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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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I'm sorry if this is a double post......Miss Brenda decided that she wanted to push my arm and away went the fingers on the keyboard. She's wanting attention and a big kiss on the forehead seems to be enough for now! ;)

Anyway, I'll start again. You certainly may bring two Service/Working Dogs onboard with you. With the proper documentation there will be no problem. Our friends, who are both blind, bring both their dogs and really love the cruising experience.

I still do not think it's a good idea to bring a dog who's stressed or in ill health. I think the trip would be way too stressful and the expectation that this dog needs to work is unrealistic and unfair to the dog. To take your dog because you want to vacation with it, does not mitigate a problem for anyone. It's more an emotional thing.

I know that sounds harsh but we must stay within the perameters of being appropriate when we bring a dog onboard a cruise ship.


Thanks for getting back to me. I appreciate it. At present, Muffy really does love to work. Actually, she gets bored if I leave her home alone. She is very enthusiastic, but of course, I would definitely check with my Vet. She of course would have the final say. She was the one who saved her life, if not for her, I would have lost her (Muffy).


Actually, my biggest problem is working up the courage to go on a cruise at all. I have to admit, the last two (and only) cruises I ever went on, I would get anxious every time the boat, or should I say, ship, would roll about on the sea. When the ocean was calm, I was fine, but as soon as the boat started to toss about, my heart would be in my throat. How do you guys deal with that? I just keep thinking of a severe storm or something like a tsunami, or of hitting something like the titanic or some other sea disaster. I simply can't help it. I don't really feel safe and calm until I am on land. Well, that's not entirely true. I do feel okay when the boat is steady and there is no, what's the word, turbulence, but when the boat starts to toss about, I just get so anxious, I can't tell you. It does pass, when the waves subside, but I do have to tell you, this is a major challenge for me. Has anybody ever felt like this, or am I alone in this? Any tips to getting used to this or getting over this obstacle? You all seem to be so well adjusted LOL. Thanks, Shellie :-)

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Thanks for getting back to me. I appreciate it. At present, Muffy really does love to work. Actually, she gets bored if I leave her home alone. She is very enthusiastic, but of course, I would definitely check with my Vet. She of course would have the final say. She was the one who saved her life, if not for her, I would have lost her (Muffy).


Actually, my biggest problem is working up the courage to go on a cruise at all. I have to admit, the last two (and only) cruises I ever went on, I would get anxious every time the boat, or should I say, ship, would roll about on the sea. When the ocean was calm, I was fine, but as soon as the boat started to toss about, my heart would be in my throat. How do you guys deal with that? I just keep thinking of a severe storm or something like a tsunami, or of hitting something like the titanic or some other sea disaster. I simply can't help it. I don't really feel safe and calm until I am on land. Well, that's not entirely true. I do feel okay when the boat is steady and there is no, what's the word, turbulence, but when the boat starts to toss about, I just get so anxious, I can't tell you. It does pass, when the waves subside, but I do have to tell you, this is a major challenge for me. Has anybody ever felt like this, or am I alone in this? Any tips to getting used to this or getting over this obstacle? You all seem to be so well adjusted LOL. Thanks, Shellie :-)


Shellie: You're not alone. There are lots and lots of people who feel the very same way you do. They use Bonine and other drugs because they feel queezy or sickly when the ship moves or they wear a patch [you should see all the people who walk around with these patches on, either behind their ears or on ther arms.]

These megaships have stabilizers that keep them pretty still during the time that they're moving along on the ocean and the captain doesn't "kick-up" the speed until most folks are in bed [middle of the night] and then, the rocking lulls you to sleep, like a baby. ;) I love it when I can actually "feel" the ship under my feet!!!!

We've traveled quite extensively most of our married life. We both have "wanderlust" and love to see new sights. I especially adore cruising [DH is now tired of it] but, I intend to keep on cruising, with my Service Dog and other family members or friends.

You must try it. It's not for everyone, thank goodness......there's enough people to take up my cruising space, as it is!!!!!!! :)

P.S. Your dog will pick-up on your fears. And, since Muffie is a health challenged dog already........don't expose her to more, please!

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I'm sure all you CCI people got the email about "Primetime: What would you do" on Friday March 18th. For anyone else who might be interested, there is a segment on a dog Hercules, who is in training in the Northeast Region (where we got Wex from). The show is about access rights for people with disabilities. They also went to the campus and interviewed the staff and will show the facility. Go CCI!!!

Edited by rangeley
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I'm sure all you CCI people got the email about "Primetime: What would you do" on Friday March 18th. For anyone else who might be interested, there is a segment on a dog Hercules, who is in training in the Northeast Region (where we got Wex from). The show is about access rights for people with disabilities. They also went to the campus and interviewed the staff and will show the facility. Go CCI!!!


I love shows about CCI - That's how I found CCI to begin with; by watching 20/20 one Friday night, with Barbara Walters.

And, the rest is history!!!! ;)

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Evenin' all:


Thank you Shellie for "thinking" we are all well adjusted! :) We won't tell her about our dark sides! When we first started cruising I was fine with the ocean, then about the middle of cruising we had a pretty rocky ride and went did the "ups and downs" I hated that more than the rocking side to side. Then I was okay again. We did the `14 day to Hawaii and back. Mostly it was smooth sailing, but we had a sick passenger that they had to get closer to shore and the Captain put the peddle to the medal. I was fine with that although it was a pretty "e" ticket ride. So I guess I come and go. I try not to think about it, but I understand your anxiety and not being able to control it. Good luck and I know you will do the right thing with Muffy. Good advise from her doctor should help.


Cindy: Thanks for the info on the TV program, other wise I wouldn't have known. Now all I have to do is remember it!


Hope everyone is doing good and our furbabies are all comfy. Huggles to all of them!

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Evenin' all:


Thank you Shellie for "thinking" we are all well adjusted! :) We won't tell her about our dark sides! When we first started cruising I was fine with the ocean, then about the middle of cruising we had a pretty rocky ride and went did the "ups and downs" I hated that more than the rocking side to side. Then I was okay again. We did the `14 day to Hawaii and back. Mostly it was smooth sailing, but we had a sick passenger that they had to get closer to shore and the Captain put the peddle to the medal. I was fine with that although it was a pretty "e" ticket ride. So I guess I come and go. I try not to think about it, but I understand your anxiety and not being able to control it. Good luck and I know you will do the right thing with Muffy. Good advise from her doctor should help.


Cindy: Thanks for the info on the TV program, other wise I wouldn't have known. Now all I have to do is remember it!


Hope everyone is doing good and our furbabies are all comfy. Huggles to all of them!


Hey, you were starting to worry me. Don't stay away so long. I know you have other internet "buddies" but, come'on who's your favorite????? :confused:

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Hey Roz, you guys were my first and you welcomed me with open arms, even though my Boy was a SD. We are having nasty family issues that I do not want to spill over on this thread. I keep up reading and am with you guys everyday. I don't know if I told you, I started working again. Cuts into my computer time something terrible! But am off at 1 Tues-Fri. 2 on Mon. still keeping up with everything becomes a challenge. Anyway, you guys are always in my thoughts, where else can I go and get such a wealth of knowledge and we won't even go to where we can get furbaby love! This too shall pass and we will move on!

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Nancy, We are always here for you. Sorry you are having family troubles and hope things work out.


Of course I am still dealing with NO car! UGH John was suppose to go to an auction tomorrow with his brother in laws brother. We found out last night that John isn't allowed to go. I don't know if I am going to trust someone we hardly know to pick out a car for us. I'm NOT happy. I've got a feeling we wasted this whole time doing nothing and now we are going to have to go car hunting anyway. It is so frustrating.

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Hi, I am taking my dog on her first cruise and of course am worried about the potty box. Also, I have heard that it is best to leave the dog on the ship while we go off in port but Celebrity says I can't leave the dog in the cabin. I did get a portable crate and they say this is okay. Our ship goes to St. Maartin, St. Kitts and San Juan -- I guess I could take her off in San Juan and St. Maartin if I get a rabies booster but is this wise? I have enjoyed reading all the posts -- thanks for your help. Shirley is an 8 year old guide from Guide Dogs for the Blind. Thanks for your help and comments.

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Hey Roz, you guys were my first and you welcomed me with open arms, even though my Boy was a SD. We are having nasty family issues that I do not want to spill over on this thread. I keep up reading and am with you guys everyday. I don't know if I told you, I started working again. Cuts into my computer time something terrible! But am off at 1 Tues-Fri. 2 on Mon. still keeping up with everything becomes a challenge. Anyway, you guys are always in my thoughts, where else can I go and get such a wealth of knowledge and we won't even go to where we can get furbaby love! This too shall pass and we will move on!


Nancy, I'm sorry you're life has issues for now. With your wonderful outlook and spirit I know you can get through them. Following every storm there is a rainbow!!!!! ;) Hang in there!

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Nancy, We are always here for you. Sorry you are having family troubles and hope things work out.


Of course I am still dealing with NO car! UGH John was suppose to go to an auction tomorrow with his brother in laws brother. We found out last night that John isn't allowed to go. I don't know if I am going to trust someone we hardly know to pick out a car for us. I'm NOT happy. I've got a feeling we wasted this whole time doing nothing and now we are going to have to go car hunting anyway. It is so frustrating.


Cindy, I watched the Wheel and thought the time was way too short and they didn't show the CCI logo enough. But, at least Pat said CCI loud and clear.

I'm sorry you're still going through this car issue. I know how lost you must feel without one. I hope it all gets resolved to your liking very soon. I wish we were closer, I'd come and get you. Please let us know how it's going. Hopefully, it won't be too much longer!!!!

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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Hi, I am taking my dog on her first cruise and of course am worried about the potty box. Also, I have heard that it is best to leave the dog on the ship while we go off in port but Celebrity says I can't leave the dog in the cabin. I did get a portable crate and they say this is okay. Our ship goes to St. Maartin, St. Kitts and San Juan -- I guess I could take her off in San Juan and St. Maartin if I get a rabies booster but is this wise? I have enjoyed reading all the posts -- thanks for your help. Shirley is an 8 year old guide from Guide Dogs for the Blind. Thanks for your help and comments.


Alohatoo: Welcome! Please don't get the booster. Some dogs don't take this well and, it's not worth your dogs life. This just doesn't come from me, I was told this by my Vet and, I'm happy to pass it along to you guys. We love and need our dogs too much to over vaccinate them.

On past posts I wrote about how we made a friend of one of the crew members and got very lucky with him staying with Brenda.

I do understand the thought behind them not allowing your SD to stay in the cabin without someone......it's because of the people who have had something happen who ruin it for the rest of us. Maybe their dog scratched at the rug or door. Or, maybe the dog howled when they were gone or maybe the ship just doesn't want the responsibility in case there's an emergency onboard. Who knows. They can make their rules and we have to follow them.

If you are with someone who can take you ashore and also someone who can watch your dog [if you can't take the dog into port] that would be the best scenerio.

If you can't go into Port, staying onboard the ship is not such a bad thing. There will be lots to do and while most everyone's off, you'll have the ship to yourself to explore or just relax.

Please don't risk your dogs health for a visit into a foreign port......IMHO - IT'S NOT WORTH YOUR DOGS LIFE!!!!!

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Alohatoo: "Shirley" how cute is that. I've got "Brenda"......they sound like two fine women who would love to cruise together.

While we're on the topic of vaccinating our dogs. Our most recent cruise was onboard the Sapphire this past November. Brenda had her Vet check and all her vaccinations brought current in June [six months before our cruise.]

Allison Muff from the Special Needs Department of Princess called me and said that Princess would like Brenda's Rabies Vaccine or booster to be within 60 days of the cruise. I told her that Brenda was a "Senior" dog and I was NOT going to expose her to any more vaccines, period!!!!!!!! Her response was, "we may have a problem!" I suggested that she have someone from Immigration and/or the Health Department or Senior Management of Princess call me.

Did you get a phone call? I know I didn't!!!!

I don't mean to sound too demanding or over the top when I'm speaking with the folks from the cruiselines. But, I know what is right and what is too much to ask for when it comes to my Service Dog. And, I'm going to assert my rights and I'm not going to let them bully me into doing the wrong thing for my amazing hero.

Brenda deserves for me to be her advocate.....she can't speak for herself.

I know the cruiselines have their rules but my Vet says "NO" to over vaccinating. And, if the cruiselines want my business they'll have to work with me. Will I have a problem with some of the foreign ports I visit, maybe. They could care less about the cruise money I've spent. I simply will stay on the ship with her, or leave her with my DH and we'll take turns going into port [if I really need to go.]

For me, now in my life, cruising is really more about the 5 Star floating hotel than it is about most of the ports she visits.

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Afternoon all:

Roz: You are so sweet and of course right. I am waitin' for that Rainbow to show up! Good thing rain is forecast for tonight!


And, who says Ms. Brenny doesn't have a voice? You told us somethings she speaks very clearly! Give her some huggles from me.

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Afternoon all:

Roz: You are so sweet and of course right. I am waitin' for that Rainbow to show up! Good thing rain is forecast for tonight!


And, who says Ms. Brenny doesn't have a voice? You told us somethings she speaks very clearly! Give her some huggles from me.


Oh! Yeh! And, she's bossy too!!!!! I can't hug this dog enough!!!!!

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I'm sure all you CCI people got the email about "Primetime: What would you do" on Friday March 18th. For anyone else who might be interested, there is a segment on a dog Hercules, who is in training in the Northeast Region (where we got Wex from). The show is about access rights for people with disabilities. They also went to the campus and interviewed the staff and will show the facility. Go CCI!!!


I set my DVR, thanks.....

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So since I don't know any better or location there are a good bit of wonderful people talking about these fantastic 4 legged helpers, how about starting a thread dedicated to just them with their pictures. Or maybe post them here, below is Blitz today relaxing in the back yard. It felt like 90 degrees today and I did get some nice exposure and my face is a pink color so hopefully I will have a decent tan this year....




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Oh! Yeh! And, she's bossy too!!!!! I can't hug this dog enough!!!!!


Yeah these lil pups know us better than we know ourselves. I got so bad news yesterday and Blitz picked up on it real quick. I don't know how since I didn't slam any doors, or even speak just sad on my bad and held back the emotions. Or at least I tried too, the next thing I know is I see Blitz come in the room after me and lay his head on my good leg and look up at me with that look like its going to be OK.


I cant even think back to a time when life was without Blitz he has had a huge impact on me at home, and my daily life....

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Cindy, I watched the Wheel and thought the time was way too short and they didn't show the CCI logo enough. But, at least Pat said CCI loud and clear.


I'm sorry you're still going through this car issue. I know how lost you must feel without one. I hope it all gets resolved to your liking very soon. I wish we were closer, I'd come and get you. Please let us know how it's going. Hopefully, it won't be too much longer!!!!



I agree Roz it was to short. I think the show tonight is going to show more, I hope. I think alot of us are going to relate to some of the problems they are going to show tonight and I am predicting we will all be yelling at the tv!!


Mama finely got a new car! WOOOOOHOOOOO!!! We had an exhausting day but in the end I am thrilled! To all you car salesmen out there, you stink!! After test driving a few cars, we sat down with one guy and he ended up all ticked off cuz we said we weren't ready to do anything at that minute. He actually threw the dealer plate on his desk and walked away in a huff. We were disgusted! But after some lunch and another car we had on our list, we finally found her. After 3+ hours, I was driving home in my new baby, well new to me. They register the cars right there at the dealer. We called insurance and off we went. How awesome! Of course Wex was great and he had belly rubs from all the salesmen who had nothing to do. I'm very happy and hope we don't have to do that again for a long time.

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So since I don't know any better or location there are a good bit of wonderful people talking about these fantastic 4 legged helpers, how about starting a thread dedicated to just them with their pictures. Or maybe post them here, below is Blitz today relaxing in the back yard. It felt like 90 degrees today and I did get some nice exposure and my face is a pink color so hopefully I will have a decent tan this year....





That dog is so beautiful!! I just want to give him a big hug!!!!

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I agree Roz it was to short. I think the show tonight is going to show more, I hope. I think alot of us are going to relate to some of the problems they are going to show tonight and I am predicting we will all be yelling at the tv!!


Mama finely got a new car! WOOOOOHOOOOO!!! We had an exhausting day but in the end I am thrilled! To all you car salesmen out there, you stink!! After test driving a few cars, we sat down with one guy and he ended up all ticked off cuz we said we weren't ready to do anything at that minute. He actually threw the dealer plate on his desk and walked away in a huff. We were disgusted! But after some lunch and another car we had on our list, we finally found her. After 3+ hours, I was driving home in my new baby, well new to me. They register the cars right there at the dealer. We called insurance and off we went. How awesome! Of course Wex was great and he had belly rubs from all the salesmen who had nothing to do. I'm very happy and hope we don't have to do that again for a long time.


Yey!!!!! For Cindy! She's got a new pair of wheels.......I swear, you share something with your friends, work your tush off and you get the job done. I hate car salesmen! I know it goes with the territory to be creepy but they're really weird!!!! :o

Enjoy your car, look out for the moron's on the road, relax and have a wonderful weekend.

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That dog is so beautiful!! I just want to give him a big hug!!!!


I love the pictures of Blitz. I have so many wonderful pictures of Brenny.....it would take me so long to figure out how to post you guys some....that I wouldn't be able to make a living!!!!


It took me forever to put up my avatar and include the picture of Brenny onboard the Costa Majica.....I don't know if I could do it again. I'll have to spend some time on it.

In the meantime I'll enjoy the fabulous pictures of Blitz!!!

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Did you guys see "What Would You Do?" on channel 7 this evening. It was wonderful......I think I cried my way through it.


It reminded me so much of my experience, where the manager of our local Souplantation tried to kick Brenda & me out by yelling in my face and backing me up against a wall. I loved, loved the show, it was wonderful. [For those of you who don't know the story....I called the police, the manager got fired and we go back to this restaurant all the time!]


Again, I wish the show was longer but the coverage of CCI and that beautiful dog "Hercules" were great representation of us all!!!!!


Yey! To all the strangers who stood-up for the handler and the dog! Bravo to ABC for giving us air time.

Go - CCI - Go!!!!!

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