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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Barb is out of surgery. Doc said all went well and she would be here 3 to 5 days. We won't know if it was cancerous for about week. I will keep you good folks updated as I find them out.


Thank you so much for keeping us in the loop. Thank God everything is good so far. She needs to get strong, get up and walk and get lots of good hugs and kisses and reassurance that there are people who miss her and want to hear from her.

Whatever the outcome, she has jumped hurdles before and this will just be one more hurdle for her. She's a warrior who can fight and she must.

Please give her my love and my best wishes for her to be strong and I'll pray for an easy recovery for our gal Barbara.

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Barb is out of surgery. Doc said all went well and she would be here 3 to 5 days. We won't know if it was cancerous for about week. I will keep you good folks updated as I find them out.


Glad to hear surgery went well. Please let her know we are all thinking about her and praying for the best.

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Oh! No! About the pottybox ["Sawdust"? It's a dog not a guinea pig]......what a nightmare! We all know how easy it is to build the box in their woodshop....They need to go pick up some mulch [before the cruise], while the ship is in port [send someone to a nursery] and be ready for us when we board!!!!! Get a roll of painters plastic [the kind they lay down on the rug before they paint], cut it into 6x5 squares and lay them down, on top of each other in the box [one sheet per one week of cruise.] Fill the box with lots of mulch and after one week, pick-up the mulch by gathering all the corners, twist and toss.


What is so hard about that? If it's only a one week cruise, only lay down one plastic liner. They can store the box against a wall [in the woodworking area] until the next dog boards.


Copy and paste the above and fax it to the "Special Needs" or "Special Access" Dept. of your cruiseline.


It's what I did with Princess years ago and I've NEVER had a problem with them since.


Of course, I call Allison Muff [Princess "Special Needs"] 3 days before I board and I remind her to talk to the Hotel Manager and make sure all is set BEFORE I get on the ship so that my dog can go potty minutes after I find my cabin.


Cindy, I know you know all of the above......it's really for folks who are reading this and are unfamiliar with what to do, who to ask, etc., etc.



Believe me we have called special needs and it was still screwed up. I actually called ship services thinking maybe they were better and the woman put me on hold and told me they called access and compliance. Well I could have done that. :(


On the bright side, I'm almost packed :D I have to wait til Lee gets here with his stuff, so I can shove some stuff in his bag. ;) I am pooped. Pedicure in morning then banking, last minute things, and the vet. Yikes!

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Believe me we have called special needs and it was still screwed up. I actually called ship services thinking maybe they were better and the woman put me on hold and told me they called access and compliance. Well I could have done that. :(


On the bright side, I'm almost packed :D I have to wait til Lee gets here with his stuff, so I can shove some stuff in his bag. ;) I am pooped. Pedicure in morning then banking, last minute things, and the vet. Yikes!


You're almost on the ship.......WHOOPEEEEEE!!!!! It's a big job but I love every minute of it!


You really deserve some extra "kudo's" for all that you do for your men.......with the dog included. Your my hero! They owe you big time!!!!!!

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You're almost on the ship.......WHOOPEEEEEE!!!!! It's a big job but I love every minute of it!


You really deserve some extra "kudo's" for all that you do for your men.......with the dog included. Your my hero! They owe you big time!!!!!!


I'm excited too. But I have had cramps for 2 days so it's making packing alot harder. Yesterday I thought my back was gonna fall off. I'm gonna relax in the vibrating chair when I go for my pedicure. John is in his ridiculous mode, wanting to take and buy everything in the world. Now he needs those breathe strips, give him another minute and he will need something else.


Wex has his vet today, besides the health certificate, CCI sent us their annual report to do so the vet will have to fill that out too. They are always so excited to see him, it's funny to see everyone taking turns coming into the room to visit and give some bellies. Tomorrow is bath and nothing else!!! I'm going to try to just relax. Saturday we have to go down to CT to get Lee. I think I need a vacation. :D

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Mornin' all:

Cindy: I told my hubby to quite trying to find things for me to do. He has told me "Oh, get all the papers out for such and such and I'll do it." Yeah, right, the papers have been sitting on his "messy Marvin" desk for months. I ask him where something is and he says "I gave it to you!" Bad answer Cliffy. Then he does the pouty thing and says "Will you help me clean my desk?" "Yes, where is the trash can." Also, he took over the check book. We do that periodically. The one doing it gets sick of it and then we switch. Well that is fine and dandy, but he never balances it from the statements. Um, where do I start? Gotta love em, its illegal to kill em! Besides I told him that I wouldn't kill him, I would rather let him live and torture him! Did you ever see that movie " Misery"? With Kathy something? I refer to it. LOL.

Ok, enough bending you eyes for now. You take care of yourself. If your back goes out, you may be SOL.

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Mornin' all:

Cindy: I told my hubby to quite trying to find things for me to do. He has told me "Oh, get all the papers out for such and such and I'll do it." Yeah, right, the papers have been sitting on his "messy Marvin" desk for months. I ask him where something is and he says "I gave it to you!" Bad answer Cliffy. Then he does the pouty thing and says "Will you help me clean my desk?" "Yes, where is the trash can." Also, he took over the check book. We do that periodically. The one doing it gets sick of it and then we switch. Well that is fine and dandy, but he never balances it from the statements. Um, where do I start? Gotta love em, its illegal to kill em! Besides I told him that I wouldn't kill him, I would rather let him live and torture him! Did you ever see that movie " Misery"? With Kathy something? I refer to it. LOL.


Ok, enough bending you eyes for now. You take care of yourself. If your back goes out, you may be SOL.


I agree with everything you said!! Oh and I forgot his breathe right strips!!!! :eek: OOPS!

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I'm excited too. But I have had cramps for 2 days so it's making packing alot harder. Yesterday I thought my back was gonna fall off. I'm gonna relax in the vibrating chair when I go for my pedicure. John is in his ridiculous mode, wanting to take and buy everything in the world. Now he needs those breathe strips, give him another minute and he will need something else.


Wex has his vet today, besides the health certificate, CCI sent us their annual report to do so the vet will have to fill that out too. They are always so excited to see him, it's funny to see everyone taking turns coming into the room to visit and give some bellies. Tomorrow is bath and nothing else!!! I'm going to try to just relax. Saturday we have to go down to CT to get Lee. I think I need a vacation. :D


Sorry about your cramps.......sit, massage, relax!!!!! Geeezzz! By the time you get on the ship you'll be too tired to enjoy it!!!!!

The same thing happens when Horty goes to the Vet, the staff come in one at a time to love on him. With Brenda, she's always shaking so hard, they don't want to upset her anymore than she already is [such an alpha in every place in her life, except the Vet!]

And the groomer is nuts about the way that CCI dogs take to bathing and nail cutting. I swear if they could talk they'd be doing the groomers nails. I'm always so proud of my dogs when it comes to this. CCI sure trains a good dog!

I heard from Brenda's puppyraisers and their released dog, who helped to raise Brenda, just past away at the age of 15 years, in her sleep. Wow, I sure hope Brenny & Horty get such long and wonderful lives.

Stop, take a breath.......Get Ready.....Get Set.....Go Cruising!!!!!! :)

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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Mornin' all:

Cindy: I told my hubby to quite trying to find things for me to do. He has told me "Oh, get all the papers out for such and such and I'll do it." Yeah, right, the papers have been sitting on his "messy Marvin" desk for months. I ask him where something is and he says "I gave it to you!" Bad answer Cliffy. Then he does the pouty thing and says "Will you help me clean my desk?" "Yes, where is the trash can." Also, he took over the check book. We do that periodically. The one doing it gets sick of it and then we switch. Well that is fine and dandy, but he never balances it from the statements. Um, where do I start? Gotta love em, its illegal to kill em! Besides I told him that I wouldn't kill him, I would rather let him live and torture him! Did you ever see that movie " Misery"? With Kathy something? I refer to it. LOL.


Ok, enough bending you eyes for now. You take care of yourself. If your back goes out, you may be SOL.


This is what Morey used to do with me......until, one day I said, "you don't pay me enough money" and I went out and got a real job. Now I get paid and he stopped giving me orders!!!!!

Life is good!!!!!

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Sorry about your cramps.......sit, massage, relax!!!!! Geeezzz! By the time you get on the ship you'll be too tired to enjoy it!!!!!


The same thing happens when Horty goes to the Vet, the staff come in one at a time to love on him. With Brenda, she's always shaking so hard, they don't want to upset her anymore than she already is [such an alpha in every place in her life, except the Vet!]


And the groomer is nuts about the way that CCI dogs take to bathing and nail cutting. I swear if they could talk they'd be doing the groomers nails. I'm always so proud of my dogs when it comes to this. CCI sure trains a good dog!


I heard from Brenda's puppyraisers and their released dog, who helped to raise Brenda, just past away at the age of 15 years, in her sleep. Wow, I sure hope Brenny & Horty get such long and wonderful lives.


Stop, take a breath.......Get Ready.....Get Set.....Go Cruising!!!!!! :)


I am the groomer today. Wex will get all that stank off him. He needs a bath bad!! I just got some nice papaya shampoo so he will smell nice. He grunts the whole time he is in there.


We might be making a sign for the sailaway camera. You can tell the operators where you will be and they will zoom in on us. If we do that, then you all have to watch! :mad:

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Wexlers worst bath today!:mad: He was terrible. He usually just stands there and grunts but today he actually walked out of the shower all soapy. At one point I had to pin him against the wall. UGH Now he's all curled up on a towel and looking so innocent. :rolleyes:

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Wexlers worst bath today!:mad: He was terrible. He usually just stands there and grunts but today he actually walked out of the shower all soapy. At one point I had to pin him against the wall. UGH Now he's all curled up on a towel and looking so innocent. :rolleyes:


Awwww! Wexy, hang in there....soon she'll be on a cruise and she'll have a froo-froo drink in her hand [wait til she's had at least 2 or 3] then she won't care what you or anybody else does. ;)

Dear Wexy, try to have a relaxing cruise [inspite of your humans!]

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Um, Roz, in theory that works, however he now says I only work until 3:10 so I have plenty of time after work! :eek:


Nancy, been there and I hated it, sorry!

Now, you have to find a night job, it'll be easier than anything he gives you!

I still wind-up going to the post office, the bank, the cleaners and anything else that he doesn't want to do!

It's not that he's lazy, he just picks and chooses what he does or does not want to do!!!!! I'd love that luxury......I'd sure like to know how you get that job! :(

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4:15 today a few ships going out. And the sound is working. http://portevergladeswebcam.com/


I love this......The Allure is on my Bucket List.

What Pier are you leaving out of?

Cindy, if I don't talk to you before please have a superfantabulous cruise. You have earned this vacation. It feels like a long time since your last.

My orders: Stand at the rail, look at the horizon, let the wind blow through your hair, think of nothing and breathe. Isn't that glorious! There's nothing like it!


I'm going to miss you but I'm so excited for you, I can't wait till you come home and tell us all about it or, if you can, post from the ship. But, don't post if all you can do is stand at the rail! I totally understand!

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I am the groomer today. Wex will get all that stank off him. He needs a bath bad!! I just got some nice papaya shampoo so he will smell nice. He grunts the whole time he is in there.


We might be making a sign for the sailaway camera. You can tell the operators where you will be and they will zoom in on us. If we do that, then you all have to watch! :mad:

I'll try to be there, but I have to leave to go to my niece's b-day party and the ships don't seem to leave on time. :rolleyes:


Bon Voyage! :D

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I love this......The Allure is on my Bucket List.

What Pier are you leaving out of?


Cindy, if I don't talk to you before please have a superfantabulous cruise. You have earned this vacation. It feels like a long time since your last.


My orders: Stand at the rail, look at the horizon, let the wind blow through your hair, think of nothing and breathe. Isn't that glorious! There's nothing like it!


I'm going to miss you but I'm so excited for you, I can't wait till you come home and tell us all about it or, if you can, post from the ship. But, don't post if all you can do is stand at the rail! I totally understand!


The Allure is HUGE! It will be there when we leave so you can see it. I'm not sure of the pier. It's not the usual place. But if you scroll down the camera page you can put the arrow over the blue diamonds and see where the Westy is docked.

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