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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Boo Hiss Boo on the wedding dress....... Never again; Never again.... lol


OK small brags about Blitz. As far as everything goes I am real new at the service dog thing and today Blitz surprised me and stressed me out at the same time.


I'll explain we were in Rouses (grocery store) and everyone there loves him, so much that Blitz loves the place and identifies with many people. He loves the Deli and got smoked turkey slices today, did I say those people love him? So I was leaving the Deli with my meats when this little kid of maybe 5 years old was running around and circling around us like a shark ready to attack. The mother was on the other side of the store and had no clue where this child (read as brat) was at. While I am going to the check out the kid stops right in front of us and yelling at Blitz with his arms out saying "What r u going to bite me" "Your a stupid dog" and I just continued to ask him to stop even tried to get the childs mother involved (which she didn't). Finally one of the ladies who shops there and has a mutual friend of mine got in between me/Blitz and this child. I made it to the check out and the same lady who I thanked 1000 times easily, complained about the kid to the store manager. They went to the mother and her reply was somewhat surprising, she dared a dog to bite her child and she would sue the F&&& out of them. this is what is wrong with the world today, and the final insult is they were parked in a hadicap spot yet no tag, or anything displayed. Of all times not to have my phone to take pictures of the illegal park job.


Now for the brags, Blitz took the childs abuse for at least 5 minutes maybe more. I continued to ask him to stop and Blitz sat down and just stared at him with the normal shepherd look with his head at a 45 degree tilt. I was calm through this time period until the child got about 6 inches from Blitz and his arms were extended and Blitz stood up and the ears rotated and while he did not take a defensive posture I was the one who was scared. My fear was from working with King, my boy King while would not have attacked he would have barked and scared the child. I think Blitz handled the situation better than I did.


So question, what would the pros here have done? How would your dogs reacted?


I am so proud of my Blitz and he gets extra treats tonight, since he was a fantastic boy today.....


The classic Blitz head tilt....



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Boo Hiss Boo on the wedding dress....... Never again; Never again.... lol


OK small brags about Blitz. As far as everything goes I am real new at the service dog thing and today Blitz surprised me and stressed me out at the same time.


I'll explain we were in Rouses (grocery store) and everyone there loves him, so much that Blitz loves the place and identifies with many people. He loves the Deli and got smoked turkey slices today, did I say those people love him? So I was leaving the Deli with my meats when this little kid of maybe 5 years old was running around and circling around us like a shark ready to attack. The mother was on the other side of the store and had no clue where this child (read as brat) was at. While I am going to the check out the kid stops right in front of us and yelling at Blitz with his arms out saying "What r u going to bite me" "Your a stupid dog" and I just continued to ask him to stop even tried to get the childs mother involved (which she didn't). Finally one of the ladies who shops there and has a mutual friend of mine got in between me/Blitz and this child. I made it to the check out and the same lady who I thanked 1000 times easily, complained about the kid to the store manager. They went to the mother and her reply was somewhat surprising, she dared a dog to bite her child and she would sue the F&&& out of them. this is what is wrong with the world today, and the final insult is they were parked in a hadicap spot yet no tag, or anything displayed. Of all times not to have my phone to take pictures of the illegal park job.


Now for the brags, Blitz took the childs abuse for at least 5 minutes maybe more. I continued to ask him to stop and Blitz sat down and just stared at him with the normal shepherd look with his head at a 45 degree tilt. I was calm through this time period until the child got about 6 inches from Blitz and his arms were extended and Blitz stood up and the ears rotated and while he did not take a defensive posture I was the one who was scared. My fear was from working with King, my boy King while would not have attacked he would have barked and scared the child. I think Blitz handled the situation better than I did.


So question, what would the pros here have done? How would your dogs reacted?


I am so proud of my Blitz and he gets extra treats tonight, since he was a fantastic boy today.....


The classic Blitz head tilt....





Awwww! I think I told you guys, Brenda has NEVER tilted her head, ever! I love it when dogs do this. The dog I interviewed with, "Hyde", not only titlted his head but he crosses his paws, when he's laying down. So cute!!!!!

Now, to the incident in the market. I have this happen all the time, where kids and even adults will follow me around and try to sneak pats or will tease Brenda. For the most part, you did good. Blitz was getting a bit "edgy" and should have been corrected. Service/Working dogs are NEVER allowed to react to any bad behavior on the public's part. It's your job to remove your dog [we can try and explain it to the public and pleade with them to stop teasing] but, it doesn't matter. The dog must always remain calm, objective and NEVER bark or growl. Taking your dog out of the bad situation is the best scenerio.

When CCI is putting us through "testing", they take us to a mall [where there are lots of people and especially children.] They ask a parent if their child can try and distract our dogs. The child may yell, taunt, and even approach our dog. They throw food and drop stuff in front of our dogs. Our dog must ALWAYS remain calm and in a "down/stay" position at all times. If our dog moves, or makes a sound we MUST correct the dog immediately.

Remember, consistency is the key to good behavior, always. I hope this helps.

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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Let me add......a "correction" would be a "tug" on the leash and the word "NO!" Or, I put up my finger, in front of her face and, in a sharp tone, I say the word "DON'T!" Works like a charm! And, I don't use this tone or the words a lot, so when I do, they really mean something!!!!

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Thought you all would be interested in seeing what some CCI graduates are doing these days: http://www.courthousedogs.com/index.html


We have Courthouse dogs in our county and there was a short piece about them on the NBC evening news tonight.


Wow that was a great read, thanks for posting... One would wonder as smart as dogs are how much stress do they experience from these tasks?

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Wow that was a great read, thanks for posting... One would wonder as smart as dogs are how much stress do they experience from these tasks?


That's why they recommend using highly-trained service dogs (as opposed to "therapy dogs" or "emotional support" dogs) as courthouse dogs. CCI trains them to stay calm even with crying, yelling and other commotion that can be found in a courtroom. And fortunately, our pups live "in the moment" so they don't take their work home with them! Wish I could pull off that trick!

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Hi All, I just tried to find my last post, and it's been a long time!:eek: Geez where have I been? To much to catch up on.


Sunshine, I'm so sorry about your MIL. You know we wish you the best and are praying for you and your family.


Guitarist, So glad to hear everything finally worked out for you!! That pic of King sleeping with his toy is just precious!!!!


John is doing well, he starts real rehab tomorrow. Working out to try to get his strength back. Doctors are pleased with his fusion/fake disc everything is in place and fusing well. He has the collar off now. And the thrush is gone, but he is still having trouble eating, he's better but still eating softer foods. They did another swallow test and they can still see where food is getting stuck. I guess they really did a job on his throat getting the breathing tube down. He has been getting in my car so we have been going to the pool. And we are going to the graduation at CCI on Friday. Our puppy raisers dog was just matched up and one of the dogs from our puppy class is graduating too. So we will go down to support them. Finally got to see my mom, and my son came up for the weekend for his bday(Aug 24th, but could only fit us in this weekend). He got a free dinner at a local restaurant and he got to see Wex. Hopefully things will calm down soon.




Keep an eye out for my family on Friday Cindy. They are coming up with May to see Percy graduate. Then it looks like we are all coming up to CT for the castle to castle fundraiser for CCI on the 20th. Sounds like we wil have a booth at the start of it. Are you guys coming?

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Thought you all would be interested in seeing what some CCI graduates are doing these days: http://www.courthousedogs.com/index.html


We have Courthouse dogs in our county and there was a short piece about them on the NBC evening news tonight.


Both of those dogs are exactly what I'm looking for in my "Successor Dog!" We'll see!

Thanks for sharing the great pictures & story.

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Help! You CCI folks may know the answer. You all know I'm on the waiting list for a "Successor Dog" [i have been since October, 2010.] The next Team Training is on September 19th [right before my next cruise on the 24th.] And, then the one after that won't be until January 16th.

What do you think my chances are for getting into the September 19th class? I have NOT heard from CCI [i know they give you a 6-8 week notification of TT.] And, I will cancel the cruise to get into the September class. At first, I didn't want to cancel my cruise but now, I think it's really important to go as soon as I can for Brenda's [and my] sake.

I need your input on this one........All I do is obsess over the mailman to see if he's got a letter for me from CCI. How did I wait those 2 years for Brenda?

Cindy, this is starting to sound like you before you got into TT for Wex.

What do you think? Is it hopeless for the September class, at this late date?

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Help! You CCI folks may know the answer. You all know I'm on the waiting list for a "Successor Dog" [i have been since October, 2010.] The next Team Training is on September 19th [right before my next cruise on the 24th.] And, then the one after that won't be until January 16th.


What do you think my chances are for getting into the September 19th class? I have NOT heard from CCI [i know they give you a 6-8 week notification of TT.] And, I will cancel the cruise to get into the September class. At first, I didn't want to cancel my cruise but now, I think it's really important to go as soon as I can for Brenda's [and my] sake.


I need your input on this one........All I do is obsess over the mailman to see if he's got a letter for me from CCI. How did I wait those 2 years for Brenda?


Cindy, this is starting to sound like you before you got into TT for Wex.


What do you think? Is it hopeless for the September class, at this late date?



Why don't you call them and explain your situation to them. Maybe they can give you some information on what your chances might be.

But if your right about the 6-8 week notification, then it doesn't look good for Sept. It's worth a phone call just to keep yourself a little bit more sane. :eek: Just my humble opinion. :rolleyes:

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Sorry.....I kept getting interrupted....Here's the message:





AUGUST 7-13, 2011

In so many important ways, assistance dogs help our colleagues who have debilitating physical and mental disabilities.




We're proud to recognize the hardworking assistance dogs here at the U.S. Department of Labor and in workplaces across our country.


And we take this opoportunity to salute the puppy raisers and trainers of assistance dogs - their work makes a real and significant impact on our work.


From: The U.S. Department of Labor-Hilda L. Solis,

Secretary of Labor

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FYI: ANNOUNCEMENT FROM THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR - Hilda L. Solis, Secretary of Labor.....



What was that?



On your CCI question Roz you appear to be a very smart individual and with your experience with your former why not train your own replacement helper? With the other pup still on site it should be very easy and quite simple with all your experience.

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Why don't you call them and explain your situation to them. Maybe they can give you some information on what your chances might be.

But if your right about the 6-8 week notification, then it doesn't look good for Sept. It's worth a phone call just to keep yourself a little bit more sane. :eek: Just my humble opinion. :rolleyes:


I want to call the graduate department and just ask the simple question, "am I in the next class?" but, I don't want to sound like a pest and, be too pushy!!!!! Then they'll get a pre-conceived opinion of me.....:o

I know there's a process and I know if they thought they had the right dog for me, they'd invite me. I also know that there are some folks who's needs may be greater than mine and I must trust CCI's decisions. All of this is so reasonable in theory, just very difficult to accept when your in the depths of it. I kind of think the way you are about the timing on the letter......Maybe I need to concern myself about the upcoming cruise more than I do about Team Training [for now!] Not a bad thing to be concerned about.

Thanks so much for your humble opinion. It means a lot to me!

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What was that?



On your CCI question Roz you appear to be a very smart individual and with your experience with your former why not train your own replacement helper? With the other pup still on site it should be very easy and quite simple with all your experience.


I so believe in CCI and their programs. I know I could probably do the training but the support and back-up from CCI; with their workshops and the ability to have a trainer on the phone with any questions; getting a dog who has been so highly trained and is ready for me to "fine-tune" it is such a joy.

The whole experience of: Team Training - the Graduation, etc., etc. is so wonderful, I want to be part of it again. Once you've been through it, you can't wait to be thoroughly exhausted by it, again! :p

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I want to call the graduate department and just ask the simple question, "am I in the next class?" but, I don't want to sound like a pest and, be too pushy!!!!! Then they'll get a pre-conceived opinion of me.....:o


I know there's a process and I know if they thought they had the right dog for me, they'd invite me. I also know that there are some folks who's needs may be greater than mine and I must trust CCI's decisions. All of this is so reasonable in theory, just very difficult to accept when your in the depths of it. I kind of think the way you are about the timing on the letter......Maybe I need to concern myself about the upcoming cruise more than I do about Team Training [for now!] Not a bad thing to be concerned about.


Thanks so much for your humble opinion. It means a lot to me!


First I will assume that you haven't called them since your interview. So you making one phone call with a valid reason doesn't brand you as a "pest". Since you are willing to cancel your cruise for the class makes you a very dedicated person to CCI. It's not like your calling them every week. It also shows that you are concerned about Brenda's well being and that is why you need a sucessor dog soon. Who knows, it may just put you in the class.

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First I will assume that you haven't called them since your interview. So you making one phone call with a valid reason doesn't brand you as a "pest". Since you are willing to cancel your cruise for the class makes you a very dedicated person to CCI. It's not like your calling them every week. It also shows that you are concerned about Brenda's well being and that is why you need a sucessor dog soon. Who knows, it may just put you in the class.


You're right and you're right.

I put a call into CCI and left a message to please have them call me back. I'll keep you informed as to how it goes. I must tell you that I completely teared-up and could hardly get the words out.........this whole thing makes me so emotional.

Thanks for your wonderful encouragement and support! I thought getting Brenda was an emotional "experience". Getting a "Successor Dog" is over-the-top rated 150% on the gotta cry; gotta get a stomach ache; gotta wait by the mail; gotta wait for the phone; watching your hard-working, amazingly brilliant dog slow-down and age is so painful.

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Help! You CCI folks may know the answer. You all know I'm on the waiting list for a "Successor Dog" [i have been since October, 2010.] The next Team Training is on September 19th [right before my next cruise on the 24th.] And, then the one after that won't be until January 16th.


What do you think my chances are for getting into the September 19th class? I have NOT heard from CCI [i know they give you a 6-8 week notification of TT.] And, I will cancel the cruise to get into the September class. At first, I didn't want to cancel my cruise but now, I think it's really important to go as soon as I can for Brenda's [and my] sake.


I need your input on this one........All I do is obsess over the mailman to see if he's got a letter for me from CCI. How did I wait those 2 years for Brenda?


Cindy, this is starting to sound like you before you got into TT for Wex.


What do you think? Is it hopeless for the September class, at this late date?



Roz, We only got 6 days notice. The man who was suppose to get Wex broke his leg and couldn't make it. There's always hope. Please let us know what happens. And don't make me cry too!!!


And you didn't notice anything different about my posts/page?

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Keep an eye out for my family on Friday Cindy. They are coming up with May to see Percy graduate. Then it looks like we are all coming up to CT for the castle to castle fundraiser for CCI on the 20th. Sounds like we wil have a booth at the start of it. Are you guys coming?


I guess you won't be there? I'm sure May will not let us go unnoticed. I'm not sure about the castle thing, they actually talked about it at puppy class but John wasn't there and I actually forgot about it. At the time John was still in rehab and I wasn't thinking that far ahead.



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Roz, We only got 6 days notice. The man who was suppose to get Wex broke his leg and couldn't make it. There's always hope. Please let us know what happens. And don't make me cry too!!!


And you didn't notice anything different about my posts/page?


That's right! I forgot all about your less than one week warning! Cindy, I'm being such a baby about this. DisneyKidsDad gave me the courage to call CCI..I did..and, cried my way through the phone message.....geeezzzzz! I'm so emtional when it comes to this part of my life. I haven't heard back from them. I'm afraid I'd sound like a total idiot if they called me back today. I need to re-group myself!

Thanks for the "pep-talk!"

And, let's see, what's different? I see that your on the Solstice in 2012.......Is that new? I don't remember wishing you a huge congratulations on that. When do you go and where? Is that what's different? Help me here......I'm brainless today! :rolleyes:

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That's right! I forgot all about your less than one week warning! Cindy, I'm being such a baby about this. DisneyKidsDad gave me the courage to call CCI..I did..and, cried my way through the phone message.....geeezzzzz! I'm so emtional when it comes to this part of my life. I haven't heard back from them. I'm afraid I'd sound like a total idiot if they called me back today. I need to re-group myself!


Thanks for the "pep-talk!"


And, let's see, what's different? I see that your on the Solstice in 2012.......Is that new? I don't remember wishing you a huge congratulations on that. When do you go and where? Is that what's different? Help me here......I'm brainless today! :rolleyes:



You're not being a baby. It is very emotional, John was crying as soon as the graduation begun, and I soon after. You are awesome and I know you will get the best dog!!! Hang in there, thats what you would tell me.


And yes the Solstice is new!!!! WoooooHooooo we just booked it!!!! I am very excited to go on this ship. We needed a change from HAL. We go in January and we are going western caribbean this time.


Tomorrow we leave for NY for the graduation, and will be back Friday. Talk to you then, maybe you will have an answer from CCI.



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Thought you all would be interested in seeing what some CCI graduates are doing these days: http://www.courthousedogs.com/index.html


We have Courthouse dogs in our county and there was a short piece about them on the NBC evening news tonight.


What a great story......I'm so proud of the work that CCI is doing.

Thanks for sharing the video.

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That's why they recommend using highly-trained service dogs (as opposed to "therapy dogs" or "emotional support" dogs) as courthouse dogs. CCI trains them to stay calm even with crying, yelling and other commotion that can be found in a courtroom. And fortunately, our pups live "in the moment" so they don't take their work home with them! Wish I could pull off that trick!


Me too!!!!!!!!

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You're not being a baby. It is very emotional, John was crying as soon as the graduation begun, and I soon after. You are awesome and I know you will get the best dog!!! Hang in there, thats what you would tell me.


And yes the Solstice is new!!!! WoooooHooooo we just booked it!!!! I am very excited to go on this ship. We needed a change from HAL. We go in January and we are going western caribbean this time.


Tomorrow we leave for NY for the graduation, and will be back Friday. Talk to you then, maybe you will have an answer from CCI.




Cindy, John & Wexy, Congratulations on your upcoming Soltice cruise. I love Celebrity and so will you. You guys really deserve and have earned this cruise.......I'm so happy for you. What a great thing to look forward to. I hear the Solstice is amazingly, gorgeous!!!!!!!


Cindy, thank you so much for your kind words, they mean the absolute world to me and help to ground me..........I love you.....have a great time at the Graduation.....it's so much fun to watch folks get their new hero's.

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