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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Thought I better drop in and say Hello to all of you. I have been busy but doing what, I still haven't figured it out.:D


We also have had bad news two weeks ago. DH Ed's daughter passed away, so I have not been in the mood to get on the computer to talk. Died in her sleep and we think it might have been drugs and drink, not really sure---results have not come back yet. Three kids left and no parents. I think things have finally come to a good ending. Kids are taken care of and thats all we wanted for them. They are only 17 15 and 11 years old. God Bless them.


Yes, we are so looking forward to this cruise. I have most of my snacks for Wex already. :p I am a sucker when it comes to animals. I have to carry treats for the animals around here.


Well, I better get a move on and get some things done. Just got back from my first Art Guild meeting of the year. And get some cleaning and painting done. My feathers are calling me to finish painting on them ;)


Have a great weekend and hopefully I will be able to get here more often.




Trudy, I'm so sorry. What awful news and circumstances. Those poor children to have such a horrible thing happen in their young lives.


You certainly will need this cruise to keep your batteries charged.


Take care and my heart goes out to you and your family, try and have a relaxing weekend.

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Trudy, I'm so sorry. What awful news and circumstances. Those poor children to have such a horrible thing happen in their young lives.


You certainly will need this cruise to keep your batteries charged.


Take care and my heart goes out to you and your family, try and have a relaxing weekend.



Thanks Roz----you have a good weekend also.

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We are new to taking my husbands service dog with us on our upcoming cruises and this is our first time for us to take his guide dog on a cruise. BUT We are ready to travel now and we need guidance on where to begin and what to ask and expect. Please HELP. : ) We need information on cruising to Europe with our dog and what we need to have in order to take her and get her back home in the US. How do we get a PET EU Passport? Will Holland America only put the "out box" in one certain place or can we request closer to our cabin? We have the following cruises booked and these are ones we need advice for if you can share any tips with us: Europe, Canada, Hawaii, Polynesia, Mexico....

Is there a check list to go by? We have contacted our Vet to do whatever she might know to do that we need as far as health records. We have ordered a chip scanner and Dena has the "home again" chip. We are going to do her blood work 10 days before leaving in the middle of November. We have a pop up kennel (she is a german shepherd)..but can we leave her in the cabin room at all???? But our European trip is May next year. We just want to make sure that we have everything set and can take her on and off the ship without problems. Thank you so much for your help. Wayne and Margie and Dena. margie.here@comcast.net


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We are new to taking my husbands service dog with us on our upcoming cruises and this is our first time for us to take his guide dog on a cruise. BUT We are ready to travel now and we need guidance on where to begin and what to ask and expect. Please HELP. : ) We need information on cruising to Europe with our dog and what we need to have in order to take her and get her back home in the US. How do we get a PET EU Passport? Will Holland America only put the "out box" in one certain place or can we request closer to our cabin? We have the following cruises booked and these are ones we need advice for if you can share any tips with us: Europe, Canada, Hawaii, Polynesia, Mexico....

Is there a check list to go by? We have contacted our Vet to do whatever she might know to do that we need as far as health records. We have ordered a chip scanner and Dena has the "home again" chip. We are going to do her blood work 10 days before leaving in the middle of November. We have a pop up kennel (she is a german shepherd)..but can we leave her in the cabin room at all???? But our European trip is May next year. We just want to make sure that we have everything set and can take her on and off the ship without problems. Thank you so much for your help. Wayne and Margie and Dena. margie.here@comcast.net



Margie: Welcome to our little cruising family. What a wonderful trip you have planned.

First: You should NOT leave your dog unattended in the cabin. When we were onboard HAL they said we could leave her in a crate and they provided us with a sign for the door that stated "DO NOT ENTER-SERVICE DOG INSIDE" but, I never felt at ease leaving her behind so I didn't. We became very friendly with one of the ships officers and he actually "dog sat" while we went ashore in the Caribbean.

The following is a MUST: Microchip, Rabies vaccine, blood draw for testing at an aproved Lab for rabies serology - If all is okay than you will need a EU certificate issued by USDA accredited Vet and endorsed by USDA-APHIS. Tick and Echinoccoccus tapeworm treatments done 24-48 hours prior to check in on approved route and recorded on the EU certificate.

May I suggest you contact: Liz Shickle Veterinary Officer, Animal Heath - Heathrow Border Inspection Post - Live Animal, P- + 44 (0) 208 759 7002 F-+ 44 (0) 208 564 8939 - Elizabeth.Shickle@animalhealth.gsi.gov.uk

She will assist you with all that you will need to go to Europe.

Here is the url for an acceptable copy of the Veterinary Certificate for domestic dogs entering the European Community for non commercial movement, from the DEFRA website. http//www.aphis.usda.gov/vs/ncie/iregs/animals/ee_cn_fe-cert-english.pdf.

It seems like a lot but with the help of the Vet you will get it all done and be on your way to a wonderful vacation with your amazing Service Dog.

Happy travels.

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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I saw that womans post and that guy told here to come here. Maybe she feels that we can't help, since it's a guild dog and we have service dogs. I certainly can't, since we have never been to Europe. She is going for a longgggg time and to alot of places. Thats a tough one. But we do have experts here who have travelled abroad.


Cari has a Guide Dog [Denver], I don't think she's taken Denver to Europe but she may have more information about Guide Dogs specifically.

Cindy, have you done any cruising on RCL with Wexy? Although I love Princess [after a lot of cruising on different lines, they're my line of choice] but I used to love RCL. I'm thinking of trying them with Horty.

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Thought I better drop in and say Hello to all of you. I have been busy but doing what, I still haven't figured it out.:D


We also have had bad news two weeks ago. DH Ed's daughter passed away, so I have not been in the mood to get on the computer to talk. Died in her sleep and we think it might have been drugs and drink, not really sure---results have not come back yet. Three kids left and no parents. I think things have finally come to a good ending. Kids are taken care of and thats all we wanted for them. They are only 17 15 and 11 years old. God Bless them.


Yes, we are so looking forward to this cruise. I have most of my snacks for Wex already. :p I am a sucker when it comes to animals. I have to carry treats for the animals around here.


Well, I better get a move on and get some things done. Just got back from my first Art Guild meeting of the year. And get some cleaning and painting done. My feathers are calling me to finish painting on them ;)


Have a great weekend and hopefully I will be able to get here more often.





Oh Trudy, I'm so sorry to hear about hubbys daughter. What an awful thing to happen, especially to those kids.

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Cari has a Guide Dog [Denver], I don't think she's taken Denver to Europe but she may have more information about Guide Dogs specifically.


Cindy, have you done any cruising on RCL with Wexy? Although I love Princess [after a lot of cruising on different lines, they're my line of choice] but I used to love RCL. I'm thinking of trying them with Horty.


Roz, We have not done RCL, but I have looked into it. We thought of trying one of the mega ships just to see what it's like. I've also looked at there regular ships too.

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My son went to upstate NY for his annual fishing trip. He just sent me a message that they are on their way back. One of his friends is missing. They found a note and his cell phone and coat down by the river. They have dogs and search boats looking for him now. He's only 28 years old. I'm upset for my son and don't know how he will take it. I'm also really really ticked off!!!!! Suicide is the most selfish thing anyone can do. I can't imagine what his family is going through right now. I will pray for the family and hope they get through this.



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My son went to upstate NY for his annual fishing trip. He just sent me a message that they are on their way back. One of his friends is missing. They found a note and his cell phone and coat down by the river. They have dogs and search boats looking for him now. He's only 28 years old. I'm upset for my son and don't know how he will take it. I'm also really really ticked off!!!!! Suicide is the most selfish thing anyone can do. I can't imagine what his family is going through right now. I will pray for the family and hope they get through this.




Oh Cindy, that is terrible. Suicide is so awful, if only he would have spoken to someone, maybe this would not have happened. Suicide left my hubbys three grandkids without a father about four yrs. ago and now losing their mother-----I pray that they will keep with the counceling so they will get through this. Prayers to the family of the lost boy and to your son also.

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Well the story gets more bizarre by the minute. My son made it home and they went out searching. There was police, boats helicopters all over the place. About 4:00 he sends me a message that they found him and he drowned. About an hour later I get a call from the kids twin brother saying they are on their way to the hospital, the kid is alive!! Then I get a call from my son and come to find out they found him on a trail not in the water and he is messed. OMG you can't write this stuff, it's right out of a movie. I will know more later, I'm not sure what shape the kid is in, but is alive for now.



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My son went to upstate NY for his annual fishing trip. He just sent me a message that they are on their way back. One of his friends is missing. They found a note and his cell phone and coat down by the river. They have dogs and search boats looking for him now. He's only 28 years old. I'm upset for my son and don't know how he will take it. I'm also really really ticked off!!!!! Suicide is the most selfish thing anyone can do. I can't imagine what his family is going through right now. I will pray for the family and hope they get through this.




Cindy, OMG, how horrible! I'm sorry your son had to be witness to this. It's so awful. His parents will be devastated.

Your son must be so upset. My heart goes out to all concerned.

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Cindy, OMG, how horrible! I'm sorry your son had to be witness to this. It's so awful. His parents will be devastated.


Your son must be so upset. My heart goes out to all concerned.


The kid is going to be fine. My son is exhausted but so happy his friend is alive. They drove 6 hours home and then searched for hours. He will sleep good tonight. Miracles do happen :D

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What the heck was that all about?


The kid tried to kill himself. If they hadn't found him he would be dead. An awful and sad story. All the boys are really mad right now. Yesterday searching for him, they thought they were looking for a body. My son was terribly upset and can't understand why this happened. They found out some things that I will not go into on here, that I guess made him do this. My son said he was found by search and rescue dogs. He could not brag enough about how wonderful these animals are. Of course he can appreciate any kind of service animal and has alot of respect for what they do. The kid has a long road ahead of him, but he will get the help he needs.


As for myself, it was a long day. That hit to close to home. My son should never had to go through that and he will have to live with that for the rest of his life.



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As for myself, it was a long day. That hit to close to home. My son should never had to go through that and he will have to live with that for the rest of his life.




So sorry your son and his friends had to go through this, hopefully a lesson was learned. The friend that did this will hopefully get the help he needs and be stronger because of it. Bless them all.


Hopefully, time will heal and those memories will fade away. Hope you have a better day today Cindy.

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So sorry for all the sad news. My heart and prayers go out to all of you and your families. Hug everyone and bless each day. And if anyone has a friend or family member who has depression or any of the mental health conditions, please love them and understand they are not leading an easy life. Sometimes it is a daily fight for these people to just live.

Now, off my soap box and on to celebrating! I have Rich home and it so so wonderful. He was discharged from the hospital 12 weeks to the day from transplant. He had "deconditioning" from the 3 weeks on a ventilater in the ICU and then another few weeks of orthostatic bloodpressure drops. It limited his ability to stand, but, we have all those undercontrol and he is able to walk for several minutes before needing to sit. He lost close to 30 pounds of lean muscle mass, so we are working very hard with PT and OT.

Around the house he is able to walk independently...with the help of chairs placed strategically around the house. Yesterday we went to the local dog park. It is very wheelchair friendly and he and Sandy had a great time throwing the ball. I didn't tell him he was having animal assisted therapy....My Sandy is a yellow lab/golden mix and has a service dog look. When we wheeled into the park with Rich holding her leash, and she heeling next to the wheelchair...I heard people talking about that "service dog". Whew that Sandy has such good manners. Then when they had a focused ball throw, we got even more looks. Especially when she did not budge when several dogs sniffed at her and just watched him until he gave her a release to chase the ball. We told people that she was not a service dog, just has good manners.

Thank you for all the prayers and well wishes. We hope to say goodby to the wheelchair in a few weeks. In the mean time we are happy for those who helped pave the way with curb cuts and accessability laws. Thank you for all of those who never leave your chairs...you have helped us tremendously.

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Cindy: I am sure your son is mad. He probably is mad at himself for not seeing the signs that his friend was in dark place. I hope he can get past that and realize his friend needs alot of help. Professionally and emotionally with family and friends. I am glad he is ok.

Karen: I am beaming. I know you so relieved to have Rich home. It has to cut your stress level, although I know you still have alot to take care of. Bless Sandy's little heart. I bet she is so glad to have her Dad back home. I am sure she wondered where he went! Thoughts and prayers still coming you and your families way. :)

Trudy: I hope the kids get the help they will need. I am sure the older ones realized the situation they were in. I also hope they don't blame themselves. Lots of love and hugs for them. That's all anyone can do for them. Thoughts and prayers also coming your way.

Hope everyone has a nice day.

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I have Rich home and it so so wonderful. He was discharged from the hospital 12 weeks to the day from transplant. He had "deconditioning" from the 3 weeks on a ventilater in the ICU and then another few weeks of orthostatic bloodpressure drops. It limited his ability to stand, but, we have all those undercontrol and he is able to walk for several minutes before needing to sit. He lost close to 30 pounds of lean muscle mass, so we are working very hard with PT and OT.

Yippee! That's wonderful news! :)

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Sunshine, Couldn't be better news today!!! So happy Rich is home and doing well. Everyday will get better and better. You and your family have been through so much in the past 3 months. Life is so precious, live it to the fullest and treasure each day.



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I want to thank everyone for your kind words and prayers. Yesterday I never thought this was going to turn out well. I hope these young men learn something from this near tragedy. I also want to thank everyone for letting me vent. I was nuts yesterday and writing was very therapeutic for me.


Love you all,


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Cindy----thats what we are here for-------cruise talk and helping to keep everyones spirits up--------and--------hugs, and more hugs. Hope you have a good day today.



sunshine-----so glad Rich is home and I am sure he will heal much faster being home. Prayers and hugs still being sent. Sandy sounds like a wonderful part of the family.:)


SS cruisers----the grandkids are doing good so far. It looks like things are turning out for the best and they are happy with whom they were placed. I am sure they still have bad days but they are in a much happier place now.

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Cindy----I don't have a cabin # yet---we did a guarantee----so I don't know if I will get one before the cruise or when we get there. All I know is that I have a Balcony. Hopefully, we will have the same cabin for both halves.


Not long now and we will be cruising.

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We just got the email that our express documents are ready to print!! WOOOOHOOOO! That means it's getting close. :D


Trudy, Can you email me with your cabin number? Are you in the same cabin for both cruises?



Hee Hee, I already printed mine. :D Your other answer is in the other post.

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