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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Mornin' all:

Quam: Yes, she is only 10 months old. And I am afraid they will have to shave her down. She also has those two, one large and one smaller bald spots that are just getting hair to grow on. The vet did a culture on her and said he had no idea what it was. Not hot spots or mange. I just hate the fact, that now it is winter and she already balks at going outside. Can't wait until she is shaved! I guess I will have to get her one of those "new" snuggies they are advertizing for people and dogs. We could get matching ones!

Got Travis' Christmas shopping all done and as far as I am concerned I am done! Guess I must get the tree up this afternoon. At his school they have Santa's workshop where the kids can go in a buy "junk" I mean presents for their families. Travis got his shopping all done too! He was so excited. I left him in there alone to buy mine, so I don't know what it is. I will help him wrap all the others and then Papa can help him wrap mine.

Hope everyone is having a nice Sunday.


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Hmm, strange about the spots that are only just now growing hair. Hopefully they grow in just fine!


LOL at the Snuggie idea! You want your dog to hate you?! ;) Kidding, if you like the Snuggies. There are plenty of doggy jackets, sweaters, etc. that one can get - just make sure it doesn't clash with her collar! :)

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Quam: Snuggies look to restricting to me! Funny you say that about her hating me for it. A friend of mine has been having nightmares about receiving a lot of the snuggies as

Christmas presents. So I told her I had seen them at our local store and they had them for pets. She has a boy pomerian, I told her they could get matching ones. Of course hers would be pink and his would be blue. Anyway, she said she thought about getting him one just to p!ss him off! I told her my little terrorist snapper would chew my fingers off before I got it on her! We may just try a sweater. We got rain, off and on all day today. Sometimes she goes out in it, gets her business done and then wanders around the yard without a care in the world. Now I took her out a few minutes ago and she ran out into the yard and made a u-turn right back to the door. Maybe its the darkness, I don't know and she isn't talking! :D


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Lovely evening. Got the lights up and the Christmas tree out. And it is the first snow of the season and we are headed to a Flyers Game. Let's Go Flyers, Let's Go (maybe our brand new coach will help!)


Enjoy your time with your family and friends....I love this time of year and mostly enjoy the decor and lights.....I must admit I'm a bit of a voyeur....looking into everyone's windows, as I drive by; at their trees and decorations I get that warm/glowy feeling......Geezzzz, I sound like I'm homeless.....thank God, I'm not, I just love it when folks display their trees in their windows for all of us to enjoy!


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Quam: Snuggies look to restricting to me! Funny you say that about her hating me for it. A friend of mine has been having nightmares about receiving a lot of the snuggies as

Christmas presents. So I told her I had seen them at our local store and they had them for pets. She has a boy pomerian, I told her they could get matching ones. Of course hers would be pink and his would be blue. Anyway, she said she thought about getting him one just to p!ss him off! I told her my little terrorist snapper would chew my fingers off before I got it on her! We may just try a sweater. We got rain, off and on all day today. Sometimes she goes out in it, gets her business done and then wanders around the yard without a care in the world. Now I took her out a few minutes ago and she ran out into the yard and made a u-turn right back to the door. Maybe its the darkness, I don't know and she isn't talking! :D




Brenda wore her raincoat yesterday [rubbed herself along the stucco wall to try and get it off, with no success!] It was really raining here. Today it's so cold, I put her red sweater on with her name embroidered on it. She's reluctantly wearing it [she looks so cute], if you can somehow make a Big Black Lab look cute!

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Enjoy your time with your family and friends....I love this time of year and mostly enjoy the decor and lights.....I must admit I'm a bit of a voyeur....looking into everyone's windows, as I drive by; at their trees and decorations I get that warm/glowy feeling......Geezzzz, I sound like I'm homeless.....thank God, I'm not, I just love it when folks display their trees in their windows for all of us to enjoy!





One of my neighbors displays an electric menorah everyyear. She and I always laugh, she likes to drive by my house and see the tree in the upstairs window and I like to watch her candles light up one each night. Her kids told her it was "tacky" but I love it and I bet they display one someday in their own homes.


Back from my cruise, laundry tackled, most of the Chrismtas decor is up and I am going to go to the nursery tomorow. I haven't seen the puppies in three weeks, I can only imagine how much they have grown.


A funny note: You know how when you are out with your SD and people will stop, tell you about their dogs, how much they miss them(if it is on a cruise) tell you when they have lost their pet...... I caught myself almost doing the same thing when I was in Cabo. Rich and I were enjoying people watching and margartia sipping when a couple sat down next to us with a yellow lab and a husky. After asking us if the dog bothered us, I had to hold myself back from asking if I could pat it, and telling them about my own dogs. Rich said he admired my restraint, he thought for sure I was going to strike up a conversation. :D

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She has no choice about the service vest and wears it reluctantly....it's funny to watch her try and shake it off for the first 30 seconds....she finally gives up but it can be very distracting when I first place her vest on and she's focusing on trying to get it off. She has learned to not be so focused on this and focus more on me!


Roz, Rangeley HATED his jacket. We would put it on and he would stand paralyzed, totally frozen!! It was so funny!! One night we were in a restaurant and he kept getting up and down. For some reason we took his jacket off and he layed down for the rest of the dinner. After that he would wear it until we were seated and then it would come off. He had us trained didn't he! :mad:


Wex is still having potty problems. He has been to the vet a few times and we are in contact by phone. He is now on prescription dog food and antibiotics. We certainly did not need this to happen when we are going away in a few weeks. I have no idea when we will get the health certificate or if they will give us one with his problems. The stress is setting in! :eek:



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Evening All:

[she looks so cute], if you can somehow make a Big Black Lab look cute!

You are kidding, right? Brennie is the cutiest girl I have ever seen! :D XOXOXOX

Cindy: Jezzy Lou is one of those that has a queezy tummy for some reason. The other day, she did not eat at all and then threw up? How do you do that? Next morning she was good to go, as hungry as could be. She also has nice firm potty, as long as I put the rice in it. I have cut her down to less than a 1/4 cup. But as soon as I leave it out, her stool is loose. I am going with the happy medium and what works for her. She already ate dinner, tonight, but was just doing her best Chewbaca imitation, so I gave her a little cup of dry food. She is over there munching away. I guess some day we will get it evened out. I hope they get Wexie's problems solved, not just because it is frustrating, but because you cannot make any plans. Don't stress, mom, maybe he just has a fenicky tummy, too. Have you tried calling the school? Maybe someone familiar with his eating habits can shed some light. Just because they told you what food they fed them, maybe there is a combination that worked better with him than others. Good luck, we are all here to support you in anyway we can. Give him and Bailee hugs and kisses.

Everyone have a great rest of the evening and hump day, tomorrow.


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Quam: Snuggies look to restricting to me! Funny you say that about her hating me for it. A friend of mine has been having nightmares about receiving a lot of the snuggies as

Christmas presents.

That is quite a scary nightmare!!!! :eek: I wonder if she ever had nightmares about getting lots of Chia Pets, too? ;)

So I told her I had seen them at our local store and they had them for pets. She has a boy pomerian, I told her they could get matching ones. Of course hers would be pink and his would be blue. Anyway, she said she thought about getting him one just to p!ss him off! I told her my little terrorist snapper would chew my fingers off before I got it on her! We may just try a sweater.

Hehe, yeah, stick with the sweater. ;)

We got rain, off and on all day today. Sometimes she goes out in it, gets her business done and then wanders around the yard without a care in the world. Now I took her out a few minutes ago and she ran out into the yard and made a u-turn right back to the door. Maybe its the darkness, I don't know and she isn't talking! :D




Yeah, my dog doesn't care too much for rain, but sometimes she tolerates it for getting to do one of her favorite things: sniff around the yard. Other times, it is do her business and come right back inside! I do put a raincoat on her when she's gotta "go" in inclement weather at home, though. (It saves me from having to wipe her body down when she gets inside - just gotta do her head and legs.)

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Wex is still having potty problems. He has been to the vet a few times and we are in contact by phone. He is now on prescription dog food and antibiotics. We certainly did not need this to happen when we are going away in a few weeks. I have no idea when we will get the health certificate or if they will give us one with his problems. The stress is setting in! :eek:


Oh no! Sorry to hear he is still not feeling better! Poor pooch. :(


Does the vet have any idea what the cause could be? Have you gone elsewhere for a second opinion? This close to the cruise I wouldn't even question spending the money for a second opinion.


I hope he is better soon!

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This is the strangest thing with Wex. He acts like his usual nutcase. And his potty problem isn't excessive, he doesn't have to go all the time. It's just when he goes his regular time it's not good. He has now been on the Hills ID food for 2 days and he's doing great. Nice firm potty! WoooooHooooo!! He is on the food and antibiotics for 2 weeks, then just the food and then gradually mix his regular food in alittle at a time. We will stick with our vet until we run out of options, he's excellent! I think we have alot of tests and things we can try before we are out of options. Then we will consider doing something else. On a lighter note, he is nuts for the snow!!! Even though today its slushy, he was still hopping around like a nut! I wish I could get a video of him running around, he is so leggy and runs so funny!!



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Roz, Rangeley HATED his jacket. We would put it on and he would stand paralyzed, totally frozen!! It was so funny!! One night we were in a restaurant and he kept getting up and down. For some reason we took his jacket off and he layed down for the rest of the dinner. After that he would wear it until we were seated and then it would come off. He had us trained didn't he! :mad:


Wex is still having potty problems. He has been to the vet a few times and we are in contact by phone. He is now on prescription dog food and antibiotics. We certainly did not need this to happen when we are going away in a few weeks. I have no idea when we will get the health certificate or if they will give us one with his problems. The stress is setting in! :eek:




Cindy: Rangeley and Brenny would have been a great pair!

Cindy, please call the Vet Clinic at CCI and ask if they had problems with Wex's tummy and ask what they fed him and then call the Graduate Department and ask them to connect you with his "Puppyraisers" and ask what they fed him and if he had stomach issues with them.

Some of this "investigating" may come-up with something.

Poor thing, he must be losing weight.

I hope you find a solution and that it comes in time for you all to have a wonderful vacation together!

Maybe Bailee is creating an "issue" with Wex and you're not seeing it. Stress can contribute to stomach problems.

Good luck.....I'll keep you all in my thoughts and hope that it all works out for you! And, especially Wex!

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This is the strangest thing with Wex. He acts like his usual nutcase. And his potty problem isn't excessive, he doesn't have to go all the time. It's just when he goes his regular time it's not good. He has now been on the Hills ID food for 2 days and he's doing great. Nice firm potty! WoooooHooooo!! He is on the food and antibiotics for 2 weeks, then just the food and then gradually mix his regular food in alittle at a time. We will stick with our vet until we run out of options, he's excellent! I think we have alot of tests and things we can try before we are out of options. Then we will consider doing something else. On a lighter note, he is nuts for the snow!!! Even though today its slushy, he was still hopping around like a nut! I wish I could get a video of him running around, he is so leggy and runs so funny!!




I think you're doing great with the solutions for him......I'd love to see him running around in the snow. Brenda has NEVER been in the snow. I don't know what she'd do but, it would be fun to watch!

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Evening All:


You are kidding, right? Brennie is the cutiest girl I have ever seen! :D XOXOXOX


Cindy: Jezzy Lou is one of those that has a queezy tummy for some reason. The other day, she did not eat at all and then threw up? How do you do that? Next morning she was good to go, as hungry as could be. She also has nice firm potty, as long as I put the rice in it. I have cut her down to less than a 1/4 cup. But as soon as I leave it out, her stool is loose. I am going with the happy medium and what works for her. She already ate dinner, tonight, but was just doing her best Chewbaca imitation, so I gave her a little cup of dry food. She is over there munching away. I guess some day we will get it evened out. I hope they get Wexie's problems solved, not just because it is frustrating, but because you cannot make any plans. Don't stress, mom, maybe he just has a fenicky tummy, too. Have you tried calling the school? Maybe someone familiar with his eating habits can shed some light. Just because they told you what food they fed them, maybe there is a combination that worked better with him than others. Good luck, we are all here to support you in anyway we can. Give him and Bailee hugs and kisses.


Everyone have a great rest of the evening and hump day, tomorrow.




Nancy: You're such a sweety and always a great source of encouragement for all of us!

I love your stories about your babies! Keep 'em coming!

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This is the strangest thing with Wex. He acts like his usual nutcase. And his potty problem isn't excessive, he doesn't have to go all the time. It's just when he goes his regular time it's not good. He has now been on the Hills ID food for 2 days and he's doing great. Nice firm potty! WoooooHooooo!! He is on the food and antibiotics for 2 weeks, then just the food and then gradually mix his regular food in alittle at a time. We will stick with our vet until we run out of options, he's excellent! I think we have alot of tests and things we can try before we are out of options. Then we will consider doing something else. On a lighter note, he is nuts for the snow!!! Even though today its slushy, he was still hopping around like a nut! I wish I could get a video of him running around, he is so leggy and runs so funny!!





Dogs are very good at hiding illness (part of the natural if you're sick, you're somebody's lunch thing from the wild), but hopefully he is indeed feeling well and is indeed getting better! I hope he is doing just fine by the time the cruise comes around. Have you decided yet if you are going to get the import permit for Grand Turk or just stay on the ship that port?


Does he hop in the snow like a bunny? That's what mine does in the snow when it is deep and it is so cute! :)

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I'm glad to say that Wex has had five "firm potty" (as Nancy would say hehe). So this food and pills are doing some good. When John took him to the vet yesterday he had only lost 1lb. Hopefully we are back on track. But we did notice his ears stink again :mad: I see he is going to be a chronic ear infected dog. I did read today that a problem with dog food can cause ear infections to reoccur. Now we are wondering if this food is doing all these bad things. We are going to talk to the vet about it when we go for our health cert. Maybe I'll call CCI tomorrow.


I agree with Roz, Nancy is such a sweetheart!! No matter what she is going through, she always has encouraging words for us.:D


Quam, We just talked to someone on Turk today and we will be doing everything by fax. He said we should get the permit faxed back the same day. And Wex does hop and he gets so excited!!



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I'm glad to say that Wex has had five "firm potty" (as Nancy would say hehe). So this food and pills are doing some good. When John took him to the vet yesterday he had only lost 1lb. Hopefully we are back on track. But we did notice his ears stink again :mad: I see he is going to be a chronic ear infected dog. I did read today that a problem with dog food can cause ear infections to reoccur. Now we are wondering if this food is doing all these bad things. We are going to talk to the vet about it when we go for our health cert. Maybe I'll call CCI tomorrow.


I agree with Roz, Nancy is such a sweetheart!! No matter what she is going through, she always has encouraging words for us.:D


Quam, We just talked to someone on Turk today and we will be doing everything by fax. He said we should get the permit faxed back the same day. And Wex does hop and he gets so excited!!




Yay! I knew he could do it! The ear problems with these Labs and Lab mixes is horrible. Brenda is on 100mg of Benadryl daily [50mg in the am and 50mg in the pm, in capsule form, I just put it in with her kibble]....it seems to keep the ear infections away. But she still accumulates a lot of dirt and debris in the ear and the canal.

I wash her ears daily with "Calm Ears Ear Cleanse", I buy it from Entirelypets.com; it contains Aloe Vera and deodorizes and acidifies the canal with a pleasant smell.......I put a lot on a cotton ball, stick it into the ear canal and squeeze the solution in; I remove the cotton ball and then massage the base of the ear. She'll shake her head and make sure that any extra winds-up all over me and anything around me!:rolleyes: This is so much easier than trying to squeeze the solution directly into the canal.

She once had such a bad yeast infection in her ears that she had to be put on Prednisone [we had no idea that she was allergic to the stuff] and, we almost lost her. It was a nighmare!

With the Benadryl [thanks to you guys for the suggestion] and the ear washes it's been over a year since we've had any more serious issues!

Cindy, it sounds like you've got the "potty" issue under control and Wex only lost 1lb......not bad! Did you find out what caused it?

Now, on to his ears.......GEEEZZZZ, it's like having children! Best part; they don't talk back or expect any inheritance!

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I'm glad to say that Wex has had five "firm potty" (as Nancy would say hehe). So this food and pills are doing some good. When John took him to the vet yesterday he had only lost 1lb. Hopefully we are back on track. But we did notice his ears stink again :mad: I see he is going to be a chronic ear infected dog. I did read today that a problem with dog food can cause ear infections to reoccur. Now we are wondering if this food is doing all these bad things. We are going to talk to the vet about it when we go for our health cert. Maybe I'll call CCI tomorrow.


Glad he is doing better!! I'm sure whoever the poop scooper in your house is is even more glad! ;)


I think the vet can give you some medicated stuff for his ears, but if you want to use over-the-counter stuff, I like the stuff Chris Christensen sells. It is non-greasy, gentle, and clear in color. You just squirt a little bit in the ears and massage them a bit and it (quickly) foams up to reach all the crevices (just be careful you don't put TOO much in or you'll have a foamy mess! I know that from experience... :o). Then you wipe the outer ear dry. Even if they shake their heads, the stuff doesn't get all over you like it does when you use the typical ear liquid stuff (which I also know about from experience). http://www.chrissystems.com/mystic_ear.htm I also use a brand of ear wipes you can get at the pet store in a round container that makes them look like baby bottom wipes (and they pull up from the top in the same way) - these are great for a quick clean when you don't need to use the foaming stuff.


Quam, We just talked to someone on Turk today and we will be doing everything by fax. He said we should get the permit faxed back the same day. And Wex does hop and he gets so excited!!


I'm glad you'll get to get off at Grand Turk! :) Are you planning on just doing the beach there? Or doing an excursion? I'm planning on just doing the beach (walking about ten minutes to the right to a more secluded area of it than right where you get off the ship - I learned about it in the Grand Turk section of these boards).


Does Wex also put his nose on the ground and shovel the snow using it (sniffing all the way, of course)? My dog does and it is pretty funny - and then she comes in with snow all over her snout! Of course, she is also like a little child and loves to EAT the snow! :p

Edited by Quampapetet
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Wex is my 4th lab, so I know about ear infections. But Wex has really thick ears. I remember when I touched them for the first time, and thought how much thicker they were than Bailees or any other lab I have had. He had an ear infection when we got him, and then atleast once or twice more sine then (August). Thats alot!:mad: We have this liquid stuff that we hate! I would much rather have a cream or ointment. He shakes and it flys everywhere. When you pet him it's all over and has a wierd dry feeling to it. yuck!


We have no idea about Wex's other problem. No clue what caused it or if it is even gone. We are going to ask about the food he is on and if that could be causing it. I also read the food could be causing his ear problems because he could have an alergy to it. He is just a bundle of fun!


Quam, We are just going to hang around Margaritaville by the pool. Wex does push the snow and does eat it too!! He's just such a nut!




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Wex is my 4th lab, so I know about ear infections. But Wex has really thick ears. I remember when I touched them for the first time, and thought how much thicker they were than Bailees or any other lab I have had. He had an ear infection when we got him, and then atleast once or twice more sine then (August). Thats alot!:mad: We have this liquid stuff that we hate! I would much rather have a cream or ointment. He shakes and it flys everywhere. When you pet him it's all over and has a wierd dry feeling to it. yuck!


We have no idea about Wex's other problem. No clue what caused it or if it is even gone. We are going to ask about the food he is on and if that could be causing it. I also read the food could be causing his ear problems because he could have an alergy to it. He is just a bundle of fun!


Quam, We are just going to hang around Margaritaville by the pool. Wex does push the snow and does eat it too!! He's just such a nut!





Cindy: You went to CCI to get an "assistance" dog and came back with a handful! Only now, he's a "heartful!" Amazing how quickly they can become a part of us!

Again, have a superfantabulous cruise. I hope you'll have a chance to relax and enjoy it!

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Hi, I'm hoping to get to the quick and dirty without going through so many back pages. You guys are definitely prolific writers! :)


I'll be traveling with my small service animal, Salsa, on an upcoming Hal trip. We'll be traveling to Cabo, Peurto Vallarta and Mazatlan. I have the letter from HAL which I will travel with but I'm surprised that my travel documents don't say anything about her accompanying me.


Is there anything else I should be aware of regarding these ports, or HAL? I have to say that the access and compliance department was pretty rude with me while we were emailing back and forth. I just want to have all my ducks in a row so that we can have a smooth sailing.


I have plans on keeping my chi in her travel tote while we are in the dining room to keep from causing such a disturbance. It seems to be the easiest way. Because my disibility is not a physical one that people can see, it causes alot of questions and patience. Again, this is new for me so I suppose I will get more used to it.


Do you all have any helpful hints for me begining with boarding, on the ship and in the ports? Any problems with traveling to Mexico, coming back to the US, etc?

Edited by cruisin' kayakers
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Roz, You know we love him no matter what. We just feel so bad for him, we do not want him to be hurting. Last night his ear was beat red, I decided not to put any medicine til he sees the vet. This morning it doesn't seem as red but he's not to happy when I touch it. I think John is going to leave him home so I can take him to the vet.


Cruisin' kayakers, Welcome to our little world. Since this is our first trip with our new service dog, I can't be of much help. But one of the others will tell you everything you want to know. This is a great group of people. Sorry HAL was rude, sometimes I think it's the person you are dealing with. Some have been great and others not so much. Have a great cruise!



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