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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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I'm glad to hear that your dog has had a complete recovery!




Thanks! My trainer was glad, too, and checked her out when we were down for recertification a few weeks ago. And, thankfully, my dog could still work just fine (and travel internationally, as we had two int'l trips [one a cruise] during the time) while having it.

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Not cruise related but service dog related. A few weeks ago we were returning from our Disney World vacation with our daughters service dog, Orson. We were going through security at Orlando International Airport. They wanted us to take off Orson's collar, leash and CCI vest so he could go through the metal detector. We refused because well trained or not, I wasn't going to have him without a leash or I.D. on. So they said they would hand scan him and pat him down. We had to wait for a MALE screener because Orson is a male dog. I think that is just a little bit silly. :D


They normally give me a screener who is the same gender I am, but my dog is also my same gender so it works out just fine. ;) They (at various airports) do often joke about, "Is the dog male or female?" and such. Guess they think we haven't heard it before, LOL! :rolleyes:

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The Gulfport Police K9's purchased a Czech German Shepherd and his name was Jack. The command for a K9 to release a subject is "Off". These dogs are trained to respond to only their given name and its almsot totally impossible to undo the given name of a K9.


So just think if Jack has a subject and he is given the command to release, "Jack" and " well I think you got it. I laughed so hard I could not speak for a 1/2 hour.......


LOL!!!! Hopefully, the suspect doesn't think it is a command for him from the cops! :eek::p

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OK now I am pissed, the article say it all although its basically a person not only selling vests for individuals who as the ad puts it "You must act dumb or blind" so they can take their dog anywhere.



That statement ("act dumb or blind") is so insulting!!! So, if we're disabled, unless we're blind, we're dumb?!?! :mad: Dumb ppl come in all types, disabled and not, as proven by the person who wrote that eBay listing!!

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Hi All, I just tried to find my last post, and it's been a long time!:eek: Geez where have I been? To much to catch up on.


Just click on "User CP" in the yellow-background menu under the "Cruise Critic" logo and then when you see the thread you want to check (such as this one), hit the blue icon with the ^ in it that is just to the left of the thread title. That will take you to the first new message in the thread since the last time you visited the site. :)


I guess they really did a job on his throat getting the breathing tube down.


A relative of mine had a premature baby who had to be tubed and the tube paralyzed one of his two vocal chords. Hopefully it is just temporary (he's about six months old now)! He sounds like a kitten when he cries - sad, but funny-sounding! :p

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So, I'm sitting here and responding to emails and it occurs to me that I'm happier and more complacent - not feeling so scattered and fragmented......why? Because, DisneyKidsDad gave me the courage to reach out to CCI.


The phone call gave me the answers I was looking for and was so afraid to ask for.....I have no idea why! The emotionality connected with us and our dogs is more than I can explain, it goes very, very deep!!!!!!


If you think you've created a bond with your pets......then you have just a bit of an idea of the bond that is felt between a Service Dog and their partner......it's amazingly unbelieveable and beyond description !!!!


Disney, thank you for helping me and giving me the encouragement I needed. I'll always be grateful to you for helping me.


With Love, Roz

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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UPDATE: I got a call this morning from Megan, at CCI, Santa Rosa. She informed me that I am #1 on the Waiting List. I was not contacted for Sept. Team Training because in my file it stated that I was going on a family cruise Sept. 24th and would not be available. It's true, I did say this at my interview. I'm sorry I did. I wouldn't be going through such ankst!


I told her to pull the note, that I was insured for this cruise [imagine what the insurance company is going to do when I tell them I can't cruise because I'm getting a Service Dog!] This should be interesting.


She said the class is full, participants have been matched with dogs, but there is a 50/50 chance that a dog will be ready by August 26th. She said they've been observing a dog who shows great intelligence and ability to go through Team Training and graduate. She said this is not a guarantee that the dog will continue to show such promise because they don't like to rush the dogs but it's looking good.


She will call me on the 26th, one way or another to let me know that the dog is or is not ready. If it's not ready then, I will definitely be called for the January class. She wouldn't tell me anything about the dog! I'm glad.


Thanks guys for, once again, being my sounding board. I'll let you know what happens on the 26th.


Good luck, great news and the sooner the better. I am very happy for ya...

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Good luck, great news and the sooner the better. I am very happy for ya...


Thank you so much and you can call me "sensitive" any time you want. We've got your cyberspace back and I know you've got all of ours.


I'm very happy with any decision CCI makes....knowing I'm at the top of the list is so comforting and a great relief.

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Jocko: I've had some really horrible experiences some of which I've shared on this thread, many pages ago.


I start the sentence and Brenda adds the exclamation mark!!!!!!


I hear ya Roz, its truly sad what some people are like. I will say this though you should have seen the womans face; she was crying out for that POS husband and eyes were tearing up. Yet once she started walking by me she turned out being as nasty as her husband.


I have had a few small experiences with stupid people, my former apartment building is one of those situation. The evicted me because Blitz is a German Shepherd even though he is a Service dog they still kicked me out because German Shepherds are supposed to be the second most dangerous breed of dogs according to them. Never mind acording to the AKC they are the second most widely used dog for service animals and number one for working dogs. They offered to settle last week and I turned it down because it did not include a few of my demand like making the entire staff who have contact with renters to go through sensitivity training as it relates to HUD. This investigation has been going on over a year now and the complex that did this to me has over 30 properties next to different bases all over the US. Mark my word the minute HUD says guility I will be celebrating like its 1999 (I know just go with it for those who remember the song).


I hope all have a great weekend, we had a few huge storms come through today. I am excited abut this weekend since I am going over to a different area to try to catch more cool fish like this little one last night..



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I read this to PaPa, he actually "snorted" with laughter, while Brenda Elizabeth snored away!!!!!! :D

I forgot that Brenda's middle name is Elizabeth! It's mine too, no wonder I feel a calming connection to Ms. Brenny! I am glad we got some laughter out of my silly visions! :)

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UPDATE: I got a call this morning from Megan, at CCI, Santa Rosa. She informed me that I am #1 on the Waiting List. I was not contacted for Sept. Team Training because in my file it stated that I was going on a family cruise Sept. 24th and would not be available. It's true, I did say this at my interview. I'm sorry I did. I wouldn't be going through such ankst!


I told her to pull the note, that I was insured for this cruise [imagine what the insurance company is going to do when I tell them I can't cruise because I'm getting a Service Dog!] This should be interesting.


She said the class is full, participants have been matched with dogs, but there is a 50/50 chance that a dog will be ready by August 26th. She said they've been observing a dog who shows great intelligence and ability to go through Team Training and graduate. She said this is not a guarantee that the dog will continue to show such promise because they don't like to rush the dogs but it's looking good.


She will call me on the 26th, one way or another to let me know that the dog is or is not ready. If it's not ready then, I will definitely be called for the January class. She wouldn't tell me anything about the dog! I'm glad.


Thanks guys for, once again, being my sounding board. I'll let you know what happens on the 26th.


OMG I've got goosebumps all over!!! I hope we can all wait til the 26th. The stress is killing me :eek: I'm crossing fingers and toes and Wex is crossing his paws (like he always does). When is the January class? I hope it's not when we are on our cruise. No cruise to caribbean in January with us Roz??



Edited by rangeley
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We got back from NY around 9:00 last night. It was a long 2 days. The only relaxing time was the 1 hour ride on the ferry. With me driving and having to break down Johns chair and get him in the car, we are both pooped!! Grad was nice and sad as usual. We had a girl next to us that was turning in her dog and she cried through the whole thing. UGH! Of course I always cry. We were booked at this hotel but when we got there they were renovating it and the rooms were crappy. After unpacking the car (suitcase, shower wheelchair and John and his wheelchair) we ended up leaving and going to the hotel where the grad was taking place. Note to hotels....pillowtop mattresses are not good for paralyzed people!!!!!!! Poor John was stuck in one place all night, he couldn't move. Otherwise the room was nice. We did not see DKD's wife, daughter or Orson :( We did see our mutual friend May though. Poor Wex is just pooped, he has been sleeping since last night with the exception of peeing and eating. Today is Johns family reunion, so now it's back in the car and another drive up to New Hampshire (around an hour). I am sick of the car!!!



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Mornin' all:

Aww, Cindy, you have to be warn out, yourself! Take it easy and safe travels.

"Act" dumb or blind, I am sure the author could give us lessons, especially on the "dumb" one! What an idiot. Someone should turn them in to Ebay for such a discrimanatory (sp) remark and selling unauthorized vests. Put a crimp in their little assinine business. Boy, am I on a rant or what.

Roz: Tap, Tap, Tap, until 9-26? My fingers are gonna be sore!

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Rich and I are filled with peace and sadness. His sweet mother passed away yesterday. Rich and I were blessed to be at her side during the entire passage. I was with her on Tuesday with Mackey. Planned on a quick social visit and ended up staying over four hours. Mackey experienced wound dressing care, and other things that are a bit to personal to touch. At one point I asked her if she wanted him up on her bed and she said yes. This woman loves the dogs, but the bed was always off limits. So during some very uncomfortable procedures...Mackey a 4 month old golden retriever snuggled quietly against her heart. Her fingers just stroked his soft fur. Trying not to cry. We got a call early Thusrday morning to come to her side and we rarely left. The passage was special and my last photo was with her, one of her favorite caregivers and "Mackey". God Love these Dogs. They were so special to her. Rich and I are a bit numb this weekend, but will regroup. Love to all of you and I can't wait to hear about Brenda's new BFF.

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Rich and I are filled with peace and sadness. His sweet mother passed away yesterday. Rich and I were blessed to be at her side during the entire passage. I was with her on Tuesday with Mackey. Planned on a quick social visit and ended up staying over four hours. Mackey experienced wound dressing care, and other things that are a bit to personal to touch. At one point I asked her if she wanted him up on her bed and she said yes. This woman loves the dogs, but the bed was always off limits. So during some very uncomfortable procedures...Mackey a 4 month old golden retriever snuggled quietly against her heart. Her fingers just stroked his soft fur. Trying not to cry. We got a call early Thusrday morning to come to her side and we rarely left. The passage was special and my last photo was with her, one of her favorite caregivers and "Mackey". God Love these Dogs. They were so special to her. Rich and I are a bit numb this weekend, but will regroup. Love to all of you and I can't wait to hear about Brenda's new BFF.


So sorry to hear of your loss--Leo and I will be holding your family in our hearts. And how special that you were able to bring Mackey to comfort her at the end. I'm guessing he's now going to be a very special pup for you.


I think I'm going to update my living will to ask that I have a puppy (my own or a service dog) to snuggle with in my final hours.



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I hear ya Roz, its truly sad what some people are like. I will say this though you should have seen the womans face; she was crying out for that POS husband and eyes were tearing up. Yet once she started walking by me she turned out being as nasty as her husband.


I have had a few small experiences with stupid people, my former apartment building is one of those situation. The evicted me because Blitz is a German Shepherd even though he is a Service dog they still kicked me out because German Shepherds are supposed to be the second most dangerous breed of dogs according to them. Never mind acording to the AKC they are the second most widely used dog for service animals and number one for working dogs. They offered to settle last week and I turned it down because it did not include a few of my demand like making the entire staff who have contact with renters to go through sensitivity training as it relates to HUD. This investigation has been going on over a year now and the complex that did this to me has over 30 properties next to different bases all over the US. Mark my word the minute HUD says guility I will be celebrating like its 1999 (I know just go with it for those who remember the song).


I hope all have a great weekend, we had a few huge storms come through today. I am excited abut this weekend since I am going over to a different area to try to catch more cool fish like this little one last night..




IMHO and according to the Fed. Gov. you should have NEVER left your apartment.


And, that is one scary looking fish!!!!!!

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OMG I've got goosebumps all over!!! I hope we can all wait til the 26th. The stress is killing me :eek: I'm crossing fingers and toes and Wex is crossing his paws (like he always does). When is the January class? I hope it's not when we are on our cruise. No cruise to caribbean in January with us Roz??




I know, it's a difficult wait. The January Team Training begins on January 16th. I'd love to cruise with you.

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We got back from NY around 9:00 last night. It was a long 2 days. The only relaxing time was the 1 hour ride on the ferry. With me driving and having to break down Johns chair and get him in the car, we are both pooped!! Grad was nice and sad as usual. We had a girl next to us that was turning in her dog and she cried through the whole thing. UGH! Of course I always cry. We were booked at this hotel but when we got there they were renovating it and the rooms were crappy. After unpacking the car (suitcase, shower wheelchair and John and his wheelchair) we ended up leaving and going to the hotel where the grad was taking place. Note to hotels....pillowtop mattresses are not good for paralyzed people!!!!!!! Poor John was stuck in one place all night, he couldn't move. Otherwise the room was nice. We did not see DKD's wife, daughter or Orson :( We did see our mutual friend May though. Poor Wex is just pooped, he has been sleeping since last night with the exception of peeing and eating. Today is Johns family reunion, so now it's back in the car and another drive up to New Hampshire (around an hour). I am sick of the car!!!




What a nightmare. You & John have a lot to teach the hotel world. You must be exhausted! Take care, Cindy.

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Mornin' all:


Aww, Cindy, you have to be warn out, yourself! Take it easy and safe travels.


"Act" dumb or blind, I am sure the author could give us lessons, especially on the "dumb" one! What an idiot. Someone should turn them in to Ebay for such a discrimanatory (sp) remark and selling unauthorized vests. Put a crimp in their little assinine business. Boy, am I on a rant or what.


Roz: Tap, Tap, Tap, until 9-26? My fingers are gonna be sore!


No, don't make it worse than it is......it's 8/26 - It's going to be a long two weeks!

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Rich and I are filled with peace and sadness. His sweet mother passed away yesterday. Rich and I were blessed to be at her side during the entire passage. I was with her on Tuesday with Mackey. Planned on a quick social visit and ended up staying over four hours. Mackey experienced wound dressing care, and other things that are a bit to personal to touch. At one point I asked her if she wanted him up on her bed and she said yes. This woman loves the dogs, but the bed was always off limits. So during some very uncomfortable procedures...Mackey a 4 month old golden retriever snuggled quietly against her heart. Her fingers just stroked his soft fur. Trying not to cry. We got a call early Thusrday morning to come to her side and we rarely left. The passage was special and my last photo was with her, one of her favorite caregivers and "Mackey". God Love these Dogs. They were so special to her. Rich and I are a bit numb this weekend, but will regroup. Love to all of you and I can't wait to hear about Brenda's new BFF.


Oh! Sunshine & Rich, my love to both of you and your family at this difficult time. May the memories that you shared during the good days with your mom sustain you both through the days ahead.


My heart hurts for you, please know that I'm thinking of you every day!




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