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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Roz, You and Brenny will be fine. John feels the same way when he left Rangeley and now Wexy. John actually loves it when he comes home and the dog is so so excited to see him.


We are leaving in the morning for CCI. The testing is Friday morning at the mall there. We have decided I will stay back at CCI while he goes for the test. I thought I might be a distraction for Wex. He might be looking around for me to make sure I am there. John should be fine and I'm sure maybe one of the trainers would drive with him to give him directions. On Saturday our puppy raisers will be coming to visit us. I guess the whole family including the puppy raisers brother who also has a CCI dog will be coming too. We are sad that we will not be bringing Bailee. By the way all of Bailees tests were great! :D As the vet put it "she's perfect". I'm so happy she is doing good. She has lost 22lbs since John and I took over her care 2yrs ago. She's now down to 62lbs. The vet says she looks great but doesn't want her to lose anymore. I have already uped her food and don't want to give her to much but Wex gives her a workout. We hope Wex is in the weight limit when he's checked out at CCI. I think he looks great, he was to skinny when he came home and then with his potty porblems he lost even more weight. I had given him the name Scrawno as in scrawny, skinny, and he actually answers to it when I call him. hehehe The only thing we are alittle nervous about is them throwing food on the ground and him not eating it. Johns hands don't work that good and he is always dropping dog cookies on the floor. And alot of times I will just toss the dogs one not thinking about Wex not eating off the floor. I told him to make sure the trainers know this before the test. Wex is a nut but when it's time to work he really turns it on. We will talk when I get back maybe if we are bored at CCI I will use the computer.



Edited by rangeley
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Roz, You and Brenny will be fine. John feels the same way when he left Rangeley and now Wexy. John actually loves it when he comes home and the dog is so so excited to see him.


We are leaving in the morning for CCI. The testing is Friday morning at the mall there. We have decided I will stay back at CCI while he goes for the test. I thought I might be a distraction for Wex. He might be looking around for me to make sure I am there. John should be fine and I'm sure maybe one of the trainers would drive with him to give him directions. On Saturday our puppy raisers will be coming to visit us. I guess the whole family including the puppy raisers brother who also has a CCI dog will be coming too. We are sad that we will not be bringing Bailee. By the way all of Bailees tests were great! :D As the vet put it "she's perfect". I'm so happy she is doing good. She has lost 22lbs since John and I took over her care 2yrs ago. She's now down to 62lbs. The vet says she looks great but doesn't want her to lose anymore. I have already uped her food and don't want to give her to much but Wex gives her a workout. We hope Wex is in the weight limit when he's checked out at CCI. I think he looks great, he was to skinny when he came home and then with his potty porblems he lost even more weight. I had given him the name Scrawno as in scrawny, skinny, and he actually answers to it when I call him. hehehe The only thing we are alittle nervous about is them throwing food on the ground and him not eating it. Johns hands don't work that good and he is always dropping dog cookies on the floor. And alot of times I will just toss the dogs one not thinking about Wex not eating off the floor. I told him to make sure the trainers know this before the test. Wex is a nut but when it's time to work he really turns it on. We will talk when I get back maybe if we are bored at CCI I will use the computer.






We're not sure if we are going to stop at CCI after the test but if not we will at least get to meet John and Wexler. You could always come to the mall and hang back during the test. My wife and I are a skilled companion team with our daughter and Orson. During the test, one of us is holding the leash and pushing the chair and the other hangs back so as not to be a distraction. This is our second recertification so we know it works. Also, the recert. test is a whole lot easier than the original test was. So hopefully we will see you all on Friday.

Edited by DisneyKidsDad
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Cindy: Thank you for your good wishes and I send the best to you/John and Wexy - I know Wexy will make you proud! I think it's a great idea to give the trainers a "heads-up" prior to the testing, since dropping food is ALWAYS done!

The event went amazingly well.....lots of money was raised for Haiti/Chili and for folks, rights here locally who are living below the poverty line.

When I got home Brenny was waiting in the inside hall, right by the door. Morey said that she had been restless; going between the bedroom/living room and the front hall the majority of the day. She didn't sleep much and is really catching-up today [very loud snoring coming from her bed!]

When she saw me she wagged her tail so hard, her whole body moved and I hugged her and hugged her and hugged her and, you know what, she hugged me right back.......it felt so good. I had fur balls in my mouth all night! I didn't mind at all!!!!!!!

Honestly, hasn't she been in my life all my life!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks guys, for listening.......

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I love hearing y'alls stories. I am sure Wexie will be a super star. I am jealous that you get to have a relationship with your puppy raisers. There is still some distance maintained with my group. Just as a head's up, Crackers is doing very well, but he might not ever wear a pack. Since by law he doesn't have to, we are working with him. He did well wearing a bandana, so I was talking to his trainer abt putting working dog insignia on that. He is coming home this weekend, and we might visit the local bowling ally and maybe rapid transit.


By the way Cindy, I still laugh picturing Baileee squatting, taking care of her business and you sneaking up behind with a bowl......

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Mornin' all:

Well, the move is set for tomorrow morning. We are just going to move the stuff for the little house and get the stuff for storage later. It will seem easier for me, at least I think it will. Right now, I keep saying well I don't have to pack that yet, it is going to storage, I can't pack that yet, it is still something we need here, don't want to pack that yet, you get the picture. So instead I'm on Cruise Critic!

We are supposed to get an offer on the big house today. We shall see. The buyer is a bigger procrasinator than me!

Hope everyone and all the furbabies are great. Talk soon.


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Mornin' all:

Well, the move is set for tomorrow morning. We are just going to move the stuff for the little house and get the stuff for storage later. It will seem easier for me, at least I think it will. Right now, I keep saying well I don't have to pack that yet, it is going to storage, I can't pack that yet, it is still something we need here, don't want to pack that yet, you get the picture. So instead I'm on Cruise Critic!


We are supposed to get an offer on the big house today. We shall see. The buyer is a bigger procrasinator than me!


Hope everyone and all the furbabies are great. Talk soon.




Nancy: I hope your move is an easy one......if that's possible. We used to move at least every 5-10 years [Morey was a real-estate investor] and, we would buy a house fix it up [put all my love and sweat into it] and, we'd move. I kind of liked it then......but, I'd hate doing it now.

We've been in the same place for 18 years [the longest in one place, ever!]

Brenda did a demo at a pre-school this morning........and, she rocked the place.......such an amazing worker.

The kids all commented on how "velvety" her ears felt! Love those Lab velvet ears!

Have a great weekend everyone!

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Hi All, We are back from CCI. We decided at the spur of the moment that the weather was going to be really bad Saturday and we needed to get home. We cancelled with our puppy raisers, packed in 10 minutes and we were out of there. There was supposed to be 50 mph winds and torrential rain. We didn't even know if the ferry would run. As it was the ferry trip was very scary, very rough and huge waves. As it was it rained about half the way home then we finally got ahead of it. Anyway... Wex passed with flying colors!!! WooHoo!! He was the only dog in our class that wasn't fat. We were shocked how large some of the dogs were. I think they talked to most of them about taking the weight off. I was very sad that I didn't get to meet DKD and his family. But John and Wex got to meet them. John said DKD daughter was very excited as her father told her all about Wex. He said Orson was very cute. Maybe some other time we will meet up with them at some CCI function. It was so fun to see everyone again and catch up on how our lives have been going. Quite a few of them live in New Jersey (including our puppy raisers) so we are hoping to make a trip there this summer. Our stay at CCI was great and we can't say enough about the facilities and staff.



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Hi All, We are back from CCI. We decided at the spur of the moment that the weather was going to be really bad Saturday and we needed to get home. We cancelled with our puppy raisers, packed in 10 minutes and we were out of there. There was supposed to be 50 mph winds and torrential rain. We didn't even know if the ferry would run. As it was the ferry trip was very scary, very rough and huge waves. As it was it rained about half the way home then we finally got ahead of it. Anyway... Wex passed with flying colors!!! WooHoo!! He was the only dog in our class that wasn't fat. We were shocked how large some of the dogs were. I think they talked to most of them about taking the weight off. I was very sad that I didn't get to meet DKD and his family. But John and Wex got to meet them. John said DKD daughter was very excited as her father told her all about Wex. He said Orson was very cute. Maybe some other time we will meet up with them at some CCI function. It was so fun to see everyone again and catch up on how our lives have been going. Quite a few of them live in New Jersey (including our puppy raisers) so we are hoping to make a trip there this summer. Our stay at CCI was great and we can't say enough about the facilities and staff.




Yup Cindy,


It was great to meet John and Wexler. Sorry we didn't get to meet you.

Maybe we will get to meet at the graduate workshop in October. We plan to go.

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Hey. Jennifer Arnold is the founder of Canine Assistants. She's written a book to be published in September called "Through a Dog's Eyes". PBS is doing a special on it and filmed at an trainingn camp. Hope this link works. I've worked with a few of those dogs so it is especially fun for me. I can't wait to see the special. it will be on in April in the Atlanta area.

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Hey. Jennifer Arnold is the founder of Canine Assistants. She's written a book to be published in September called "Through a Dog's Eyes". PBS is doing a special on it and filmed at an trainingn camp. Hope this link works. I've worked with a few of those dogs so it is especially fun for me. I can't wait to see the special. it will be on in April in the Atlanta area.


Thank you, for sharing that amazing video with all of us.......I will be glued to my T.V. watching the show. If you find out the exact date and time please let us know........Do you think it will air in L.A. too?


When I see stuff like this it makes me love my Brenny more and more [like I could] every day!

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So get out your hankies....Jennifer Arnold was diagnosed with a juvenile form of MS when she was a teenager and was in a wheel chair. She tried ton obtain a service dog, but was unable to as the only place was out in California. She and her Dad made a pact to train their own service dogs. Her Dad was killed by a drunk driver, but Jennifer and her Mom perservered. At times, they raised funds with collection jars at the mini market/gas stations. She went into remission, and is no longer in a wheelchair, but is a true dog whisperer. CA graduates about 80 dogs a year.

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So get out your hankies....Jennifer Arnold was diagnosed with a juvenile form of MS when she was a teenager and was in a wheel chair. She tried ton obtain a service dog, but was unable to as the only place was out in California. She and her Dad made a pact to train their own service dogs. Her Dad was killed by a drunk driver, but Jennifer and her Mom perservered. At times, they raised funds with collection jars at the mini market/gas stations. She went into remission, and is no longer in a wheelchair, but is a true dog whisperer. CA graduates about 80 dogs a year.


I don't know Jennifer Arnold [this is the first time I've ever heard her name] but, I love her and would love to meet her!

I give her kudo's for all that she's experienced and still she's kept her eyes on the prize and goes forward......definitely, my kind of woman!

She's my "Hero" for the week!

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I don't have a lot of contact with Jennifer, I'm more hands on with the trainers. I would say she knows who I am and has worked with me when "Crackers" was having some of his issues. She just loves all the dogs and more importantly, loves what they do for the recepients.


Speaking of my boy, I was having some jumping issues with him, so i asked his trainer if she wanted me to give him an "off" command, a "no" correction or an ignore. She said he is still young and so exctited to see me, that she is not unhappy or surprized with the jumping. She suggested shortening his leash, and not giving him any attention (so ignore) until he sat or was quiet. It really worked. I few jumps and then he must have figured out let's try a sit. I was all over him, kissing him, praising him, he just wiggled. Then he actally stayed at a nice sit while I spoke with another volunteer. Since this was all on property, I am really happy. Most dogs do better when i get them off property and a way from distracttion.

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I don't have a lot of contact with Jennifer, I'm more hands on with the trainers. I would say she knows who I am and has worked with me when "Crackers" was having some of his issues. She just loves all the dogs and more importantly, loves what they do for the recepients.


Speaking of my boy, I was having some jumping issues with him, so i asked his trainer if she wanted me to give him an "off" command, a "no" correction or an ignore. She said he is still young and so exctited to see me, that she is not unhappy or surprized with the jumping. She suggested shortening his leash, and not giving him any attention (so ignore) until he sat or was quiet. It really worked. I few jumps and then he must have figured out let's try a sit. I was all over him, kissing him, praising him, he just wiggled. Then he actally stayed at a nice sit while I spoke with another volunteer. Since this was all on property, I am really happy. Most dogs do better when i get them off property and a way from distracttion.


Love that "positive re-inforcement!" It works great for Brenda. :)

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So the jumping is improving in leaps and bounds(but no jumps)! usually now all it takes is a look and maybe a little tap of my toe(not on the dog) and Cracker's puts his butt right down on the ground and looks at me with a big doggy grin. Still having trouble sleeping in the crate, much prefers to sleep by my bed. Which is OK, but I really would like him comfortable in his crate, in case that is where his recepient will want him. Still having pack issues:confused::confused::confused:. He is doing so well in all other areas. pushes all the elevator buttons for me yesterday, and will pick up remotes, dropped napkins, etc on request.



We are doing taxes, and shredding stuff as we go. So, just shredded the receipts from our first cruise to Hawaii 2005! I would have been happier shredding if we had another booked, but not at this point. We do have FCC booked with Princess, just waiting the right time and right cruise. Hmmmmm, maybe it will have some of my four footed friends: (looking at you Brenda, Wexie, Valentine, Denver, Orson and others.....)

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I hope this posts because this site is all screwed up on our computer. We had some devastating news yesterday. One of our fellow trainees past away Saturday... A 10yr old boy. We became very friendly with him and his family and were planning a trip to see them this summer. We had just seen him and his mom last weekend at CCI. We are just so saddened to hear this. Please keep him and his family in your prayers. I have to go to take care of my mom for a day or two and I should be back on Wednesday.



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So the jumping is improving in leaps and bounds(but no jumps)! usually now all it takes is a look and maybe a little tap of my toe(not on the dog) and Cracker's puts his butt right down on the ground and looks at me with a big doggy grin. Still having trouble sleeping in the crate, much prefers to sleep by my bed. Which is OK, but I really would like him comfortable in his crate, in case that is where his recepient will want him. Still having pack issues:confused::confused::confused:. He is doing so well in all other areas. pushes all the elevator buttons for me yesterday, and will pick up remotes, dropped napkins, etc on request.



We are doing taxes, and shredding stuff as we go. So, just shredded the receipts from our first cruise to Hawaii 2005! I would have been happier shredding if we had another booked, but not at this point. We do have FCC booked with Princess, just waiting the right time and right cruise. Hmmmmm, maybe it will have some of my four footed friends: (looking at you Brenda, Wexie, Valentine, Denver, Orson and others.....)


We're on the Sapphire Princess on November 27th....come onboard......We'd love it!

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I hope this posts because this site is all screwed up on our computer. We had some devastating news yesterday. One of our fellow trainees past away Saturday... A 10yr old boy. We became very friendly with him and his family and were planning a trip to see them this summer. We had just seen him and his mom last weekend at CCI. We are just so saddened to hear this. Please keep him and his family in your prayers. I have to go to take care of my mom for a day or two and I should be back on Wednesday.




Cindy: I'm so sorry to hear about your friend's companion. Only 10years old. I'm sure if he was part of CCI he had a wonderful and fulfilling life.

It's probably the most consoling factor in the loss of a furbaby and working partner associated with CCI [it doesn't really make it easier] but just knowing that their lives were filled with so much attention and love from everywhere they've been and from everyone who ever touched them and in whom they've touched, especially their working partners in their homes, relieves some of the stress of the loss.

Although, loosing even a "pet" that's there to give and receive only love can devastate us when they pass.

I pray that Brenny has good senior years ahead of her as we celebrate her 10th Birthday, very soon. Three of her CCI kennel mates have already passed. Way too difficult for me to comprehend.

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Cindy: I'm so sorry to hear about your friend's companion. Only 10years old. I'm sure if he was part of CCI he had a wonderful and fulfilling life.


It's probably the most consoling factor in the loss of a furbaby and working partner associated with CCI [it doesn't really make it easier] but just knowing that their lives were filled with so much attention and love from everywhere they've been and from everyone who ever touched them and in whom they've touched, especially their working partners in their homes, relieves some of the stress of the loss.


Although, loosing even a "pet" that's there to give and receive only love can devastate us when they pass.


I pray that Brenny has good senior years ahead of her as we celebrate her 10th Birthday, very soon. Three of her CCI kennel mates have already passed. Way too difficult for me to comprehend.




Sorry to be the one to tell you this but it was the 10 year old boy that passed. We met them at the recert a couple of weeks ago on Long Island, NY and had lunch with them at the food court at the mall. We found out about this tragic event this past Sunday from a CCI puppy raiser friend of ours.

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Sorry to be the one to tell you this but it was the 10 year old boy that passed. We met them at the recert a couple of weeks ago on Long Island, NY and had lunch with them at the food court at the mall. We found out about this tragic event this past Sunday from a CCI puppy raiser friend of ours.


Wow! So sad! What happened? Was he ill?

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Roz, He had CP, and was severely disabled. He had just gotten a dog in our class and we became very friendly with his family and their friends whos son also has CP and got a dog in our class. The two mothers are the most incredible parents I have ever met. The 24 hour a day care these kids need is mindblowing. He had many more health problems than the other boy. Having a son of my own, I cannot comprehend losing a child. It's taken me 2 days just to write a sympathy card. I don't know why it hit me so hard, maybe just seeing him last weekend or just the thought of losing a child. But I'm having a really hard time with it.


DKD, I wasn't sure if you knew who they were, but I guess you do. It was nice that you got to have lunch with them.



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