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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Kim: Would you be so kind to let us know how the registration process is going for you and "Keldon."

I understood that Disney cruises was very accomodating to SD's and their families.

It's also good for us to know if the laws for our dogs have changed, in any way, when traveling to the Bahama's or the Caribbean.



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Hi Roz,


Thanks for thinking of us. We are still in the overwhelmed information gathering mode. St. Thomas still requires no additional/special papers since it is USVI. I think we are in Grand Turk for such a short time we will not even concern ourselves with that one. Princess Cays is in the Bahamas so their rules would apply. The good news is the State of CA USDA vet is here in Sacramento!! That will make it a little easier to get their blessing.

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DisneyKidsDad, Jessica seemed really nice and we are looking forward to meeting her.


Roz, We are moving along rather quickly. BUT they make sure to tell us that even if we are accepted to the waiting list, it's still 1 to 2 years to get a dog. She did say sometimes sooner and she said alot depends on how flexible our schedule is for the training. Luckily John can get any time off he needs and he doesn't work during the summer.


I don't know if any of you have seen the news letter from CCI but this is just the dog we want. Everything about this dog is what we are looking for. Skipper is perfect, I hope they find one just like him. http://www.cci.org/site/c.cdKGIRNqEmG/b.4434467/k.6FD7/Puppy_Raising_Stories.htm?msource=enews0309&tr=y&auid=4663147


To Rangeley: Guess what???? We know Skipper! We have watched Skipper grow up. We do a lot of things with the local CCI/ puppy raiser/graduate group, which Skipper and his puppy raiser are a part of. Small world.

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To Rangeley: Guess what???? We know Skipper! We have watched Skipper grow up. We do a lot of things with the local CCI/ puppy raiser/graduate group, which Skipper and his puppy raiser are a part of. Small world.


I did get the CCI Newsletter and the picture of "Skipper" is so cute! What a beautiful boy! His puppy raiser is having a hard time giving him back to CCI.....what a tough job that must be.

She does all the hard work of socializing and teaching good habits to this amazing dog and then gives him to CCI to fine tune so that he can become someone's companion for the rest of his life......I don't know if I could do it!!!

Puppyraisers are a very special breed of people. They deserve so much thanks from all of us!

Cindy, please keep us informed of how the process is going. Skipper will be someone's dog......It seems he's in the very early stages of his final training and that would mean a longer wait for John. We'll see!!!

Let us know!

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Huskerfan, What a small world. I can't believe you know Skipper. Too bad he's a California dog, someone there will get a great one. Just read the CCI newsletter. Skipper is just perfect! We wish he was in the northeast and maybe we would have a chance at getting him. It's only been a month but the wait is killing us! :eek: The next class is in August but I think people that need to do training in the summer will be going to that one. Maybe in the fall. *sigh* I could never be a puppy raiser, it seems you just get the dog where you want them and you have to give them back. Those puppy raisers are very special!!


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Cindy: Hang in there! CCI knows exactly what they're doing. They try to match the teams up, perfectly. I know it's not an exact science but it truly amazes me how they get it so right 99% of the time!

And, you've been waiting a month......Cindy....I had to wait 2 years to get Brenda. Can you imagine the chills and excitement I got the day I got the letter that they had a dog for me and were ready for me to go to "Team Training?" I was so excited; I couldn't sleep, eat or focus on anything else! I was a winter graduate, in November of 2002.

It's takes time to make miracles happen.......You'll see, it won't be as long as I had to wait but I know how anxious the wait can make you.

I used to go to the mailbox every day praying that this would be "the day!" I would see the blue and gold colors with the CCI insignia on the envelope and you would have thought that I won the lottery (well, in a way, I guess I did!)

I know it feels like forever......the wait is the worst.....they're aware of how anxious everyone is to hear from them.....trust that they are making the right decisions in picking and matching a dog that will be perfect for John!

Keep us informed! And, know that I think about both of you, often.


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Training camp was finished last week. about 14 new teams of dog and person went out into the big world. Such a great thing to see. I really didn't have any close ties to this group of dogs. Some I had worked with a bit, but nothing much. I think I get more excited when I see a dog I have worked with a lot go out. As you know, my orginization doesn't due puppy raising like some others. The pups are kept at the kennels and trained from day one. They go out at various ages to volunteers like me. The trial puppy "boot camp" went really well, so I will have a more young pups home for week long visits over the summer. With the older dog, so much of the focus is on manners, commands, outings... the pressure is always there not to mark an inappropriate behaviour, be on the look out to mark the good behaviour, wheww, sometimes it is relaxing to take them back to the farm. With the really young pups it is all about loving them, handling them, getting them used to walking with a leash and harness, and getting them out in the world! No one seems to mind when I have an armful of puppy.


I am taking some time off from the pups and dogs. My daughter was in a car accident over the weekend. She actually got out of the car on her own, called us, then 911. When we look at the car's photo's we all shudder at what could have been. Not many walk away after an encounter with an 18 wheeler tractor trailer on a rainy morning. She is doing pretty well and has minimal injuries, but lot's of aches and pains and nightmares. She is staying with us for week or so. I probably should go get a few pups, that might help with the nightmares!

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Training camp was finished last week. about 14 new teams of dog and person went out into the big world. Such a great thing to see. I really didn't have any close ties to this group of dogs. Some I had worked with a bit, but nothing much. I think I get more excited when I see a dog I have worked with a lot go out. As you know, my orginization doesn't due puppy raising like some others. The pups are kept at the kennels and trained from day one. They go out at various ages to volunteers like me. The trial puppy "boot camp" went really well, so I will have a more young pups home for week long visits over the summer. With the older dog, so much of the focus is on manners, commands, outings... the pressure is always there not to mark an inappropriate behaviour, be on the look out to mark the good behaviour, wheww, sometimes it is relaxing to take them back to the farm. With the really young pups it is all about loving them, handling them, getting them used to walking with a leash and harness, and getting them out in the world! No one seems to mind when I have an armful of puppy.


I am taking some time off from the pups and dogs. My daughter was in a car accident over the weekend. She actually got out of the car on her own, called us, then 911. When we look at the car's photo's we all shudder at what could have been. Not many walk away after an encounter with an 18 wheeler tractor trailer on a rainy morning. She is doing pretty well and has minimal injuries, but lot's of aches and pains and nightmares. She is staying with us for week or so. I probably should go get a few pups, that might help with the nightmares!


Sunshine: I'm so sorry to hear about your daughter.....so scary! I'm glad she came out of it physically okay! The emotional fear and trauma can be the worst and can take the longest to heal. Give her time. And, of course, go get her a puppy to hug and pat.....the best therapy in the world!

We had a horrific accident in 2000 where a woman was standing on Interstate 10 [75 MPH] Freeway (near Palm Springs), and I was the car that came around a blind curve and hit her.......she was killed instantly but the trauma and emotional scarring took years to heal....and, still gives us nighmares, 9 years later.

You daughter will come through this and be able to enjoy rides in the car again......she'll just get "spooked" everytime she sees an 18 wheeler near her.....How lucky was she, to come away from it in tact!!!!!!

Take care!

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Sunshine, sorry to hear about your daughter. thankfully she came out of it as well as she did! I agree...nothing can beat a little puppy to make you feel better or forget your worries!


The puppy raisers are great people!


Cindy, unlike Roz we were on the fast track. All I can say is be ready and be flexible. We were on the list for only a few months when we got a call from CCI to fill a last minute cancellation, 6 days before August team training was to start. We had checked schedules and done advance planning for all the team training sessions for the next year, but never even looked at August since it was so soon after our personal interview. In retrospect we feel it was meant to be for many reasons and when we got the call we leapt! I even called the guy I work for (who was out of town at the time) from the first day of team training and told him I would see him in 2 weeks (now that is a great guy to work for)! Miracles can happen anytime...Keldon is a perfect fit for our son.



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Sunshine, We are so sorry to hear about your daughter. Winning against a tractor trailer is a miracle! I will be including you and your family in my prayers tonight.


Roz, As Tom Petty would say "The waiting is the hardest part". We know we will probably be waiting for at least 6 months. It just seems sooooooooo long.


Kim, We seemed to be on the fast track too. We did get called for an interview because of a cancellation. We are very flexible so that is good for us. Keep your fingers crossed!!



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Hi Roz,


Thanks for thinking of us. We are still in the overwhelmed information gathering mode. St. Thomas still requires no additional/special papers since it is USVI. I think we are in Grand Turk for such a short time we will not even concern ourselves with that one. Princess Cays is in the Bahamas so their rules would apply. The good news is the State of CA USDA vet is here in Sacramento!! That will make it a little easier to get their blessing.


1 Huskerfan,


If it were me, I would still check into the requirements for Grand Turk.

I don't know how long you will be there, but they still may send an inspector to the ship. I would hate to have anything spoil your cruise

when it might be just a little more paperwork to do.



Your pet may travel with you but you must meet all the conditions of the TCI Environmental Health Department Veterinary and Animal Control Unit. This includes an Import Permit, Veterinary Health Certificate, Vaccination Certificate and Laboratory Test Results which must ALL be submitted at the port of entry to obtain veterinary clearance. If you don’t have your documents in order the result may be that your pet is quarantined, deported or euthanized.


A – Z: Contact details for TCI Environmental


Edited by DisneyKidsDad
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1 Huskerfan,


If it were me, I would still check into the requirements for Grand Turk.

I don't know how long you will be there, but they still may send an inspector to the ship. I would hate to have anything spoil your cruise

when it might be just a little more paperwork to do.



Your pet may travel with you but you must meet all the conditions of the TCI Environmental Health Department Veterinary and Animal Control Unit. This includes an Import Permit, Veterinary Health Certificate, Vaccination Certificate and Laboratory Test Results which must ALL be submitted at the port of entry to obtain veterinary clearance. If you don’t have your documents in order the result may be that your pet is quarantined, deported or euthanized.


Yikes! Thanks. Can't they make this easier? I am assuming the Import permit is the same as for Princess Cays (also Bahamas). I wonder if the laboratory test results are the tider test? I will definitely contact them. I am thinking of turning this over to a TA who specializes in travel with service dogs. Does anyone have any experience with that? I am concerned I will do something wrong that jeopardizes Keldon!

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Mornin' all:

Sunshine: I hope your daughter is doing well and the soreness is subsiding. Its funny you should mention an Angel. DH was selling stuff on Ebay and he had some metal bookmarkers. One has a little angel with a pink bead on it. Seem as how I don't have time to read any more I hung the bookmarker on my rearview mirror in my car. Illegal I know, but I feel better with my own angel with me!

Hope ever one is doing good. Have a fabulous Friday and week end.


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Thanks Nancy, you too!

I must share some thoughts with you guys......Especially you guys who walk with a Service Dog.......As Brenda and I were winding our way through the aisles of Target, yesterday, I was noticing how more slowly she's walking with me, these days. The same goes for the market, etc.

Background: Brenda is 9 years old and has been by my side for 7 years [accommpanying me at work; in the malls; on cruises; airplanes, etc., etc.] She's on glucosamine/chondroitin daily and eats 2 cups of Senior Maintenance Eukanuba kibble every day. She get Virbac C.E.T chews twice a day [to maintain healthy gums/teeth.]

If I take her out to play ball [3 times a day, while at work] she's like a 2 year old all over again but when she's walking through the stores, she's like a 15 year old.....[slow, methodical, lazy, etc.]

I know she hates, hates walking then sitting/standing on linoleum floors [and most stores have them] but, her lethargic attitude in just the stores is really becoming a "bummer" for me. I find myself wanting to leave her behind and, that would defeat the purpose of her, in the first place.

She never has to do any physical work for me and I never over-tax her in the work that she does do!

What's your suggestions or best guess as to what's up with her "I hate to go shopping with mom, attitude?".

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Roz, You are experiencing what we called the "Senior Attitude". Rangeley was the same way. You would think we were killing him, asking him to do something. The sad pathetic face killed us. Now the only thing Rangeley was really asked to do was fetch. That was Johns biggest need. It got to the point of us hiding our faces because we would laugh so hard at him. John would ask him to fetch something and the antics would begin. He would first ignore John, then he would get up and do some fake cough (that they learn as they age), then the big stretch, then scratch, then snorting. It was a riot!!! Then when he was ready, he would fetch. But sometimes not til after John said "If you want a cookie you better fetch". Then we had the "I'm gonna fetch everything and anything I can" stage. He would jump on the couch to fetch the remote, a kleenex that fell on the floor, one of Johns gloves that he dropped and didn't get around to picking up.... just to get a cookie. We always rewarded him for fetching. Talk about teaching an old dog new tricks, he taught himself. He was so darn smart!! John would get very frustrated and talk about retiring him. Then it got to the point where we would just laugh. He did what he wanted to do when he wanted. Nothing we could do about it. Don't get me wrong, he was extremely well behaved when we would go out in public. As they get older it's a whole new stage of life. Just like when we age. Their whole attitude changes, not necessarily for the good or bad, just different. Only advice I can give you is to be PATIENT!!!! Enjoy her everyday no matter what and suck as much love out of her as you can!!!!!!



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Roz, You are experiencing what we called the "Senior Attitude". Rangeley was the same way. You would think we were killing him, asking him to do something. The sad pathetic face killed us. Now the only thing Rangeley was really asked to do was fetch. That was Johns biggest need. It got to the point of us hiding our faces because we would laugh so hard at him. John would ask him to fetch something and the antics would begin. He would first ignore John, then he would get up and do some fake cough (that they learn as they age), then the big stretch, then scratch, then snorting. It was a riot!!! Then when he was ready, he would fetch. But sometimes not til after John said "If you want a cookie you better fetch". Then we had the "I'm gonna fetch everything and anything I can" stage. He would jump on the couch to fetch the remote, a kleenex that fell on the floor, one of Johns gloves that he dropped and didn't get around to picking up.... just to get a cookie. We always rewarded him for fetching. Talk about teaching an old dog new tricks, he taught himself. He was so darn smart!! John would get very frustrated and talk about retiring him. Then it got to the point where we would just laugh. He did what he wanted to do when he wanted. Nothing we could do about it. Don't get me wrong, he was extremely well behaved when we would go out in public. As they get older it's a whole new stage of life. Just like when we age. Their whole attitude changes, not necessarily for the good or bad, just different. Only advice I can give you is to be PATIENT!!!! Enjoy her everyday no matter what and suck as much love out of her as you can!!!!!!




Cindy: You are a genious.....Every single thing that you mentioned is exactly what she's doing......I'm smiling so big [can you see it?]

When I ask her to complete a task, such as "close a drawer", [something that she's been doing all her life and is so easy for her], first, she'll yawn, then she'll strike a stretching pose, then she'll shake her head....[it takes every bit of my sanity not to break out in the biggest snorkling, laugh]...I know exactly what she's doing....and, it's so funny to watch her go through the routine and, perform her antics......

However, that said, it's still taking longer than it should to complete what is so easy for her.....Now, if I take her outside to the big, grassy lawn and throw her ball.....she's on it like a "firecracker!"

She too, will go get the remote, pick up my slippers, push a door closed and whatever else she chooses, other than do what I exactly asked her to do! She's turning into "Marley!"

I know that it's difficult to perform tasks on a shiney, waxed floor....I get the slip and sliding thing....but, that "poor, sad, dejected" snout that she produces when I ask her to "heel" and, there happens to be people watching is so, so embarrassing.....I swear she knows their looking and she wants me to look like a "child-endangering-sniper", in front of them!!!!!

I love this character and I don't want her to go into retirement......at least not as long as she's beating me to the front door, when I go to work in the morning!

Thanks for making me feel better.....I'll just have to put-up with her "stuff", as long as she's well and wants to go with me.....I'll pick and choose my battles and maybe have some extra treats on hand to encourage her through the slippery floor places.........

I love you guys........We're off to Las Vegas, on Tuesday, for three days.....Brenda is such an amazingly smart Service Dog and certainly fills my world with joy and happiness.....but, if she picks up some strangers purse in the casino.....I'm gonna die!!!!!!

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Reno use to do the same thing with his toys. Throw them and he would run get them, then roll in the grass and scratch his back, looking like a turtle that couldn't get back over. Then other times he would just mope around like he just couldn't do anything. We blamed it on the heat, down here. Maybe it is something in their make-up. Now little Jezzy Lou has got the cookie (people crackers) thing down pat. If she goes potty outside, she gets a cookie. She runs and sits by the cabinet the cookies are in and waits like a little precious for her cookie. I even had to buy Leann Emily some treats because she potties in her catbox all the time and is a good girl!

Give Brenny hugs and scratches for me.


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You guys...i have a smile on my face reading this. These dogs are smarter than we are! Even at 3 1/2 we sometimes get the stretch and "better call the dog police because they are making me work" look. I have to laugh when he does it, but I am always worried people are thinking "poor guy". Love her up every moment you get...she is a superstar.


Re: Las Vegas...I say just make sure she has a good recall for after she snags the purse. HAHA. Have fun.

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Roz, I see that smile! Glad I could make you feel alittle better. I have no worries that Brenny is just fine and just being a typical senior. Plus shes going to see what she can get away with. I tell you they get smarter with age! The dogs would get some ice cream on a paper plate at night. Rangeley would fetch the plates (after the antics) and they would get a cookie. Well now that he's gone Bailee feels shes entitled to that cookie even though she does nothing! We try and try to get her to fetch, and believe me she knows exactly what we are asking her to do. She will get the toy but will never fetch anything else. Of course shes not a service dog and feels she does not have to work. If Rangeley wouldn't fetch right away, Bailee used to get up and practically jump up and down. You could just hear her telling him, "Comeon get up and fetch and we will get a cookie". We used to call her his "AGENT". She learned so much from him. Ok now I have tears running down my face must be time to go. Roz, I hope you win big in Vegas. Have a great time and tell that Brenny to only fetch the purses with lots of money in them!!



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Mornin' all:


That brings back memories of when Reno was a pup. He had a small, round laundry basket that all his toys were in. He would promtly tip the basket over, dumping the toys out and play with the empty basket for a while. At the end of the day, we would tell him, get your toys and he would go pick them all up and bring them up on the patio. (We put them in the basket), Now that I think about it, he was perfectly capable of doing that, but we did it for him. One of his favorite toys was an empty milk jug or water jug that he would smash down and put one front foot on it and slide it all over the garage floor. What memories.....and now that I have tears running down my face, I will trundle on.

Everyone have a great, safe weekend. Looks like we are gonna have beautiful weather. Only going to get to 100 degrees. We think that is perfect!


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Nancy, Thank god we have our memories. Although sometimes they make us sad, most of the time they make us smile. Everytime I think I'm over it, something triggers a memory and I cry. In August it will be a year he is gone. I have a wierd feeling that we will be called for the August training class and be training on that day. Wouldn't that be strange!! :eek: Wow just thought of that. Hmmmm god works in mysterious way. Anyway...... I'm glad you are there with the hot weather. I hate the heat!!! We just had 2 days of 90 and that was enough for me. Today it's gonna be a beautiful sunny and 60 and I'm thrilled. A few years ago we went to Vegas in August. We couldn't even go outside cuz the sidewalk burned Rangeleys feet. We only went out at night. Thats why we cruise in January or April. Looks like no cruise for us this year :( We really can't plan anything until we get this dog. We want to be available at any time. I hope everyone has a great weekend. Nothing planned for us, just a nice walk for Bailee.



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Thanks Nancy, you too!


I must share some thoughts with you guys......Especially you guys who walk with a Service Dog.......As Brenda and I were winding our way through the aisles of Target, yesterday, I was noticing how more slowly she's walking with me, these days. The same goes for the market, etc.


Background: Brenda is 9 years old and has been by my side for 7 years [accommpanying me at work; in the malls; on cruises; airplanes, etc., etc.] She's on glucosamine/chondroitin daily and eats 2 cups of Senior Maintenance Eukanuba kibble every day. She get Virbac C.E.T chews twice a day [to maintain healthy gums/teeth.]


If I take her out to play ball [3 times a day, while at work] she's like a 2 year old all over again but when she's walking through the stores, she's like a 15 year old.....[slow, methodical, lazy, etc.]


I know she hates, hates walking then sitting/standing on linoleum floors [and most stores have them] but, her lethargic attitude in just the stores is really becoming a "bummer" for me. I find myself wanting to leave her behind and, that would defeat the purpose of her, in the first place.


She never has to do any physical work for me and I never over-tax her in the work that she does do!


What's your suggestions or best guess as to what's up with her "I hate to go shopping with mom, attitude?".



Funny Roz, We just got home from Target and Werin was acting the same way -- maybe it is just Target? Well, I did a quick game of "how fast can you sit, down and stand" and Werin looked like a two year old again with tail wagging. It is her favorite game!

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Funny Roz, We just got home from Target and Werin was acting the same way -- maybe it is just Target? Well, I did a quick game of "how fast can you sit, down and stand" and Werin looked like a two year old again with tail wagging. It is her favorite game!

:D Hi had to laugh at the 'how fast can you' - I always called that doggy boot camp around here. I had to use it occasionally with my first dog for a bit of an attitude adjustment every once in a while :rolleyes:

I used to do it with Finn just because he loved obedience so very much. He would still do it if I asked him but those joints aren't what they used to be. Besides, he has now moved onto the selective hearing chapter of his life!!!

BTW, Roz - Brenny has so many more years of service for you. No worries there especially when you talk of her joy of running in the backyard after a 'boring' trip to a store :D:D


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