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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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That's exactly what keeps us from booking a European trip. I hate the air travel time for Brenda. I can't bare watching her face as she squirms to get comfortable and then when she gets thirsty [to only give her ice chips to lick], it feels like I'm torturing her.


I know DH will NOT do it again. I may have to go with Successor [brenda's younger replacement] and leave DH and Brenda at home.


I still have some traveling I MUST do before I'm using a walker. ;)

My DH doesn't like flying long distances anymore (no more trips to Hawaii :(). I don't mind since it's probably taking me someplace fun! If you ever need a room mate, just let me know! ;)

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The only real issues with Blitz is the K9 thing, everyone thinks he is a Law Enforcement K9 and is treated as such. I see loads of people turn around and walk away, which is kinda funny.



Well, if you see anyone RUNNING away from you, ya might wanna alert a cop! :p


I'm sure you've heard the joke about the man with the guide dog in the meat section of a grocery. A child asked his mother why the dog was in the store and she said, "He is helping that man." The child thought about it and said, "Oh, he is helping him pick out the best meat!" :D

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Hi all! I'm glad to be back. I have had the cold from heII for 2 weeks! It's finally over!! Hope everyone is well and I'll try to catch up.


They are lasting really long this year! My aunt got sick, too, (it can't be from me since I haven't seen her since before my cruise and I know who I got sick from while on the cruise [another group member]) and even with prescription meds it is taking her a couple/few weeks to get over it.


Quam, Sorry you got sick on your cruise. But glad you still got to enjoy it.


Thanks - and I'm glad I still got to enjoy it, too!

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Quam: Welcome home. Wow! Your experience was truly "up and down!" I feel the same way you do......Once I've spent all the time and money to get onto the ship I force myself to get out and enjoy it, even when I may feel more like just laying down and doing nothing!!!!!! I hope you're feeling a lot better now!!!

Well, if I'd been feeling the same way I felt the night before St. Kitts on the morning of St. Kitts, I wouldn't have been able to go. But, I kept taking the fever-reducing Advil I had two at a time as often as the bottle said I could take it and that helped. Sure, I was sweaty as a pig when I got up in the morning, but I changed my clothes and was okay through most of the rest of the day (although I prob'ly did still have fever...). St. Kitts was so gorgeous it took my mind off being sick, too, which prob'ly helped.

I still am coughing, but it is a much better cough than before. It'll be gone eventually. Someday. Hopefully soon! :p


The shop in St Lucia will NEVER get a dime from me. And, that jerk onboard the ship who was giving you a hard time to enter the lounge should have been reported to the Hotel Director. What a moron!!!!

I just let himself learn "the dog" is allowed in the dance hall by calling whoever he talked to on his Walkie-Talkie. I wasn't gonna take any crap from him. But, knowing he is prob'ly from a poor country where there are no service dogs, I wasn't gonna give him any crap either.


I'm so glad your dog doesn't suffer any sea-sick symptoms. I've heard of some nightmares with Service Dogs who don't travel well in the car, I can't imagine how they'd do onboard a cruise ship. I imagine they do a lot of repeat-repeat-repeat to get these dogs desensitized to traveling in all venues.


We got so lucky with Brenda she is the best traveling companion.


Yeah, that would not be fun to find out on a cruise that your dog gets sea sick!! :eek: I do still bring the MotionEase herbal liquid stuff that you can put on dogs, but I don't put it on my dog (and I don't put it on myself 'cause I hate the smell of it, but if I were to get seasick I'd put it on of course!).

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Did you hear about the moron who had his CCI dog taken back because he used a "shock collar" on his dog [amongst other horrendous things]?


I'd like to get my hands on that guy! I'm sure I'm not alone in that!


What other things did he do? 'Cause "shock collars" (remote collars/e-collars) are humane and great to use unless you use them incorrectly.

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And, every dog withing 10 feet of me will be going for my tennis balls!!!! :p



Have you seen the cartoon movie "Up"? Your statement reminded me of it, when the dog in the movie who is obsessed with tennis balls goes after the balls from the old man's walker. :) It is like having a built-in dog toy!

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I spit my coffee on my screen!!!!! You crack me up!!!! Okay, okay, I'll be pushing that walker [with tennis balls on the tips] into everyone who doesn't move out of my way!!!!! And, every dog withing 10 feet of me will be going for my tennis balls!!!! :p


You know me way too well!!!!!! ;)


Roz, We live in a building with mostly elderly and handicapped people. Of course the walker brigade lives here. One woman hurt her back and had to use a walker for a while. She had the tennis balls on the bottom, and Bailee would go nuts! She of course was a tennis ball freak. She started off just staring at them, then she must have gotten to crazed and she would try to bite them. One day the woman was sitting and had the walker next to her, next thing we see is the walker being lifted off the ground! :eek: She wanted them bad!! It was so funny. The woman said she would give Bailee the balls when she was done with the walker, but Bailee didn't make it to that day.


I did hear about that guy with the shock collar. I searched him online and read a few things. No one likes to see the dog taken away from someone but CCI did what they thought was right.


I had always hoped to meet Brenny but if we can get you out this way with the new baby we would be thrilled. Since Morey doesn't want to travel here he can stay with Brenny and you could come! :D


Well off to the grocery store to stand there and try to figure out what to make that we haven't had in a while. UGH!!!



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Walker Wars!!! Let the games beguin!!! Except that our dear Roz will be manning the best rollater that can be found. No tennis ball walker for her....


This really warmed my heart. Although there's a lot of joking and fun in this conversation.......it's so sweet and lovely to know that you're my friend.....albeit via the internet.....You mean a lot to me!!!!!

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My DH doesn't like flying long distances anymore (no more trips to Hawaii :(). I don't mind since it's probably taking me someplace fun! If you ever need a room mate, just let me know! ;)


You are so cute. I'd love to cruise with you. My children now have dibs on sharing the cabin and taking turns with me. But, we can still cruise at the same time. You know about my 9/24 cruise to the Northwest. While I'm onboard the Sapphire then, I'll use my FCC's and book another.

Do you have anything planned?

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You are so cute. I'd love to cruise with you. My children now have dibs on sharing the cabin and taking turns with me. But, we can still cruise at the same time. You know about my 9/24 cruise to the Northwest. While I'm onboard the Sapphire then, I'll use my FCC's and book another.

Do you have anything planned?

I would love to join you and Brenda (it's a Pacific Coastal cruise right?), but September is the last month of the federal fiscal year and by that time everything and everybody is in a frenzy. :eek: I don't have anything planned right now but hope to cruise after Thanksgiving.

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What other things did he do? 'Cause "shock collars" (remote collars/e-collars) are humane and great to use unless you use them incorrectly.


IMO Shock collars might be OK for a normal pet although a Working or Service dog should be way past the need for a device like this. Those who have a working dog should agree also. I know Blitz does everything I ask of him and the only time he closely resembles the act of defiance is when he wants to play more. I started with a throwing a frizzbee on Monday and we have figured out a cheap free device is not up to his standards.... lol Have plastic bits all over the back yard since those are not up to purchase standards....lol Geeez he loves playing and bring back more than a tennis ball. Its so pretty to see him jump up in the air and see him catch anything. Whats really cool is to see him catch anything, all his hair on his back raises as if he is upset although its all in fun games and I love the way he looks. I am unsure what the real name is for when dogs raise their hair when excited or usually its a defensive measure, athough not a mean bone in his body. I call it his Fu Manchu Patch from the neck to the tail; its funny looking for sure..... This week end I am heading to Wall mart to get a better made Whamo Frizzbee made for dogs or just better made than the ones we used to have.... lol

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I would love to join you and Brenda (it's a Pacific Coastal cruise right?), but September is the last month of the federal fiscal year and by that time everything and everybody is in a frenzy. :eek: I don't have anything planned right now but hope to cruise after Thanksgiving.


My life after my September cruise will be a bit up in the air. I have just been sent notice from CCI about my Personal Interview for a Successor Dog, something we've been waiting to hear about and, it's been scheduled for June 24th. I know that CCI will have a Team Training Class in September [right during our cruise] and, I'm not going to cancel the cruise for anything. I will have to wait until their next class [i'm hoping they'll schedule one in November], I have to wait and see.

Brenda and I graduated in a November class and I loved that time of year. But, things have changed at CCI in when and how they do things.

I will have to inform them during my personal interview that my cruise can not be changed [maybe they weren't even considering me for that class, I hope not]. It's a very difficult "wait & see", because we have to live life inbetween. And, Brenda's working time will need to be stretched out.......I'll make it as easy a stretch as I can for her!!!! She'll almost be 12 years old by the time the next Team Training comes around.......Wow!!!!

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IMO Shock collars might be OK for a normal pet although a Working or Service dog should be way past the need for a device like this. Those who have a working dog should agree also. I know Blitz does everything I ask of him and the only time he closely resembles the act of defiance is when he wants to play more. I started with a throwing a frizzbee on Monday and we have figured out a cheap free device is not up to his standards.... lol Have plastic bits all over the back yard since those are not up to purchase standards....lol Geeez he loves playing and bring back more than a tennis ball. Its so pretty to see him jump up in the air and see him catch anything. Whats really cool is to see him catch anything, all his hair on his back raises as if he is upset although its all in fun games and I love the way he looks. I am unsure what the real name is for when dogs raise their hair when excited or usually its a defensive measure, athough not a mean bone in his body. I call it his Fu Manchu Patch from the neck to the tail; its funny looking for sure..... This week end I am heading to Wall mart to get a better made Whamo Frizzbee made for dogs or just better made than the ones we used to have.... lol


"Hackle" that is when a dog shows the fur on the back of the neck and down his spine to make himself bigger to the other dogs. Brenda's a great hackler. Hackling is the proper term.

If you want a thrill you've got to see Brenda jump in the air and catch the ball in her mouth........remember, she's 11 years old. Amazing to watch!!!!

She and Blitz could put on a show for everyone.

And, in my opinion ANYONE who thinks that using a "shock" collar on ANY animal is okay, under any circumstances should wear one themselves!!!!!!!!! :mad:

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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I can't imagine using a shock collor on any dog I work with. The service dogs in training I work with are treated with kindness and positive reinforcement. You really don't even here the word "No" that often.

And speaking of dogs; Cooler is doing so well. I have a feeling I'll only have her another 6 months. She is fabulous and someone will be so lucky to have her. Helped me unload the dryer this week. can't seem to fold the clothes yet...

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I can't imagine using a shock collor on any dog I work with. The service dogs in training I work with are treated with kindness and positive reinforcement. You really don't even here the word "No" that often.


And speaking of dogs; Cooler is doing so well. I have a feeling I'll only have her another 6 months. She is fabulous and someone will be so lucky to have her. Helped me unload the dryer this week. can't seem to fold the clothes yet...



Awwwww! What a dear girl! She's going to make someone so happy and fulfilled!

Well, I got my invitation to have a Personal Interview, in Oceanside, CA. on June 24th. I was kind of hoping it would be sooner. There's a Team Training Class in June but my interview is happening when it's over. And, the next one is in September, during our cruise. I just can't cancel it. It's been a lifelong dream to cruise under the Golden Gate Bridge and I'm going to do it and so is Brenny! ;)

I told Brenda that she has to stay well until the Team Training class after September. I don't know when the next one is but I hope I'm on the list for that one. I'll find out more during my interview in June. My Team Training is ONLY held at the main office in Santa Rosa, CA. I may have to wait until next year........we'll see.

If you CCI folks know of the Team Training dates in Santa Rosa are please let me know. Or, I'll ask when I go down to Oceanside in June.

The process is definitely coming along.

Do you remember when Cindi was waiting for Wexy, how frustrated she was getting?

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Roz, We live in a building with mostly elderly and handicapped people. Of course the walker brigade lives here. One woman hurt her back and had to use a walker for a while. She had the tennis balls on the bottom, and Bailee would go nuts! She of course was a tennis ball freak. She started off just staring at them, then she must have gotten to crazed and she would try to bite them. One day the woman was sitting and had the walker next to her, next thing we see is the walker being lifted off the ground! :eek: She wanted them bad!! It was so funny.


Oh my gosh, that is hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

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IMO Shock collars might be OK for a normal pet although a Working or Service dog should be way past the need for a device like this. Those who have a working dog should agree also. I know Blitz does everything I ask of him and the only time he closely resembles the act of defiance is when he wants to play more.


You're obviously in the crowd who doesn't know how to correctly use an e-collar (shock collar). You don't press the button when the dog is incorrect; it isn't like giving a tug on a training collar like a prong collar. You press the button at the lowest level your dog responds to (which differs from dog to dog) as you give the command. It is like a tap on the shoulder. If the dog doesn't respond, you increase the level a little bit and press the button while giving the command again. It isn't that the dog "needs" the collar like a dog might need a correction collar. It is mostly used for off-leash work done at a distance and a trained dog does everything the first time 99% of the time.


As for correction collars like prongs, they can still be worn by trained dogs like service dogs and police/sniffer dogs for unexpected moments or moments of misbehavior (all dogs have those moments no matter how well-trained).


Remember you are the boss/leader of the pack so if your dog wants to play more, you gotta stick with no means no and not give in, hard as it might be! ;)


I started with a throwing a frizzbee on Monday and we have figured out a cheap free device is not up to his standards.... lol Have plastic bits all over the back yard since those are not up to purchase standards....lol Geeez he loves playing and bring back more than a tennis ball. Its so pretty to see him jump up in the air and see him catch anything. Whats really cool is to see him catch anything, all his hair on his back raises as if he is upset although its all in fun games and I love the way he looks. I am unsure what the real name is for when dogs raise their hair when excited or usually its a defensive measure, athough not a mean bone in his body. I call it his Fu Manchu Patch from the neck to the tail; its funny looking for sure..... This week end I am heading to Wall mart to get a better made Whamo Frizzbee made for dogs or just better made than the ones we used to have.... lol


Plastic Frisbees are bad for dogs' teeth. Please use a soft one made for dogs when playing with your dog. You wouldn't want him to get hurt! There are lots of online shops you can find soft Frisbees (flying discs; "Frisbee" is a brand name and the dog ones aren't Frisbee brand) of different types on. The funniest one is the flying squirrel-shaped fabric one! :p


Oh, and "raising their hackles" is when a dog puts the hair on their back up.

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And, in my opinion ANYONE who thinks that using a "shock" collar on ANY animal is okay, under any circumstances should wear one themselves!!!!!!!!! :mad:


Don't believe the bad rumors that some ppl have circulated about shock collars being bad. They don't hurt. Yes, I have tried it on myself before. Yes, such things have been used on humans before (albeit at least sometimes in a different learning style, such as when used to stop smoking as opposed to doing commands like a dog does).


Have you ever been in a cold place in the winter months? If you drag your feet across a rug/carpet and then touch something (preferably metal but it doesn't have to be - it can even be another person), an electric shock is created (if it is dark in the room, you can often even SEE the spark! That's pretty wild). It doesn't hurt at all, but is just surprising (or, to be punny, it is shocking, haha). The shock collar is like that (without the visible spark). Nothing bad about it at all.

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Hackles, I have to remember that one; thank you all I had no idea what it was called. Also thank you for pointing out they are bad for the teeth, I had no idea. I will try to get either a small video or picture of it; I promise its so funny to see him like that. King (who passed away a year ago) had one that went from his neck all the way to his tail when he was excited. Blitz has his from his neck to his shoulders; then it appears to go away until just before his hips and it comes up again. The cool thing about Blitz and his hackle is that it sways side to side when he is running or walking fast. Its just really funny looking.

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Roz, We live in a building with mostly elderly and handicapped people. Of course the walker brigade lives here. One woman hurt her back and had to use a walker for a while. She had the tennis balls on the bottom, and Bailee would go nuts! She of course was a tennis ball freak. She started off just staring at them, then she must have gotten to crazed and she would try to bite them. One day the woman was sitting and had the walker next to her, next thing we see is the walker being lifted off the ground! :eek: She wanted them bad!! It was so funny. The woman said she would give Bailee the balls when she was done with the walker, but Bailee didn't make it to that day.


I did hear about that guy with the shock collar. I searched him online and read a few things. No one likes to see the dog taken away from someone but CCI did what they thought was right.


I had always hoped to meet Brenny but if we can get you out this way with the new baby we would be thrilled. Since Morey doesn't want to travel here he can stay with Brenny and you could come! :D


Well off to the grocery store to stand there and try to figure out what to make that we haven't had in a while. UGH!!!




First I laughed about the lady and her walker and then you said, "Bailey didn't make it to that day!" And, of course, I teared-up! How old was Bailey when she passed?

I would love to spend some time with you, John and Wexy.

Cindy, I got my email yesterday to schedule my "in person" interview. They set it up for June 24th. I'm so busy between then and now that the wait won't be too bad. Morey and Brenny will go with me and wait in the hotel while I go to the interview. Whereas, when I interviewed for Brenda, Morey could sit on the sidelines and watch the whole thing.

I hope you're feeling strong and well.

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You're obviously in the crowd who doesn't know how to correctly use an e-collar (shock collar). You don't press the button when the dog is incorrect; it isn't like giving a tug on a training collar like a prong collar. You press the button at the lowest level your dog responds to (which differs from dog to dog) as you give the command. It is like a tap on the shoulder. If the dog doesn't respond, you increase the level a little bit and press the button while giving the command again. It isn't that the dog "needs" the collar like a dog might need a correction collar. It is mostly used for off-leash work done at a distance and a trained dog does everything the first time 99% of the time.


As for correction collars like prongs, they can still be worn by trained dogs like service dogs and police/sniffer dogs for unexpected moments or moments of misbehavior (all dogs have those moments no matter how well-trained).


Remember you are the boss/leader of the pack so if your dog wants to play more, you gotta stick with no means no and not give in, hard as it might be! ;)




Plastic Frisbees are bad for dogs' teeth. Please use a soft one made for dogs when playing with your dog. You wouldn't want him to get hurt! There are lots of online shops you can find soft Frisbees (flying discs; "Frisbee" is a brand name and the dog ones aren't Frisbee brand) of different types on. The funniest one is the flying squirrel-shaped fabric one! :p


Oh, and "raising their hackles" is when a dog puts the hair on their back up.


Quam: There NEVER a time when a dog should be "shocked" - If a dog is treated with respect/kindness and positive reinforcement there is no way ever that it should be made to wear such a collar. They should be outlawed. And, I am not open for discussion about this again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Wow, that's a while away! Is this an in-person interview or something?


CCI tries to be very, very careful about the humans who are given one of their amazing and highly trained hero's. The process can seem like it takes forever. Yes, this is an inperson interview; where I will be asked to work with a dog. I will walk, sit, stand, go through various doorways, walk outside, give commands and talk about myself.

I have already had my phone interview, a doctor's visit [where the report was sent to CCI] and now I'm at the last part of the "screening" process before I will be invited to attend a two-week session called "Team Training."

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