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Does Anyone Think Pulling My Kids Out For 8 Days Is To Long?


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"...we are paying for your existence, your benefits and retirement." Eponyin, send me your address and I'll send you back the money you personally paid for my salary. I'll write you a check for $1.00 and that, my friend, would include a tip! How foolish to think that because you pay taxes to support your school that you get to decide when a teacher creates his/her lesson plans. You are an insult to parents and I pity the teachers who teach your kids. It is because of parents like you that I no longer teach. I had 165 kids last year. I worked for the ones whose parents value education, not the ones whose parents thought I personally worked for them. So by your reasoning, I can control everyone who works for the state. That's great. I think I'll call 911 and have them send over one of their officers with a pizza. He works for me doesn't he? Then, I think that a fireman should bring over his big red truck so that my 8 month old can play on it. I paid for it didn't I? Then when I head out on my cruise, I think that Air Force I should come and pick me up and deliver me to the terminal. I paid taxes, I'm entitled to it all!!!


Thats laughable and I think you made the RIGHT choice.

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If that be the case, I am glad my daughter is not in public school anymore. All 8th grade math teachers should have the same lesson plan. etc etc...etc... If class A is not the same as class B or C, then how can friends who have differnt classes help each other with school work. Private schools may be different. I don't know. Could never afford private school. Nor could we afford to go as kids. But our teachers even then had planned lesson plans a month in advance. IF not more. If you make your lesson plans week by week by week, then what happens if you get sick? I am glad my DD does not have teachers like that anymore. Had my fill of them. Especially since they would not abide by what I wanted for her. Which was not much. A front roll seat. No one watching the hallways, kids being pushed into the lockers, coming home with bruises because no adult was watching the kids, coming home hungry because lunch break was an average of 15 min from the time they got in the dining hall to the time the teacher came and got them. Seeing the principal 7 months after asking to see her. Being riliculed in front of other parents instead of being taken to a private room by a councelor. If i had to pulll my child out of school, it was because of family in another state sick, or a death. the last year my DD was in public school, she missed 4 weeks from March to May because the TEACHERS, came to school with fever and spread it to the kids. BUT YET, THEY CAN PREACH IF YOU KID HAS A FEVER LEAVE THEM AT HOME. The teachers need to do the same. If they have a fever, stay home.


Anyway, that is all for me. I love my daughters teachers now. If they are sick, they can still teach her because she does not have contact with them. It is all done on computer and she is learning more, and getting better grades than when in public school. questions get answered faster and clearer than when in public school. When a parent does not understand something, and she sends a note to the teacher, she expects an answer, not GO RENT A BOOK AT THE LIBRARY TO HELP YOU UNDERSTAND.

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I was taken out of school by my parents for around 7 days, and it really was not that big of a deal. It was also around May 6th, and before I went I asked for all my homework the following week I would be absent. I returned it to them before I left and also reviwed all the material that would be covered in the lessons that I would be missing. Plus, our school is very strict about being absent for a vacation...so my parents to me lie and say there was a death in the family. Though, I was way too happy when my parents came to pick me up to leave for the airport...the teachers probably knew what was up. Oh well, it's just 8 days! It's not the end of the world and it is not like your child's education will be doomed if you are absent for a week. And besides, it's not like you learn a bunch of stuff in a week. If it were up to me and I was a senior, I would pick the cruise over the prom anyday, but hey that's just me.

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Only you can decide if taking a cruise is more important than sending your children to school. You are the parent and guardian of their life and you shouldn't rely on us to decide what is best for them.

Their future is not in our hands. If I was their age I assure you a cruise would be much more important than sitting in class all day.

Whatever you decide is the right answer for you and your family. I hope you are happy with whatever decision you make.

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As a teacher, I would understand. Making memories with your kids is more important than anything--ANYTHING. Their teachers should understand and be able to provide make up work. Their friends and other students should be able to provide them with notes. Don't regret spending time with your kids--school is important, but not as important as family!

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Everyone who has said the last month is strenuous on kids makes me think, "WTH?" I graduated high school in '02 and the last month was pointless. We were told about projects typically at the beginning of each month. Mine were done within a week of being told (I can't procrastinate). I missed 19 days of school my senior year (six sinus infections that left me pretty sick, a grandfather who passed away, a grandmother who passed away, an aunt who passed away and a day where I just couldn't go to school after everyone was dying because I felt like hell). I still managed to graduate with a 3.89 GPA, distinguished honors and all honors classes under my belt. If my parents had planned a vacation I probably would've been fine.


In college I have been able to make my trips around class schedules. I've made it the week before classes start. I managed to graduate college with a 3.6 GPA. I'm maintaining a 3.89 GPA as a grad student. If I wanted to miss a week I could get away with it, but I'd rather not. Obviously my trip to Disney World at 12 for a week didn't ruin my education! Nor did the other side trips we took to other places for maybe a day or two!

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My opinion is that if they are in elementary or middle school, go ahead, but high school is not a good idea, especially at the end of the year. Seniors are often exempt from exams, but the absenses will be difficult to make up at the end of the yer. I'm an ex teacher & all my kids have graduated college now.

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I have to share this... as a high school attendance secretary where the attendance policy is STRICK a student who misses that many days at the beginning of May just might run out of time having to make up time missed.... meaning with this policy a student is allowed only 3 excused absences per class period... and we have 8 periods (A day/B day). On the 4th excused absence the students grade INSTANTLY goes from their current grade to and NC (no credit grade) until the student attends one hour of ARC (attendance restoration class) per over 3 excused absence. Missing 8 days or four A days and 4 B days the student would have to attend 8 sessions of ARC either before school or after school. Oh, and ARC is not everyday..... It can be done and it is done all the time. An excused absence is excused. We don't care (well, we do care) if your washer machine blew a gasket and your child did not have clean jeans to where to school or you were on an 8 day vacation. You are excused. But, should you fail to excuse your child before leaving... well, your child will now be required to attend TWO hours per class period for each period they are over the 3 allowed excused absences... so, yah, 16 hrs of ARC. I would think TWICE before pulling a child out of school the final month of school or the down side of the term.


Sorry to share a portion of our attendance policy with you all... but, I would hate to see a child not pass a class or worse yet, NOT graduate because they ran out of time to make up their absences... Oh, by the way I should share (so I don't get flamed) but a medical excuse is marked differently and does NOT count as a regular excused absence....

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I see nothing wrong with pulling your child out for 8 days. But that is me. The so called state NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND thing is stupid. We did not have those, and there were less kids dropping out of school than there are now. our local schools FAILED reading this year in those test because they focused on Science, and math. Give me a break. Students don't learn anything from Thanksgiving till the time of these test in March because they are focusing on these test. NOT on teaching the children what they need to survive in the world.



AS FOR TAKING KIDS OUT OF SCHOOL. Some jobs have block out days when schools are out. my DH cannot get spring break, or christmas break off to take these vacations. That is why we have to plan vacataions druing school time, and pull them out. MAYBE that is the reason he is asking. ALSO, some places you accumulate your vacation. Then if you don't take it, you lose it. Maybe these people have to take a week or two so they don't lose it and it is possible it does not fall during the breaks. So if you are in that catagory of people, I say PULL THE KIDS FOR THE FAMILY VACATION. If you are just doing it to be doing it, then rethink things. Another reason my DD is homeschooled. MY DH has black out days for the times she is out of public school The way it is, I can take her out and not have a problem with it.

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When your child comes home with no homework for 2 weeks, and their grade stays the same, and you child says they did nothing today when you ask them, they are not learning.

Because most of the time they are at school is focusing on the no child left behind test and it is all stuff they should have learned already, and not forcing them to go over the same math lesson 20 times in a 3 month period. NOt only the same math lesson, but the only problem they give the child nd they harp on it for 3 mnths. What are they learning then???

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When your child comes home with no homework for 2 weeks, and their grade stays the same, and you child says they did nothing today when you ask them, they are not learning.

Because most of the time they are at school is focusing on the no child left behind test and it is all stuff they should have learned already, and not forcing them to go over the same math lesson 20 times in a 3 month period. NOt only the same math lesson, but the only problem they give the child nd they harp on it for 3 mnths. What are they learning then???


I have never heard of the "No Child Left Behind Test." Same math lesson in a 3 month period? One math problem for 3 months? Please, I find that hard to believe.

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When your child comes home with no homework for 2 weeks, and their grade stays the same, and you child says they did nothing today when you ask them, they are not learning.

Because most of the time they are at school is focusing on the no child left behind test and it is all stuff they should have learned already, and not forcing them to go over the same math lesson 20 times in a 3 month period. NOt only the same math lesson, but the only problem they give the child nd they harp on it for 3 mnths. What are they learning then???


You are showing such ignorance! Follow a teacher for a week and then review your post...you will be very embarrassed with your naivety!

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Since I go to school, I shall share my information on what "really" goes on. Yes, there are times where the teacher does not move on to "new" material for a few weeks at times, but not months. I haven't had homework in weeks now, probably because it is the end of the year. Still, there have been times where I have come home with no homework for days at times. It is not that unusal.


Like students, some teachers "slack off" too and I'm not saying all teachers do that, but I can tell you first hand some do. I have had so-called "reading days" for days at a time, while the teacher goes on the computer. Or my favorite of all, I had a science teacher and for 3 out of the 5 days we watched movies and the other 2 days were copying information from the book, while the teacher sat there and did nothing. If the "No Child Left Behind Act" really wants to go somewhere...they need to take a hard look at the teachers and not focus on state testings, etc.


We have a thing in Indiana called I-STEP testing, like most states have. We spend the first 2 in a half months of school reviewing for this test which only covers last year's material, it is pathetic. Then at the end of the year we do absolutely nothing and just blow off the last few months of school. I am pretty sure missing a few days won't kill the kid, after all they pretty much did blow off the whole year.

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Everyone who has said the last month is strenuous on kids makes me think, "WTH?" I graduated high school in '02 and the last month was pointless. We were told about projects typically at the beginning of each month. Mine were done within a week of being told (I can't procrastinate). I missed 19 days of school my senior year (six sinus infections that left me pretty sick, a grandfather who passed away, a grandmother who passed away, an aunt who passed away and a day where I just couldn't go to school after everyone was dying because I felt like hell). I still managed to graduate with a 3.89 GPA, distinguished honors and all honors classes under my belt. If my parents had planned a vacation I probably would've been fine.



Your experience is not necessarily the same as others. My daughter goes to a private school which has a very difficult curriculum. Missing even a class period can be hard on them at times (though not necessarily always). As I said in my previous post, May would be the worst time for my daughter to miss school. Missing 8 days would just not be possible for her. I don't quite get why you think because your academic calendar was not strenous in May, that would necessarily mean others are not.


People keep saying family time is more important than class time. I agree, but I don't see why there would be a need to choose, when there are several months in the summer carved out for vacation, as well as shorter periods spread throughout the year. I know there can be mitigating circumstances, but in general I don't understand the assertion that there are not enough opportunities during the year to take vacations.

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I have never heard of the "No Child Left Behind Test." Same math lesson in a 3 month period? One math problem for 3 months? Please, I find that hard to believe.



In florida it is called FCAT. my dd had to take the class last yr on line. the first module or 2 weeks was the teacher getting to know you. the second module english, the third math, the 4th english, same lesson, the 5th math same lesson. OUr students failed reading this yr. I sat in the classroom as a assistant when my dd was in 5th grade. during the time I was there, the teacher asked 3 questions, and the rest of the time was spent doing nothing.

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Since I go to school, I shall share my information on what "really" goes on. Yes, there are times where the teacher does not move on to "new" material for a few weeks at times, but not months. I haven't had homework in weeks now, probably because it is the end of the year. Still, there have been times where I have come home with no homework for days at times. It is not that unusal.


Like students, some teachers "slack off" too and I'm not saying all teachers do that, but I can tell you first hand some do. I have had so-called "reading days" for days at a time, while the teacher goes on the computer. Or my favorite of all, I had a science teacher and for 3 out of the 5 days we watched movies and the other 2 days were copying information from the book, while the teacher sat there and did nothing. If the "No Child Left Behind Act" really wants to go somewhere...they need to take a hard look at the teachers and not focus on state testings, etc.


We have a thing in Indiana called I-STEP testing, like most states have. We spend the first 2 in a half months of school reviewing for this test which only covers last year's material, it is pathetic. Then at the end of the year we do absolutely nothing and just blow off the last few months of school. I am pretty sure missing a few days won't kill the kid, after all they pretty much did blow off the whole year.


This is really sad. However, you should be aware that this is not what "really goes on" in every school district. We live in a district which has a pretty poor performance record. For this reason, we have chosen to put our children in a private school. Sometimes we feel the demands are too high (I can't imagine them ever having no homework, much less for several days in a row). My daughters often stay up way too late trying to complete their school assignments and there are times when the pressure they feel is just too much. Hopefully when they graduate and we look back, we will know we made the right decision in spite of some of the negatives.


Other school districts near ours are fabulous, however. Standards are set very high, the kids perform well in almost every aspect, and they go on to good colleges and futures.


It's too bad all children can't be blessed with a great education courtesy of their local public schools, but sadly, that is just not the case at present.

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In florida it is called FCAT. my dd had to take the class last yr on line. the first module or 2 weeks was the teacher getting to know you. the second module english, the third math, the 4th english, same lesson, the 5th math same lesson. OUr students failed reading this yr. I sat in the classroom as a assistant when my dd was in 5th grade. during the time I was there, the teacher asked 3 questions, and the rest of the time was spent doing nothing.


Explain what you thought was "nothing"...

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No, the sad thing is, the school district in our area is in the top 10 in the Midwest and best in our state. Then again, my parents don't have $12,000 to blow off on private school every year. Also, it really does not matter how good a private high school is, your child could be dumb as a rock, but they will still look good because they went to a private high school. They still have to cover the exact same state standards like every other kid in the state, so really it is not all that "great".

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I have not yet answered on this sorry =).. Anyways I know 8 day's is a very long time i am looking into one for december into mayber march thanks for all your opinions yeah even the harsh ones!!! :)

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I have not yet answered on this sorry =).. Anyways I know 8 day's is a very long time i am looking into one for december into mayber march thanks for all your opinions yeah even the harsh ones!!! :)


Thank you for coming back to your thread.... Great idea to look into other dates as well :)

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No, the sad thing is, the school district in our area is in the top 10 in the Midwest and best in our state. Then again, my parents don't have $12,000 to blow off on private school every year. Also, it really does not matter how good a private high school is, your child could be dumb as a rock, but they will still look good because they went to a private high school. They still have to cover the exact same state standards like every other kid in the state, so really it is not all that "great".



If your depiction of your school is accurate, it is sad regardless of where it falls in comparison with other schools in the midwest. Some of the things you describe are unacceptable IMO.


The fact that a school is private does not automatically make it a good school. But there are also private schools which really are above and beyond what most public schools can offer.


Dallas has several very, very good private schools. They probably evolved as a result of the poor performance, scandals, and corruption which have ruined the local school district. These schools to which I refer do not accept kids who are "dumb as a rock," and if they did, the kids would not last long there. Even kids with parents richer than Trump cannot get in if they cannot pass the entrance exams, and they are very tough. They not only cover the "exact same standards" required by the state, but go well beyond that. My kids are getting a much better education than they could ever dream of getting in our local public schools. We did our homework and would never shell out this kind of money for "the exact same" product as our public schools. There are certainly negatives to going to a private school, but the positives of our school outweigh them (at least we believe that now, and that is always open to review). If we could not afford to send our kids to private schools, we would send them to the best schools we could and would know we did our best. We would have to move to do that, but we would if it came to that.


As to your last statement, it's really not accurate as a generalization, but could certainly be true in specific circumstances.

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