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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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In Los Angeles, I had to provide a letter from CCI along with the city's request for payment of her city dog tags and I received her license. On the license registration it states that she is a Service Dog.


Really in LA yall have city dog tags, cool. So what about people who do not go through a agency and have a self trained service animal? What documents then? Prescription, any animal certifications like star puppy, K9 G C? Letter from dog trainer? From just these few responses I can now see how the Service Dog program can be so abused. When I ordered Blitz's ID Card I was told no proof was needed to get the ID. When I ordered his vest no one requested any paperwork since I spoke with the company on the phone. So now I understand how people who are not disabled can actually get away with purchasing items that should be limited to those who are truly disabled.

Edited by guitarest
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Thank you for sharing your amazing story with us. What a wonderful dog. I hope that you'll be able get another dog to replace this remarkable little hero.


We have been told by many service dog experts that there are all sorts of service dogs that in one way or another react to seizures, but not all can do everything and some can only calm the person afterwards.


Although there have been news reports that might cause the public to believe that seizure dogs can help everyone with seizures, that isn't true.


The dog has to be born with the desire to work and to help. In this case the size of the dog is less important that the dog's desire to help.


The dog who helped our person out so much was taught early on to 'stay with me' and that he did with his person. When for a good reason he had to leave his person for a few minutes, he didn't dawdle around. He returned quickly.


He saved a particular bark to alert others when there was a seizure coming on. A small bark that meant only one thing. A baby bark. Always amazed that he could be taught to do that.


I did order his new harness and vest over the internet with no proof. Thinking about that now it dosen't seem right.

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Really in LA yall have city dog tags, cool. So what about people who do not go through a agency and have a self trained service animal? What documents then? Prescription, any animal certifications like star puppy, K9 G C? Letter from dog trainer? From just these few responses I can now see how the Service Dog program can be so abused. When I ordered Blitz's ID Card I was told no proof was needed to get the ID. When I ordered his vest no one requested any paperwork since I spoke with the company on the phone. So now I understand how people who are not disabled can actually get away with purchasing items that should be limited to those who are truly disabled.


A doctor's letter stipulating what Blitz mitigates for you would be sufficient for the city of Los Angeles. [Who, by the way, waives the license fee for Service Dogs.]


Anyone can purchase a "vest" an "i.d.card", etc., etc. online. But, it's up to each one of us to "call-out" these folks who attempt to pass their pets off as legitimate Service Dogs.


If I saw a dog acting inappropriately in a restaurant/store/theatre, etc. I would approach the person and ask them to leave. Reminding them that they are jeopardizing folks like myself who walk through life with a trained and well behaved Service Dog. I will also inform the manager of the establishment that they will NOT get in trouble for asking the person and their pet to leave. And, I will serve as a witness to any litigation that the person threatens the establishment with, as well!

I can't tolerate people who try to take advantage of the ADA and the laws that protect us by dragging their pets wherever they go because they can't bare to part with them and then they feed them off the restaurant plate or standby while "Fifi" urinates on the carpet or scratches & whimpers at the door of the hotel!!!! Puleeeezzzzzz!!!!!! :cool:

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We have been told by many service dog experts that there are all sorts of service dogs that in one way or another react to seizures, but not all can do everything and some can only calm the person afterwards.


Although there have been news reports that might cause the public to believe that seizure dogs can help everyone with seizures, that isn't true.


The dog has to be born with the desire to work and to help. In this case the size of the dog is less important that the dog's desire to help.


The dog who helped our person out so much was taught early on to 'stay with me' and that he did with his person. When for a good reason he had to leave his person for a few minutes, he didn't dawdle around. He returned quickly.


He saved a particular bark to alert others when there was a seizure coming on. A small bark that meant only one thing. A baby bark. Always amazed that he could be taught to do that.


I did order his new harness and vest over the internet with no proof. Thinking about that now it dosen't seem right.


Although purchasing the dog's equipment online does seem a bit leary, more importantly is your dog's behavior in the public venue.


Although Brenda will be a complete "goofball" when she's released from work, when we're walking through a public place she will always be respectful and will not do inappropriate things.....such as; licking her privates, scratching, urinating, barking, growling, etc., etc......


What you're wonderful boy did for you is pure genious. It's such a joy and truly a miracle to watch such a dog at work! How lucky you were to know him. I hope that you are lucky enough to know another such glorious being in your life again.

Isn't it wonderful to watch a Service Dog think and problem solve? I love it!!!

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Me too! Full agreement Roz!


Our little guy came to HIS person in about 1995 when service dogs other than for the blind were very rare. His small size and his color (lively red) caused many people to wrongly assume he was a pet.


Hoping to find his genius in his blood line, we have 2 relatives of his but neither have a shred of his talent (but are nice pets). Well trained nice pets.


We have seen people with dogs on cruise ships who outright lie and say their dogs are service animals. It is so obvious! The most common excuse is that they are for COMFORT. Now that makes me furious.

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Hi All, Back from CT, which was pretty uneventful.


Just a comment about the dog licenses, here John goes down and tells them Wex is a service dog, maybe shows his ID (not sure if he even does that) and the license is free of charge.


Sunshine, So sorry about your kitty. You were lucky to have had her for 19yrs. Both of mine have gone in the past few years and they were only 12 and 13. We too have a few animals buried in the backyard.


Guitarest, Again great pics of Blitz!! He is so handsome. They are so cute when they are asleep, just like babies.


One thing I just don't understand is why they (the govt) has not come out with some way to legitimize (sp) all service animals. Have some kind of special patch the dog has to wear on their vest. The dog has to be registered with this govt agency from the training facility in order to get the patch (or tag, ID). Have it displayed at all times so there is no mistake it's a working dog not just a pet someone is trying to pass off as a working dog, like our idiot brother in law. :D

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A friend of mine owns a small business that makes logos, shirts with logos, etc for businesses and organizations. It's an after retirement thing for him. I'm sure there a such all over the country.


If no one else is willing to do it, why don't we start our own ad hoc organization and recognize the service animals that we respect and admire? We could have patches made and give out awards.


I'm not entirely kidding.


For years I've printed up my own note to leave on cars that parking in H/C parking spaces without a permit and no driver or passenger with any a such.


We could carry on with our own battles against people who are unfair.

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Me too! Full agreement Roz!


Our little guy came to HIS person in about 1995 when service dogs other than for the blind were very rare. His small size and his color (lively red) caused many people to wrongly assume he was a pet.


Hoping to find his genius in his blood line, we have 2 relatives of his but neither have a shred of his talent (but are nice pets). Well trained nice pets.


We have seen people with dogs on cruise ships who outright lie and say their dogs are service animals. It is so obvious! The most common excuse is that they are for COMFORT. Now that makes me furious.


Penny, it's not so easy to get a Service Dog onboard Princess Cruise Lines. You must have all the appropriate paperwork and if you're dog acts badly onboard you will be "asked" by the Hotel Manager to please escort your dog back to your cabin and stay with him/her. That's the best scenerio, the worst would be you are asked to leave the ship.


I seem to be migrating to Princess more these days so I don't know how difficult it is to get our dogs onboard other lines but I know that the "Access Dept." of Princess is very thorough and careful about letting a "pet" get onboard one of their ships.

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Hi All, Back from CT, which was pretty uneventful.


Just a comment about the dog licenses, here John goes down and tells them Wex is a service dog, maybe shows his ID (not sure if he even does that) and the license is free of charge.


Sunshine, So sorry about your kitty. You were lucky to have had her for 19yrs. Both of mine have gone in the past few years and they were only 12 and 13. We too have a few animals buried in the backyard.


Guitarest, Again great pics of Blitz!! He is so handsome. They are so cute when they are asleep, just like babies.


One thing I just don't understand is why they (the govt) has not come out with some way to legitimize (sp) all service animals. Have some kind of special patch the dog has to wear on their vest. The dog has to be registered with this govt agency from the training facility in order to get the patch (or tag, ID). Have it displayed at all times so there is no mistake it's a working dog not just a pet someone is trying to pass off as a working dog, like our idiot brother in law. :D


Ooops! Seems we all have an idiot brother-in-law somewhere in our lineage! So funny!

I agree, it seems that once you've gone through all the training and you've received your Service Dog, there should be a "special" kind of patch that you can display that would clarify your dog as being legitimate. It seems if you're blind or in a wheelchair it's not questioned as much......but, if your walking and seeing you have a whole lot of "splaining" to do! :rolleyes:


I think CCI's vest are very well done. I've had more people get out of line at airports and cruise terminals to come over and read Brenda's vest!

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A friend of mine owns a small business that makes logos, shirts with logos, etc for businesses and organizations. It's an after retirement thing for him. I'm sure there a such all over the country.


If no one else is willing to do it, why don't we start our own ad hoc organization and recognize the service animals that we respect and admire? We could have patches made and give out awards.


I'm not entirely kidding.


For years I've printed up my own note to leave on cars that parking in H/C parking spaces without a permit and no driver or passenger with any a such.


We could carry on with our own battles against people who are unfair.


Penny, you're on the right track and certainly your passion is so welcoming......but, again, this is exactly what the folks online are doing! We need the ADA or DOJ to come-up with a logo and a sticker/patch.

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OK its bragging time again..... I belong to the Patriot Guard and this great organization escorts former military members from the funeral home to their final resting place. Since I cant do bikes or motorcycles it works out great; the flags can go in the trunk of the car. We arrived about a hour before the family and Blitz was very proper during this time period. There were 25 to 30 motorcycles and most were loud Harleys. Then out at the Biloxi National Cemetery the US Navy provided a detail that included a Color Guard and a Drill Team that performed a 21 gun salute with 7 members X 3 shots each. I could have never been so proud of Blitz. He sat next to me with while I did my hand salutes, he did not make a noise at all when all the motorcycles started up. Finally when the 21 gun salute happened Blitz did not shutter or cause any problems at all.


I know I am new at this point in my life having a helper like Blitz; I was super nervous when I saw the weapons yet he was a trooper and did me so proud. Finally after the service the family members came over to say thank you and many also thanked Blitz and had no idea he was even there. We have been home about a hour now and currently he is sleeping next to my window running in his sleep. Poor tired puppy.....


I know the items above are things that service animals are supposed to deal with on a normal basis, noise and distractions. But like it was said earlier its a amazing thing to see a dog like Blitz who I have pour so much training into him actually shine in a time when perfection is demanded due to the situation.

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OK its bragging time again..... I belong to the Patriot Guard and this great organization escorts former military members from the funeral home to their final resting place. Since I cant do bikes or motorcycles it works out great; the flags can go in the trunk of the car. We arrived about a hour before the family and Blitz was very proper during this time period. There were 25 to 30 motorcycles and most were loud Harleys. Then out at the Biloxi National Cemetery the US Navy provided a detail that included a Color Guard and a Drill Team that performed a 21 gun salute with 7 members X 3 shots each. I could have never been so proud of Blitz. He sat next to me with while I did my hand salutes, he did not make a noise at all when all the motorcycles started up. Finally when the 21 gun salute happened Blitz did not shutter or cause any problems at all.


I know I am new at this point in my life having a helper like Blitz; I was super nervous when I saw the weapons yet he was a trooper and did me so proud. Finally after the service the family members came over to say thank you and many also thanked Blitz and had no idea he was even there. We have been home about a hour now and currently he is sleeping next to my window running in his sleep. Poor tired puppy.....


I know the items above are things that service animals are supposed to deal with on a normal basis, noise and distractions. But like it was said earlier its a amazing thing to see a dog like Blitz who I have pour so much training into him actually shine in a time when perfection is demanded due to the situation.


No explanation needed......Blitz did an amazing job and the more he does this the more common-place and natural it will become. It's the repetition thing. Also, having big expectations of him are important to his training.

He's turning into a great partner for you. Kudo's to both of you!!!!

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No explanation needed......Blitz did an amazing job and the more he does this the more common-place and natural it will become. It's the repetition thing. Also, having big expectations of him are important to his training.


He's turning into a great partner for you. Kudo's to both of you!!!!


Thank you...

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Roz: I am here. I try and at least read all the posts, everyday. I am not sure if it is our computer or our service but internet explorer keeps shutting down on us. I just lost a post I was in the middle of. Anyway, since mom has been home from the hospital, she is virtually bedridden. She won't even try and stand up. So, she cannot get to the bathroom, thus DEPENDS and depending on me to change them! :eek: Not a big deal except I cannot lift her to get the new ones on or the old ones off for that matter. We have gotten into a "rolling" routine! Nuff said.

I am so excited about Sunday. I can't believe it is already here! I remember when we were saying 2 months would be a long time. It is going to be a very LONG week for us, waiting to here the gender and breed and of course the name of your new baby! :)

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Roz: I am here. I try and at least read all the posts, everyday. I am not sure if it is our computer or our service but internet explorer keeps shutting down on us. I just lost a post I was in the middle of. Anyway, since mom has been home from the hospital, she is virtually bedridden. She won't even try and stand up. So, she cannot get to the bathroom, thus DEPENDS and depending on me to change them! :eek: Not a big deal except I cannot lift her to get the new ones on or the old ones off for that matter. We have gotten into a "rolling" routine! Nuff said.


I am so excited about Sunday. I can't believe it is already here! I remember when we were saying 2 months would be a long time. It is going to be a very LONG week for us, waiting to here the gender and breed and of course the name of your new baby! :)


Sorry about your mother, the wait will be real short for the puppy. As for the PC if you do not have antivirus go to Microsoft and download their Anti Virus/Malware program. Its the stuff and its free. It gets rated better than most that have to be purchased. I have switched many of my friends PC's to this program and have had it on my machines for two years now..



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Roz: I am here. I try and at least read all the posts, everyday. I am not sure if it is our computer or our service but internet explorer keeps shutting down on us. I just lost a post I was in the middle of. Anyway, since mom has been home from the hospital, she is virtually bedridden. She won't even try and stand up. So, she cannot get to the bathroom, thus DEPENDS and depending on me to change them! :eek: Not a big deal except I cannot lift her to get the new ones on or the old ones off for that matter. We have gotten into a "rolling" routine! Nuff said.


I am so excited about Sunday. I can't believe it is already here! I remember when we were saying 2 months would be a long time. It is going to be a very LONG week for us, waiting to here the gender and breed and of course the name of your new baby! :)


Oh! No! I'm so sorry to hear about your mom, that's awful! It's humilitating for her and so hard on you. Can't you get a day worker or someone through Medi-care? No one wants to be in your mom's situation and definitely not yours. I hope you can get something worked out to make it easier for both of you.


I'm so excited, I can't believe how close it all is, it's "goose-bumps" for me, all the time now! I'm so grateful I've got work, holidays and my family to keep me busy and occupied and, of course, Miss Brenny to remind me that she's still a very important part of this whole equation.


I won't have access to a computer during Team Training until I get home on the 12th. I promise to get on the thread and let you all know about my new partner as soon as I can. You have all been such great support through this whole process and I consider you each my friend.


He/she and I have a stop-over in Pleasanton, CA., after Team Training [a 3.5 hour drive], to visit my children and to introduce her/him to them, before we drive home, about 5 hours. This will be a good test on whether he/she travels well. I can't wait to see what Brenda does when they meet.

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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i won't have access to a computer during team training until i get home on the 12th. I promise to get on the thread and let you all know about my new partner as soon as i can. You have all been such great support through this whole process and i consider you each my friend.


he/she and i have a stop-over in pleasanton, ca., after team training [a 3.5 hour drive], to visit my children and to introduce her/him to them, before we drive home, about 5 hours. This will be a good test on whether he/she travels well. I can't wait to see what brenda does when they meet.


good luck!

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So it looks like we will be spending another Saturday in CT. This Saturday we are supposed to be setting up a CCI fundraiser table at the grand opening of a PETCO in Fairfield, CT. from 12 to 5. We will be driving up once again with our favorite puppy raisers. Six people and two dogs in a mini van. Very cozy!!

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So it looks like we will be spending another Saturday in CT. This Saturday we are supposed to be setting up a CCI fundraiser table at the grand opening of a PETCO in Fairfield, CT. from 12 to 5. We will be driving up once again with our favorite puppy raisers. Six people and two dogs in a mini van. Very cozy!!


When I wasn't working in White Plains I was working in Fairfield, you can just smell the cash in that town.....

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good luck!


Thank you! And, thanks for sharing the wonderful pictures of your "big-boy" with us! I think that dogs and babies pictures are absolutely adorable when they're sleeping.......Brenda talks in her sleep and does the funniest facial gestures and leg movements.......so cute!!!!!!

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So it looks like we will be spending another Saturday in CT. This Saturday we are supposed to be setting up a CCI fundraiser table at the grand opening of a PETCO in Fairfield, CT. from 12 to 5. We will be driving up once again with our favorite puppy raisers. Six people and two dogs in a mini van. Very cozy!!


Good luck! And, thanks so much for working these fundraisers!!!!

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