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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Ok lets get this dog already!! I CAN'T DO THIS WAITING GAME!! :eek: This is going to kill me if we have to wait til January. Between the dog and Johns surgery I hope I make it. One more week til the surgery, and his pre-op appt is Thursday at 8:30 am. Gee could they make it any earlier for a quad that takes a few hours to get ready. Don't they know Wex likes to sleep late? ;)


I just had to use the dustbuster on the sheets on Johns bed!!! Wex seems to be shedding like a madman. He needs a bath but I have been holding off so I can give him one before John goes in the hospital. I want him to be nice and clean when we go to visit John. I got some medicated shampoo from the vet cuz Wex seems to have alot of flaking lately. I'm not sure why but we used this shampoo on Bailee once and never saw another flake. Last bath I tried some oatmeal stuff and it seemed to make him flake more. :confused: Anyone having this problem?



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Ok lets get this dog already!! I CAN'T DO THIS WAITING GAME!! :eek: This is going to kill me if we have to wait til January. Between the dog and Johns surgery I hope I make it. One more week til the surgery, and his pre-op appt is Thursday at 8:30 am. Gee could they make it any earlier for a quad that takes a few hours to get ready. Don't they know Wex likes to sleep late? ;)


I just had to use the dustbuster on the sheets on Johns bed!!! Wex seems to be shedding like a madman. He needs a bath but I have been holding off so I can give him one before John goes in the hospital. I want him to be nice and clean when we go to visit John. I got some medicated shampoo from the vet cuz Wex seems to have alot of flaking lately. I'm not sure why but we used this shampoo on Bailee once and never saw another flake. Last bath I tried some oatmeal stuff and it seemed to make him flake more. :confused: Anyone having this problem?




Excuse me "Missy" but it was ALL of us who were pacing the floor when you were waiting for the "Wex-boy." I can remember how insane you got at the wait.

I'm so enjoying Brenda and her intuidness to me [and, seeing how difficult it's going to be-in the beginning] to a get another dog to understand me and my "quirkieness!" :p I saw that at the interview when this big, young dog who had absolutely "no clue" what I wanted or my pace, or my personality.......it's going to be a huge job-this training of a new dog.

And, the new dogs are so much bigger [this I love] than Brenda's era of dogs. Brenda seems so little to me now, after seeing the "mooses" that are in training. Not that I mind that......I want a big dog. But, "whoa" they are a lot to handle.

I so hope that John does well......I'm going to say a special prayer just for him.

When I "up" Brenda's Salmon Oil her skin seems to be less flakey. The black dogs really show this more than the yellow's. And, when Brenda's stressed she flakes more!!!!!!

Please keep us tuned-in to John's surgery schedule so we can all think of him while he's going through it and recovering. :)

Take care of YOU, Cindy......everyone's going to be needing you!

I'll let you know when I get the letter from CCI.

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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I too hope that whatever is up with Ollie is not too serious. I had my husband call. The vet was making a house call so we still don't know what is up.


We had a great time. Alaska is just beautiful. Ollie did great too. Whale watching, glacier siting, boats, trains. He is really tired though. He needs a vacation. I think he will look forward to going back to work so he can get some rest!


I am ridiculously dizzy. I can feel the motion of the boat even though it was not really rocky. I took some bonine and may take some more if this does not stop soon.


The only issue we had on the ship was the potty spot was not set up right away. It was not set up at all when we boarded. We were told by guest services to just have him go on the deck. Once I took a look at it, I didn't think that was the appropriate thing to do. Since it was a public area and that it lead to private balconies on either side, I did not want to do that. If I was on either side of the deck, I would not be happy if I had dog pee rolling into my area. I went back to complain to guest services, but before I could even say anything, the crew member told me they were going to set up a tray and gave me a key for when it was locked after hours. It also would have been more convenient to have the room closer to the spot. We were near the midship elevators and the spot was aft. I felt like we walked half a mile to get there. One morning we practically ran down the hallway.

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I too hope that whatever is up with Ollie is not too serious. I had my husband call. The vet was making a house call so we still don't know what is up.


We had a great time. Alaska is just beautiful. Ollie did great too. Whale watching, glacier siting, boats, trains. He is really tired though. He needs a vacation. I think he will look forward to going back to work so he can get some rest!


I am ridiculously dizzy. I can feel the motion of the boat even though it was not really rocky. I took some bonine and may take some more if this does not stop soon.


The only issue we had on the ship was the potty spot was not set up right away. It was not set up at all when we boarded. We were told by guest services to just have him go on the deck. Once I took a look at it, I didn't think that was the appropriate thing to do. Since it was a public area and that it lead to private balconies on either side, I did not want to do that. If I was on either side of the deck, I would not be happy if I had dog pee rolling into my area. I went back to complain to guest services, but before I could even say anything, the crew member told me they were going to set up a tray and gave me a key for when it was locked after hours. It also would have been more convenient to have the room closer to the spot. We were near the midship elevators and the spot was aft. I felt like we walked half a mile to get there. One morning we practically ran down the hallway.


We loved Alaska too. Brenda stared at the Salmon in the river and drooled.......it was so funny. I had to walk her away because it was embarrassing. We know they're Service Dogs and have alot of stamina but they still get tired. I have to be so careful, now, with Brenda's age and her getting tired so much quicker. It's okay, she reminds me to slow down too!

It ALWAYS takes me time to stop getting that "inner-ear-rocky-sensation" after a cruise. It's especially worse when I run water at the sink....so weird!

Okay, that "potty-box" thing makes me crazy! The box should have been ready the second you boarded and it should have been placed in a more convenient spot. I know you didn't want to start trouble or make a scene........I wish I was with you.

It's absolutely UNACCEPTABLE to expect that our dogs be treated any differently than the humans onboard.

I'm so sorry you had to experience this ineptness and poor planning on your cruiseships part. They deserve to be called-on-the-carpet and you should be given some OBC's for future cruising enjoyment. Write a letter to Guest Services and let them know what happened.

FYI: For any "newbies" who want to cruise with their Service Dogs......Always potty your dog right before you board so if this happens to you, your poor dog will not be "stressed" about holding urine longer than is fair. And, anyone who tells you to have your dog relieve itself on a public deck is a MORON!!!!!! Don't allow them to suggest such a thing and tell them how wrong it is.

Make them move the potty-box close to your cabin so you can allow your dog a comfort zone for relieving itself, in the morning and in the evening. There are closets, stairwells and crew areas that can be used as "potty-areas" for your convenience and away from the general public. DON'T ALLOW THEM TO BULLY YOU into putting the box on a distant deck, far away from your cabin!!!! And, don't allow them to tell you that the area MUST be kept locked! Nonsense!!!!!!

It's a simple "learning process" for the Hotel Manager of the ship....This is the person that you MUST insist on seeing if you're not happy with the placement of the box. Don't let ANYONE tell you that he/she is unavailable. They tried to do this to me onboard the Carnival Pride and I told the person at the Purser's Desk [very calmly and in a nice tone] that I was NOT GOING TO LEAVE UNTIL I MET WITH THE HOTEL MANAGER!!!!! Interesting, how he was able to appear so quickly. We met in his office; he gave us 20% off our next Carnival Cruise and placed the potty box in a crew closet down the hall from our cabin.

I'm not suggesting that we need to be obnoxious about our demands......cruiselines simply need to be taught about the "right thing to do!" I'm happy to be the teacher!!!

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So, most of you know that I work with service dogs in training. Some only once or twice, others for concentrated times. Crackers a handsome 15 month old golden retriever enriched my life for 12 months and graduated last July. Cooler came into my life at that time and was an opposite of my BIG handsome boy... She was all girl and mud princess to boot. We've had a great year and she has mastered all her advanced commands. Mud and Rain puddles still call her name and she has some more "maturing" to do until she graduates. So, since she needs a bit less of my time...I have a new foser Puppy.....Meet "Mackey"...a sweet golden retriever...and a second cousin to my special "crackers"....Can't wait to tell about his experiences... and of course "Cooler" is still so special to me.... Mackey is 9 weeks old today...Can't wait to bring him home to meet Sandy and the rest of the family!!!!

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So, most of you know that I work with service dogs in training. Some only once or twice, others for concentrated times. Crackers a handsome 15 month old golden retriever enriched my life for 12 months and graduated last July. Cooler came into my life at that time and was an opposite of my BIG handsome boy... She was all girl and mud princess to boot. We've had a great year and she has mastered all her advanced commands. Mud and Rain puddles still call her name and she has some more "maturing" to do until she graduates. So, since she needs a bit less of my time...I have a new foser Puppy.....Meet "Mackey"...a sweet golden retriever...and a second cousin to my special "crackers"....Can't wait to tell about his experiences... and of course "Cooler" is still so special to me.... Mackey is 9 weeks old today...Can't wait to bring him home to meet Sandy and the rest of the family!!!![/quo


OMG! 9 Weeks old. Oh! No! Just a baby. Look out Sandy, here comes trouble!

Please take pictures. Have a wonderful time. Don't let him abuse Sandy too much.

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My husband had me handle the potty issues since I can be calmer about dealing with stuff, but believe me, if it was not handled satisfactorially, he would have gone "attorney" on them and gotten what he wanted. The deck was locked from 7pm to 7am but they gave us a key so access was not an issue. We did take him out at the airport before we boarded the shuttle so it was not a huge deal to wait, but annoying. It's not like they didn't know we were coming.


In other news, the biopsy was not great. The cyst came back malignant. We need to take him for a colonoscopy soon. Hopefully we caught it early. He had just gone to the vet in April before the Mexico trip so it was only 8 weeks or so since his last visit to the vet and nothing was there at that time. My husband has been in touch with the Seeing Eye about this since no doubt this has the potential to be expensive. We already spent close to 800 for the last visit/surgery and the consultation with the specialist alone is close to 200.

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My husband had me handle the potty issues since I can be calmer about dealing with stuff, but believe me, if it was not handled satisfactorially, he would have gone "attorney" on them and gotten what he wanted. The deck was locked from 7pm to 7am but they gave us a key so access was not an issue. We did take him out at the airport before we boarded the shuttle so it was not a huge deal to wait, but annoying. It's not like they didn't know we were coming.


In other news, the biopsy was not great. The cyst came back malignant. We need to take him for a colonoscopy soon. Hopefully we caught it early. He had just gone to the vet in April before the Mexico trip so it was only 8 weeks or so since his last visit to the vet and nothing was there at that time. My husband has been in touch with the Seeing Eye about this since no doubt this has the potential to be expensive. We already spent close to 800 for the last visit/surgery and the consultation with the specialist alone is close to 200.


I love your expression gone "attorney" on them. I can't wait to us it!

And, you are so right. The ship was notified you were coming! Idiots!

I'm so sorry to hear about Ollie's results on his test. Poor Ollie, I hope the doctor's can remove it and he doesn't have to suffer too much. It seems that dog health can change in an instant.

Please let us know how it all goes......And, give Ollie a HUGE HUG AND KISS from Brenda and me! :)

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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As my husband is an attorney, it's an appropriate phrase :) The best was the time several years ago when he was on a plane and the stewardess told him he had to sit in the bulkhead by the window. He said no, quoted some law other than the ADA (something like air passengers act?) , spoke with a supervisor and handed over his US Department of Transporation, CDB, Esquire business card and told them he'd be happy to discuss the issue further with them from the office on Monday. The supervisor spoke to the flight attendant and that was the end of the issue. The flight attendant was having a really bad day because she tried to get an unaccompanied minor that was sitting with me off the plane in Mississippi. He had already told me he was flying to our final destination and needless to say she was quite frazzled when she double checked the kid's itinerary.

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As my husband is an attorney, it's an appropriate phrase :) The best was the time several years ago when he was on a plane and the stewardess told him he had to sit in the bulkhead by the window. He said no, quoted some law other than the ADA (something like air passengers act?) , spoke with a supervisor and handed over his US Department of Transporation, CDB, Esquire business card and told them he'd be happy to discuss the issue further with them from the office on Monday. The supervisor spoke to the flight attendant and that was the end of the issue. The flight attendant was having a really bad day because she tried to get an unaccompanied minor that was sitting with me off the plane in Mississippi. He had already told me he was flying to our final destination and needless to say she was quite frazzled when she double checked the kid's itinerary.


Life can be so complicated for some!!!!! As I get older, I'm realizing more and more that the less we complicate everything the easier it all goes........Now, please kiss Mr. Ollie for me!!!!

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One more. All of us at Mendenhall Glacier. Pretty sure this will be our Christmas card photo



This is a gorgeous picture. You have a beautiful family......Lucky woman!


Thanks so much for sharing this with all of us! :) And the background ~ Stunning!!!!!

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Excuse me "Missy" but it was ALL of us who were pacing the floor when you were waiting for the "Wex-boy." I can remember how insane you got at the wait.


I'm so enjoying Brenda and her intuidness to me [and, seeing how difficult it's going to be-in the beginning] to a get another dog to understand me and my "quirkieness!" :p I saw that at the interview when this big, young dog who had absolutely "no clue" what I wanted or my pace, or my personality.......it's going to be a huge job-this training of a new dog.


And, the new dogs are so much bigger [this I love] than Brenda's era of dogs. Brenda seems so little to me now, after seeing the "mooses" that are in training. Not that I mind that......I want a big dog. But, "whoa" they are a lot to handle.


I so hope that John does well......I'm going to say a special prayer just for him.


When I "up" Brenda's Salmon Oil her skin seems to be less flakey. The black dogs really show this more than the yellow's. And, when Brenda's stressed she flakes more!!!!!!


Please keep us tuned-in to John's surgery schedule so we can all think of him while he's going through it and recovering. :)


Take care of YOU, Cindy......everyone's going to be needing you!


I'll let you know when I get the letter from CCI.



Ahahahaha Missy? hmmmmmmmm I hate waiting! :D I've gotten very impatient in my old age.


We just got back from the pre-op stuff at the hospital. They were very thorough. He had all the standard tests and then we met with the doctors assistant. She was very knowledgeable and full of info BUT there was little problem with what they were actually going to do, so she is going to contact the doctor, who is on vacation. But anyway, the surgery is scheduled for the 7th at 3:30, that could change we won't know til the night before. He will be in hospital for 3 days and then he will either come home or go to a rehab place down the street if I can't take care of him. I'm not sure if any of his family will be there with me or if it will just be Wex and me. I don't want them stressing me out! lol



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Sunshine, You are so lucky to be able to take all these puppies!! They grow so fast, enjoy them while you can.



cjborne, So sorry to hear about Ollie. Hope he will be ok, he is a beautiful dog!! Great pics, thanks for sharing.

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Ahahahaha Missy? hmmmmmmmm I hate waiting! :D I've gotten very impatient in my old age.


We just got back from the pre-op stuff at the hospital. They were very thorough. He had all the standard tests and then we met with the doctors assistant. She was very knowledgeable and full of info BUT there was little problem with what they were actually going to do, so she is going to contact the doctor, who is on vacation. But anyway, the surgery is scheduled for the 7th at 3:30, that could change we won't know til the night before. He will be in hospital for 3 days and then he will either come home or go to a rehab place down the street if I can't take care of him. I'm not sure if any of his family will be there with me or if it will just be Wex and me. I don't want them stressing me out! lol




I'm not a big fan of the "waiting" thing either. CCI kind of gets you used to it......but, I still hate it, too!!!

Wow, the 7th is next Thursday. I just hope that everything they do makes his life better.

Yep! I do understand the family and the "stress" that all of that brings. Sometimes, I just get things taken care of and tell them afterwards. You certainly have all of us right there with you. I'm a "click" away!!!!!!

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Sunshine, I have to tell you; when I was at CCI and feeling the stress of working with this "strange", young, big dog and the insecurity was washing over me.......YOU came into my head and so did "Canine Assistants"......I remember thinking..., "okay, if CCI doesn't think I'm right for them anymore, I do have other options!"


I'll let you all know what happens when the letter comes!

My logical mind says, "hey, it's a Successor Dog, you've already been accepted by CCI," but, my crazy thoughts are thinking, "what if I don't cut-it anymore as a dog handler?"

It's the waiting-game for now!

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It's just nerves getting the best of you Roz. You don't have to prove anything to anyone...CCI is lucky to have you as a recepeint of a graduate and soon to be of a successor dog!! It will be a different experience with a new dog... young, spirited, distractable, fun, spirited, ..... And of course CA would be lucky to have you as well, but I know your heart is with CCI! And they are a fabulous group, and I don't hesitate to tell people about them as well as CA.

On a fun note: Mackey and I went on our first outing. First we had some fun play time, then bath time (which he wasn't crazy about) then towel dry time, which he seemed to enjoy. After a 5 minute drive we wandered around the local Wal-Mart! Of course he was a tail wagging machine. Also a potty machine as I had to clean up several times and we were in the store all of 20 minutes.....Puppy Diaper bag in hand, I was prepared.... Cooler and I had an outing earlier, where she was not happy with me as I allowed no one to pat her (I'm sorry, she's working), walked her by all of her favorite things to grab...and used "leave-it" frequently. Dropped my keys, my wallet, my cell phone over and over as she happily retrieved them for me....Then, to add insult to injury, crated her and took out a PUPPY!!! Of course, she won't hold a grudge and we will go out again soon....

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It's just nerves getting the best of you Roz. You don't have to prove anything to anyone...CCI is lucky to have you as a recepeint of a graduate and soon to be of a successor dog!! It will be a different experience with a new dog... young, spirited, distractable, fun, spirited, ..... And of course CA would be lucky to have you as well, but I know your heart is with CCI! And they are a fabulous group, and I don't hesitate to tell people about them as well as CA.


On a fun note: Mackey and I went on our first outing. First we had some fun play time, then bath time (which he wasn't crazy about) then towel dry time, which he seemed to enjoy. After a 5 minute drive we wandered around the local Wal-Mart! Of course he was a tail wagging machine. Also a potty machine as I had to clean up several times and we were in the store all of 20 minutes.....Puppy Diaper bag in hand, I was prepared.... Cooler and I had an outing earlier, where she was not happy with me as I allowed no one to pat her (I'm sorry, she's working), walked her by all of her favorite things to grab...and used "leave-it" frequently. Dropped my keys, my wallet, my cell phone over and over as she happily retrieved them for me....Then, to add insult to injury, crated her and took out a PUPPY!!! Of course, she won't hold a grudge and we will go out again soon....


Thanks Sunshine, your words of encouragement do not fall on deaf ears and are so appreciated. I do love CCI.


Thanks for sharing your stories of Mackey and Cooler.....I love the fact that dogs don't hold grudges and they live in the moment.......Makes our lives so much more pleasant. Sure better than some of the humans we come in contact with!!!!!!! ;)

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Roz, You are the best and no one here has any doubt that you and your new dog will be just wonderful!!! You already know it's going to be hard, but you know it will be worth it. Believe me, it's very strange getting the new dog, but you just have to get to know eachother. The first time they give you your dog, you will be in love!!



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Mornin' all:

CJ: Great pictures! Ollie looks so huggable and I think the name Ollie fits him perfect. I hope all his health issues are resolved. Poor guy.

Sunshine: What fun for you and Mackey. I am sure you got a lot of "He's so cute!" Reno use to get that and he would just go balistic. Like he was saying "See mom, they think I'm cute, they think I'm cute, let em pet me, pleaasse." Poor Cooler, she must have been indignant, then that little "puppy" got to go and she had to stay home, in a crate no less, umf! I am sure all is already forgiven.

Cindy: I am thinking of you and John. I hope this surgery gives him the relief he deserves (and you). I bet you can't wait for some Wex and you time though. (:o). I see an ad in our local paper about a doctor that can "fix" almost every symptom I have, herniated discs, torn discs, weak legs, and numbness, without surgery. Well, if he can I think I will change his name to miracle worker. Skeptical at best. I am too chicken, I know what the pain is now and can live with it most days. Never know what will happen if I let someone go poking around back there. I know in John's situation he has not choice. Poor guy, the pain has got to be well "a pain".

Roz: :D still waiting. Give my Ms. Brenny some extra (is that possible) huggles. Jezzy was being a little pill yesterday. She wants to bark at the new neighbors. I am trying to get her stop, but she still has her moments. We have a road runner that comes to visit every day, we have bunnies and quails. She is all excited to let them know this is now "her" yard. I got her to quit barking at Mr. Road Runner, I kept telling her it was ok and that he lives here to. She was just wagging her tail and watching him. He could care less about her. He just goes about his business looking for bugs.

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Ollie is a German Shepherd. His long hair and predominant black fur and both recessive genes. As I say, he hit the jackpot. He is a great dog. Thank you for your kind words. I have lots of pictures of him from the trip. He's one lucky pup to have been to as many fun places as he has (not just this trip, places in general).

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