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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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OMG! There so much that's disturbing about the video where do I begin.......I'm just glad that your all okay, with the distructive weather all around you!


Be careful letting your dog chew on plastic bottles and laying on electrical wiring......Jocko, you're making me a nervous wreck watching this video.


Take care.


Those cables are for my guitars, and the babies stay away from them. I keep a real close eye on Blitz or any of the dogs as to what they chew on.


I posted it because I thought it was a cool trick for Blitz. Shaking paw is cool but being selevtive with what hand and paw is being used took a little more input from me; Blitz loves doing things for me. As for all the approved toys after they get to a certain stage of chewed on they get thrown away. Currently his toys last a few weeks and the first of every month old get thrown away and new toys purchased.


Hopefully this makes it easier for ya....

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We are all OK here in the south! The tornadoes were a bit too close for comfort Friday Night. We had our emergency supplies in the basement, Sandy on leash, shoes on our feet(ok we are barefoot kind of people) and computers and cells charged. The storm turned about one mile from our house and we were OK. The rest of my family was as well and of course all my four footed friends up at CA.


Sorry to be absent so much lately. As Roz knows and the rest of you are about too my husband has been facing some serious lung problems. We have been meeting with specialist around the country with conflicting diagnosis. He had a lung biopsy last week, and has recovered well from the procedure. We should have some results next week and maybe a treatment plan. My service dogs in training keep us grounded and amused as we face an uncertain prognosis.


Cooler is slated for March camp. If the "right" recepient is out their than I will send her forward gladly (OK, some tears, but still...)If the match is not made she will be with me another two months. She is rocking her advanced commands and LOVES to work.


Love and Wags to all....and happy crusing for those who have that in their future. Right now, Rich and I are hoping to plan a summer cruise after weddings and dog graduations are complete.


I'll pray for ya and your husband.

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We are all OK here in the south! The tornadoes were a bit too close for comfort Friday Night. We had our emergency supplies in the basement, Sandy on leash, shoes on our feet(ok we are barefoot kind of people) and computers and cells charged. The storm turned about one mile from our house and we were OK. The rest of my family was as well and of course all my four footed friends up at CA.


Sorry to be absent so much lately. As Roz knows and the rest of you are about too my husband has been facing some serious lung problems. We have been meeting with specialist around the country with conflicting diagnosis. He had a lung biopsy last week, and has recovered well from the procedure. We should have some results next week and maybe a treatment plan. My service dogs in training keep us grounded and amused as we face an uncertain prognosis.


Cooler is slated for March camp. If the "right" recepient is out their than I will send her forward gladly (OK, some tears, but still...)If the match is not made she will be with me another two months. She is rocking her advanced commands and LOVES to work.


Love and Wags to all....and happy crusing for those who have that in their future. Right now, Rich and I are hoping to plan a summer cruise after weddings and dog graduations are complete.


Sunshine, your life is so full right now. It's so good to hear from you. I hope that hubby's prognosis is a good one for him and that his health issues are resolved soon.


I'm so glad that you and Canine Assistants was spared any damage and that all the furbabies are safe. It was so scary to hear about all the tornadoes and know that people we love were in harms way!


My sister in law Debi will be joining me on my cruise in a few weeks and we'll be in the very same cabin you and I were in. I hope Horton likes it and finds it as easy as Brenda did to use the pottybox.


Good luck with all your wedding plans, take care of you and stay safe.

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Those cables are for my guitars, and the babies stay away from them. I keep a real close eye on Blitz or any of the dogs as to what they chew on.


I posted it because I thought it was a cool trick for Blitz. Shaking paw is cool but being selevtive with what hand and paw is being used took a little more input from me; Blitz loves doing things for me. As for all the approved toys after they get to a certain stage of chewed on they get thrown away. Currently his toys last a few weeks and the first of every month old get thrown away and new toys purchased.


Hopefully this makes it easier for ya....


I knew you wouldn't put your babies in harms way......;)

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OMG! There so much that's disturbing about the video where do I begin.......I'm just glad that your all okay, with the distructive weather all around you!


Be careful letting your dog chew on plastic bottles and laying on electrical wiring......Jocko, you're making me a nervous wreck watching this video.


Take care.


Ya see...I thought the disturbing part was the Mountain Dew pants!!

Just kidding :D:D

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We are all OK here in the south! The tornadoes were a bit too close for comfort Friday Night. We had our emergency supplies in the basement, Sandy on leash, shoes on our feet(ok we are barefoot kind of people) and computers and cells charged. The storm turned about one mile from our house and we were OK. The rest of my family was as well and of course all my four footed friends up at CA.


Sorry to be absent so much lately. As Roz knows and the rest of you are about too my husband has been facing some serious lung problems. We have been meeting with specialist around the country with conflicting diagnosis. He had a lung biopsy last week, and has recovered well from the procedure. We should have some results next week and maybe a treatment plan. My service dogs in training keep us grounded and amused as we face an uncertain prognosis.


Cooler is slated for March camp. If the "right" recepient is out their than I will send her forward gladly (OK, some tears, but still...)If the match is not made she will be with me another two months. She is rocking her advanced commands and LOVES to work.


Love and Wags to all....and happy crusing for those who have that in their future. Right now, Rich and I are hoping to plan a summer cruise after weddings and dog graduations are complete.



So Sorry to hear about hubbys medical problems. You and your family are in our prayers.



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Wow Roz, your cruise came up quick! I can't wait to hear how Horty does. I know you will have a great time.




The cruise is on March 24th. I need all the time I can get to shop.

I think Horton's going to be wonderful. I don't know how he'll be around the sea being all around him or how he'll handle the pools. Brenda always stayed safely away from the edges....he's such a goofball, I can see him wanting to jump right in. I really have to hold tight to his leash until I see how he reacts.


I'm going with two sister's in law....I love them both and we should have a wonderful time. One of them has never cruised before, it'll be fun watching her face light-up at all the sights and sounds of a cruise ship.

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Hi All, I have been away from the Boards while on a very long winter vacation to the South. Back now and was hit by disturbing news re the new EU Health Certificates for dogs entering any EU country.


The new certificate only allows 10 days between the signing of the certificate by a Canadian or US Government Vet to the arrival of the dog in the EU.


Darn, that is a really tight turnaround. For example, my flight from Canada to Fort Lauderdale is on the 13th and arrival in the Azores is the 23rd. That is 10 days...........so on the day I am suppose to be flying, I also need to be at the Government vet's office to have him certify the certificate. Oh, the EU new certificate has gone from two pages to five pages.


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Hi All, I have been away from the Boards while on a very long winter vacation to the South. Back now and was hit by disturbing news re the new EU Health Certificates for dogs entering any EU country.


The new certificate only allows 10 days between the signing of the certificate by a Canadian or US Government Vet to the arrival of the dog in the EU.


Darn, that is a really tight turnaround. For example, my flight from Canada to Fort Lauderdale is on the 13th and arrival in the Azores is the 23rd. That is 10 days...........so on the day I am suppose to be flying, I also need to be at the Government vet's office to have him certify the certificate. Oh, the EU new certificate has gone from two pages to five pages.


There must be the capability of getting an extension or is there confusion in the interpretation? A USDA Vet should be able to answer your questions. Mine is certified but is on vacation right now. Many times I get my certificate before [more than 10 days] before I'm to fly. 10 days is just NOT always good for me. I ALWAYS get my cert. longer than the cruiselines want for my travels and I accompany a letter from my Vet.


I know that some think that ALL I supply is not necessary but it's gotten me through Immigration/TSA and other official examinations with only a few questions.

Being able to be at the Gov. Vet on the day you need to fly is absurd....and impossible. Please let us know how you work through this.

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Hi Roz, I talked to the Government of Canada vet today and he tells me that the 10 days between him signing the new certificate and arriving in the EU is firm. The EU has made no exceptions.:mad: Same applies to US Government vets and their signing of the certificate. Stay tuned!!!

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Hi Roz, I talked to the Government of Canada vet today and he tells me that the 10 days between him signing the new certificate and arriving in the EU is firm. The EU has made no exceptions.:mad: Same applies to US Government vets and their signing of the certificate. Stay tuned!!!


What does this mean? We're hoping to go to Switzerland with Horton at the end of next year. This 10 days is very worrysome. Do you suppose this is a Canadian/EU issue. I wonder if I'll have the same problems with U.S./EU......please keep us informed.

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What does this mean? We're hoping to go to Switzerland with Horton at the end of next year. This 10 days is very worrysome. Do you suppose this is a Canadian/EU issue. I wonder if I'll have the same problems with U.S./EU......please keep us informed.


Sorry Roz, but these are the new rules for entry to all EU countries from North America. There are also changes for the titer test when going to Britain.


It is a real bummer and very stress provoking. Do you think I could get the captain to sail faster?:rolleyes:

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Sorry Roz, but these are the new rules for entry to all EU countries from North America. There are also changes for the titer test when going to Britain.


It is a real bummer and very stress provoking. Do you think I could get the captain to sail faster?:rolleyes:


We all know what happens when Captains listen to passengers requests! :eek:


I can't stress over this.....by the time we're ready to plan our trip there will be changes to adhere to. I think I'll wait to see what the demands will be.

Let us know about the titer and other regulations required now. Thanks for the information.

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The true meaning of trust, watch Blitz cut through the rawhide like butter....




I love Blitz's face and those ears....wow!

I love when I give Horton a piece of kibble with my fingers. He could chew through them easily, but is so careful and gentle to take the kibble with care. Respect and trust works wonders with our animals.

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I love Blitz's face and those ears....wow!


I love when I give Horton a piece of kibble with my fingers. He could chew through them easily, but is so careful and gentle to take the kibble with care. Respect and trust works wonders with our animals.



Blitz is grandchildren safe, I will record a movie of him taking a treat from a friend. He is so very careful, I trust him taking treats from a infant. All my pups are very careful; this all came about one day many decades ago with another Sheperd called Champ. He was a rescue as almost all my babies are and he took a treat from me and his top teeth raked across my fingers and broke skin. From that point on all my dogs have been taught to be oh so careful. So if you watch the video he is slicing that rawhide like its bread with those rear teeth. So a human hand or arm would have no chance at all; this is why he is trained to be so very careful. Even if he wasn't my little helper and I did not need him for assistance he would still be trained to "Be Nice".


How about a current pic of Horton? Pweaseeeeeeeee Roz


Here is my rescue Champ; he was in a kill facility and no one wanted him. It was my daughters birthday and I used it as a excuse to get another shepherd since it was years since Sheba passed away. Thats my children who are now both married and have shepherds of their own.

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I love Blitz's face and those ears....wow!


I love when I give Horton a piece of kibble with my fingers. He could chew through them easily, but is so careful and gentle to take the kibble with care. Respect and trust works wonders with our animals.



Blitz is grandchildren safe, I will record a movie of him taking a treat from a friend. He is so very careful, I trust him taking treats from a infant. All my pups are very careful; this all came about one day many decades ago with another Sheperd called Champ. He was a rescue as almost all my babies are and he took a treat from me and his top teeth raked across my fingers and broke skin. From that point on all my dogs have been taught to be oh so careful. So if you watch the video he is slicing that rawhide like its bread with those rear teeth. So a human hand or arm would have no chance at all; this is why he is trained to be so very careful. Even if he wasn't my little helper and I did not need him for assistance he would still be trained to "Be Nice".


How about a current pic of Horton? Pweaseeeeeeeee Roz


Here is Champ with my now grown children who are both married and have their own shepherds.



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OK so its time for funnies. As most know here I am quite a joker and love life. A few years ago many of my friends with German Shepherds asked me to design and put captions in those little yellow warning signs that are usually found suspended with suction cups in vehicles or in a persons house. I will post one of King; and links to the others. If any one wishes for me to edit or design a sign for their dog just ask. This is not for any form of payment; and all I will provide is a Jocko original sign that you can either print out at home or even take to a local print shop and have a real plastic sign made. This is something that I enjoy doing for my friends and it keeps me busy and active. Its also gets my mind off of my body falling apart right before my eyes.


Here is King, and its quite to the point and hanging in my living room window for all to see. These are all dogs that I know (or knew) number 3 is actually a killer attack kitty....




And now the links to the others, enjoy. The first link was individual picture of my friends GSD's and this was a sign they wanted deigned to show we as many nations are not afraid of those who wish to cause harm to the worlds innocent people. If yall want we could even do a small sign like this with a different subject matter but include headshots of the wonder service animals here
























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Blitz is grandchildren safe, I will record a movie of him taking a treat from a friend. He is so very careful, I trust him taking treats from a infant. All my pups are very careful; this all came about one day many decades ago with another Sheperd called Champ. He was a rescue as almost all my babies are and he took a treat from me and his top teeth raked across my fingers and broke skin. From that point on all my dogs have been taught to be oh so careful. So if you watch the video he is slicing that rawhide like its bread with those rear teeth. So a human hand or arm would have no chance at all; this is why he is trained to be so very careful. Even if he wasn't my little helper and I did not need him for assistance he would still be trained to "Be Nice".


How about a current pic of Horton? Pweaseeeeeeeee Roz


Here is Champ with my now grown children who are both married and have their own shepherds.




What a beautiful picture, really lovely.

It seems I am "picture download" challenged.....When I have free moments, I can do it if I give myself time to play with it. I have so many wonderful pictures I'd love to share. You should see my desk and walls. I'm busy at work [the President of Israel is visiting along with other dignitaries and I'm focused on them.] When they go away, I'll get into my computer and try and download some.

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What a beautiful picture, really lovely.


It seems I am "picture download" challenged.....When I have free moments, I can do it if I give myself time to play with it. I have so many wonderful pictures I'd love to share. You should see my desk and walls. I'm busy at work [the President of Israel is visiting along with other dignitaries and I'm focused on them.] When they go away, I'll get into my computer and try and download some.


The President of Israel came all that way just to see Horton?? :eek:

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