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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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I sometimes wonder how our conversations would go live without the filter of the internet...or lack of filter. Dog Wars! I knew when I read Roz's post about airport security it would ruffle some feathers. Happy Turkey Day to all my dog loving friends. I'll give "Cooler" and her roomates..."Pretty" and "Bam" greetings from all my CC friends.

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Sunshine: After being in law enforcement for 24 years, I usually do what a person in "authority" asks me to do, as long as it does not violate me. My hubby on the other hand has different ideas. One time going thru the metal detector for a cruise, my belt set it off, I froze and put my arms up. Must have looked like an idiot, but I didn't feel like having Stella the scanner operator jumping on my back and skidding me across the floor on my face. My husband who was behind me, starts running his mouth, "Why did you stop?" I said "didn't you hear the alarm going off?" He said "Yeah, so what?People act differently. I wasn't sure how Stella would react.

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I sometimes wonder how our conversations would go live without the filter of the internet...or lack of filter. Dog Wars! I knew when I read Roz's post about airport security it would ruffle some feathers. Happy Turkey Day to all my dog loving friends. I'll give "Cooler" and her roomates..."Pretty" and "Bam" greetings from all my CC friends.


Love those "feathers!" I can "pluck" em with best of them...We may need to hold, on it could be a bumpy ride!!!! :eek: Am I in trouble, or what!!!! :D I may need to be rescued! :cool:


"Pretty" and "Bam", how cute are they? :)

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OK, as someone who flys, literally all over the world, including Muslim countries that don't care for dogs, and flys usually once to twice a month, I think I might be pretty qualified to give responses/advice on the subject, so here goes:


1) Do not take the dog's pack/harness off. This signifies, usually, that the dog is off duty, which isn't something I want. TSA is required to allow the dog to go through without taking that off. Some don't realize it, and will have to call a supervisor...but, it always works out in the end.


2) Carry on you a copy of TSA regs regarding a service animal. Alert them, at the beginning that you will need someone to pat the dog down. Why? Some of the TSA agents are afraid of dogs, or uncomfortable, so they will need to "swap" places with someone else.


3) Teach your dog to stand for being "wanded". You can do this at home by teaching/reinforcing a stand stay. Use a curling iron, or ruler, or something similar to work the dog----it can be frightening to them.


4) I do take the leash off my dogs, put them in a sit/stay, put the leash in bowl and walk through. I then stop, call my dogs to come, and re-attach the leash.


*****If your dog will not work off leash in highly distractable area, then, as a trainer, I would be seriously questioning the training behind your dog. I would call the organization for a refresher course. Sorry if that offends, but to have a dog that cannot be trusted off leash in a crowded area, has no business with the classification as a service dog, in my opinion. ****


5) I do not feed my dogs after the previous eve feeding. I do not feed the AM of a flight. Period. I do not offer water once AT THE AIRPORT. Even if I am flying to Europe. I can go to the bathroom, my dog can't on the flight.


6) I will feed early in the AM of the flight(about 2 hours before landing.)


Just a few thoughts.


Now, on to another subject....TO the person whose son has a new dog: Suggestion: Join a couple of local obedience classes. It is a great bonding experience, and reinforces what you have been taught.

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OK, as someone who flys, literally all over the world, including Muslim countries that don't care for dogs, and flys usually once to twice a month, I think I might be pretty qualified to give responses/advice on the subject, so here goes:


1) Do not take the dog's pack/harness off. This signifies, usually, that the dog is off duty, which isn't something I want. TSA is required to allow the dog to go through without taking that off. Some don't realize it, and will have to call a supervisor...but, it always works out in the end.


2) Carry on you a copy of TSA regs regarding a service animal. Alert them, at the beginning that you will need someone to pat the dog down. Why? Some of the TSA agents are afraid of dogs, or uncomfortable, so they will need to "swap" places with someone else.


3) Teach your dog to stand for being "wanded". You can do this at home by teaching/reinforcing a stand stay. Use a curling iron, or ruler, or something similar to work the dog----it can be frightening to them.


4) I do take the leash off my dogs, put them in a sit/stay, put the leash in bowl and walk through. I then stop, call my dogs to come, and re-attach the leash.


*****If your dog will not work off leash in highly distractable area, then, as a trainer, I would be seriously questioning the training behind your dog. I would call the organization for a refresher course. Sorry if that offends, but to have a dog that cannot be trusted off leash in a crowded area, has no business with the classification as a service dog, in my opinion. ****


5) I do not feed my dogs after the previous eve feeding. I do not feed the AM of a flight. Period. I do not offer water once AT THE AIRPORT. Even if I am flying to Europe. I can go to the bathroom, my dog can't on the flight.


6) I will feed early in the AM of the flight(about 2 hours before landing.)


Just a few thoughts.


Now, on to another subject....TO the person whose son has a new dog: Suggestion: Join a couple of local obedience classes. It is a great bonding experience, and reinforces what you have been taught.


No offense taken.....I think I'm the one you're addressing on the leash [on/off] issue. Of course Brenda will stand/sit/stay/lay down, etc., etc. on command and will ALWAYS allow for others to wand/swipe/pat or whatever is needed. I just will NEVER take any chances with her. Maybe I'm being paranoid about it [i fly mostly alone] DH won't fly anymore.....but, I always insist that she be leashed. And, like you, we've been in every TSA situation, in many countries.

We've even been patted down to the extent that the agent asked me remove an undergarment! She did a "pat down" that would have made anyone shy from flying again. All the while I was so intent on Brenda and her safety. She's my life......being overly cautious can't hurt.

I always watch the TSA worker who is patting Brenda down. If they're overly aggressive or fearful, I ask for someone else.

Once, in Zurich Switzerland a dog being handled by a security officer attacked Brenda.......it was a huge lesson learned for me. It made me very fearful and protective of her. I have never seen Brenda like that and I hope not to ever again! Had she had a leash on her, as well as the "security dog", this NEVER could have happened. She and I both carry the scars of that incident with us.

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Let's get back to cruising, please!!!!! I just got an email from Allison Muff of the Princess Access Deptartment.

Wait, I'll back up.......I sent an email to Allison Muff [allisonm@princesscruises.com] to let her know that we would be cruising this coming Saturday. I told her all my information and that I was requesting a Potty Box be put in the stariwell closest to our cabin. I love this location - it's perfect for every possible reason!

I requested that the "litter" be mulch/wood shavings or artificial turf. NO SAND OR PAPER PELLETS.

She wrote me back and told me that she directed my email to the Hotel Manager and it will be taken care of.

If it's not to my liking upon my arrival - I will contact the HM myself.

Yippee! Only 4 days to go!!!!!!! I'm playing the theme song in my head.......Love Boat, Loves Sweetest Rewards...............

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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Oh my goodness...I really do not want to step into the fray. Dog Wars indeed. I would caution a brand new service dog/recepient team about obediance classes, UNLESS, that is something the program they graduated from would advise. Service dog training does differ from program to program and would hate to see a dog who has been trained with "choice" training, or positive rewards, suddenly be in a group class with a more "assertive" style.

And while I agree a service dog, especially a frequent traveler, should be comfortable and confident in a busy area, their is a reason we have leashes and humans on the end of them. While I am pretty confident with many of the young dogs I work with, I would NEVER drop their leash, unless I am in a fenced and protected area. Certainly not in a busy airport. Can you imagine if a female dog in heat just happened to be traveling in the same area....... Hormones "could" overpower training.

I agree, let's return to cruising...Unless specefic advise is requested.....

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Oh my goodness...I really do not want to step into the fray. Dog Wars indeed. I would caution a brand new service dog/recepient team about obediance classes, UNLESS, that is something the program they graduated from would advise. Service dog training does differ from program to program and would hate to see a dog who has been trained with "choice" training, or positive rewards, suddenly be in a group class with a more "assertive" style.


And while I agree a service dog, especially a frequent traveler, should be comfortable and confident in a busy area, their is a reason we have leashes and humans on the end of them. While I am pretty confident with many of the young dogs I work with, I would NEVER drop their leash, unless I am in a fenced and protected area. Certainly not in a busy airport. Can you imagine if a female dog in heat just happened to be traveling in the same area....... Hormones "could" overpower training.



I agree, let's return to cruising...Unless specefic advise is requested.....


Thank you, Sunshine, our voice of reason. Let's cruise!!!!!

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Sorry to open that can of worms! I really am just soaking up all the good advice, and I am sure we will figure out what will work best when we get to it. we are used to traveling a lot by plane, train, car and more recently boat and DS has always been a wonderful traveler so I hope Annie will adjust quickly to our meandering ways! Our trainer also runs several types of behavior and sporting groups so there are always options to expand on Annies training. My DS actually loves to watch "fly-balling" and hopes eventually to train her for this. My hope is to cruise again as soon as we feel confident. We haven't used a H/c cabin yet but I think it is time. DS is not as mobile as he used to be and the extra space for Annie would be nice. If you all ever get all together for a cruise, let us know!

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Mornin' all:


Krisnme: Its not you that opened a can of worms. Its just that everyone has an opinion of what is best, but best for them is not always best for others. I am sure you will do the right thing. It is a plus that you have done extensive traveling and that your son is a great traveler. One less thing you have to worry about. I bet Annie will settle in nicely and also be the best traveler. I don't even have a SD! I have worked with Special needs kids, had a big ole yellow lab, love animals and stumbled across the thread. I have been here for awhile and love all the information that I gleam from it. I have suggested to a few moms about getting SD for their kids. I would have never thought about it if I had not started reading this forum. So, please stick around. We go around, but as far as I know, we are all adults and have tough skin. The about of knowledge far out weighs the squabbling.


Now, back to cruising. I NEED A CRUISE! 24F and feels like 9F with the wind blowing. Tomorrow is supposed to be colder? How can that be? I will adjust, I will adjust, I will adjust..............

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Sorry to open that can of worms! I really am just soaking up all the good advice, and I am sure we will figure out what will work best when we get to it. we are used to traveling a lot by plane, train, car and more recently boat and DS has always been a wonderful traveler so I hope Annie will adjust quickly to our meandering ways! Our trainer also runs several types of behavior and sporting groups so there are always options to expand on Annies training. My DS actually loves to watch "fly-balling" and hopes eventually to train her for this. My hope is to cruise again as soon as we feel confident. We haven't used a H/c cabin yet but I think it is time. DS is not as mobile as he used to be and the extra space for Annie would be nice. If you all ever get all together for a cruise, let us know!


You will love, love traveling with your Service Dog, it's just the best fun in the world. Oh! Don't get me wrong.....it's a lot more work....such as, I never thought that when the trainers said to "walk your dog", they meant in the rain, sleet, snow and puddles. It's why I like cruising so much.....the potty is INSIDE!!!!! And, exercising can be done by walking the ships Promenade Deck.....or, walking inside the entire ship......miles and miles of nothing but smiles!!!!

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Mornin' all:


Krisnme: Its not you that opened a can of worms. Its just that everyone has an opinion of what is best, but best for them is not always best for others. I am sure you will do the right thing. It is a plus that you have done extensive traveling and that your son is a great traveler. One less thing you have to worry about. I bet Annie will settle in nicely and also be the best traveler. I don't even have a SD! I have worked with Special needs kids, had a big ole yellow lab, love animals and stumbled across the thread. I have been here for awhile and love all the information that I gleam from it. I have suggested to a few moms about getting SD for their kids. I would have never thought about it if I had not started reading this forum. So, please stick around. We go around, but as far as I know, we are all adults and have tough skin. The about of knowledge far out weighs the squabbling.


Now, back to cruising. I NEED A CRUISE! 24F and feels like 9F with the wind blowing. Tomorrow is supposed to be colder? How can that be? I will adjust, I will adjust, I will adjust..............


You may be "frozen", you may look and feel like a "popsicle" but your OURS and you better stick around. You've been the most wonderful, positive and uplifiting friend to this forum and we wouldn't be the same without "our" Nancy!

Now, go roast that turkey or whatever!!!!!

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Oh Roz, you're the best! You can't get rid of me that easy. No turkey until probably Friday. We are invited over to families house tomorrow for "open house". Just buffet, you know stuff yourself all day! I am doing a small ham tonight and letting ride.


I am getting excited about your cruise. I have that funny feeling in my tummy just like I need to be getting ready. Too funny, and ridiculous at the same time. Does Ms. Brenny have her formal collars out to be packed? Ms. Diva would be so embarassed to be under dressed in the dining room, even if you "make" her sit under the table! :D


Here's to safe travels and a magnificent cruise!

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Oh Roz, you're the best! You can't get rid of me that easy. No turkey until probably Friday. We are invited over to families house tomorrow for "open house". Just buffet, you know stuff yourself all day! I am doing a small ham tonight and letting ride.


I am getting excited about your cruise. I have that funny feeling in my tummy just like I need to be getting ready. Too funny, and ridiculous at the same time. Does Ms. Brenny have her formal collars out to be packed? Ms. Diva would be so embarassed to be under dressed in the dining room, even if you "make" her sit under the table! :D


Here's to safe travels and a magnificent cruise!


What!!!!!!! Are you a witch or something? It's the first thing I did this morning, before we left for work. I got out all her collars and, I must admit [a little embarrassed about this], she has a different "foo-foo" collar for each day. I'm also bringing some scarfs just in case she changes clothes mid-day.

She has a beauty shop appointment at 10:00 with her boyfriend. [Don't tell PaPa!] His name is Philip and he loves her as much as she loves him. It's the cutest thing to watch her demeanor when I park my car and open her door. She's so, so happy! She loves the beauty thing!!!!!

I'm excited too! I can't wait to see that huge, behemath ship as I'm driving to the dock. Goosebumps, goosebumps!!!!! :p

I bought my rubbermaid container at Target and I'm starting to load it with water, fan, my favorite pillow, etc., etc. I'll do the rest on Friday.

Thank you for your good wishes, they mean a lot to me. :)

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Roz: I certainly am a witch, probably not the kind you were thinking! :D Reno loved to go to the vets office. He would go in and when I was checking in he would stand up with both paws on the front desk. The girls loved him. They would coo at him and he would eat it up. He loved his lady vets, the guys not so much.


I bet Ms. Brenny is gonna be looking and smelling all foo foo'd up! Give her huggles and kisses from me and Jezzy Lou.

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Last year at this time I was preparing to cruise on the Sapphire Princess. I got out of cooking and cleaning on Thanksgiving, and Mr Sunshine got a "by" on hanging outdoor Christmas Lights! We had so much fun, but how much more fun if Roz, Morley and Brenny had been on. Why can't we all go on a cruise together. OK, I know, John has issues with flying to the west coast, Morey has issues flying completley, and we have issues with $$$$ these days. OK, let's make a pact: we will all have our own cc meet and greet and shake paws. I'll bring the milk bones!!!

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Last year at this time I was preparing to cruise on the Sapphire Princess. I got out of cooking and cleaning on Thanksgiving, and Mr Sunshine got a "by" on hanging outdoor Christmas Lights! We had so much fun, but how much more fun if Roz, Morley and Brenny had been on. Why can't we all go on a cruise together. OK, I know, John has issues with flying to the west coast, Morey has issues flying completley, and we have issues with $$$$ these days. OK, let's make a pact: we will all have our own cc meet and greet and shake paws. I'll bring the milk bones!!!


You are on! Even if I have to go without Morey and it's just Brenny and me......I'll make every effort. I'd love to be with all of you.

I'll bring the bandana's!

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Mornin' all:

Happy Thanksgiving to all.


Oww, oww, can I come too? I promise NOT to bring Jezzy Lou the little snapper dog. I wish you all could see the little angel right now. She is asleep in the window seat in her sock monkey bed, with the flannel baby blanket in it Even though it is only 24F degrees outside the nice sun coming through the window is nice and toasty. Leann Emily is on her purr pad in front of the heater register and in hog heaven. Life is good!


Roz, Roz, I still have that excited feeling about your cruise! I have been beating those cruise sites to death. I opened an email this morning that wanted me to "click" here to send a cruise as a gift. Yeah, right, gift to ME! LOL.


Hope everyone has a wonderful and warm day.

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I'm sitting down for "one minute".....I'm exhausted and need a break. I've finished packing all of Brenny's food/grooming aids/medicine/balls/"stuffies"/food dish/collapsible water dish/collars/her Heartguard for Dec. and, I'm so done! :(


My suggestion: Always keep the food/medicines in your carry-on, just in case of that "God-forbid" moment, when the stuff you drop-off at the dock doesn't make it to your cabin. :mad: In all the cruises we've taken and it now numbers over 24 [13 for Brenny], we have NEVER missed getting our luggage, extra containers or water delivered to our cabin, before dinner.


That said, "stuff" does happen so be prepared to have your dogs necessities with you.


I'm Happy, I'm Happy, I'm Happy - Two more days and Princess Take Me Away!!!!!!!


I wish you all a warm and loving Thanksgiving and another year filled with wonderful moments with our Service Dogs and Furbaby's. Oh! Yeah! And, our human's. ;)


Love & Licks,

Roz & Brenny

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Roz, I board the Oosterdam this Saturday and we'll be in Cabo San Lucas together. I'll wave at you on the Sapphire Princess (I think you mentioned that Brenda doesn't like to tender) but I'll look for you just in case. I hope Morey goes with you. Have a great cruise! :)

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