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Anyone trying this Alli system ????


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So, I went out and purchased my starter pack of Alli. I took one pill before dinner which was boneless, skinless chicken breast and a nice salad with fat free dressing. Felt good to have a low fat meal for a change! Anyway, after dinner I registered with myalli and read a bunch of the Q & A's about the pill. Well, now I am SOOOOO paranoid to continue taking them! I thought that if I started on a Saturday evening, I'd be fine if I had any side effects before work on Monday. ?? Now, I read that may take 24-48 hours to have any 'problems'. UGH.... am I just too paranoid? I have a dr's appt early Monday am and have to work from 2-8 on clients all day. (I'm a hairstylist) and I'm picturing the worst. Although, I plan on having very little fats and following the program closely. Any advice out there to help keep me on these?? I really want this to work!


Maybe I should try this when I have a few more days to stay home. ?? I think having Irritable Bowel for so long and finally getting that under control makes me leary on change.

Just to let you know what I eat on an average day:


High fiber cereal & fruit for breakfast (if I'm real hungry..a piece of whole wheat toast).


Fruit for a snack


WW, Lean Quisine, etc. for lunch


Yogurt (fat free) with granola added for snack


WW, Lean Quisine or grilled chicken/fish, big salad with fat free dressing, big serving of steamed vegetables.


Fat free ice cream or fat free pudding or pretzels for snack (depends on my mood).

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Thanks Dolphinfan! Today I ate about what you normally eat. I'm not going to take the Alli until Thurs. I'll have a long weekend to really give it a try. I am too nervous to try it before I go to work. Nothing happened with the one that I took last night. (probably 'cuz I haven't been eating much fat) Yes, 19 grams seems like way too much for one meal!? I thought that they might have meant for the whole day but, I guess not!


You keep up the good work too and I'll be in touch. I appreciate all your advice! To be honest, I feel better already - just taking the first step!

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one more thing.... I wondered where you were at with your weight loss and how long it took you to get there with Alli ?? (if you don't mind me asking) Guess I'm looking for some motivation! My cruise is Nov.2nd. Yours is coming up quick! You must be getting sooooo excited!?! :D

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one more thing.... I wondered where you were at with your weight loss and how long it took you to get there with Alli ?? (if you don't mind me asking) Guess I'm looking for some motivation! My cruise is Nov.2nd. Yours is coming up quick! You must be getting sooooo excited!?! :D

I started at 221 pounds and I am now down to 197. I want to get to 150. I can at least get into my size 14 capri's that I wore last year on my cruise :-)


I started taking the Alli on 7/16.

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That's awesome!! Congratulations! I got on the scale this am (yes, I am a scale addict) and I am down 2 lbs! Mostly water, I'm sure but, I like to see the scale move down instead of up!!!! (I'm not using the ALLI yet but, sticking with low fat/sugar) I'll start the ALLI on Thursday with my dinner and see if that helps me stick to with it. Thanks for the info!

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That's awesome!! Congratulations! I got on the scale this am (yes, I am a scale addict) and I am down 2 lbs! Mostly water, I'm sure but, I like to see the scale move down instead of up!!!! (I'm not using the ALLI yet but, sticking with low fat/sugar) I'll start the ALLI on Thursday with my dinner and see if that helps me stick to with it. Thanks for the info!

I get on the scale every day myself..I know your not supposed to but I like to see a loss, even thought it may be in ounces :-)..I have a Weight Watcher scale at the office.

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Okay---bought the pills this morning and took one with breakfast. I'm feeling a little sick to my stomach. Then again I was scared to take it and I'm sitting around waiting for effects:)


I don't like the Alli message board. Seems very stilted.


Dolphin Fan-- do you log in there or somewhere else. Do you keep a record of your food. (online or written) I'm kind of lost what I should do.


My cruise is at the end of September and I need to lose ten pounds before so I can comfortably fit in the clothes I have.



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Okay---bought the pills this morning and took one with breakfast. I'm feeling a little sick to my stomach. Then again I was scared to take it and I'm sitting around waiting for effects:)


I don't like the Alli message board. Seems very stilted.


Dolphin Fan-- do you log in there or somewhere else. Do you keep a record of your food. (online or written) I'm kind of lost what I should do.


My cruise is at the end of September and I need to lose ten pounds before so I can comfortably fit in the clothes I have.



I found if I take the pill AFTER I eat, I don't have any problems with my stomach feeling funky. You have up to one hour after your meal to take it.


I really don't like the Alli board..its hard to get around and doesn't really offer that much as far as I'm concernd.


Got to Sparkpeople (dotcom). Its a FREE site, has LOADS of info and you can even track your food daily. They will also put together a meal plan for you (if you want) and you can even print out your shopping list! It's a great site..I go in everyday to key in my food.

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Okay---bought the pills this morning and took one with breakfast. I'm feeling a little sick to my stomach. Then again I was scared to take it and I'm sitting around waiting for effects:)


I don't like the Alli message board. Seems very stilted.


Dolphin Fan-- do you log in there or somewhere else. Do you keep a record of your food. (online or written) I'm kind of lost what I should do.


My cruise is at the end of September and I need to lose ten pounds before so I can comfortably fit in the clothes I have.



That was my goal too..to get into last years cruise clothes. I was wearing a very tight 16 (some 18's) and in 1 month, I am wearing my size 14 again!

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I'm also in 16's and 18's. I haven't worn 14's in years. At least in pants--full skirted dresses and skirts are sometimes okay.


You have been very inspiring to me.


Thanks for the spark people tip. I used to go there years ago. Looks like they've redone the web page.


I like to cook which may be a problem for me. I'm going to have to really check my recipes for fat content.


Thanks for the help,


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I'm also in 16's and 18's. I haven't worn 14's in years. At least in pants--full skirted dresses and skirts are sometimes okay.


You have been very inspiring to me.


Thanks for the spark people tip. I used to go there years ago. Looks like they've redone the web page.


I like to cook which may be a problem for me. I'm going to have to really check my recipes for fat content.


Thanks for the help,


Good luck!!!

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Thought I'd check in and let you know how its going. So far no Treatment Effects for me. My stomach still feels a little different. Taking the pill in the middle of the meal seems to help. Its not painful or even upset now. I feel really full---it seems to have an appetite supressant effect on me. I was panicked because I had to go to work today but everything was fine.


It will be great if this works for me. Brought lunch to work instead of going out. I feel like until I know what's going to happen to my body I shouldn't take any chances.


I've been invited to a dinner party Friday night. They are serving Shrimp Scampi. If I don't eat it will be noticed. I don't know what to do. No one knows I'm taking this.



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Thought I'd check in and let you know how its going. So far no Treatment Effects for me. My stomach still feels a little different. Taking the pill in the middle of the meal seems to help. Its not painful or even upset now. I feel really full---it seems to have an appetite supressant effect on me. I was panicked because I had to go to work today but everything was fine.


It will be great if this works for me. Brought lunch to work instead of going out. I feel like until I know what's going to happen to my body I shouldn't take any chances.


I've been invited to a dinner party Friday night. They are serving Shrimp Scampi. If I don't eat it will be noticed. I don't know what to do. No one knows I'm taking this.



Good luck! Check in Sparkspeople to see how much fat is in it. If its homemade, it should not be much more than garlic, wine, seasoning. 4oz. with shrimp and pasta is only about 14 grams of fat. Just don't eat garlic bread, etc. I would not be afraid to tell them you are on a diet and that you are watching what you eat..you don't have to tell them its Alli.

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Oh, the Scampi will be homemade with sticks and sticks of butter! There will be cocktails, appetizers and dessert too.


I've been on a diet for twenty years ans DH likes to point out---I just don't want to tell. DH doesn't know I'm taking Alli either. Only one close friend---in case of emergency she's to tell.


Do you think if I skip that pill I'll be okay.


I can get away with eating a small amount. My friend who knows thinks I should eat something very greasy to find out if I'll have any effects at all...I think its too soon for that. I've got to go off next week anyway---we're coming up your way to Disney.

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Good question. I would think that you'd be able to just skip the pill that night. ?? Now, what would happen if you take a pill the next day? Would you experience the TE at that point? I bought the pills last Saturday and have only taken one. I am so nervous about TE's! I think I'll be afraid to eat ANY fat at all, and I know that isn't good.

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Oh, the Scampi will be homemade with sticks and sticks of butter! There will be cocktails, appetizers and dessert too.


I've been on a diet for twenty years ans DH likes to point out---I just don't want to tell. DH doesn't know I'm taking Alli either. Only one close friend---in case of emergency she's to tell.


Do you think if I skip that pill I'll be okay.


I can get away with eating a small amount. My friend who knows thinks I should eat something very greasy to find out if I'll have any effects at all...I think its too soon for that. I've got to go off next week anyway---we're coming up your way to Disney.

I would probably stop taking it a day or two before if you plan on eating all that..just in case.

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Good question. I would think that you'd be able to just skip the pill that night. ?? Now, what would happen if you take a pill the next day? Would you experience the TE at that point? I bought the pills last Saturday and have only taken one. I am so nervous about TE's! I think I'll be afraid to eat ANY fat at all, and I know that isn't good.

No..your body needs fat. If you don't eat any fat, you become major constipated. My co-worker had an Anniversary trip planned and stopped taking the pill on the Wednesday before the weekend. She ate to her hearts content that weekend and just started taking it again on Monday. She did gain 2 days during that time, but by the end of the week it was gone again.


I've read that affects can happen up to 48 hours after taking the pill..not sure how much is true. Like I said, I ate 2 pieces of Popeyes chicken (with skin), rice and the biscuit and didn't have any problems. Every body is different.

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Day three and no side effects. Made chicken parmesean last night. Oven "fried" chicken, low fat cheese, marinara, pasta(barilla pasta plus), salad with low fat ranch dressing. No problems at all. I actually felt better after I had eaten this as far as my stomach goes. It probably had more fat than any of my previous meals. I'm Watching portions and generally doing Weight Watchers. So far so good.


Pam, I'm not really scared of it any more. The only time I get panicked now is when I go on the Alli board and start reading. I decided to skip that from now on. I'd think if the side effects affected a lot of people it wouldn't be marketable. Who knows.


I'm just hoping for a weight loss.


Will keep you posted.



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Day three and no side effects. Made chicken parmesean last night. Oven "fried" chicken, low fat cheese, marinara, pasta(barilla pasta plus), salad with low fat ranch dressing. No problems at all. I actually felt better after I had eaten this as far as my stomach goes. It probably had more fat than any of my previous meals. I'm Watching portions and generally doing Weight Watchers. So far so good.


Pam, I'm not really scared of it any more. The only time I get panicked now is when I go on the Alli board and start reading. I decided to skip that from now on. I'd think if the side effects affected a lot of people it wouldn't be marketable. Who knows.


I'm just hoping for a weight loss.


Will keep you posted.



I stopped ready the Allli board as well. I think everyone's body is different and why scare yourself half to death!


I know you will see changes soon. Eating low fat and taking the pill will do the trick. I am now up too 27 pounds!! I am now 8 pounds more than I was last year on my cruise and I feel terrific! All my pre-cruise clothes fit!! The money I spent on Alli was well worth it because I didn't have to go out and buy a whole new wardrobe!

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Marina and Dolphinfan, I stopped reading the Alli forum too. I was getting to freaked out. I was ready to throw the 59.99 in the trash but, after I read what you two write, I feel better about trying it. I am definitely going to start it tomorrow at lunch. I think even if I take it only once a day, it will help me stick to eating low fat. Is it bad to just take one a day? Or even just one every other day?? -Just to keep me in control? I probably wouldn't lose as much as I could though, huh? Any thoughts??


Dolphinfan, you are doing soooo great! Keep up the good work! :D


It feels soooo good when you are at your low point, why do we let ourselves gain again????? URGHHHH! I guess I like food too much and sometimes I feel very out of control. It has felt really good this week to be in control!

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Marina and Dolphinfan, I stopped reading the Alli forum too. I was getting to freaked out. I was ready to throw the 59.99 in the trash but, after I read what you two write, I feel better about trying it. I am definitely going to start it tomorrow at lunch. I think even if I take it only once a day, it will help me stick to eating low fat. Is it bad to just take one a day? Or even just one every other day?? -Just to keep me in control? I probably wouldn't lose as much as I could though, huh? Any thoughts??


Dolphinfan, you are doing soooo great! Keep up the good work! :D


It feels soooo good when you are at your low point, why do we let ourselves gain again????? URGHHHH! I guess I like food too much and sometimes I feel very out of control. It has felt really good this week to be in control!

Not sure if you will get the real benefit of Alli if you only take it periodically?


I know what you mean about getting to our goal and then finding we gained it all back so fast! I keep swearing I will NEVER get that big again, but it happens every time. This time I am going to set small goals. I turn the big 50 next year and I am determined to be at my goal weight by then. I am throwing away ALL my fat clothes (or better yet donating them) so if I gain weight I won't have "back-up" clothes.

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Pam, and I hope that's your name, as I've said in my previous post I'm not scared anymore of it. I've had no TE's and the upset stomach has passed.


Since you have the pills give them a whirl while you are going to be at home.


I had meatloaf muffins(weight watchers recipe) last night, mashed potatoes, and mixed veggies. I also had a Cosmo. Walked this morning in the unholy heat.


The pills are having more of a preventative effect on me. I'm going to book club tonight---which is a glorified cocktail party. I will watch what I eat and drink because I took the pills today. Usually I set myself up at the cheese station and knaw away, especially after so many glasses of wine. Won't happen tonight.


I'm also a cheeseburger fan. Unless I make it at home with lean ground beef, reduced fat cheese I won't be consuming them at lunch.


As far as throwing the fat clothes away, I've done it before and it hasn't helped me. I was kind of wishing I hadn't given away my enormous blue shorts :)


Pam, stay away from the Alli site....at least until you are comfortable popping your pill.


We'll talk to you here.



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Pam, and I hope that's your name, as I've said in my previous post I'm not scared anymore of it. I've had no TE's and the upset stomach has passed.


Since you have the pills give them a whirl while you are going to be at home.


I had meatloaf muffins(weight watchers recipe) last night, mashed potatoes, and mixed veggies. I also had a Cosmo. Walked this morning in the unholy heat.


The pills are having more of a preventative effect on me. I'm going to book club tonight---which is a glorified cocktail party. I will watch what I eat and drink because I took the pills today. Usually I set myself up at the cheese station and knaw away, especially after so many glasses of wine. Won't happen tonight.


I'm also a cheeseburger fan. Unless I make it at home with lean ground beef, reduced fat cheese I won't be consuming them at lunch.


As far as throwing the fat clothes away, I've done it before and it hasn't helped me. I was kind of wishing I hadn't given away my enormous blue shorts :)


Pam, stay away from the Alli site....at least until you are comfortable popping your pill.


We'll talk to you here.



I was craving a cheesburger the other day and went to Burger King and tried their Veggie Burger. I thought I could "trick" my mind into thinking it was a real cheesburger..WRONG..lol..it was just gross! lol


Pam..stick with it! If you eat something and you have a problem, you will know to stay away from that food. I have been on this now for 6 weeks and have NEVER had TE's.

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Wow! You guys are great! Well, I just took my first Alli pill! I just had a turkey sandwich with light whole wheat bread and light mayo w/ lettuce and tomato. Crystal light and a few pretzels with it. Should be fine....


I really appreciate all your encouragment and good advice. Almost like I made two new friends! ;)


Talk to you soon. I'll let you know how I feel.


P.S. Marina, it sounds like you are off to a great start! Have you hopped on the scale yet? And, I know what you mean about giving away the 'big' clothes. I kinda wished I had a few back this summer! lol

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P.S. Yes, my name is Pam! ;)


My son has his first date with a girl tonight named Marina. Very pretty name!


You and Dolphinfan are sooo lucky to be living in Florida and can hop on those cruise ships without the airfare! That's the most expensive part of cruising lately! We paid 420.00 pp to F.Laud for our Nov. cruise! :eek: The 10 day cruise was only 740.00 with taxes and fees. Geeeeeez!

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