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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Hi All, It's been a crazy few days here. I've never minded this New England weather, but I think I'm at my limit! :mad: This is just crazy! Tuesday we got another 6" and then yesterday a few inches and then ice and rain. I couldn't shovel the van out because it was just to heavy, so now it has froze and there's nothing I can do. I had to go down this morning and clean the van off again cuz we got more snow last night. Then pull it out of the spot cuz John can't get in it. Wex is home with me today cuz John cannot get around on the ice and snow to take him out to potty. Poor thing is struggling to crunch through the ice covered snow. He's had no exercise at all, no walks, only thing we can do is throw the ball down our hallway a few times. There are so many roof collaspes around here, it's scary. Of course our building has a flat roof, but I'm sure they will not do anything about it. Some schools were closed cuz they have flat roofs and had to hire someone to shovel them off. Even without a flat roof, everyones houses are leaking, even my moms. They have buckets on our enclosed porch in the back of the house. What happens when all this snow melts? They predict another 6+ inches this Saturday. The mayan calender predicts the end of the world next year and I am starting to believe it's coming. I have never seen tragedies that we have had the past few years. Oh well, another day, another snowstorm :eek:


Quam, Have an awesome cruise!!!! You were smart to get out of here when you did. Enjoy it while you can.


Roz, How fun your Rodeo drive jaunt must have been. And I'm sure Brenny was a star! I forgot how long the application process for the dog is. I have been thinking of our time at CCI when we got Wex. They have a big class of 12 going on right now. John and I were saying how yesterday they were getting matched up with their dogs and how nervous and excited we were. And when they handed us Wex, we were almost in tears cuz we got the one we wanted. Who knew he would be sleeping in a queen size bed with his head on the pillow right now! :eek: What a bum!!


Sunshine, Another awesome story. I'm glad you have another dog to keep you busy while Cooler is gone for a month. That Crackers seems to have left an impression on alot of people. What a lucky recipient who got that dog. Sometimes there's just that one dog that seems to have that something special that everyone gravitates to. I think Wex was one of those dogs. Everyone seemed to know who he was, and told us how lucky we were.


I guess I'll go vaccum cuz the apt is like a sand pit! bbl



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Not to mention one that doesn't get seasick/motion sick! :)


Yep! It's the first thing I told the gal who interviewed me on the phone. Brenda has been the most amazing traveler; by car, train, boat and airplane. She loves them all and has NEVER, EVER gotten sick.


My very first requirement.......MUST TRAVEL WELL!!!!! ;)

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Hi All, It's been a crazy few days here. I've never minded this New England weather, but I think I'm at my limit! :mad: This is just crazy! Tuesday we got another 6" and then yesterday a few inches and then ice and rain. I couldn't shovel the van out because it was just to heavy, so now it has froze and there's nothing I can do. I had to go down this morning and clean the van off again cuz we got more snow last night. Then pull it out of the spot cuz John can't get in it. Wex is home with me today cuz John cannot get around on the ice and snow to take him out to potty. Poor thing is struggling to crunch through the ice covered snow. He's had no exercise at all, no walks, only thing we can do is throw the ball down our hallway a few times. There are so many roof collaspes around here, it's scary. Of course our building has a flat roof, but I'm sure they will not do anything about it. Some schools were closed cuz they have flat roofs and had to hire someone to shovel them off. Even without a flat roof, everyones houses are leaking, even my moms. They have buckets on our enclosed porch in the back of the house. What happens when all this snow melts? They predict another 6+ inches this Saturday. The mayan calender predicts the end of the world next year and I am starting to believe it's coming. I have never seen tragedies that we have had the past few years. Oh well, another day, another snowstorm :eek:


Quam, Have an awesome cruise!!!! You were smart to get out of here when you did. Enjoy it while you can.


Roz, How fun your Rodeo drive jaunt must have been. And I'm sure Brenny was a star! I forgot how long the application process for the dog is. I have been thinking of our time at CCI when we got Wex. They have a big class of 12 going on right now. John and I were saying how yesterday they were getting matched up with their dogs and how nervous and excited we were. And when they handed us Wex, we were almost in tears cuz we got the one we wanted. Who knew he would be sleeping in a queen size bed with his head on the pillow right now! :eek: What a bum!!


Sunshine, Another awesome story. I'm glad you have another dog to keep you busy while Cooler is gone for a month. That Crackers seems to have left an impression on alot of people. What a lucky recipient who got that dog. Sometimes there's just that one dog that seems to have that something special that everyone gravitates to. I think Wex was one of those dogs. Everyone seemed to know who he was, and told us how lucky we were.


I guess I'll go vaccum cuz the apt is like a sand pit! bbl




Cindy: I don't know how you folks do it. :( I couldn't! I'd be so, so frustrated. We've had some very chilly weather, with winds that have knocked down 18 wheelers all over our freeways but we can still go out and the winds do die down. By this weekend we're expecting 80 degree temperatures again. The weather "Gods" are having a field day with all of us!!!!!!

I can remember, so clearly, your writing to us about your frustration with the "waiting list" and CCI. You didn't think you'd ever get a dog. It's weird how the time goes by. The upcoming graduations for us are in April, June and September. The only Team Training we could attend this year would be April or June, the September one is at the same time as our cruise and, well, you know how that goes. Can't miss a cruise!!!!!! :D

Your weather "sucks", I hope Wexy has a chance to get out before he forgets what the sunshine feels like. Like everything else in this life........This to shall pass!

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Well, I had to move my flights up two days because of the predicted weather, so I got to Puerto Rico (where the ship leaves from) yesterday (Tues.). Darn, I have to relax for two more days! ;)


So, yeah, that meant two less days to get things done before leaving! Couldn't get to the groomer or do one other thing, but I got everything else done. The only scissors I brought with me was the cheap rounded-end straight grooming shears, so when I trimmed her bangs today it didn't come out so well, but oh well!


Barbados did finally reply claiming they couldn't grant an exemption (unlike Grand Turk last year and St. Kitts this year!), so we'll be on the ship that day. Stinks that the day before is a sea day, so we're stuck on the ship two days in a row.


Quam: Enjoy every relaxing moment. Bon Voyage!

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Thanks, Sunshine! I love animals, including sealife, so would love to see it someday. Definitely won't be this year, though, since I have too many trips already this year (this cruise is my second trip of 2011 and then I have Vegas and then recertification in the spring at some point). Someday, though! :)


I'm holding you to it! And anyone else that comes south. Dog Friendly home available...

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Mornin' all;

Boy is this working thing getting in the way of my computer time! I try and keep up reading but can't always post, because we all know, I can't be brief!

Sunshine: I would love to see the aquarium. Travis would flip. We wouldn't even have a dog to bring. I don't Jezzy Lou can qualify as a service dog! :eek: She would, however fit in with the snapping turtles. That's not fair of me. Since I bought the muzzle and she wore it 2 maybe 3 times, she is now fine with the other family memebers! Yeah, thanks for the suggestion, can't remember who it was.

Everyone have a great weekend, mine is gonna be busy.

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Hi everyone! My mom and I have been avid cruisers for several years now but due to her heart condition she was prescribed a medical companion dog and I'm having a hard time finding out information on cruise lines that may allow medical companion dogs/emotional support animals. From what I've come across so far I THINK I've figured out that DCL allows them with proper documentation, CCL does not. I emailed the special needs department for RCCL and didn't receive a response, and my cruise consultant from NCL responded and told me that service dogs are allowed. I don't think she understands the difference between a service dog/medical companion.


I started reading this thread but realized that most of the information unfortunately doesn't apply to our situation because my Lola (yes, Lola is technically mine. I was staying with my mom for a few weeks in between apartment hunting when her cardiologist noticed the improvement in her health.. so Lola and I stayed.) isn't actually a service dog and doesn't have any of the rights that one would be afforded. I haven't gone through the entire thread because it's so large but I was hoping maybe someone has some info for people who are trying to travel with emotional support animals/medical companions.


I'm really just looking to find out which lines have allowed these dogs on board in the past? I know that we will not be able to go ashore with Lola, but how does cruising with a dog work? She's an 11lb shih tzu and puppy pad trained so I don't have to worry about the potty box really but I'm more concerned about doing things around the ship like sitting by the pool, going to dinner or a show.. How does this all work? We don't want to offend or upset people.

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Hi everyone! My mom and I have been avid cruisers for several years now but due to her heart condition she was prescribed a medical companion dog and I'm having a hard time finding out information on cruise lines that may allow medical companion dogs/emotional support animals. From what I've come across so far I THINK I've figured out that DCL allows them with proper documentation, CCL does not. I emailed the special needs department for RCCL and didn't receive a response, and my cruise consultant from NCL responded and told me that service dogs are allowed. I don't think she understands the difference between a service dog/medical companion.


I started reading this thread but realized that most of the information unfortunately doesn't apply to our situation because my Lola (yes, Lola is technically mine. I was staying with my mom for a few weeks in between apartment hunting when her cardiologist noticed the improvement in her health.. so Lola and I stayed.) isn't actually a service dog and doesn't have any of the rights that one would be afforded. I haven't gone through the entire thread because it's so large but I was hoping maybe someone has some info for people who are trying to travel with emotional support animals/medical companions.


I'm really just looking to find out which lines have allowed these dogs on board in the past? I know that we will not be able to go ashore with Lola, but how does cruising with a dog work? She's an 11lb shih tzu and puppy pad trained so I don't have to worry about the potty box really but I'm more concerned about doing things around the ship like sitting by the pool, going to dinner or a show.. How does this all work? We don't want to offend or upset people.



Jennifer: How wonderful that "LoLa" makes your mother feel well. It's very simple: Unless "Lola" mitigates a problem that her **handler has she is not considered a Service/Working/Skilled Companion/Hearing/Seeing Eye Dog. Lola would not have "Public Access" according to the laws of the ADA, who protects the handlers of the aforementioned dogs, thereby protecting the dog.

If "Lola" actually "detects" a problem for your mother, in regard to her heart problems, therefore "mitigating" any heart issues, your mother could have her cardiologist write such a letter for her to present to a public carrier. However, Lola and your mother need to be trained on how to behave in the public venue. Lola must become the "invisible" dog unless she is detecting a problem and then she would be allowed to "alert" your mother. Lola MUST stay on the seat/lap or under the table. Lola can NEVER eat off of public utensils, she must not bark/growl/lick/bite or act out in any way, while in the publc.

You're really Lola's **handler. Your mother would have to become the "handler" as it's the person who has the "public access" and is protected by all "public access" laws, therefore protecting the dog.

If the presence of Lola keeps your mother calm/heartbeat better and makes her happier....then Lola would be considered a "therapy" or "emotional support" dog ONLY. And, would NOT HAVE PUBLIC ACCESS RIGHTS.

All cruiselines will ask you for some sort of "ducmentation" about your dog and what it does for the **handler. As I mentioned; a doctors note stipulating that Lola actually "alerts" your mother to any blood pressure drops or changes would be exactly what you need. The doctor stating that "Lola" makes your mom feel good will NEVER be acceptable. A Vet check would be required, along with the necessary paperwork/bloodwork/documentation for Interstate travel and your passport.

I know I've given you a lot to think about but can you imagine if everyone said that they want to bring along their "pet" just because it helps to keep them calm and happy? It would definitely be a better world but unfortunately, some pets are not very well behaved and have very little training. They'd be "pooping" and "peeing" and "barking" and "fighting" all over the place. It would be chaos, with dogs and people screaming and yelping.......what a mess.

The reason we ALL love the Service Dog is because he/she has been trained how to behave in public and they're an absolute joy to watch and observe as they go about their daily duties. I never, never get tired of watching these amazing heroes in action. I get goosebumps when I see them, as does the public.

Good luck and may Lola always keep your mother's heart happy.

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Mornin' all;


Boy is this working thing getting in the way of my computer time! I try and keep up reading but can't always post, because we all know, I can't be brief!


Sunshine: I would love to see the aquarium. Travis would flip. We wouldn't even have a dog to bring. I don't Jezzy Lou can qualify as a service dog! :eek: She would, however fit in with the snapping turtles. That's not fair of me. Since I bought the muzzle and she wore it 2 maybe 3 times, she is now fine with the other family memebers! Yeah, thanks for the suggestion, can't remember who it was.


Everyone have a great weekend, mine is gonna be busy.


I so agree.......Oh! Not about Jezzy being like a snapping turtle but, if you think about it! What's up with her? :o

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I'm new to this so I may be duplicating my post...what to do... I would like the cruise lines to be pro-active in preventing Noro. This might help.


The cruise ships have been plagued by Norovirus for years. It's extremely unpredictable, can be brought in from many sources and it spreads like wildfire. So I have seen...


The cruise lines are aware of the problem and act quickly when they see an outbreak but they can't just spray bleach everywhere.


You know what they say about an ounce of prevention...


I bought a few 3 oz bottles of a product that kills Norovirus (it's EPA registered) and is safe to spray in the cabin with children present. It has no bleach, ammonia or alcohol. I sprayed everything continually. We were fine. Maybe just luck but for a $10 investment...


I heard a radio ad for the product (it also kills H1N1) and went to this web-site safeandstrong.net (safe and strong). They don't have on-line ordering but I got the stuff quickly.



"Doctor Know": Thanks for the wonderful information......and, this has what to do with Cruising With a Service Dog? Not that I wouldn't want to protect me, my DH and who ever else........but, uh?

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Today's the doctor visit. The forms will then be sent to CCI and then "we'll see!"

I'm using the "ramp" everyday now to put Brenda into my SUV. She's having a hard time with the "jump" early in the am. If any of you have an SUV you know how high the jump is into the back seat for a dog. Brenda is not a tall dog. She's short and bulky like most English Labs.

Someone had suggested to me to get her to jump onto the floor of the back seat instead of the seat. I suppose that would be a shorter jump. I've never trained her to do this........do I want to start? I guess that depends on how much work it is to get the ramp out or take the time to retrain the jump. At the end of the day she leaps with more ease. It's the "got to get the bones warmed-up" kind of thing.

Hope you're all busy with good stuff!!!!! And, you're weather is giving you a break!

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Afternoon all:

Roz: Jezzy Lou is doing great. I bought the lovely pink muzzle. She only had to wear it 2-3 times. Don't know if it was the muzzle thing or if she was just finally ok with the vistors. She has been very good with all of them. As a matter of fact they were all over on Superbowl Sunday. My niece is coming tomorrow, one Jezzy hasn't met, so another test will be in order. Hopefully all will be good.

You know at one time, I actually went and looked at mini-vans specifically for Reno. So he could get in and out of them with ease. We never got it, but did have a little ford focus which was much easier for him to get in. He did not like any help, like lifting his hind legs and butt in. Used the ramp for the motorhome, mostly getting in, then eventually for getting out, also. The stairs were really steep.

I hope the doctors visit went well. I am sure it did. Give my Ms. Brenny some extra hugs (like that is possible) for me.

Oh, and just for you, it started snowing again last night and has snowed most of the day. Fortunately it is light and has dropped about 6-8". 6 degrees, but doesn't really feel that cold to me. OMG, am I getting use to it? Doubt it. Suppose to be 30 degrees tomorrow, we shall see.........

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Cooler is finishing up week one at UGA! So far she is doing well, is learning how to stay up after the sun goes down. Her college "mommy" has sent me some pictures and she looks like she is having an adventure a day. I went on an outing last week with three other friends. So we had four women, four dogs, two cars, one restaurant and a trip to the botanical gardens. Lot's of fun, but the valet at the restaurant eyes got big as one dog after another got out of the car.....

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Cooler is finishing up week one at UGA! So far she is doing well, is learning how to stay up after the sun goes down. Her college "mommy" has sent me some pictures and she looks like she is having an adventure a day. I went on an outing last week with three other friends. So we had four women, four dogs, two cars, one restaurant and a trip to the botanical gardens. Lot's of fun, but the valet at the restaurant eyes got big as one dog after another got out of the car.....


I'm so glad Cooler is doing well and is becoming an important part of this young woman's life.

I love that look of "shock" when I drop my car at a valet and open the back door for Brenda to get out and we continue walking into the restaurant or wherever. The look and sometimes the actual words of "you can't bring a dog in there!" I always say, "thank you for letting me know" and I just keep walking.

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We took Orson to the mall yesterday and had two new comments. We were walking past a family and the father told his family that there goes a "rescue dog". Then as we were leaving a boy told his family, oh look...a "fire dog".


This is so funny.....I forgot about this.....This could be a thread all by itself - "What are some of the funniest things your Working Dog is called?"

The most frequent for me is: "Look, its a blind dog!"

I love the "fire dog!"

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I'm so glad Cooler is doing well and is becoming an important part of this young woman's life.


I love that look of "shock" when I drop my car at a valet and open the back door for Brenda to get out and we continue walking into the restaurant or wherever. The look and sometimes the actual words of "you can't bring a dog in there!" I always say, "thank you for letting me know" and I just keep walkin



Cooler is actually with another CA volunteer. She is a fabulous young woman who has been volunteering for CA officially for two years. Unofficially for many years as her mom is a CA volunteer. Now that Abby is off at college she alternates dogs to give them a collegiate experience. Another small world, Cracker's mom lives with Abby's mom. So we have a nice connection. I'll have her back in a few more weeks.

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I hope that everyone is holding-up under all our weather changes [here in California] and all over the U.S. We're now getting very cold/windy and off and on rain showers. Next week we're going to be drowning in the wet stuff. That'll teach me to brag about our 80 degree temps when you guys back east were struggling with all the white stuff.

I'm still in the waiting mode for my "personal interview" with CCI and then to be invited to Team Training. There will be two dates; one in March and another in June for my class and then another in September but that's right during our Pacific Northwest cruise and, I don't want to miss that cruise. If it were a Mexican Riviera cruise I would consider canceling but, I've been wanting to do the Northwest for a very long time and Princess doesn't do them alot so, I'll be on that ship, no matter what and, either Brenny or "Successor" will be on it with me!

Have a great weekend, I'm off work tomorrow to make-up for time I worked last Sunday. Love those days off!!!! ;)

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Hi guys

been a while I posted about the health certs and never checked back sorry we sailed away LOL Our disney cruise was amazing as usual and very great accomidations were made for Denver and I - NOW someone tell me if Carnival is good for a 7 night mexican riv ? I want to go again in Dec 2011 but for what I pay for 1 on disney 2 can sail on carnival plus disneys ship shurts everything down at midnight really 10 pm no food etc all night - are there buffets all night on carnival ? I herd there are



Roz - We need to catch up I just saw your last few posts - I am so sorry shes slowing down tears are in my eyes - Denver is slowing a lot too and semi retiring now - it is so hard to watch SO HARD I hate this part of having a dog - please do e mail me at

COUNTRYGRL290 at aol dot com


oh and for my 2 cents I get " wow wow " a lot for people calling Denver names it drives me NUTS and denver says dont they know my name isnt "wow wow " LOL

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Hi guys

been a while I posted about the health certs and never checked back sorry we sailed away LOL Our disney cruise was amazing as usual and very great accomidations were made for Denver and I - NOW someone tell me if Carnival is good for a 7 night mexican riv ? I want to go again in Dec 2011 but for what I pay for 1 on disney 2 can sail on carnival plus disneys ship shurts everything down at midnight really 10 pm no food etc all night - are there buffets all night on carnival ? I herd there are



Roz - We need to catch up I just saw your last few posts - I am so sorry shes slowing down tears are in my eyes - Denver is slowing a lot too and semi retiring now - it is so hard to watch SO HARD I hate this part of having a dog - please do e mail me at

COUNTRYGRL290 at aol dot com


oh and for my 2 cents I get " wow wow " a lot for people calling Denver names it drives me NUTS and denver says dont they know my name isnt "wow wow " LOL


Cari: I'm so glad that your cruise went well. I highly recommend one week on Carnival or Princess. I don't like the shorter cruises on Carnival but a full week is great. Our last cruise was onboard the Sapphire [loved it] and before her it was the Splendor [before she had her breakdown] and, we really had a good time. It's a beautiful ship. We've also enjoyed the Pride and I've heard that the Spirit is also nice.

You're probably looking to go out of San Diego so look into the Oosterdam [she's a lovely ship] with a great crew.

We'll be onboard the Sapphire on September 24 [if you want to do the Pacific Northwest]. We'd love to cruise with you and Denver. If I don't have my "Successor" by then Brenny and Denver can enjoy some time together.

Don't even talk about the "tears"! Cari, the separation from Brenda is going to be very, very difficult for me. No matter how much I fall in with a new dog.......Brenda was my very first Working Dog and she's been the most amazing friend!!!!!

Take care of you and hopefully, one day we'll cruise together!!!!!

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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That coastal cruise still looks tempting to me. Just watching to see if the price drops......what a fun time it would be.


Cooler is back at Canine Assistants. She had a great two weeks going to college, even learned to leave the french fries on the dining hall floor without being reminded. Wow. I'll bring her home tomorow and then we are off to make a few presentations.

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That coastal cruise still looks tempting to me. Just watching to see if the price drops......what a fun time it would be.


Cooler is back at Canine Assistants. She had a great two weeks going to college, even learned to leave the french fries on the dining hall floor without being reminded. Wow. I'll bring her home tomorow and then we are off to make a few presentations.



She's tempted, she's tempted!!!!! Yippeeee!!!! We're getting closer and closer! Go on September 24th, with me and Brenny.


Give Cooler and kiss from Auntie Roz.

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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