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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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We sailed on the Carnival Holiday August 20-24 2009.


Thank you for posting this; my next cruise is a Carnival ship (not the same one), so it is very helpful. I am considering bringing my own doggy potty with me for my balcony (which is plenty big, as I got an aft wrap-around, woohoo! Room for her to play, too! And for me to lay out on sea days and on the evenings and all :D ) because of stories like this and my experience last time with Royal Caribbean. We'll be getting off at every port, but have a couple sea days.


We had to go all the way to the back (imagine a full dinning room lots of waiters running around and trying to get a dog and a wheel chair out and about. -- Dinner goes from about 6-10 and Kali is use to going right before we eat dinner. ahhhh...)


I can't imagine what they were thinking with that one!


Well when we arrived at the back of the dinning room we we interdused to a step 8 inches high. Surprise!!! Jimmie (my husband) is in a power chair ,(which they know due to needing measurements for the wheelchair room!!) How are you to get a wheelchair over that I do not know, what where they thinking? With Kali needing to use to washroom, I thought I would try to take her out.


This proves they were NOT thinking!!!! Arrgh! That is COMPLETELY unacceptable.


At first the ppl on the RC ship told me the potty was on the helipad, which is only accessible by stairs. I'm not in a chair and I can do small amounts of stairs when I have to, but that sure wouldn't work for somebody in a wheelchair or who can't do stairs, so I was surprised when they said this! (When they finally got the box out, they ended up placing it before the stairs, so it would have been accessible to all. The only issue with other passengers we had was debarkation day, when the only hallway you can use to get to where the box was was the hallway they used for debarkation and some rude people refused to let me through the crowd even though I was polite as could be and some of them, well, weren't! Grr. Wished I could've said, "Unless you want my dog to crap on your shoe, you will let me through!!" :p )


We where then told this is a staff only area so we are not to hang out here, just let Kali do her stuff then leave. Well the litter box was also right beside 3 VERY large loud fans.

I then tryed to explain that this area was not suitable at all. They tryed to tell us that this is the area the last service dog used so we would have to make it work due to no where else being availabe. I'm sorry but Kali is my husbands dog, not mine and it is his responsability for dog business so he must be able to get to relief area, and Kali can not go to the washroom beside very large load fans blowing on her and the litter.

I was told this was the only area available so it would have to work. The past guest made it work and we would to. At this point I was getting VERY VERY upset. I do not care about the past guest. We are not them and our needs are different and we will be respected.


Ugh, that is so frustrating!! Since when did one solution work for all people?! Even "one size fits all" clothing doesn't actually fit all!


I then spoke with the manager. She said the only other option was going to be in the kid area beside the pool, and we would have to call the guest services desk everytime Kali needed the box so they could bring it out for us. She is a service dog, and she should be on a schedule. Yes she is a very routine dog, but wait a minute. We are on vacation our routine is not at all close to daily schedule so how can hers?? And number two she is so stressed how do we know ahead of time when we needed to take her, it goes on when we feel she might need to try again. Number three -- a kids area?? What are they thinking? Do they not know how kids react around a dog?? They want to play together. How can a dog consintrait on the washroom (that they hate to begin with) when kids want to play with them. Number four -- beside a pool. What is better kids to play with? or a pool to play in??? Again another arguement on my hands.


CrAzY. Just how many complaints would they (and you) get from parents concerning a dog excreting by the kids' pool and play area?! TONS!!


Sorry option one and two are NOT acceptable, and I will get something that works. Finolly they came up with option three. They where able to put the box in the port side embarkation door. This option worked out very well. She had a quite area away from traffic, and it even was on the same floor as our room (that was just a coincidence). Finolly when she got use to using the litter box (and not able to hold on any longer!!) She used the box for pee, but would do her other business in the box. Just beside. (well at least we could clean that one up and put it in the box!!). We asked where we are to put the garbage, I was told to leave it there. (I had baged it for them at least) The litter area only got cleaned one time when we where on the boat for 4 day cruise. The smell was strong but, at least she had somewhere to finolly go that worked out well.


I'm so glad you finally got a good enough spot!! That stinks (literally, haha) that they only cleaned it once. I think RC only cleaned the box once, too, but it didn't stink 'cause it was outside. That was wood chips. What did Carnival give you?

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1. ALWAYS talk to the "Access/Care" Department of the cruise line before you cruise. Let them know about your special needs; potty box/filler/placement/no locked doors, etc. (I know that sometimes there's a huge gap between the cummunication and the ship) but, you may get someone who has great enthusiasm and will address your issues.

Yeah, do be prepared in case what you told the cruise line never got to the ship. I requested a medical fridge for my cabin and when I asked the room steward about it, he said it was not listed on my paperwork, even though I filled out the cruise line's paperwork for it! :rolleyes: I'm not even sure they knew the dog was coming, LOL, since they took forever with the paperwork when checking in and the box wasn't set up.


2. ALWAYS potty your dog before you get on the ship. This will give you hours to investigate and get the box right before your dog hits that "uncomfortable zone!"

It is key to look for the box as soon as you get on board, before the dog needs it. I pottied my dog before leaving our pre-cruise hotel (which took a while, since we were with a group), but by the time we were checked in, onboard, and found the box (like nailing Jell-O to a tree) she needed it again. Actually, it wasn't that we found the box, it was that we finally found somebody who would set the box up. We were already late for a group meeting and it would take time for them to set the box up, but I had to leave partway through the meeting when my dog let me know she needed the box. Thankfully, it was set up by then.

Of course, if you get on the ship before rooms are ready and the box is to be on your balcony, you might have to say your dog needs to use the box in order to get access to your room.


3. The second you get on the ship and you swipe your Sail & Sign Card, ask to speak with the Hotel Manager or the Cruise Director. Have them meet you in your cabin or go to the information desk.

Even after they tell you where it is, check that location immediately! They told me when in the cruise terminal after they were done with my paperwork where the box was located, so I didn't look for it right away and instead went to where I was to meet up with the other group members. Bad idea to not look for the box right away.


4. You want to know the placement of the box/litter [make sure they've placed enough litter in the box for your dog's comfort] and a guarantee that the door to the box will be OPEN 24/7 for your dog to use.

Absolutely. And be sure it is the right kind of filler, as I know Roz has had issues with in the past (read the first page or two of this thread for more info. on that).


5. We are continuing to use Princess because they are so responsive to our needs. (NCL was also very good, we just didn't like the cruiseline.) The Hotel Manager meets me in my cabin before we cruise to make sure I'm happy with the box. He actually walks with me to the box and asks if it's okay!


On Princess they placed the box in a stairwell, near our cabin [not good for someone in a wheel chair. There's a "lip" that you have to step over to enter the area and the door is quite heavy.] Or, they place the box down the hall in a storage closet. If you have a veranda ask them to put the box on it. My DH doesn't like this but it works great! And, they may balk at this but there's no reason they can't do it, insist!!!!!

That's great that they are so good about it! I wonder what they do for people who need a wheelchair-accessible box area?


We have ALWAYS been good steward's of the box. I pick up the waste in a plastic bag and tie it closed, and either leave it inside the recepticle they provide or I leave it by the outside of the box.


For those of you who have had your box on your cabin's balcony before, what do you do with your used poop bags? I assume the cabin stewards don't go out on balconies (or may forget if the box is out of sight from within the room) so don't throw them out, but obviously you don't want that bag in your room's trash can! The bags I use are biodegradable, but I know you're not allowed to chuck stuff off the ship into the sea, so that wouldn't work.


Brenda is so used to the routine of cruising [our next on September 5th will be her 12th cruise] that she literally walks to the stairwell the moment we get off the elevator and start walking towards our cabin. It's very funny, she thinks it's her own personal yacht!!!!!


She has cruised so much she might think your land home is the real vacation spot!!! :p

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you know with such confusion in the cruise lines and the box issues Im wondering if i could get my dog to pee on a strip of the fake grass - i could put a pee pad down under it to catch the pee..... If a line screwed up and didnt have a place for him right away at least I would be prepared ... what would they do ? tell me my dog couldnt pee on board !!! LOL I am hoping it wont take long for the airports to get their acts together too !!! do you know HOW HARD it is to get my dog out after i have flown 3 hours and have 40 min between planes and then we fly for another 3 ... i have to RUN out and potty him them RUN back in and HOPE like heck i didnt miss the connecting plane ... i know a FEW and i mean FEW airports have a place in the secured area for SDs but not that many and non im flying to or thru LOL

Cari and Denver

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you know with such confusion in the cruise lines and the box issues Im wondering if i could get my dog to pee on a strip of the fake grass - i could put a pee pad down under it to catch the pee.....


This is why I am seriously considering buying one of those portable doggy potties that is basically just that, though it has a tray for the pee to fall into (I'd line the tray with the super-absorbant pee pads PetEdge sells, for easy clean-up) and a grate to let it go through and on top of the grate is faux grass (which is treated with antibacterial stuff). Most of them are expensive ($150-300), but I just did another Google search yesterday and came upon a cheaper version (starting at $39 for the small size!) that seems to be a knock-off of the expensive version I was looking into. So, I'm going to look into that one more for sure.


I am hoping it wont take long for the airports to get their acts together too !!! do you know HOW HARD it is to get my dog out after i have flown 3 hours and have 40 min between planes and then we fly for another 3 ... i have to RUN out and potty him them RUN back in and HOPE like heck i didnt miss the connecting plane ... i know a FEW and i mean FEW airports have a place in the secured area for SDs but not that many and non im flying to or thru LOL

Cari and Denver


Yeah, I REALLY wish that the new ACAA had required airports to have the now-required potty areas in the secure area instead of just anywhere on airport property. That would make things SO much better and would mean the difference between not pottying the dog due to a connecting flight (or delayed flight when you're still in the terminal, but they keep only delaying it by 20-30 min. segments) and getting to potty the dog while still making the connecting or delayed flight.


If you've ever flown into or through the Atlanta airport, you know how huge it is - they even have subways to get you from one spot to another because of the size of the thing. Where did they decide to put their potty spot? Outside by the pick-up or drop-off areas! Completely not useful unless you purposely make your connection a few hours long, which is ridiculous. Airports of that size should especially have within-security potty areas.

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And Brenny has such "good" taste, she deserves a personal Yacht! You go, Brenny girl. :D


Had an ugly week, but won't go into it. It was fighting with receptionists at doctors offices for mom. What have I done?


Everyone have a great weekend.




Nancy: I'm sorry that happened to you and your mom. When I was my Mother's caretaker I remember all the episodes with the doctor's office; and the hospital......it can be a nightmare.

Now, I wish she was just around to share moment's with her!

I hope all goes better in the future....hang in there!

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you know with such confusion in the cruise lines and the box issues Im wondering if i could get my dog to pee on a strip of the fake grass - i could put a pee pad down under it to catch the pee..... If a line screwed up and didnt have a place for him right away at least I would be prepared ... what would they do ? tell me my dog couldnt pee on board !!! LOL I am hoping it wont take long for the airports to get their acts together too !!! do you know HOW HARD it is to get my dog out after i have flown 3 hours and have 40 min between planes and then we fly for another 3 ... i have to RUN out and potty him them RUN back in and HOPE like heck i didnt miss the connecting plane ... i know a FEW and i mean FEW airports have a place in the secured area for SDs but not that many and non im flying to or thru LOL

Cari and Denver


The airport potty issue, like so many issues for our dogs will take time!!!! I've tried going into a HC stall in the ladies room and using a puddle pad; giving her the appropriate command.....she refuses to use it!!!!

Brenda now potty's on artificial turf [with a tray], on our patio, at home. I got it from; In The Company of Dogs, it was a bit pricey but considering that I've been using it for over a year and it still looks like new, compared to using sod, that I had to replace every few weeks, it's wonderful.....It's antibacterially treated and she uses it with ease.

Cari: I think you may have something in bringing your own potty box. But, again, you would need the assistance of the cruiseline, to place the box, if you were in an inside cabin. Otherwise you could place it on your veranda. With no headaches!

Quam: As far as what they do with the full bags, whether it's on your veranda or elsewhere.....I made sure that our Steward [in the beginning of the cruise] knew that the bags would be left in the recepticle [trash can] or by the box and I asked that it be removed at the end of each day. I gave him/her an extra tip for being very diligent.

*And, ALWAYS follow the guidelines and laws set down by the cruiseline/TSA or Immigration, in reference to your SD's appropriate paperwork.

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Just a note for everyone, we have been adding pics to Wexlers website so keep it handy for updates! http://wexler2009.shutterfly.com/



I loved the pics of Wexy!!! But, I have to admit the one that got to me was of Bailee - what a sweet face! Her wisdom comes shining through.


PS. The one of Wexler kissing John brought tears to my eyes though. Ahh, happy tears though :D

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Sunshine, Love the puppy pics!!! They are adorable. How lucky to be around puppies all the time.


Miriam, Bailee is just the sweetest dog. She hates the camera and takes terrible pictures. Wexy will pose for anything as you can see.


Roz, In case I forget or am not here, have an awsome cruise!!! We will miss having you around. I can't wait to hear how our "superstar" Brenny does!!! Of course we know she will be great!! Please have hubby take pics for us.



Edited by rangeley
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Sunshine, Love the puppy pics!!! They are adorable. How lucky to be around puppies all the time.


Miriam, Bailee is just the sweetest dog. She hates the camera and takes terrible pictures. Wexy will pose for anything as you can see.


Roz, In case I forget or am not here, have an awsome cruise!!! We will miss having you around. I can't wait to hear how our "superstar" Brenny does!!! Of course we know she will be great!! Please have hubby take pics for us.




Cindy, I loved the pictures as well. It is funny how similar the training room and it looks like your training camp experience is duplicated down here in the not so sunny south. I am having so much fun on nursery days with those pups. OF course the clean up takes a while to acomplish. I think I spend more time cleaning and sweeping in the nursery than I do at my own house:).


Our cruise is only 90 days away!! Yea. My own dog will be going to "Kamp Kathys". My brother and sister in law love to take her when we go on trips. They live out in the country so she gets to race and chase all over the fields, play in the creek and get lot's of attention from Aunt Kathy and Uncle Terry:D.

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Just a note for everyone, we have been adding pics to Wexlers website so keep it handy for updates! http://wexler2009.shutterfly.com/




Great pictures. I recognize one of those as my place of employment haha. Haikey, my husband's service dog, is a regular there. I have made a little "brag book" for my husband to carry along in his wheelchair. It shows Haikey doing some of his chores to help him out.

Since people are constantly stopping us while we are out and asking about just what he does, I have figured out it is true that a picture is worth a thousand words. Saves a lot of time.


Hope This Works



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Sunshine, Love the puppy pics!!! They are adorable. How lucky to be around puppies all the time.


Miriam, Bailee is just the sweetest dog. She hates the camera and takes terrible pictures. Wexy will pose for anything as you can see.


Roz, In case I forget or am not here, have an awsome cruise!!! We will miss having you around. I can't wait to hear how our "superstar" Brenny does!!! Of course we know she will be great!! Please have hubby take pics for us.





Cindy, I loved, loved the pictures of Wexy......his puppyraisers were amazing, in the way that they treated him. He dressed for every occasion and looked like such a happy little boy. And, then there's Bailey.......Hey! It's the older woman syndrome.....she's supposed to stay aloof and act very cool.

She's a love! She didn't bite Wexy's head off, did she?

Thanks for sharing the wonderful pictures and give John, Wexy and Bailee a big kiss from Miss Brenny and me!

I promise to come back and share stories of Brenda's demo onboard the Golden.

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Great pictures. I recognize one of those as my place of employment haha. Haikey, my husband's service dog, is a regular there. I have made a little "brag book" for my husband to carry along in his wheelchair. It shows Haikey doing some of his chores to help him out.

Since people are constantly stopping us while we are out and asking about just what he does, I have figured out it is true that a picture is worth a thousand words. Saves a lot of time.


Hope This Works




Trina, Thanks for sharing those great pictures. It is wonderful seeing a dog out in the real word doing all those commands they have been taught.

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Great pictures. I recognize one of those as my place of employment haha. Haikey, my husband's service dog, is a regular there. I have made a little "brag book" for my husband to carry along in his wheelchair. It shows Haikey doing some of his chores to help him out.

Since people are constantly stopping us while we are out and asking about just what he does, I have figured out it is true that a picture is worth a thousand words. Saves a lot of time.


Hope This Works




Trina: Thank you for sharing the wonderful pictures of a very hard worker; "Haikey!"

Isn't it a miracle what these dogs can do. There's no limit to what they will extend themselves to do. All they want is a big "thank you" or "good" and, they're so happy to complete a task. They always amaze me!

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:D:D He's arrived! JJ is now in my house! His breeder came here just after dinner tonight and left about 20 minutes ago. Well, JJ is feeling quite at home already and happily playing with some new toys in the kitchen with me while I announce his arrival to my CC friends.


OMG, what a lover this boy is. Big time kisser and snuggler! I can't wait to take him for our first walk - going to use that as some Hannah/JJ bonding time as she wasn't terribly sure at first site but as the evening progressed, she would peek around the corner looking for him. Before bed, she said to me 'see you tomorrow Maggie' (thinking it was Maddie back :) )


Anyway, I hope to be able to figure out this photo thing soon so I can send all of you a pic of a super sweet puppy! Time to go cuddle again!!!



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PS. I forgot to tell you about his registered name (I'm a geek when it comes to them and since he didn't have his official name yet, I racked my brain)


So, with my seriously warped mind I wanted to somehow make JJ make sense as a call name - for those of you who were old enough to remember, there was a show with the main character's name being JJ.


My JJ is now officially Symphonie's Good Times which means I seem to be continuing a tradition now with my kerries of naming them after TV shows. Madison was Can. Ch. Symphonie's Mad About You.


OK - night!!! But I am FAR too excited to go to bed :)



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Brenda now potty's on artificial turf [with a tray], on our patio, at home. I got it from; In The Company of Dogs, it was a bit pricey but considering that I've been using it for over a year and it still looks like new, compared to using sod, that I had to replace every few weeks, it's wonderful.....It's antibacterially treated and she uses it with ease.

That's the brand (PupHead) I was looking at, though I didn't like the price (for just a week-long cruise; I wouldn't use it at home except to get her used to it before the cruise). In my most recent search, I found a knock-off version for much less money! It is $35-40 for the small size and $40 more for the large size (though you have to add $13 in shipping to that, of course, LOL, but still a much better price than the PupHead brand!).

To find it, Google "portable dog potty" and it should be in the Sponsored Ads at the top. It is called "Potty Patch". Click on the link from Google and check it out. If you want to purchase it, try to exit the page (i.e. push your "Back" button) and it will tell you there is a special offer for you. The offer should be to buy the potty for $5 less ($35 or $75 depending on the size).

Note: To bring it on a cruise, you'd have to either mail it down to your pre-cruise hotel or bring it on the plane as checked luggage, but the large potty is too large as checked luggage (at least on the airline I checked - it is just over the max. linear measurement). So, you could buy two small ones and place them together to form the same size as the large one. (Or, buy three or four small ones to form a larger space.)

I am seriously thinking of getting some of these for the cruise. I just need to figure out how many. Oh, and I would be lining the trays with PetEdge's brand of piddle pads to make clean-up easier (I'm not about to carry a tray of urine through the cabin and dumping it over the balcony would only land it on the balcony below, LOL!). I'd bring some garbage bags to place these in and also to place the boxes upon in case of leakage as well as one to cover the box in case of rain or the cruiseline washing down the windows/balconies.


Quam: As far as what they do with the full bags, whether it's on your veranda or elsewhere.....I made sure that our Steward [in the beginning of the cruise] knew that the bags would be left in the recepticle [trash can] or by the box and I asked that it be removed at the end of each day. I gave him/her an extra tip for being very diligent.



Thanks, I'm glad I won't have to traipse through the ship with a literally crappy bag (haha) trying to find a place to throw it out where the smell wouldn't offend anyone! :p


BTW - I was wrong in a previous post. I think I stated Mexico has a 48-hour rule for the health certificate, but I noticed on a Web site I happened across (while looking up other countries) that it said 72 hours. So you get an extra day. ;)

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I have returned from my first cruise(Aug. 22 on Sea Princess) with a service dog. We had some rough spots (see Icy Strait Point Attack Cat) but overall it was the best vacation I have ever had. I ate better than I do at home.


Sunny enjoyed all the attention he got as the only dog on the ship. He was probably the most photographed being on the ship. He had off duty social time on the Promenade Deck every day. That is where the potty box was. It was actually two 2.5 foot square wooden boxes put together, covered in plastic, and filled with mulch. There was a garbage can next to the box for any deposits. We liked this placement as Sunny will not potty indoors and needs exercise before pooping.


Everyone wanted to know two things. The first is the usual "Where does he go potty?" The second question I was not expecting was "How much did you pay to bring him?" It took me a while to figure out they did not know what service dog was and wanted to cruise with their pet. Why anyone would want to do that is beyond me. Maybe they think they can just leave the pet in their room when they do not want it? I really wanted to go to dog sled summer camp but would not put my service dog in that environment.


My family wants me to plan another cruise. We were thinking about a New England/Canada cruise next year(2010). I have never traveled outside the US with Sunshine unless you count the walk in Victoria, BC. I doubt we would be covered but does anyone know where I can find service dog laws for New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Quebec? If we start in Quebec how would we get from the airport to the ship? Will tour operators allow service dogs on tours if not required?

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You mentioned yours being the most photographed. We can relate to that too. At Hubbard Glacier, everyone was out on the deck looking at Hubbard Glacier, obviously. The ship's photographer was out there taking pics of passengers. Haikey was having a little playtime with his ball. One picture I took was so funny. The people are eventually all turned looking at Haikey playing with his ball. Now how many dogs can they say get people's attention distracted from Hubbard Glacier? lol


The ship's photographer was having a blast with Haikey. He knows how to strike a pose. The girl on formal night was kinda apprehensive about shooting a pic with a dog in it. Once he saw the camera and we said "STAY", he knew he was in for a photo shoot. He was eating it up and she was having a blast getting him to pose. So funny.


At the photo gallery they told us eventually people were coming up asking where the pictures were of the service dog.

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ok so lame ? but i have a friend who said you didnt need a passport if you were sailing in and out of us ports im assuming that baja ( ensanada ) is a US port and this is what he ment?

also the grass let me check because if anyone is interested i think i know a place who has it for 25 for a 3x3 i would just roll it up and put it in a trash bag and pack it on my cruise i would just lay it over the mulch in the box and call it good and for 20 bucks i would leave it behind maybe leave some info on it and hope that the cruise line might use it again LOL and get a clue:p;):D:):o

cari and Denver

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Trina, Thanks so much for sharing your pictures with us. I loved them. Haikey is adorable and very smart. Did your dog come from CCI?


Miriam, CONGRATS!!! We are so happy for you!! I'm sure JJ and Hannah will be the best of friends. As we know it takes time. I go home to Connecticut 2 days a week and this is the first time that Bailee seemed alittle off. But when I told her we were coming back, she perked up and ran to the car. It almost made me think she missed Wexy?? Maybe?? Could this be?? John and Wex will be home soon and I can't wait to see her reaction. Please try to post some pics. It's pretty easy, so if you need help just ask.



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Trina, Thanks so much for sharing your pictures with us. I loved them. Haikey is adorable and very smart. Did your dog come from CCI?


Miriam, CONGRATS!!! We are so happy for you!! I'm sure JJ and Hannah will be the best of friends. As we know it takes time. I go home to Connecticut 2 days a week and this is the first time that Bailee seemed alittle off. But when I told her we were coming back, she perked up and ran to the car. It almost made me think she missed Wexy?? Maybe?? Could this be?? John and Wex will be home soon and I can't wait to see her reaction. Please try to post some pics. It's pretty easy, so if you need help just ask.




Not sure what CCI is but he came from a place called Therapetics in Tulsa, Oklahoma near us.

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Mornin' all!

Miriam: That is such great news about JJ. And how adorable is that, that Hannah thinks its Maddie! Hopefully she will warm right up to him. Can't wait to see pictures. I sat for two hours last saturday, with my phone plugged into the computer, trying to figure out how to get the down/upload to work. Nothing in my phone instructions really tells this bone head exactly how to do it. I am a visual kinda gal, SHOW ME! Anyway, I have used the "paperclip" on the line with the font style, size and color, on this reply page. It says "attachments" and if you click, it goes to "my computer menu" and I choose pictures etc. The only problem, since I can't the pictures downloaded to computer, my picture selection is limited! Maybe try that feature. I am not sure why no one has suggested using the paperclip attachment before. It seems easier for me than saving to photobucket or whatever. I'm sure there is a reason, its just over my head!

Everyone keep the photos coming. It tears me up seeing all our sweet babies, but I love it! There is a sign on our mailboxes (cluster boxes) for a free Yellow Lab. Five years old, neutered, owner can't keep him. I don't even like to think about it. I miss by big ole lug Reno, but just can't get another dog, right now.

Everyone have a great Friday and weekend, its sneaking up on us!


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Mornin' all!


Miriam: That is such great news about JJ. And how adorable is that, that Hannah thinks its Maddie! Hopefully she will warm right up to him. Can't wait to see pictures. I sat for two hours last saturday, with my phone plugged into the computer, trying to figure out how to get the down/upload to work. Nothing in my phone instructions really tells this bone head exactly how to do it. I am a visual kinda gal, SHOW ME! Anyway, I have used the "paperclip" on the line with the font style, size and color, on this reply page. It says "attachments" and if you click, it goes to "my computer menu" and I choose pictures etc. The only problem, since I can't the pictures downloaded to computer, my picture selection is limited! Maybe try that feature. I am not sure why no one has suggested using the paperclip attachment before. It seems easier for me than saving to photobucket or whatever. I'm sure there is a reason, its just over my head!


Everyone keep the photos coming. It tears me up seeing all our sweet babies, but I love it! There is a sign on our mailboxes (cluster boxes) for a free Yellow Lab. Five years old, neutered, owner can't keep him. I don't even like to think about it. I miss by big ole lug Reno, but just can't get another dog, right now.


Everyone have a great Friday and weekend, its sneaking up on us!




Nancy, I remain superchallenged posting pictures, but am able to email them. If you want email me at ramays@charter.net and I'll send you puppy pictures.

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