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10% in 3 months

RB Bonzo

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Here's a challenge - take your current weight and subtract 10% - that is your "goal" to reach in the next 4 months. Unless you weigh much more than 250 lbs, that should be achievable at a healthy rate of loss of 1-2 lbs/week. Join in at any time, and post your progress each week, either as your weight or as a running percentage lost. Who wants to give it a shot?

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I'll join you!

Just weighed in at 182.5.

I'm going to try low carb again, kinda hard now though with all the fresh fruit and vegtables. I'll probably just stick to no flour and sugar.

Always helps me to keep a Nickelback song in my head, Rockstar. One line goes "we'll all stay skinny cuz we just don't eat..........hey, hey, I wanna be a rockstar!" (At least I'm gonna party like one on my cruise!)

Going on Mariner of the Seas January 20th and I would like to lose 40 pounds

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I will join you too but I need to fast track my progress so expect expedited postings out of me. We set sail on august 19th and I want to lose 16 pounds. That gives me a whopping 7 (:eek: ) weeks!!!!


Next week I resume some exercise classes offered at the city rec center (which coincidentally is exactly the same distance from my front porch as the distance from one end of the ship we're sailing on to the other end... spoooooky).


I took some time off from the class because I felt I was becoming complacent in my workout and thought I would take advantage of the typical warm north texas weather (ha!) so all I've been doing lately is a brisk hourly walk in random city parks with my personal trainers I found through the humane society.


Last year my husband was diagnosed with diabetes and we both took a long hard look at ourselves and knew we could do better and we did... we've both made lots of lifestyle changes that have allowed us to lose the unhealthy weight we were carrying (both of us were near 220 lbs)


By the time we set sail last year (and when we committed to being fit for life) we lost 10 lbs a month and so far we've kept it off but I just feel like I can still do better (my husband too but he draws his motivation from me and... I cook)


so thats it ... cliff notes for those that aren't into chatty cathy posts:


  1. I'm in for 10%
  2. I'm in a hurry
  3. I've done it before, I still do it and I want to look hot again for my husband on this cruise and I just need a nudge to stay on track :D

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I'm @ 236, having just finished losing my first 10% over the last 3 months by following Weight Watchers. So, this'll be my 2nd 10% effort. I will be exactly at my goal weight after I've lost 10% 4X (weird, huh?)


I'm not in any hurry - in fact, the most notable thing about this weight loss effort compared to my past attempts is that I really don't care much how long it takes. I'm doing it by living a healthy lifestyle that I believe I can continue for the rest of my life. The weight loss goals make it more interesting and help keep me focused on staying in that lifestyle, but the reduction in weight is almost secondary.


Thanks for signing on - I'm looking forward to tracking w/ you.


Who else wants to join? (disclosure of current weight is NOT mandatory) :rolleyes:

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I'm in...


I went to the doctor yesterday and now I have to prepare for weight loss. I have to tell y'all that once I get motivated ~ I really get motivated. It's the getting started that I always struggle with. But there's nothing like a doctor telling me how bad my health is to help motivate me.


So here are my starting stats ~ I'm 44 years old, male, non-drinker, non- smoker, non-exerciser, 236 lbs., 5'8", BMI = 35.9


Here are some of my big issues: I love to eat out for lunches and dinners. I like chocolate. I like dessert after every meal. A snack to watch TV is a must. Even at home convenience foods are my choice.


Time to change things.



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O.k. I am in. i dont want to disclose my weight at this time, i am a chicken. I do weight watchers. I have lost 51 pounds, I had actually lost 60pounds, but i got off track for a while, and gained like 15 pounds through thanksgiving, christmas , valentines day etc... I am back on track. I want to lose 20 pounds by my cruise on nov3. I do exercise ALOT. I just love food. I am now training for my first marathon, so i know the less i weigh the easier it is to run. i weigh in at ww on wednesdays so I will let everyone know my progress. today i weighed in and i stayed the same, which is annoying because i have been so good. oh well it is better than gaining. Good luck everyone.:)

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I'm in too! My cruise isn't until March of 2008; however, the sooner I start, the slower I can take it. I'm around 171 (weighed earlier in the week) and would love to be 140. 10% will take me to 154. Sheila- I ran a a marathon in 2001 and once my long runs hit 8 miles or more, I had no trouble keeping the weight off. Good luck to you - which marathon are you running? Ed - you have some challenges but I found that you can reframe your thinking so that dessert can be frozen yogurt or fat-free pudding and still be a treat. My challenge this weekend is that we are going camping. I will try to avoid the s'mores and chips and get out for a run at least a couple of times.

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Wow congrats to the runners of the board. A couple years ago I was gearing up for a half marathon....got up to ten miles but I got sore and burned out so I abandoned the idea.


I slid all the way down to where i can now say I do not exercise at all. Just got lazy.


So today I actually skipped the fast food lunch and had a turkey sandwich and an apple. Small steps toward my 10%. That's 212 by November 1st. No problem

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Ok...Here goes... deep breath........I'm in too!

But starting Monday, so my 3 month date will be Oct 16. And thanks for the 10% goal! Instead of "need to loose some weight" this is a good way to put what my goal will really be in my head, on the calendar, on the fridge etc... :D

My DH told me that if I waited until Monday,( getting past some summer fun) he's going to be changing his way of eating and we'd do it together - but then since I'm the cook, he would be anyway! LOL!

We'll also be in the low-carb group. We have a 2 mile route that we already walk about 4-5 nights a week, so we'll see what we can add too step it up a little.

Add me/us to the list!

Jean & Steve

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This is a great thread!

It was hard, but I got on the scale this am, and my starting weight is 188 YUK! (i'm a 5'8'' female by the way). But it's important to know where I'm beginning. This thread seems to be full of people who like to exercise...I do. Food is my problem. I don't stop when I'm full, and my willpower is very poor. I am open to suggestions from anyone.


My cruise isn't until 22Dec. (NCL's POAL), so I have plenty of time to lose my 10% -19lbs. I need to lose more, but let's start there!


Good luck to everyone, we can do it!


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All right. My eating has changed slightly and I feel OK. No...not yet on a plan but I cut out the evening snacks. That is a huge deal for me. I miss it only a little. I have not yet exercised that's coming too.


Get this... I did the week with sensible lunches.


So dinners have been an issue. I still am not able to change. Went out to eat Wednesday and Friday and plan on tomorrow night too.


Wish I had a 12/22 Hawaii trip to shoot for. Sounds like a great goal.


My wife and I plan to walk in the evenings too....just gotta jump start it.



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OK, count me in for 10%.....thanks Jean for the heads up on this board; it sounds like a good way to reach your goals, 10% at a time. Like Jean, I have been doing the low carb (WOE) and it seems to work good for me, all though I have been sick for a few days and have been just eating comfort foods:( still, I am down 2lbs for the week. My cruise isn't until February 2008, but, I bought my formal today RED!!!! cause our formal night is on Valentines Day:D I am a size 12-14 and I wanted to get a size 10, but I got a 14 because I carry about 20lbs "up-stairs" and the rest will be ok if...no-no when I lose 10%. It was the first time I tried on a dress and liked it as soon as I saw it on! I am too old to be thinking about a skinny little number:rolleyes: Good luck to all on this board. I will try to check in dailey.



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OK, count me in for 10%.....thanks Jean for the heads up on this board; it sounds like a good way to reach your goals, 10% at a time. Like Jean, I have been doing the low carb (WOE) and it seems to work good for me, all though I have been sick for a few days and have been just eating comfort foods:( still, I am down 2lbs for the week. My cruise isn't until February 2008, but, I bought my formal today RED!!!! cause our formal night is on Valentines Day:D I am a size 12-14 and I wanted to get a size 10, but I got a 14 because I carry about 20lbs "up-stairs" and the rest will be ok if...no-no when I lose 10%. It was the first time I tried on a dress and liked it as soon as I saw it on! I am too old to be thinking about a skinny little number:rolleyes: Good luck to all on this board. I will try to check in dailey.




Hi, Annie, and welcome to the 10% challenge!! The formal sounds like a knock-out!


I went today to buy a new suit - I'm swimming in most of my old ones, and some of my older, thinner ones are a bit worn. Got a sport coat to go with it. I'm really looking forward to getting to goal so I can put together a wardrobe rather than dealing w/ transitional clothes all the time.

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Hi, Annie, and welcome to the 10% challenge!! The formal sounds like a knock-out!


I went today to buy a new suit - I'm swimming in most of my old ones, and some of my older, thinner ones are a bit worn. Got a sport coat to go with it. I'm really looking forward to getting to goal so I can put together a wardrobe rather than dealing w/ transitional clothes all the time.




Good news RB Bonzo about having to buy new clothes, it really is a good feeling:D Will you have a "burn the old suit ceremony"?:D I know what you mean about the transitional clothes, that is what my 14s are I guess.


I am from a family of large people, when I was a size 18, I was still the smallest member of my family. I wasn't always that big, I quite smoking about 21 yrs ago when I was a size 8-10 and I creeped up to a size 18-20. I lost down to a size 10-12 about 14 yrs ago, and that seems to be a good size for me. When I bought all new clothes I gave all my big clothes to my mother and sister. The day they took the clothes away, my father-in-law was at my house (you know how old people just say what pops in their mind) he said,"hun, don't you think you should keep some of those" I said I will never be a size 18-20 again! Like I said, I bought all new clothes and that is my guage,when I can't fit into my size 12s I know its time to get in line.

So, here I am with size 12s getting tight and 10% will get me where I need to be.


So when you get to goal, buy those new clothes and don't look back! Oh, I guess you could put an old picture of you in that old suit on your fridge to keep you in line:D

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Hi every one...I'd like in on the 10% challenage, too....Anything to motivate me..:D I don't want to disclose my weight at this time either, but I promise not to "fudge" the numbers....I have 3 cruises coming up, one in 6 weeks, another in October and then an Alaska cruise/land tour next July. I hope to have dropped several 10% increments by then !!!! I have already lost about 20 pounds, so this challenge should help keep me motivated...

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Good news RB Bonzo about having to buy new clothes, it really is a good feeling:D Will you have a "burn the old suit ceremony"?:D


The last suit I bought was a size 50 - - this one is a 46; I have a few 48's that are too big now.


I am getting rid of all the "too big" clothes - Goodwill or to my brother. I don't want to have them around - - no safety nets for me!!! If my current clothes ever get too big, then that's time to get back on track!

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Hi all, add me to the 10% club too!


I just started WW this past Wednesday. I need to lose a lot of weight, but ww also uses the 10% goal and I want to lose my 28 lbs before my cruise in October (Crown Princess Repo on 10/20 my 28th wedding anniversary) now if that isn't a sign, I don't know what is!!


The only problem I am having so far is excercise ............ or lack there of. I haven't run in 20 years and I don't even mean excersize running, I mean like running to get out of the rain.


I've started doing a little walking at breaktime at work (we can do 2 laps around the building which is almost a mile) but that's all I have done so far. I need stuff that I can do indoors (too hot outside right now for someone as large as me).


GOOD LUCK to all my 10% friends and congrats to all who have lost so far!

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I have tried the WW desserts and they are pretty good. Like most things though I get to having these daily and then I don't want to see them again let alone eat them again. Maybe now that it's been a while I can try them again and like them again.


yes, the evening walks woudl be a good idea for stopping the snacking too.


This weekend was really quite great. Our weather was perfect on Sunday so I was able to get a lot of walking in. I ate normally (too much and bad stuff) but no gain in weight. That's a good start. I think I will get my 10% ... I can feel the mental change coming.

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