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Was it hard for you to leave kids behind?


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I'm 44 and am blessed to still have one grandparent with me. She is my favorite person on the planet.

Yes, Grandparents are amazing.:D


Wow you still have your grandmother?? That is wonderful. :D How old is she?

Mine unfortunately passed away when I was 18. :(

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I think a lot of it has to do with the societal "guilt trip" we put ourselves on if we put ourselves first as women, once in a great while. The other part is yes, we love our kiddos dearly. But it doesn't have to be one or the other. And just because you're cruising without your 2 YO doesn't make you a horrible person or a bad mommy. She'll probably enjoy HER vacation almost as much as you do.


Things I do when we leave our kiddos (we've done it twice...the first time the kids were 2 and 5, this past time they were 4 and 7). I buy some Dollar Store cheapy toys/books/games, one to open each night. I make a paper chain with the kids, they take a link off each night before bed. I also tape record messages from DH and me, along with reading a few bedtime stories each night. And I call home LIMITEDLY...once before we set sail, once halfway through the week and once the day we're arriving home. Personally, I feel that if the kiddos are in a good routine and having fun (maybe even forgetting how much they miss me), the LAST thing I want to do is call and upset them.


Good luck and HAVE FUN. It's SO nice to be the one waited ON for a change, rather than the one doing all the waiting on others. Probably my favorite part of the cruise.

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I once saw something at the Philadelphia Zoo, when I was a teenager and had no clue as to what Motherhood was all about, but this totally sums it up.


One of the Siberian Tigers had 3 cubs. They were about 3 or 4 months old when we visited the zoo. They were all in the cage together, Mother and cubs. (all were named after President's wives....cute as hell they all were) As you can imagine, the cubs were playful and curious...the mother just looked exhausted. She was lying on the ground, they were jumping on her head, biting her face, pulling her tail and she had a look that said, "Please take me away from all this!"

Suddenly it was feeding time and for whatever reason, the zoo keepers needed the cubs to eat seperately from the Mother, so they lured her into the adjoining cage area and then shut the door between her and her cubs.

The cubs attacked their portion of raw meat like any wild animal should. The Mother tiger, on the other hand ignored her food, and stood by the door where her cubs were and howled.

It was horrible. If you've never heard a Mother tiger howl for her children, you are fortunate. I've never heard anything so gut wrenching and depressing. It pierced my heart. Anyway, the cubs, totally oblivious to their Mother's distress, gobbled up all their food. The Mother, whose meal was left untouched, just continued howling until they opened the door up so she could rejoin her cubs.


This is motherhood in a nutshell. The kids drive you absolutely nuts yet the minute they're out of sight, you go insane.

Fortunately for us 2 legged creatures, we can cruise and it's a nice distarction from the distress of seperation. ;)


I seriously just started crying. That is EXACTLY how I feel.:o I have been a total mess all day.


Thank you so much for all of your responses! Really, you have no idea how much they helped.


Originally we booked the cruise planning to take her along. My mom begged us to leave her here. "You guys need the time, she'll have more fun here, she won't even remember a cruise, yadda, yadda, yadda..."


After a couple of weeks of that, we caved. We figured it would save us money, and this is our first vacation in over three years so we could definitely use it. I just finished my college degree and I have been under an enormous amount of stress being full-time mom and wife, full-time worker, and full-time student. Seriously, now that it is over, I can't even remember how I managed to pull it all off. My husband has also been playing practically single dad on weeknights for over 2 years while I finished up.


Anyway, that's some background. Not sure if you needed it or not, but it helped me to write it all out. WE DESERVE IT! Right?;)

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I left my son behind for a cruise when he was almost two (a month shy). He stayed with my sister, who had help from my mom (luckily our parents lived nearby). I had a tough time...imagined every bad thing that could happen...and then got on the boat and had a blast...then returned happier than ever to see him again! It was really good for DH and me to get away ourselves. We missed DS, but we loved the cruise, and we did it again the following year...and the next...

We took DS with us on a cruise when he was almost 4, only because my mother passed away (an occurrence, which by the way, made me glad he had had those times with her in summers past) and my dad took the whole family on a cruise together, including DS. I had travel-along "babysitters", and it was GREAT too. The following year, though, it was just me and DH again. Oddly enough, DH and I missed our son more that last cruise, only because our son "knew" what he was missing and made us feel bad. :rolleyes:


We would be going on a cruise again this summer...just the two of us probably, but I finally got pregnant and had a baby a month ago today, so no cruise this summer. :( There's always next summer...

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I left my son behind for a cruise when he was almost two (a month shy). He stayed with my sister' date=' who had help from my mom (luckily our parents lived nearby). I had a tough time...imagined every bad thing that could happen...and then got on the boat and had a blast...then returned happier than ever to see him again! It was really good for DH and me to get away ourselves. We missed DS, but we loved the cruise, and we did it again the following year...and the next...

We took DS with us on a cruise when he was almost 4, only because my mother passed away (an occurrence, which by the way, made me glad he had had those times with her in summers past) and my dad took the whole family on a cruise together, including DS. I had travel-along "babysitters", and it was GREAT too. The following year, though, it was just me and DH again. Oddly enough, DH and I missed our son more that last cruise, only because our son "knew" what he was missing and made us feel bad. :rolleyes:


We would be going on a cruise again this summer...just the two of us probably, but I finally got pregnant and had a baby a month ago today, so no cruise this summer. :( There's always next summer...[/quote']


Congratulations on the new baby!! What a wonderful reason to have to miss this summer! :) I am sorry you can't go though!! (((HUGS)))

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Wow you still have your grandmother?? That is wonderful. :D How old is she?

Mine unfortunately passed away when I was 18. :(


This is my Paternal Grandmother. She'll be 93 in September. She's healthy as can be and smart as a whip.

My Maternal grandmother lived to be 91. She passed away 2 years ago. I also had my grandfathers until they were in their 80's.

I had a great grandmother until I was 10.

I come from healthy stock. :p


My grandmother who is still with me is bugging my oldest daughter (who will be 22 in July) to hurry up and get married and have kids so she can be a great-great grandmother :D

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I seriously just started crying. That is EXACTLY how I feel.:o I have been a total mess all day.


Thank you so much for all of your responses! Really, you have no idea how much they helped.


Originally we booked the cruise planning to take her along. My mom begged us to leave her here. "You guys need the time, she'll have more fun here, she won't even remember a cruise, yadda, yadda, yadda..."


After a couple of weeks of that, we caved. We figured it would save us money, and this is our first vacation in over three years so we could definitely use it. I just finished my college degree and I have been under an enormous amount of stress being full-time mom and wife, full-time worker, and full-time student. Seriously, now that it is over, I can't even remember how I managed to pull it all off. My husband has also been playing practically single dad on weeknights for over 2 years while I finished up.


Anyway, that's some background. Not sure if you needed it or not, but it helped me to write it all out. WE DESERVE IT! Right?;)


I'm smiling here...mostly because I recall vividly being where you are. It's hard but believe me, your Mom is right. AND, your child will have so much fun with her grandparents...this vacation for you is also going to be good for her. I've said this before, kids need separation 'practice' but parents need it as well. One day, you'll be where I am and your kids will leave. My oldest just graduated college this past weekend. I'm OK but my husband is not handling this well. She spent 4 years in KY (we live in ME) and she is going off to Montanna for a year as an Americorps Volunteer. Any little practice separation sessions you get between now and when your baby is grown will be an absolute help. Once that umbilical cord is cut, it's all about getting them ready to go on their own. 5 days with Grandparents is a great way to start. :)

Good luck!!

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This is my Paternal Grandmother. She'll be 93 in September. She's healthy as can be and smart as a whip.

My Maternal grandmother lived to be 91. She passed away 2 years ago. I also had my grandfathers until they were in their 80's.

I had a great grandmother until I was 10.

I come from healthy stock. :p


My grandmother who is still with me is bugging my oldest daughter (who will be 22 in July) to hurry up and get married and have kids so she can be a great-great grandmother :D


God Bless her...that is wonderful that she will be 93 and is so healthy and sharp. :D I only had one grandmother (maternal), as the others died before I was born. I did have my husband's grandmother up until about 14 years ago and she was just as good as my own. :p

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I once saw something at the Philadelphia Zoo, when I was a teenager and had no clue as to what Motherhood was all about, but this totally sums it up.


One of the Siberian Tigers had 3 cubs. They were about 3 or 4 months old when we visited the zoo. They were all in the cage together, Mother and cubs. (all were named after President's wives....cute as hell they all were) As you can imagine, the cubs were playful and curious...the mother just looked exhausted. She was lying on the ground, they were jumping on her head, biting her face, pulling her tail and she had a look that said, "Please take me away from all this!"

Suddenly it was feeding time and for whatever reason, the zoo keepers needed the cubs to eat seperately from the Mother, so they lured her into the adjoining cage area and then shut the door between her and her cubs.

The cubs attacked their portion of raw meat like any wild animal should. The Mother tiger, on the other hand ignored her food, and stood by the door where her cubs were and howled.

It was horrible. If you've never heard a Mother tiger howl for her children, you are fortunate. I've never heard anything so gut wrenching and depressing. It pierced my heart. Anyway, the cubs, totally oblivious to their Mother's distress, gobbled up all their food. The Mother, whose meal was left untouched, just continued howling until they opened the door up so she could rejoin her cubs.


This is motherhood in a nutshell. The kids drive you absolutely nuts yet the minute they're out of sight, you go insane.

Fortunately for us 2 legged creatures, we can cruise and it's a nice distarction from the distress of seperation. ;)



What a great story! That IS motherhood!! My baby is 16 now, and will be in college in a couple of years! All those years i couldn't wait to have some time to myself, now pretty soon, I WILL! Of course, I also thought i would have my husband by my side, but he left the nest sooner than THEY did, and he is now married to a "woman?" who is only 5 years older than our oldest daughter, who is 20!:mad: Thanks for the great story!!:)

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What a great story! That IS motherhood!! My baby is 16 now, and will be in college in a couple of years! All those years i couldn't wait to have some time to myself, now pretty soon, I WILL! Of course, I also thought i would have my husband by my side, but he left the nest sooner than THEY did, and he is now married to a "woman?" who is only 5 years older than our oldest daughter, who is 20!:mad: Thanks for the great story!!:)


They grow up way too fast. When they are young, we want them to grow up and when they are finally grown, we want them as babies again. My oldest son is a Freshman in college. It took me a few weeks to get used to having him gone. It was hard at first, but I got used to it. Now he is home for the summer and I am thrilled. Even though we don't see him much, I know that he "is home". The summer will go fast and then he will be back at school again....so I just treasure the time that I have him here. It's just amazing how fast the time goes.

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I left mine with their grandma on my first cruise. I mentioned taking them on the mext one and the Ex went thru the roof, literally. Four years later for the second cruise the new DH insisted they come. Enjoyed both cruises. We have taken both since.


Kids had as much fun at home as on the cruises. When they got older, they stayed home to go to school.

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As they were growing up we took our kids on 10 cruises. The family time was amazing. Now they are grown and married. We have since cruised without them and still had a great time. I look forward to many more cruises with or without the kids and their families. My big problem is leaving our dog. She is the light of our lives now and finding the right person to care for her is driving me nuts. :rolleyes:

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We've always taken our kids with us when cruising. Once on board the 9 year old goes to camp carnival and the 16 year old......well not really sure where he goes but all I know is we don't see either one of them other then dinner time and bed time.


It's all they talk about the following year and they can't wait to do it again. It just wouldn't be the same leaving them at home.

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Now I feel like a terrible mom because I am so looking forward to being without my kids - 12 & 9 - for a week. This is the first vacation other than an occassional weekend that we are going on alone since the oldest was born.


I know the kids will have a good time with grandpa and grandma. I suspect my dad will take them to at least one movie (that is a rarity for us), go out for dinner, take them to the town pool etc. I'm sure they will be having a great time while hubby and I enjoy being a couple.:)

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Now I feel like a terrible mom because I am so looking forward to being without my kids - 12 & 9 - for a week. This is the first vacation other than an occassional weekend that we are going on alone since the oldest was born.


I know the kids will have a good time with grandpa and grandma. I suspect my dad will take them to at least one movie (that is a rarity for us), go out for dinner, take them to the town pool etc. I'm sure they will be having a great time while hubby and I enjoy being a couple.:)


You are not a bad mom....and don't ever think that!!!! I too will be going on a cruise alone with hubby next week for 8 nights leaving my kids (19 yrs. and 14 yrs) with my mom. This will be the first time that we have gone away alone together except for the occasional weekends also, since 1987 before my older one was born. Parents need time alone with their spouses to renew their relationship and also time to relax. I look at it this way.....I am with my children 51 weeks of the year....to be away from them for 1 week will not make me a bad parent and that is how you should look at it also. I am more worried about how my mom will handle all this, then I am about my boys....LOL The older one takes care of himself and the 14 yr old will be in school most of the day so it shouldn't be too much of a problem.


Go and have a good time with your husband. Your kids will be fine!!! :D

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I'll let you know after my eight cruise without the kids how I feel :D


Seriously, the first cruise with my husband and leaving baby girl home was pretty hard. She was four years old. She had the time of her life with my SIL. She didn't even miss us :rolleyes:


I'm remember the first time I put my son (he was 5 years at the time) on a plane to see my sister in NY (I lived in Boston). I cried so hard and so long at the airport that by the time I got home, he had already arrived in NY smiling and happy to see his Auntie. Pan Am took good care of my baby boy (he's 25 now and I still cry when he gets on a plane).


Have a great time on your cruise. It's only normal to miss your babies.

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I think the grandparents enjoy spending the time with the grandchildren...especially the ones that don't get to see the kids too often. They will spoil them rotten and afterall, that is their job!!! :p:D

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My husband and I are going on our first cruise on 5 days.:eek: The closer it gets the more I am freaking out about being SO FAR AWAY from my daughter. She is staying with my parents--who love her tons, spoil her rotten, and are wonderful with her--so I know she is in good hands. We got passports in case anything happened and we had to jump a flight home in port. I called Verizon wireless to make sure our phones would work on the ship, they assure me they will but I am still nervous. Tell me I am just being silly and we will have a wonderful time! She's 2 by the way.



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My husband and I are going on our first cruise on 5 days.:eek: The closer it gets the more I am freaking out about being SO FAR AWAY from my daughter. She is staying with my parents--who love her tons, spoil her rotten, and are wonderful with her--so I know she is in good hands. We got passports in case anything happened and we had to jump a flight home in port. I called Verizon wireless to make sure our phones would work on the ship, they assure me they will but I am still nervous. Tell me I am just being silly and we will have a wonderful time! She's 2 by the way.


At the risk of sounding callous, I myself am leaving both my children for the first time on to go on our cruise. I have NO second thoughts. I am one of those parents who is always with kids. Don't get me wrong, I love them, but you need a break once in awhile, ya know?


Your parents raised you and you turned out great, so go have a good time, and relax! And yes your phone should work fine with Verizon, mine did.

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