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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Roz, He had CP, and was severely disabled. He had just gotten a dog in our class and we became very friendly with his family and their friends whos son also has CP and got a dog in our class. The two mothers are the most incredible parents I have ever met. The 24 hour a day care these kids need is mindblowing. He had many more health problems than the other boy. Having a son of my own, I cannot comprehend losing a child. It's taken me 2 days just to write a sympathy card. I don't know why it hit me so hard, maybe just seeing him last weekend or just the thought of losing a child. But I'm having a really hard time with it.


DKD, I wasn't sure if you knew who they were, but I guess you do. It was nice that you got to have lunch with them.




It seemed like all the people that stayed in the mall for lunch settled in the same area of the food court. We started talking to both moms and found out that they didn't live very far from us. About an hour north. We started joking that with all the graduates and puppy raisers in central and south jersey, we needed to starting setting up a central/south jersey chapter of CCI.

And speaking of puppy raisers, I just found out that I know Wexler's puppy raisers. We have been together at a couple of public awareness and fundraising events. I saw them at a book signing at a local Barnes & Noble last weekend. That's when I found out they were Wexler's puppy raisers. They are really great people.

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DKD, Wow who would have thought you would meet our puppy raisers! They are awesome, and did a great job with Wex. Did you get to meet their pup Percy? They tell us that he is alot like Wexler. There seems to be alot of CCI people in Jersey.



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DKD, Wow who would have thought you would meet our puppy raisers! They are awesome, and did a great job with Wex. Did you get to meet their pup Percy? They tell us that he is alot like Wexler. There seems to be alot of CCI people in Jersey.






Yes we did get to meet Percey. He seems like a very well behaved pup. We have met alot of puppy raisers through a couple of puppy raisers that you guys met during team training. They are May and Lauren. They brought lunch up for you guys one day. We got to talking to them when they brought us lunch and found out they live about 45 min. north of us.

We exchanged e-mail addresses and now we are involved in alot of CCI fundraising and public awareness functions. It's great to be able to give something back to CCI.

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Mornin' all:

You guys are awesome! The energy you have to give back to "whomever", CCI, your community is astounding. I feel guilty when I can't help. Taking care of Mom, Travis and now Jezzy's issues overwhelms me sometimes. Jezzy bit our new neighbor. We have gone into "Jezzy's needs" mode. I guess the move bothered her more than she let on or than we noticed. Last night was calm around here and I intend to keep it that way.

Everyone have a great Thursday. The weekend is ahead of us.


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DKD, Oh I remember May, she's a hot ticket!! She was so fun at lunch, we laughed the whole time. I don't remember Lauren though, but I bet if I saw her I would. I guess our CCI chapter has had some problems. So John is working with Deb at CCI to get things going up here again. Right now we hang with the puppy raiser group here.


Nancy, I'm sorry to hear Jezzy bit someone!:eek: I hope it wasn't to bad. It's hard to take care of everyone and realize you need time to help yourself. For me, I go back and forth from Mass to Ct to take care of my mom, and my son, who at 25 needs more help than I can give!! hehehe And of course I am here helping out John too. And 2 dogs!! As far as the dog thing goes, I think all of us enjoy educating people about the dogs and of course showing off our beautiful babies!!!!! Anything we can do to help CCI out, we will do. Just look what they have done for us.




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Wow where is everyone? We have been sitting in the house for 2 days cuz the rain is never gonna end!!:mad: The dogs are getting restless and running in the halls just isn't cutting it for them. Hopefully today or tomorrow is going to be the last day, then it will be sunny and in the 70's and 80's for Easter. WooooHoooooooo!!!!!



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Mornin' all:

Cindy: Nothing like a Lab holed up in the house! They think they are little lap dogs and have no idea they weigh up to a hundred pounds! I bet everyone will be happy when the weather breaks. I can't complain, we have been in the low 80's for about a week. Nice and cool in the evenings and morning. I just am not ready for the summer which by all indications will be a scorcher.

Hope everyone is just busy and not having a chance to catch up here.


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I have a beautiful 13 month old golden/mix at my feet. He is so sweet, quiet in the crate and has a wonderful loose leash heel. My kind of dog (sorry Crackers, I know you are still a work in progess...). We went to a high school Lacrosse game yesterday. Of course all the parents are trying to figure out who we are since there are not that many in attendance. My boy stood nicely during the national anthem and then stood at the correct time for cheers. Other than that we entertained many questions in the stands. (Aren't these people supposed to be watching their kids on he field, haven't they ever seen a golden retriever????) Anyway, it was a great outing for this fella and I filed an outing report last night.


On to cruise talk: A friend at work has suggested the Carribbean Princess out of NY in October. Mr Sunshine seemed intrigued, so I have that on my radar. Miss all of you. This thread has been kind of quiet lately.

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Sunshine: That is a great story. It sounds like that young man is headed for a great review and on to graduation to make someone a great service man!

We have been quiet lately. I still do not have my computer hooked up, since the move. I use hubby's in the am before work.

Where is everyone? Cruise talk will hopefully be on our horizon, possible Octoberiess? I already feel bad about Jezzy. Not sure what we will do with her. She is so snooty. I think she still has abandonedment issue. Still won't stay outside alone. Has to be my one of us at all times and lately goes looking for the other one. I hope us leaving her for a cruise doesn't kill her little spirit.

Everyone have a great day.


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He must think he has been sent to boot camp! Early to bed, early to rise and two (two mile) walks a day! Plus, he was getting a bit chubby at the farm, so he has reduced rations. He has learned how to stare at the pantry like my own dog does. Doesn't work, but still he tries.

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www.pbs.org/dogs-eyes The link is for a trailer on PBS: Through a dog's eyes is all about service dogs. It will be showing April 21 on PBS channels, so check your local listings. I can't wait. And for those who remember me posting about a fabulous flat coat retriever: keep your eyes peeled, this was filmed at his graduation camp, so chances are you'll see him.

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Mornin' all:

Sunshine: What a great clip. I am in tears now, but tears of joy. I miss my special ed kids so much. Those pups are great and of course the puppy raisers and assistants can't get enough praise! :D

Hope everyone has a great weekend, we have today off so three days will be good!


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Hi All, Hope everyone had a great Easter/Passover! We drove down to Ct to spend Easter with my mom and son. We went to a nice restaurant in our town then back to moms for some playtime with the dogs. Poor Bailee was hurting when we got home. To much running in the yard and standing in the van for the 2 hours each way. She had a rimadyl and is going to rest all day today.


Sunshine, We can't wait to see the PBS show. John has it on his calendar so we won't miss it.


Anyone know where Roz is?? She hasn't written since March 25th, I hope things are ok.



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Hi All: I'm back to work. We were with our children for Spring Break and then a quick jaunt to Las Vegas. We stayed at the Golden Nugget in their new Rush Tower. It's absolutely gorgeous. They welcomed Ms. Brenny with open arms and we had no problem in any casino, excet for the Palazzo Hotel.....the security guy followed us through the casino to the ice cream shop. He then commented to me how well behaved Brenny was......I knew he was checking on her behavior. It really didn't bother me and, actually I'm glad that they're being so careful!

The folks who are buying service vests off the internet aren't doing us any favors!!! He said that he now asks people who are bringing in dogs with these vests on [if they don't have an Org's logo, it's a red flag to them] to show what task the dog mitigates for the handler. He also stated that last week he had to ask a lady to remove her Llaso Apso from the hotel because the dog would not stop barking and growling at other guests.......Please!!!!!!!!!!!

Did you guys see the Sarah Palin show last week? [No political commentary here!] She had a CCI Service Dog on with a little boy with CP. I believe the dog was named Ilia. It was a 7 year old Black Lab. Loved it!

I haven't had a chance to catch-up on everyone's emails. But, to all who are cruising soon........Bon Voyage!

We don't go again until November 27th. I'm trying to stick a short one in this summer but I've been so busy with family and work, I haven't planned one. There's a lot of really great last minute deals on NCL, right now! [Not my favorite cruiseline but they treated Brenny so well, maybe I'll try her again!]

Take care.....got to go back and make some bucks!!!!!!

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Roz, Glad you are back. I didn't recall you saying you were traveling for the holiday. I think more places should be asking to see some form of ID for service dogs. I know it's an inconvenience to have to dig out ID but it's worth it if they snag these people passing dogs off as service dogs.



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He said that he now asks people who are bringing in dogs with these vests on [if they don't have an Org's logo, it's a red flag to them] to show what task the dog mitigates for the handler.

That is illegal. A business cannot require a task demonstration. Some tasks can't even be demonstrated on command, like seizure alerts, or would be potentially dangerous to demonstrate, like balance work, anyway.

A business can require a person to tell them what tasks the dog is trained to do that mitigate the disability, but not have the person demonstrate any tasks. A business can also ask if the person is disabled and if the dog is their service dog.

P.S. Anything you would recommend doing, restaurants you would recommend eating at, etc. in Vegas? I've never been, but am planning on going.

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I think more places should be asking to see some form of ID for service dogs. I know it's an inconvenience to have to dig out ID but it's worth it if they snag these people passing dogs off as service dogs.


That is also illegal; a business cannot ask for such forms of proof in the U.S.


Also, not everybody has IDs (or shows them, due to the laws) and it is easy to buy a fake SD ID/certification online or make your own, so it would do squat.

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Mornin' all:

What a big pile of dog poo. No wonder people scam the service dog industry. It sounds like there are no consequences. Thats a shame. I think I told you all, years ago we ran into a couple, out on the river. They had a black lab and her sister and husband had a chocolate one. They had made imposter vests and were bragging about taking them on airplanes etc. I was young and naive and didn't have the guts to say anything, but hubby and I talked about it later. Its sad that they really didn't think they were doing anything wrong.

I think about poor Bailee and how her and her mom were harassed on the beach on vacation. She is legit and she gets harassed, go figure. Where was that security guard from he!! to harass the imposters?

Enough rant. Hope everyone has a fine Friday.


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Vegas eateries: [is that a word?]

  • Best buffet in the world: Rio Hotel Las Vegas [off the strip-on the same street corner as Caesars Palace.] The Wynn also has a wonderful buffet.
  • Best coffee shop [their hot fudge sundaes are to die for] Peppermill Restaurant-they also have great salads and sandwiches [near the Wynn].
  • Best Ice Cream [gelatto] the Palazzo.

We've found that all of the hotels we entered were very "Service Dog" friendly [just very wary and watchful of the dogs obedience.] And, I swear, we made it into every single big hotel on the strip. We were there for 6 days.

And, the laws that govern our SD's may be one thing but how we're treated is another.

My best suggestion for going into the public venue with our dogs......

1. Never allow your dog to display poor behavior. After all, they are still dogs and may try to forage or sniff or approach somone who is stupidly calling them.

2. If asked a question by a security person [who may not be "up" on ADA laws.......answer the questions in a "positive/assertive" manner.]

3. Be mindfull of folks who are desparately affraid of dogs or are allergic.

Most of the public are in such "awe" of seeing a dog in the casino's/theatre's and restaurants that they will treat you very well and just stare a lot!

Wynn hotels have "artificial turf" best place to potty, if you're exploring the strip.

We stayed at the Golden Nugget and outside their garage area is a planted area that we used for her potty box.


It is true that some Organizations that train Service Dogs do NOT supply you with Certificates - THEY ALL SHOULD. And, it should be something that all of us advocate and push for. Start insisting that your organization supply you with a Certificate of Training, with the Organizations insignia and Directors name on it. If they all followed CCI's lead on doing this, then the folks who download "blackmarket certs./vests, etc." couldn't do it and the business's that promote it would be out of business.

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Vegas eateries: [is that a word?]

Thanks for the recommendations! And, yes, "eateries" is a real word. :)


It is true that some Organizations that train Service Dogs do NOT supply you with Certificates - THEY ALL SHOULD. And, it should be something that all of us advocate and push for. Start insisting that your organization supply you with a Certificate of Training, with the Organizations insignia and Directors name on it. If they all followed CCI's lead on doing this, then the folks who download "blackmarket certs./vests, etc." couldn't do it and the business's that promote it would be out of business.


That will only make it harder for people who didn't get their dogs from an organization or trainer. Many people self-train for various reasons - many-years-long waiting lists at the organizations, no organizations that train their type of tasks, their type of tasks are best trained for the individual, they already have a dog that works well (i.e. a dog that alerts to their seizures), financial reasons, health reasons, where they live, etc.


It also would make it hard if something happened to your vest that had the logo on it or if you forgot it (i.e. you weren't planning on going into a store, but on your way home from the vet's, pet store, groomer's, or a friend's house you realized you needed to get something - not everybody can go back home to get the vest and go out again).


As for showing papers just so a disabled person can enter a place everybody else can, that's just discrimination here in the U.S. I do not and will not advocate such things the law does not require unless and until the law does require them. I do not show my Service Dog Team Certification certificate or wallet card to gain access in the U.S. (I also haven't needed to show it to gain access in foreign countries.)


And even if every real service dog handler used a vest with a special logo and/or showed their paperwork, it would not prevent anybody from buying fake certification online or making it themselves and using it.


Businesses need to learn how to recognize real service dogs, how to spot the vests/papers from those fake online registries, that they can kick out any misbehaving dog (including a real service dog), that they can ask the three questions of any service dog team to see if they are legit (especially the task question), that they can call the ADA Hotline with any questions about the ADA, etc.

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