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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Something else to consider is that in France "pet" dogs are allowed in public areas, including restaurants. They even have serve them food and water in the restaurants.


We also saw a dog in a restaurant in Geneva, Switzerland. We were shocked and Brenda was very distracted. Something you have to get used to seeing in Europe and be ready to re-direct your Service Dog.


We found the Europeans to be very acceptable and even "amazed" and a "respectful" of Brenda.


We were very welcomed.

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After a lot of speculation and suggestions from you I've decided not to have Brenda potty inside the hotel room bathroom.

As Quam mentioned in regard to her NEVER going potty in the inside of our home or in a hotel, etc., etc. I think this would definitely send a very confusing message to her. If we had a patio or veranda in the hotel it would be different.

If she can wait while onboard an airplane for many hours, she can do the same in this instance.

She'll have a "late" night potty time and then again in the morning.

It's nothing new for her, she's traveled a lot, I was just hoping we could make it easier on all of us!!!!

The exercise will do us all good!

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When things seem to be going down hill I visit the disabled thread and have a talk with myself. So even though a tree landed on my car and totaled it, then my MIL gave me her 93 Cadillac and I wrecked it, I'm sucking it up. Can't believe 35 years of accident free driving came to and end on the expressway and I was at fault. Those big Caddies take a long time to stop. Thankfully, I had no injuries except my pride and the other driver also is fine.


On a fun note, bonding is going well with Cooler. She is cute and full of energy, plus, very smart. Learning her commands well, house training going very well when I have her on home visits and she is starting to bond with me. I was calling her Princess Cooler for awhile because she was so tiny (especially compared to her roomates). Taking that name away from her. She is one tough cookie. Holding her own with the big boys. Rough and tumble play, the more the better. She has a huge knot on her head from all the rough stuff, but no harm. I took her and her 3 buddies to play on the agility yard. Of course Cooler finds the mud puddle, thinks she should have a swim...one georgia clay covered yellow lab and then she jumps all over her three "doodle" buddies and they literally have red paw prints all over them. Luckily she loves bath time, marches right up the stairs to the tub, doesn't try to escape, and even handles the hair dryer and "force" dryer well. Whew... so far she is very bold and confident. Not much of a snuggler, more of a wiggly girl. It is probably good that she is very different from Crackers. I wish I knew how he was doing........

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When things seem to be going down hill I visit the disabled thread and have a talk with myself. So even though a tree landed on my car and totaled it, then my MIL gave me her 93 Cadillac and I wrecked it, I'm sucking it up. Can't believe 35 years of accident free driving came to and end on the expressway and I was at fault. Those big Caddies take a long time to stop. Thankfully, I had no injuries except my pride and the other driver also is fine.


On a fun note, bonding is going well with Cooler. She is cute and full of energy, plus, very smart. Learning her commands well, house training going very well when I have her on home visits and she is starting to bond with me. I was calling her Princess Cooler for awhile because she was so tiny (especially compared to her roomates). Taking that name away from her. She is one tough cookie. Holding her own with the big boys. Rough and tumble play, the more the better. She has a huge knot on her head from all the rough stuff, but no harm. I took her and her 3 buddies to play on the agility yard. Of course Cooler finds the mud puddle, thinks she should have a swim...one georgia clay covered yellow lab and then she jumps all over her three "doodle" buddies and they literally have red paw prints all over them. Luckily she loves bath time, marches right up the stairs to the tub, doesn't try to escape, and even handles the hair dryer and "force" dryer well. Whew... so far she is very bold and confident. Not much of a snuggler, more of a wiggly girl. It is probably good that she is very different from Crackers. I wish I knew how he was doing........


OMG! I'm glad to hear that you're okay.......A car accident is why I need to have Brenda in my life today. I won't tell you the whole story [if you think I can write forever before.....this story would take two pages].....The short side: I was the driver, Morey the passenger, in May, 2000, on our way to Palm Springs.

An American Indian [this is important to the story] woman was standing on Interstate 5 [this higway is a 75mph speedway], she apparantly wanted to kill herself because of some indiscretion unallowed by her tribe [all of this came out later by the DA's investigation.]

I was rounding a curve and hit her, she flew through our windshield, my car spun around, spinning her off the window onto the highway [where she was killed instantly], a pregnant woman driving behind me stopped her car, went into labor......it was a nightmare-this major highway was backed-up for 12 hours afterwards.......I broke my arm, fingers, knee, ankle and punctured an ear drum. I'll stop now, sorry, every time I hear about a car accident it just pushes that button!

I'm so glad you're okay. And hearing about "Cooler" and her success's is so wonderful. She's quite a character. Brenny isn't much of a "cuddlebug" either......she'd rather we massage or stroke her rather than encompass her in a "hug!"

I can picture those "paw prints" all over her buddies....so cute! We passed through Georgia on one of our road adventures to see the U.S. first and, I remember that "Georgia clay".

Cindy, I'm glad you're okay and no one was hurt!

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After a lot of speculation and suggestions from you I've decided not to have Brenda potty inside the hotel room bathroom.


As Quam mentioned in regard to her NEVER going potty in the inside of our home or in a hotel, etc., etc. I think this would definitely send a very confusing message to her. If we had a patio or veranda in the hotel it would be different.


If she can wait while onboard an airplane for many hours, she can do the same in this instance.


She'll have a "late" night potty time and then again in the morning.


It's nothing new for her, she's traveled a lot, I was just hoping we could make it easier on all of us!!!!


The exercise will do us all good!


I'm sure she'll be fine. :)


I do a morning potty time (usually before breakfast, but depending on the room-to-potty-area distance sometimes after breakfast [i.e. at the afore-mentioned Disney resort it was easier to do it after breakfast since we were on our way to the bus to go to the parks anyway, but if my dog asked to go before breakfast, I took her]) and the last potty time of the day is around 11:30p (unless we're out past that time so her dinner is later), just like at home. When she goes throughout the day depends on when she needs to go, what we're doing (out of the room doing whatever or in the room), etc.


When you check in, request a room close to the elevators (if there are multiple sets, the elevators closest to an outdoor exit on the ground floor) and explain the reason for your request. (You could also make the request a few days in advance so you don't have to change rooms at check-in.) Sometimes hotels will do this for you automatically when they see you have a service dog with you, too.


If your dog is used to going on her little patio potty area, she'll be fine using any small potty area you can find in the corner of a parking lot or whatnot. Be creative and use any area you can find that is absorbant (grass, dirt, mulch, sand, etc.). It'll work out. :)

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When things seem to be going down hill I visit the disabled thread and have a talk with myself. So even though a tree landed on my car and totaled it, then my MIL gave me her 93 Cadillac and I wrecked it, I'm sucking it up. Can't believe 35 years of accident free driving came to and end on the expressway and I was at fault. Those big Caddies take a long time to stop. Thankfully, I had no injuries except my pride and the other driver also is fine.


Glad you're okay!!! :cool:

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I'm sure she'll be fine. :)


If your dog is used to going on her little patio potty area, she'll be fine using any small potty area you can find in the corner of a parking lot or whatnot. Be creative and use any area you can find that is absorbant (grass, dirt, mulch, sand, etc.). It'll work out. :)


Thanks Quam. We're used to "making it work!" Rain/snow/sleet/ice/heat/hail/sandstorm/dark of night/very, very early/pebbles/gravel/clay/tarmack/grass/sod/artificial turf/stones/mulch/wood chips/saw dust....etc,etc. How many things can you name that you've had to "potty" you dog in or on? Just kidding!

When I was writing this, I thought about how my life has changed since I've gotten a Service Dog! Mostly for the better.....but, the "potty time" where and when can be so weird and, not always in a good way.....but, it has to be done!

Someone should write a book about this!

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When I was writing this, I thought about how my life has changed since I've gotten a Service Dog! Mostly for the better.....but, the "potty time" where and when can be so weird and, not always in a good way.....but, it has to be done!

I don't appreciate the early-morning wake-up potty times, that's for sure!!!!! :p


Someone should write a book about this!


Well, I do know there are calendars that have photos of piles of poop in different places.... :eek: :D

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OMG Sunshine! We are so glad that you are ok. What a terrible thing to have to go through. We wouldn't want anything to happen to our favorite doggie trainer.


Well Bahamas is trying to fax our permit to us. They tried twice to send it to our home phone. We called and gave them the office number and this morning they faxed us someone elses permit. Hopefully by days end we will get the right one. I can't believe that they are sending it already!! Thats one down. I am going to try something to St Maarten today and maybe St Lucia just to see what they say. My son might be going with us, so I am very excited. He is a big help and alot of fun. And Wex's biggest fan.



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OMG Sunshine! We are so glad that you are ok. What a terrible thing to have to go through. We wouldn't want anything to happen to our favorite doggie trainer.


Well Bahamas is trying to fax our permit to us. They tried twice to send it to our home phone. We called and gave them the office number and this morning they faxed us someone elses permit. Hopefully by days end we will get the right one. I can't believe that they are sending it already!! Thats one down. I am going to try something to St Maarten today and maybe St Lucia just to see what they say. My son might be going with us, so I am very excited. He is a big help and alot of fun. And Wex's biggest fan.




Cindy, good luck. Where did you get your countdown clock? I want one!

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Roz, love your countdown clock. Last year I found that site and I loved that you could put the dog in it. This year when I went to do it, I forgot what the site was :eek: It took me a few days to find it and now its in my favorites.

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Roz, love your countdown clock. Last year I found that site and I loved that you could put the dog in it. This year when I went to do it, I forgot what the site was :eek: It took me a few days to find it and now its in my favorites.


It was totally your idea. Aren't the dogs cute. Thanks DKD for the lesson.

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Well Bahamas is trying to fax our permit to us. They tried twice to send it to our home phone. We called and gave them the office number and this morning they faxed us someone elses permit. Hopefully by days end we will get the right one. I can't believe that they are sending it already!! Thats one down. I am going to try something to St Maarten today and maybe St Lucia just to see what they say. My son might be going with us, so I am very excited. He is a big help and alot of fun. And Wex's biggest fan.


You must have faxed for it? I always mail mine in. Did they charge you to fax it? Usually they charge $10 to fax it. Too funny that they sent you somebody else's permit! :p


Good luck with St. Lucia and St. Maarten.... :rolleyes:

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Through a Dog's Eyes by Jennifer Arnold 7th place on the NYC best seller list. Wow, we are all so proud, yet humbled. Jennifer is on book tour now, but will take a break during touring for camp in September. Recepients always come first for her. I would guess that all of you CCI people (dogs and bff's) would understand her philosophy and kindness.


Now, onto crusing. Y'all are making me so jealous!! Roz, I need to figure out away to make DH think another Mexican Riveria cruise in Novemeber would be a great idea.

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Glad you're okay!!! :cool:


Thanks Quam. I'm feeling fine and after 4 weeks of auto shopping and 4 hours of negotiations am back behind the wheel of a car.


Spoke with my insurance agent and found out that the other driver already has her car fixed and had no injuries either.

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You must have faxed for it? I always mail mine in. Did they charge you to fax it? Usually they charge $10 to fax it. Too funny that they sent you somebody else's permit! :p


Good luck with St. Lucia and St. Maarten.... :rolleyes:



Quam, We did fax it and finally got the permit back yesterday. They did not say anything about paying to fax it. We have the permit now, so to bad for them :D



Sunshine, We are so glad that Jennifers book is doing great! She is a wonderful and selfless person who deserves all the best!!



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Through a Dog's Eyes by Jennifer Arnold 7th place on the NYC best seller list. Wow, we are all so proud, yet humbled. Jennifer is on book tour now, but will take a break during touring for camp in September. Recepients always come first for her. I would guess that all of you CCI people (dogs and bff's) would understand her philosophy and kindness.


Now, onto crusing. Y'all are making me so jealous!! Roz, I need to figure out away to make DH think another Mexican Riveria cruise in Novemeber would be a great idea.


I hope she becomes 1st place! She's a great gal!

Cruising in November [especially, November 27th onboard the Sapphire] is absolutely necessary because:

1. You really need to get away

2. There's no matter way to relax than sipping a Margarita onboard a cruise ship.

3. And, the most important reason of all: Roz & Brenny will be there to play with.

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Thanks Quam. I'm feeling fine and after 4 weeks of auto shopping and 4 hours of negotiations am back behind the wheel of a car.


Spoke with my insurance agent and found out that the other driver already has her car fixed and had no injuries either.


I'm so glad your fine.....Shopping for cars can be very tiring. Be safe!

Take a drive to Vegas the week of September 6th.....Roz & Brenny will be there and we can play.

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Wish it was mine. That would mean I had another cruise planned. Looks like I gotta wait for Alaska 2013. :(


I'm sorry you have to wait so long.

I don't know what's wrong with me......but, I couldn't wait. We haven't cruised since January [i know it's only 8 month ago] but I'm having the worst withdrawls.

If I watch a T.V. show and there's a cruise ship in it.....I drool!

I have the "bug" and, that aint good. I'm willing to work until I die, if it means that we can cruise more often. And, according to Morey......it means just that!!!! :o

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