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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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We don't have one of those in this area, I do miss Pet Co. I used to live in Hartford and enjoyed the fact there was many places to choose from to get dog food or in fact anything.



Hartford CT??


One and only, owned a house on Roger Street on the South Side, kids played Tball and son was a all star. My band was ranked in the top 10 in the Advacote in the late 90's 2 years in a row. Played at the Sting in New Britian, Russian Lady, Bar w no name, and so many more great bars..... lol

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Awww, Cindy. Tell John to take 2 aspirins and call them in the morning. How hard is that? What flipplin' fools. Do they not know what the meaning of malpractice means? I hope you stood on a few desks and told them a December appointment just wouldn't do. I hope John is feeling better and that you and poor Wexy are getting some much needed rest. Notice I did not tell you sleep because I know you are not. Hugs and prayers flying your way.


DKD: That is awesome that you are getting that kind of help from Petco.


Well, dumb me, I just noticed I have a whole nuther page of readin' to do. Back later.


They are supposed to call today with an earlier appointment..we'll see

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One and only, owned a house on Roger Street on the South Side, kids played Tball and son was a all star. My band was ranked in the top 10 in the Advacote in the late 90's 2 years in a row. Played at the Sting in New Britian, Russian Lady, Bar w no name, and so many more great bars..... lol



Born and bred in Enfield. What was the band name?

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In the middle of it all.......she's eating cake. You're so much smarter than any of us! Enjoy.


We're thinking of you and hoping that all is and will be well for our John. Please give him my love and licks from Miss Brenny.


On another note........I'm waiting for my instructions from CCI about coming up in December.......I'm waiting......[i did make a phone call to them last Wednesday, letting them know that my employer does need a letter from them about my coming up for Team Training, in order that I may be paid for the time that I'm there!] Nothing yet! Getting this dog is just like giving birth......if you know what I mean!!!!!


Theres always room for cake!! ;)

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Born and bred in Enfield. What was the band name?


Smoke and Mirrors, we were doing great until the lead singer got picked up at a DUI Check Point having had a few shots, and just finished smoking a "J". It was in winter so his windows were rolled up and I can only think of a Cheech and Chong scene when he rolled down the window near the trooper. That allowed for a search and he also got nailed with enough maryjane that added "Intent to sell". This was another arrest added to his other list of arrests and he ended up doing jail time. We tried to replace him, could not and the band fell apart.


I enjoy playing yet never really fell into that "rock and roll" image where its party all night and doing drugs and drinking. Even back then my legs were issues just not as much now and I also cut back on drinking to maybe one drink a month. I had also quit smoking so it was actually funny watching drunk people......

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First: Cindy, John and my best boy Wexie! My prayers are with you. I understand how difficult all this is. I wish I could somehow come up to help...I did find a way to travel with Roz and Brenda...let's all think out of the box!!!! I would love to travel up the east coast.

Mackey spent the weekend with us, and Coral comes home next week. Sandy is doing well on her hypoallergenic diet trial...boy is it $$$$$ Rich and I are looking at a Panama Canal Crossing in jan or feb...anyone else interested....

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First: Cindy, John and my best boy Wexie! My prayers are with you. I understand how difficult all this is. I wish I could somehow come up to help...I did find a way to travel with Roz and Brenda...let's all think out of the box!!!! I would love to travel up the east coast.


Mackey spent the weekend with us, and Coral comes home next week. Sandy is doing well on her hypoallergenic diet trial...boy is it $$$$$ Rich and I are looking at a Panama Canal Crossing in jan or feb...anyone else interested....


I, too, would love to take a trip on the east coast and I'm hoping to do it within the next two years. My thoughts were a road trip with Morey, Brenda and Successor.....it's the only way I'll get Morey on the trip with us [because he won't fly anymore!] Just think how great it would be to do it at a time when we all could meet-up near Cindy's. :)


Your Panama Canal cruise sounds so good, which ship are you thinking of and where would you be leaving from?


I'm so glad to hear that Sandy is doing better, I hope she stays on the road to good health.

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First: Cindy, John and my best boy Wexie! My prayers are with you. I understand how difficult all this is. I wish I could somehow come up to help...I did find a way to travel with Roz and Brenda...let's all think out of the box!!!! I would love to travel up the east coast.


Mackey spent the weekend with us, and Coral comes home next week. Sandy is doing well on her hypoallergenic diet trial...boy is it $$$$$ Rich and I are looking at a Panama Canal Crossing in jan or feb...anyone else interested....


Thanks Sunshine. John has an eeg and the neurologist next week, maybe we can get some answers.


On the cruising front. John and I are getting a complex cuz no one wants to cruise with us wahhhhhhhhhhhhh


I love to whine ;)

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I'm just such a "princess" cruise kind of person. Brand loyalty don't you know! Roz, we are looking at the 14 day cruise that leaves from La and arrives in Fort lauderdale. If anyone wants to use our house as a half way point on flights...just give me a heads up. Dog Friendly and Sunshine welcome.

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I'm just such a "princess" cruise kind of person. Brand loyalty don't you know! Roz, we are looking at the 14 day cruise that leaves from La and arrives in Fort lauderdale. If anyone wants to use our house as a half way point on flights...just give me a heads up. Dog Friendly and Sunshine welcome.


Or you could do the New Orleans Port and we could all hook up....

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I'm just such a "princess" cruise kind of person. Brand loyalty don't you know! Roz, we are looking at the 14 day cruise that leaves from La and arrives in Fort lauderdale. If anyone wants to use our house as a half way point on flights...just give me a heads up. Dog Friendly and Sunshine welcome.


I, too, am a Princess fan.....although, I've been on other lines, it seems I'm most comfortable on Princess.


I would love to do a 14 day cruise. Where is it going and when?

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I wish I could focus on something else, it seems I'm consumed about retiring Brenda and receiving "Successor" - Who is my new dog, what does he look like [is it a he?], what's his personality like, will he get me like Brenda does? And, on and on and on. :confused:


I can't wait until he's in my car and we're driving home and then I'll beleive it and I can start fully living again......I'm crying and these tears are coming easier and easier these days. I'm so ready to have it all begin ASAP!!!!!!

Thanks for letting me vent.


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Oh, Roz, we are right there with you, every step of the way. He/she (he) is going to be everything you need. He will be different than Brenda because no (dawg) will ever "replace" her, just "take" over for her. He will do some things different, but not necessarily wrong, just different than Brenda. You, two will bond just as much as you and Brenda. He will become one with you and "get" you. Wait and see, I know I am right! Tears are flowing, now, with me, you and, and, and.

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Oh, Roz, we are right there with you, every step of the way. He/she (he) is going to be everything you need. He will be different than Brenda because no (dawg) will ever "replace" her, just "take" over for her. He will do some things different, but not necessarily wrong, just different than Brenda. You, two will bond just as much as you and Brenda. He will become one with you and "get" you. Wait and see, I know I am right! Tears are flowing, now, with me, you and, and, and.


Nancy, thank you so much. Geeeezzzzz.......What's up with all the emotions.......sorry! You're so sweet and your words are so welcomed. I love having you onboard as a friend. Thanks for the "pep talk!"


I had to go out to an unfamiliar store and Brenda was so not up to the walking and stair climbing [it was also 90 degrees here today and that didn't help.] It brought out my frustration and emotions. :( And, then I looked at my sweet girl who didn't want to leave the air conditioned car and, once she did she had to use her ramp to get back in. Totally not her fault.....just so normal for her age.


Thanks again for your really kind words. :)

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It's a new day and with the help of family and wonderful friends [like Nancy, Cindy & Sunshine and others on this thread] the realization of it all hits........Anyone out there who walks or wheels onto a cruise ship or just in life with a Service Dog please listen to my advice......Don't wait to retire your dog. When your dog hits 7 years [this probably means it's been working for at least 5 years already] watch for signs of slowing down and "refusals" [or, as in Brenda's case, she showed NOTHING until she was around 8.]

Don't wait, like I did, go back to your service org. and start the retirement process. Because aging can and will happen very sudden and quickly, and [personally speaking] my need for Brenda was more than she could do.

You won't feel the great frustration I'm feeling because you'll have started the process sooner and will already have your Successor dog long before he/she reaches 11 1/2 years old [as in Brenda's case!]

Again, my thanks goes out to YOU guys on this thread who have allowed me to share my life with Brenda, which has been very cathartic for me.


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I wish I could focus on something else, it seems I'm consumed about retiring Brenda and receiving "Successor" - Who is my new dog, what does he look like [is it a he?], what's his personality like, will he get me like Brenda does? And, on and on and on. :confused:


I can't wait until he's in my car and we're driving home and then I'll beleive it and I can start fully living again......I'm crying and these tears are coming easier and easier these days. I'm so ready to have it all begin ASAP!!!!!!


Thanks for letting me vent.






Think back a few years, did Brenda get you? Odds are very slim she did in the beginning; yet she does now. I would be willing to bet that between you and Brenda that new pup will not only have a fantastic time in his/her new forever home but it will be a extension of you just like Brenda.

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Think back a few years, did Brenda get you? Odds are very slim she did in the beginning; yet she does now. I would be willing to bet that between you and Brenda that new pup will not only have a fantastic time in his/her new forever home but it will be a extension of you just like Brenda.


You're so right, where Brenda and I are today is amazingly different than 9 years ago. And, I so look forward to the "process" between my new partner and me, only this time I'll have Brenda's help!!!!!


Thanks for your kind words and for your insight.



Edited by wizard-of-roz
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Roz: You know I love you to death. Ms. Brenny and Morey, too. But I have to tell you my Mr. Man Sir Renie went downhill so fast. It was a tough decision if I was doing the right thing, by him. He was 13 though. Ms. Brenny is going to have a good long time home with Papa and chillaxin and waiting for mom and "that" new dog to come home. Don't feel bad, be glad that you are able to retire our "Grand Dame" and she will get to take it easy. Hugs and huggles.........

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It's a new day and with the help of family and wonderful friends [like Nancy, Cindy & Sunshine and others on this thread] the realization of it all hits........Anyone out there who walks or wheels onto a cruise ship or just in life with a Service Dog please listen to my advice......Don't wait to retire your dog. When your dog hits 7 years [this probably means it's been working for at least 5 years already] watch for signs of slowing down and "refusals" [or, as in Brenda's case, she showed NOTHING until she was around 8.]


Don't wait, like I did, go back to your service org. and start the retirement process. Because aging can and will happen very sudden and quickly, and [personally speaking] my need for Brenda was more than she could do.


You won't feel the great frustration I'm feeling because you'll have started the process sooner and will already have your Successor dog long before he/she reaches 11 1/2 years old [as in Brenda's case!]


Again, my thanks goes out to YOU guys on this thread who have allowed me to share my life with Brenda, which has been very cathartic for me.




First of all, Rangeley was still working when he passed away at 12yrs old, so I guess it depends on the dog. You are thinking to much. Everything will be fine, and you might be surprised how Successor perks Brenny up. Bailee was always perky but Wex really made her come to life. Relax and enjoy the ride!!!!!

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Goodmorning Roz, Brenda...(never mind, they are BOTH still asleep)! I agree with all the words of wisdom that have been expressed. Especially from Cindy as she and John also know what it is like to live with a service dog and to have successive dogs come into the house. For the past few years you have talked about retirement for Brenda and the need for a successor dog. I just don't think you realized how hard it would be. And for the record, yes Brenda is tired and ready for retirement...but I don't think she was showing the signs until the past year, when, you did beguin the process for a successor.

Sometimes things are just meant to be (like me going on a last minute cruise). You might not have been as ready for a new dog a few years ago, and Brenny might not have been ready to accept another dog filling her paws. Just a few shorts weeks to go. I for one am very excited to see the new friend, and I think Brenda should write a book about life with papa.

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What would I do without YOU!!!!! Nancy, Cindy, Sunshine & Guitarist......Thank you for your caring, ideas and most of all your wisdom. Amazing how some of you had stories of the senior dog and certainly know what I'm seeing and going through with Brenda and that it's perfectly normal. To think that she may "perk-up" when Successor comes along is so exciting to look forward to.

I know, I know......I'm overthinking the whole darn thing, as Cindy says.....I can't help it, it's what I do best.

I'm going to try and "go-with-the-flow" for the next few weeks. My nerves and anticipation is driving me nuts and, I, in turn, am passing it along to you! I must admit, I'm not doing it much to Morey or my fellow workers, just you.

Thanks, friends,

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What would I do without YOU!!!!! Nancy, Cindy, Sunshine & Guitarist......Thank you for your caring, ideas and most of all your wisdom. Amazing how some of you had stories of the senior dog and certainly know what I'm seeing and going through with Brenda and that it's perfectly normal. To think that she may "perk-up" when Successor comes along is so exciting to look forward to.


I know, I know......I'm overthinking the whole darn thing, as Cindy says.....I can't help it, it's what I do best.


I'm going to try and "go-with-the-flow" for the next few weeks. My nerves and anticipation is driving me nuts and, I, in turn, am passing it along to you! I must admit, I'm not doing it much to Morey or my fellow workers, just you.


Thanks, friends,



We'll listen to you all day long Roz. Thats why we are all here isn't it? We all need someone to listen to us at times. God knows I vent enough on here. Right now I am just terrified that something will happen to John, not knowing anything is the hardest part. This week he has a test and the neurologist. Hopefully we will find something out. On a lighter note, we will be dog sitting for 4 days starting thursday. He's a CCI puppy in training, yellow lab, 1yr old. We hope it will be a nice playmate for Wex and that Wex won't be jealous.

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We'll listen to you all day long Roz. Thats why we are all here isn't it? We all need someone to listen to us at times. God knows I vent enough on here. Right now I am just terrified that something will happen to John, not knowing anything is the hardest part. This week he has a test and the neurologist. Hopefully we will find something out. On a lighter note, we will be dog sitting for 4 days starting thursday. He's a CCI puppy in training, yellow lab, 1yr old. We hope it will be a nice playmate for Wex and that Wex won't be jealous.


Cindy, John and you must be so worried. I hope that all goes well for him. Please let us know how the testing goes and what the results are. We have to keep a postive thought for him. You have some really great things coming up, he has to be well!!!!!

You're going to have so much fun with your young visitor on Thursday. Let us know how Wexy likes him......and, maybe you'll have some enlightenment for me as to how to introduce one dog to the other.

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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