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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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I may have posted this before--our older dog has epilepsy and our younger dog alerts to his seizures. About 3-4 minutes before Toby has a seizure, Tyler comes to me and starts flipping up my arm with his snout. I'm grateful for the warning (trying to comfort/mitigate a 90+ lb. Labrador Retriever who's seizing isn't easy) but in no way would I consider Tyler a "service dog." Fortunately, Toby's seizures only happen once a year or so!


That's a wonderful story. But, would you consider Tyler a "Service Dog" to Toby?

I believe Broodizt posted that they had "2 little Service Dogs!"

I'm interested to know how one works with two Service Dogs for one person. And, how "little" are they?

Just asking.

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Hi All, Just wanted to check in to see that all of our west coast friends are doing okay today. Luckily things seemed to fizzle out when it got to the coast.


Police are stopping people, in some of our beach communities, from going down to the waters edge to watch the waves. We have some very aggressive surfers here.

My daughter was on her way to Maui, Hawaii and was told to cancel because the hotel has water in the entrance. She's leaving tomorrow, instead of today. I'm so glad that she wasn't there......I'd be a nervous wreck.

It's horrible for the poor farmers and fishermen. My heart goes out to them. The Tsunami ate their land/homes and boats like so many small toys, in its wake. Thank goodness Japan has a lot of resources and they can afford to help their own. Not like poor Haiti that needed the world to step in.

Honestly, the weather here in L.A. is so weird now. It's like summer and keeps vacillating from hot to cold to rain.......to me, it's definitely earthquake weather!!!!!!! :eek:

I don't let my Brenny out of my site. It's every woman and her Service Dog for themself!!!!! :p

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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That's a wonderful story. But, would you consider Tyler a "Service Dog" to Toby?

I believe Broodizt posted that they had "2 little Service Dogs!"

I'm interested to know how one works with two Service Dogs for one person. And, how "little" are they?

Just asking.


As I mentioned, no way would I consider Tyler a "service dog" to Toby! Actually, other than alerting, Tyler's dumb as a post :)


We did have one client who had two service dogs--like Miss B, one was getting older and the client was still getting used to working with her new dog so she would use one dog or the other in different situations for a few months. But she never took both dogs out in public at the same time.



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It's horrible for the poor farmers and fishermen. My heart goes out to them. The Tsunami ate their land/homes and boats like so many small toys, in its wake. Thank goodness Japan has a lot of resources and they can afford to help their own. Not like poor Haiti that needed the world to step in.


Honestly, the weather here in L.A. is so weird now. It's like summer and keeps vacillating from hot to cold to rain.......to me, it's definitely earthquake weather!!!!!!! :eek:


I don't let my Brenny out of my site. It's every woman and her Service Dog for themself!!!!! :p


Glad your DD was not in danger!


For what it's worth, Japan has asked for help and a team of 40 trained rescue workers from New Zealand is already preparing to leave, to help. Australia is also sending a team that includes rescue dogs. I understand that the US is also sending help. The last rescue team from the US will be leaving NZ tomorrow.


We in NZ appreciate the help Christchurch received so willingly last month and, now that the initial recovery phase is completed here, are gladly reciprocating.


Christchurch is still a mess, but the next phase of recovery will take a long time.

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This is an SOS to Roz or Quam (or anyone else who can help). As you might remember I'm working on a compilation of access rights/issues for my boss (an animal law attorney). After thinking about it, I'd love to include a section on traveling with a service animal. I'm researching frantically and have the air travel and hotel section done but I'm unsure about the cruise ship regulations and I'd like to include the requirements for a service animal entering Canada and Mexico.


So, not that I'm asking you to do my project for me (LOL) but if you know off the top of your head:


1. What are the requirements for simply bringing your dog onto the ship (as if you're never getting off at any port)?

2. What are the requirements for bringing your dog off the ship into Mexico?

3. What are the requirements for bringing your dog off the ship into Canada?


My presentation is due at noon on Thursday so if you don't have time to answer before than, no worries--I'll just go with whatever I have.


But if you can get me the information, I'll put it together and see if the moderator will turn it into a "sticky" so folks don't have to comb through this thread (or ask you guys!) every time this question comes up.


Thanks for all your help,





I hope your presentation went well. Sorry I did not see your query before. My SD and I have traveled over 750,000 air miles literally around the world so I have learned more than I would ever want to about international "importation of dogs."


I thought I would share what I recently discussed with health officials in Mexico in regard to bring my dog there on a cruise ship. In Mexico, unlike Canada, SDs and pet dogs have the same health entry requirements (see more below).


One other thing to keep in mind is that you will have to present health information when you re-enter the US: "animals taken out of the United States are subject upon return to the same regulations as those entering for the first time. " http://www.cdc.gov/animalimportation/BringingAnimalToUs.html. Proof of rabies vaccination is the core element.

1. What are the requirements for simply bringing your dog onto the ship (as if you're never getting off at any port)?

I am leaving next week for my second cruise with my SD. In both cases the cruise lines asked for documentation of my dog's vaccinations and health as well as asked me questions regarding her service to me as appropriate under the ADA. This is the same process I typically go through with an airline when I fly to an international location.

2. What are the requirements for bringing your dog off the ship into Mexico?

The requirement for importing a dog or cat into Mexico are posted on Mexico's website in two key places. You can find information on the customs page in section 9 of the Customs and Migration web page at http://portal.sre.gob.mx/conreinouni...age&SubMenu=#9. The Office of Agricultural and Livestock Health is the regulatory agency. You can find their document regarding dogs at http://www.senasica.gob.mx/?Idioma=2&id=623.


The process is (a) you provide the official with the health record, (b) they physically inspect the animal, © they issue you are certificate of Import Zoosanitary Certificate [Certificado Zoosanitario para Importación.


There were two things that I had to verify so that I was clear. I corresponded with the officials at the Direccion General de Inspeccision Fitozoosanitaria dgif.dirpuertos@senasica.gob.mx. They were very helpful.

You do need health documentation that is no more than 10 days old. I asked specifically if it had to be an International Health Certificate (issues by the USDA APHIS office http://www.aphis.usda.gov/import_export/animals/animal_import/animal_imports_pets.shtml) or if documentation from a licensed veterinarian was sufficient.


They replied to me that it could be “The health certificate issued by a veterinarian licensed to practice in the United States.” The reason for the distinction is that a health certificate from your local veterinarian is very different than obtaining an International Health Certificate through an Area Supervising Vet at the USDA. The latter requires your vet to provide documentation to APHIS who then certifies the information. The costs for this heath certificate can be more than $100 taking into account various aspects of it. It also requires days to weeks lead time unless you want to be a frantic mess trying to get everything signed!


The second clarification I asked for was if I would be allowed to return to the ship if my SD’s paperwork was not in order. In some countries dogs are taken into quarantine until their paperwork is cleared. I was told that I could either return to the ship or find a local veterinarian who could complete the certification.


I would advise anyone to read the list of required vaccinations and parasite treatments carefully with their veterinarian. The vaccinations and parasite treatments are very specific and not all U.S. dogs will have had them. The list can be found at the sites above.


While I did not discuss this directly with the people at SAGARPA, I understand that you should keep this certificate with you at all times and that you will need to present it as you leave Mexico.


I am bringing with me the documentation as issued by my local vet, not the USDA APHIS office. I will let you know if I encounter problems. I am bringing along the email with me just in case! Failing that, I plan to spend the day on the ship enjoying the quiet and reading a good novel.


3. What are the requirements for bringing your dog off the ship into Canada?

The import regulations for dogs into Canada are not as complex as they are to Mexico. Dogs over 8 months of age must have documentation of rabies vaccinations. http://www.inspection.gc.ca/english/anima/imp/petani/canin3e.shtml. Additionally, “Assistance dogs are exempt from import requirements when the person who is assigned to the dog accompanies it

to Canada. This includes dogs certified as vision or hearing dogs.” My SD and I travel to Canada often. I always carry documentation with me but have only been required to submit to an inspection once. I believe that the people who conducted the inspection were applying the dog importation rule and not the SD rule. Either way they were very nice and as my documentation is in order, all went very well.


I hope this helps. I would like to think that the hundreds and hundreds of hours I have spent learning different health regs can help others as well as my SD and me.

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Peter: I read Cameron's story on an email from CCI. I had chills. Wherin is certainly making a difference in his life, which in turn makes all your lives that much better!


When's your next cruise?



Roz, I am so sorry. I haven't been checking the boards as much lately, but we just booked a cruise on Princess, so I am back. Cameron's story gives me chills as well. Cameron is doing great, as are we. Big events since we talked last are Cameron was a winner last year in the Disabled Riding Event at Devon Horse Show - got a perfect score so the next day he rode with the rest of the winners for Best in Show -- Didn't get it, but it was a thrill to get video of him at the famous Devon Horse Show.


Other news for us: We took a QM2 cruise across the pond, which was superb. Loved having that 7 days all to ourselves with 3,000 of our new best friends. Then did a stop in Iceland (the cheapest flight) on the way home. Thought that was pretty cool. More adventures in D.C. with the "Were-bear" as well as Robotics competitions which Cameron is into as well.


We are taking another NE/Canada cruise this summer (they are so easy) - but this time on Princess and thinking about getting Werin ready for wood chips. BTW - don't all of you love the new "mandated" places at the airports now for toileting. I used to joke before that I knew every piece of grass at every airport across the country. These sites make it so much easier for us.


Have a great weekend!



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That's a wonderful story. But, would you consider Tyler a "Service Dog" to Toby?

I believe Broodizt posted that they had "2 little Service Dogs!"

I'm interested to know how one works with two Service Dogs for one person. And, how "little" are they?

Just asking.


Hi there, just saw your post. Well to answer you question, one dog is much older, and the other is currently being trained to be a hearing impaired service dog. I am not self training, as I am too impaired in other areas to train myself. I've done a little myself, but then got really sick and couldn't continue. The older dog, who is the love of my life, was also trained for the hearing impaired (I had an acoustic neuroma near brain and had surgery to take out tumor and all organs inside the ear, plus my other ear has only 40% hearing.) She was injured by my Vet who gave her too much rabies shot, and to make a long story short ( I always cry when I talk about it) she almost died. Long story. Took her to a Vet Hospital, and there they told me her lifespan will be very short.


I Need to lip read in order to understand words, and use my babies to alert me to any and all sounds, especially door, phone. alarms, noise, etc.


Hope this answers your questions.

How about mine? :-)

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How about mine? :-)


I am so sorry about your pain with the Vet, King was also mis diagonised although it did end killing him. He passed away in my arms and I am a tough ole bas_tard who cried like a baby when thet happened at the new vets office. I will never take another pet to Banfield Pet Hospitals ever again.

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Dear guitarest,


Only someone who has been through this can know the true agony and hell of losing a perfectly healthy happy dog in this manner. Muffin had what they call "vaccinosis", and was literally "poisoned" by giving her too much rabies shot in conjunction with other shots. She had "heavy metal" poisoning. The hospital calls it "canine encephalitis". I am still not over the trauma, and I cry often. Although she is up and about now, I was told her lifespan is extremely limited. I live in terror every day that this will be the day I lose her. I cry a lot. She is so so so smart, such a good little worker. I can't talk about it anymore right now, crying again. So sorry. Will post later.


There are no adequate words to tell you how sorry I am to hear your story. My heart goes out to you. I simply don't know what else to say, except, that I really do understand your pain. I hope in time the pain will get easier to bear. I think this is all we can hope for. We will never forget, but hopefully the loss gets easier to bear.

Wishing you only the best :-)

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As I mentioned, no way would I consider Tyler a "service dog" to Toby! Actually, other than alerting, Tyler's dumb as a post :)


We did have one client who had two service dogs--like Miss B, one was getting older and the client was still getting used to working with her new dog so she would use one dog or the other in different situations for a few months. But she never took both dogs out in public at the same time.




I guess when Brenda's successor show's up there will be two Service Dogs in the house.


It will be interesting to see how Brenda handles it.

And, there will be times when both dogs will be out together, although probably not in the public venue.

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Glad your DD was not in danger!


For what it's worth, Japan has asked for help and a team of 40 trained rescue workers from New Zealand is already preparing to leave, to help. Australia is also sending a team that includes rescue dogs. I understand that the US is also sending help. The last rescue team from the US will be leaving NZ tomorrow.


We in NZ appreciate the help Christchurch received so willingly last month and, now that the initial recovery phase is completed here, are gladly reciprocating.


Christchurch is still a mess, but the next phase of recovery will take a long time.


California is sending an amazing amount of supplies and assistance. As was mentioned by the EMT Team......"if this were to happen to California during a 8.9 Magnitude earthquake we'd certainly want the world to come to our aid."


I'm sorry that Christchurch is still a mess.....it took us years to come back to normal after the Northridge earthquake. And, our new normal is better prepared for any more surprises from mother nature.


My heart goes to all in Japan and to you in NZ.

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Roz, I am so sorry. I haven't been checking the boards as much lately, but we just booked a cruise on Princess, so I am back. Cameron's story gives me chills as well. Cameron is doing great, as are we. Big events since we talked last are Cameron was a winner last year in the Disabled Riding Event at Devon Horse Show - got a perfect score so the next day he rode with the rest of the winners for Best in Show -- Didn't get it, but it was a thrill to get video of him at the famous Devon Horse Show.


Other news for us: We took a QM2 cruise across the pond, which was superb. Loved having that 7 days all to ourselves with 3,000 of our new best friends. Then did a stop in Iceland (the cheapest flight) on the way home. Thought that was pretty cool. More adventures in D.C. with the "Were-bear" as well as Robotics competitions which Cameron is into as well.


We are taking another NE/Canada cruise this summer (they are so easy) - but this time on Princess and thinking about getting Werin ready for wood chips. BTW - don't all of you love the new "mandated" places at the airports now for toileting. I used to joke before that I knew every piece of grass at every airport across the country. These sites make it so much easier for us.


Have a great weekend!




Congratulations to Cameron and his big win. You've been very busy since your last writing and that's good to hear.


My children were very active in horse shows when they were younger. We had a Morgan/Quarterhorse named Lily who loved to barrel race. We had a ranch in Chatsworth, Calif. It seems like a lifetime ago. My love for horses is as strong as my love for dogs.


On flying; we used to stop blocks before the airport to let Brenda out to relieve herself before we entered any airport area. It was such a pain. It's getting better and better to travel with our SD's.


Sounds like you're enjoying the cruising world......I don't go again until September....way too long to wait. I also found another cruise for the Northwest, onboard Princess, with two nights in San Francisco and a stop in Catalina Island......that will be for 2012. It seems Princess is looking at other venues along with Mexico.


It's good to hear from, enjoy your upcoming adventures.

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Latest pics of Cameron and Werin - Check out the Thanksgiving Vegas book farther down RE: what we have been up to. Great to read about all your adventures on the board.




Love the pictures.....thanks for sharing them. You guys have so much fun together! I'll never forget Brenda's face the first time we took her to a Vegas casino, her eyes were like saucers.

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Hi there, just saw your post. Well to answer you question, one dog is much older, and the other is currently being trained to be a hearing impaired service dog. I am not self training, as I am too impaired in other areas to train myself. I've done a little myself, but then got really sick and couldn't continue. The older dog, who is the love of my life, was also trained for the hearing impaired (I had an acoustic neuroma near brain and had surgery to take out tumor and all organs inside the ear, plus my other ear has only 40% hearing.) She was injured by my Vet who gave her too much rabies shot, and to make a long story short ( I always cry when I talk about it) she almost died. Long story. Took her to a Vet Hospital, and there they told me her lifespan will be very short.


I Need to lip read in order to understand words, and use my babies to alert me to any and all sounds, especially door, phone. alarms, noise, etc.


Hope this answers your questions.

How about mine? :-)


brood: It's "Wizard-of-Roz", I'm writing from my husbands computer. On the weekends I use his computer and on week days I write from work.


I certainly didn't mean to pry into your life, in any way. I simply wanted to know more about your dogs and their Service work in order to give you more precise advice as to traveling [cruising] with them.


In my opinion it would NOT be a good idea for you to take both dogs. As you mentioned one of the dogs is not well and could pass at any time. You wouldn't want this to happen onboard a cruiseship. It's best for that dog to be kept as stress free as possible. Any time you subject a dog to an entirely new environment especially all the sights/sounds and smells on a ship, it can be overwhelming for the healthiest of dogs.


You mention in a later post that you fear for this dogs life and that her life span will be limited. It would be difficult on all of you if your cruising with this dog became the cause of her dieing even sooner than she needed to.


It's best to wait and cruise later, with one dog.

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Dear guitarest,


Only someone who has been through this can know the true agony and hell of losing a perfectly healthy happy dog in this manner. Muffin had what they call "vaccinosis", and was literally "poisoned" by giving her too much rabies shot in conjunction with other shots. She had "heavy metal" poisoning. The hospital calls it "canine encephalitis". I am still not over the trauma, and I cry often. Although she is up and about now, I was told her lifespan is extremely limited. I live in terror every day that this will be the day I lose her. I cry a lot. She is so so so smart, such a good little worker. I can't talk about it anymore right now, crying again. So sorry. Will post later.


There are no adequate words to tell you how sorry I am to hear your story. My heart goes out to you. I simply don't know what else to say, except, that I really do understand your pain. I hope in time the pain will get easier to bear. I think this is all we can hope for. We will never forget, but hopefully the loss gets easier to bear.

Wishing you only the best :-)


I don't think it ever gets easier......we just manage to deal with the pain. When we remember our little ****zu who passed more than 20 years ago, we still cry.


You now have all of us to share your babies with. I'm sorry you're going through this. It's so unfair what that doctor did. We don't need poor medical treatment to make their lives any shorter than they already are.


And, I apologize if I seemed insensitive, believe me, nobody is more aware of the frailties of our dogs than me. I'm dealing with a senior Working Dog who is almost 11 years old and on a daily basis I watch her changes as she attempts to work a full day and has to lay down and rest more than she used to. It's difficult for me to watch it and sometimes I find myself laying down beside her as my tears fall on her back. I cry for the day when she won't be in my life at all!!!!!


Gotta go, here come the tears!!!!!!

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Dear guitarest,


Only someone who has been through this can know the true agony and hell of losing a perfectly healthy happy dog in this manner. Muffin had what they call "vaccinosis", and was literally "poisoned" by giving her too much rabies shot in conjunction with other shots. She had "heavy metal" poisoning. The hospital calls it "canine encephalitis". I am still not over the trauma, and I cry often. Although she is up and about now, I was told her lifespan is extremely limited. I live in terror every day that this will be the day I lose her. I cry a lot. She is so so so smart, such a good little worker. I can't talk about it anymore right now, crying again. So sorry. Will post later.


There are no adequate words to tell you how sorry I am to hear your story. My heart goes out to you. I simply don't know what else to say, except, that I really do understand your pain. I hope in time the pain will get easier to bear. I think this is all we can hope for. We will never forget, but hopefully the loss gets easier to bear.

Wishing you only the best :-)


Thank you and King was such a family member, the only way I can explain what he was like is to make a reference to the old James Bulishi movie called K-9. He was every bit of Jerry Lee and his death was very hard to take. He went from 105 lbs to 53 lbs in about 5 months while they kept having me purchase pancreas powder every ten days since they felt he had pancreases insufficientcy after he lost all that weight I moved him to another vet and King started to rebound after it was determinded his real issue was his thyrooid and not his pancrease. Sadly the damage was already done and he passed away after the new vet started treating King. One night his body just started to shut down until we go to the vet and he passed in my arms. I cried long and hard and to this day I still talk to him since his passing....

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Thank you and King was such a family member, the only way I can explain what he was like is to make a reference to the old James Bulishi movie called K-9. He was every bit of Jerry Lee and his death was very hard to take. He went from 105 lbs to 53 lbs in about 5 months while they kept having me purchase pancreas powder every ten days since they felt he had pancreases insufficientcy after he lost all that weight I moved him to another vet and King started to rebound after it was determinded his real issue was his thyrooid and not his pancrease. Sadly the damage was already done and he passed away after the new vet started treating King. One night his body just started to shut down until we go to the vet and he passed in my arms. I cried long and hard and to this day I still talk to him since his passing....


I'm so sorry. What an awful experience for both of you. I wish you brighter days ahead with Blitz!

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brood: It's "Wizard-of-Roz", I'm writing from my husbands computer. On the weekends I use his computer and on week days I write from work.


I certainly didn't mean to pry into your life, in any way. I simply wanted to know more about your dogs and their Service work in order to give you more precise advice as to traveling [cruising] with them.


In my opinion it would NOT be a good idea for you to take both dogs. As you mentioned one of the dogs is not well and could pass at any time. You wouldn't want this to happen onboard a cruiseship. It's best for that dog to be kept as stress free as possible. Any time you subject a dog to an entirely new environment especially all the sights/sounds and smells on a ship, it can be overwhelming for the healthiest of dogs.


You mention in a later post that you fear for this dogs life and that her life span will be limited. It would be difficult on all of you if your cruising with this dog became the cause of her dieing even sooner than she needed to.


It's best to wait and cruise later, with one dog.



Hey there,


Thanks for getting back to me. Okay, have to clarify again (LOL) :-) to clarify- I do not live alone. I live with my 88 YO Dad who has mild to moderate dementia and has as severe a hearing loss as me. He won't wear hearing aids (he has them, hates them, says they are too loud, too low, hurt, etc), loves loves loves Cassie. We are getting Cassie trained for him. Muffy, is my dog, and although her life will be short, there is no way of knowing when that would be. Or hopefully the doctors will be wrong and she will live longer than they say. Anyway, both of us will be on the cruise. My father wants to go before he dies. To put it mildly. Actually he is very anxious to go before he dies. On as many cruises as he can. I myself am something of a scaredy cat, and although I've been on one or two cruises, I am a little frightened of them, so I am doing this for him, not me. Since I've lost my hearing I have never been on a cruise, so it is somewhat intimidating and scary for me. So anyway, as for Muffin, I will not abandon Muffin, and I will keep her as long as she lives. I owe her that. She works well and is teaching Cassie, a lot. She has been amazing to me-invaluable, she changed my life, and I will continue to take her with me, anywhere I go. She is irreplaceable to me and I will not get another dog until I need to. If we cannot take them both, {Cassie should be totally trained by then,} then we will not go. It's as simple as that. So with that said, are we allowed to take two service dogs with us on a cruise ship? We will be sharing a room. Thanks for your help! :-)

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Thank you and King was such a family member, the only way I can explain what he was like is to make a reference to the old James Bulishi movie called K-9. He was every bit of Jerry Lee and his death was very hard to take. He went from 105 lbs to 53 lbs in about 5 months while they kept having me purchase pancreas powder every ten days since they felt he had pancreases insufficientcy after he lost all that weight I moved him to another vet and King started to rebound after it was determinded his real issue was his thyrooid and not his pancrease. Sadly the damage was already done and he passed away after the new vet started treating King. One night his body just started to shut down until we go to the vet and he passed in my arms. I cried long and hard and to this day I still talk to him since his passing....




I am crying. So very very sad. I just....I understand. The pain is too great, just too great. Maybe as another poster pointed out, maybe the pain doesn't get easier over time, but we are just able to handle the pain of it more appropriately, where previously we were unable to (like crying in the middle of a grocery store-{Me}. Here I am crying again. Geeze!!! :-)


Anyway, blessings to you and King, your guardian angel canine companion.

I'm sure he is still watching over you. :-)

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I am crying. So very very sad. I just....I understand. The pain is too great, just too great. Maybe as another poster pointed out, maybe the pain doesn't get easier over time, but we are just able to handle the pain of it more appropriately, where previously we were unable to (like crying in the middle of a grocery store-{Me}. Here I am crying again. Geeze!!! :-)


Anyway, blessings to you and King, your guardian angel canine companion.

I'm sure he is still watching over you. :-)


He sure is and he is waiting for me at the Rainbow Bridge when we will be reunited again. I have had loads of GSD's in my 48 short years and this was a once in a life time pup for sure. I will say Blitz is real close to King except for the lack of vocalizations like King used to do. King is still with me in my heart and in my house in his Urn. I was going to spread his ashes in the Gulf of Mexico since he loved playing on the beach and in the water but the BP spill happened. Call me silly but I did not want King to swim in oily water even if it was just his ashes.


I at one time felt a dog is a dog; although two shepherds before King changed that and I see me getting way more attached to Blitz since I also use him as a helper/service animal. Plus he is just so damn cute.....

Edited by guitarest
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Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.


When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.


All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.


They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.


You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.


Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....


Author unknown...



His last photo before he passed away

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Love the pictures.....thanks for sharing them. You guys have so much fun together! I'll never forget Brenda's face the first time we took her to a Vegas casino, her eyes were like saucers.


I remembered your posts as we were there. I remembered how you commented about the stuggle of people being in your way.


As you could see we stayed at the Venetian. I was really worried about where Werin would toilet (as you can tell by my posts, it is a constant anxiety that I likely need "professional" help for - wink, wink) with all the concrete around, but lo and behold, the Venetian had a dog run right at the side of their building just for this purpose. They don't allow pets, but had this whole green area set up with a gate, baggies, the works. WONDERFUL!

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