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10% in 3 months

RB Bonzo

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Hey All!



Great job at all the weight loss, not an easy task! I know about letting old habits come back, it is not easy to put on the breaks. Maybe going clothes shopping or trying on some of your next cruise clothes will get you back on track. I know I always want to lose a few and feel motivated after I try something fun on that I want to fit just a little bit better!

And this is a little crazy but we have a few things in common, I am 5'4.5" tall and a little older (48!) and weigh right now 177 pounds! Just last August I was down to 150 pounds doing South Beach but I got back into old habits and a bit too confident when the scale didn't move right away and here I am 11 months later with most of the weight back on! Makes me nuts!! I know what it takes and I definitely, as you say, feel better when I am eating well and moving and lighter....I just have to DO IT!

I am confident you will reach your goal and I am now working also toward my goal of 150 pounds by Halloween. My next cruise is next August, hopefully, to Alaska!!!

Best to you,


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BEST of LUCK to all you loosers out there!!! Do your BESTEST!!! and JUST SAY NO!


Underthestars, i understand where you are comming from...Im in the same position you are in. Loose the weight and put it back on....


We are food-aholics...at least "I" am, we can stay off the stuff for a while, then add it back to our eating, and WHAM!! its back again.... its like everyone says, its a WOE for the rest of our lives.. cant have that stuff we LIKE... darn-it!! I LOVE bread, and sweets, but i know i cant have it...


I am soooo focused right now, im gonna put my BEST foot forward and keep this up.. Im hoping i dont eat my words here.. but its in black and white, and everyone can scold me here if I do bad...


If off now to walk.. maybe if i get it in before work of a morning, that may work for me...


see y'all later today maybe!


EVERYONE have a wonderful day..

cant wait to check out RB's new thread!! :D

Diane :)

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Hi there' date='

I too want to lose wight for our cruise in february. I would LOVE to lose it all, which is about 80lbs, but at this point I would settle with any loss. have signed up for weight watchers on line but have already fallen off of the program.Help

any suggestions on how to get and STAY motivated?????:mad:[/quote']


I tried weight watchers on my own and I did not stick to the program, so I started going to meetings. Having to get on that scale in front of somebody is motivation for me. Try going to a meeting maybe that will help. These boards are extremely helpful also.

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Well i weigh in tomorrow and i dont think i lost. Today I got on my scale at home and i am up 1:mad: . I am pretty frusterated. I have not cheated and i have worke my butt off. I ran 16.5 miles on sunday you would think i would have lost something. Well we will see come tommorow, may be i will miraculously dropp a few overnight:p

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Good Morning 10% loosers!


Diane- walking this morning- good for you! I enjoy walking before work, but I hate to get up 45min early:mad: DH and I try to go at 0500 on the days that he is off (he gets up at 0230 on work days:eek: ) and Wednesdays I have early sales meetings, so we do manage 3 to 4 mornings per week. It is so nice and cool and peaceful first thing in the morning.


Congrats to all us 3lb loosers for last week:)


Who ever wanted a low fat recipe-here goes:

Take a package of fat free cream cheese at room temp and cover with fat free salsa, dip with fat free large pretzel sticks for a fat free snack;)

I don't do this because I am not on a low fat diet, but on a low carb diet. For this diet to work you have to have fat in the diet, it helps to curb your appitie and slow the digestion.


Good luck to all you loosers today:p


Please keep checking in.

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Hello to everyone.

I just found this site and think it is great. I've been fat my whole entire adult life. I've lost weight several times, then get discouraged and gain it, and usually more, back. I started a diet last week, but went to visit my grand kids and gained almost 3 pounds back. The story of my life. Going on a modified low carb diet seems to work for me.


Our cruise is Thanksgiving week. 10% is a little less than 24 pounds, doable if I really try. Summers are hard for me. I am a teacher, and staying home with a cupboard full of food to eat is my downfall. But I'm going to do it this time!


Thanks for all of the support. It is nice to know that there are others in the same boat. Hopefully next Tuesday I can check in and report a loss. Good luck to all of you!


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Great job on all the losses this week...and great job if you did your best and still maintained!! That happens to all of us at some point. I think it is wonderful that we have found a support group here at Cruise Critic...Every time i read (and sometimes reread) this thread I see that we do have a lot in common.

Hey "callie's mom" I can't tell you how many times I have started and fallen off programs before. And I am not sure why this time has worked for me, but I know that posting here is a great step in the right direction !!! I think whether a person decides on Weight Watchers, Atkins, South Beach or any other plan, the main thing is to have a plan, be determined, and stay motivated. This time Atkins is working for me...The first week was terrible. I stayed tough though...and ate enuf SF Jello to fill a bathtub !!! :eek: I lost over 100 pounds 20 years ago doing WW...but it just wasn't working for me at this time in my life.

If anyone wants to correspond one to one feel free to e-mail me:


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Hello you big bunch of LOSERS (feels funny to write that!) LOL


Count me in. I am planning to cruise in January with my lovely hubby, and this will be our very first trip ALONE together (and we don't have any kids- we are always with family or friends.) I weigh in at 162 right now, and I would be ecstatic to lose 16 lbs between now and January. I am planning on walks, bike rides, and low sugar low "bad carbs." I won't do Alli because I already sneeze and fart at the same time without trying to... Sugar and white carbs make me feel nasty. I still eat them. Like Bart Simpson reaching for a cupcake, getting electric shock, saying "ouch" and then reaching again... I plan on cutting out 90% of the bad stuff- I gotta indulge when I'm out for dinner.


I want to wear cute summer clothes, and wear something "strappy" (small straps, sleeveless, which I would not be caught dead in right now) on formal night! I spend my life trying to keep as much of my body covered as possible (Queen of Self-Consciousness here) and it pains my heart to think of worrying about how I look when I should be running around the caribbean as free as a bird. I also want to be able to walk, run and explore without being out of breath!


Sugar free fudgcicles here I come!


Here's a challenge - take your current weight and subtract 10% - that is your "goal" to reach in the next 4 months. Unless you weigh much more than 250 lbs, that should be achievable at a healthy rate of loss of 1-2 lbs/week. Join in at any time, and post your progress each week, either as your weight or as a running percentage lost. Who wants to give it a shot?
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Ottergirl...you are too funny! It sounds like you've palnned your work now all you have to do is work your plan! It sounds like a good plan to me.Is DH on board with the plan? It helps when you have a support system, but let not your heart be troubled, you definatly have support here! Just picture your self standing on deck with the setting sun in the back ground and a sexy little strappy number on you......I know you can just see it now. (If the smileys would work I would send a smiley face to you) Welcome to anyone I may have missed. Please keep us posted.Annie

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:p Thanks Annie!


My DH will eat whatever I make for him! I like to cook. I have finally convinced him not to bring me home treats. He is so sweet- but he brings me lots of chocolate and red wine (my faves) and Mmmmm ever dipped a chocolate Symphony bar in Merlot? Heaven! I figure with the almonds in the chocolate bar, and the red wine, I'm getting all those- what are they called- antioxidants- and they are doing me good ;)


No seriously, he's stopped bringing me home goodies- that was the biggest issue as far as DH is concerned. He's good about not keeping a lot of treats in the house, and he's in fine health. So yes- the short, non convoluted answer to your question is, yes- DH is on board with me.


I have the CUTEST "dress up" party dress that I NEVER WORE because from the time I bought it to the time I wanted to wear it I outgrew it. I blamed it on a growth spurt and stuck it in the closet, but it haunts me. Black with colored polka dots, strappy with all these layers- sooo cute. My goal is to comfortably fit into that dress!


Doing good so far today. Thanks for saying hello. I will stay updated.

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Hi, Ottergirl!


I think that you've got a terrific plan and a very realistic goal. Stick to it, and you'll get there!!


As for the red wine and chocolate, well, all things in moderation! I treat myself to one or the other (frequently both) most every evening - IF, I've earned it through my workouts (I'm following WW, which gives you extra food to eat based upon the amount that you exercise).


Welcome to the 10% Challenge!

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Ottergirl, never tried the chocolate bar and merlot but thanks for making me hungry now...just kidding! I do love my wine and my chocolate, but gotta be good now. I do have a piece of sugarfree chocolate with a glass of wine at night, aint nothin better girl! Glad your hubby is with you on this.Carol! I just missed your post! I am soooo sorry, Welcome Aboard! I hear ya, it don't take much to let those pounds just creep right up there ( I am using my southern gramer cause you are a teacher...he-he) But I think a low carb diet seems to work best for those of us with a few years of yo-yo dieting under our belts. Summer time should be a good time for low-carb because you can grill so many things! After a few days without the bad stuff you will notice a decrease in appitite and not even crave those bad things. If it's just you and your hubby, maybe he will be ok if you just get rid of those bad snacks in the cubboard? Instead of snacking at night ya'll could go for a nice walk and maybe have a lowcarb shake after. I find it easier in the Summer anyway. In the fall and winter I tend to want comfort foods, soups, chili and anything with potatoes. I am sure when you set your mind to it, you will do it.Like Ottergirl, plan your work and work your plan. That cruise will be soooo much more enjoyable with you thinner and lighter. Just picture yourself in a nice fitting formal dancing the night away! Wait, that's my dream..get your own! I am glad you found this board and PLEASE let us know how you are doing. P.S. There is an Atkins thread on here too.Sam73- Good luck in the morning! Please let us know how you are doing. I think if I ran 16miles I would sweat at least 10lbs! I wonder if maybe you are gaining muscle? If you can run 16 miles you probably are in pretty good shape, I would think you have some good fat burning muscle already.Anyway, keep us posted.All for now, gotta get back to work. Something is wrong with my computer today and I can't space sentences and I can't use the smiley faces???

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Hello all!


What a great thread!


I would love to lose 10% (18 pounds) by my wedding which is 4 months away! The wedding is followed by a honeymoon cruise in Hawaii on 11/26/07 - can't wait! :D


If I could lose 10%, I would be a happy girl. Right now I'm right around 180 lbs. I've always felt really healthy and great when I'm right around 155-160 pounds, so that's my goal.


I recently started WW online last Friday, and have been doing the Buff Brides program for about 7 weeks. In the 7 weeks of BB I've lost 15 pounds. It's a great program - it tells me exactly what type of weight lifting/lunges/sit-ups/etc. exercises to do, and a cardio goal for the week. I used to just go to the gym and have no idea where to start, or I would try to do all the machines and would be exhausted! I've noticed such a difference in my arms - they're getting more toned. I think it would be great for any women, regardless of if they're getting married or have been married for 50 years!!! :eek:


Now that I've been following the BB program, I need to get back on track with my diet, which is where WW online comes into play. I'll be sure to WI on Friday and let you know where I'm at! I really like WW because it's SOO easy to search for point values. It really takes the work out of it if you feel lazy!

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Welcome Rachilnn, Congrats on the weight loss and the upcoming wedding! I think I have heard of Buff Brides? Please tell me how you join the program, I would love to work on my arms. It sounds like you gotta plan too;) I love checking out this thread, it is so encouraging to know there are so many others out there in the same boat.

Please keep us posted.


Annie at night:p

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RachieLnnn... Keep up the good work- 15 lbs already! Oh my- I need to work on my arms. What exercises are you doing?


Rb Bonzo- thanks for the hello!


DH and I went to a steakhouse for dinner. I ended up bringing almost my whole steak home because I had wine, a cheese stick, a side salad (dressing on the side) and two slices of quesidillas (spelling) before dinner. While I am glad I was feeling full, at the same time I feel bloated and yucky now! Tomorrow I am going to go really light.


Good luck!

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Oh Good there are other new people starting today also, sooooo Count Me In!


I'm Dianne have fallen off the WW wagon once but don't intend to give up this time. I weigh 180 pounds so I should be able to get 18 pounds off in 4 months.


Annie, I'm with you I need to work on my arms....and tummy....and bottom...and so on:D



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WOW!!! LOTS of new Loosers!!! WELCOME to you ALL!!


Its nice to see everyone tonight!!!! :) I just love this 10% thread!! i think i say that everytime i post..hahahaha!!:)


RachieLnnn, I need weights BADLY. my arms are terrible. i may even be beyond help!!! What is BB?? never heard of it.. maybe because i have been married so long!!! DH and I cruised Hawaii in '05 on our 30th anniversary. you will have a wonderful time, its an awesome place.


Ottergirl...I just love the Fudgcicles!! i was in the grocery the other day, saw them, picked them up, and was reading the back label, i quickly put them back.. have you read the label my dear?? i may have read it wrong, but there is sugar in those.... maybe its the sugar from the milk, i dont know.. but do recheck them... i dont want to bust a bubble here. we gotta have something for our sweet tooth.. and believe ME,,, i DOOOOOOOOOO have a sweet tooth!!! :D im not a wine drinker, but the wine and chocolate surely does sound "mighty" fine! mmmmmMMMMM and you DO have a 'great' sence of humor hahahahahahahaaa!!!


AWE...Carol, i feel so badly for you right now.. you HAVE to get that bad food out of your cabinets and out of the house!!! its too tempting to have there.. it calls your name all the time right?? and you want to go eat it, right?? i know, i do that...thats me all over the place!!!! oh sweetie pie, you are actually setting yourself up for crashing again!!! Please dont do that...we are here for you to help you, and you have to help yourself.. i dont want to sound cruel here, im just being honest. On a Dr Phil show a while back, he went into this womans home, and got rid of EVERYTHING in her cabinets.. nothing in there was good for her....i was thinking the whole time, oh my gosh, all that money going down the drain... but ya know, she finally lost the weight after about 1 1/2 yrs. took her that long, she was that overweight.

If you can stay totally away from any kind of bread, flour, and sugar, for 4-5 days, you will loose that want for food....this is my first week doing this, i have no want to eat.. i have to make myself eat now, its been 9 days now, my first 7 days i lost 3 lbs. like RB says, "work the program and it will work for you". I just thought of something that may work BETTER for you.. there is a little book at the bookstore. the GI diet, (Glycemic Index). that is an awesome little book, shows you the foods you can have in green, the caution foods in yellow, and red foods that you stay away from...its simple. alot of good reading too for being healthy. i go by that book myself, every day, and imagine, i cant even spell it right!!


i look so forward to getting on here in the mornings and evenings now, to keep me focused.. i love these people for keeping me "straight" away from the kitchen..


Sam, it sounds as though you dont have much weight to loose here.. if you are running 16 miles +, you are in great shape. im out of breath when i try to walk a mile !!!! the less you have to loose, the longer it takes to loose it... Keep up that running!! its good for you!! you may need to keep US in shape!!


Annie, did you get your puter fixed?? loved reading your post!! and Ottergirls too.. what a hoot she is! lol


Thanks again RB for this thread...and for all your wonderful lectures on here. its like going to a WW meeting. its GREAT!!!


HANG IN THERE EVERYONE!!! put your best foot forward now, ya hear?

many hugs, Diane

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Hi Diane, Good advice about getting rid of the food.


We returned from a 17day Panama Canal in May on the Coral Princess.

Have a 3 day coastal from LA to Vancouver next May and a 12 day Greek Isles/Med booked Oct 08. I'm afraid will will have to change that one though, scheduling problem on our part.


The 9 day Caribbean sounds lovely.


Dianne (with 2 n's:D )

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BB = Buff Brides, although I think it would work for everyone, not just those getting married! It also might be good for those working towards any sort of timeline, AKA cruise! :D


It's a 12 week or 24 week program in a book form, you can choose which you want to do. The book tells you exactly what exercises to do, in what order, 3x a week (then I believe towards the end it is "upped" to 4x a week).


I like it because I don't have to think at all! Just follow the exercises they lay out for you. Of course, there are illustrations, too, which helps. :)


The only equipment you need (I think) is: hand weights, an exercise ball, and a space to do this at home.


Anyway, I recommend it for some toning, I don't always hit 3x's a week, but I usually do when I remember to do it at night in front of the TV.


I bought the book but I wonder if they would have it at a local library. :) They also have something similar on the WW website, although I can't find the link. If you're on WWdotcom, I would maybe do a search on the site.


Thanks everyone, for the warm welcome, and I look forward to losing the pounds with you!!!

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Good Morning All ya All!

So many new people - so many good laughs and tons of encouragement! I Love IT!

RB Bonzo - I think you have really help me focus on this journey of working on my 10%! I couldn't resist and peeked on the scales this morning and what I like is that I'm not gasping:eek: at all of the numbers flying by in front of my toes :eek: - but am looking at my 10% weight loss target number and seeing how I'm heading in that direction a little bit at a time! :) YAY! Thanks again for the challenge - and your iPod songs - I'm writing some down so when I'm ready to add some new songs to my 'Walking' List - I'll give'em a listen to knowing already that they should have a good sound to get my feet MOVING!

Yesterday was Yesterday - and Today is Today - Keep focused!

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Hello everyone, I just weighed in and I lost 1 pound. Ok, I now weigh 169 pounds, when i started the 10% i was 173, i was to chicken to post my weight. So my 10% is 17 pounds. Yes i did run 16.5 miles sunday but I am still overweight. i am 5'4 which according to weight watchers I shoulld be anywhere from 109- 146. Well 146 is going to have to be it. I am very muscular, so i dont even know if my body will let me get that low. When i started weight watchers i weighed 224 pounds. I have always exercised it is just i love food. In october last year i got down to 165 then i went on a cruise, thanksgiving, christmas etc..... I got lazy with food. So, i am almost back to that 165, which i felt pretty great at. I am training for a marathon that is why i have those crazy long runs. When i started training for this marathon i thought wow i will really drop weight fast, that is not the case, but now i am doing it because i can, and there are so many out there that cant walk down the street.So iam happy with my 1 pound loss today, i would have liked more but i know these last however many pounds are going to be tough.

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Hello All!


Sam- oh wow, you are a runner! I am in awe. I can not run down the block without feeling winded. I am ashamed at how I have let myself go, but MUST LOOK FORWARD, not backwards, right? I have to admit, I hate exercise. Even as a child I wanted to sit and read a book instead of playing outside. Any exercise for me must be forced, and I don't know why I have such a mental block. I've even thought about seeing a hypnotist JUST to instill in me a love of exercise! I am a total gym drop out! I try to tell myself, "It is a bike ride- not exercise- enjoy it" but alas, I still don't like it. I know I won't lose weight without it though, so I have to do it; I just wish I did not hate it so much. Sam, have you talked with your doctor about your weight loss goals? With all that running and muscles you have built, I would think the average "standard" weight guides would not work for you. You might need to weigh more than that because of your activity level. I'll bet you feel and look fabulous. You have accomplished SO much!


Diane- DH and I hope to cruise to the Caribbean also 9 days in January, but for $$ was thinking of taking the other cruise, the one on the Jewel. Maybe we can swing the Pearl- would be fun to meet some new CC friends. I assume the Pearl cruise costs more because it is a new ship. Oh, and the fudgesicles, um... I think the ones I have bought in the past are "no sugar added," and there is sugar from the milk. But it was like 3 grams of sugar and 40 calories. For me I would allow the 3 grams of sugar if it satisfied my sweet tooth because if not I will then attack the bag of chocolate chips and be in a sugar coma. I guess it is a "lesser of two evils" kinda thing for me.


Carol- I agree with Diane. I could not stay with a new WOE (Way Of Eating) with goodies in the cabinets. Hubby did buy some of those small donuts that he likes, but I don't care for them so they do not tempt me badly. Other than that we don't keep a lot of treats in the house. I would get that night time craving, and BAM (think Emeril Lagasse here- "BAM!") those treats would be, "A moment past the lips, forever on the hips" for me! I simply can not keep that which tempts me in my house.


Annie- you mentioned that in the fall/winter you enjoy comfort foods like chili, stew, etc. Those can all be made low fat/low carb. I may be mistaken, but chili is one of those things- it is filling, but can be made to be very healthy using ground turkey or chicken, lots of beans and tomatoes. I know tomatoes and beans have carbs, but the beans have tons of fiber. I make mine with chicken, all different beans and plenty of chunky tomatoes. In the crock pot (after cooking the chicken on the stove top) this can make for a meal that does not heat up the kitchen in the summer time (or grill the chicken and cut it into chunks for chinky chili.) I LOVE chili, and there are many variations, like white chili.


I am envisioning a weight loss book... kinda like the Buff Brides RachieLnnn is doing... but for cruisers! LOL. A weight loss book with all the tips, menus, exercise for those people who are cruise addicts. It would be for all the times EXCEPT while cruising, of course- who really wants to diet while cruising? Can anyone think of some good titles?


Do you guys have the George Foreman tabletop grill? I use mine almost daily. They are wonderful for grilling meats and veggies with no oil.

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Hi, Ten Percenters!!!


I had my "official" WW weigh in this morning - a little early in the week, but I'm not going to have time to go tomorrow or Friday. Was down 0.6. Was hoping for more, but 0.6 lost is good, so long as it is 0.6 gone forever! Still, I had been averaging 2 lbs/wk for so long that I need to start accepting that, for the past 5 weeks, I have averaged just 1 lb/wk.


My challenge numbers are based on my home scale and will be taken on Friday morning.


Sheila - I've got to think that with all of the running you are doing that you've firmed up quite a bit. You MUST have some extra muscle mass, and that is a lot heavier by volume than fat. Remember - the scale tells only part of the story, and the WW ranges are based upon the BMI ranges, which don't apply as well to athletic folk. Did you know that WW will let you pick a different goal weight if you get a note from your doctor?


Jean - I am glad that the Challenge is helping to keep you motivated - keep it moving!!

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