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Anyone trying this Alli system ????


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I overdid it a bit on the fat intake yesterday and for the first time, when I took my Alli with breakfast this morning, the treatment effects kicked in. :eek: They literally lasted ALL day and ruined my pants if that gives you any idea of the intensity of these effects. That will teach me to overindulge! :rolleyes:

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Unfortunately I was at work. I had the effects pretty much all day and well into the evening hours, but thankfully the pants ruining didn't come until it was almost time to go home from work. I sit at a desk pretty much all day and am the only female in an office of older gentlemen, so I am pretty sure nothing was noticed. On the up side, I weighed this morning and am down another .2 lbs, for a total loss of 4.7 lbs since Sunday, Oct. 19. This is the first thing I have tried in a long time that actually gave me the confidence that I CAN lose the weight and stop being a slave to food. I am what is considered a "food addict", so just doing it on my own really isn't an option. I am ALWAYS planning my next meal. My husband, Mr. "I can survive on one meal a day" just doesn't get that it's not as easy for some as it is for others to just say no to food.


I talked to the pharmacist on the Alli boards and I am to stop taking the Alli and "restart" the program in 3 days. That should give the effects time to subside. I guess it is kind of like resetting your body. Boy I tell you what, I'm never going overboard with the fat again while I'm on this stuff.

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Cruzin Tamela:


HI! this is totally off the post subject but I just had to jump in and say "hi" to another Tamela! I don't find many out there and while I go by Tammy but DH and DS call me by my given name.


Good luck on the weight loss-I know I should do the same but not sure I could deal with the side effects.


Tamela AKA Tammy

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PerfectStranger - thanks so much! I need all the encouragement I can get.


Tamela - Hi! It is so nice to meet another Tamela! Do people frequently butcher the pronunciation of your name like they do with me? I don't get what is so hard about it - it looks just like Pamela, with a T! I also go by Tammy. Just about everyone I know calls me Tammy. My mom liked Tammy but thought I would want something a little more grown up when I got older.


Thanks for your well wishes on the weight loss. As long as you follow the guidelines of the plan, you are not likely to have the "treatment effects." What happened was I went to dinner at my mom's house Sunday night and she had pot roast, mashed potatoes, and all the good stuff that is full of fat. I overindulged and although the effects didn't really hit me that night, when I took the next morning's Alli, all hell broke lose. So once I restart the program on Friday or Saturday, the effects should have subsided and I will be on the straight and narrow from here on out! It really does work - you just have to behave or suffer the consequences!

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Tamela: My mom saw a birth announcement for twins-Tamela and Pamela shortly before I was born and thought it would be cute to go with Timothy! It probably wouldn't of been bad except that they never called me by my given name so Tamela was always the girl in trouble! Hard to believe, isn't it?!? It does get murdered especially since I have to travel with the name-NCL had Pamela on this current reservation and it took an act of congress to get it changed!


Keep in touch! Tamela

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I have a question. Has anybody else noticed an appetite-suppressing effect? I don't get nauseated or anything...I'm just not hungry! I have to make myself eat something (which is not at all like me since I usually don't know when to stop eating, lol). Just wondering if anyone else has had this effect while on Alli :confused:

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Well, I've been on Alli for 8 days now, and I've lost 6 pounds! I've had no treatment effects whatsoever, but I also make sure my meals are 15 grams of fat or less. Usually with diet alone I'm only able to lose a couple pounds a week, then I "pig out" once and gain it all right back. But Alli is really keeping me on track (probably because I'm so scared of the treatment effects, lol). I would recommend it to anybody thinking about trying it. It WILL work as long as you stick to the plan. I wish I would have tried it a long time ago.

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Hi everyone! Haven't posted for awhile but, thought I'd jump back in!


Cheryl, I'm soooooo happy you did your skydiving! I think I'd need to be PUSHED outta that plane. It's so awesome you went thru with it.


I took my trip to Aruba for a week with all the girls from my salon. What a blast!!!!!!!!!!! Def want to go again next year.


Got home and my husband caved in and we booked a trip to the Turks and Caicos for a week with my sister and her husband for the Saturday after Thanksgiving!!!!


I got right back on the alli 3 days after I got home. I actually didn't gain an ounce while in Aruba which surprised me and I've lost 2.5 in the last week and 1/2 since I've been home! Gonna hit the 50 lb mark fairly soon. (I hope!) ;)

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Hello Alli ladies - I'm really new to this Alli thing and in fact, haven't even checked out the website yet.


We had a cruise in September and one in October which wreaked havoc on my weight which was already a disaster.


We booked another one today for Thanksgiving and I'm freaking out. I can't even figure out what to eat for dinner at home let alone on a cruise! I came home from work and my dh had a grilled chicken breast, salad, baked sweet potato and steamed cabbage fixed for me. He's the best.


I'm an old South Beach dieter and had great success with it but wasn't able to jump back on. I choose Alli because I knew the side effects of eating too much fat would be more than I could stand and would "force me" to be good.


So my question is this. Do you all stop taking it during a cruise since you have less control over the fat? If so, how soon before you cruise do you need to stop taking it?

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I plan on stopping it about 4 days or so before I go on my cruise, just to be on the safe side, since you can have effects up to 48 hours later. And I plan on getting back on it a couple of days after I get back home. I've heard that some people continue to take it while on vacation. I could never do that, the food is just too good, lol. I'm still doing very well with my Alli program. Have had no effects whatsoever and I'm fitting into clothes I haven't been able to wear since last year. Hopefully I'll be at my goal weight for my cruise in February.

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Hello Alli ladies - I'm really new to this Alli thing and in fact, haven't even checked out the website yet.


We had a cruise in September and one in October which wreaked havoc on my weight which was already a disaster.


We booked another one today for Thanksgiving and I'm freaking out. I can't even figure out what to eat for dinner at home let alone on a cruise! I came home from work and my dh had a grilled chicken breast, salad, baked sweet potato and steamed cabbage fixed for me. He's the best.


I'm an old South Beach dieter and had great success with it but wasn't able to jump back on. I choose Alli because I knew the side effects of eating too much fat would be more than I could stand and would "force me" to be good.


So my question is this. Do you all stop taking it during a cruise since you have less control over the fat? If so, how soon before you cruise do you need to stop taking it?


Hey Miss Lezlee...I didn't know you were thinking about taking Alli. Rick and I both lost 40+ lbs. ea on it before our cruise last May. We love it. We are still taking it, but not quite as careful about the diet and we have not put on a pound (have not lost any either). We took it all through the Oct. cruise with no bad side effects and no weight gain. We were not really bad though (except for the super club) Most of my calories were in booze and not fat grams...oops did I say that out loud :eek:


Now we really need to get on the stick before the Feb. cruise rolls around. I eat healthy soup for lunch, and we both eat a "box" meal for dinner and a low fat side salad when we are hard core dieting. No matter how hard I try, I am not a morning eater. We also still have happy hour in the hot tub every night-even when we are dieting. At that rate we were dropping 4/5 lbs a week.

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Hi there! I cruised last year after being on alli but, I played it safe and stopped taking it about 4 days before. Too many hidden fats in restaurant foods. I did have a hard time getting back on it when I got home and gained some weight back. I was able to start it again in March and have lost about 48 lbs or so! The other day, for just the 2nd time, I had some TE's. (treatment effects). Unfortunately, I can't pinpoint what gave me them. They weren't too bad. Definitely were 'controllable'.


I have a trip planned to the Turks and Caicos Islands the Saturday after Thanksgiving for a week so, I thought I'd go off them the Monday or so before the holiday. Hopefully I'll get back on them a few days after I get home.


Almost to my goal weight so, wanna stick with it. They work!!!

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Wow...Laurie! That's a steady rate of loss and you and Rick look great so I'm sold! After a week, I've done really well but I haven't quite got the hang of it. After South Beach, it's a whole different way of eating because SB is good fats - but is fats just the same. I go home at night and just stare into the fridge.


I should have read the instructions more carefully though...should have cut the fat down before starting Alli. Those first couple of days with the TE were enough to teach me a good lesson. Since then, no issues.


I'm not much of a morning eater either but don't eat lunch until about 2pm so I'm forcing myself to eat a little in the morning. I usually have NF yogurt and fruit during the morning, salad with a protein (grilled chicken, steak) at lunch and who-knows-what and a salad for dinner.


Explain one thing to me because I'm having so much trouble figuring out what to eat at night - what exactly are you guys eating that comes in a box?? LOL :p


You know I'm not much of a cook but I can heat a mean microwave dinner. What's good??

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I have really been buying more "bag" food than box food. A lot of the stir fry/skillet dinners are very low in fat and good too! You also get a lot more food than in a Lean Cusine or like meal. Read the labels before you buy. Most of them are 3 servings a bag, but that's okay. You can eat it all! We try to stay under 15-20 fat grams at our main meal. When we first started, we were still hungry about 9 pm so we'd make a bag of lite popcorn. Good Luck-although I must say...you do not have that much to loose. Me, I wear turn blinkers on my hips :eek:


Kuddos to Pamywyner-Way to go gurl! I wish I even had my goal on radar.


BTW-I found out from a person at our CC lunch today that two tablets is perscription strength. We only take one. That is why they can sell it over the counter now.

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  • 1 month later...
My doctor actually put me on Xenical (the prescription strength). I have been taking them about 4 weeks, eating better, and exercising on my WII Fitness and have lost 7 pounds. Only 50 lbs. more to go!!!!

I was on that, too about 3 years ago and that's when I lost the most weight and was my skinniest in a while!! The only problem with that was the expense...it was covered by my insurance, until I lost the weight, then when my BMI got normal, I had to pay! Now I'm on Alli and it's really helping, I've lost about 22 pounds since October!! I ate a crab cake at a restaurant yesterday, also soup and brussel sprouts and spent the night and morning on the toilet!!

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I always found South Beach to be about the perfect diet to use with Alli. You don't get rid of all your fat, and unlike Adkins - keep those fruits and veggies there.


Something that has worked for me - increase your fiber! I try to keep my fiber intake up (even use those fiber chewies). That allows you to increase the good fats without causing any TE's. I even put real cheese and dressing on my salads. Nuts - no prob. Play with it to see what works for you. I lost the weight I wanted and will probably continue to take it when I need to. Did'nt even go off on my last cruise - and still no problem. Good luck to all!:)

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I stayed on the prescription one (xenical) while on the cruise. I have a problem with constipation normally so being on these products actually help. Alli seems alot less severe and actually works better for me. I, too eat nuts, olives, good fats. I've been on Atkins with good results, but now I just try to eat healthy with lots of veggies and a few fruits per week.

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Hello everyone... I started WW a year ago at this time and have lost about 30lbs. However since then I have lost my gumption and have stopped losing and started a small gain. The problem is I have lost my control over what I'm eating. Through reading this thread I'm thinking that the Ali program might help me lose before my cuise Mar 1st. I do have a question though. I know that wine is empty calories but what does it look like fat wise? That is one of my down falls. I've developed a taste for Red wine 1-3 glasses 3-4 times a week. Some weeks however I don't have near as much. Please help.. . BTW I have about 50lbs to go.


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Red wine has no fat. It is even good for you. I would not give up my nightly glass for anything. I will skimp on lunch just so I save enough calories for this treat. It makes the difference for me for life worth living! Better than beer or mixed drinks with the calories too.


I think everyone decides for themselves what they are willing to do to obtain their ideal. What works for some would not work for me and vice versa. As Alfalfa said, "I'm sorry Spanky, I have to go my own way!" That pretty much says it all.

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I still take one with my evening meal if I feel like I'm going to have a bit too much fat. I pretty much do a South Beach-type WOE and it has worked out well. I think Alli is a wonderful tool. It is especially helpful to help get rid of those last 10-15# that were always so hard. Good luck!!

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So you wouldn't suggest to use Ali with atkins? I follow atkins but my only fat is usually heavy cream some butter and salad dressing. The main menu items are eggs, chicken, veggies


Would this cause too many problems if I added Ali to this diet?? I want to lose at least 25lbs before our cruise in March.




I also exercise daily - would the "leakage" problem be an issue? (I would think it would:eek:)

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I am basically on a low carb, too and the only time I have problems is when I eat at a restaurant sometimes. I don't strictly do Atkins, I eat some fruits and lots of veggies, but not the starchy kind. I've basically been eating this way for about 10 years. I don't have any problems with leakage on Alli. I did when I was on Xenical (the prescription one). I DO go to the bathroom alot more, which is good because I always had a problem with constipation. When I go, I see an oily film in the toilet. (It seems weird talking avbout this stuff...LOL)

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