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Does Anyone Think Pulling My Kids Out For 8 Days Is To Long?


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You won't get far in the real world with that attitude. Unfortunately, special situations do arise and work must be done to meet an unexpected deadline. As teachers are in "the real world", why should they be any different. The client (in this case the student and their parents) gave reasonable notice that the deadline for the project has been pushed up. I would imagine the boss (in this case the principal or superintendent) has signed off on it. Do you tell them to take their business elsewhere or attempt to meet the deadline?


I don't like it when it happens on my end. But guess what, the work gets done and the deadline is met (assuming reasonable notice was given).


I would like to live in your world where I can expect other people to do EXTRA work so I can go off on vacation. I felt bad enough asking the teachers for my daughter's homework when the doctor put her on bed rest for a week. And if an administrator signed off on this, well, I would just be glad not to be in THAT school district.


BTW. I notice again that the OP is not with us, so hopefully she is having fun with this exchange.



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I would like to live in your world where I can expect other people to do EXTRA work so I can go off on vacation. I felt bad enough asking the teachers for my daughter's homework when the doctor put her on bed rest for a week. And if an administrator signed off on this, well, I would just be glad not to be in THAT school district.


BTW. I notice again that the OP is not with us, so hopefully she is having fun with this exchange.





All ya have to do is have enough money to do business with our firm. We don't like unexpected deadlines, but they do occur. We do what we can to provide you the service and expertise you expect. :D


And I hope the OP is enjoying this. I know I am.

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All ya have to do is have enough money to do business with our firm. We don't like unexpected deadlines, but they do occur. We do what we can to provide you the service and expertise you expect. :D


And I hope the OP is enjoying this. I know I am.


That is a different matter. A well placed donation to the school foundation does sweeten the pot for this missing kiddos. But the OP seemed to be on a budget and that would make hush money hard to come by.


I am off for the night. Tomorrow is an early day with no internet all morning [i am proctoring AP tests for FREE as the school needs us guilt-ridden working (salaried) moms for a few hours]. I look forward to some fun posts over lunch.



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I wish there were more teachers like you. Teachers I know pull their test from a disk along with the answer key. I wish my kids all have such dedication in their teachers. I would feel comfortable spending the college fund knowing an academic scholarship is on the way.


Talk about a huge pet peeve of mine - book tests!! Half the time they pick out the most obscure, nit picky stuff to ask. I steal questions all the time but they're over material I know I emphasized. Thanks!



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:) :)

Yup, why not.....Everyone has an opinion, doesn't mean it's the right one...to each is own....Lighten up everyone....One week...big deal...their kids.....obviously family time with some people isn't as important as it is to others...


Way to go Budda!

lighten up everyone ! More people should take time out with their kids and if that means going during the school year when sometimes that's the only time they can go......then go for it.

I have taken my three kids out of school in October every year to vacation around the world. Teachers have always been supportive, and most times in earlier grades, used their travel journals to have discussions in class. My kids have always handled the added work and pressure with the holiday. Maybe if more kids were taught how to deal with different situations, the world would be better off.

The family memories we have created for them is not to be measured in any way.

So..go and have fun with your kids.they are only yours for such a short time if you've done your job right!:)

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Pffffffttttttttt... what a bunch of crap...


I am sure glad you didn't miss any classes in school. When you stayed home....is that when you attended the class that taught you your lovely manners?

wow..how mature.... let me guess...no kids?

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This may be the belief that you have of the school/district where your wife works, but that is an unfair blanketed statement to place on the education profession. I am an assistant principal and have denied absences (made them unexcused) for various reasons. As a matter of fact a student was out this year at Disney World for over a week and it was unexcused.


The bottom line for me is that I could not do my job with fear in my heart for any parents. My job is to be an instructional leader and to SUPPORT both parents and teachers alike, not enable them when I believe either party is wrong.


I am sorry that your wife feels she has to leave the profession. I don't know if another district is an option for her or not. For me education is a rewarding profession and I hate that things did not work out.


About a week in a tough district will have you wondering why you posted what you did! The Disney World statement gave it away.

School is like a job. You don't take off for pleasure and convenience. Your parents/students apparently get away with anything they want. ;)

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About a week in a tough district will have you wondering why you posted what you did! The Disney World statement gave it away.

School is like a job. You don't take off for pleasure and convenience. Your parents/students apparently get away with anything they want. ;)



Actually I do take time off for pleasure & convenience. I think most call it a vacation. :D

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Hey CC Good Afternoon, I'm interested in the 8 day carribbean cruise on the Carnival Miracle For May 1st,2008 i'm wondering do you think pulling my kids out of school for 8 days is too long? It's techinally 7 days out of school one is going to be a senior and ones going to be a junior it's going to be the seniors graduation gift and just thought it would be better because it's cheaper in may; as my daughter wants to bring 2 of her friends!!


Any opinions on the ship is greatly appericated also!




Oh Lord you are asking for trouble with this post. There was a huge thread a while back on this very subject. It was a hot topic.

In my opinion you do what is good for your family. You are the only one who knows your family and what other people think doesn't matter. Have a great cruise. I'm sure your kids will love it. :)

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You asked :

At any time other than May prior to graduation, I would have said go for it IF your child was a great student and the school gave you their OK. However, in May, things are very busy. Finals, term papers due, proms, graduation practice, etc. The core of all the classes may have already been taught but there are still exams that have not been given. As for the frriends, will their parents actually allow them to go alone in May? What if their grades are not as strong and they cannot miss any classes? what about time missed during the term? Will there be any time left to miss as excused or will the cruise place one of the kids in a place where they just cannot make up the time missed and won't be able to graduate? I know you are looking at an 8 day cruise...they are wonderful but maybe for the same cost you could sail after school is out for the summer on a shorter cruise? Memories can be made by the quality time spent on a 5 day cruise. Just MHO...

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My parents would often take me on vacations during the school year (and my mother is an educator). When I returned I learned that I did. not. miss. a. thing. :rolleyes:





I find it hard to believe that a teacher would even be able to take a week off of school during the school year. I am a teacher, and I only get 2 days off each year. I get sick days but those can't be used for vacation.


:confused: Hard to believe?


She was in a different school district. So, we had different spring breaks and what not.

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We've taken our kids out 4 times during the school year, and will do so again this coming October. Each time, they have been "unexcused", meaning that the teachers do not HAVE to give them homework or even give them the work that they missed while gone.


She's now in 6th grade, top of her class, gifted program, she's getting 100%'s on state test scores. The 4 times we've taken her from school haven't affected her schooling in the LEAST, and the things she's learned while on vacations have enriched her life, expanded her knowledge, and are the best family memories she has.


That said, I think there is a big difference between taking a younger child out, and a high schooler. Only because the amount of work they get in HS is incredible, and I'd be worried that she'd be on "overload" trying to make up work. Not that it can't be done, but you have to weigh the benefits of vacation against possibly weeks of playing catch up. If she is fine with it, and capable of doing it, then go and enjoy yourselves. If she will stress over it, be overwhelmed, and it it could affect her GPA, I'd rethink things and go after she graduates.

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We are leaving next week for a cruise and we fit it in right after our daughter graduates from college this weekend. We will have to take our 10 year old DS out of school for a week because of snow days. I talked to his teacher and they are doing field trips, movies, etc that week so it was no big deal. My daughter could not have missed her senior year of college so I think it all depends on the grade level of the child and how well they are doing in school. This is our first time to take him out for a pleasure trip so we weren't too sure either. Our teacher was happy for our DS to have the experience of the other country's and cultures. He has a very curious mind!


We have a group of 12 going and it definitely makes a difference on the costs. We don't like to go in the summer when there is more hurricane risk.

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A note to the Original Poster....I see you live in New Jersey. We have a great opportunity here in NJ to take advantage of the NJEA convention break in early November. The fares (cruise fare and air to FL) are cheaper because it is not a holiday or break anywhere else. Although you can see from my posts I am usually against taking kids out of school, I have booked a great deal on a family vacation for that week in November. In my kids' district they have 1/2 session days for three days due to parent conferences then two days off for the State Convention Break. Historically, my boys do not get a lot of work/homework that week because the teachers are busy with conference planning. Although not a teacher, I work at a high school (different district than my kids) I work over the summer and it's not the best time for either me or my dh to take off of work. Yes, there will still be work to make up, but there is a huge difference between 3 days out and 8.


Just a thought I figured I'd share. I know it is a "graduation" present for your dd and her friends, so celebrate a little early and let her have the end of senior year to chill and be with her friends at home.

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Actually I do take time off for pleasure & convenience. I think most call it a vacation. :D


Yup, and school kids have PLENTY of that... considering they are in school for what? 180 days a year? Take away the weekends and they still have about 68 days of vacation... Doesn't make me feel to sorry for them, we all did it (well, most of us did :cool: )


Like I said, the fact that you are dealing with a graduating senior, and a Junior around exams and end of year, make all the difference here... I can't for the life of me see why you couldn't go during either spring break, or wait a few weeks until their school/graduating/exam duties are complete...

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About a week in a tough district will have you wondering why you posted what you did! The Disney World statement gave it away.

School is like a job. You don't take off for pleasure and convenience. Your parents/students apparently get away with anything they want. ;)


Just because someone went to Disney does not mean the school is not tough. The school is 85% minority, 35% free and reduced lunch. However, just because of these numbers does not mean they are not good kids or that someone saved up to take their kid on a vacation(just the wrong time of year). I have worked at a really tough school in the past, but the expectations were still the same.


Much of who we are and what we think is how we perceive things. Someone must have a bad perception of how things are in the world of education or it is not what they expected.

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Since when is going on a cruise considered an "excused" absence...?


I'd love to know what State... and which Federal matching funds program says that going on a cruise is a valid "excused" absence.



And there is no way a teacher should have to lift a finger for "Johnny" because he missed school to go on a cruise. Just give him F's for any missing assignments and tests that week. Why should it be the Teacher's burden?


Sorry we live in PA and like I said before, my daughter attends a private elementary school and it most certainly IS an "excused" absence when she travels with us.


Parents shouldn't be vilified for wanting to travel with their kids. And if parents have a good working relationship with the teachers and principal and are involved with the school (I am on the school board), then vacations during the school year *can* be worked out.

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wow..how mature.... let me guess...no kids?


And you are exactly right. I have seen enough of these parent/kid bashing threads to know who has and who doesn't have kids. IMO those without them don't need to give us any lessons in parenting. We learn enough in our real world experience.

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Sorry we live in PA and like I said before, my daughter attends a private elementary school and it most certainly IS an "excused" absence when she travels with us.


Parents shouldn't be vilified for wanting to travel with their kids. And if parents have a good working relationship with the teaching and principal and are involved with the school (I am on the school board), then vacations during the school year *can* be worked out.


Michelle, I think private school is MUCH different from public, primarily because of funding issues. You are paying for her schooling, not all of us (taxpayers)... so I think there is a little more leniency in private school... I know here, education is huge and is taken very seriously.. a vacation may or may not be excused, but they take many things into account. In NC, you miss a certain number of days, excused or not excused and you are held back, period... and it's really not a lot of days, so parents here have to be very cautious, because kids get sick... one good bout of mono and a kid could be held back. In public schools, good relationship or not, the emphasis is on getting the butts in the seats... I think comparing private and public schools is really apples and oranges... sure, they are concerned with education, but I just think they are more lenient... I'm not 100%, but judging by your post, that's what I would guess. :)

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And you are exactly right. I have seen enough of these parent/kid bashing threads to know who has and who doesn't have kids. IMO those without them don't need to give us any lessons in parenting. We learn enough in our real world experience.


Sorry, I have to chime in again :D I think that every taxpaying citizen has a very valid concern. Your children not included since they attend private school, but otherwise, we pay for these educations and our opinion DOES matter. I don't think it has much to do with parenting lessons, but more to do with our rights as the people that are paying for this education, to an opinion. Aside from that, many of us actually went to school, and know what goes on at the end of the year, and we can weigh in to help the OP in her decision... There are many people that take education and our school systems seriously, parents or not... there are many that have educators in their families, or they are educators themselves... just not sure why one has to have a child to have an opinion here...

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Michelle, I think private school is MUCH different from public, primarily because of funding issues. You are paying for her schooling, not all of us (taxpayers)... so I think there is a little more leniency in private school... I know here, education is huge and is taken very seriously.. a vacation may or may not be excused, but they take many things into account. In NC, you miss a certain number of days, excused or not excused and you are held back, period... and it's really not a lot of days, so parents here have to be very cautious, because kids get sick... one good bout of mono and a kid could be held back. In public schools, good relationship or not, the emphasis is on getting the butts in the seats... I think comparing private and public schools is really apples and oranges... sure, they are concerned with education, but I just think they are more lenient... I'm not 100%, but judging by your post, that's what I would guess. :)


Oh I understand that. I pay the tuition not only for my daughter (and now my 2nd daughter who will start this August) to attend private school but I ALSO pay the school taxes that pay for the school that my kids do not attend. So I pay for my kids AND the neighbor kids. ;)


But when someone becomes outraged and says "show me a school where you can get an excused absence for a cruise" I can some them one. ;)


I also attended private school growing up and I traveled alot with my parents as well. So I guess I am trying to provide my children with what was provided to me. :D

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Sorry, I have to chime in again :D I think that every taxpaying citizen has a very valid concern. Your children not included since they attend private school, but otherwise, we pay for these educations and our opinion DOES matter. I don't think it has much to do with parenting lessons, but more to do with our rights as the people that are paying for this education, to an opinion. Aside from that, many of us actually went to school, and know what goes on at the end of the year, and we can weigh in to help the OP in her decision... There are many people that take education and our school systems seriously, parents or not... there are many that have educators in their families, or they are educators themselves... just not sure why one has to have a child to have an opinion here...


It's the same on EVERY child/parent bashing thread Lucy and you know it. On this thread it's using the excuse of being a tax payer. I am willing to bet that the children that travel have parents that are much more involved in the children's lives and education than those who don't.


Like I said in the previous thread. I pay taxes for the public school. I honestly don't care what they do with that money cause I still choose to send my children elsewhere.


And yes, walk a mile in a parent's shoes and then start dishing out parenting advice. That would be like me sitting here handing out dieting advice because I am tired of paying high health insurance premiums. :rolleyes:

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Hey CC Good Afternoon, I'm interested in the 8 day carribbean cruise on the Carnival Miracle For May 1st,2008 i'm wondering do you think pulling my kids out of school for 8 days is too long? It's techinally 7 days out of school one is going to be a senior and ones going to be a junior it's going to be the seniors graduation gift and just thought it would be better because it's cheaper in may; as my daughter wants to bring 2 of her friends!!


Any opinions on the ship is greatly appericated also!





Michelle, in looking at the OP above, I don't see where she was looking for opinions from parents :confused: Like I said, it wasn't THAT long ago that I graduated, and I'm pretty familiar with what goes on during the last few weeks of school... I would think that would be very helpful to the poster. Sorry but I just don't see how "make beautiful memories with your kids" and "a cruise can be an education experience" and "I take my kids out all the time with no problems" is really helping a person that is asking about taking her high school junior and senior kids out of school a few weeks before the end of the year, around exam time, etc. How has any of that helped??? Seriously... I am curious. I'm sure the OP has had children long enough to know the importance of spending time with family... I'm sure the OP finds plenty of time to spend with her family, but she is asking if that is too long to take kids out of school, at the end of the year. Now, how does being a parent (even if it is a parent of a high school junior/senior, or a kid that has graduated) make one any more qualified to give an opinion on THIS subject, than say someone that graduated and knows what is going on at that time of year??? This thread has nothing to do with being a parent, IMHO...sorry, but since we are talking about THIS thread, I am just giving my opinion. I haven't seen parent/kid bashing in this thread... I've seen people giving their opinions, which is what the OP asked for. I'm not trying to be argumentative... but it seems that even when there isn't "parent/kid bashing" (which I know there has been around this board), there are still people that bring it up...and then turn a thread into "parent/kid basher bashing"...


I guess one could say that if you don't have kids that are juniors/seniors in High School, or have never had a child graduate from high school, their opinions aren't valid either ;)

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