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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Hi All, I'm here, I'm home, I'm exhausted and I'm so thrilled and pleased by my new partner I can't begin to tell you.


I arrived at CCI, Santa Rosa just before dark on Sunday, December 4th the drive was easy and the weather was chilly but very clear. I was so excited I couldn't wait to just get started. My name was on a board next to room #5, the heat in the room felt so good because it was freezing outside. I unpacked all my clothes and stuff for the week ahead. I had brought some frozen dinners and microwaved dinner, went to bed at 10:00 [very early for me]. My class was to begin at 9:00am in Gittinger Hall.


I awoke at 6:00 am, went for a walk around the grounds [so cold], made myself some coffee and had a protein bar.


The facilities at CCI are so beautifully mainted anyone would want to live there. My room had 3 beds in it, one a hospital bed, one a twin sized bed and a queen size bed. The bedding, bed skirt and window treatments are just lovely. There's a lovely dried flower arrangement with a cute sign welcoming you to the room and Team Training.


I went to Gittinger Hall and saw Ken and another trainer, on the side of the room two crates.....I really didn't even notice the dogs inside. I was intent and listening to the trainers. They talked about what the week was going to be like and what I could expect. They talked about going to the mall and being tested for Public Access, about using an escalator with the dogs and how each day would be filled with lots of physical and written tests.......I was already exhausted.


Then one of the trainers went to the crates and took out one dog. It was a medium sized, black cross......he had a funny shaped head [kind of looked like a cone] and his name was "Pippen", she handed him to Ken, then she went back and took out the other dog.......


OMG, he was gorgeous; he had a big square head, he was so tall with long legs, he would "cock" his head at me and sat next to Pippen, he was also black. His name was "Horton." He then layed on the floor, held his head high and stared at me. I was asked to walk with Pippen and then with Horton. Horton leaned his head into my hand and stayed at my left side like a champion. Pippen didn't walk, he pranced and had the cutest expression on his face, Horton looked like he owned the room!!!!


I have to tell you, I fell in love with Horton the moment he made his way out of the crate. He's very thoughtful about every move he makes, when you're that big you have to be.


I was told that a final decision would not be made until Tuesday. I would have to work with both dogs all day Monday.


CCI makes the decision to allow for the "side" Team Training and testing on a case by case basis. Usually you will spend two weeks of intense training. This was going to be 5 days of super, super intense training. I was so tired at the end of each day.......I didn't go to bed, I collapsed into it.


I was told on Tuesday afternoon, that Horton would be my new partner. I started to cry. He's 2 years and 8 months old. He was Puppyraised in North Carolina, sent to Florida to be a Service Dog, recognized as so alert and smart that it was decided he should be a Hearing Dog and was sent to Santa Rosa. He's 98% Lab and Golden Retriever and.......the best part: He's Brenda's Nephew. What are the chances of this occuring? I couldn't believe it.


Horton and I fell for each other immediately. We went to the mall and did the french fry test [where the trainers throw french fries at your dog and you are supposed to control your dog with simple correctons keeping it from eating even one], he passed this with flying colors. We did the "drop the leash" as your walking and watch the dog keep on walking beside you without a word being spoken! Passed again.


Then we had to do the escalators. [This is something that CCI NEVER trained the dogs to do years ago and then changed their minds because so many students wanted to have the freedom of using escalators with their dogs.] We had a short course of doing it for about 8 times and then we were tested on it. Brilliant, we did really good!


I can't tell you how many times I called Horton "she" and calling him Brenda over and over again became no big deal after a while. I even forgot his name on a few occasions!!!!!! Nerves!


I had a final exam, it was really tough. I did good [missed 2]. I was given, bowls, Heartguard/Advantix, food, leash, collar, license, certificate from CCI, had our picture taken [which will be put into the CCI magazine along with the other graduates in the January class [we're going to the Jan. 27th Graduation in Santa Rosa and are looking forward to it.]

I bought a new crate [he'll never fit into Brenda's crate] and am getting such a kick out of watching a male go potty vs. a female!!!!!


I was given Horton and wished good luck on Friday, packed and off we went to go to my kids. This is where I was going to see how well he traveled on long trips. He was wonderful. He layed down and never moved until I stopped the car. My children fell in love with him. He's such an adorable, big galute! He loves to grab a toy and run away from you, teasing you with it.......he's so playful and filled with joy. He has a great personality.


We drove for 5 hours [stopping every two for potty/water and stretching our long legs breaks.]


Morey met me in front of the house and we observed the dogs as we walked together. They did the usual sniffing and exploring each other, Horton did the "play-bow" inviting Brenda to join him in play and she did a very funny dance and wiggle with him. So far so good!


We walked them both into the house and watched them get acquainted. Horton would not leave Brenda alone; he would take his long legs and swat her with them and then then he would stick his nose in her ears and lick her face, until she had had enough. She growled and stood her ground, telling him to go away. I interceded [as I was told to do by the trainer], I was told to not allow the play to turn to growling or showing of teeth. I said "don't" to Brenda and it was done. Horton went into her toy box and took everything out showing off to all of us. Brenda just layed and watched him.


They both exhausted themselves [Horton on my bed sleeping and Brenda on her couch.] So far, it's going very well. I think it will be fine and filled with fun for all of us.


I missed you all. And, I'm so happy and excited to start my life a new again!!!!!

Thank you for supporting me and for being "there" for me!!!!

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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OMG Roz!!!! I'm so excited for you!!!! First of all I love the name!! I'm assuming he is probably named after "Horton hears a who?". So Cool! Your experience from seeing him come out of the crate to interacting with Brenda, sounds just like Wex and Bailee. He was gonna make her love him if it killed him! Wex would kiss Bailee and nudge her and finally after a few days she gave in and then they were best buds. I'm sure Brenny will give in at some point and they will be buds too. So thrilled that things worked out for you and you are home with your new bud. It's quite different having two dogs at home but you will get used to it. We are actually dogsitting this weekend for a CCI release dog named, Pontiac. He's a sweetie. Of course you know we want PICTURES, PICTURES, PICTURES!!

Hopefully you can figure out how to post them. Best of luck with your new friend and of course we want to hear more and more stories. :D:D:D

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Welcome to the family Horton! Roz, I am SO happy for you. When will you test his sea legs? ;)



Thank you Marcia, you're going to love this boy. We're going under the Golden Gate Bridge again, on March 24th - the Sapphire Princess.


I can't wait to introduce him to everyone.


I go back to work on Wednesday. I'm taking two more days just to have some home time with my girl & boy before getting back into the groove of work again.


I have Vet appointments and grooming appointments to schedule for both of them.


He had an uneventful, great first night at home. They're both sleeping near each other on the floor.


Life is good!!!!!

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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How cool is that! A BIG BOY just what you wanted. I am so glad Ms. Brenny is adjusting. She will love the boy just like you and Morey do! I am so excited for you! Big galute, described my Reno boy to a "T".


Nancy, he has such a great personality. He could care less about tennis balls [brenda loves, loves them, actually, she's obsessed by them!] Horton is more obsessed by squeaky toys. He also loves to grab a shoe and just play "keep away" with it! He's so funny! He has a really cute sense of humor. And, he's so big that watching him run and be a pure goofball is a riot.


We were at my son's and Horton was having so much fun grabbing people's shoes and running away with them.....he'd head for the stairs and run up and down.....so funny to watch. I had tears in my eyes just watching him and seeing the kids chase after him and watching him "play-bow" and then run away was too cute to see!

Today he's definetly more respectful towards Brenda and only played "tug-of-war" once with her toys. He's learning to back-off quicker.

He's going to bring such joy to me and to my family!

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Yay Roz--you're back! And with a big beautiful boy to join the family. Sounds like everything went just about as perfectly as could be.


I'm assuming he is probably named after "Horton hears a who?".


And remember what Horton says: "An elephant's faithful one hundred percent!" I think that bodes well for "our" new pup.


Looking forward to hearing all about Horton's first weeks with the Wizard-of-Roz family and, of course, to his first cruise. As Cindy said, PICTURES, PICTURES, PICTURES!



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This gave me goosebumps Nancy! While we're all waiting (more or less) patiently, I forgot that Roz has actually already met "Successor" now! I bet she's crying too--crying with joy and gratitude.




I did cry a lot. When Horton and I looked into each other's eyes.........I cried.


The trainer [Ken] said it always makes him so happy when he sees someone talk to their new dog, like they've known each other forever. It's how I felt.......I was waiting for him and he was waiting for me!

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I haven't been on in a few weeks but caught up on the thread. I checked in to see if there was any info on Roz and Successor. This like waiting for a new baby to be born.


And, just like that new baby......Horton is so worth the wait......what a wonderful boy.


He made a place for himself near my bed and I love waking-up to him. Brenda still owns the couch and he hasn't even tried to make it his own. He just looks at her and lays down in her doggie bed! She's so calm and cool, they're ignoring each other and acting more like relatives or at least friends who know each other very well! :p

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OMG Roz!!!! I'm so excited for you!!!! First of all I love the name!! I'm assuming he is probably named after "Horton hears a who?". So Cool! Your experience from seeing him come out of the crate to interacting with Brenda, sounds just like Wex and Bailee. He was gonna make her love him if it killed him! Wex would kiss Bailee and nudge her and finally after a few days she gave in and then they were best buds. I'm sure Brenny will give in at some point and they will be buds too. So thrilled that things worked out for you and you are home with your new bud. It's quite different having two dogs at home but you will get used to it. We are actually dogsitting this weekend for a CCI release dog named, Pontiac. He's a sweetie. Of course you know we want PICTURES, PICTURES, PICTURES!!

Hopefully you can figure out how to post them. Best of luck with your new friend and of course we want to hear more and more stories. :D:D:D


Cindy, they're actually acting like they're bored with each other. I'm so happy that Brenny has a friend to share her dog world.


This whole experience has been amazingly worthwhile and fulfilling. I will always be grateful to CCI and for the magnificent dogs that they brought into my life!


I hope your dog sitting adventure was a fun one!


Your cruise is coming-up soon. I hope John is feeling strong and that you, he and Wexy can enjoy every minute of it!


I will download pictures when I get to work on Wednesday and I will send you all some. How's that for positive thinking?

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Super excited to hear about everything. Love the name, love the dog and how great is it that there is a connection between Brenda and Horton. Can't wait to hear about the honeymoon phase.


Sunshine, they definetly had their moments......I was told to STOP the growels or aggressive behavior and it's working. They're just ignoring each other now, like they've lived together all their lives.


This connection thing is weird and this means that somehow their connected to Wexy too. Way too confusing for my simple brain.

I think Horton looks a lot like Wex, much more than Brenda.

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OK I just had one of those DUH moments. If Brenny is Hortons aunt, are Wex and Horton related since Brenny is Wexlers aunt? Who are Hortons parents?


I have all his paperwork in the car. I left it there so I wouldn't forget to call the Vet, make a grooming appointment for Brenda, a nail clipping appointment for Horton, call the city for his dog license, email the trainer as to how her homecoming went, etc., etc., etc.


I was hoping to not look at or get into my car again until I go to work on Wednesday.......My car was starting to resemble an 18 wheeler. I was feeling like a truck driver after my trip to Oregon and then to Santa Rosa.......I don't know how the truckers do it?


I think Horton looks a lot like Wexy, I just wish we lived closer so they could interact with each other.

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How cool is that! A BIG BOY just what you wanted. I am so glad Ms. Brenny is adjusting. She will love the boy just like you and Morey do! I am so excited for you! Big galute, described my Reno boy to a "T".


Nancy, I couldn't think of another word, it so described who he is.


He is perfect........exactly what I wished for. I thought I wanted a Yellow Lab, I'm so glad he's Black!

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Yay Roz--you're back! And with a big beautiful boy to join the family. Sounds like everything went just about as perfectly as could be.




And remember what Horton says: "An elephant's faithful one hundred percent!" I think that bodes well for "our" new pup.


Looking forward to hearing all about Horton's first weeks with the Wizard-of-Roz family and, of course, to his first cruise. As Cindy said, PICTURES, PICTURES, PICTURES!




So cute......who knew that Dr. Seuss would have such an impact on my life.


I promise I will work on the picture thing when I get to work on Wednesday.

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