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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Rangeley was 12 and still going to school everyday. John never felt he was ready to retire even then. I don't think there should be a certain age when they retire. You and Brenny will know when it's time, not some woman who doesn't even know you. JMO




I so agree......I'm going to keep Brenny working and watch her. I know what the "slowing down" and "refusal's" look like and, I'll keep myself in tune to her [like I don't watch her like a hawk enough!!!] She's starting to look at me like she's thinking......"Leave me alone, will ya!"

Was Rangeley a CCI dog? I love this organization and, I think they keep a great eye on their dogs. That being said......I live with Brenny, I'll watch her and see if I notice any real remarkable changes.

And, I'll go from there.......

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Rangeley was from another org close to us. He was a wonderful dog! But he thought he was better than other dogs and some humans. I remember this girl in our building took someones little dog out to potty, and Rangeley was so mad, he wouldn't go near her for 2 weeks. He was very friendly. Didn't like to play, just wanted to walk around and sniff. He was my boy!!

Edited by rangeley
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Rangeley was from another org close to us. He was a wonderful dog! But he thought he was better than other dogs and some humans. I remember this girl in our building took someones little dog out to potty, and Rangeley was so mad, he wouldn't go near her for 2 weeks. He was very friendly. Didn't like to play, just wanted to walk around and sniff. He was my boy!!


He KNEW he was better.....I love that!!!! I don't think Brenny thinks she's better....I just think she has no idea she's a dog.

When other dogs approach her she looks at them like their space aliens. She'll do the sniffing of the butt but she doesn't care for too much interaction with them. She almost looks "clumsy" when it comes to the "play" thing. It's like she'll try and "romp" and then she'll quit, mid-romp and look at me like; "what am I supposed to do?" She prefers to just hang out with the "humans!" And, observe the foolish play!

She's kind of like the "Mom" who's always criticizing the kids........ "You're not doing this right, you're not doing that right", "be careful, you'll poke your eye out!" And, on and on!!!!!!

She can get "goofy" and "playful" but, only with humans. She'll NEVER let her guard down so the dogs can see it. So weird!!!!

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I'm not sure if I posted to many pics of him. Heres a few favorites.


Oh! Cindy! I can't stop staring at this dog. He was a gorgeous boy!!!!!! I know how much you loved him......He sure shows it!!!!!!

Geeeezzzzz, here goes the tears. I love this dog. That Lab face......Those eyes!

Thanks for sharing the pictures.....I had so much fun watching him in the snow!

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I so agree......I'm going to keep Brenny working and watch her. I know what the "slowing down" and "refusal's" look like and, I'll keep myself in tune to her [like I don't watch her like a hawk enough!!!] She's starting to look at me like she's thinking......"Leave me alone, will ya!"


Was Rangeley a CCI dog? I love this organization and, I think they keep a great eye on their dogs. That being said......I live with Brenny, I'll watch her and see if I notice any real remarkable changes.


And, I'll go from there.......


I'm very glad we are a long way off with Orson. The one thing you have to remember with dogs is that it is instinct with them not to show sickness or pain. That would get them killed in the pack. If you are seeing the refusals and slowing down, then maybe it's time to at least get on the list. You can always refuse if they call. If it's like initial team training, you have three refusals before you are off the list. You know your dog better than anyone on the planet. But sometimes we are not as objective as we need to be.

Just my two cents.

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I'm very glad we are a long way off with Orson. The one thing you have to remember with dogs is that it is instinct with them not to show sickness or pain. That would get them killed in the pack. If you are seeing the refusals and slowing down, then maybe it's time to at least get on the list. You can always refuse if they call. If it's like initial team training, you have three refusals before you are off the list. You know your dog better than anyone on the planet. But sometimes we are not as objective as we need to be.

Just my two cents.



You are so right......I know you are. And, to be perfectly honest.....she is slowing down. I'm one of those fast walkers and I find myself having to encourage her to stay at my side more and more these days. At first I thought it was because she was "foraging" for food but when I turn around she just gives me those big brown eyes.......as if to say........"I'm older than you, can you walk a little slower!"

I'm also using the ramp more and more because she's not always willing to jump into the SUV [when she shows me a refusal on this, after two attempts....I don't ask again, I just get out the ramp].

Throw the ball in the backyard and she's 2 again!!!!!! It's how I test her to see if she's limping or favoring a leg. She's not. She's just getting older!!!!!

Thanks for your two cents [you do it in such a nice way it's easy to hear you]......I need to be encouraged from my friends as well as CCI to go on the list and, as you say, I can always refuse.

I know most dogs don't show their pain and suffering. When Brenny's not feeling well she becomes very restless and paces. My friend has a dog that whines and whines and whines........poor thing!

Is she still "sharp" as ever when it comes to "alerts" and "picking things up" and, pushing the door and on and on.......you bet! It's the jumping into the tall truck and walking at a fast pace [to keep up with me!] I do slow myself down but sometimes, at work, we're moving in and out of areas very quickly and, fast is the only speed!!!!!

What's the worst that can happen? She gets to stay home and play with PaPa and, she gets a "buddy" to keep her company. She's not crazy about dogs.....we'll see!

And, in order for me to work, I must have a Working Dog or a human who will accompany me wherever I go!!!!!

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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Roz, I am so sorry that you are in this position to make such a decision. Their is another dog out there with your name on it, just waiting.... and it can wait until the time is right. I can tell you from the volunteer world, how excited we would be to see a dog placed with you. One that would work every day, be loved every day and ...well I guess that is enough. Only you and Brenny will know the right time. However, it their is a wait list, maybe it would not be a bad idea to get on it....

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Roz, I am so sorry that you are in this position to make such a decision. Their is another dog out there with your name on it, just waiting.... and it can wait until the time is right. I can tell you from the volunteer world, how excited we would be to see a dog placed with you. One that would work every day, be loved every day and ...well I guess that is enough. Only you and Brenny will know the right time. However, it their is a wait list, maybe it would not be a bad idea to get on it....


I get excited when I see all the dogs. They're so gorgeously, wonderful! And, whoever that glorious Working Dog is; he/she will fast become an Elite Cruiser with me. ;)


Thank you for your wonderful support!

I'm waiting for the application papers; I'll do my doctor visit; I'll wait for the interview process to begin and go on the list.

God! I knew this time would come......but, it's so, so difficult! Not for me, just for Brenny..........Shoot, here come the tears!!!!!!!

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Mornin' all:

Cindy: No, I hadn't seen pictures of your beautiful, handsome, boy! Thank you for sharing.


Roz: :( is all I can muster right now. Too many tears. I gather up my little Jezzy Lou and hold her tight every chance I get. Never too much. She eats it up.


OMG! Nancy, don't get me started. I wear eye make-up and have not been able to keep it looking good since last weekend! I'm a "schmeary" mess.

I know, "count my blessings, enjoy each and every moment"......she's not ill, she's vibrant and happy and still going with me.......everywhere!!!!!! Stop!!!!!

I have to share: Brenny and I had a talk last night.......I told her about my "bucket-list".....Cruising under the Golden Gate Bridge with her. Were signed-up for this cruise for September 24, 2011. And, if she would just stay well......I promised her to be very easy on any un-due demands until then [no big trips to the mall, or too much running and and we'll ALWAYS use her ramp for the car!] She, PaPa and I will go under that bridge together. And, then she can retire with 15 cruises under her collar. We'll know that we all shared a dream together!!!!!

You guys will not believe the money I spend on professional portraits of Brenny on formal nights - In every area of the ship!

Okay, to those of you who think I obsess over this.....You're right!! :( Gotta go........I can't stop tearing!!!!!!

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Hello all! It's been several weeks and we just came home from our Carnival cruise! This thread made things go SO much easier for us on our first service dog cruise!!


First, let me say that I FREAKED out when the vet charged $150.00 to fill out the health cert! How crazy! I called my regular vet and she said she would order some forms for our next cruise (she charges $25). Getting everything done was much easier than I expected. Todd had gotten a rabies shot back in October so that was done, he's on monthly heartworm so they only needed to do a fecal, and we did the frontline thing just in case. The only thing we did not do was the rabies titer required for Grand Caymen so Todd stayed on board for the 3 hours we were on shore.


Mexico was the only place that gave us trouble. They insisted on keeping my ORIGINAL health certificate even though I had made several copies and taken them with me. Then she wanted me to to leave my original rabies certificate and I refused. I offered her one of my copies and after MUCH arguing, she finally took the copy and the original hc and let us on shore. It was NUTS.


Carnival was AWESOME! We are booking our summer cruise to Alaska with them. They had someone waiting for us outside when we pulled up with our luggage. She walked us through the line quickly and within 25min we were on board! They put Todd's litter box on our balcony and came by TWICE that day to make sure everything was all right for him. The staff was amazing EVERYWHERE on the ship!! They all knew not to pet him unless they asked and were very quick to tell passengers that he was allowed on board because he is a service dog, NOT a pet. They jumped in almost EVERY time someone confronted me about it. I could have kissed them all. Most knew him by name by the 3rd day and they all said hi to HIM when we passed. (I'm SURE that they would NOT recognize me if I ran smack into them if I was withOUT Todd! LOL)


We took mulch for Todd's box and my Dad made a stick on a block so that he would have something to "aim" at. BUT. . . . . Todd simply refused to use the litter box for the ENTIRE trip!! He went from Sunday at about 11am till Wed morning without going potty! I was SOOOOO worried about him. Then when we got off the ship he peed for 10 minutes solid and pooed 4 times!! He were off ship the next 3 days so he was ok just waiting but our last day was at sea and he jumped up on my husbands pillow and well, let's just say, nature called. I grabbed a towel as quickly as I could and we washed out the pillow and the pillow case and told the porter what happened. The poor porter was SO upset for Todd. Needless to say we will do a LOT of litterbox training before our next cruise!!


Given that Todd is so small, they allowed him to sit on the bench seat with us at the shows. The space for him to lay was limited and if he was behind my feet, my feet stuck out into the aisle and made it difficult for people to pass. I had taken several floor pads for him so we put one on the bench between my husband and myself and Todd laid there. (then no hair was left on the bench)


Todd LOVED the glass elevators! We tried to use them whenever we could so he could look out. Most of the time though, he just worked and was his quiet self. Many people stated they didn't even know he was there unless they happened to see him get up and leave with us.


We did use his "visit" command a lot though. I had used Todd as a therapy dog for years with younger clients, (I'm a Psychologist) so he knew what "visit" meant. I used this to allow people to pet him from time to time. For most people I just told them he was working and could not be petted but so many of the staff hadn't seen their pets for MONTHS and it meant so much to them to get to pet him and get one of his famous Toddy Man kisses!!


Even though we went through all that training together to get him ready to be a service dog, this was really a HUGE test for him and he did wonderfully. He only had to alert me twice the entire 7 days, so the vacation must have done us BOTH some good!


I wanted to say a HUGE thank you again for all your advice and support. When struggling with the decision to use a service dog, I NEVER dreamed it would give me the freedom that it does. I don't know what I would do without Todd, he is truly a "guardian Angel"!!


I will try and post a pic of him as soon as I can and Thank you ALL again for all your support! This trip would not have been possible without all the information I found right here!

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Todd's Pet: Thanks for sharing your experiences with us. I'm glad your cruise was a good one.

My Suggestion [if I may]: For future cruisings - Please, practice, practice, practice with a "potty box"; in your garage, backyard, living room, closet or wherever - before you attempt to ask your Service Dog to potty in a box you MUST take the time to practice. It will only take a short time, even only an hour for your dog to become accustomed to going in a small contained area. And, use this for a few days, only!!!

[brenda has to circle in the containment for a while before she finds her comfort zone].....allow for any sort of different behavior.....but insist that it be IN THE BOX! Repeat it over and over and don't forget the REWARD!!!! ;) For Brenda it's a tennis ball!!!!!

Your attitude is so wonderful over what could have made for the worst experience ever for all of you. And, your dog's ability to hold onto urine and pooh as long as he did is truly a miracle.

Isn't it fun, this Cruising With a Service Dog thing!!! :) Don't forget the pictures. We want to see them.

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Thanks and YES YES YES, we will PRACTICE and PRACTICE before we go again. I was SO afraid for him and what it was doing to his system. He has a very good potty command and has gone in strange places for me in the past so I thought we'd be ok. My hubby reminded me though, that he has NEVER been asked to go inside. Even though he was on the balcony, I don't think he perceived it as "outside". He would look up at me with such a confused face, it broke my heart.


My Dad said he would make us a "potty box" of our own so we can practice at home. I thought we'd start by having him potty "in the box" while it is outside, then on our deck, and eventually in the house. He was such a trooper but I swear you could see his teeth floating!! LOL


Pics coming. . . . . promise!

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Thanks and YES YES YES' date=' we will PRACTICE and PRACTICE before we go again. I was SO afraid for him and what it was doing to his system. He has a very good potty command and has gone in strange places for me in the past so I thought we'd be ok. My hubby reminded me though, that he has NEVER been asked to go inside. Even though he was on the balcony, I don't think he perceived it as "outside". He would look up at me with such a confused face, it broke my heart.


My Dad said he would make us a "potty box" of our own so we can practice at home. I thought we'd start by having him potty "in the box" while it is outside, then on our deck, and eventually in the house. He was such a trooper but I swear you could see his teeth floating!! LOL


Pics coming. . . . . promise![/quote']


You sound like you have a wonderful support system, with your Dad and Hubby.

You'll see how easy Todd will take to the box. Just make sure that it's big enough and not too tall on the sides so that he can just step into it easily. And, fill it with mulch or something that you know he'll be comfortable with. Don't make the "litter" in the box too shallow or he'll have a hard time gripping it.

We started Brenda with actual grass on sod. The kind that gardners use when they're laying grass. We bought it at a nursery, it comes in strips. It took two to fit and cover her box well. Once she was used to using the box, we transitioned to artificial turf [a little pricey but it lasts a long, long time.] And, when we started cruising she was willing to go into anything the ship used [except the paper pellets, ouch!]

Have fun with the training, keep it positive! With your wonderful attitude, I know it can't be anything but!!!!! ;)

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Quam, We are going in January and we only booked 4 months out so we did not do the rabies titer. I found this help page in the Jet Blue site and I noticed in the past few months some of the requirements have changed. Barbados where you could not bring your dog seems to be different as well as St. Maarten which had no info, now says all you need is health cert and rabies. We are happy cuz we want to get off there. This week I will call the numbers given and check out St. Lucia and Barbados. We are not going to St. Kitts. Here is the link , it doesn't have every island but it does have a few. http://help.jetblue.com/SRVS/CGI-BIN/webisapi.dll?New,Kb=askBlue,case=obj(391949)#s15 Hope this helps alittle.




I've seen that page before (comes up in a Google search) and I'm guessing they just don't know the regulations or want to put them up.


Here's the St. Lucia gov't site's dog import regulations page: http://www.stlucia.gov.lc/faq/what_are_the_requirements_to_do_to_bring_in_my_dog_cat.htm


I once found Barbados' official site's page, but guess I never bookmarked it. It is hard to find.


(Sorry I'm late to reply; I came down with the bug that's going around, ugh! I hate being sick, especially the whole burning sore throat thing!! I'm over that part now, but still have a bad cough, which is tiring.)

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Roz, I almost forgot about this, but when you were gone there was a thread started on the HAL board about dogs on cruise ships. I guess there was some small dog on one of the ships. The owner let the dog eat and drink off the MDR table. He also supposedly let the dog jump in the pool several times, which had to be drained and cleaned each time the dog went in for health reasons. He also left the dog on the balcony alone!!:eek: And it crawled under the divider and onto other peoples balconies. I just can't imagine how stupid a person could be letting a dog on a cruise ship balcony alone!!!!!


:mad: How terrible!!!! I hope the cruiseline bans that person from cruising!


There was a thread on the Carnival board where somebody mentioned seeing somebody let their small dog eat from the plates and drink from the glasses in the MDR! :mad: Utterly disgusting, not to mention that just makes those of us with real service dogs look bad!

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First' date=' let me say that I FREAKED out when the vet charged $150.00 to fill out the health cert! How crazy! I called my regular vet and she said she would order some forms for our next cruise (she charges $25). Getting everything done was much easier than I expected. Todd had gotten a rabies shot back in October so that was done, he's on monthly heartworm so they only needed to do a fecal, and we did the frontline thing just in case. The only thing we did not do was the rabies titer required for Grand Caymen so Todd stayed on board for the 3 hours we were on shore. [/quote']


That's a little high, but not extremely high. I think it is about $130 from my vet (that's the total - includes the visit fee [the fee just for seeing the vet, which is over $60] and the int'l health certificate fee). I'm not sure if you meant you went to a different vet than your usual vet or not, but you need to get the certificate done at a USDA-certified vet. At my vet's office, only two of the several vets are USDA-certified, so only those two vets can do the certificates.


If you went to Mexico before you went to Grand Cayman, the rabies titer wouldn't have mattered anyway, as Cayman doesn't allow dogs from Mexico.


Mexico was the only place that gave us trouble. They insisted on keeping my ORIGINAL health certificate even though I had made several copies and taken them with me. Then she wanted me to to leave my original rabies certificate and I refused. I offered her one of my copies and after MUCH arguing' date=' she finally took the copy and the original hc and let us on shore. It was NUTS.[/quote']


That's strange! You'd think she'd understand that you need to have the original rabies certificate until it expires! Weird.


Also, when I did Mexico, the ship handled all the paperwork, so I didn't see any Mexican officials like you did. (It was this way at all ports I've been to on my cruises.)


We took mulch for Todd's box and my Dad made a stick on a block so that he would have something to "aim" at.


LOL! Todd isn't trained to squat' date=' though? I know a lot of, if not most, male service dogs are trained to squat because they could otherwise make a mess of a public place (side of a signpost or building or something).


BUT. . . . . Todd simply refused to use the litter box for the ENTIRE trip!! He went from Sunday at about 11am till Wed morning without going potty! I was SOOOOO worried about him. Then when we got off the ship he peed for 10 minutes solid and pooed 4 times!! He were off ship the next 3 days so he was ok just waiting but our last day was at sea and he jumped up on my husbands pillow and well, let's just say, nature called. I grabbed a towel as quickly as I could and we washed out the pillow and the pillow case and told the porter what happened. The poor porter was SO upset for Todd. Needless to say we will do a LOT of litterbox training before our next cruise!!


Poor Todd!! I can't imagine not using the bathroom in that long! :eek:


Service dogs need to be trained to "go" on a variety of surfaces, not just grass. You should train him to go on dirt, mulch, etc. - whatever absorbant surfaces you have around you. (Some train their dogs to go on non-absorbant surfaces like pavement, too, but I don't like that idea because nobody wants to step in a puddle only to find out it wasn't water!) You should also train him to go in small areas. Sounds like you might not get out much with him (the elevator excitement and all), but sometimes you could be out and the only place to potty is a very, very small area (such as where trees are planted along a city sidewalk). Also, next time you could use potty pads under faux grass; this works well for me without trying to trust the cruiselines that their box will be big enough (we had an issue with that with Royal Caribbean). My dog "goes" fine on mulch, but that box was too small, so now I use faux grass with potty pads underneath and I can make the area as large as I want it, plus it is easier to clean up than mulch.

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I've seen that page before (comes up in a Google search) and I'm guessing they just don't know the regulations or want to put them up.


Here's the St. Lucia gov't site's dog import regulations page: http://www.stlucia.gov.lc/faq/what_are_the_requirements_to_do_to_bring_in_my_dog_cat.htm


I once found Barbados' official site's page, but guess I never bookmarked it. It is hard to find.


(Sorry I'm late to reply; I came down with the bug that's going around, ugh! I hate being sick, especially the whole burning sore throat thing!! I'm over that part now, but still have a bad cough, which is tiring.)


Quam, Sorry to hear you have been sick. Glad you are feeling better.


I have written to St. Lucia and of course no response. Thats just rude! Is the chief vet that busy that he can't write back? I doubt it. I wrote months ago and got no response either. Thats 2 islands we will not be getting off on. Well Wex won't be getting off. Oh and Martinique too. I didn't even try to do anything there. We have been there and theres nothing there we care to see. It's totally inaccessible for a wheelchair unless we want to lift him over curbs. They are not very nice there either.



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Mornin' all:


Quam: I'm not sure where you are located, but that nasty little bug has made its way into Colorado! Trav has been sick all week. Poor little guy, he missed the Reindeer Games yesterday and now his Christmas party today. They were allowed to wear pajamas today, they are going to gather around and read Christmas stories. He is upset, but still he even says too sick to go to school.


Hope everyone has a fine Friday and wonderful weekend.


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The weather here in L.A. is so gloomy and rainy! Half my office is sick.

Last weekend we had a heat wave......We went to the CCI Open House at the satellite office in Westwood and it was so hot you couldn't stay inside!

For us long time L.A. residence we think this is perfect temperature changes for an earthquake! :eek:

My Vet does not charge me extra for the Health Cert. or the Animal Health Statement. He charges me for the exam and immunizations ONLY. He knows Brenda is a Service Dog and doesn't "gouge" me. Please speak to your Vet and ask him/her to do the same. They have the capability to acknowledge the amazing work that these dogs do and recognize it by not charging for necessary documentation and the need for his/her signature. You may need to just ask!!!!!

Feel well everyone.....get your shopping done and again......




With Love, Roz & Brenda

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Our weather in Atlanta, pretty cold and certainly not too sunny. So, of course, my friends and I plan a Marta(subway) outing to the city and a visit to the aquarium. Here we are on the subway platform with freezing winds, three dogs, three volunteers, and mittens and scarves a plenty. We laughed and had a good time. Cooler was the youngest and of course the cold weather made her the friskiest. She was wonderful on the subway and had a pretty good heel thru the city with busses and cars and taxi's speeding by. She really did not like walking across the grates, and actually grounded and refused. After an initial attempt to coax her across, I decided to walk around and let her trainer deal with it. Or more than likely I will deal with it on a a nicer day without all the distractions. Then a nice walk across Centennia Olympic Park. (build in 1996 when Atlanta hosted the Summer Games). Could not find where we wanted to have lunch and settled on a nice upscale restarant. More pricy than we wanted, but yummmy crab bisque, and they were so welcoming to our three windblown adults and three pretty dogs....

On to the aquarium. Cooler handled the crowds, the children with calm and some disinterest. She was more interested in me, which was a good thing. That is until we got the the exhibit of penguins. So those are birds. And my dog was quite interestred in them. And the penguins were quite interested in the three dogs. We were all entertained. I was quite ready to go home at the end of the day and pour myself a nice red wine... Cooler had to settle for kibble and scratches....

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Quampapetet- Our regular vet would have done it for me but she didn't have the right paperwork (her front desk gal is not so bright). I made the appointment to have it done 2 weeks in advance but THANK GOODNESS the cruise line asked for it a few days early so we found out she had the wrong papers. So I had to call around and find someone who DID have them and only ONE vet in a our small city did so I had to take what I could get. Fortunately, my vet and this vet know each other so they chatted and vet records were verified over the phone. Now that she knows what forms to order, we'll be set for next time.


Mexico-Grand Caymen

I didn't know that. Good think our cruise was in the right order! The ship told me they handled everything for me! The first night on board they came by and told me Todd was cleared for all but Grand Caymen, but we knew that because of his titers. We were shocked when we tried to get off the boat and they would not let us.


Potty training- Typically Todd will go ANYWHERE I tell him to potty or "hurry- hurry" that's why we weren't so worried about pretraining. I have never asked him to go indoors though, I think that's what freaked him out. He's gone on pavement LOTS of times when no other surface is available (I have the wet wipes to clean paws to prove it!) hehehehe He will squat if there is no place to "lift" but given how big they said the box was, we thought we were doing him a favor. (he had no trouble squatting on Eric's pillow! LOL)


He only received his certification this past July so much of this is new to us. While we went through training together, it focused mostly on teaching him to refine his alert skills and "helper" skills. His obedience was already at the highest level so I think we missed out on some things we would have learned if he had been trained from a pup. Almost 3 years ago I went on disability and it was not till then that Todd started to alarm for my heart arrhythmias. Because of my other health issues I was homebound much of the time anyway so taking him with me only included family and friends. Then I happened to talk to a lady whom I'd met years ago who trains service dogs and she suggested we take Todd through a program, so that's what we did. Then we had to take him to have him tested and get all his official papers signed. It took FOREVER to get the training and testing done so three years later, he's finally a "real" service dog.




The litter box they provided with mulch and a "pee" stick added!




Todd and I.




Todd getting ready to have a shark snack. (hmmmm yummy shark)




RAAAAAR- Look I'm an alligator!




Todd resting after a LONG day. He fell asleep holding his favorite toy.




Todd in his beads after a Mardi Gras show.



Please don't think that our trip was about Todd. I took HUNDREDS of pictures, I only posted these of Todd since he is the topic of this board.

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