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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Cindy, Wow, I am so sorry, all this aggravation right before a trip. Yikes. I'd like to say just give your son a list and tell him to do it himself, but Mr Sunshine also needs a fair bit of assistance packing himself for the cruise, and I can never understand it. Now, my girls, can pack all their stuff and enough shoes for the entire crew in one suitcase each and be ready in 3o minutes of less........


Now, this is interesting...Morey will not let me touch his suitcase. I want to but he's so stubborn about it. He has a wonderful sense of color, not so much on styles. I can buy him new shirts [but if they're of polyester material he won't wear them.] I'm a very careful shopper. He can have his suitcases packed in one hour. He's a great traveler [at least, he used to be!]

Who am I kidding.....Morey does what Morey wants and always has and always will. I am TOTALLY subserviant to his whims. Probably why I still work. Definitely gives me my own independence. And, neither of us would have it any other way!

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That picture of him in his tux just cracks me up! He's such a "pretty boy!" And, he knows it!!!!!!



You are right!! We just had him out in the snow and it's so deep that his long legs were flailing around as he stuck his head in the snow and ate it.

What a goober. It was so funny.

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You all know how much I loved my Crackers, but that boy really never took to his crate, and nights were never restful when I had him. Cooler, I have worked on diligently from 10 weeks making the crate a safe place. I tried all my tricks with Crackers, and not much worked. Funny, he tolerated the crate just fine at Canine Assistants, but never well with me. Cooler hates Crate time at CA. She barks and woofs and barks. Eventually she settles down, but not easily. And yet at this house, she is quiets down very quickly. Hmmmmmm I don't know what to make of it.



It's funny how some dogs just love the crate and others hate it. The only time we had Wex crated was at CCI in our room. They told us to crate them and go out for a while. He did NOT like it. We had trouble getting him in it. One of the other people said that their dog stood up in the crate all night. Of course everything was new for them and us. We have no room for a crate in our apt and John let him sleep on the bed the first night, so I don't think he would go back to a crate after a bed! He's no dummy. He also has a big fluffy bed in our living room. I wonder what percentage of people use crates? Anyone have any idea?

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It's funny how some dogs just love the crate and others hate it. The only time we had Wex crated was at CCI in our room. They told us to crate them and go out for a while. He did NOT like it. We had trouble getting him in it. One of the other people said that their dog stood up in the crate all night. Of course everything was new for them and us. We have no room for a crate in our apt and John let him sleep on the bed the first night, so I don't think he would go back to a crate after a bed! He's no dummy. He also has a big fluffy bed in our living room. I wonder what percentage of people use crates? Anyone have any idea?


Brenda loves her crate, at work. I took the door off so she can come and go when she pleases and uses it when she's not outside or working with me. She's a wonderful listener and "rule follower". She knows she's NEVER to leave my office [cubicle] area unless I give her permission. My area is extra big, allowing for; her, me, my computer corner unit, printer, her crate, several file drawers and a credenza.

The second I get into the office, I give her a Virbac Chew, she drinks some water and then immediately goes into her crate. She walks in, turns around and lays with her head on the door ledge or crawls into a "pill-bug" ball at the back of the crate and snores away. It's perfect for me because it gives me time to catch-up on my morning work, emails and phone messages.

She's been doing this for quite some time. We tried another crate at home, I put in our bedroom and also left the door off. She didn't use it. Just like Wexy - once I gave her the couch.....the crate was a "no deal"! I donated the crate back to CCI.

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I also think that the crate became a "safe" place for Brenda. I have a very busy office environment; with people coming and going all the time. My cubicle is right outside the Vice President's office and directly across from the Executive Director's office. Always something going on!!!!!

Brenda has learned that I'm jumping up and down, in and out all the time and from day one realized that it would be easier and safer for her if she just got out of my way when she wasn't working. She's gotten used to the "plan", she's been here for over 8 years.

I'm not as small or as young as most of the other folks in my office......but, I am a "human dynamo!" I pride myself on my energy level.....However, that said......when I die, I die hard.


When I finally sit down........there isn't a forklift around that could move me off my chair or out of my bed when I say, "I've had enough!" :p But, it takes an awful lot to get me there. And, I'm a fast paced walker. My poor Brenny.......she's almost 11 years old and I'm seeing that my walking and running around are finally getting to her!!!!!! They got to Morey years ago!!!! :(

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We had 14 inches of snow here in Virginia Beach! It's funny David and I are both from Ohio where snow is just an inconvience but something you just deal with. Here in VA it's a catastrophy (sp) I mean everything shuts down at the hint of snow. Sometimes things will close the night before is suppose to snow. Then it never comes.:p Everything shuts down... the malls, markets, schools, government buildings, even the US Navy was closed. The funniest part is that they put a combination of sand and salt and spread it on the snow. They never plow the roads first so of course the snow never melts. I think they said that this area owns a total of 5 plows for the entire area. Really not prepared.


I thought about puttling Valentine out in the snow but was afraid I would lose her. It would be over her head. LOL She spent the day laying up on the back of the couch watching it snow and napping. She doesn't even like to walk in wet grass. LOL

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You are right!! We just had him out in the snow and it's so deep that his long legs were flailing around as he stuck his head in the snow and ate it.

What a goober. It was so funny.


I love these dogs and all their antics. What a goofball!!!!! Brenda is shorter than him.....she'd probably be buried in the stuff! :eek:


Thank you Lord for only giving me the "wet-stuff" in California!

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We had 14 inches of snow here in Virginia Beach! It's funny David and I are both from Ohio where snow is just an inconvience but something you just deal with. Here in VA it's a catastrophy (sp) I mean everything shuts down at the hint of snow. Sometimes things will close the night before is suppose to snow. Then it never comes.:p Everything shuts down... the malls' date=' markets, schools, government buildings, even the US Navy was closed. The funniest part is that they put a combination of sand and salt and spread it on the snow. They never plow the roads first so of course the snow never melts. I think they said that this area owns a total of 5 plows for the entire area. Really not prepared.


I thought about puttling Valentine out in the snow but was afraid I would lose her. It would be over her head. LOL She spent the day laying up on the back of the couch watching it snow and napping. She doesn't even like to walk in wet grass. LOL[/quote']


OMG! Poor folks who depend on business everyday to stay alive. And, our poor little Valentine she definitely would be buried up to her nose!!!!!!

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Valentines Mom, I can't believe they do not plow the roads! I always though Virginia got some snow in the winter. We had 18 inches here and Wexlers belly was all snow so poor Valentine would be buried! It's been hard for him to get through the snow. Today there should be some melting.

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Mornin' all:

My lovie Renie slept in his crate his whole life. He loved it. I took the door off it when he was about 2, never had to put it on again. Some times in the summer when it was really hot he would get out and lay close by it, but on the floor. In the summer I would put an old sheet on his pillow and in the winter he got a nice warm blanket on it.


As for men and boys, alls I can say is wheewww. I have always packed. I think it makes it easier on all of us. Then I know that everything they really need is packed.


Hope everyone has a nice day. Its glummy here, may get some rain.


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Mornin' all:

My lovie Renie slept in his crate his whole life. He loved it. I took the door off it when he was about 2, never had to put it on again. Some times in the summer when it was really hot he would get out and lay close by it, but on the floor. In the summer I would put an old sheet on his pillow and in the winter he got a nice warm blanket on it.


As for men and boys, alls I can say is wheewww. I have always packed. I think it makes it easier on all of us. Then I know that everything they really need is packed.


Hope everyone has a nice day. Its glummy here, may get some rain.



I knew I forgot something about Brenny's work crate. I put a shag rug [you know the ones that look like there's sheep laying there!] So snuggly, so soft [sometimes, I wish I could push her out and crawl in myself!]

She's in there, right now, as I write this.......so happy, so warm so snoring!!!!!!

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Roz, no kidding! Trav use to get in it! As a matter of fact, he has crawled into Jezzy Lou's also. It's alot smaller, and he barely fit! But he had fun. Jezzy Lou and Leann Emily's crates both are sitting in my living room. :eek: Oh well, I am over being a designer!


What do you mean over it!!!!! Sounds like the "Chateau Nancy" to me!

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Took Wex to the vet for his health cert today. We got charged 14.75, big difference to whoever paid 100.00. rabies They just love that dog there , every vet and tech came into the room to give him belly rubs. I've made copies of health cert, vac, dog license, am I missing anything?


Here's a few (not very good) pics of Wex in the snow today.



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Hello all!

Rocco and I are back from the cruise. Rocco did WONDERFUL for his first time and I look forward to cruising with him again. The crew were terrific to him and so were the passengers. Everyone went out of their way to make him feel comfortable. He was a rock star! :) even the captain wanted to meet him :)


Thanks to everyone for their advice and expertise. Roz you were great in mentioning to have copies made for the check in staff! Having those ready made it a breeze to check in.


Thanks again! I hope everyone had a great Christmas and will have a great 2011.


Frank and Rocco

Edited by talako
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Hello all!

Rocco and I are back from the cruise. Rocco did WONDERFUL for his first time and I look forward to cruising with him again. The crew were terrific to him and so were the passengers. Everyone went out of their way to make him feel comfortable. He was a rock star! :) even the captain wanted to meet him :)


Thanks to everyone for their advice and expertise. Roz you were great in mentioning to have copies made for the check in staff! Having those ready made it a breeze to check in.


Thanks again! I hope everyone had a great Christmas and will have a great 2011.


Frank and Rocco


Frank, welcome back. Glad everything worked out for you and Rocco. It's always good to hear that another Service Dog hit the cruise ship decks and had a successful cruise.


Can't wait to hear about your next one.


Have a great New Year!!!!

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Took Wex to the vet for his health cert today. We got charged 14.75, big difference to whoever paid 100.00. rabies They just love that dog there , every vet and tech came into the room to give him belly rubs. I've made copies of health cert, vac, dog license, am I missing anything?


Here's a few (not very good) pics of Wex in the snow today.


Love the pictures of Wex. Does he go potty easily on the snow? I always wondered what Brenda would do.[/b][/color]


Are you going to make copies of the CCI Cert.? I know Roz uses Brenda's Graduate Cert. It's something that you guys earned and should be proud of. And, it sounds like you have a very fair Vet. He didn't try to gouge you when it came to the charges.

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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I'm taking 20 minutes of "kitchen time" to write. Quam, it sounds like you're feeling better, I'm glad. Have a wonderful holiday.

Well, my cold is almost completely gone - still a cough every now and again (especially when laying down), but no more having to blow my nose. My sprained wrist is almost completely better (just hurts a bit if I overuse it, like if I'm doing a lot of stuff with it or if I'm out and about a lot 'cause it is my mobility harness hand), but I had some sort of chemical burn allergic reaction thing from my wrist wrap (even though I've worn them many times before) so the skin on the back of my hand right now is all messed up and ugly. It is getting better day by day, though. Then I fell the other day in the airport and skinned my knee and the side of my foot. I've had a rough couple of weeks! :p

My Christmas was great, though! Hope yours was, as well.

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Roz, I almost forgot to mention last night Wex was sniffing his tux (I think he can smell his puppy raisers on it since she made it) I took it out and he wanted to try it on. Then he sits in front of me and the end of his tail wags. He just loves to get dressed up in anything. Here's a pic I'm sure I posted before but it's just to cute!!


What a great bandanna!!! Such a great idea! She should sell those - maybe as a fundraiser for the program she works with, even.

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Mornin' all:


Quam: Ok, so I will leave your cold out and I now count three "occurances". That should be it. You need to take it easy! I can only hope 2011 gets here quickly. I am glad you didn't re-injure your wrist, when you fell. I would be so embarassed. That's what happenend to me when I injured my back. Hope you are on the mend.

Cindy: No picture of Sexy Wexy is "not so good"! He's such a love. I can just visualize those long legs flying in the snow!

Frank: So glad you and Rocco had a great cruise!

Everyone have a fantastic day.

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Frank, So glad you and your dog did well on the ship. Last year was our first cruise with our new dog and he did awesome. But not knowing what to expect it's very scary.


Morey, Wex will go potty in the snow unless it's up to his belly. Luckily the wind was so bad that it drifted the snow and there were low spots for him to go.

We have never made copies of his grad cert. If Queen Roz says we need it, I will make copies pronto!


Quam, I agree that our puppy raisers should make and sell those tux bandanas. We were so thrilled when they gave us one, since it's perfect for formal nights.


Nancy, Travis must be so happy to finally get some snow. I'm sure he will be out playing in it as soon as he can.

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Well, my cold is almost completely gone - still a cough every now and again (especially when laying down), but no more having to blow my nose. My sprained wrist is almost completely better (just hurts a bit if I overuse it, like if I'm doing a lot of stuff with it or if I'm out and about a lot 'cause it is my mobility harness hand), but I had some sort of chemical burn allergic reaction thing from my wrist wrap (even though I've worn them many times before) so the skin on the back of my hand right now is all messed up and ugly. It is getting better day by day, though. Then I fell the other day in the airport and skinned my knee and the side of my foot. I've had a rough couple of weeks! :p


My Christmas was great, though! Hope yours was, as well.


GEEEEZ, woman, you have a "mobility harness, a Service Dog" to assist you in your mobility and you're falling???? :( Just kidding!!!!

Enough, is enough. Take your time when you're walking; put some aloe on that wrist and knee and have a wonderfully healthy and happy New Year!

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Hello all!

Rocco and I are back from the cruise. Rocco did WONDERFUL for his first time and I look forward to cruising with him again. The crew were terrific to him and so were the passengers. Everyone went out of their way to make him feel comfortable. He was a rock star! :) even the captain wanted to meet him :)


Thanks to everyone for their advice and expertise. Roz you were great in mentioning to have copies made for the check in staff! Having those ready made it a breeze to check in.


Thanks again! I hope everyone had a great Christmas and will have a great 2011.


Frank and Rocco


Frank, I'm thrilled for you that it was a good cruise and that Rocco was a "rock star!"

Now, you can look forward to another one because you are no longer a novice!!!!!

I hope that you and Rocco have a wonderful New Year!

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