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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Rich and I are filled with peace and sadness. His sweet mother passed away yesterday. Rich and I were blessed to be at her side during the entire passage. I was with her on Tuesday with Mackey. Planned on a quick social visit and ended up staying over four hours. Mackey experienced wound dressing care, and other things that are a bit to personal to touch. At one point I asked her if she wanted him up on her bed and she said yes. This woman loves the dogs, but the bed was always off limits. So during some very uncomfortable procedures...Mackey a 4 month old golden retriever snuggled quietly against her heart. Her fingers just stroked his soft fur. Trying not to cry. We got a call early Thusrday morning to come to her side and we rarely left. The passage was special and my last photo was with her, one of her favorite caregivers and "Mackey". God Love these Dogs. They were so special to her. Rich and I are a bit numb this weekend, but will regroup. Love to all of you and I can't wait to hear about Brenda's new BFF.


Oh Sunshine we are so sorry for your loss. Our hearts go out to you and your family.


C,J & W

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So sorry to hear of your loss--Leo and I will be holding your family in our hearts. And how special that you were able to bring Mackey to comfort her at the end. I'm guessing he's now going to be a very special pup for you.


I think I'm going to update my living will to ask that I have a puppy (my own or a service dog) to snuggle with in my final hours.




Mackey was such a comfort to Sunshine's MIL during the end [sunshine has such wonderful depth of character to understand this.]

Isn't that a beautiful way to pass; stroking a lovely, soft, innocent and beautiful pup. It's certainly the way that I'd want to pass.

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I know, it's a difficult wait. The January Team Training begins on January 16th. I'd love to cruise with you.


Well the cruise is from the 8th to 15th, so that wouldn't work for you. I meant if you got the dog in the Sept class. By January you and your new best friend should be acclimated to eachother. :D

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Well the cruise is from the 8th to 15th, so that wouldn't work for you. I meant if you got the dog in the Sept class. By January you and your new best friend should be acclimated to eachother. :D


Oh! I, of course, am always ready to jump onboard!


Cindy, Brenda "get's me", she knows exactly where to walk, when to walk, when to stop, where to stop, when to alert me, when not to alert me.......when to just leave me alone and most importantly, when to come over and comfort me!!!!! It's going to be so different with "Successor Newbie" - And my love for Brenda goes so deep.....it's going to be interesting.


I know all it needs is time and watching Brenda and "Newbie" getting to know each other and jockeying for position may take the majority of the first few days [or weeks]. I just hope Brenda treats her new baby brother or sister nicely!

When I was much younger we had two daughters a 5 year old and a 2 year old. I wanted a son, so we adopted a 4 year old, adorable, little boy. When we brought him home my 5 year old hated him; she told him she wasn't going to share her mommy or daddy with him, etc., etc. I asked the social worker what to do.....she said, just keep reminding your daughter that you love him and he's not going anywhere and you love him as much as you love her and her sister. Now, they're grown and adore each other. They're the best of friends.

So, I think if I keep that in the back of my mind.....I won't go too wrong in how I treat "Newbie" in our home!!!!!!

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Rich and I are filled with peace and sadness. His sweet mother passed away yesterday. Rich and I were blessed to be at her side during the entire passage. I was with her on Tuesday with Mackey. Planned on a quick social visit and ended up staying over four hours. Mackey experienced wound dressing care, and other things that are a bit to personal to touch. At one point I asked her if she wanted him up on her bed and she said yes. This woman loves the dogs, but the bed was always off limits. So during some very uncomfortable procedures...Mackey a 4 month old golden retriever snuggled quietly against her heart. Her fingers just stroked his soft fur. Trying not to cry. We got a call early Thusrday morning to come to her side and we rarely left. The passage was special and my last photo was with her, one of her favorite caregivers and "Mackey". God Love these Dogs. They were so special to her. Rich and I are a bit numb this weekend, but will regroup. Love to all of you and I can't wait to hear about Brenda's new BFF.


Wow this actually touched me, sorry for the loss. The power of dogs even puppies is so powerful and even though this was a puppy he understood how to act. Very powerful stuff here.

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Cindy; I hope John's family reunion was fun and your travels have been safe. Poor Wexy, he's going to be so pooped-out.

Sunshine; my prayers for you and Rich is that you are finding some peace and know that you were everything to your MIL, she loved the time she spent with you, Rich and your wonderful pups. I'm thinking about you and sending my warm hugs!!!

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So, I'm sitting here and responding to emails and it occurs to me that I'm happier and more complacent - not feeling so scattered and fragmented......why? Because, DisneyKidsDad gave me the courage to reach out to CCI.


The phone call gave me the answers I was looking for and was so afraid to ask for.....I have no idea why! The emotionality connected with us and our dogs is more than I can explain, it goes very, very deep!!!!!!


If you think you've created a bond with your pets......then you have just a bit of an idea of the bond that is felt between a Service Dog and their partner......it's amazingly unbelieveable and beyond description !!!!


Disney, thank you for helping me and giving me the encouragement I needed. I'll always be grateful to you for helping me.


With Love, Roz


I didn't do nothing Roz. All I did was tell you to make a phone call. You had every reason to call and they know that. Now just hope you get THAT CALL.

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I didn't do nothing Roz. All I did was tell you to make a phone call. You had every reason to call and they know that. Now just hope you get THAT CALL.



Again, the worst of it is I get to go on a wonderful cruise.....I can handle that. True, that Brenda will be a bit more "burned out" and wanting to rest or potty more but, we'll still enjoy our time together onboard the Sapphire Princess. And, I will look forward to January with great anticipation.

Again, you may not realize what you did.....but, I promise you your encouragement made a huge difference. I was "stuck" and needed exactly what you gave me! I was too close to the forest and YOU saw the trees. Thank you.

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Wow that was a great read, thanks for posting... One would wonder as smart as dogs are how much stress do they experience from these tasks?


Interesting comment on stress. Werin is actually participating in a medical research study on how much stress service dogs are under while working in different environments and how it affects them. We are excited to see the results that come from the University of PA.

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Jocko: I've had some really horrible experiences some of which I've shared on this thread, many pages ago.


I'm sorry that happened to you, it feels so awful and you want to become so defensive of your dog.......I promise you.....the moron's who are exhibiting the behavior could care less about the ADA or the DOJ or anything else pertaining to the dog. They're either scared or allergic or just plain stupid [as DKD pointed out!]


I've had to call the police; I've had a manager fired from his job; I've had two security guards at Ceaser's Palace, in Las Vegas, follow and escort me around the casino; I've had the entire sales staff at JC Penney's go through "sensitivity training"; and many more stories - all on behalf of "Brenda" entering their establishments.


It's not easy walking or wheeling around with a dog, in more ways than one!!!! But, I, personally, will not stop doing it. I've lived MY LIFE without a Working Dog and then, with one.......I will not live it without one again!


I start the sentence and Brenda adds the exclamation mark!!!!!!


I agree wholeheartedly! We just made the entire staff at the Residence Inn Rosslyn go through training again -- what a nightmare -- being asked to leave their breakfast area and telling us that we were required to call ahead for a pets only room -- well after a letter to Marriott - the next staff meeting was on appropriate service dog interactions.

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I agree wholeheartedly! We just made the entire staff at the Residence Inn Rosslyn go through training again -- what a nightmare -- being asked to leave their breakfast area and telling us that we were required to call ahead for a pets only room -- well after a letter to Marriott - the next staff meeting was on appropriate service dog interactions.


Wow at least its not just the redneck who have a monopoly on being dumbazz's

Edited by guitarest
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Well the property that evicted us made a counter offer after I refused to take their first offer. They increased it by 2.5k and I declined the offer again and countered with my original amount. They are looking at 10 different violations of the ADA and my Civil rights and while I could actually use the cash I said no. I also reaffirmed to HUD that the entire company (its a National Corp) needs to have their employees who have direct contact with renters take and pass sensitivity training in regards to those with service animals and disabilities. I provided to HUD the paperwork where they said I had to move out or the dog (Blitz) had to go. I left the complex in November and they started the blame game and loads of trash talk. I gave HUD contact information of witness's and all types of paperwork proving them having nothing but unlawful intent. It would help if I could find a lawyer to assist with this case but all the rednecks in this area are either money hungry or do not do this type of case. I know if this went to a federal trial it would be millions awarded in my favor. They say justice is bind and fair; thats if you have the cash to pay for that fair decision. Something that I did just find out that the local regional manager of this area is no longer a employee and the manager is no longer in that capacity.


Sorry venting........

Edited by guitarest
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Well the property that evicted us made a counter offer after I refused to take their first offer. They increased it by 2.5k and I declined the offer again and countered with my original amount. They are looking at 10 different violations of the ADA and my Civil rights and while I could actually use the cash I said no. I also reaffirmed to HUD that the entire company (its a National Corp) needs to have their employees who have direct contact with renters take and pass sensitivity training in regards to those with service animals and disabilities. I provided to HUD the paperwork where they said I had to move out or the dog (Blitz) had to go. I left the complex in November and they started the blame game and loads of trash talk. I gave HUD contact information of witness's and all types of paperwork proving them having nothing but unlawful intent. It would help if I could find a lawyer to assist with this case but all the rednecks in this area are either money hungry or do not do this type of case. I know if this went to a federal trial it would be millions awarded in my favor. They say justice is bind and fair; thats if you have the cash to pay for that fair decision. Something that I did just find out that the local regional manager of this area is no longer a employee and the manager is no longer in that capacity.


Sorry venting........


I'm just a paralegal so I can't give you any advice, but I'm close to an attorney who practices animal law. If you can post the city and state of the property you were evicted from, I might be able to point you in the direction of some help.

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Interesting comment on stress. Werin is actually participating in a medical research study on how much stress service dogs are under while working in different environments and how it affects them. We are excited to see the results that come from the University of PA.


Brenda is part of the study too! Have you cut Werin's hair and sent it in yet? I tried to keep the cutting to a part that would be hidden by her vest but when the vest's off the spot sure looks funny! Looks like Brenny's having a "bad hair day!"


I look forward to hearing the test results. It's all about stress and the working dog's cortisol levels.

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I agree wholeheartedly! We just made the entire staff at the Residence Inn Rosslyn go through training again -- what a nightmare -- being asked to leave their breakfast area and telling us that we were required to call ahead for a pets only room -- well after a letter to Marriott - the next staff meeting was on appropriate service dog interactions.


And, the beat goes on! I guess getting into the public will be our issues forever!!!!

Having Brenda in my life makes it all worth it!

The dishonest folks who purchase the illegal paraphenalia and sneak their pets into the public venue make it very difficult for us who MUST have our Service Dogs with us. It would greatly help us if they would stop being so selfish.

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I'm just a paralegal so I can't give you any advice, but I'm close to an attorney who practices animal law. If you can post the city and state of the property you were evicted from, I might be able to point you in the direction of some help.


Latitude, I love Paralegal's [it was a Paralegal who saved Morey and I from a huge unjustified lawsuit] many, many years ago. You guys work very hard and do an amazing job.


I hope Guitarist follow's-up with you. He may get the help he should have received during his eviction.

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Don't we have a woman on our doggie board that writes for a handicapped magazine? She seems to know all of the laws and has a lot of contacts. I can't seem to remember her name. Anyone? Also someone mentioned an in with an atorney whow specialized in our special needs when Roz was having trouble with a restaurant not wanting our Miss Brenny inside. I'm having double trouble...can't remember who they are an can't find the messages either.:confused:

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Well the property that evicted us made a counter offer after I refused to take their first offer. They increased it by 2.5k and I declined the offer again and countered with my original amount. They are looking at 10 different violations of the ADA and my Civil rights and while I could actually use the cash I said no. I also reaffirmed to HUD that the entire company (its a National Corp) needs to have their employees who have direct contact with renters take and pass sensitivity training in regards to those with service animals and disabilities. I provided to HUD the paperwork where they said I had to move out or the dog (Blitz) had to go. I left the complex in November and they started the blame game and loads of trash talk. I gave HUD contact information of witness's and all types of paperwork proving them having nothing but unlawful intent. It would help if I could find a lawyer to assist with this case but all the rednecks in this area are either money hungry or do not do this type of case. I know if this went to a federal trial it would be millions awarded in my favor. They say justice is bind and fair; thats if you have the cash to pay for that fair decision. Something that I did just find out that the local regional manager of this area is no longer a employee and the manager is no longer in that capacity.


Sorry venting........


If Blitz acted appropriately and mitigates an issue for you, he has every right to be in your apartment, no matter what breed he is. Service Dogs come in all breeds/shapes and sizes.


I'm sorry this has happened to you. Sometimes we allow ourselves to become intimidated by others when we have every right to be where we are.

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Don't we have a woman on our doggie board that writes for a handicapped magazine? She seems to know all of the laws and has a lot of contacts. I can't seem to remember her name. Anyone? Also someone mentioned an in with an atorney whow specialized in our special needs when Roz was having trouble with a restaurant not wanting our Miss Brenny inside. I'm having double trouble...can't remember who they are an can't find the messages either.:confused:


Yes' date=' we have "Latitude" who has already offered to help. And, Cari of "Denver Sees 4 Me" who said she had a lawyer friend who would be willing to help me with my issue [which was resolved, by the manager being fired.'] Cari, are you out there?

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Evenin' all:

I love Paralegal's, Physician's asst. and all. You all seem to do a more thorough job and appreciate your client's more so, than, um, the real McCoy! :o

I will give a shout out to Cari on Facebook, she frequents there a little more than here.

Now, I have just discovered a problem with transporting mom, with a wheel chair. I have come into contact with at least 2 different establishements that have their handicap parking on definite inclines. It is not easy holding a wheel chair and getting an 89 year old woman in/out of the car and having the wheel chair in a convenient place (ie: near the car and not down an embankment :D) with no way to recover it and keep mom from (taking off) on her own! WTH are they thinking? They were both at Doctors offices?

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Don't we have a woman on our doggie board that writes for a handicapped magazine? She seems to know all of the laws and has a lot of contacts. I can't seem to remember her name. Anyone? Also someone mentioned an in with an atorney whow specialized in our special needs when Roz was having trouble with a restaurant not wanting our Miss Brenny inside. I'm having double trouble...can't remember who they are an can't find the messages either.:confused:


I think you're thinking of Candy Harrington (CC screen name is "Queenie2"). Per her signature, her contact info is:


Candy Harrington

Editor, Emerging Horizons


The only accessible travel magazine

Read my blog at http://www.barrierfreetravels.com

Facebook - Candy Harrington; Twitter - CBHarrington

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Thanks with the offers Guys and Gals, the thing with Blitz is over a year ago and HUD has done loads of investigating. The biggest problem with this case is they had to find all the owners of the property. Its a local complex in Gulfport Ms and I spoke with the Regional Mgr and let her know that Blitz was coming and asked what they required as a curiosity. A year prior to Blitz I had another GSD named King and they had no issues with him; for what ever reason they had issues with Blitz. He wasn't on the property 5 days and I got a note under the door stating its either him or me but someone has to go. They knew what he was as a service dog and I lived there since Hurricane Katrina without even a late payment and I stayed to myself so not even any complaints. What changed was the office staff and others on the property who didn't pick up their poop and the front office had loads of complaints just not about me. The apartment had loads of made up complaints about me to try to justify their actions what they did not expect was a old retired NCO who not only keeps paperwork but does the CYA unlike any one they have ever experienced. From proving they lied about local policies to even proving their claim were not only unsubstantiated but also very much lies. Just before HUD was going to pass their decision they located another owner of the property (over 35 individuals and over 20 shell companies) so the clock started all over again and hopefully there is no more hidden owners.


Its been a year of he11 and since October its has been very painful since I expirenced 5 different ulcers on my legs and they are because of injuries from being forced to move. HUD even asked these guys to back off during the investigation and they still threw me and my family out. I know there are two sides to every story, just this one has loads of paperwork and witnesses to back up my claim...... lol

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Evenin' all:


I love Paralegal's, Physician's asst. and all. You all seem to do a more thorough job and appreciate your client's more so, than, um, the real McCoy! :o


I will give a shout out to Cari on Facebook, she frequents there a little more than here.


Now, I have just discovered a problem with transporting mom, with a wheel chair. I have come into contact with at least 2 different establishements that have their handicap parking on definite inclines. It is not easy holding a wheel chair and getting an 89 year old woman in/out of the car and having the wheel chair in a convenient place (ie: near the car and not down an embankment :D) with no way to recover it and keep mom from (taking off) on her own! WTH are they thinking? They were both at Doctors offices?


Nancy, Parking on inclines huh? Isn't it ridiculous?? We have encountered that many many times!!! I guess if you are not in a wheelchair you don't really think about it. You will probably encounter alot of stupid things if you are going to take mom places in her wheelchair. Some of the things we have seen are mindblowing!



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