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How I Spent 4/21 Week on Star Princess


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Day 4: Grand Caymen Evening


I decided back on the ship that I was tired of eating. I had eaten all types of eggs, all types of ribs, meats, salads, pizza, sandwiches, soups and pasta servings all before the evening dinners. Since Princess was “new” to me not sailing her in five years, I was eating like it was my first cruise. I told SIL that I was done eating until the buffet late night.


So we had a giant Mai Tai for dinner at 6:30pm prior to our DreamGirls movie. It is nice to sit in the back of the ship at the bar close to the pool and watch the wake. Not too many people hung out there throughout the week with exception of the Caribbean Deck Party. If the noise of the ship’s wake is relaxing to you, then you might want to sit there for a while.


Since we skipped dinner and went to a dark movie theater (the Vista Lounge) instead, it was nice to dress casual. I understood why Jennifer Hudson won the best supporting actress oscar award. She was great. We laughed that we were on a big beautiful cruise ship in the middle of the Caribbean and were planning our days around the movies. The Queen was showing the following evening and neither of us had seen that one either.


After the movie we went to change into our Caribbean Deck Party outfits. In my mind, I was going “risqué” by wearing a multi-colored halter top and white capris. My SIL wore a multi-colored short sleeved buttoned blouse with pink capris. We chuckled that an elderly woman had the same shirt as SIL but she got to laugh at me every time during the “Heeeeeeeeeey Baby, OooH AaaH, I wanna knowwww, will you be my girl?” song movement that I had to adjust my boobs after every time I raised my arms in the air. Why was I wearing that and thinking I could dance in it? So I finished watching the not-to-miss deck party from afar at the bar. Princess has the best Island Night Deck Parties. I thought the band and the staff did an excellent job. A large group of Virgin Island High School graduates (90 of them) were on this sailing and some entered and won a few contests. Don’t be shy during the party and take part…and if you are over 40, then don’t wear a halter top to it either.


The deck party finished around midnight and we returned to cabin. We forgot they were serving a late night buffet in the Horizon Court. SIL went to bed and I changed my clothes into something I could dance in. The cruise was ½ over and the only fun dancing I did was when my SIL and I were the “dancing Irish jig girls” way in the back at the Kamika show. I forgot to mention that I did not buy their CD because I thought we should have received one for free like the guy up front did. Tonight I was going to dance whether it killed me or not.


The DJ in Skywalkers was a good one. He played the themed music depending on the night and he also took and actually played passenger’s requests. I danced to top 40 songs, I danced some hip-hop, I pretended to dance some salsa, and I danced to some oldies and to some rock songs. I danced until he stopped playing the music and I realized just about everyone was gone to bed. My body was covered in sweat and I swear I could have gone another two hours. God I felt great! The remaining bartenders graciously gave me some napkins and a tall glass of ice water and I left. I asked if they wanted me to lock up on my out and they just laughed as if I was the craziest person they had seen in a while.


On my way back to the cabin I stopped by the hot-tub and dipped my feet in. I would never sit in one of those things but I figured a little blast action on my ankles would end the evening, er morning perfectly. Three teenage boys were sitting in the corner of the Conservatory pool area. I asked how they were doing and they said they were staying out all night. I asked if they were having a good cruise and having fun. They said they thought they were going to have some fun with some girls they met until the girls decided to ditch them. I told the guys that the girls were just helping them to behave. I don’t think they got it.


Looking at the time back in the cabin after my shower I figured I had a few hours to sleep until it was time to get up for Cozumel. If Virginia was with me, we probably would have stayed out on the balcony and quietly watched the sun rise. No way on this trip.



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You are too kind…you should not encourage me!


Wednesday, Day 5: Cozumel Day


We awoke not knowing which we were more excited about: Cozumel or Alaskan King Crab night in the dining room! SIL had never been to Cozumel and I chuckled to myself how I was going to order that “special whistle shot” for her in Carlos and Charlies. She was excited to shop around the stores and I forewarned her about the aggressive beckoning store employees outside while the experienced negotiating storeowners were waiting to take your money inside.


During the breakfast buffet SIL told me she wanted to find t-shirts for her kids, souvenirs for others and maybe some silver jewelry if she found some good prices. I told her I was looking for the Mexican storeowner who gave me a free silver anklet on a previous trip for bringing my rich cousins into his store, the dollar karona bar and my automobile liscense plate that I left to hang at Carlos and Charlies over five years ago.


The ship docked alongside the Punta Langosta berth and the shopping was right there. We walked to the left and then crossed the street instead of getting trapped in having to go right and through all the stores up and over the street and around the side again. Once our search for goods began, we heard the calls, “Senoritas, come into my store…You need nice jewelry…You like cigars, we have lots of cigars…Can I be your body guard for the day?” The last call did it for me. My claws grew. I whisked around and slowly cat-walked my 6’1” body (hey I had those heeled espadrills on) over the group of callers. I stopped three inches in front of one, raised one eyebrow, rested my elbow on his shoulder, looked down upon him with no expression and asked seriously, “Do I look like I need a bodyguard?” My intention was to intimidate them, to rescue all future passer-bys, to make them realize we would probably go into their store if they stopped calling out to people. The guy looked way up at me with wide eyes and a big smile. His was not a look of fear. I think he was turned on. Caught off my guard, I scurried back to my SIL.


Getting caught off my guard got me thinking about getting them off their guard. As we walked along the street, we shouted hello to the shopkeepers, asked how their day was and responded that it was a lovely morning indeed, BEFORE they approached us. By the time they were to ask if we wanted to go in, we were long gone and talking to the people at the next store, and so on.


SIL found her t-shirt specials and other goodies. I found a 10 dollar pair of silver-ish earring to replace my mickey mouse ones for second formal night. After three hours she wanted to eat an authentic Mexican lunch. I told her I would watch her. Call me cheap, but I have a hard time dining in a port when a free meal is back on ship. If you love to dine in port, then BE SURE to ask where the crew, staff or officers go to eat when they off the ship. They always know the best places. I reminded her of king crab leg night and I was saving all the room in my tummy for that.


We returned to the ship for lunch. We skipped going the beaches and rested instead at the pool area because few people were around. I told her she was missing some great beaches and great snorkeling opportunities but she was tired. One would have thought she was the one out dancing the night before. I woke her around 2:30pm and told her we at least had to get back off the ship to see what was going on at Senor Frogs or Carlos and Charlies. Both establishments are right at the pier’s entrance/exit across the street. Nothing was going on at either. We must have missed the crowd. We sat at the bar in C and C and drank a real margarita. I know a real margarita because that is all it takes for me.


One margarita and I was dancing on the dance floor like last night never ended. Who cared there were a few dancers on the floor? Who cared I looked like a goof-ball? Who cared people were laughing at me? I sure did not care. I did miss the old C and C dance floor. I could dance by myself and entertain myself that third tier. The new one is center floor and some guy decided he better help me out. He jumped up and danced exactly like I was dancing. I thought he was pretty good to keep up with me. I thought he was moving his body okay. I gave him credit for getting goofy too. What a brave young soul I thought. Walking back to the ship I find out he was one of the dancers in the Star Princess shows. OMG!


I never found what I was looking for that day in Cozumel. Instead, I found that my SIL still cracks me up and remembered why I love her so. Although she did not dance much after her two margaritas, she did walk like a zombie back to the ship while repeating three words for three steps: King Crab Legs…King Crab Legs…King Crab Legs…



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Thanks Coka... You do have a way in telling your story. I also can not wait for the next passage. :) I ended up at the "Frog" in Cozumel and had a wonderful time. Love that limbo dance :)

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Hi Teripp! When we stopped up at Senor Frogs it was empty...we must have missed the fun!


Cozumel: Evening


King Crab Legs…King Crab Legs we shouted all the way back to the cabin. It was about 5:15pm and we decided we better take a nap so we were awake enough and sober enough to concentrate on chowing down as many king crab legs possible. Previewing the Princess Patter told us that the evening events were 50’s and 60’s hour, 70’s and 80’s hour, karaoke, a sock hop, jazz night, newly wed and not so newly wed game show and The Queen movie. Tequilas bar and restaurant had a band and a musician always played the baby grand piano on the promenade deck. The wheelhouse bar also had a trio group around happy hour and other musicians played there during later times..


We selected our outfits for dinner. They were the stretchy dresses…ones that would expand. Mine was black with white polka dots. Perfect for the decades! We canceled the Queen idea. Having a plan we were ready for the nap. SIL got into her bed. I climbed into mine. We were quiet. I broke the silence and asked if she thought the crab legs were really from Alaska. She said they had to be. We were quiet again as we tried to sleep. I broke the silence and asked if she thought they would be served with melted butter. She replied she previewed the menu earlier and yes, they are serving them with melted butter. We were silent once more. I broke the silence again and asked SIL if she thought there would be a long line at 8:30pm or 9:00pm, the time we planned to eat. She said probably. We were quiet again. I broke the silence and asked if she thought they could run out of crab legs by the time we got there. She was silent as she thought about it. She finally replied no, they must have enough for everyone. Neither of us said anything for a while. Finally I asked what if we slept all the way through dinner and never woke up in time. She jumped up and said she was getting dressed now. I jumped up and said we could sleep on the plane ride home or when we were dead.


We entered the dining room at 6pm and requested a table for two in a corner if possible. We told our waiter we were only there for the crab legs. He brought us a menu anyways. He came over with his pen and order pad. We ordered crab legs with melted butter for an appetizer, crab legs in place of the soup, some melted butter in lieu of the salad, crab legs for the entrée, and more crab legs for dessert. He thought we were joking. When he realized we were not, I swear there must have been bets going on in the kitchen as to whether or not we would actually eat what he brought out to us.


Everything was a blur for the next hour. The first bite caused our eyes to roll back. The second bite made our toes curl. I remember shells flying, I remember my SIL pretending to bite the waiter’s arm as he placed more lemons on the table. She apologized as she thought it was a crab leg. I remember counting 40 empty legs (they were cut up) on my side and SIL had 40 empty ones on her side by the time we were done. We had crab meat in our nails. We had crab meat stuck in our teeth. I found a tiny shell in my dress. We couldn’t believe we ate the whole thing. I wished I had a camera to take a picture of the waiter’s face after he cleared the empties and I asked him to bring us more. That time I was joking. We rolled ourselves out of there and took our nap.


We slept through everything and woke up at 11:30pm. We went up to Skywalkers to meet up with a gal we met in Carlos and Charlies. She was our age and she was going to introduce us to some other gals our age she met earlier in the week. They were on the dance floor and we joined them.. They were great to hang out with. I stayed later on the dance floor to ensure I got rid of the 40 crab legs and butter caloric intake. I danced with a large group of U.S. Virgin Island 18 year olds who were on a graduation trip with their teachers. They taught me how to shimmy and shake and I taught them how to trance dance. Who needs a cruise staff when we have this? The cultural exchange was wonderful. Overall, there were about 90 VI teens on board and they were well behaved, respectful, fun and they could stay up longer than I could so I take my hat off to them.



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Tigger, the ship was virtually empty late evening of Cozumel port. I think everyone "had fun" during the daytime! Coka


Day 6: Last Day At Sea


We missed everything in the morning. We missed “On Deck For the Cure,” a fundraiser for breast cancer in which passengers partake to help raise money. We missed morning trivia. We barely made it to the breakfast buffet before closing. They must have closed to start lunch early since it was a sea day. Not so. We forgot to put our watches forward one hour the night before! Note to self: Read the Princess Patter every evening before retiring. As I review them now, I see a lot of useful information on the front page that I was not aware of during the week. If anything, read the front page!


We walked around to see things we had not yet seen. A martini bar had very cool glasses. SIL bought some for her Christmas parties. The glasses were red or green. They were different. We found the jewelry-on-sale table again. We laughed every time she picked up an item to view closer that I was also viewing the same piece. We have very similar taste. Exclaiming at the same time, we both held an exact Christian Dior gold chain necklace. We agreed to buy them for each other.


I scanned the library and she checked out the game room to look for crafts supposedly there. She was not that impressed and I never went into the library. They might have had great books but I thought it was dark and uninviting. No views. We returned to the photo area where one of the photo guys helped SIL with her camera earlier in the week. She had to buy a new card or something and he helped her figure it out. He was nice as he was patient. Throughout the week we had our pictures taken by various photographers. This included formal nights, the resort casual nights and the day’s getting-off-the-ship. Of 14 photos or so, I purchased one. Well, two of the same photo. Can you believe that two 5 X 7 photos cost about 42 dollars? I briefly considered stealing them. Although expensive, the quality of the pictures was excellent. Since the guys were nice all week, they were never in-your-face, they allowed us to do fun formal photos AND they fixed SIL’s camera, I bought the pictures and gave SIL one. I think when I am 80 years old and still cruising, I will steal pictures then. When you are eighty, you can do anything and get away with it.


My SIL decided to go to the casino and continue playing slots with her winnings from the second evening on board. She ended up losing everything by the week’s end, but she only started with 20 dollars. Twenty dollars plus wins and losses lasted 7 days. For me, twenty dollars lasted two minutes. I brought extra money (700 dollars) to gamble in the casino and to buy a horse at the auction they never had. I lost 30 dollars at the dicey horse races and 20 dollars at bingo. I came home with 630 in my pocket so I consider myself lucky. Hidden in a curtain valance, I will have the cash for a snowy day when I need to get out of town.


The sun was shining outside as we walked around the ship’s interior. Leaving SIL at a slot machine, I told her I was going to work on my tan. There was a crowd already and few open chairs to my liking at the lido pool area. There were few chairs to my liking at the adult aft pool. Not enough sunshine in the hidden pool area on deck 15 or 16 forward. Plenty of open spots were available on the sun deck forward. The chairs were empty because nobody wanted to get wind burned from the strong gusts. Wind burn? Sun burn? I will take either. The solitude was relaxing and I did not mind being one of the few survivors out there.


After three hours I went to the lunch buffet because I was feeling peck-ish (a term my sister uses when she needs just a bit of food as a pick-me-up). I sanitized my hands and made one pit stop. King Crab Salad. Oh my, leftover crab legs from the night before turned into a beautiful salad! I piled a heap on my plate and sat at a table near the ocean and stared out in ecstasy once again. I next made a date with the promenade deck…the Star Princess’ best kept secret…any cruise ship’s best kept secret. Once out there, I stepped slowly alone and soaked in the scenery. At the aft, I waited and watched the whirly wake. Starboard side a solo youth strummed his guitar strings. I pondered life on the port side. The sea misted salty speckles that formed a rainbow…On the bow I leaned into the point where both sides connected. I thought about leaning over, throwing my hands out to the sides and shout, “I am flying! I am really flying,!” but there was no Leonardo holding me from behind. Instead, I walked three more times around until I almost wiped out on a wet section.



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Looks like "our" cruise is coming to end.:mad:


i vote we take up a collection to send Coka on another cruise so that the entertainment may continue.:D :D


Coka, if you decided to do an australian cruise, please please let me know as i want to go with you, i promise i will keep you company on the dance floor!!!:D


love your work



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I loved reading your review - we are having an Awesome cruise!

THe weather is the BEST we've ever had on a cruise. Calm sea's blue skies most of the time no rain so far. Everything on the Star is WONDERFUL!

We are especially enjoying the entertainment this week it's about the best we've ever seen at sea. Are we lucky or what?


I forgot to meet the other CCer's for the get together - it was at 11:30 on Sunday and about 1:30 I went OH DARN I forgot it!!!


will post more when I get back

BTW the internet has been very good this week.

You buy a package of 150 minutes for 75.00 - as we are Platinum member's it was credited back to our account - works well so far.


more later -

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Day 6: 2nd Formal Evening At Sea


The last full day at sea was the second formal night. We dressed every night so I decided to wear pants. They were white sailor pants that flared at the bottom. A black halter top (with brassiere this time) sort of reminded me of a tuxedo vest. SIL had funky black/silver-ish pants and a fancy black tube top with shawl. I overheard hubby on the phone tell his friend that we looked like models in the formal picture we brought home. Thank goodness, I worried I looked like a vamp, a tramp or a bit of a scamp. They were outfits we wore on casual nights for NCL’s freestyle and I do not think we were out of place. I saw some tuxedos, some suits, some shirt/ties, dresses, gowns, cocktail outfits, dressy pants and “Sunday best.” Again, I think everyone cleaned up well for the formal nights.


Once dressed, we took as many photos possible. Stations were set up all over the central promenade areas with different backdrops. The winning photo was the one with the beautiful flower arrangements on both sides of us. The Past Passenger Party was held at 7pm on this formal night. We arrived at the end of the line. By the time we entered the lounge, there was no line behind us. I did not want to shake the Captain’s hand nor his helpers. Sure, they wore gloves to protect themselves, but who was going to protect me from the 500 remaining handshake germs on their gloves? So I told the three standing there why I did not want to shake them. No Captain dinner for me with that move!


Once entered, we walked a certain line to seats in the back. I took advantage of talking to everyone along the way. I stopped, said hello, stared at their name tag and asked what they did for work. Next, I asked as many boring questions possible that I am sure they hear every week. “Oh, what does a Maitre D’Hotel do exactly?” “How many supervisors and managers are on this ship? I see them all over the place?” “Where are the Directors? Are they at this party?” “You are from Australia? So many people aspire to go there but I hear New Zealand is prettier. Is that true?” The Captain spoke for a bit and I must admit he had personality. Then they gave away three bottles of champagne for special awards. SIL and managed to get only two free mai tais and we passed on the finger foods because lobster and beef tenderloin were on the dining room menu.


We went to eat at 8pm and figured we were going to wait a while. When we walked up to the same guy we walked up to every night, I told him that “_______(name of officer)”, the _____(title of officer) from ______(where he lived) requested him to seat us right away. I thought he knew we were joking but he may not have since he replied yes, and sat us right away. We were at a table for 10 and three pairs were seated with us. We were a quirky group and the conversation was interesting, funny and sometimes odd. I had three lobster tails and ½ of SIL’s beef tenderloin. If we were at a table for two, then I would have had five tails. OH…I am from the Northeast and I swear they were Maine lobster tails. I did not ask if they were Caribbean lobster tail, but they sure tasted like the Northeast as they were the same size too…


SIL went to casino and I went to Comedy Showtime with Al Katz. I remember laughing but not a lot. He picked on some of the audience members but you have to expect that if you sit in the first three rows of any comedy show. The general rule in order to sit in the first three rows is that you must have strong body armor and you must be able to laugh at yourself while 750 others are laughing at you.


SIL and I met up in Skywalkers to the most crowded night yet. A lot people were finally enjoying the music, the dancing and other passengers. By this night familiar faces are all about. The people we had dinner with, the U.S. Virgin Island group, the wedding party, the gals our age, and others who we recognized but never met officially. SIL and I enjoyed our time with the gals our age. We sat together and danced together. We wished we met each other earlier in the week because we had so much fun with them. One gal was from Switzerland and she told me that people had approached her earlier to compliment her dancing skills. Then she found out they thought they were talking to me (we sort of looked alike). I told her it was okay…that I slept with ten men that week and they thought I was her…


The mood was festive in Skywalkers as the night played on. I remember guzzling ice water and wiping off sweat with cocktail napkins. I watched others as I took my break on the seat by the aft window. I was doing great UNTIL I SAW HER. Not too far away from me I spotted her. There she was, sitting nearby. I looked away because I could not believe it was true. It was Virginia. I glanced down at the ship’s wake through the glass window. I could hear her voice call to me. She sweetly beckoned, “You’ve come a long way baby.” I thought to myself, you are darn right I have, and I wondered why she had to show up now. I wanted her. I wanted her badly. I walked over for a better look, in case it was mistaken identity. Sure enough, Virginia Slim Menthol Luxury Light 120’s was sitting right there on a table. I asked the lady sitting there if I could have one. I smoked it and then asked her for another. Not satisfied and not wanting to ask for a third, I bought a pack at the bar. My friend and I united once again after two months separation. It was great to be with her. We danced and smoked the night away.



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OMG!!! What a trip you are! We simply MUST cruise together someday!


Do give my regards to Virginia... she's been a favorite of mine over the years. We only seem to get together over martinis or a slot machine though... strange.

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Oh my gosh, I know Virginia too! Please tell me you were able to leave her on the ship. I would like to break up my relationship with Virginia as well. Hopefully, the sooner the better.

BTW, I've really enjoyed your writing, has to be the best cruise review I've ever read.

Thanks much,


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Coka--what a great time to find you--I've been busy feeling sorry for myself--had to cancel a Cinco De Mayo Party we were having this Saturday. Who knows you might get better soon--but not soon enough--first I have emailed and offered all the food, booze-decorations etc.--I just took loads of Tequilla out to the garage--I have 15 avocados ripening on the counter etc. So, I'm depressed--i like parties--i like margaritas


Well I just found Coka--what a kick--enjoyed every bit--are you leaving on the 5th for another cruise--hope so--we really need live froms from Coka--love your style of writing


Of course, I would always sit at the bar--how lonely looking to sit at a table by yourself--anyway someone should talk to you at the bar.



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