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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Update: We received an email from the travel agent with a dialogue directly from the Mexican resort. It states the dog will be welcome as long as it stays with us (duh!). You better believe I'm printing this note out and taking it with us if we do in fact go.


Where do I go to get the papers for Mexico? Disney mentioned a USDA site for papers for Canada. Do I go there? Ollie is due for some vaccines anyway. I'll just have to check the timing for our travel to make sure it is within guide lines. His rabies expires in 2012 so I guess he'll need that sooner.


I'm glad you got things settled with the hotel!


I used to have the bookmark for Canada's entry requirements, but they should be pretty easy to find on Google. I believe all you need for a service dog is a health certificate, but do look up the info. just to be sure that's correct and that the requirements haven't changed since I last looked.


The USDA site may or may not have Canada's requirements on it; they don't have info. for every country and, sadly, are not helpful as if it isn't on the site, they don't know it and won't help you get it. I'm thinking Canada takes the three-year vaccine (but check on that), although Mexico might only take it within one year.


Doing titers for vaccines (except you have to follow the rabies laws) is the healthiest option for your dog over giving vaccines over and over again needlessly.

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We were in Ontario when we were about to go into a restaurant and we're told by another patron "I will not eat here if you bring your dog in!" And, then the owner asked us to leave because as he so firmly stated, "USA laws do not apply here!"

USA laws don't apply there, but Ontario laws sure do! Sounds like the guy was hoping you didn't know Ontario's access laws so he didn't have to serve you. How rude!! :mad: Who wants to give somebody like that their business anyway, though?! I hope you got better food and better service elsewhere.

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Now I am really back. I hate to say we had alot of problems on this cruise. They were all on the ship. First thing was the ramp to the balcony...there was none. After calling the office, they informed us that the hp room do NOT have ramps. :confused: Well we have had one on every cruise we have gone on, and you could see the brackets were still there. Besides its a hp balcony room duhhhhhhh!! Finally after 3 days, and a trip to the hotel manager, they made one and compensated us 300.00 on our bill.


There was a ramp to my balcony on my Carnival cruise (even though it wasn't an accessible room and I don't use a wheelchair) and it was just a few pieces of wood slapped together with some tread strips (sandpaper-like) put on the part you go on. I am surprised they didn't have it in the accessible room in the first place! That doesn't even make sense! What, ppl in wheelchairs don't want to go on balconies?! Crazy thought!


The potty box... First of all it wasn't there when we arrived and we were informed that they were busy with the luggage and would not have it ready for a few hours. I guess we were supposed to have Wex cross his legs until then. When they put it out, it was like 2x2 box with sawdust in it. This was not acceptable since the dog was bigger than the box!!! Wex was NOT happy, he hated the sawdust, maybe because it was blowing with his pee all over the promenade deck and himself. We had 2 seadays to start so when we got to St. Maarten they would get some grass and make a bigger box. Didn't happen! No grass on St. Maarten! So we waited another day, by this time the sawdust had gotten wet from weather and Wex was refusing to go in it. I don't think he drank and water for 3 days, cuz he didn't want to go in the box. Finally we had to force him in it. Finally by day 4 we had the new huge box and grass! Wex was so happy and not stressed out anymore. I think he drank 2 bowls of water that day.


Ugh! How annoying! Sounds like the box Royal Caribbean gave me on my first cruise. It, too, was 2'x2' (too small for my dog and I'm sure Wex is larger than mine), although it was filled with mulch (thankfully!). I'm glad Wex finally got his larger box with grass in it! I'm bringing my own potty again this cruise like I did last year and am glad I'm doing so after reading this (even though it is a different cruiseline).


Islands... St. Maarten we got off no problem, no questions asked.


Great! We're going there, too.


St Lucia, We were able to get off, even though they require the titer test. the vet came to the boat and granted us a permit anyway. With our 20.00 of course.


Great! We're going there, but did do the titer tests. I faxed them the paperwork today.


Barbados...NoT only could Wex not get off, but they informed us John couldn't get off either. You had to take a shuttle from the boat to the terminal and they had no hp shuttles.


Sorry to hear there weren't any accessible shuttles. :( I figure they won't let us off, but it can't hurt to try, so I also faxed them the paperwork today. But, we did the titers, so maybe, just maybe, they'll be kind.... (I doubt it.)


Gotta mail St. Kitts' form and the paperwork copies at the post office tomorrow 'cause they have a fee that is required to be paid via a post office money order.


Martinique...We don't care for the island so we did not even try to get off.


I'm not going there, but am curious what you don't like about it?


St Thomas...no problems and same with Nassau, which we had a permit to get off there anyway.


I hope you had fun! :)

Edited by Quampapetet
Too tired and thought the post said "charged us 300", oops! Where's my bed?!
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I thought I remember you saying you had your CCI phone interview yesterday. If you did, how did it go?


Thank you for asking. As usual, I was a nervous wreck.....and, not just because I was talking with a stranger and there would be lots of questions about me/lifestyle, etc., etc. But, the whole reason in and of itself was and continues to be emotionally exhausting. Brenda can make me cry faster than any other being in my life! :o

The phone call came in at exactly the time they said....9:00am. It was a gal named Shelly from CCI in Santa Rosa. She asked questions about what Brenda does for me and what would I change in a "Successor". She asked if I would be available on short notice [if they had a "Team" who were not connecting in Training] would I be able to come immediately. I said "of course!" In my heart I don't want it to happen so quickly......but, in my head I know and I see how much Brenda could use the "down" time.

She liked the fact that my DH would be home with Brenda and that he adores her as much and on some levels even more than I do!!!!

We talked about the introduction of the Successor to Brenda and she told me, "let the dogs handle it!" "They will work it out themselves, they'll find their comfort zones with each other!" She reminded me to not interfere too much and to allow them the time and space. She said that eventually Brenda will love the fact that Successor has to go to work and she can stay home with PaPa and get all the belly and head rubs that she wants. She said, "it's a process." And, the dogs will watch us to get their "ques" from us on how to behave. The calmer and more assertive about every situation we are, the more easily they will meld.

In the beginning, when I leave for work, we'll "dress" them both and walk to the car [as usual], except that Brenda will be walking with PaPa out the front gate [something she loves to do] and Successor will walk to my car and we'll leave. At first, she may do some staring and looking for me but as Shelly said, it won't take long and she'll just fall into a good pattern and routine and she'll be all excited when you both come home to her.

She said; I must have another doctor's report; a personal interview and will have to attend 2 weeks of Team Training.....of course, I had to fill out the same paperwork that we all had to fill out when we were first applying for our dogs [except the title on the paperwork is "Successor Application."

She reminded me that the training had changed a bit since 2002 and then asked me if I had a preference as to the size of my new dog. She reminded me that CCI trains dogs who weigh from 45 to 75 lbs. I told her the bigger the dog, the better for me!

It took 1/2 hour, and all-in-all was easy and pleasant with a few tears and lots of anticipation.

I must stop writing now because I have to go to my doctor's appointment, as CCI has requested.

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Thank you for asking. As usual, I was a nervous wreck.....and, not just because I was talking with a stranger and there would be lots of questions about me/lifestyle, etc., etc. But, the whole reason in and of itself was and continues to be emotionally exhausting. Brenda can make me cry faster than any other being in my life! :o


The phone call came in at exactly the time they said....9:00am. It was a gal named Shelly from CCI in Santa Rosa. She asked questions about what Brenda does for me and what would I change in a "Successor". She asked if I would be available on short notice [if they had a "Team" who were not connecting in Training] would I be able to come immediately. I said "of course!" In my heart I don't want it to happen so quickly......but, in my head I know and I see how much Brenda could use the "down" time.


She liked the fact that my DH would be home with Brenda and that he adores her as much and on some levels even more than I do!!!!


We talked about the introduction of the Successor to Brenda and she told me, "let the dogs handle it!" "They will work it out themselves, they'll find their comfort zones with each other!" She reminded me to not interfere too much and to allow them the time and space. She said that eventually Brenda will love the fact that Successor has to go to work and she can stay home with PaPa and get all the belly and head rubs that she wants. She said, "it's a process." And, the dogs will watch us to get their "ques" from us on how to behave. The calmer and more assertive about every situation we are, the more easily they will meld.


In the beginning, when I leave for work, we'll "dress" them both and walk to the car [as usual], except that Brenda will be walking with PaPa out the front gate [something she loves to do] and Successor will walk to my car and we'll leave. At first, she may do some staring and looking for me but as Shelly said, it won't take long and she'll just fall into a good pattern and routine and she'll be all excited when you both come home to her.


She said; I must have another doctor's report; a personal interview and will have to attend 2 weeks of Team Training.....of course, I had to fill out the same paperwork that we all had to fill out when we were first applying for our dogs [except the title on the paperwork is "Successor Application."


She reminded me that the training had changed a bit since 2002 and then asked me if I had a preference as to the size of my new dog. She reminded me that CCI trains dogs who weigh from 45 to 75 lbs. I told her the bigger the dog, the better for me!


It took 1/2 hour, and all-in-all was easy and pleasant with a few tears and lots of anticipation.


I must stop writing now because I have to go to my doctor's appointment, as CCI has requested.


That's great that everything went well. We were always told and have always had new dog introductions done in a neutral area. Never in the house or the back yard. Believe it or not, I think the hard part is over. You made the big leap and now it's in someone else's hands. Team training will be a breze cause your a veteran. Then some excitement when you bring the newbie home. Then Brenda gets to find out how nice it is just to lay there and wave goodbye to the new guy doing all the work. :D

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That's great that everything went well. We were always told and have always had new dog introductions done in a neutral area. Never in the house or the back yard. Believe it or not, I think the hard part is over. You made the big leap and now it's in someone else's hands. Team training will be a breze cause your a veteran. Then some excitement when you bring the newbie home. Then Brenda gets to find out how nice it is just to lay there and wave goodbye to the new guy doing all the work. :D


Good idea......

Well, back from the doctor. Gawd, I hate HMO's. While we were waiting in the waiting room a little boy with Down Syndrome was hysterical as we were walking in, then, he saw Brenda - It was a sight to see. He totally calmed down [the waiting room was full] everyone watched as the little boy walked over to Brenny and layed his head on her back. She, of course, just kept looking at me, the mother asked if this was okay and I and everyone else just kept staring at my amazing Brenny who gave such joy and calmness to this little boy.

After a half hour of watching the two of them the little boy was called into a room, he could not separate from Brenny. So, we walked him to the scale, to be weighed and then to his exam room. All the while the little boy had his hand on Brenny's head. So, so cute. Brenny just stayed by his side, with me on the other side and walked with the little boy. Such a sight!!!!!! I'm crying at the pureness of heart and soul of both my girl and that child.

I was called to my exam room and the little boy watched us leave and threw Brenny kisses.

I told the mother to call CCI.

Thank you for your wonderful encouragment as I go through this process your kind words are a great comfort.

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I don't really get many access issues, just the occassional idiot who can't tell my mobility dog is a service dog by looking at her harness :p which is solved by saying she is my service dog. Haven't been denied access. Have had some trouble with a couple airlines several years ago, but not in the past few years.


I think the newbies' problem is they don't have confidence. They act like they're sneaking their dog in or like they're defying the no-pets rule instead of acting like they belong there just like everybody else (which they do). Exuding confidence is important.


Knowing the laws is equally important, of course. I am sometimes surprised to see somebody with a service dog come on a message board and either post wrong info. about the law or post that they didn't know something about access (i.e. they were kicked out of a place but it was legal because their dog misbehaved). Or they misbehaved--we've had clients who have service dogs for PTSD who have anger management issues and we've had to explain that "no they didn't kick you out because of your dog, they kicked you out because you were acting like a jerk." I think some programs might not focus enough on the laws with their clients, then there are others who didn't listen or read up on the laws.


When challenged, don't get angry, as that won't help your case. Stay calm, but firm on your position, and explain service dogs and all that (see my previous posts above this one about that - it works in the States, too, plus you have a law behind you in the States). If an employee won't budge, ask to speak to the manager.


If you and your dog fit the state's access laws, you can call the police if the business keeps on denying you access. (The police don't enforce federal laws like the ADA.) You could also have the business call the ADA Hotline, so keep that number on you. Some ppl also like to keep a copy of the pertinent sections of the ADA on them. Also, some ppl need gear like guide and mobility harnesses, but for those who don't, it is a good idea to put a service dog vest on the dog when going into businesses (even though the law does not require this). It just makes access easier as well as less ppl questioning you and it helps the public know not to distract your dog.


Thanks for your input Quam! The ADA hotline was something I hadn't thought of until you mentioned it. And the state vs. federal issue is important too--I already have a little high school civics lesson at the beginning to remind people about federalism :) As I mentioned before, Washington State actually affords more protection for service animals than federal law so we need to remind people that when traveling, their experiences might be different. And looking at this board over the past few days, I think I'll add a section on international laws and traveling with your service dog.

Edited by Latitude 20
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Oh, and I should've mentioned this on my other reply about why I didn't go over to the woman with the guide dog, but coming home in the airport while waiting for the connecting flight there was a woman who said she had a service dog, but left him at home because she didn't want to deal with any access issues in Germany (and I'm guessing also the vet paperwork, too). She had a photo of her dog, a cute yellow Lab or Golden Retriever (I don't recall). It is too bad she was away from him, especially since she seemed to be travelling alone (but with a rollator/walker and I think some other medical equipment).


This really saddens me to hear. I'm afraid she's not alone, which is why we don't see so many Working Dogs out and about.

If we don't get brave and deal with ALL the issues we may face going into the public it will NEVER get easier for us or for the folks who will follow.

I, personally, make a promise to all of you who are just thinking about acquiring a Working Dog...I will NEVER stop fighting for the rights of these amazing heroes and the humans who walk and wheel with them. And, there are many, many people who feel the very same way I do!!!!! And, that's very good news!!!:)

Please don't hesitate to GO FOR IT!!!! You will not believe how enriched yours and the rest of your families lives will be.

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Roz, I'm glad your phone interview went good. I know it's a hard process but you and Brenny will be fine. And I'm sure Morey is secretly thrilled he will have his girl full time, I know I would be.


I forgot a story about the potty box. In St Lucia we did some cruising to pick up shore excursion people about 10 miles away. It was slow moving and it took us a few hours but we got to see more of the island and the Pitons. Some guy from the island wanted to hitch a ride with us and they told him unless he brought grass for the dog, he would not be allowed to go. So he brought grass, It looked like he dug it up on some side of a hill. The ship put it in the new box and roped it off with velvet ropes and a sign. Is Wex that special he needed velvet ropes and a sign? It was funny, and of course we took pics. Also threw in one of Wex with his shades on. :D




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Ok, lets start again.

Mornin' all:

Sunshine: Once again, a heart wrenching story, but so true. I know they are alot of work, but, really I hope mom gets a new successor dog for that little angel. She has to see that special bond between them.


Cindy: I think I would have gotten a coffee can and told those employees "Here, here is your toilet for a week, let me know how it works for you." Any reasonable person should be able to see that the potty box, first needed to get where Wexy could use it. Second, it wasn't a one size fits all! I showed the picture of Wexy in his tuxedo to hubby. He said "What a pretty dog!' Now we are partial to yellows, but just love the way Wexy and Ms. Brenny's coats shine. I know it is from the love and care they get from you guys.

Roz: I am on the emotional roller coaster with you! As I sit here and cry (One reason I lost the last post) hard to see thru the tears. But, I can just see Brenny going out to the SUV and watchin you leave and putting her paw up in the air and pulling it down and saying "YES, I get to go relax with Papa!" All will be good.

I get so choked up with the special needs kids and the way they react to a dog. I know i have said this before, but working with special ed, I told several mom's about getting SD for their kids. I have also seen first hand what a difference it makes. I am so proud of you and Ms. Brenny. She knew, it was her "duty" to help that little boy.

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. We are suppose to get snow showers. Last snow is still here, but melting.

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Of course first of all: Thanks Nancy for the visual of the coffee can...Friends who have traveled more than me have told me about potties that weren't more than a hole in the floor....which is my visual with that. I just shudder and want to go hug Wexie even more.....


I visited my young friend yesterday...she is sadly still in the hospital and recovering from yet another surgical procedure. She was dealing with some pain, but still seemed glad to see me as not a nurse, but her friend. (of course we were both glad to see her nurse walk in with pain meds..) I told her how happy the trainer and foster mom were that the puppy did so well on a visit. She told me she and her mom had a long talk. Then she looked at me with big eyes and said " I don't just want another dog... I need one. I need one to help me grow up and become independent". This is from a 20 year old who has been in special education classes most of her life(probably more due to physical issues and lot's of class time missed due to illness). She has really grown up a lot this year. I just looked at her and told her those were probably the best words to describe to her mom how she felt.. Really we all "want" dogs, but some "need" them in a unique way.

Edited by sunshine426
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Roz, I'm glad your phone interview went good. I know it's a hard process but you and Brenny will be fine. And I'm sure Morey is secretly thrilled he will have his girl full time, I know I would be.


I forgot a story about the potty box. In St Lucia we did some cruising to pick up shore excursion people about 10 miles away. It was slow moving and it took us a few hours but we got to see more of the island and the Pitons. Some guy from the island wanted to hitch a ride with us and they told him unless he brought grass for the dog, he would not be allowed to go. So he brought grass, It looked like he dug it up on some side of a hill. The ship put it in the new box and roped it off with velvet ropes and a sign. Is Wex that special he needed velvet ropes and a sign? It was funny, and of course we took pics. Also threw in one of Wex with his shades on. :D


OMG! How funny is Wex, such a star! And, the velvet ropes are too funny. I remember how HA would wash down Brenny's Potty Box, in the early morning so that when we would go to it it was wet and soggy. They're not real bright on what to and not to do! It kind of keeps us away from them, unless we booked another "huge" balcony suite.

Aside from their stupidity about the best way to treat a Service Dog, they have a very nice product.

Thank you so much for sharing your great photos, they really give another dimension to our stories.

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Of course first of all: Thanks Nancy for the visual of the coffee can...Friends who have traveled more than me have told me about potties that weren't more than a hole in the floor....which is my visual with that. I just shudder and want to go hug Wexie even more.....


I visited my young friend yesterday...she is sadly still in the hospital and recovering from yet another surgical procedure. She was dealing with some pain, but still seemed glad to see me as not a nurse, but her friend. (of course we were both glad to see her nurse walk in with pain meds..) I told her how happy the trainer and foster mom were that the puppy did so well on a visit. She told me she and her mom had a long talk. Then she looked at me with big eyes and said " I don't just want another dog... I need one. I need one to help me grow up and become independent". This is from a 20 year old who has been in special education classes most of her life(probably more due to physical issues and lot's of class time missed due to illness). She has really grown up a lot this year. I just looked at her and told her those were probably the best words to describe to her mom how she felt.. Really we all "want" dogs, but some "need" them in a unique way.


Yes, some of us do NEED THEM in very unique ways! I can hardly type through my filled eyes.


I'm so glad she is willing to try it again. And, she doesn't know me but please tell her that I am sending my love and very best wishes for her to have a full and pain free life!!!!

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Ok, lets start again.

Mornin' all:

Sunshine: Once again, a heart wrenching story, but so true. I know they are alot of work, but, really I hope mom gets a new successor dog for that little angel. She has to see that special bond between them.


Cindy: I think I would have gotten a coffee can and told those employees "Here, here is your toilet for a week, let me know how it works for you." Any reasonable person should be able to see that the potty box, first needed to get where Wexy could use it. Second, it wasn't a one size fits all! I showed the picture of Wexy in his tuxedo to hubby. He said "What a pretty dog!' Now we are partial to yellows, but just love the way Wexy and Ms. Brenny's coats shine. I know it is from the love and care they get from you guys.


Roz: I am on the emotional roller coaster with you! As I sit here and cry (One reason I lost the last post) hard to see thru the tears. But, I can just see Brenny going out to the SUV and watchin you leave and putting her paw up in the air and pulling it down and saying "YES, I get to go relax with Papa!" All will be good.


I get so choked up with the special needs kids and the way they react to a dog. I know i have said this before, but working with special ed, I told several mom's about getting SD for their kids. I have also seen first hand what a difference it makes. I am so proud of you and Ms. Brenny. She knew, it was her "duty" to help that little boy.


Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. We are suppose to get snow showers. Last snow is still here, but melting.


Thank you for your love and support as I go through this.


I hate when the computer tells me what I can and can not do! :mad:


Have fun in your snow, we're enjoying 80 degree weather here!

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Nancy, I like your idea with the coffee can! John had always been partial to yellow labs too, since Rangeley was yellow. And he actually said on his application for CCI that he wanted one. But he's come around now, especially with Bailee and now Wex. The only bad thing is that they are so darn hard to photograph!!


Sunshine, I remembering John saying the same as that girl, "I don't want one, I need one". And I need one too! He keeps me sane. Rangeley and I would talk all the time, like my best friend. John ticks me off and I talk to the dog. Hmmmmmm sounds kinda wierd. But it works for me.


Roz, On the ship, the worst people with the dog are the crew. They don't touch him, they just yell his name and make noises. They come close to him but not close enough to pat him. They seem scared or know they aren't suppose to touch them, but don't know that yelling from afar is just as bad. They need to educate them better. We are considering another cruiseline for our next cruise. Although we have loved our HAL the difference in things from this year and last are really swaying us. HAL has the most beautiful private island, even voted best for many years in a row. We didn't go there this trip, but they put this HUGE pirate ship right in the middle of the cabanas,(we usually rent one cuz John can't be in the sun for that long). It's hideous!! I guess it's a bar, just something to make more money. I have heard that they play blaring music all day. When we go there, we want peace and quiet. Here's a few pics people posted. It really looks out of place. I guess Carnival also uses the island and people think it's more for that crowd. You can see the little cabanas next to it. Have you gone on Celebrity? We are maybe looking into them.





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Mornin' all:


have fun in your snow, we're enjoying 80 degree weather here!

It says its 19 degrees right now. Didn't feel that cold when I went out to get the paper. It did not snow. It was actually warm (for us) yesterday. In the upper 40's.


Cindy: Not so weird talking to the dog or cat. I do it all the time. Then hubby's will say, "Quit telling her that!" It is usually about him anyway. We sailed on Celebrity, to Hawaii. The 14 days. We liked it. It did feel very crowded thru the casino, which was one of the thorough fares to the front of the ship, where the shows were. There was no way a wheelchair or Wex could get thru there safely. That was usually after dinner though when everyone was trying to get to the show. Other than that, I thought HAL had better food. But, this was years ago.

Football and laundry today. Everyone have a wonderful day.

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Nancy, It's a balmy 21 here. Tonight is going to be -5 and the high for tomorrow is 12 :eek: We got 24 inches of snow when we were gone, then Friday we got another 8 or so, and Wed is going to be another snow storm. We are getting hammered this year. There is no place left to put snow. Poor Wex is having trouble finding a place to potty and as far as exercise.. forget it!! And besides that, he's a wuss with snow between his toes. He lifts his leg and whines. I can't imagine poor Jezzy Lou in snow that deep.

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Nancy, I like your idea with the coffee can! John had always been partial to yellow labs too, since Rangeley was yellow. And he actually said on his application for CCI that he wanted one. But he's come around now, especially with Bailee and now Wex. The only bad thing is that they are so darn hard to photograph!!


Sunshine, I remembering John saying the same as that girl, "I don't want one, I need one". And I need one too! He keeps me sane. Rangeley and I would talk all the time, like my best friend. John ticks me off and I talk to the dog. Hmmmmmm sounds kinda wierd. But it works for me.


Roz, On the ship, the worst people with the dog are the crew. They don't touch him, they just yell his name and make noises. They come close to him but not close enough to pat him. They seem scared or know they aren't suppose to touch them, but don't know that yelling from afar is just as bad. They need to educate them better. We are considering another cruiseline for our next cruise. Although we have loved our HAL the difference in things from this year and last are really swaying us. HAL has the most beautiful private island, even voted best for many years in a row. We didn't go there this trip, but they put this HUGE pirate ship right in the middle of the cabanas,(we usually rent one cuz John can't be in the sun for that long). It's hideous!! I guess it's a bar, just something to make more money. I have heard that they play blaring music all day. When we go there, we want peace and quiet. Here's a few pics people posted. It really looks out of place. I guess Carnival also uses the island and people think it's more for that crowd. You can see the little cabanas next to it. Have you gone on Celebrity? We are maybe looking into them.






Cindy, you don't have to explain the conversations with "Wex", I do it too. If Morey and I have had a disagreement [that's being kind], I'll turn to Brenny [after Morey's left the room] and, I'll just go on and on about my feelings and thoughts [it doesn't really matter that she doesn't say a word], I just love the fact that she's such a great listener.


We get that "nonsense" of calling Brenda's name and making weird sounds in her direction from the crew too! I verbally tell them to "STOP" and remind them that they should NEVER do that! It's kind of hard to tell them all, in every venue......I find myself using the "leave it" command a lot. I think they're missing their own pets so much, they can't help themselves.


I also requested a "yellow or white" dog while in training. I got to work with one for one session during Team Training and then every other session was with Brenda. CCI had matched us long before we were working together. I was not totally in love with Brenda when they matched us but, I was willing to give her all I had inside me. Need I say more about that? No dog looks as beautiful as these black Labs when their fur is shiny and, in the sunlight she glistens. She has totally changed my mind about Black Labs. My world revolves around her!!!!!!!


The reason for all her fancy collars and scarves are because of the lack of dimension for her in photos. The colorful collars help to make her face stand out. Exactly what Wex's tux does for him!


Brenda has been on the Celebrity Summit. We loved the ship and the crew. They were so accommodating. The Hotel Manager knocked on our cabin door asking if someone could walk Brenda to her pottybox for us. In white gloves, no less! They're one of the few cruiselines who still serve a "full" breakfast from room service and start your cruise with Mimosa's served by white gloved Stewards, at embarkation. It was really a treat to cruise with them. We haven't found another Celebrity ship to leave from L.A. or San Diego again, otherwise I would think about cruising them again.


I saw the Pirate Ship pictures and wish that cruiselines would understand that sometimes "less is better!"


I hope you've caught-up on your life after cruising. It takes me a while to get my land legs.

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Mornin' all:



It says its 19 degrees right now. Didn't feel that cold when I went out to get the paper. It did not snow. It was actually warm (for us) yesterday. In the upper 40's.


Cindy: Not so weird talking to the dog or cat. I do it all the time. Then hubby's will say, "Quit telling her that!" It is usually about him anyway. We sailed on Celebrity, to Hawaii. The 14 days. We liked it. It did feel very crowded thru the casino, which was one of the thorough fares to the front of the ship, where the shows were. There was no way a wheelchair or Wex could get thru there safely. That was usually after dinner though when everyone was trying to get to the show. Other than that, I thought HAL had better food. But, this was years ago.


Football and laundry today. Everyone have a wonderful day.


You, too!

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Nancy, It's a balmy 21 here. Tonight is going to be -5 and the high for tomorrow is 12 :eek: We got 24 inches of snow when we were gone, then Friday we got another 8 or so, and Wed is going to be another snow storm. We are getting hammered this year. There is no place left to put snow. Poor Wex is having trouble finding a place to potty and as far as exercise.. forget it!! And besides that, he's a wuss with snow between his toes. He lifts his leg and whines. I can't imagine poor Jezzy Lou in snow that deep.


I give you guys so much credit with all that "white" stuff bombarding you.


Geezzzz! We had some winds last week and I was complaining the whole time while I was walking Brenny to "hurry-up" my hair was going nuts and my sinuses were killing me!!!!!!!!


I guess I'm really a "whimp" when it comes to the weather.

Everything may be more expensive, here in L.A., but it's so worth the sunshine days!

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Update on "Successor Team Training:" I'm writing from Morey's computer for those of you who may be confused by the different avatar.


I'm waiting for my appointment with my medical specialist. Once that is done the results will be forwarded to CCI. And, I'm waiting for my "Personal Interview" to be scheduled.


I spoke to one of my fellow classmates from my "Team Training" class, yesterday; she was receiving a successor dog. Her retiring dog was also going to be staying home with her husband and he was looking forward to the day that her dog would be "his!" [As is Morey]. She went to Team Training by herself because, just as me, she didn't want to leave her retiring dog in a kennel while she was at CCI for the two weeks. And, my interviewer said that because it was a Successor dog, for me, that this was very doable. "Newbie's" should have someone with them to assist in the process.


My friend also reminded me that CCI does not want you to be without a dog, which is why they will move the process along for a "Successor Team!"


So, I wait. It's easier for me after hearing from my classmate and, having all of you and your wonderful support keeping me brave and strong. [sorry if I'm sounding dramatic, it's huge for me!]


Also, this means I'll have new Puppy Raisers - And, that's a very good thing.


Brenda's Puppy Raisers [although, they gave Brenny her start and taught her well] became extremely elusive with CCI and me, and never were able to communicate. I had to call and write CCI Exec's. to get puppy pictures of Brenny. After our graduation, while my classmates were getting albums, stories, tearful hugs and kisses and good luck send off's - Brenny and I got a hug and a kiss from PaPa and our trainers. Brenda was their one and only puppy; they had tried to "Puppyraise" again and were not successful and, then dropped out of the program. I have 4 pictures of Brenda, as a puppy; she was so, so cute. I wish I had more.

I made-up for not having puppy pictures and have enough pictures of her from the age of 20 months old to now; in albums, all over my house and at work, I could fill a barrel.


I'm grateful to them for Brenda and I can't wait to, hopefully, get Puppyraisers who follow through with lots of puppy pictures and wonderful stories of their journey with "Successor!"


I've sent them pictures of Brenda and even told them of her travels and adventures and how much she is adored by us. They responded twice in 8 1/2 years and then stopped. When I inquired at CCI about them, I was told that they just stopped communicating with them. I will be forever grateful and I truly wish them well!

[Roz & Brenny[/b]

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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Cindy: In the beginning Jezzy Lou would go out and get her business done. Now, it is like she looks for the snow bank. She has been going out in the middle of the night, when I get up to go to the bathroom. It seems like its takes her forever. She comes in all cold and gets back in bed with Papa! :D It is rather funny seeing her little legs squat and her bottom still being in the snow to go potty. Good thing she is not a girlie girl, she would be appalled at me laughing.

Roz: See, now you won't have a preference! You have had your gorgeous black girl and know you will still love them with all your heart! I am so hoping you get a Labradoodle. I know i said that before, but am really crossing all fingers, toes and paws. They are so adorable. Wouldn't it be awesome if Ms. Sunshine was your puppy raiser?

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Cindy: In the beginning Jezzy Lou would go out and get her business done. Now, it is like she looks for the snow bank. She has been going out in the middle of the night, when I get up to go to the bathroom. It seems like its takes her forever. She comes in all cold and gets back in bed with Papa! :D It is rather funny seeing her little legs squat and her bottom still being in the snow to go potty. Good thing she is not a girlie girl, she would be appalled at me laughing.


Roz: See, now you won't have a preference! You have had your gorgeous black girl and know you will still love them with all your heart! I am so hoping you get a Labradoodle. I know i said that before, but am really crossing all fingers, toes and paws. They are so adorable. Wouldn't it be awesome if Ms. Sunshine was your puppy raiser?


I would be the luckiest girl in the world if I had someone like Sunshine.

Have a great week everyone.:)

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I would be the happiest foster parent alive if Miss Roz got one of CA's pups. But, they are with CCI and that works well for them. I gave Cracker's people a small photo album of his baby pictures and some of his favoirte toys. It helped me with the separation. I am taking sooooooooo many pictures of Cooler because you guys all said how much you loved them.

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