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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Roz, You are the best and no one here has any doubt that you and your new dog will be just wonderful!!! You already know it's going to be hard, but you know it will be worth it. Believe me, it's very strange getting the new dog, but you just have to get to know eachother. The first time they give you your dog, you will be in love!!




I'm home today, on Morey's computer.


Thanks Cindy for your words of encouragement.......they mean a lot to me and do help me with the wait. And, reminding me that it took time for Brenda and me to become the great partnership that we are today.

Patience is not one of my strongest assests.

It sure helps to know that I have friends like you to turn to!

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Mornin' all:


CJ: Great pictures! Ollie looks so huggable and I think the name Ollie fits him perfect. I hope all his health issues are resolved. Poor guy.


Sunshine: What fun for you and Mackey. I am sure you got a lot of "He's so cute!" Reno use to get that and he would just go balistic. Like he was saying "See mom, they think I'm cute, they think I'm cute, let em pet me, pleaasse." Poor Cooler, she must have been indignant, then that little "puppy" got to go and she had to stay home, in a crate no less, umf! I am sure all is already forgiven.


Cindy: I am thinking of you and John. I hope this surgery gives him the relief he deserves (and you). I bet you can't wait for some Wex and you time though. (:o). I see an ad in our local paper about a doctor that can "fix" almost every symptom I have, herniated discs, torn discs, weak legs, and numbness, without surgery. Well, if he can I think I will change his name to miracle worker. Skeptical at best. I am too chicken, I know what the pain is now and can live with it most days. Never know what will happen if I let someone go poking around back there. I know in John's situation he has not choice. Poor guy, the pain has got to be well "a pain".


Roz: :D still waiting. Give my Ms. Brenny some extra (is that possible) huggles. Jezzy was being a little pill yesterday. She wants to bark at the new neighbors. I am trying to get her stop, but she still has her moments. We have a road runner that comes to visit every day, we have bunnies and quails. She is all excited to let them know this is now "her" yard. I got her to quit barking at Mr. Road Runner, I kept telling her it was ok and that he lives here to. She was just wagging her tail and watching him. He could care less about her. He just goes about his business looking for bugs.


I hug Brenda so much, she thinks I'm nuts. And, it sounds like you live in a zoo. But, Jezzy will protect you! :rolleyes:

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ollie is a german shepherd. His long hair and predominant black fur and both recessive genes. As i say, he hit the jackpot. He is a great dog. Thank you for your kind words. I have lots of pictures of him from the trip. He's one lucky pup to have been to as many fun places as he has (not just this trip, places in general).


;) :)

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OMG! 9 Weeks old. Oh! No! Just a baby. Look out Sandy, here comes trouble!


Please take pictures. Have a wonderful time. Don't let him abuse Sandy too much.


Nothing wrong with that, this is Blitz at 8 weeks; this is two days after he came from the breeder.





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Ollie is a German Shepherd. His long hair and predominant black fur and both recessive genes. As I say, he hit the jackpot. He is a great dog. Thank you for your kind words. I have lots of pictures of him from the trip. He's one lucky pup to have been to as many fun places as he has (not just this trip, places in general).


German Shepherds RAWK!!!!!!!

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I will be so damn happy when the temp gets back under 80 degrees and the fireworks stop popping. Blitz barked almost non-stop all evening since most places in my area did their fireworks tonight.






ahhhhhhhh damn he has huge lungs. Its his first 4th with fireworks this close to the house.

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I will be so damn happy when the temp gets back under 80 degrees and the fireworks stop popping. Blitz barked almost non-stop all evening since most places in my area did their fireworks tonight.






ahhhhhhhh damn he has huge lungs. Its his first 4th with fireworks this close to the house.


Sorry you're both experiencing that. It's so confusing to the Service/Working dog who thinks they need to "alert" you to the noise.

It can be tough for dogs in general......And, some dogs handle it better than others.

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Ollie is great with fireworks. They don't phase him at all. We are doing something new this year. A friend has a boat and we are going out to Baltimore's Inner Harbor to see the fireworks tonight. (Just what I need, to get back on another boat after it taking 4 days to stop the dizziness and get my landlegs back lol!)


Happy 4th everyone!

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Mornin' all:

Happy 4th of July. Reno did not like the fireworks at all. We would put the stereo on and he would fortunately fall asleep right in front of the speakers. Jezzy doesn't seem to mind them. At first she may bark but quiets down right away. I took her in the car to get a newspaper this morning. I didn't put her in her crate, it is only about 5 blocks from home. She did great. Sat on the passanger side floor and then on the seat. Only got in my lap once and was at a stop sign and I put her back on the passanger seat and she stayed there. Good girl, I think she is growing up.

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Sorry you're both experiencing that. It's so confusing to the Service/Working dog who thinks they need to "alert" you to the noise.


It can be tough for dogs in general......And, some dogs handle it better than others.


Oh Blitz surely warns me and the need to be alert; although in person he is very socialized. He even picked up a very bad habit recently, when I get up from my lazy boy it usually takes me a while to get standing. During this entire time he is barking at me as if trying to encourage me. So wondering where this barking came from; why the dumbass that owns Blitz for sure. This DAV thought it was cute that Blitz would bark at him and encouraged it; although not all the time. So I am now suffering from a stupid encouraged learned trick. Now I am doing everything possible to to unlearn him (I know bad improper english) and this barking. When people knock at the door its easily controlled, loud noises that normally happen, or other items no problem. So I'm off to youtube to find more suggestions to stop the barking.

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I hope this finds ALL of you doing well.....We had fun on the 4th and Brenda just ignored the fireworks. I really want to go to New York and see the fireworks on the Hudson River...it's on my "Bucket List" to do, one day!

It's hot and humid here in L.A. and Miss Brenny is resting in my air conditioned office after a half hour of chasing the ball.

I am so ready for a cruise. It may be just Brenda and me on September 24th.......How's that for the best company of all? Of course we did get a Handicapped Mini-Suite because Morey was going with his wheelchair, then he backed-out and my daughter was going and then she had to back-out......now, I've got this huge cabin for Brenny and me...all that needs to happen is CCI offers me a dog for the September 30th Team Training and my confusion with this cruise will be complete. Anybody want to share a cabin with me?

I'll take these kinds of problems any day. Take care everyone.


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This is going to seem like an odd post to you, but I'm asking anyway! I have a certified therapy rabbit. Yes, I do. He goes everywhere with me, but I have yet to take him on a cruise. We're booked for next winter, and I emailed Carnival to inquire about what I would need to board with him. I don't know if they'll let me bring him or not, so I'm holding my breath and waiting for an answer. Does anyone possibly have any experience cruising with a service animal that isn't a dog? He is so easy to take with me, he's litter trained, doesn't bark (heehee), and he sleeps in a pack-n-play playpen that I bring with me. He has a harness and leash, and follows commands well. Thanks for any advice you have!

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This is going to seem like an odd post to you, but I'm asking anyway! I have a certified therapy rabbit. Yes, I do. He goes everywhere with me, but I have yet to take him on a cruise. We're booked for next winter, and I emailed Carnival to inquire about what I would need to board with him. I don't know if they'll let me bring him or not, so I'm holding my breath and waiting for an answer. Does anyone possibly have any experience cruising with a service animal that isn't a dog? He is so easy to take with me, he's litter trained, doesn't bark (heehee), and he sleeps in a pack-n-play playpen that I bring with me. He has a harness and leash, and follows commands well. Thanks for any advice you have!


Luv: The key word here is "therapy" rabbit. Your rabbit [and, I must tell you, I had a rabbit while I was waiting for Brenda to come into my life], I truly believe that my rabbit [Harvey] rescued me from the depths of depression before my Brenny came along. I adored him! When Brenda came home she almost gave Harvey a heart attack. She just wanted to "cuddle" with him. He wanted nothing to do with her.

He lived about a year after I got Brenda and died of old age.

The answer to public access for your rabbit is a resounding "no!" He/she is your therapy rabbit and does not have "Public Access" under the DOJ - ADA Guidelines.

I know how much he means to you but he does not mitigate a physical disability for you. If he were taught to "alert" you when you were going to have a seizure or your blood pressure went very low or high or he "alerted" you to sounds in your environment, that would be a different story.

And, the public arena could ask to see what your rabbit does to mitigate your physical issues. They may not ask what's wrong with you but they may ask to see what your rabbit does.

Good luck to you and to your wonderful friend. It sounds like your capable of training him/her.....let us know how it goes!

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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Anybody want to share a cabin with me?


I'll take these kinds of problems any day. Take care everyone.



Me!Me! I would so love to travel with you and Ms. Brenny, however if I left hubby home and went on a cruise without him, I am afraid I would have no home to come back to! Someday I hope we can cruise together, all of us. Would love to meet Morey, also. I feel like I already have met you just with our conversations here. When I read your posts, I get a visual of, let's say you are talking about throwing the ball for Brenda. I get the visual of a tall, beautiful blonde lady with a shiny beautiful black furbaby!

Everyone have a great day. I am doing the catch up on laundry since we were without water for 5 days. :eek:

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Nancy & Disney: You both would be great "roomies" for a cruise. If one of you changes your mind let me know.

Well........I got it......the letter from CCI that states: After reviewing your application materials and information from your interview, we would like to extend to you an invitation to be placed on our waiting list to attend one of our future Team Training classes for a Hearing Dog - Congratulations!!!!!!

Wahooooo!!!! I'm in. You never know! They've added me to their waiting list based on my need from my initial app. on 10/27/10. I'm so excited and relieved. They state that; ideally I will receive notice of my selection for a training class six to eight weeks prior to the date of the class.

Now, the WAIT begins. We'll see if I'm asked for the September class [which falls right during my cruise] or the January class........or maybe they'll change the dates all together.

I'm just thrilled that there were no surprises and that everything is a GO!

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Thank you for your reply, Wizard-of-Roz, I appreciate your advice.


You are so welcome. What's your rabbits name? One of my most favorite animals in the whole world, besides dogs and horses is rabbits! Such wonderful beings.

CCI has a rabbit that lives in a fabulous area on their grounds and is encouraged to run free in the training room as the pups are becoming desensitized to it. And stops looking at the rabbit as prey. It's such a joy to watch a young dog just walk right past the rabbit as if it were not even there.

They also have several cats who "own" the training room and "allow" the dogs to come in and be trained. ;)

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I'm home.......The interview was so different than the interview 9 years ago.


I drove down to Carlsbad and stayed at the Carlsbad Inn & Resort. A really lovely hotel, located 1 block from the beach. So beautiful. The Inn is about 14 miles from CCI. I got in on Thursday night and settled in before my interview on Friday morning.


My interview was set for 9:45. I left at 9:00 and got to CCI at 9:30. Other families were arriving and we all started to line-up to get our nametags. There were about 20 families, all waiting for their personal interviews.


We sat around introducing ourselves and a young woman approached me asking me to follow her. We went into a private room, away from the others and she introduced herself as Becca Gordon, she said she would be interviewing me separately and I would be asked to work with a dog by myself. Not in a group. She said that a woman named Sarah would be joining us for the interview. She said because I was interviewing for a "Successor Dog" that the interview would be more abbreviated.


I was asked all sorts of questions such as; what was I going to do with Brenda; who would be caring for Brenda while I went off to work with "Successor"; where "Successor" would be exercized; where would he/she potty, sleep, eat, etc., etc. Since I knew about caring for a Working Dog she just re-iterated how important grooming, brushing teeth and cutting nails was.


Because I work, they wanted to know about "Successor's" place at work; since I've already had a "Working Dog", what were my expectations from a new dog? What tasks are most important to me? And, was there anything new or different that I was expecting out of "Successor?" So many good questions.


Becca and Sarah practiced commands with me [pretending they were a dog; and, I would correct them and tell them "yes, good job", or "no, don't" when they would not sit or not lay down.]


Sarah left the room and came back with one of the most beautiful Yellow Labs I have ever seen. He was one year old with a very course flat coat. He had the biggest paws and ears I have ever seen on a Lab. His name was "Hyde", what a beautiful pup.


I've already learned, 9 years ago, that the dog you practice with doesn't necessarily look anything like the dog you will finally wind-up with. But, I sure loved everything about Hyde.


I never realized how small Brenda's paws were until I saw "Hyde's!"


I practiced with glorious pup, giving commands and walking with him. I loved every minute of it. I had forgotten how it felt to walk with a one year old. They're so full of bounce and joy! And Hyde was so tall, it was easy to touch his head to give him praise! I'm tall and can really appreciate a tall dog.


The day ended way too soon. I could have spent all day with this dog. We all hugged each other and I was told to look for a letter within 2 weeks letting me know if I've made it to the "Waiting List!"


After this part of the process, while waiting for Brenda, I waited another 14 months before I was invited to "Team Training" and I received her. God, I hope it's not that long this time!!!!!


When I got home, of course, I had "Hyde's" odor all over me.......Brenda went nuts.


And, now, it's the "waiting game"......Thanks everyone for your support, I'll keep you up-to-date on how it goes!!!!![/i know Hyde's puppy raiser and she will be thrilled with your kind comments. He's a wonderful dog! I hope your wait for your successor dog is short and that you get the call to Team Training soon! ]

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Sarah left the room and came back with one of the most beautiful Yellow Labs I have ever seen. He was one year old with a very course flat coat. He had the biggest paws and ears I have ever seen on a Lab. His name was "Hyde", what a beautiful pup.


I've already learned, 9 years ago, that the dog you practice with doesn't necessarily look anything like the dog you will finally wind-up with. But, I sure loved everything about Hyde.


I never realized how small Brenda's paws were until I saw "Hyde's!"


I practiced with glorious pup, giving commands and walking with him. I loved every minute of it. I had forgotten how it felt to walk with a one year old. They're so full of bounce and joy! And Hyde was so tall, it was easy to touch his head to give him praise! I'm tall and can really appreciate a tall dog.


The day ended way too soon. I could have spent all day with this dog. We all hugged each other and I was told to look for a letter within 2 weeks letting me know if I've made it to the "Waiting List!"


After this part of the process, while waiting for Brenda, I waited another 14 months before I was invited to "Team Training" and I received her. God, I hope it's not that long this time!!!!!


When I got home, of course, I had "Hyde's" odor all over me.......Brenda went nuts.


And, now, it's the "waiting game"......Thanks everyone for your support, I'll keep you up-to-date on how it goes!!!!![/i know Hyde's puppy raiser and she will be thrilled with your kind comments. He's a wonderful dog! I hope your wait for your successor dog is short and that you get the call to Team Training soon! ]


"Rocket", you've definitely made my day. I was not exaggerating about "Hyde" he's a beautiful boy and if I get so lucky to have him [as Brenda's little brother] or a dog like him, in my life......I'll be thrilled!!!!

Please tell his Puppyraiser's THANK YOU for doing such an amazingly wonderful job, folks like me; who walk with these "hero's" in their lives truly appreciate everything the Puppyraiser's do for us!

The joy and "completeness" that these dogs bring to folks like me is nothing short of a miracle. I am forever grateful to the Puppyraiser!!!! [sunshine!]

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Just an update, Johns surgery went well, he is still in recovery as of 8:30pm because of blood pressure problems during the operation. Wex and I have been hanging around at the hospital since 8:30am, so we are pooped!!! When John had his original surgery 30 something years ago, they fused his spine together, and I guess once the bone grows it doesn't stop, so he had a huge hunk of bone in his throat(never bothered him) so the cut it off. Then they replaced a bulging disc. Instead of fusing the bone like before, they put in a fake disc!!:eek: This doctor is the only one in this area that does it, and this will let John have movement in his neck, instead of fusing which would give no movement. I'll update tomorrow.



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