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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Josh (second dog from the right) and his human, canine and equine partners held their annual "Capitol K9" fundraiser a couple weeks ago. They take over the whole Capitol grounds and invite all dogs to participate in challenges, a doggie parade and lots of other fun stuff! The money raised goes to paying some of the costs of the K9 program so that taxpayer money can be used for other things.


Ahh German Shepherds!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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OK...here's my story for today. Being that my daughter is off from college for the summer, her and my wife were looking for stuff to do for the summer. They looked into the "Read To The Dog" program at the local libraries. My wife got a call the other day from a woman that runs the program. She was pretty sure they were not going to be able to use Orson because he was a "Service Dog" and didn't have the training a "Therapy Dog" has. :eek: They also wanted to know if we had a seperate insurance policy on him that specifically covered him around children. :confused: Needless to say my wife said never mind and hung up. :mad:


Sadly I know this is too true. I have recently run into a brick wall at the VA after being approved locally at the Biloxi Regional Hospital they have somehow confused Blitz as a Therapy dog also. These different organisations have even gotten more money hungry and started trying to control specfic territories (Delta Society and the others) by locking in specfic hospitals and not letting other TD in that facility. Even the AKC now offers its own Certification for TD after 50 hrs of service to patients.


So back to our story I told the VA thank you but this is not what Blitz is nor is this what my program is about. I don't know how it effects dogs to be subjected to those who are hospital bound and or in a hospice situation. I would suspect it would weigh heavenly on the dog since it knows these people are going to pass or at least those in my area; I would suspect it would have negative results with Blitz or any dog seeing those too sick to leave the hospital and when they do its after they pass.


I do agree its their loss and a fine example of that local person trying to lock in their territory.

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Are you guys watching the new dog trainer show on CBS [channel 2] called "Dogs In The City?" Starring a younger version of Caeser Milan [The Dog Whisperer.]

It's very good and he's fun to watch as he works with the folks who have pet dog issues. He's very gentle although I've yet to see him work with a really "red-zone" kind of dog problem but I like what I see so far.

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Happy Weekend dear friends.

I'm so busy packing my office to move to our "city" office for three months while they finish building our new office here in the suburbs. It's going to be a drive to work each day. But, I'll get to play with the "big boys" in the glass ceiling for a while. And, Horton will be so excited to work in a huge office building in the middle of the financial district in L.A. I have to put my "professional" hat on for a while.

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OK guys and gals--


Roz's first post in this thread is dated July 6, 2007 which means four weeks from today our little community will celebrate its Fifth Anniversary! We've had 7,000-plus posts, 310,000 views (WOW!) and more than 100 participants. We've welcomed new friends, new pets and new working dogs and we've had to say "goodbye" to more animal and human family members than we'd like. We've shared our sucesses, our frustrations, silly costumes and pet tricks and everything in between. Oh yeah--and we took some cruises here and there :)


So a celebration seems to be in order--anyone have any ideas?



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OK guys and gals--


Roz's first post in this thread is dated July 6, 2007 which means four weeks from today our little community will celebrate its Fifth Anniversary! We've had 7,000-plus posts, 310,000 views (WOW!) and more than 100 participants. We've welcomed new friends, new pets and new working dogs and we've had to say "goodbye" to more animal and human family members than we'd like. We've shared our sucesses, our frustrations, silly costumes and pet tricks and everything in between. Oh yeah--and we took some cruises here and there :)


So a celebration seems to be in order--anyone have any ideas?




Kathi, this is so cool!!!!! :D Thanks for bringing it to our attention - 5 years - OMG! "310,000" views that's got to be some kind of Cruise Critic record.........I think the moderators need to come onboard and talk to us about our 5 year celebration, I'd like to personally thank them for helping to keep all of us together!!!!!


I think on July 7th we all need to log-in and write to each other while having a celebratory drink for the day, and, of course giving our wonderful dog partners a special treat!!!!! ;)

I'm so grateful for all that I've learned from you guys and for the courage and encouragement that you all gave me when I needed it most!!!!!

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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Kathi, this is so cool!!!!! :D Thanks for bringing it to our attention - 5 years - OMG! "310,000" views that's got to be some kind of Cruise Critic record.........I think the moderators need to come onboard and talk to us about our 5 year celebration, I'd like to personally thank them for helping to keep all of us together!!!!!


I think on July 7th we all need to log-in and write to each other while having a celebratory drink for the day, and, of course giving our wonderful dog partners a special treat!!!!! ;)


I'm so grateful for all that I've learned from you guys and for the courage and encouragement that you all gave me when I needed it most!!!!!



WOW!!!!! First I'd like to thank Cruise Critic for letting us keep this thread going. If I didn't find this site, we would have never taken our dog on a cruise. To everyone on here, thanks for all the information, websites, forms and personal experiences you have all shared. I have had 2 dogs and 2 cats pass away in these past 5 years, and all your kind words, thoughts and prayers have gotten me through it.


Lastly, ROZ! What can I say, you started this whole thing. You are the best friend I have never met! We have been through alot. You always seem to know just what to say to make me feel better. I have seen you help out every single person on this thread. I hope our paths cross one day so I can give you a big hug and say thanks for everything. Love you, you crazy lady!!!! :D


Cindy, John, & Wexler

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I am a newbie to the world of service dogs. My Lucy is a Diabetic Alert dog. She has been invaluable to me. She also picks up things for me, alerts me to timers going off (I have difficulty hearing high pitched sounds) and only barks when someone touches my door.


She is a Poodle/chihuahua mix and only weighs 9 lbs. Most dogs used for this are labs, but she showed the tendency very early, so was trained. People are so surprised when she doesn't bark at them, their dogs, children or other animals. I guess they expect all small dogs to be "yappy!" When I go out, she rides in the basket of my scooter. 2854403710067077547S425x425Q85.jpgI have also had many people question my need of her since I look "normal." I have an alphabet soup of diagnosis and I try to educate rather than castigate when people question me. It does get old though!


I probably will not take her on my cruise in Sept. because my sister will be with me and can help me if needed.

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WOW!!!!! First I'd like to thank Cruise Critic for letting us keep this thread going. If I didn't find this site, we would have never taken our dog on a cruise. To everyone on here, thanks for all the information, websites, forms and personal experiences you have all shared. I have had 2 dogs and 2 cats pass away in these past 5 years, and all your kind words, thoughts and prayers have gotten me through it.


Lastly, ROZ! What can I say, you started this whole thing. You are the best friend I have never met! We have been through alot. You always seem to know just what to say to make me feel better. I have seen you help out every single person on this thread. I hope our paths cross one day so I can give you a big hug and say thanks for everything. Love you, you crazy lady!!!! :D


Cindy, John, & Wexler


Cindy, I remember when you lost your precious furpartners and pets. You helped all of us through it. I remember when you were waiting for Wexy and how stressful it was for all of us until you came back to tell us all about him and you shared his and John's pictures.


I love you dear friend and I look forward to the day that we can meet! Thank you for all your wonderful, helpful and gracious insight.

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I am a newbie to the world of service dogs. My Lucy is a Diabetic Alert dog. She has been invaluable to me. She also picks up things for me, alerts me to timers going off (I have difficulty hearing high pitched sounds) and only barks when someone touches my door.


She is a Poodle/chihuahua mix and only weighs 9 lbs. Most dogs used for this are labs, but she showed the tendency very early, so was trained. People are so surprised when she doesn't bark at them, their dogs, children or other animals. I guess they expect all small dogs to be "yappy!" When I go out, she rides in the basket of my scooter. 2854403710067077547S425x425Q85.jpgI have also had many people question my need of her since I look "normal." I have an alphabet soup of diagnosis and I try to educate rather than castigate when people question me. It does get old though!


I probably will not take her on my cruise in Sept. because my sister will be with me and can help me if needed.


Piper, welcome. Lucy is a cutie. It's so nice that she can fit right in your scooter basket, so convenient! I'm sure the questions you get are very similar to the one's I get. Having someone with you who can serve as your "question deflector", like Sunshine did for me, makes travel so much easier.


I don't mind answering questions and I always allow for "patting." I totally understand the curiosity factor and the repect that most folks have for the "Working Dog" and, that people are missing their pets at home. But, there is a time when I just want to go back to the cabin or find a quiet lounge to just hide in or find some quiet time.


Enjoy your upcoming cruise. How does Lucy do when your apart for extended periods and who does she stay with?

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WOW!!!!! First I'd like to thank Cruise Critic for letting us keep this thread going. If I didn't find this site, we would have never taken our dog on a cruise. To everyone on here, thanks for all the information, websites, forms and personal experiences you have all shared. I have had 2 dogs and 2 cats pass away in these past 5 years, and all your kind words, thoughts and prayers have gotten me through it.


Lastly, ROZ! What can I say, you started this whole thing. You are the best friend I have never met! We have been through alot. You always seem to know just what to say to make me feel better. I have seen you help out every single person on this thread. I hope our paths cross one day so I can give you a big hug and say thanks for everything. Love you, you crazy lady!!!! :D


Cindy, John, & Wexler


I have to agree with Cindy. I don't know what we would have done if I didn't have the information from here about cruising with a service dog. If I had to guess I think we would not have gone on a cruise. As far as sad news goes, we lost our 12 year old Yellow Lab (Magic) the day after Memorial Day at 4:00 AM. Even now it's not easy to type this. There will never be another dog (service dog or not) that will ever come close to her. But to help ease the pain, if all goes as planned, we will be picking up an 8 week old puppy from CCI this Thursday morning to puppy raise. His name is Ocho II. He was the 8th puppy born of the "O" litter. It should be interesting. Luckily, we have alot of friends that are "seasoned" puppy raisers and some that are newbies like us. We have already had the pleasure of meeting Cindy, John & Wexler and I hope we get to meet more of you fine folks.

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I have been lurking around this wonderful forum since we booked our cruise on Royal Caribbean’s Freedom of the Seas in April.

Roz, you and the other members have created a valuable resource for the rest of us. The information here was so complete that we didn’t need to post any questions.

We have just returned from our June 3rd. Eastern Caribbean Cruise with “Saki” my Wife’s 7 pound Yorkshire Terrier Service Dog. This was Saki’s first cruise and we didn’t know what to expect from him. He was wonderful.

I thought that it might be helpful to let you know how things went on FOS.

We took your advice and had all of our “dogs” in a row. Told RCI we would be traveling with a service animal 30 days before sailing. They sent us a Service animal form to sign and return. Had several copies of the USDA form (endorsed just before cruising), the Rabies vaccination form and his City license. We called again 7 days before departure and confirmed that they we prepared.

At Port Canaveral we presented ourselves at the Special Services Desk. Turned our paperwork for Saki in, had our pictures taken and our Sea Pass(es) were Issued. They had pre-applied dog footprints on each card.

We were then escorted to the Ship and the pursers desk where one of the representatives asked us if we would like to be taken to see the dog relief area. Wow what service. The mulch box was on deck 4 aft in a crew area our cabin was on deck 7 forward. This wasn’t a problem for us as my wife is fully mobile, we just scheduled our potty breaks around mealtime as the Dining rooms are aft as well.

We hadn’t planned to get off the ship at “Coco Cay” RCI’s private island as we had been told that we needed a pet import permit for the Bahamas that needed to be obtained 48 hours before departure. Imagine our surprise when the cabin phone rang early that morning Guest Services telling us that “saki” had been cleared to visit. As we placed our Seapass in the security checkpoint special chimes went off alerting the immigration officer that the dog had been cleared.

The same thing happened at our other two port of call St. Thomas and St. Martin. Looks like RCI’s Freedom has got it right.

we got all of the questions that you indicated we would get. How did you get him on, where does he go potty, etc. What does he do? Towards the end of the cruise it got a little old and we made up some answers “We put him in our luggage and he was delivered to our room”. He goes to the bathroom on the Poop deck of course.

The crew were great they all missed their pets at home and asked if they could pet Saki. We set up an informal petting time just before dinner and that worked well.

Saki was amazing. He didn’t care for the mulch (he prefers grass) but after a little coaxing with treats he got the idea.

All in all it was a great experience and we wouldn’t have tried it without the knowledge we gained from this fourm.

Keep up the good work and thank you again.

Marcntyme, Eden and Saki.

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I have to agree with Cindy. I don't know what we would have done if I didn't have the information from here about cruising with a service dog. If I had to guess I think we would not have gone on a cruise. As far as sad news goes, we lost our 12 year old Yellow Lab (Magic) the day after Memorial Day at 4:00 AM. Even now it's not easy to type this. There will never be another dog (service dog or not) that will ever come close to her. But to help ease the pain, if all goes as planned, we will be picking up an 8 week old puppy from CCI this Thursday morning to puppy raise. His name is Ocho II. He was the 8th puppy born of the "O" litter. It should be interesting. Luckily, we have alot of friends that are "seasoned" puppy raisers and some that are newbies like us. We have already had the pleasure of meeting Cindy, John & Wexler and I hope we get to meet more of you fine folks.


Oh! No! I'm so, so sorry for your loss of "Magic." I'm filled-up with tears and can't see the screen so forgive the mistakes. It's a very difficult time for all of you, I'm sure. Please know that your in my thoughts and I'm sending my love and a big hug to all of you. How's Orson doing? I've heard that the loss of one dog can be difficult for everyone, including other dogs in your home.

On a brighter note, congratulations on becoming Puppyraisers to Ocho II. I have always adored you for your great sense of timing and jokes but now I love you for all the time and work that you will be giving to Ocho so that he can be a Working Partner to someone else. Thank you for doing this.

And, please accept my most heartfelt wishes of sympathy to you and your family.

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I have been lurking around this wonderful forum since we booked our cruise on Royal Caribbean’s Freedom of the Seas in April.

Roz, you and the other members have created a valuable resource for the rest of us. The information here was so complete that we didn’t need to post any questions.

We have just returned from our June 3rd. Eastern Caribbean Cruise with “Saki” my Wife’s 7 pound Yorkshire Terrier Service Dog. This was Saki’s first cruise and we didn’t know what to expect from him. He was wonderful.

I thought that it might be helpful to let you know how things went on FOS.

We took your advice and had all of our “dogs” in a row. Told RCI we would be traveling with a service animal 30 days before sailing. They sent us a Service animal form to sign and return. Had several copies of the USDA form (endorsed just before cruising), the Rabies vaccination form and his City license. We called again 7 days before departure and confirmed that they we prepared.

At Port Canaveral we presented ourselves at the Special Services Desk. Turned our paperwork for Saki in, had our pictures taken and our Sea Pass(es) were Issued. They had pre-applied dog footprints on each card.

We were then escorted to the Ship and the pursers desk where one of the representatives asked us if we would like to be taken to see the dog relief area. Wow what service. The mulch box was on deck 4 aft in a crew area our cabin was on deck 7 forward. This wasn’t a problem for us as my wife is fully mobile, we just scheduled our potty breaks around mealtime as the Dining rooms are aft as well.

We hadn’t planned to get off the ship at “Coco Cay” RCI’s private island as we had been told that we needed a pet import permit for the Bahamas that needed to be obtained 48 hours before departure. Imagine our surprise when the cabin phone rang early that morning Guest Services telling us that “saki” had been cleared to visit. As we placed our Seapass in the security checkpoint special chimes went off alerting the immigration officer that the dog had been cleared.

The same thing happened at our other two port of call St. Thomas and St. Martin. Looks like RCI’s Freedom has got it right.

we got all of the questions that you indicated we would get. How did you get him on, where does he go potty, etc. What does he do? Towards the end of the cruise it got a little old and we made up some answers “We put him in our luggage and he was delivered to our room”. He goes to the bathroom on the Poop deck of course.

The crew were great they all missed their pets at home and asked if they could pet Saki. We set up an informal petting time just before dinner and that worked well.

Saki was amazing. He didn’t care for the mulch (he prefers grass) but after a little coaxing with treats he got the idea.

All in all it was a great experience and we wouldn’t have tried it without the knowledge we gained from this fourm.

Keep up the good work and thank you again.

Marcntyme, Eden and Saki.



Marcntyme: Wonderful news. I'm so glad that Saki did so well and that you were so prepared. It does make all the difference in the world doesn't it! You just feel like you're so smart having, as you say; "all your dogs in a row!" So cute!

I have found that cruising is so much fun with my Service Dogs because once all the Vet/paperwork is done and we've visited the groomers the rest is easy. It's now my vacation of choice!

RCCL really deserves "kudo's" for the way they handled you and Saki. Of course, again, you made it easy for them and they appreciated it by serving Saki well!

And, "poop deck" why didn't I think of that? ;) :D

Thank you so much for coming on and sharing your great experience with all of us.

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Oh! No! I'm so, so sorry for your loss of "Magic." I'm filled-up with tears and can't see the screen so forgive the mistakes. It's a very difficult time for all of you, I'm sure. Please know that your in my thoughts and I'm sending my love and a big hug to all of you. How's Orson doing? I've heard that the loss of one dog can be difficult for everyone, including other dogs in your home.


On a brighter note, congratulations on becoming Puppyraisers to Ocho II. I have always adored you for your great sense of timing and jokes but now I love you for all the time and work that you will be giving to Ocho so that he can be a Working Partner to someone else. Thank you for doing this.


And, please accept my most heartfelt wishes of sympathy to you and your family.


Thank you for your kind words Roz. We still catch ourselves expecting Magic to walk down the hallway or scratch at the back door to come in. Orson and our 7 year old Yorkie (Chaos) took a day or two to try and figure thing out. Orson tried to become the new "alpha" dog for a couple of days. Any time someone would come to the front door, he would bark and not let them in. We showed him the error of his ways and now everything is back to normal.

Ever since we became involved with CCI and became friends with some puppy raisers (Cindy knows who I mean), we have wanted to try puppy raising. Since my daughter is off from college for the summer and my wife is her aide, it seemed like the perfect time to give it a try. We'll see how it goes. :confused:

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It has been a sad week. DKD, please accept my sincere, broken heartfelt sympathy. It brings back a flood of memories of our Reno and I am sure Ms. Magic is romping and playing with all the others across the Rainbow Bridge. Run free Sweet Magic. The others will show you the ropes.

Another cruise friend has lost her beloved Cocker Spaniel, unexpectedly. Somethings life just plain stinks.


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It has been a sad week. DKD, please accept my sincere, broken heartfelt sympathy. It brings back a flood of memories of our Reno and I am sure Ms. Magic is romping and playing with all the others across the Rainbow Bridge. Run free Sweet Magic. The others will show you the ropes.


Another cruise friend has lost her beloved Cocker Spaniel, unexpectedly. Somethings life just plain stinks.




Oh! Nancy, I'm so sorry for your friend. This is a very sad week for our friends and their adoring, furpartners.

My dear friend Marion is visiting from Seattle and her Vet called to let her know that her 15 year old Husky, "Snowball", is suffering with kidney failure.......she's so afraid that she'll lose him before she gets back home. Her husband just passed away last year [very suddenly] and Snowball was wonderful company for her. Her home will be very empty for a while. She says she's going to go to the shelter and bring home a new buddy to love.

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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I saw the post over on the Royal Caribbean board and have been lurking for a few days reading about all the 'kids' ;)


My one and only 'child' has 4 legs and fur - a Chocolate lab Hershey. She was the 'runt' of her litter because she had a super tiny (like 20 hairs) patch of white on her breastbone and wasn't able to be a show dog. I brought her home at 6 weeks, 8 lbs 11oz of brown fluff, had her housetrained in 6 days, knows so many commands its scary and still doesn't know at the age of 12 1/2 that she's a D - O - G... Her eyesight is going and has the typical lumps & bumps of an ole girl but she still does the head tilt and the wiggle bum when I get home from work. I think she would have made a great SD (any place without water... can't get her out when she gets in... would NEVER be able to cruise with her... she'd be bounding over the edge of the ship and doing laps on the pool deck :p )


I have read through a lot of this thread and have shed a few tears reading about the pure unconditional love all of your kids have for you as well as you for them.


I hope that others come over and lurk as I "thought" I knew a fair bit about service dogs but in reality I didn't know that much. I knew the basics of "don't talk/touch/pet/lure" a dog with the vest/harness but honestly I always thought they were pretty much always working. After reading about the goofball antics of the lanky Horty and Wexy, seeing the playful pics/videos I see that they're working dogs that still live a dogs life.


I have seen a few dogs on cruises and have been amazed that people don't have the common sense to leave them alone when they're working... on the other hand i've also seen a few yappy little (as I call them) 'cat dogs' being lugged around in purses and the like and can't believe they get away with it. It isn't fair to the poor untrained dogs to put them in a situation like that - they always look so stressed. I know *I* would LOVE to take Hersh away with me (and heck save the mega bucks the 'spa' charges... it cost more for her to go to the 'spa' than it did for my last cruise!!) even though she LOVES attention and people to put her in the masses with 3-5000 people would be just cruel.


Thank you all for enlightening me :D


Baby Hershey - 10 weeks


Big Girl Hershey


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I saw the post over on the Royal Caribbean board and have been lurking for a few days reading about all the 'kids' ;)


My one and only 'child' has 4 legs and fur - a Chocolate lab Hershey. She was the 'runt' of her litter because she had a super tiny (like 20 hairs) patch of white on her breastbone and wasn't able to be a show dog. I brought her home at 6 weeks, 8 lbs 11oz of brown fluff, had her housetrained in 6 days, knows so many commands its scary and still doesn't know at the age of 12 1/2 that she's a D - O - G... Her eyesight is going and has the typical lumps & bumps of an ole girl but she still does the head tilt and the wiggle bum when I get home from work. I think she would have made a great SD (any place without water... can't get her out when she gets in... would NEVER be able to cruise with her... she'd be bounding over the edge of the ship and doing laps on the pool deck :p )


I have read through a lot of this thread and have shed a few tears reading about the pure unconditional love all of your kids have for you as well as you for them.


I hope that others come over and lurk as I "thought" I knew a fair bit about service dogs but in reality I didn't know that much. I knew the basics of "don't talk/touch/pet/lure" a dog with the vest/harness but honestly I always thought they were pretty much always working. After reading about the goofball antics of the lanky Horty and Wexy, seeing the playful pics/videos I see that they're working dogs that still live a dogs life.


I have seen a few dogs on cruises and have been amazed that people don't have the common sense to leave them alone when they're working... on the other hand i've also seen a few yappy little (as I call them) 'cat dogs' being lugged around in purses and the like and can't believe they get away with it. It isn't fair to the poor untrained dogs to put them in a situation like that - they always look so stressed. I know *I* would LOVE to take Hersh away with me (and heck save the mega bucks the 'spa' charges... it cost more for her to go to the 'spa' than it did for my last cruise!!) even though she LOVES attention and people to put her in the masses with 3-5000 people would be just cruel.


Thank you all for enlightening me :D


Baby Hershey - 10 weeks


Big Girl Hershey



Beth, welcome, what an amazingly wonderful girl, your Hershey is. I love her face both as a puppy and as a "grand-ole-girl!" I know all about those "lumps & bumps" from my Brenny who is going to be 12 on June 20th. I love the gray on Hershey's muzzle......amazing how fast it creeps-up on them. Way too fast for me!!!!!

I can't bear it when my DH talks about Brenny not being in our lives when I retire from work, 5 years from now......I can't even imagine my life without her in it! Darn, I can't even write about it without starting to well-up!

No dog is more "water-obsessed" than Brenda and she did really well on the cruises. She would walk over to the rails and watch the ocean and the birds and she loved sitting by the pool [you could just see it in her face that she knew it would be wrong to jump in, although she would have loved it and I know a lot of folks would have enjoyed the show!]

I would roll her ball on the Promenade Deck and she would run after it and sometimes it would roll into the gutter, alongside the edge and a few times I did get a bit nervous watching her but she ALWAYS stepped very gingerly to the edge, lowering her body and poking her nose under the railing to retrieve her ball.....amazing. Folks laying on the deck chairs, watching in delight, always yelled, "more, more!" In all her cruising, I only lost one ball over the brink. I'm afraid Horton would just bound over the railing and dive right into the water! He's much more of a "risk-taker" than she ever was!

To me, there is no more beautiful sight than a well trained Service Dog in the public venue. They're so polite, majestic, respectful and a joy to be around.

Please come back and tell us more about your adventures with Hershey. I truly enjoyed your writing.

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The first summer she was with me we went to the park (about 5-6mos old) and unbeknownst to me dogs weren't allowed on one side of the park. We get caught & scolded by the park police and proceeded to the other side. Brilliant me decides then to try her off lead... as an aside - her father was a retriever to the core - prize winning hunting stock... it's hereditary I guess. She see's a squirrel and takes off (to which i'm thinking oh sh** and bellowing Hershey COME) Said squirrel starts up a tree... (I think whew that was close) Hersh makes one gigantic leap... I say a final COME and she turns around with the squirrel by the tail in her mouth as proud as proud could be at her catch... at this moment I hear the park patrol truck thinking her we go again... first we're on the wrong side of the park and now my dogs hunting the wildlife. She comes right in front of me, sits with this wiggly squirrel in her mouth and drops it at my feet...


I get her back on the lead (don't need anymore captures today) we head down to the big lake in the park... I take her off about 100 ft from the water because if I don't i'm going to be dragged through the gravel. I used the chuck-it to get some distance on the ball and in she goes and brings it back... repeat this about 1/2 a dozen times and then she just gets the ball and keeps swimming... and swimming... in a straight line... wouldn't come back for anything so I start running the perimeter of the lake (luckily it's round with only one water 'exit') and eventually she gets within catching distance... by this point i'm soooo mad but laughing my butt off at this nut I head into the water to intercept her and drag her out. She was worse than a 3 yr old not wanting to stop playing!


The following morning since she wasn't used to swimming on the Olympic team she couldn't even wag her tail... her poor rudder was broken :p


Needless to say for the rest of that summer she was on one of those super long training leads when we went swimming in the lake!


She was a CRAZY puppy luckily never destroying anything but definitely one of the 'hey look at me, hey play with me, hey see me' types... VERY high maintenance until her 2nd birthday. Literally the morning of her 2nd birthday we went for her walk before I went to work, threw the ball around etc etc and by the time I came home that day she was the most chilled out relaxed dog I almost didn't recognize her. It was like someone told her while I was away that "today you're a big girl... act like it" It was an amazing, well received and slightly freakish transformation in 8 hours!

Edited by Beth C
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I have to agree with Cindy. I don't know what we would have done if I didn't have the information from here about cruising with a service dog. If I had to guess I think we would not have gone on a cruise. As far as sad news goes, we lost our 12 year old Yellow Lab (Magic) the day after Memorial Day at 4:00 AM. Even now it's not easy to type this. There will never be another dog (service dog or not) that will ever come close to her. But to help ease the pain, if all goes as planned, we will be picking up an 8 week old puppy from CCI this Thursday morning to puppy raise. His name is Ocho II. He was the 8th puppy born of the "O" litter. It should be interesting. Luckily, we have alot of friends that are "seasoned" puppy raisers and some that are newbies like us. We have already had the pleasure of meeting Cindy, John & Wexler and I hope we get to meet more of you fine folks.


DKD--I'm so sorry to hear of Magic's passing. Even though we understand that our fur babies aren't going to be with us forever, it's still so hard to lose their undying love. Good luck tomorrow as you begin your adventure with Ocho II!



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The first summer she was with me we went to the park (about 5-6mos old) and unbeknownst to me dogs weren't allowed on one side of the park. We get caught & scolded by the park police and proceeded to the other side. Brilliant me decides then to try her off lead... as an aside - her father was a retriever to the core - prize winning hunting stock... it's hereditary I guess. She see's a squirrel and takes off (to which i'm thinking oh sh** and bellowing Hershey COME) Said squirrel starts up a tree... (I think whew that was close) Hersh makes one gigantic leap... I say a final COME and she turns around with the squirrel by the tail in her mouth as proud as proud could be at her catch... at this moment I hear the park patrol truck thinking her we go again... first we're on the wrong side of the park and now my dogs hunting the wildlife. She comes right in front of me, sits with this wiggly squirrel in her mouth and drops it at my feet...


I get her back on the lead (don't need anymore captures today) we head down to the big lake in the park... I take her off about 100 ft from the water because if I don't i'm going to be dragged through the gravel. I used the chuck-it to get some distance on the ball and in she goes and brings it back... repeat this about 1/2 a dozen times and then she just gets the ball and keeps swimming... and swimming... in a straight line... wouldn't come back for anything so I start running the perimeter of the lake (luckily it's round with only one water 'exit') and eventually she gets within catching distance... by this point i'm soooo mad but laughing my butt off at this nut I head into the water to intercept her and drag her out. She was worse than a 3 yr old not wanting to stop playing!


The following morning since she wasn't used to swimming on the Olympic team she couldn't even wag her tail... her poor rudder was broken :p


Needless to say for the rest of that summer she was on one of those super long training leads when we went swimming in the lake!


She was a CRAZY puppy luckily never destroying anything but definitely one of the 'hey look at me, hey play with me, hey see me' types... VERY high maintenance until her 2nd birthday. Literally the morning of her 2nd birthday we went for her walk before I went to work, threw the ball around etc etc and by the time I came home that day she was the most chilled out relaxed dog I almost didn't recognize her. It was like someone told her while I was away that "today you're a big girl... act like it" It was an amazing, well received and slightly freakish transformation in 8 hours!


Beth, what a fun diary of "Hershey's Happenings", she's such a super dog. Such a character! She really has filled your life with joy! And, now ours! ;)


In all the years that I've been with CCI I have NEVER seen a Chocolate Lab. I was told that there are some working out there, just not so many here in my area.


Again, thanks for sharing your great stories, I love them! :)

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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I have to agree with Cindy. I don't know what we would have done if I didn't have the information from here about cruising with a service dog. If I had to guess I think we would not have gone on a cruise. As far as sad news goes, we lost our 12 year old Yellow Lab (Magic) the day after Memorial Day at 4:00 AM. Even now it's not easy to type this. There will never be another dog (service dog or not) that will ever come close to her. But to help ease the pain, if all goes as planned, we will be picking up an 8 week old puppy from CCI this Thursday morning to puppy raise. His name is Ocho II. He was the 8th puppy born of the "O" litter. It should be interesting. Luckily, we have alot of friends that are "seasoned" puppy raisers and some that are newbies like us. We have already had the pleasure of meeting Cindy, John & Wexler and I hope we get to meet more of you fine folks.


Oh Den, we are so sorry for your loss. We hope your new puppy will help with the pain. You will have alot of help raising him. Best of luck.

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I have been lurking around this wonderful forum since we booked our cruise on Royal Caribbean’s Freedom of the Seas in April.

Roz, you and the other members have created a valuable resource for the rest of us. The information here was so complete that we didn’t need to post any questions.

We have just returned from our June 3rd. Eastern Caribbean Cruise with “Saki” my Wife’s 7 pound Yorkshire Terrier Service Dog. This was Saki’s first cruise and we didn’t know what to expect from him. He was wonderful.

I thought that it might be helpful to let you know how things went on FOS.

We took your advice and had all of our “dogs” in a row. Told RCI we would be traveling with a service animal 30 days before sailing. They sent us a Service animal form to sign and return. Had several copies of the USDA form (endorsed just before cruising), the Rabies vaccination form and his City license. We called again 7 days before departure and confirmed that they we prepared.

At Port Canaveral we presented ourselves at the Special Services Desk. Turned our paperwork for Saki in, had our pictures taken and our Sea Pass(es) were Issued. They had pre-applied dog footprints on each card.

We were then escorted to the Ship and the pursers desk where one of the representatives asked us if we would like to be taken to see the dog relief area. Wow what service. The mulch box was on deck 4 aft in a crew area our cabin was on deck 7 forward. This wasn’t a problem for us as my wife is fully mobile, we just scheduled our potty breaks around mealtime as the Dining rooms are aft as well.

We hadn’t planned to get off the ship at “Coco Cay” RCI’s private island as we had been told that we needed a pet import permit for the Bahamas that needed to be obtained 48 hours before departure. Imagine our surprise when the cabin phone rang early that morning Guest Services telling us that “saki” had been cleared to visit. As we placed our Seapass in the security checkpoint special chimes went off alerting the immigration officer that the dog had been cleared.

The same thing happened at our other two port of call St. Thomas and St. Martin. Looks like RCI’s Freedom has got it right.

we got all of the questions that you indicated we would get. How did you get him on, where does he go potty, etc. What does he do? Towards the end of the cruise it got a little old and we made up some answers “We put him in our luggage and he was delivered to our room”. He goes to the bathroom on the Poop deck of course.

The crew were great they all missed their pets at home and asked if they could pet Saki. We set up an informal petting time just before dinner and that worked well.

Saki was amazing. He didn’t care for the mulch (he prefers grass) but after a little coaxing with treats he got the idea.

All in all it was a great experience and we wouldn’t have tried it without the knowledge we gained from this fourm.

Keep up the good work and thank you again.

Marcntyme, Eden and Saki.


Welcome to our little world!! We are so glad things went well for your service dog. This site is amazing, I have learned so much here and it has made it easier to travel with our SD.

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I saw the post over on the Royal Caribbean board and have been lurking for a few days reading about all the 'kids' ;)


My one and only 'child' has 4 legs and fur - a Chocolate lab Hershey. She was the 'runt' of her litter because she had a super tiny (like 20 hairs) patch of white on her breastbone and wasn't able to be a show dog. I brought her home at 6 weeks, 8 lbs 11oz of brown fluff, had her housetrained in 6 days, knows so many commands its scary and still doesn't know at the age of 12 1/2 that she's a D - O - G... Her eyesight is going and has the typical lumps & bumps of an ole girl but she still does the head tilt and the wiggle bum when I get home from work. I think she would have made a great SD (any place without water... can't get her out when she gets in... would NEVER be able to cruise with her... she'd be bounding over the edge of the ship and doing laps on the pool deck :p )


I have read through a lot of this thread and have shed a few tears reading about the pure unconditional love all of your kids have for you as well as you for them.


I hope that others come over and lurk as I "thought" I knew a fair bit about service dogs but in reality I didn't know that much. I knew the basics of "don't talk/touch/pet/lure" a dog with the vest/harness but honestly I always thought they were pretty much always working. After reading about the goofball antics of the lanky Horty and Wexy, seeing the playful pics/videos I see that they're working dogs that still live a dogs life.


I have seen a few dogs on cruises and have been amazed that people don't have the common sense to leave them alone when they're working... on the other hand i've also seen a few yappy little (as I call them) 'cat dogs' being lugged around in purses and the like and can't believe they get away with it. It isn't fair to the poor untrained dogs to put them in a situation like that - they always look so stressed. I know *I* would LOVE to take Hersh away with me (and heck save the mega bucks the 'spa' charges... it cost more for her to go to the 'spa' than it did for my last cruise!!) even though she LOVES attention and people to put her in the masses with 3-5000 people would be just cruel.


Thank you all for enlightening me :D


Baby Hershey - 10 weeks


Big Girl Hershey



Welcome Beth! I LOVE chocolate labs!!!! My first dog was a chocolate. It's nice to hear that people can really learn from this thread. Even people without service dogs.

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