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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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I don't mind barking when someone is at the door. It would let an intruder know there is a big dog in here. We ask him to bark every once in a while just so we can hear him. But don't think he's quiet. He makes noises constantly, grunting , purring. I think he believes hes a cat! :eek::eek:


I love that! Horty's a talker....he has so much to say, just like Wexy! I especially love the purring when I'm giving him his massages.

There's some sad stuff going on at CCI. "Lucy" [i believe she was a Hearing Dog] became very ill, she was very young. She never got better and it appears the Vet felt they couldn't help her and she was layed to rest a few days ago. I believe it was some kind of stomach virus. The CCI community is reaching out to her handler, Jonathan, through a blog on the CCI website.

So sad. I look at my Brenny every day and am so thankful for her long life.

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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Our boy dog whistles through his teeth when we haven't come down yet in the morning and he feels it is way past the time when his Dad should be downstairs getting him his breakfast! It is funny it only happens at the weekends when you try and have a bit of a lie in - not very often with dogs!! (The dogs do not get upstairs.)


They do love their massages! I think our dogs have more spa time than we do!


I'm glad we don't have to cut our two's nails so short as we wouldn't then hear them clipping through on the wood floor to the boot room to steal the cats' food! They have their beds in a small room off our kitchen where they can see what's going on and hear of course! The boy dog also has a dog mattress at the bottom of the stairs and he "shares" it with a couple of the cats - well they take it over and he comes to "Mummy" and cries if he wants on it and they are there! He would rather cry to me than boot them off and don't they know it! He's a big softie - I tell him to get a grip and just get on there, they'll soon move with this big lump coming at them!


Anyway, I don't know whether he thinks he shouldn't be on his mattress at night, but we hear him trying to walk so quietly through the house - we have wood floors - and he must really be on tiptoe as we can barely hear him "clipping" - and then when he hears the DH coming downstairs in the morning, we hear him rush back through to his bed, and then he saunters back through the kitchen again, yawning and stretching as if to say, Hi Dad, just out of my bed!


Honestly they are such comedians! As I write this they are both stretched out on "their" sofa in the living room, bellies up, paws shaking as they dream and of course snoring their heads off! Never mind, the postman is due soon, so usual barking opportunities will be resumed!


I'm with you on the barking, it doesn't hurt to let strangers know that there are two big "scary" dogs in the house!

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Our boy dog whistles through his teeth when we haven't come down yet in the morning and he feels it is way past the time when his Dad should be downstairs getting him his breakfast! It is funny it only happens at the weekends when you try and have a bit of a lie in - not very often with dogs!! (The dogs do not get upstairs.)


They do love their massages! I think our dogs have more spa time than we do!


I'm glad we don't have to cut our two's nails so short as we wouldn't then hear them clipping through on the wood floor to the boot room to steal the cats' food! They have their beds in a small room off our kitchen where they can see what's going on and hear of course! The boy dog also has a dog mattress at the bottom of the stairs and he "shares" it with a couple of the cats - well they take it over and he comes to "Mummy" and cries if he wants on it and they are there! He would rather cry to me than boot them off and don't they know it! He's a big softie - I tell him to get a grip and just get on there, they'll soon move with this big lump coming at them!


Anyway, I don't know whether he thinks he shouldn't be on his mattress at night, but we hear him trying to walk so quietly through the house - we have wood floors - and he must really be on tiptoe as we can barely hear him "clipping" - and then when he hears the DH coming downstairs in the morning, we hear him rush back through to his bed, and then he saunters back through the kitchen again, yawning and stretching as if to say, Hi Dad, just out of my bed!


Honestly they are such comedians! As I write this they are both stretched out on "their" sofa in the living room, bellies up, paws shaking as they dream and of course snoring their heads off! Never mind, the postman is due soon, so usual barking opportunities will be resumed!


I'm with you on the barking, it doesn't hurt to let strangers know that there are two big "scary" dogs in the house!


And, we wonder who owns who? Thanks for sharing your wonderful stories. I can just picture all that's going on....your dogs are very lucky to be so loved!

I've had to kick Horton out of the bedroom on work nights or he'll wake me up at 5:00am so he can do a potty run or check out what Brenny's doing or see if Morey dropped anything.....I DON'T THINK SO!!! He's turned it into a habit and the way he wakes me is so forceful.....he literally pushes me until I get up. It's hard to go back to sleep until 7:00 so it's OUT of the bedroom for him.

When we're on cruises he's great, he stays quiet until I stir around 7:30 or 8:00. I think it's Morey's clanking around the kitchen that gets him up. Any opportunity to pick-up a dropping or two can't be missed.

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We have taken our two to a couple of hotels and they were so well behaved. One was a very dog friendly country house hotel, and I was so worried they would knock something, or someone, over! I won't tell you the total commotion when they spotted two very white, very small, very pampered poodles!


The other hotel was a no-dog place. Why were we there, well to cut a long story short we hd booked another place but it was a real dump, so we moved on. Now in the north of Scotland, there is not a lot of choice, but we finally came upon this hotel so in we went and asked if they had room. Yes, but no dogs! No way were they being left in the car all night. That was that until the young assistant manager came running out as we were about to leave, suggesting that he did have a room at the back of the hotel which had French doors out to the garden, so if we were happy to sneak in with the dogs along the side of the hotel where there were no CCTV cameras, he would let us check in! So there we were creeping past all the rooms, in the pitch dark, with the dogs, praying that no-one would appear and cause any barking issues!


When we stepped into the room - it was beautiful by the way with a lovely four poster bed and horror, oh horrors a cream carpet! Yikes eight muddy paws were about to descend! Luckily I always have old towels in the car, perfect for these such crisis moments!


We obviously couldn't go for dinner, so ordered room service, and when it came I hid in the bathroom with the dogs, with the shower running and stuffing treats down their throats to keep them quiet! The DH did say the person delivering the room service looked very suspicious!


They both slept quietly at the side of the bed on their "vet beds" - like a really thick fleece that vets and kennels use. And we were able to take them straight out in the morning for their usual ablutions! They loved the four poster, the girl dog went straight under it with a "wonder what's under here" dive, boy dog followed and got stuck - his big shoulders would just not fit under!


In the morning, we put them in the car, had breakfast and a couple of extra sausages were procured, so the dogs had a treat with their breakfast as well!

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We have taken our two to a couple of hotels and they were so well behaved. One was a very dog friendly country house hotel, and I was so worried they would knock something, or someone, over! I won't tell you the total commotion when they spotted two very white, very small, very pampered poodles!


The other hotel was a no-dog place. Why were we there, well to cut a long story short we hd booked another place but it was a real dump, so we moved on. Now in the north of Scotland, there is not a lot of choice, but we finally came upon this hotel so in we went and asked if they had room. Yes, but no dogs! No way were they being left in the car all night. That was that until the young assistant manager came running out as we were about to leave, suggesting that he did have a room at the back of the hotel which had French doors out to the garden, so if we were happy to sneak in with the dogs along the side of the hotel where there were no CCTV cameras, he would let us check in! So there we were creeping past all the rooms, in the pitch dark, with the dogs, praying that no-one would appear and cause any barking issues!


When we stepped into the room - it was beautiful by the way with a lovely four poster bed and horror, oh horrors a cream carpet! Yikes eight muddy paws were about to descend! Luckily I always have old towels in the car, perfect for these such crisis moments!


We obviously couldn't go for dinner, so ordered room service, and when it came I hid in the bathroom with the dogs, with the shower running and stuffing treats down their throats to keep them quiet! The DH did say the person delivering the room service looked very suspicious!


They both slept quietly at the side of the bed on their "vet beds" - like a really thick fleece that vets and kennels use. And we were able to take them straight out in the morning for their usual ablutions! They loved the four poster, the girl dog went straight under it with a "wonder what's under here" dive, boy dog followed and got stuck - his big shoulders would just not fit under!


In the morning, we put them in the car, had breakfast and a couple of extra sausages were procured, so the dogs had a treat with their breakfast as well!


Adorable story....We don't have to "sneak" our wonderful dogs anywhere...That said, it's not always easy to get into some hotels, although they have no choice, some have tried to put us either in a room under renovation; in the back of the hotel or some other "out of the way" room. If I get even a sense that's what they're doing, I insist on seeing the manager and usually get much more than just a room!!!!

I once received a free room, in Las Vegas for 4 nights, because a guard banged on our door insisting that we snuck a dog into our room. A phone call to the front desk and a visit from the Hotel Manager took care of the rest of our visit.

It's not always convenient and fun to come to the "confrontation" point but I'm not going to back down when it comes to the rights of myself and our dogs in public!

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Another school shooting, this time in CA. What is happening to this country. :mad: What is wrong with people?


I never feared sending my children to school, it was always the safest place for them to be.....Not so anymore!!!!

We soon will need the National Guard in our schools all across our nation. After the L.A. riots we couldn't go to the drug store without a National Guard person in the doorway. Looks like we may need to re-think our free will and our freedoms in general.

We're going to have to take some lessons from Israel on this one. The teachers in Israel carry rifles which just hang naturally from their shoulders. No one would dare come into a school with a gun, they'd be shot dead......the fear of that happening keeps the children/staff safe. Of course they have to dodge the incoming missles from other countries but that's another story!

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I work for an organization that has the same screening process as the airports for all incoming guests/with armed guards at our front and back doors. I guess I've become desensitized to seeing men with guns at work.


We have cameras in our hallways/elevators and in our parking garage.

Soon the whole darn world will have to live like this.

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I work for an organization that has the same screening process as the airports for all incoming guests/with armed guards at our front and back doors. I guess I've become desensitized to seeing men with guns at work.


We have cameras in our hallways/elevators and in our parking garage.

Soon the whole darn world will have to live like this.


Oh Roz, I do hope not. It sends shivers down my spine when I see our police carrying guns, usually only at airports in the UK. Armed guards at work, or at schools, oh my goodness, I can't get my head around that one!


Cameras are everywhere though, I feel BiG Brother is always watching!

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I work for an organization that has the same screening process as the airports for all incoming guests/with armed guards at our front and back doors. I guess I've become desensitized to seeing men with guns at work.


We have cameras in our hallways/elevators and in our parking garage.


Soon the whole darn world will have to live like this.


Heaven forbid!


I am so glad I live in a country where we do not have the "right to bear arms", where there are no mass shootings in schools and where even our police are not routinely armed!

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Heaven forbid!


I am so glad I live in a country where we do not have the "right to bear arms", where there are no mass shootings in schools and where even our police are not routinely armed!


Lucky you! When we were traveling through Switzerland and I noticed that the policeman didn't even carry weapons I was so impressed at how human beings can be so respectful of each other that they don't need armed guards or weapons to keep order!

I love the USA but it's becoming increasingly scary to even leave your house. It's madness!

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Heaven forbid!


I am so glad I live in a country where we do not have the "right to bear arms", where there are no mass shootings in schools and where even our police are not routinely armed!


Absolutely, as I am, but sadly we did have one school shooting - Dunblane, Scotland in 1996 - 16 small children, similar ages to the Sandy Hook children and 1 teacher gunned down.

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Absolutely, as I am, but sadly we did have one school shooting - Dunblane, Scotland in 1996 - 16 small children, similar ages to the Sandy Hook children and 1 teacher gunned down.


Okay, you guys, back to cruising with our Service Dogs and other topics that bring huge smiles to our faces.

Lets talk about how Horton is closing drawers like a pro now......he's a genius......a slow genius but so smart none-the-less!

And, his potty box is brilliant, I tell you, brilliant!! :)

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Oh! And, I think another CCI person is going to cruise with me in September. Her name is Starr Marie and her dogs name is Kerinne.

We've been talking on a CCI blog about our dogs and she asked me about cruising. I told her to come over here. I hope she does, she's lovely and her dog is so sweet. She's a Yellow Lab and reminds me a lot of Brenny. Not big like Horty and Wex.

I hope she comes over and joins us. :)

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Okay, you guys, back to cruising with our Service Dogs and other topics that bring huge smiles to our faces.

Lets talk about how Horton is closing drawers like a pro now......he's a genius......a slow genius but so smart none-the-less!

And, his potty box is brilliant, I tell you, brilliant!! :)


Yes please more lovely, HAPPY stories ..... closing drawers, well I know a couple of cats who regularly open them ..... And then have an afternoon snooze in my lovely lingerie - well that sounds better than "big girls pants", hee hee!


I am genuinely interested to know how your doggy pals help you in your day to day life - it never ceases to amaze me how wonderful and intelligent our animals are and how lucky we are to share their lives. :D

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Yes please more lovely, HAPPY stories ..... closing drawers, well I know a couple of cats who regularly open them ..... And then have an afternoon snooze in my lovely lingerie - well that sounds better than "big girls pants", hee hee!


I am genuinely interested to know how your doggy pals help you in your day to day life - it never ceases to amaze me how wonderful and intelligent our animals are and how lucky we are to share their lives. :D


CCI [Canine Companions for Independence] trains;

  • Service Dogs - These dogs assist folks in wheel chairs and may have mobility issues with their arms/legs. They can open/close doors and pick up things off the floor and on and on.
  • Hearing Dogs - They alert folks who are deaf or hard of hearing to sounds in their environment.
  • Skilled Companion Dogs - Individuals with developmental disabilities are helped by these dogs along with a third person.
  • Facility Dogs - These dogs work with professional caregivers in hospitals and/or nursing facilities & help improve the health and well being of people in their care.

This organization was started in 1975, very small and with tremendous help from amazingly wonderful people like Charles Shultz [Charley Brown] and his wife Jean, and Dean Koontz [famous author] to name a very few. They're located from coast to coast in the U.S. With their main office in Santa Rosa, California.

They're now doing a lot of work with our wounded warriors who are returning from Iraq and Afganistan. The dogs are being partnered to assist our heros to integrate into society and a more normal life - Nothing like a highly trained dog to help you do this.

They continue to help so many with the assistance of donations from the public and private sector.

Sorry if I sound like a commercial for CCI but I am! They changed my life in 2000 [when I first applied for a dog] and again, in 2002, when I Graduated with my Beautiful Brenda. I will forever be grateful to them for my amazing dogs who complete me!

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CCI [Canine Companions for Independence] trains;

  • Service Dogs - These dogs assist folks in wheel chairs and may have mobility issues with their arms/legs. They can open/close doors and pick up things off the floor and on and on.
  • Hearing Dogs - They alert folks who are deaf or hard of hearing to sounds in their environment.
  • Skilled Companion Dogs - Individuals with developmental disabilities are helped by these dogs along with a third person.
  • Facility Dogs - These dogs work with professional caregivers in hospitals and/or nursing facilities & help improve the health and well being of people in their care.

This organization was started in 1975, very small and with tremendous help from amazingly wonderful people like Charles Shultz [Charley Brown] and his wife Jean, and Dean Koontz [famous author] to name a very few. They're located from coast to coast in the U.S. With their main office in Santa Rosa, California.


They're now doing a lot of work with our wounded warriors who are returning from Iraq and Afganistan. The dogs are being partnered to assist our heros to integrate into society and a more normal life - Nothing like a highly trained dog to help you do this.


They continue to help so many with the assistance of donations from the public and private sector.


Sorry if I sound like a commercial for CCI but I am! They changed my life in 2000 [when I first applied for a dog] and again, in 2002, when I Graduated with my Beautiful Brenda. I will forever be grateful to them for my amazing dogs who complete me!


And let's not forget that the Orlando, FL campus was donated to CCI by Sea World.

Edited by DisneyKidsDad
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Thank you for that information Roz and DKD


It's incredible isn't it what these four legged beautiful creatures can do to help us. I think I would add one more thing to your list for all of us - the magical healing qualities in a "doggy hug" or a "doggy lean". I know when I'm feeling a bit sad or fed up, a wet nose just seems to snuffle into my hands - that always makes things seem so much better.


Thanks again and have a great weekend! :D

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Thank you for that information Roz and DKD


It's incredible isn't it what these four legged beautiful creatures can do to help us. I think I would add one more thing to your list for all of us - the magical healing qualities in a "doggy hug" or a "doggy lean". I know when I'm feeling a bit sad or fed up, a wet nose just seems to snuffle into my hands - that always makes things seem so much better.


Thanks again and have a great weekend! :D


You are so right and you're welcome. You have a wonderful weekend, as well!

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Feeling a little whiny! I love you guys and your wonderful furbabies and what they provide for you on a daily basis to make your life easier. I love my furbabies, also, but thank the dear Lord that I do not have to depend on them to just have a reasonable day. Even though they provide it for me with unconditional love!

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Feeling a little whiny! I love you guys and your wonderful furbabies and what they provide for you on a daily basis to make your life easier. I love my furbabies, also, but thank the dear Lord that I do not have to depend on them to just have a reasonable day. Even though they provide it for me with unconditional love!


No big deal.......I wouldn't know how to live my life any differently!

Reasonable......what's that?

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