha ha...BTW, they were very good!

Oh well, to each his own, or as my father would say, "Sazeech is own":p


We compliment each other!:D With his 20 years Military, you should see his closets!! Talk about orderly, and when he puts the cream and sugar in his coffee in the morning, the cup is over the sink, that way no spilled sugar on the counter tops!!:D

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