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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Roz, I board the Oosterdam this Saturday and we'll be in Cabo San Lucas together. I'll wave at you on the Sapphire Princess (I think you mentioned that Brenda doesn't like to tender) but I'll look for you just in case. I hope Morey goes with you. Have a great cruise! :)


Marcia, Hi! It's so good to hear from you. Have a wonderful, relaxing and funfilled cruise. The "O" is a great ship.


The Tender in Cabo can be a bit challenging for Brenda especially if the waters are choppy. They're challenging for me! :o


I may just be the "waver" on the Promenade. I'll look for you! Morey says hello and Brenda sends you a big lick.

We'll be onboard the Sapphire again on September 24th going to San Francisco. See if you can jump onboard. :p

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Hope everyone had a great turkey day!


Roz, Have a safe and relaxing trip! You, Morey and Brenny deserve it! Hugs, kisses and licks to you all!


Get this....get that....don't forget those....so much to do....but, had to take the time to thank you for your good wishes and hope that your Turkey Day was a good one!!!!


Bye, talk to you soon.

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I can't wait to call CCI and tell them to send a "trainer" over immediately because the Service Dog who will be on her 14th cruise on Saturday and has been all over the world by every means of transportation available to man - NEEDS MORE TRAINING! That'll go over big!!!!!!


I think I'm good. Thanks and have a great Thanksgiving! Remember, we roast the "bird" not each other!!!!!!



You're the one who said your dog wasn't trained well enough, Roz, so don't go putting it on other ppl. And the number of cruises your dog has been on has nothing to do with its training, especially off-leash training, as I'm sure you know. Your dog might be good, fine, or okay on-leash - but there are others whose aren't as good or even good at all (some whose status as service dog is questionable) - but off-leash obedience is needed, too, so if you haven't kept that up or your dog wasn't trained well in it, re-training/refreshing would be the best idea. It is not only for when in public, but also for your safety and the dog's safety.


I hope everybody had a good Thanksgiving!

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I sometimes wonder how our conversations would go live without the filter of the internet...or lack of filter. Dog Wars! I knew when I read Roz's post about airport security it would ruffle some feathers. Happy Turkey Day to all my dog loving friends. I'll give "Cooler" and her roomates..."Pretty" and "Bam" greetings from all my CC friends.


I'm not sure why they would be different in real life.


I've gotta know, what are Bam's siblings' names and what was the litter theme?!

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OK, as someone who flys, literally all over the world, including Muslim countries that don't care for dogs, and flys usually once to twice a month, I think I might be pretty qualified to give responses/advice on the subject, so here goes:


Wow, how do you deal with being in Muslim countries?! I would think that would be pretty tough, not to mention you'd have a lot of access issues.


1) Do not take the dog's pack/harness off. This signifies, usually, that the dog is off duty, which isn't something I want. TSA is required to allow the dog to go through without taking that off. Some don't realize it, and will have to call a supervisor...but, it always works out in the end.


I do take my dog's pack off (so they don't have to hand-search it and to make security a little faster), but not the mobility harness, collars, and leash. However, my dog wouldn't go nutty if I took her harness off and she'd still be obedient off-leash. But, it is soooo much easier to leave the harness on 'cause it takes a bit of time to take off and put on and all that. I did once (at least) have an agent ask me to take the harness et al off and I told him no, he's not allowed to ask me to do that, which he was fine with. Most of them don't have a clue about screening service dogs. Another one had to ask a supervisor if what I told him was true about them only needing to hand-search the dog because only the dog set the detector off when we went through separately (it is true, which his supervisor told him, so only the dog was searched).


2) Carry on you a copy of TSA regs regarding a service animal. Alert them, at the beginning that you will need someone to pat the dog down. Why? Some of the TSA agents are afraid of dogs, or uncomfortable, so they will need to "swap" places with someone else.


I've come across an agent or two who were scared of dogs, so, yeah, they just had somebody else hand-search the dog. I don't tell them at the beginning, though, they just figure it out when the metal detector beeps. Some have asked me to hold my dog's head away from them, which is reasonable (as I'm sure they've had to deal with some of those nasty little pet dogs before) even though my dog won't do anything.


3) Teach your dog to stand for being "wanded". You can do this at home by teaching/reinforcing a stand stay. Use a curling iron, or ruler, or something similar to work the dog----it can be frightening to them.


You can also teach going through the metal detector using a doorway, walk-through trellis thing (can't think of the word for those), or other kind of similar-looking thing. You could also practice during non-busy hours of your local courthouse, since they have the same type of screening equipment as airports do.


*****If your dog will not work off leash in highly distractable area, then, as a trainer, I would be seriously questioning the training behind your dog. I would call the organization for a refresher course. Sorry if that offends, but to have a dog that cannot be trusted off leash in a crowded area, has no business with the classification as a service dog, in my opinion. ****


Surprisingly (and sadly), I've seen ppl post online about their service dog not having any off-leash training (usually owner-trainers, but sometimes program dogs, too). I've also seen articles about service dogs running away or getting hit by cars. And you never know when you're going to need your dog to be off-leash - to do a task, because your leash broke, or a variety of other reasons.


5) I do not feed my dogs after the previous eve feeding. I do not feed the AM of a flight. Period. I do not offer water once AT THE AIRPORT. Even if I am flying to Europe. I can go to the bathroom, my dog can't on the flight.


If I'm on a morning/noon flight, I don't feed breakfast. If I'm on an afternoon/night flight, I feed breakfast early in the morning so my dog won't get sick and throw up bile from not having eaten anything. I don't water too close to leaving for the airport, but I offer ice to lick on the plane a few times (though she doesn't always take it, as she doesn't always need it). I usually bring a potty pad in my carry-on if I have connecting flights (although it could be used in case of a very long delay of a single flight, too) - I could use this in the bathroom if needed, but I've not had to use it (though there was one delayed connecting flight when I wish I had one with me - I couldn't leave the gate area because they kept saying the plane would load in a small number of minutes, which added up to a long delay, and this was in Atlanta [a huge airport]).


Now, on to another subject....TO the person whose son has a new dog: Suggestion: Join a couple of local obedience classes. It is a great bonding experience, and reinforces what you have been taught.


Good idea!

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Oh my goodness...I really do not want to step into the fray. Dog Wars indeed. I would caution a brand new service dog/recepient team about obediance classes, UNLESS, that is something the program they graduated from would advise. Service dog training does differ from program to program and would hate to see a dog who has been trained with "choice" training, or positive rewards, suddenly be in a group class with a more "assertive" style.

I would hope the person's common sense would kick in so they would choose a class that is similar to how the dog was trained. Guess you can't always count on that these days, though, having seen some of the stuff ppl have done, like the real 9-1-1 calls Leno had on his show the other night. WOW are some ppl really not thinking sometimes!! :eek:



And while I agree a service dog, especially a frequent traveler, should be comfortable and confident in a busy area, their is a reason we have leashes and humans on the end of them. While I am pretty confident with many of the young dogs I work with, I would NEVER drop their leash, unless I am in a fenced and protected area. Certainly not in a busy airport. Can you imagine if a female dog in heat just happened to be traveling in the same area....... Hormones "could" overpower training.

We have leashes so we can correct a dog when it is wrong. They're not to keep a trained dog from running away. The puppies you work with are completely different from a trained service dog. And the leash-drop in a busy place (like a mall) is actually part of the ADI public access test, which all service dogs from ADI schools have to pass. A well-trained service dog can behave and act well in a public place leash or no leash and this is for various reasons, including convenience, need, and safety.



I agree, let's return to cruising...Unless specefic advise is requested.....


Flying by air is directly related to cruising, as most ppl fly to get to cruises.

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Our trainer also runs several types of behavior and sporting groups so there are always options to expand on Annies training. My DS actually loves to watch "fly-balling" and hopes eventually to train her for this.


That would be great if your son could do flyball with his new dog. It'd be a good form of exercise and off-duty relief time for the dog. Have fun!

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I would hope the person's common sense would kick in so they would choose a class that is similar to how the dog was trained. Guess you can't always count on that these days, though, having seen some of the stuff ppl have done, like the real 9-1-1 calls Leno had on his show the other night. WOW are some ppl really not thinking sometimes!! :eek:





We have leashes so we can correct a dog when it is wrong. They're not to keep a trained dog from running away. The puppies you work with are completely different from a trained service dog. And the leash-drop in a busy place (like a mall) is actually part of the ADI public access test, which all service dogs from ADI schools have to pass. A well-trained service dog can behave and act well in a public place leash or no leash and this is for various reasons, including convenience, need, and safety.





Flying by air is directly related to cruising, as most ppl fly to get to cruises.


You know, I was going to post a reply, but I think I'll just let this one drop...somethings we will never agree on.

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Just to clarify, our dog is NOT trained to be offleash. Thats the way they want it. You should never drop the leash. Your dog should only be offleash in an enclosed area. Dogs are unpredictable and even a well trained dog can take off. Thats how our organization works, other places might be different.

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Just to clarify, our dog is NOT trained to be offleash. Thats the way they want it. You should never drop the leash. Your dog should only be offleash in an enclosed area. Dogs are unpredictable and even a well trained dog can take off. Thats how our organization works, other places might be different.


Thanks Cindy, you said that much better than I could.

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And back to the more amusing things: Dog Names... If I talk about a dog in training on a public forum, I give them a "screen name" to protect their privacy and more importantly the privacy of their future recepient. So "Bam" and "Pretty" and "Cooler" all actually have different names, and yes each litter does have a theme...Now I guess if I speak about any of their litter mates I'll have to be super creative.... ( The River" theme were on TV so I have no problems naming them, but if" I were to work with one, and mentioned it here, I would not say their real name)

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It is always fun when the theme is annoucned the the puppies are named. Sometimes you hear a name and then you try to guess the theme. I always laugh at the Vegas letter...My friend has a dog from that litter (a retired service dog) who now serves in a "therapy dog" role. His name is Ballys. Every now and then she'll say like the gym. I always like busting her and saying no, like in the casino. They have had dogs named after cows,rivers, skateboards,muppets, fabrics, gem stones,....and the list goes on. Sometimes I still can't figure out the theme from the name.

So far no dog has had the same name and they have graduated over 1000 dogs....

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Mornin' all:

Cindy: I remember that all of Wexes sibs start with W, but he is the only one that gets the "S" in front for Sexy Wexy. I loved the picture of him on the bed on the pillow no less! He has your number. I would do the same, and just cuddle up next to him.


Well, Roz is off in the ocean. Hope the weather is terrific for them. Should be.


Everyone have a nice day. Our weather is calling for snow, we shall see.

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We would like to take our daughter, a wheelchair bound double amputee and her service dog on a cruise with us next year that leaves from Puerto Rico. on the Serenade of the Seas. The ports include Tortola, British Virgin Islands; Philipsburg, St. Maarten; Basseterre, St. Kitts; Roseau, Dominica; and Bridgetown, Barbados.


Would my daughter and service dog be able to get off the ship at any of the above ports?


Has anyone in a wheelchair with a service dog visited San Juan and has recommendations for what to do pre-and post cruise? Mainly interested in the beach and the rainforest.


We all went to Alaska this summer on Holland America and it was wonderful but I know the Caribbean could be a little tricky, so I was hoping for some good advice.




I would appreciate any expertise offered!!! Thank you.

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Welcome Austin family;

Quam and Roz are our resident experts on paperwork and ports. Quam is usually on in the wee hours and Roz in on cruise right now. Be patient, someone will give you answers or where to find them.


I hope you guys enjoyed Alaska. I hear it is beautiful, one day we hope to cruise there.

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We would like to take our daughter, a wheelchair bound double amputee and her service dog on a cruise with us next year that leaves from Puerto Rico. on the Serenade of the Seas. The ports include Tortola, British Virgin Islands; Philipsburg, St. Maarten; Basseterre, St. Kitts; Roseau, Dominica; and Bridgetown, Barbados.


Would my daughter and service dog be able to get off the ship at any of the above ports?


Has anyone in a wheelchair with a service dog visited San Juan and has recommendations for what to do pre-and post cruise? Mainly interested in the beach and the rainforest.


We all went to Alaska this summer on Holland America and it was wonderful but I know the Caribbean could be a little tricky, so I was hoping for some good advice.




I would appreciate any expertise offered!!! Thank you.


We were in Tortola 2 years ago with our daughters service dog. First of all, you will need to get a rabies titer test. When you dock in Tortola, a Vet will come on board to check the paperwork and hold her hand out for $20. The island is not very dog friendly. Most shops "in town" will not let you in with the dog. As you are walking from the ship to the town, there are some wooden buildings selling souveniers. One of them had a ramp. That's where we shopped. In town, there are very few curb cuts and the sidewalks are in bad shape. That's the only port on your list we have been to with the dog. Hope this helps.

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Welcome Austin Family, I can help alittle bit. San Juan all you need is the international health certificate. Barbados you cannot bring the dog on the island at all. St Maarten we are going to in January, here's what they require:

USDA veterinary health certificate should be issued maximum of 14 days prior to arrival.

A rabies vaccination certificate, administered between 30 days and one year before travel.

We had to give our dog a rabies a year early.


The other islands I don't know about. Hope this helped alittle.



Edited by rangeley
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Hey Everyone. I'm off to get little miss Cooler today. Only a one night visit this week. I have not had her home in almost two months. Keep getting talked into bringing home other dogs that have not had as many home visits...until I looked at her book.... So, home this week, next week and then home for Christmas with all sorts of family and commotion. Have a Marta ride to the airport with Cracker's sister next week...she is the last of that litter at the farm and is slated to graduate at the January Camp so I am getting some extra loving in.

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Mornin' all:

Sunshine: How sweet you will get Cooler for Christmas! What fun. Reno just loved Christmas. I was so good, though, wouldn't bother the present under the tree, but give him his and he went to town to open it. I have pictures somewhere, I will try and find them and post them if it will work.


Cindy: I bet Wexy will have a great Christmas. He has turned into such a ham and what a personality. Definately pictures will be in order.


I have the weather channel as a pop up page when I first turn my computer on. It has a nice size picture of pets, right in the middle. Everyday, there are new ones up, about 8-10 of them. You can enlarge them and flip thru them. What pops up right in my face but a big ole yellow Reno lab. Looked alot like him. Makes me miss him.


Everyone have a good day.

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