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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Nancy, We took Wex to a garden place where they have a Xmas shop and sell trees and wreaths. We figured we could get a good pic of him for our Xmas card in front of some tree or decorations. We spent about 45 min posing him in front of all kinds of decorations. When we got home we had taken 50 or 60 pics and prayed we would have a good one, and we did! He is adorable!

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Just to clarify, our dog is NOT trained to be offleash. Thats the way they want it. You should never drop the leash. Your dog should only be offleash in an enclosed area. Dogs are unpredictable and even a well trained dog can take off. Thats how our organization works, other places might be different.


Airport security IS an enclosed area. ;)


I'm sure your dog must be trained to stay next to you/doing whatever he was doing if you drop the leash (it happens by accident sometimes, then there are the times when you have to do it for safety or because of the nature of what needs to be done). It is part of the Public Access Test for ADI programs. And it is not practical or possible to hold your dog's leash 100% of the time.


Even if you don't train your dog to be off-leash in large open spaces (which mine is and I'd never have it any other way for safety reasons), every service dog needs to be trained to not behave any differently than when they are on-leash when they are off-leash/the leash is dropped.

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And back to the more amusing things: Dog Names... If I talk about a dog in training on a public forum, I give them a "screen name" to protect their privacy and more importantly the privacy of their future recepient. So "Bam" and "Pretty" and "Cooler" all actually have different names, and yes each litter does have a theme...Now I guess if I speak about any of their litter mates I'll have to be super creative.... ( The River" theme were on TV so I have no problems naming them, but if" I were to work with one, and mentioned it here, I would not say their real name)



Ahh, gotcha! :) Dunno how you keep all the fake names straight - I'm sure I'd mix up who was who or call them all different names, LOL!

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It is always fun when the theme is annoucned the the puppies are named. Sometimes you hear a name and then you try to guess the theme. I always laugh at the Vegas letter...My friend has a dog from that litter (a retired service dog) who now serves in a "therapy dog" role. His name is Ballys. Every now and then she'll say like the gym. I always like busting her and saying no, like in the casino. They have had dogs named after cows,rivers, skateboards,muppets, fabrics, gem stones,....and the list goes on. Sometimes I still can't figure out the theme from the name.


So far no dog has had the same name and they have graduated over 1000 dogs....


Ooh, I would love a dog named after a Muppet!! Actually, "Muppet" is one of my cutsie nicknames for my dog. :D (And I love the Muppets!)


Not sure about the cow names, though, haha.

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We would like to take our daughter, a wheelchair bound double amputee and her service dog on a cruise with us next year that leaves from Puerto Rico. on the Serenade of the Seas. The ports include Tortola, British Virgin Islands; Philipsburg, St. Maarten; Basseterre, St. Kitts; Roseau, Dominica; and Bridgetown, Barbados.


Would my daughter and service dog be able to get off the ship at any of the above ports?


Welcome! I'm sure y'all will have a great trip!


The British Virgin Islands have, I believe, the same requirements as getting into the UK (the rabies titer and six-month wait thing and all). Barbados does, as well, but they also require dogs to come directly from the UK instead of anywhere else - they stated on their site there are no exceptions for service dogs, but there might be for cruising service dogs ... it has just been impossible to get in touch with them to find out! One of the ppl on this thread will find out in January (I don't believe they did the rabies titer and six-month wait, though) and I will find out in February (did the rabies titers [st. Kitts requires two] and six-month wait).


St. Maarten also never got back to me (only Dominica did - and my cruiseline has since cancelled that island as a port, just my luck), but all that I have seen says you only need the usual health certificate and rabies certificate stuff (no rabies titer or six-month wait).


As I mentioned above, St. Kitts requires two rabies titers (though without any kind of wait before you can enter the country), though they have a six-month quarantine once you arrive on the island. Hopefully they waive this for cruising service dogs. (Islands do sometimes waive requirements for cruising service dogs - happened to me this year with Grand Turk, which waived the rabies titers, import fee, etc. - everything but the health and rabies certificates and import permit.)


Dominica also requires the rabies titer, but with no wait before entering the country.


Obviously, these are just the basic highlights and the typical healthy dog, vaccinations or titers, negative heartworm test, etc. are inferred. If you've not travelled internationally with a dog before, you'll want to check out all the details to get familiar with them. Also, some countries require the dog to be wormed with a certain type of oral treatment (pill) within 24-48 or 72 hours before entering the country - I forget exactly which ones these are, but I believe of the one you are going to, both Barbados and St. Kitts requires this.


You'll need an import permit from all but St. Maarten and Puerto Rico. You have to send for these once you have all the dog's paperwork (including health certificate, so this must be done right before you leave) and you get them by faxing the paperwork to each country and requesting the import permit. They may or may not charge you a fee (some waive the fee for service dogs, some don't have fees).


Has anyone in a wheelchair with a service dog visited San Juan and has recommendations for what to do pre-and post cruise? Mainly interested in the beach and the rainforest.


I'm not in a wheelchair, but had a port stop in San Juan this year. We went to the rainforest. The trails are definitely NOT accessible! They are pretty hard to do for somebody with mobility issues, IMO. There is a visitor's center you can go to that I believe is accessible, but you can't see all that much from there. (You can get some cute things in the gift shop and watch a boring [iMO] movie, though.)


I don't know which beach(es), if any, have a beach wheelchair at them.


Do realize that Puerto Rico is a U.S. Territory and is under the ADA just like the 50 states are. Same for the other U.S. Territories (like the U.S. Virgin Islands), but not any of the other islands.


Let me know if you have any other questions!

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I came close a few times with "Crackers" giving away his real name. And it is such a handsome name to go with his handsome self. Cooler is such a cute girl and I am sooooo loving having her home. She hasn't had the best outing behavior the last few times. She has been easily distracted, a bit mouthy and jumpy..... the first few hours at the house were a bit testy. She was testing the waters, now, she is snoozing on my lap and I think almost back to her own self. I will let you know tomorw

Now, the Muppet Litter. Was an actual litter. I didnt' work with many of them as most were ready to graduate about the time I was competing volunteer training. I remember a "Sprocket" and a "Rowlf". Now I refer to Bam and Pretty as Muppets because that is what they look like.....

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I was afraid that "cooler" was going to have to repeat "Manners 101" after 6 weeks of kennel living...even though she was with me at least once a week...nothing replaces a nice calm home visit. At first I thought she was going to regress back to "puppy garten". She was rotten. Jumping, mouthy, into EVERYTHING... but one night into the house and she was back to her own sweet self.

After one night, she was minding her manners, doing some advance commands at the house, and overall just a super sweetheart. I plan on bringing her home at least once a week for the next few weeks to keep things going forward. Apparently for her trainer, she is still being somewhat "naughty". Her trainer would like me to bring home a few other dogs who don't go home on home visits that often, but still...... I want "Cooler"!!! Plus, she sleeps well in the crate!!!!!

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I found this on the HAL board and thought you all might like it:

I should probably wait until later in the season to post this....but just discovered this card, and as soon as I saw it, wanted to share it....



Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah! Happy Holidays!

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I found this on the HAL board and thought you all might like it:


Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah! Happy Holidays!


M, I know that Roz wants to write to you on her own (she's attending a Seminar from work, an hour after we got home until this evening), but I just had to let you know how meaningful and filled with a lot of imagination your thoughtful gift was.


We had just returned from dinner and the envelope from the Oosterdam was in our mailbox. It was so strange, at first, until we opened it. We were both so pleasantly surprised but, with your imagination we knew that if anyone could pull this off it would be you. Thank you for being so thoughtful. Roz hung the stocking on our fireplace, it's really pretty!


I'll give you all the short version. We met "M" on two other cruises. Both by pure luck of planning. She has sent Brenda gifts and is clever enough to figure out how to get a message and gift to us from Cabo San Lucas (another planning luck thing, except this time, on different ships). She had an envelope delivered to our stateroom from Cabo........she's clever, witty and very pretty.


Thank you "M". We'll be on the Sapphire on September 24, 2011. Roz is thinking of planning another cruise inbetween. She'll let you all know about that one.


Have a wonderful holiday and a healthy and truly happy New Year!!!!


P.S. Loved the Christmas video, thanks for sharing it.

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M, I know that Roz wants to write to you on her own (she's attending a Seminar from work, an hour after we got home until this evening), but I just had to let you know how meaningful and filled with a lot of imagination your thoughtful gift was.


We had just returned from dinner and the envelope from the Oosterdam was in our mailbox. It was so strange, at first, until we opened it. We were both so pleasantly surprised but, with your imagination we knew that if anyone could pull this off it would be you. Thank you for being so thoughtful. Roz hung the stocking on our fireplace, it's really pretty!


I'll give you all the short version. We met "M" on two other cruises. Both by pure luck of planning. She has sent Brenda gifts and is clever enough to figure out how to get a message and gift to us from Cabo San Lucas (another planning luck thing, except this time, on different ships). She had an envelope delivered to our stateroom from Cabo........she's clever, witty and very pretty.


Thank you "M". We'll be on the Sapphire on September 24, 2011. Roz is thinking of planning another cruise inbetween. She'll let you all know about that one.


Have a wonderful holiday and a healthy and truly happy New Year!!!!


P.S. Loved the Christmas video, thanks for sharing it.

You are welcome! I'm glad you got it, I wasn't sure it would work. September is our end-of-year (federal government) so I won't be able to join you. But please let me know of the inbetween cruise and maybe I'll be able to join you! :) BTW we had a yellow lab (Sinda) on our cruise. (But she wasn't as pretty as Brenda. ;)) Her "handler" was in the Thermal Suite twice when I was there and Sinda seemed to enjoy the relaxing atmosphere too! :D

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Hi Everyone, we're back and it was a wonderful and sunfilled trip. The difference in a "good" cruise and a "great" cruise are the thousands of other folks who are onboard with you. And, we had some of the nicest and most friendly group [there were some exceptions but honestly, I can only count them on less than one hand!]

The weather was so beautiful, not too warm and not too hot or humid.

Boarding was an absolute breeze. No kidding, we got to the dock [san Pedro] at 10:30, dropped off our stuff [and we had a lot], parked the car, filled out that darn "med. form", checked-in and was sitting in the Horizon Court for lunch before 11:25.

We had one of the best room Stewards we have ever had. His name was Seree and he paid attention to every detail [including taking care of all of Brenda's needs.] He knew I love their hand lotion and made sure that I had, at least two bottles every day!!!!! ;)

When we first boarded the ship, the box that was provided for Brenda, in the stairwell was 2 1/2 x 3 ft. Imagine a 68 pound Lab trying to make the tightest circle she could to make sure that her potty made it into the box. It was not going to happen! She's a really good sport and made an effort, but please [dogs don't potty "vertical"]!!! :( I alerted Seree to the issue and in less than 1/2 hour he supplied us with a 4 x 4 box filled with wood shavings, much more appropriate for my size dog. Apparently, before we boarded there was a woman with a very small "alert" dog and, the box worked fine for them. :rolleyes:

*****Letting your Steward know of the box/location, etc., etc., problems before the day passes [the day you board] is the best way to handle it. Make you and your Service Dog happy so that the entire cruise is a wonderful experience. ********

The crew was amazing......they couldn't have been nicer and more helpful. I don't know how they maintain their attitudes and wit. I think Brenda had a lot to do with their big smiles!!!!!

The food had some good and some great days [for me]. Morey thought they were more "so-so" days. I always found something to please my palate, not so much him. He's extremely fussy about taste and variety. And, the older he gets the more difficult he is to please. I was surprised there wasn't more turkey, cranberry and holiday fare!!!!

The ship is showing some wear and does need to replace some carpets, lounge pads and do some sprucing-up in some areas but for the most part she's a beautiful ship and we were very pleased with our mini-suite. We're booked in this same cabin for our Sept. 2011 cruise.

On our last formal night they started putting up the Christmas decorations. So, so pretty. Twinkle lights, garland, velvet ribbons and even a Menorah. I love crusing at this time of year. And, I hope to make it a tradition!

That said; I'm so bored with the entertainment main shows. The comedians were great. Carlos Oscar is a comedic genious. They should have put him in the Main Theatre. He was in Explorer's Lounge which was standing-room-only down the hallways!!!!

We had folks sitting and laying and visiting with Brenda more than we have ever had on any cruise. The best folks, the most caring and loving people who shared some of their stories of their own fur-babies and how much respect they have for Service Dogs. We met so many new friends.

A friend we had met before, onboard the Golden and then again onboard the Oosterdam ["Dobiemom"] was also cruising this week on the Oosterdam and was going to be in Cabo, the same time we were. It's a "tender" port and we didn't go. She managed to get an envelope with a gift in it to our cabin....amazing! I don't know how she did it but I can only guess. She's a delightful, lovely woman and so much fun to cruise with. I look forward to hopefully seeing her on other cruises. :)

I definitely missed talking to you guys but had I gone into the Internet Cafe I believe that Mr. Morey would have "imploded!"


Have a Happy and Healthy Holiday and New Year!


Love & Licks,

Roz & Brenda

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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Mornin' all:

Hi Roz! Brenny and Mr. Morey! WELCOME BACK.

We missed you guys, but honestly if Cindy had not said you were back Saturday, I would have thought you were still gone. It seemed like the week flew by. More so for you guys, I bet.

I am glad you had a fantastic cruise. It makes it all the better. And Ms. Brenny, that little socialite. How could anyone not want to sit and lay on the floor with her? I bet she was looking spiffy in her different collars.


Jezzy Lou put her Red Christmas one on. Took her harness off and she is happy. I did order a muzzle for her. We have to get her socialized. It is pink, that helps mom not feel so bad. I just hope it works.


Roz, if you don't mind, would you send me your email address? Mine is cruiser_nancy@hotmail dot com. Thanks.

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Mornin' all:

Jezzy Lou put her Red Christmas one on. Took her harness off and she is happy. I did order a muzzle for her. We have to get her socialized. It is pink, that helps mom not feel so bad. I just hope it works.



Poor little girl.......don't worry Jezzy Lou there are some folks I work with who could use a "muzzle"!

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You are welcome! I'm glad you got it, I wasn't sure it would work. September is our end-of-year (federal government) so I won't be able to join you. But please let me know of the inbetween cruise and maybe I'll be able to join you! :) BTW we had a yellow lab (Sinda) on our cruise. (But she wasn't as pretty as Brenda. ;)) Her "handler" was in the Thermal Suite twice when I was there and Sinda seemed to enjoy the relaxing atmosphere too! :D


Of all the cruising that we've done with Brenda, only twice have we come across other Working Dogs and they were Seeing Eye Dogs. Never have we seen a Service Dog, Facility Dog or a Skilled Companion.

I look forward to seeing and meeting other Working Dogs and their partners.

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