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Crocs in the Dining Room?

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In the words of Stacey London, "if those were the last shoes on earth, I'd cut off my feet". Well said Stacey.:D


I love her shows, but she doesn't live in the real world, and some of the things I have seen her and clinton wear :eek:! I won't be held hostage by pretentious fashionistas. But yes crocs are ugly.



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Yes crocs are ugly I will never argue that, but when they are in a neutral color (black, brown etc..) they are not that noticeable, and would most likely blend in with pants, but with a dress or skirt, I think they may look a bit too clunky.


I think that people really notice the brightly colored ones, and am willing to bet that most never noticed my brown ones with my khaki pants.




Have to agree with your point that Crocs are not any more noticeable with slacks, cords, or jeans, than lets say mules, loafers, ballet flats, etc. I do not think they look so good with shorts, capris, or any type of dress or skirt unless you are at the beach or garden. The OP did ask for our thoughts re: Crocs with capris or sundress. But, I am always so surprised when folks come on and say how ugly they are, how they would never wear them, how unfashionable they are.... !!! I think we can have personal opinions without blasting someone or without being so unkind about others choices. What happened to a bit of sensitivity. When I tell you I wear them because I have serious foot issues, and you come back and quote someone about if she had to wear them she would cut off her feet :eek: . I think that is over the top. We can agree or disagree without being unkind......because when you attack what someone has just said they love.....you attack them. State your opinions, but do it in a manner that does not offend those on this board, because we are all here for information, to help others, to learn. gg

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They advertise, "Air, sand and water filter through shoes", does anyone think they belong in a dining room?


Sure, if you're on the Titanic! :D :D


Other than that, I agree, they're not for the dining room, even on casual nights. (those w/ medical problems are the exception)

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Sure, if you're on the Titanic! :D :D


Other than that, I agree, they're not for the dining room, even on casual nights. (those w/ medical problems are the exception)


Thank you, Jane ! I always appreciate your style.....always to the point, yet never offensive. gg

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As long as you don't have size 12 feet and wear the bright orange ones......saw a woman coming towards me recently with that description, and honestly she literally looked like she had clowns feet!!:eek:


Why would you want to draw THAT much attention to already large feet????:p

Sorry, as you can tell, I am not a big fan of them, but I wouldn't care if you wore them in the dining room, I would just assume you had feet problems.:)

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Have to agree with your point that Crocs are not any more noticeable with slacks, cords, or jeans, than lets say mules, loafers, ballet flats, etc. I do not think they look so good with shorts, capris, or any type of dress or skirt unless you are at the beach or garden. The OP did ask for our thoughts re: Crocs with capris or sundress. But, I am always so surprised when folks come on and say how ugly they are, how they would never wear them, how unfashionable they are.... !!! I think we can have personal opinions without blasting someone or without being so unkind about others choices. What happened to a bit of sensitivity. When I tell you I wear them because I have serious foot issues, and you come back and quote someone about if she had to wear them she would cut off her feet :eek: . I think that is over the top. We can agree or disagree without being unkind......because when you attack what someone has just said they love.....you attack them. State your opinions, but do it in a manner that does not offend those on this board, because we are all here for information, to help others, to learn. gg


If someone is that sensitive about their footwear, maybe they shouldn't go fishing for opinions about their shoes. If you feel like a negative statement about crocs is a personal "attack"....I really don't know what to tell you.;)

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Have to agree with your point that Crocs are not any more noticeable with slacks, cords, or jeans, than lets say mules, loafers, ballet flats, etc. I do not think they look so good with shorts, capris, or any type of dress or skirt unless you are at the beach or garden. The OP did ask for our thoughts re: Crocs with capris or sundress. But, I am always so surprised when folks come on and say how ugly they are, how they would never wear them, how unfashionable they are.... !!! I think we can have personal opinions without blasting someone or without being so unkind about others choices. What happened to a bit of sensitivity. When I tell you I wear them because I have serious foot issues, and you come back and quote someone about if she had to wear them she would cut off her feet :eek: . I think that is over the top. We can agree or disagree without being unkind......because when you attack what someone has just said they love.....you attack them. State your opinions, but do it in a manner that does not offend those on this board, because we are all here for information, to help others, to learn. gg


It wasn't me who made the feet being cut off comment. I too have feet problems, and it was that which brought me to crocs (I have plantar fasciitis in both feet).





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If someone is that sensitive about their footwear, maybe they shouldn't go fishing for opinions about their shoes. If you feel like a negative statement about crocs is a personal "attack"....I really don't know what to tell you.;)



Exactly. :rolleyes: Besides...I don't think it's "news" that many, if not most, people think crocs are pretty dorky looking...but obviously many of those same people don't care and wear them anyway. ;)

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I love my crocs, am a nurse and like to also wear them for fun casual times. I personally would not wear my crocs to dinner when there are so many cute, inexpensive flip-flops and sandals that would look much dressier and feminine with a dress or capris. I just bought some awesome Candie's high-heeled cork foam sole flip-flops that have black sparkles all over the straps and will look great with dressier clothes, but still be comfy and were only about $15 at Kohl's! I agree with some of you who say they would NEVER cruise on Cunard or any of the other "upper crust" lines because when I go on vacation, I want to just relax and have fun, not be worried about bringing 3 suitcases and hang-up bags full of dressy clothes to feel like I am a movie star or something, or worry whether or not I might break some fashion codes...though I'm sure that's some people's idea of fun! My idea of fun is throwing (wrinkled and all) a handful of favorite casual, cute clothes and swimwear in a bag and not worrying about what ANYBODY else thinks, as long as I am comfy! But I WILL break down and bring the hangup bag with a few dresses for a cruise! I actually look forward to buying a few new dresses, since I rarely get to wear any. So wear whatever you WANT to wear, like somebody else said...YOU PAID FOR IT!!!! But if you are asking an opinion, this is what you will hear...a bunch of different people's opinions! And if everybody had the same opinions, this world would be a very boring place! No offense intended to ANYBODY...in advance! Let's all just get along and be helpful!

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If someone is that sensitive about their footwear, maybe they shouldn't go fishing for opinions about their shoes. If you feel like a negative statement about crocs is a personal "attack"....I really don't know what to tell you.;)


Your problem was not in giving an opinion, it was that it was done with a really unkind quote. For instance, if someone posted a picture of them selves in an unflattering dress and asked CC members if the dress was appropriate for formal dining, I would not tell her it was the ugliest dress I had ever seen and that if I had to wear it, I would just cut my head off so no one would know it was me. I would tell her that I did not think it so flattering for her, maybe a dress that was cut a bit differently, etc. would be a better choice. But then, sometimes as we get a bit older :) , I think we realize that it is not so important to state our opinions if the way in which we state them will offend, embarrass, or hurt feelings. You are right about one thing, you "really do not know what to tell me." I think you have missed the point, and maybe it is an age thing, because at 25, ;) I do not expect you to understand why anyone would want to wear Crocs, but to just accept that there are often a lot of issues that folks don't go into detail about. This thread has worn itself out, as all threads do about dress codes, so its time for me to take my energy elsewhere. gg

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Your problem was not in giving an opinion, it was that it was done with a really unkind quote. For instance, if someone posted a picture of them selves in an unflattering dress and asked CC members if the dress was appropriate for formal dining, I would not tell her it was the ugliest dress I had ever seen and that if I had to wear it, I would just cut my head off so no one would know it was me. I would tell her that I did not think it so flattering for her, maybe a dress that was cut a bit differently, etc. would be a better choice. But then, sometimes as we get a bit older :) , I think we realize that it is not so important to state our opinions if the way in which we state them will offend, embarrass, or hurt feelings. You are right about one thing, you "really do not know what to tell me." I think you have missed the point, and maybe it is an age thing, because at 25, ;) I do not expect you to understand why anyone would want to wear Crocs, but to just accept that there are often a lot of issues that folks don't go into detail about. This thread has worn itself out, as all threads do about dress codes, so its time for me to take my energy elsewhere. gg



I agree with you 100%! There is a way to give your opinion without being so tastless about it. The OP was asking if it was APPROPRIATE or not, which mosts of these unkind posts are not addressing.


For example, if someone asked me if ballet flats were appropriate in the dining room, I would say yes or no based on the dress code. I, personally, don't think they look good, and I would never wear them, but the question was whether or not they fit in with the dress code, not whether or not I like them.

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Your problem was not in giving an opinion, it was that it was done with a really unkind quote. For instance, if someone posted a picture of them selves in an unflattering dress and asked CC members if the dress was appropriate for formal dining, I would not tell her it was the ugliest dress I had ever seen and that if I had to wear it, I would just cut my head off so no one would know it was me. I would tell her that I did not think it so flattering for her, maybe a dress that was cut a bit differently, etc. would be a better choice. But then, sometimes as we get a bit older :) , I think we realize that it is not so important to state our opinions if the way in which we state them will offend, embarrass, or hurt feelings. You are right about one thing, you "really do not know what to tell me." I think you have missed the point, and maybe it is an age thing, because at 25, ;) I do not expect you to understand why anyone would want to wear Crocs, but to just accept that there are often a lot of issues that folks don't go into detail about. This thread has worn itself out, as all threads do about dress codes, so its time for me to take my energy elsewhere. gg


I would have thought with your advanced age;) , would come some thicker skin.:)

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I just saw this thread and would like to add my point of view. I feel that if you are going to put your feet on the dining table then you should make sure that your Crocs are colour co-ordinated with the table linen. ;) If however your feet, and your Crocs, stay under the table (which is where most people keep them), then I can't see what difference it makes!..

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Thank you, british betty! What is with all this judging of what shoes others wear, anyway? Here I am, in a wheelchair, not able to wear anything but crocs without severe pain and I'm already fretting over how I will "fit in" on formal nights without being in pain the entire time. I bought a lovely dress and now must buy "pretty" shoes in order to be socially acceptable. I'm already thinking I will slip off my "pretty" shoes once my feet are SAFELY under the table away from critical eyes. My obviously warped vantagepoint makes me think the "fashionable" shoes are the ugly ones.:(


Yes, I'm one of the "exceptions to the rule" due to medical conditions, but it didn't make me feel good to be told I'd be judged as having ugly shoes or that some people out there would rather cut off their feet than wear crocs. Shame on them! :mad:

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It sounds like a lot of people with medical "foot issues" wear crocs. Why are they so great to wear if you have foot problems? And since crocs are realitively new, what did people with foot problems wear before there were crocs? I really wasn't trying to offend anyone with medical problems!:)

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It sounds like a lot of people with medical "foot issues" wear crocs. Why are they so great to wear if you have foot problems? And since crocs are realitively new, what did people with foot problems wear before there were crocs? I really wasn't trying to offend anyone with medical problems!:)


Not only are they good for people with foot issues, but also for people who stand for long periods of time on hard surfaces. The surface of the footbed is very spongy and yet has some support in the arches.


I don't have foot issues and I only wear the flip-flop ones, but I work in a hospital with people who are on their feet all day. When I was younger, I wore what ever shoes I wanted to, even if they were cute but not comfortable. About 10 years ago, I saw many co-workers with foot problems and many decided it was because they wore cheap or uncomfortable shoes (sometimes both). I decided right then that life was too short to wear uncomfortable shoes! I hope to be preventing the foot problems my grandmother and mother had/have.


Personally, I wouldn't wear Crocs in the dining room, but I don't have the need to. I work with a lady who's podiatrist told her to stick to shoes like Crocs and Birkis. If that's what the doctor ordered, then so be it!

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I wouldnt wear crocs to walk my dog let alone take them on a cruise with me and even worse wear them in the dining room???!!


I do however, have a fetish for flip flops...but I wouldnt wear those in the dining room either. I have always felt that dinner in the dining room requires a little more effort. I dress nicely even when it isnt formal night. You dont have to wear a dress, or heels but crocs with wool socks?? That kinda screams "I have 15 cats" to me....

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Thank you, british betty! What is with all this judging of what shoes others wear, anyway? Here I am, in a wheelchair, not able to wear anything but crocs without severe pain and I'm already fretting over how I will "fit in" on formal nights without being in pain the entire time. I bought a lovely dress and now must buy "pretty" shoes in order to be socially acceptable. I'm already thinking I will slip off my "pretty" shoes once my feet are SAFELY under the table away from critical eyes. My obviously warped vantagepoint makes me think the "fashionable" shoes are the ugly ones.:(


Yes, I'm one of the "exceptions to the rule" due to medical conditions, but it didn't make me feel good to be told I'd be judged as having ugly shoes or that some people out there would rather cut off their feet than wear crocs. Shame on them! :mad:


I am going to be as delicate as I can, and i hope you dont get offended. I understand you are in a wheel chair, and as such I could connect the dots and figure out there were possibly foot problems. I would never say anything rude or hurtful to you or anyone else in this position about your foot wear. However, this is a fashion board, and its all opinion. Dont take it to heart. If you were reading this in a fashion magazine instead of a web forum would you shame Cosmo for calling them ugly shoes?? If i had foot severe foot problems that prevented me from wearing my much loved sexy heels, I wouldnt think twice about throwing on something comfortable, but I would definitely find something more suitable than crocs, like satin slippers or something- not my comfy flip flops that i wear to the beach...


Anyway, thats my two cents.

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I wouldnt wear crocs to walk my dog let alone take them on a cruise with me and even worse wear them in the dining room???!!


I do however, have a fetish for flip flops...but I wouldnt wear those in the dining room either. I have always felt that dinner in the dining room requires a little more effort. I dress nicely even when it isnt formal night. You dont have to wear a dress, or heels but crocs with wool socks?? That kinda screams "I have 15 cats" to me....


ROFL....so true!

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Thank you, Patrice, for the heads-up on the slipper style crocs. Because I have to order mine online, anyway, I was able to find the "Prima" style at the crocs website (the closest to what I think you are describing) and will certainly give them a try! My son is getting married in August and I want something less clunky than the RX type of croc that I have to wear now. After all, the only reason crocs look fine to me is because they mean less pain. In addition to the cushioned sole, crocs are oversized on purpose in order to eliminate pressure points on the foot.


To everyone else, I realize now I should have left off the second paragraph of my original post. Enough had been said already. Just as it has now. Thanks for listening.

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I wouldnt wear crocs to walk my dog let alone take them on a cruise with me and even worse wear them in the dining room???!!


I do however, have a fetish for flip flops...but I wouldnt wear those in the dining room either. I have always felt that dinner in the dining room requires a little more effort. I dress nicely even when it isnt formal night. You dont have to wear a dress, or heels but crocs with wool socks?? That kinda screams "I have 15 cats" to me....


Speaking of hideous, did you get those sunglasses from a robocop convention?:D I wouldn't let my cat wear those!



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It sounds like a lot of people with medical "foot issues" wear crocs. Why are they so great to wear if you have foot problems? And since crocs are realitively new, what did people with foot problems wear before there were crocs? I really wasn't trying to offend anyone with medical problems!:)


My answer is much less comfortable shoes! And for me they really take the impact off my heel, so I can actually walk without pain, something that my New Balance shoes with orthodics cannot seem to achieve.



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