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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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OMG! That is so funny!!!!! :D
I should explain.....the command for a CCI dog to go potty is the word "hurry." They used to use the word "toilet" but folks didn't like using the word so it was changed.

That IS funny! ROFL :D

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OK I have a funny story although might be border line Opps....


So the local K9 Police know me pretty well for all the cool reasons, especially the one where we have the same breed dog. I have two neighbors who are K9 Cops and we share stories of our babies and Jimbo told me one that totally cracked me up. The Gulfport Police K9's purchased a Czech German Shepherd and his name was Jack. The command for a K9 to release a subject is "Off". These dogs are trained to respond to only their given name and its almsot totally impossible to undo the given name of a K9.


So just think if Jack has a subject and he is given the command to release, "Jack" and " well I think you got it. I laughed so hard I could not speak for a 1/2 hour.......

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OK I have a funny story although might be border line Opps....


So the local K9 Police know me pretty well for all the cool reasons, especially the one where we have the same breed dog. I have two neighbors who are K9 Cops and we share stories of our babies and Jimbo told me one that totally cracked me up. The Gulfport Police K9's purchased a Czech German Shepherd and his name was Jack. The command for a K9 to release a subject is "Off". These dogs are trained to respond to only their given name and its almsot totally impossible to undo the given name of a K9.


So just think if Jack has a subject and he is given the command to release, "Jack" and " well I think you got it. I laughed so hard I could not speak for a 1/2 hour.......


Thanks for making me spit coffee on my screen this morning. :D

Now that's funny!!

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The Seeing Eye uses "park" as it's potty term.


I saw someone walking a shepherd puppy alongside an adult dog yesterday. It was so cute - full of pep! I wish I knew what Ollie looked like as a puppy. He is such a handsome dog now. He must have been an adorable pup!

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OK I have a funny story although might be border line Opps....


So the local K9 Police know me pretty well for all the cool reasons, especially the one where we have the same breed dog. I have two neighbors who are K9 Cops and we share stories of our babies and Jimbo told me one that totally cracked me up. The Gulfport Police K9's purchased a Czech German Shepherd and his name was Jack. The command for a K9 to release a subject is "Off". These dogs are trained to respond to only their given name and its almsot totally impossible to undo the given name of a K9.


So just think if Jack has a subject and he is given the command to release, "Jack" and " well I think you got it. I laughed so hard I could not speak for a 1/2 hour.......


How funny is that!!!! :D

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The Seeing Eye uses "park" as it's potty term.


I saw someone walking a shepherd puppy alongside an adult dog yesterday. It was so cute - full of pep! I wish I knew what Ollie looked like as a puppy. He is such a handsome dog now. He must have been an adorable pup!



I have 4 pictures of Brenda when she was a Pup. Her Puppyraisers just didn't take the time to make a good album of her when she lived with them. :mad: Although, I am grateful to them for taking such good care of her, I just wish I had to see of her when she was a baby!

On another note.......I know you've had your avatar up for quite a while....I just now noticed that Ollie was in the picture. Dark colored dogs are so hard to capture in a picture!!!! :o

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Jocko: Of course we want pictures! I have to go thru mine. Leann Emily had such a striking pose this morning, wish I had a camera. She is one adorable kitty cat.


OK I just don't want to hog the forum and upset people. I am slowly getting out again since I now have new ortho shoes that more evenly distribute my fat butt when I am standing and walking. Unsure if anyone has ever had internal bone spurs but that hurt like heck. Although I am so excited once the VA makes its payment to me I am Calif bound and going to huge my Grand daughter until she asks me to stop. I never knew a small girl would have so much impact on my life and my desire to continue to live. I purchased over 200.00 in school clothes and mailed them yesterday to her. Got everything lined up to leave on Saturday the 13th all I need is for the VA to follow through with their promise. Thats the only thing that could hold me back.


Now back to our original topic. Here is Blitz and his little sister who is one litter behind Bitz. I fostered her till she was 14 weeks and taught her all her basic commands and it is my understanding that my son did not continue the training so I have to go through that again. I hope that Mel remembers me so that I will still have impact on her when I arrive.




This is Dia and Blitz doing what they enjoy the most, I swear Blitz has gills....




This is King as a pup, this little puppy turned out to be the best dog I ever had in my life so far. King in his adult form helped me (my legs actually worked quite well in 2005) and Law Enforcement catch and detain looters after Hurricane Katrina. Now who would be scared of this little puppy.




And of course who would have thought the little cutie on the right side would turn out to be "Blitz the Wonder Dog"



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OK now I am pissed, the article say it all although its basically a person not only selling vests for individuals who as the ad puts it "You must act dumb or blind" so they can take their dog anywhere.




There is a special place in he11 for this seller.



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I love all the pictures, thanks for sharing them. :)


The morons who sell illegal vests are so wrong!!!! And, the folks who purchase the vests and try to bring their innocent pets into the public venue make it very difficult for those who depend on their dogs for life saving and important tasks that complete their lives.

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Dee: Welcome, you are not boring us. If anything, I want to hear more. Is Honey a Hearing Dog for your son? I love the fact that a Minature Poodle is a Service Dog. So easy to move from place-to-place.


Are you a member of IAADP? It seems that some of the fees that you paid are exorbinate. Honey's a Service Dog, not a pet. Why did you have to pay import and export fees?


If you've been reading this thread then you know I ask a lot of questions but it's the only way we all learn and you are our new HERO when it comes to Traveling With a Service Dog! 30 days on a cruiseship.. My dream!!!!! I have a full time job which I love and would never permit me to travel 4 weeks at a time.


Thanks for coming onboard with us! ;)


I'm sorry it has taken me so long to get back to this thread. I have heard of IAADP but haven't taken the time to look into it. Maybe I will now. As far as all the fees we paid for Honey to enter Singapore... I have to first say the we were lucky because we were dealing with the director of animal import and when we first started the paper work for Honey to enter Singapore they had no protacol for service dogs entering the country. We were told all dogs were quarantined but this wonderful person got new protocal passed for Honey and all service dogs entering Singapore and Honey was allowed to stay with us at our hotel (The Fairmont), thank the lord because Honey has never been kenneled. But that all said - Honey did have to have the Rabies test, the parasite test and the international Health Certificate which cost us with vets fees a total of $169.00, just for the health cert. Singapore charged us import and export fees and over $200.00 for an inspector to meet us at the Singapore airport, who spent about 15 minutes with us and really did no inspection and did not even look at the paper work but charged us for 2 hours (travel time - smile). We had already decided we would not take Honey off in any ports which we did not in Thailand and Vietnam (My 91 yr old Dad was with us and stayed on board with Honey) But what happened next is really funny. I get a call 2 days before reaching our first port in China (remember a communist country) and we were told by guest services that we would have to meet with chinese immigration which I promply responded "oh that will not be nesscessary because we will not be taking her off the ship" and I was told "no matter you will still need to meet with immigration" Needless to say I was very nervous, but 2 days later at 7am we arrived to meet immigration no knowing what to expect. Now comes the funny part. We were ushered into about 7 uniformed officals with all of Honey's pages and pages of paperwork. which I promptly handed over. The female officer glanced (and I mean glanced) at the paperwork and handed it back. Then they all took out phones and cameras and after asking permission began taking pictures of Honey and when Anthony offered for them to take picture WITH Honey they were all so thrilled. Then we were told Honey was welcome anywhere in China. So Honey visited all 5 of the China ports we visited and was such a hit. You would have thought she was a celebrity everywhere we went in China - so funny and so cute. Then we get the same call regarding Korea - to meet with immigration and again a glance at the paperwork handed back to us and told she can go anywhere in Korea, which she did. Let me reiterate no money was paid for China or Korea - not on dime. Now our stop in Russia we were told she was not allowed off the ship, which we did not care about. So go figure the countries we thought woulod be the biggest proiblem and we chose to skip ended up being the easiest and no cost.

Honey had a great time on the cruise and it being a 32 day cruise was not a problem at all. I don;t know if I mentioned in my first post that Honey is pee pee pad trained so even that was not an issue.

If anyone has any question please feel free to ask me and I will try to answer the best I can. I will let you all know how she does in

Europe and So. America this Dec when we will be doing a 30 day

Venice to Santiago, Chile on the Star princess with one week in Florence prior to the cruise. Italy seems to have no problen at all with service and non service dogs entering the country or at the hotels/

Whew - hope I didn't bore you, maybe our experience will encourage someone to take their service dog to Asia or Europe.

Dee :)

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I'm sorry it has taken me so long to get back to this thread. I have heard of IAADP but haven't taken the time to look into it. Maybe I will now. As far as all the fees we paid for Honey to enter Singapore... I have to first say the we were lucky because we were dealing with the director of animal import and when we first started the paper work for Honey to enter Singapore they had no protacol for service dogs entering the country. We were told all dogs were quarantined but this wonderful person got new protocal passed for Honey and all service dogs entering Singapore and Honey was allowed to stay with us at our hotel (The Fairmont), thank the lord because Honey has never been kenneled. But that all said - Honey did have to have the Rabies test, the parasite test and the international Health Certificate which cost us with vets fees a total of $169.00, just for the health cert. Singapore charged us import and export fees and over $200.00 for an inspector to meet us at the Singapore airport, who spent about 15 minutes with us and really did no inspection and did not even look at the paper work but charged us for 2 hours (travel time - smile). We had already decided we would not take Honey off in any ports which we did not in Thailand and Vietnam (My 91 yr old Dad was with us and stayed on board with Honey) But what happened next is really funny. I get a call 2 days before reaching our first port in China (remember a communist country) and we were told by guest services that we would have to meet with chinese immigration which I promply responded "oh that will not be nesscessary because we will not be taking her off the ship" and I was told "no matter you will still need to meet with immigration" Needless to say I was very nervous, but 2 days later at 7am we arrived to meet immigration no knowing what to expect. Now comes the funny part. We were ushered into about 7 uniformed officals with all of Honey's pages and pages of paperwork. which I promptly handed over. The female officer glanced (and I mean glanced) at the paperwork and handed it back. Then they all took out phones and cameras and after asking permission began taking pictures of Honey and when Anthony offered for them to take picture WITH Honey they were all so thrilled. Then we were told Honey was welcome anywhere in China. So Honey visited all 5 of the China ports we visited and was such a hit. You would have thought she was a celebrity everywhere we went in China - so funny and so cute. Then we get the same call regarding Korea - to meet with immigration and again a glance at the paperwork handed back to us and told she can go anywhere in Korea, which she did. Let me reiterate no money was paid for China or Korea - not on dime. Now our stop in Russia we were told she was not allowed off the ship, which we did not care about. So go figure the countries we thought woulod be the biggest proiblem and we chose to skip ended up being the easiest and no cost.

Honey had a great time on the cruise and it being a 32 day cruise was not a problem at all. I don;t know if I mentioned in my first post that Honey is pee pee pad trained so even that was not an issue.

If anyone has any question please feel free to ask me and I will try to answer the best I can. I will let you all know how she does in

Europe and So. America this Dec when we will be doing a 30 day

Venice to Santiago, Chile on the Star princess with one week in Florence prior to the cruise. Italy seems to have no problen at all with service and non service dogs entering the country or at the hotels/

Whew - hope I didn't bore you, maybe our experience will encourage someone to take their service dog to Asia or Europe.

Dee :)


Dee, thanks for sharing all the info. on your latest cruise. Very interesting how some countries have such heavy regulations and fees and the one's that you would expect to be the strictest, are actually the easiest. Really strange!!!!!


We had no problems with taking Brenda into Brazil, onboard the Costa Magica.


Please let us know how you do in South America and Europe.

Honey is truly a world traveler.

We just found out that there will be a "guide dog" onboard the Sapphire with us in September. In all of Brenda's cruising there have only been 3 [out of 15, for Brenda] cruises that we've seen another Service Dog. It's always fun to see another dog onboard.

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I'm sorry it has taken me so long to get back to this thread

Europe and So. America this Dec when we will be doing a 30 day

Venice to Santiago, Chile on the Star princess with one week in Florence prior to the cruise. Italy seems to have no problen at all with service and non service dogs entering the country or at the hotels/

Whew - hope I didn't bore you, maybe our experience will encourage someone to take their service dog to Asia or Europe.

Dee :)



Wow talk about a experience and a heck of a story, I have some experience in that area of the world since I was stationed there, or a temp assignment so I know more than most. Your lucky since some regions of those countries still eat small dogs (or did so in the early 90's) and a black small dog is the favor since they are supposed to have better tasting meat. Cant confirm that but I thought it was a wild time and I was very careful about what I ate over there. I had a few friends while over there who were nationalities of the host countries so they warned me. While in S Korea I walked into what I thought was a different fish store, loads of tanks and many tables; found out later it was a restaurant (poor fish).

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Wow talk about a experience and a heck of a story, I have some experience in that area of the world since I was stationed there, or a temp assignment so I know more than most. Your lucky since some regions of those countries still eat small dogs (or did so in the early 90's) and a black small dog is the favor since they are supposed to have better tasting meat. Cant confirm that but I thought it was a wild time and I was very careful about what I ate over there. I had a few friends while over there who were nationalities of the host countries so they warned me. While in S Korea I walked into what I thought was a different fish store, loads of tanks and many tables; found out later it was a restaurant (poor fish).


Yikes!!!! That certainly explains the either very warm or very unfriendly greetings Brenda gets from Korean people. I know to keep her very close by me when I see the "fear of God" look [as I call it] on some folks faces when we're traveling.

I totally understand the look. Most people are NOT expecting to see a dog walking into a formal dining room.....I get it! It's just the untoward comments and stares that can sometimes bring the strongest person to walk away in [what should never be] embarrassment or shame!!!!

The black dogs have the hardest times. Talk about prejudice - it certainly is in the dog world - And, as you well know, it holds true for various breeds, as well! :(

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Hi All, I just tried to find my last post, and it's been a long time!:eek: Geez where have I been? To much to catch up on.


Sunshine, I'm so sorry about your MIL. You know we wish you the best and are praying for you and your family.


Guitarist, So glad to hear everything finally worked out for you!! That pic of King sleeping with his toy is just precious!!!!


John is doing well, he starts real rehab tomorrow. Working out to try to get his strength back. Doctors are pleased with his fusion/fake disc everything is in place and fusing well. He has the collar off now. And the thrush is gone, but he is still having trouble eating, he's better but still eating softer foods. They did another swallow test and they can still see where food is getting stuck. I guess they really did a job on his throat getting the breathing tube down. He has been getting in my car so we have been going to the pool. And we are going to the graduation at CCI on Friday. Our puppy raisers dog was just matched up and one of the dogs from our puppy class is graduating too. So we will go down to support them. Finally got to see my mom, and my son came up for the weekend for his bday(Aug 24th, but could only fit us in this weekend). He got a free dinner at a local restaurant and he got to see Wex. Hopefully things will calm down soon.



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Hi All, I just tried to find my last post, and it's been a long time!:eek: Geez where have I been? To much to catch up on.


Sunshine, I'm so sorry about your MIL. You know we wish you the best and are praying for you and your family.


Guitarist, So glad to hear everything finally worked out for you!! That pic of King sleeping with his toy is just precious!!!!


John is doing well, he starts real rehab tomorrow. Working out to try to get his strength back. Doctors are pleased with his fusion/fake disc everything is in place and fusing well. He has the collar off now. And the thrush is gone, but he is still having trouble eating, he's better but still eating softer foods. They did another swallow test and they can still see where food is getting stuck. I guess they really did a job on his throat getting the breathing tube down. He has been getting in my car so we have been going to the pool. And we are going to the graduation at CCI on Friday. Our puppy raisers dog was just matched up and one of the dogs from our puppy class is graduating too. So we will go down to support them. Finally got to see my mom, and my son came up for the weekend for his bday(Aug 24th, but could only fit us in this weekend). He got a free dinner at a local restaurant and he got to see Wex. Hopefully things will calm down soon.




There she is......I was going to call in the troops! But, I know Guitarist would try to take over so I didn't.

Seriously, it's so good to hear from you.

I'm glad to hear that our John is healing. I just wish he were able to enjoy his food more. I hope they can clear-up the throat thing and he'll be his old self, enjoying his food.

You and Wex have had to be so strong, I hope that you're taking good care of you.

Enjoy your time with the CCI gang and hopefully John will find this a time to enjoy himself too!

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Hello everyone! Thank you so much for the kind words and prayers. Having both make the tough times a little easier. My MIL is hanging in there, but so frail, and really declining day by day. She loves it when I visit with the dogs, so I'll take Cooler to see her on Wednesday. Last time I took Cooler she just hopped up on the bed and tried to snuggle up with "gram"! Tomorow I am going to have a long dog day. Mackey in the morning for his first hospital visit. I know he is going to charm everyone. I wanted to take him last week, but life got in the way. Then Cooler is coming home for a few days. Her trainer had surgery so she wants her dogs out of the kennels for awhile until she comes back.

My Mom joined my daughters for a day of wedding dress shopping. What a great time we had and found the perfect dress....so that was fun.

I'll let everyone know how mackey does.

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Hello everyone! Thank you so much for the kind words and prayers. Having both make the tough times a little easier. My MIL is hanging in there, but so frail, and really declining day by day. She loves it when I visit with the dogs, so I'll take Cooler to see her on Wednesday. Last time I took Cooler she just hopped up on the bed and tried to snuggle up with "gram"! Tomorow I am going to have a long dog day. Mackey in the morning for his first hospital visit. I know he is going to charm everyone. I wanted to take him last week, but life got in the way. Then Cooler is coming home for a few days. Her trainer had surgery so she wants her dogs out of the kennels for awhile until she comes back.


My Mom joined my daughters for a day of wedding dress shopping. What a great time we had and found the perfect dress....so that was fun.


I'll let everyone know how mackey does.


It's so good to hear from you. Having fun with dogs is the best therapy for everyone!

I'm glad to hear about the wedding dress find and fun.

Keep us apprised on your MIL, we're with you.And, most importantly,please take good care of you.

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